понедельник, 5 февраля 2018 г.


Sanbitter cocktail

A couple weeks ago I was casually perusing the cold beverage case at my local Italian market, looking over the acqua frizzante and Aranciata and I found something I’ve never seen before: Sanbitter. It’s bottled by San Pelligrino but has it’s own very distinctive look, unlike the rest of the S.Pelligrino line of beverages.

It looks a lot like Campari and has “bitter” right there in the name, so I wasted no time in buying a bottle to try out. I served it over ice with an orange slice and wasn’t disappointed — it tastes like a slightly sweeter, carbonated Campari. I thought it was pretty good, but don’t expect to buy it again. I’m not a soda drinker, but it’s worth trying at least once. Sarai, needless to say, didn’t care for it.

Posted by Kenn in Articles on July 31st, 2008

Comments 13 Comments So Far

I drank that quite a bit in italy :) interesting stuff!

I never actually noticed it in Italy, but then, when I visit I tend to stick to Campari and soda or Campari e arancia .

Kenn, I believe the Italians quaff this liquid almost exclusively as a palette cleanser, before a meal. Viewed in this context, the stuff may seem slightly less obnoxious.

where did you buy this? my wife loves it and we’ve only been able to buy this on travels abroad… she’s 7 mos pregnant and this is the only ‘cocktail’ drink that tastes worth having. can you let us know the name of your local italia mkt?

Well, I have no idea where you are, so my answer may not mean much to you. At the time I wrote this, I was living in Oakland and could buy Sanbitter at Genova Delicatessen, an Italian market and deli around the corner from my house. I now live in Portland and have found it at Pastaworks.

Hope that helps.

You can get it at Italian wholesale groceries, find in the phone book —

We live in the Sacramento, CA area. We bought it at BevMo. We also have found it at Corti Brother’s Market in Sacramento. Corti Bros. is has a lot of Italian goodies. So maybe your best bet is to find it in an Italian Deli or grocery market.

this helps-ish. i’d search by ‘sanbitter/seattle’ when i first found your blog so i thought it made sense to ask the ‘where’ question. well, my tech skills underwelm me once again but this is a start. we’re up in seattle so maybe even a long haul to pdx may be in the cards if we can’t find something up here. thx

Any good Italian deli should stock the stuff. Seattle is fairly cosmopolitan, I’m sure you’ll find it there. I even found some in a little coffee shop along the coast just south of San Francisco.

It’s definitely an acquired taste, but if I find it I always buy some. It’s a nice change of page from the usual oversweet American soda.

What I really would like to find here is a San Pellegrino soda called “Aranciata Amara”. It’s an orange pop but with a bitter aftertaste.

I doubt it will even sell in the land of bioengineered oranges (Oranges in the 50’s were far less sweet). As a kid sometimes we had to put sugar in our OJ, it was that bitter (and red, incidentally). In the US it *is* sugar.

But if I have to drink soda, these days is Mexican Coke. Find it at your local Costco “Hecho in Mexico” and using pure cane sugar. Tastes like youth.

Aranciata Amara is available here and there. There’s a specialty food market here in Portland that sells it. Try to find an Italian import shop in your area.

When I went to California for vacation my brothers girlfriend told me about the place called 99cent only deals it’s in Glendora off Foothill on Vermont. Not far off 210 freeway. Anyway we bought a 10 Pack of Sanbitter for 99Cents. My wife enjoyed it. And still have 9 bottles so if you want to try it or already like it alot suggest you go there first to buy can’t beat 99cents for a case of soda!

Just tasted sanbitter and it is quite different. Do not think i would try again, but purchased it at Cortinas Delicatessen in anaheim,ca if you cant find it.


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Apéritif - Les Bitters ou Amers (A.B.A.)

Ce sont des spiritueux élaborés à base d'alcool pur et neutre, aromatisés avec des subtances végétales. Ils font partie de la même famille que les "Anisés" et les "Gentianes". Ils titrent en général de 18° à 45° d'alcool.

Le mot " bitter" signifie" amer" en allemand et en anglais. Les bitters sont des spiritueux aromatisés avec des substances végétales amères, des écorces et des plantes. D'origine médicinale, les bitters sont les héritiers directs des préparations d'apothicaires, élixirs et baumes des temps jadis. Les principaux pays producteurs : la France avec la Corse, L'Italie avec la Sardaigne et la Sicile, l'Espagne.

Les Amers se dégustent: - En apéritif : nature ou allongé d'un soda (Perrier, Schweppes Tonic etc. ). - En digestif : nature à la température de la pièce (at room temperature). - En cocktail : Sous différentes formes de méla…

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Histoire - Fabrication -Types de rhum - Type selon provenance

Le rhum est une eau-de-vie produite à partir de la canne à sucre.

Le rhum est issu soit du jus de canne à sucre, ou vesou (et donne un rhum agricole), soit à base de mélasse — concentré arômatique dit "miel de canne à sucre" (et donne le rhum traditionnel). Cet alcool est produit par la fermentation puis la distillation.

Rhum agricole et rhum industriel sont deux eaux-de-vie très différentes : 

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What Is Sanbitter?

Why Sanbitter's a Pretty Sweet Drink After All

I'm not a hardcore soda drinker, but lately, every time I stop into an A.G. Ferrari foods store, I find myself picking up a handful of Sanbitter. I first spotted the soda years ago; I was drawn to its diminutive glass bottling and Big Red color, but repulsed by the word "bitter" in the name. Why would anyone want to drink bitter soda? I wondered to myself.

That was a long time ago, years before I built up an appreciation for arugula salads, lattes without sugar, and other provisions that were more edgy than sugar-sweet. When I landed in Germany and discovered the country was going through a bitter Aperol spritz phase, I drank the country's cocktail of choice any time I didn't have a glass of wine in hand. Upon returning to the office, I had only one nonalcoholic beverage on the brain: Sanbitter.

Like Campari or Aperol, Sanbitter has a distinct bitter citrus note upon first sip, ending with a pleasantly sweet finish. It's perfect for those times of day when you're craving a Negroni but can't succumb to spirits just yet. Plus, drinking out of that bottle feels quaint and distinctly European. My only complaint? I wish each drink lasted longer.


This is one of the house's signature cocktails at the fabulous Petrossian Bar at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, one of our favorite bars anywhere. Nice atmosphere, incredibly expert (and friendly) bartenders, and a commitment to high quality that exists in few other places. You pay for it, but it's worth every penny.

I tend to drink long drinks far more infrequently than I do cocktails, but this one's worth drinking anytime you can get (or make) it. It's got a lovely balance of sweet and bitter, the bitter coming from the addition of a nonalcoholic bitter soda from Italy called Sanbittèr. It's an aperitif soda akin to a nonalcoholic version of Campari and soda, created for those Italians who love their bitter aperitifs but who want to avoid alcohol. Another hint of bitterness comes from the addition of, what else, Angostura bitters.

This cocktail was created by Delos Benedict, and was the winning drink in the 1999 National Angostura Drink Contest. Here's my very close approximation.

  • 1-1/4 ounces Alizé Red Passion
  • 1-1/4 ounces Bacardi Limón Rum
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 2 large dashes Angostura bitters
  • 1-3/4 ounces Sanbittèr (about 1/2 of a 100ml bottle)
Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice; shake vigorously until very cold. Strain into a highball or similar long drink glass that's been 2/3 filled with ice. Garnish with long orange and lemon twists or orange wheels, cherries, etc.

Chuck Taggart email chuck (at) gumbopages (dot) com

DIY Cocktails

Tag Archives: bitter cocktails

Campari Cocktails

Negronez from 10th Kitchen

Are you a bitter person? As in … do you like bitter cocktails? If so, then you’re probably a fan of Campari. The Negroni is the classic Campari cocktail, but there are plenty of other ways to use Campari in cocktails. Here are some ways to have fun with Campari!

This well-known tequila and grapefruit concoction gets an “upgrade” with the addition of Campari.

Here Campari meets another Italian liqueur, limoncello for a balanced cocktail with a beautiful bright pink hue.

This is a Transformers cocktail. Campari ice cubes melt into a Martinez … and then the drink morphs into a Negroni.

A little Campari adds complexity to our delicious friend the Mojito.

Warm weather fun time is now! This pineapple punch gets a boost from Campari. Make a pitcher!

Fernet Branca Cocktails

Fanciulli Cocktail from Serious Eats

When it comes to bitter liquors, none elicits such fierce loyalty as Fernet Branca. It has a strong bitter-herbal-licorice flavor that can be a turn-off to many. But I live near San Francisco, where it’s a bartender’s drink of choice. Last year when I went to Argentina, where it is the most popular beverage hands-down, I was offered shots of Fernet or Fernet & Coke everywhere I went. So I’ve learned what it can do. And I like it. While I’m still not crazy about the shots, it does make for an interesting cocktail ingredient. Here are some drinks that tame Fernet a bit while still letting it shine.

The very British (and delicious) Pimm’s Cup gets an Italian makeover with the help of some Fernet Branca. Light with bite!

Bourbon, Benedictine, blackberries … and Branca. Herbal with a hint of sweetness, to prepare you for spring.

It’s a twist on the Manhattan, with Fernet stepping in on bitters duty. Can’t say no to that!

Apparently Carpano Antica and Fernet Branca are good friends. An egg and chocolate bitters make this a unique treat.

Why tame the Fernet? Go bigger with some scotch! A rich brown sugar cordial and some bitters tie the whole drink together.

Campari Cocktails

Bonne Fée from Post Prohibition

Campari is a unique bitter Italian liqueur that inspires strong feelings in people. It has a bold flavor that leaves no room for waffling. The Negroni is the most well-known Campari cocktail, but it isn’t the only one. Here are some creative ways to mix with Campari!

Vodka, limoncello, and orange juice balance out the bitterness of Campari for a delightful sipping cocktail.

Corn, tomato, gin … this is already quite an unusual drink, so adding Campari finishes it off nicely.

Grenadine, lemon, and absinthe make for an intriguing combination to bring out the strong flavor of Campari.

A Tiki drink made with this bitter liqueur is a nice change of pace. Rum and strawberries go surprisingly well with Campari.

Speaking of surprising, I never would have thought Campari would go so well with pineapple juice and black strap rum.


Th art of the aperitif


The expert hands of a professional bartender cut, crush, pour and mix the ingredients and there we have two Sanbittèr-based cocktails prepared in just a few seconds: Strawberry Bitter and Zen Bitter.

The closing scene of the ad features a group of friends meeting up together to enjoy a moment of pure fun, they raise their glasses in a toast at aperitif time with a Sanbittèr cocktail and share their thoughts, dreams and emotions with that intimacy which exists only the among closest friends.



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Join us in our tasting room, won't you? We can't wait to tempt you with our tantalizing tipples.

Please note that we will have a limited menu of signature cocktails during our first months of being open, but we will expand to our full menu in 2018.

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Crodino in Italy is the non-alcoholic aperitif by definition, the most consumed and the most famous . The secret of its success is the unique and appetizing taste, obtained from an extract still produced according to the traditional recipe.

Crodino takes its name from Crodo, a small town located in the North West of Italy, where It has been produced and bottled since 1964, the year of birth of the “Blond” Aperitif. Since 1995 Crodino is part of Campari Group, that has renewed Its image and communication consolidating its strong position in the market.

Crodino's main market is Italy.

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VATIN: IT06672120158 - Registro imprese 06672120158 - Capitale Sociale E. 58.080.000

Bitter Cocktail

10 min

  • Icon - Level

    • 1 shaker

    Recommended Nespresso coffees


    • 2 Roma Grands Crus (2 x 25 ml)
    • 100 ml Sanbitter
    • 20 ml vanilla syrup
    • 1 spring mint


    Icon - Inspiration - Cocktail

  • Icon - Inspiration - Bite

    • Place the ice cubes in a large recipe glass and pour over the Sanbitter and vanilla syrup.
    • Prepare two ristrettos from the Roma Grands Crus (2 x 25 ml) over two ice cubes. Allow the ice cubes to melt. Once the coffee has cooled, pour it into the Aeroccino and select the cold frothing function.
    • Pour it carefully into the glass.

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    Coffee and alcohol get along very well. However, to discover how, you need to be 18 or more

    The abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health. Consume with moderation.


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