понедельник, 5 февраля 2018 г.


FrГјhlings-Cocktail-Rezept: Rhabarber Basil Cocktail

Bei schönem Wetter Inch seinen Weg in New York, fühlte ich mich inspiriert, ein frischer Frühlingscocktail zu machen. Nun, ich habe einige Experimentieren, und während mein erster Gedanke war, um Erdbeeren zu verwenden, fand ich Berge von Rhabarber auf dem Bauernmarkt - und kam stattdessen mit dieser reizenden rosa Gebräu.

Rhabarber braucht auf jeden Fall aus seinem natГјrlichen Zustand zu gesГјГџt werden, vor allem fГјr ein Warm-Wetter-Cocktail, so dass ich es nach unten gekocht mit etwas Zucker und machte ein PГјree.

Ich schnitt etwas Basilikum in Streifen, verletzt es ein bisschen mit der Rückseite eines Löffels, und in der Rhabarber, Alkohol und Soda-Club gerührt. Im Namen der, ähem, gründliche Recherche, schmeckte ich zwei Versionen - eine mit Gin, eine mit Wodka - und festgestellt, dass die Komplexität von Rhabarber und der Kräutergeschmack des Basilikum brauchte weniger würzige Alkohol. Wodka war.

Mit seiner adretten Palette erröten rosa und grasbewachsenen grüne Blätter, muss ich sagen, dass dies eines der schönsten Cocktails, die ich in eine Weile.

Rhabarber Basil Cocktail

3 mittelgroße bis große Basilikumblätter, gerollt und in dünne Streifen schneiden

3 EL RhabarberpГјree (Rezept folgt)

1 1/2 Unzen Wodka

Setzen Sie das Basilikum in den Boden eines Glases, und drücken Sie mit der Rückseite eines Löffels, um etwas zu zerschlagen. Fügen Sie die Rhabarberpüree und umrühren. Hinzufügen Wodka mit Eiswürfeln geben und mit Sodawasser. Garnieren Sie mit einem Basilikumblatt.


Ergibt etwa 2 Tassen

12 bis 13 Stiele von Rhabarber

3/4 Tasse Zucker

1/4 Tasse Wasser

Hacken Sie den Rhabarber in kleine 2.1-Zoll-StГјcke. Legen Sie in einem mittelgroГџen Topf mit Zucker und Wasser. Koch, bedeckt, dabei gelegentlich umrГјhren, bei mittlerer Hitze etwa 10 Minuten, bis der Rhabarber weich ist.

Übertragen Sie die Mischung in eine Küchenmaschine oder Mixer (oder verwenden Sie einen Stabmixer) und Püree bis glatt. Stellen Sie ein feinmaschiges Sieb über einer Schüssel und gießen Sie den Rhabarber durch das Sieb drücken, um so viel von der Rhabarber Zellstoff aus wie möglich. Entsorgen Sie die Restfaser Bits.

Rezepte Hinweise

  • Verwenden Sie die Гјbrig gebliebenen RhabarberpГјree aus diesem Cocktail gegossen Гјber Eis, oder rГјhren in ein Rhabarber-Fool.

Dieses Rezept wurde aktualisiert. UrsprГјnglich geschrieben Mai 2008.


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Rhabarber cocktail

Strawberry-Rhubarb Gin & Tonic

Posted on Thursday, June 6th, 2013

After close to a month of traveling here and there, I’m playing catch up with spring. All of a sudden, I got a serious craving for rhubarb. As usual, our rhubarb is slow, slow, slow. When I went to my favorite grocery store, the produce clerk got me all riled up by telling me I was showing up at the tail end of rhubarb season. Fortunately, there was still a modest supply of rhubarb there, so I loaded up. I had two rhubarb simple syrups I HAD TO make. The first was a combo of strawberry, rhubarb, ginger and nutmeg. The second was rhubarb and honey. I am thrilled with how both of them turned out. This Strawberry-Rhubarb Gin & Tonic is enhanced with the Strawberry-Rhubarb Syrup. Lots of added lime juice, keeps it from being an overly sweet cocktail. It is killer good. Here’s what I did.

  • 3 cups diced rhubarb
  • 3 cups strawberries, hulled and cut in half
  • 2 tablespoons chopped ginger root
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups organic cane sugar
  • 1/4+ teaspoon grated nutmeg

Put everything in a large pot, and bring to a simmer, stirring frequently. Keep at a gentle simmer for 20 – 30 minutes. Let cool. Strain through a sieve into a clean bottle. Save the fruit in your strainer to enjoy as is, mixed with yogurt, or added to a future recipe. Store syrup and cooked fruit in your fridge.

  • 3 ounces gin
  • 2 ounces Strawberry-Rhubarb Syrup
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • big splash of tonic water
  • couple dashes of lime bitter – Scrappy’s is tiptop

In a tall serving glass, place the above ingredients, and give a good stir. Add ice, tonic water and lime bitters. Garnish with a fresh strawberry or a small lime wedge.

Other fun cocktails:

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Strawberry Rhubarb Shrub Cocktail

I couldn’t let brunch week end without a cocktail recipe, could I? Thanks so much for playing along this week as we shared some amazing brunch recipes. And thanks to our hosts, Terri of Love and Confections and Susan of The Girl In The Little Red Kitchen for doing such a great job organizing everything! If you haven’t entered yet, but sure to go on over and read about our giveaway. We have some amazing sponsors and there are fantastic prizes up for grabs!

Have you ever tried a shrub? They sound a little weird if you haven’t tasted one yet – from the funny name to the fact that they have vinegar in them – but they’re really refreshing. I got into them a few summers ago, and they’re one of my favorite ways to cool off on a hot, humid day. Luckily, they’re super easy to make!

You start by mixing together fruit and sugar and refrigerating it overnight. The sugar helps pull the juiced out of the fruit and the juices help dissolve the sugar… leaving you with a delicious fruit flavored syrup. For this recipe, I used equal parts strawberries and rhubarb. (That photo above is what it will look like. That’s all just fruit and sugar – I didn’t add any liquid it at that point!)

Next, you strain out the fruit and stir some vinegar into the syrup. You can keep the syrup in the fridge until you’re ready to have a drink, then mix it with club soda and a shot of our favorite liquor. I like how the botanicals of gin pair with the strawberry-rhubarb shrub, but if you’re not a gin drinker you can also use white rum for a daquiri-like cocktail or vodka for something a little more neutral. (You can also forego the alcohol all together if you just want a refreshing drink.)

That’s all there is to it! You can use any kind of vinegar, but I like the flavor of apple cider vinegar. I also add some white balsamic, which helps smooth out the flavors (regular balsamic tastes good too, but your cocktail won’t be as pretty.) I’m not going to pretend drinking vinegar isn’t a little weird. But, once you get past the first few sips, it’s completely addicting! (If you like kombucha, you’ll find the sour vinegar taste to be pretty familiar. It’s not that far off!)

Strawberry Rhubarb Shrub Cocktail



  1. Combine the strawberries, rhubarb, and sugar in a large container. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Strain the liquid that has accumulated into a pitcher. Stir in the vinegars. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  2. To make a cocktail, mix 1 shot of gin, white rum, or vodka and 1 1/2 shots shrub syrup in a 6 ounce glass. Top with club soda.

Disclaimer: As a Brunch Week participant, I received several samples from our sponsors to use in my recipes. For this recipe, I used sugar from Dixie Crystals.

Thank you for this recipe! I ADORE shrubs…I am hooked on the pickled cranberries from Food In Jars, mostly because the leftover syrup is an absolutely magical shrub for mixing with soda water on a blazing hot afternoon. Can’t wait to try this syrup once the fruit is done marinating tomorrow!

I have never heard of adding vinegar to a cocktail before – so going to try it for curiosities sake!

I fell in love with shrubs after The Big Summer Potluck last year! So tasty. This sounds so spring-perfect!

I love rhubarb! I haven’t had a drink using it but this looks so refreshing and wonderful.

I think this is actually the only fruity cocktail the fiance would approve of. I love all the flavors, well done!

Strawberry and rhubarb is such a great combination, what a yummy cocktail!

I just had my first shrub drink a few weeks ago and loved it! I’ve been thinking about making one at home, and this is a great start!

I’ve never seen white balsamic before and definitely have not had it in a cocktail. But I love balsamic so I bet I would love this too.

Lauren Keating says

It’s right next to the regular balsamic in my grocery store, but since it’s clear it’s easy to mss if you’re not looking for it. I tried this drink with a more traditional balsamic too and it’s still good but the color ends up being more cola-like.

Strawberries + rhubarb = luv 4 eva (preferably luv 4 eva in this cocktail in front of me!)

I STILL haven’t tried a shrub, but I really need to!

Lauren Keating says

Yes, you do! I bet you’ll love them as much as i do.

I’m so intrigued by this. I’ve never even heard of a shrub before! Clearly I have some catching up to do. Can’t wait to try it!

I love Rhubarb and in a cocktail? What a great recipe and looks super tasty.

I’ve never had a shrub, but I actually LOVE vinegary drinks! I make myself a homemade version of Dr. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Drink and people think I’m nuts for loving it, but I do. 😉 This looks so easy and unique. I have some Coconut Balsamic Vinegar that I bet would lend a great flavor to a shrub. Thanks for sharing & happy brunching!

Lauren Keating says

I’d love to hear more about your apple cider vinegar drink!

oh I love rhubarb!! I need to try this! looks great!

I’m kind of in love with that syrup. I would have never thought of adding rhubarb into a cocktail! But, it makes an awesome pie..so why not! Pinned!

Lauren Keating says

I love it. I’m not huge on super sweet drinks, so I love the tartness that the rubarb (and vinegar) adds.

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Montag, 17. Mai 2010




Rhabarber wenn nötig schälen. Rhabarber in feine Scheiben schneiden und mit Zucker und Wasser in einem kleinen Topf vermengen. Zugedeckt zum Kochen bringen und ein paar Minuten köcheln lassen.

Den Deckel abnehmen und unter gelegentlichem Rühren weitergaren, bis die Mischung dick wird wie Kompott. Mit einem Stabmixer pürieren, bis die Rhabarbermischung schön glatt ist. Abkühlen lassen.

Noch einmal durchrühren, auf Gläser verteilen und mit dem eiskalten Prickelwasser langsam übergießen, dabei mit einem langen Barlöffel o. ä. rühren, bis die Gläser zu drei Vierteln voll sind. Zuletzt mit einem Schuss Prickelwasser für Optik und etwas Schaum sorgen.

Und hier noch ein Foto des Drinks im Garten vor dem Rhabarber.


Sehr schön und vor allem schnell nachgemacht. Blubberwasser schreibe ich gleich mal auf die Einkaufsliste :-) .

Wie wirst du erst begeistert sein, wenn die Sonne scheint?

Das hört sich klasse an. Werde ich mal testen. Bleibt nur noch, auf wärmeres Wetter zu warten.

Oh ja. das muss ich auch ausprobieren, das ist nach meinem Geschmack. Schmeckt wahrscheinlich auch mit Mineralwasser lecker ;-)) Gabi

Das wird kopiert, sehr gute Idee zum hoffentlich baldigem Sommerbeginn.

Bisher habe ich schon einen Rhabarbersirup gemacht, den man mit Mineralwasser, Sekt oder Prosecco aufgießen kann (gut geeignet für Rhabarberphobiker, da keine "Fuseln" zu erkennen) - aber der Bellini ist auch eine ausgezeichnete Idee!

Die Rhabarberstaude müßte das ganze Jahr eßbar sein, dann würde ich vielleicht schaffen, was ich alles damit vor hätte. Das Getränk wird bei uns auf jeden Fall mit Prosecco getrunken.

gute Idee, den Rhabarber zu trinken. Rhabarberschorle ist ja in Münchens Kneipen schon ein Dauerbrenner, aber in Belliniform habe ich ihn noch nicht geschmeckt.

wie witzig, am WE erzählte mir eine Freundin, dass sie das neulich bei einer Party getrunken hat.

Witzig, genau dieses Rezept habe ich gestern auch bei J.O. gelesen. Den Rhabarber gekocht, allerdings den Saft abgesiehen und in Eiswürfelsäckchen gefüllt.

Wird dann bei der nächsten Einladung als Aperitiv serviert.

Bin schon neugierig!

Morgen bringt unsere Gemüsekiste auch Rhabarber. Ich bin jetzt, dank Dir, gewappnet. :)

Das hört sich ja lecker an.

Meinst Du, dass Püree ist, in saubere Gläser eingefüllt, länger haltbar?

Wäre zu schön, etwas davon in die triste Jahreszeit retten zu können.

Köstlich.. Du hattest letzte Jahr schon so einen schönen Drink!!

Ich habe Rhabarbersirup gekocht, der müsste sich auch gut im Drink machen.

Wow, so viele Kommentare - der Drink hat es auch verdient, dass er so gut ankommt! :-)

Hello!! My name is SIMAUMA. I write blog about the food.Please look.And I am glad if I link to your blog. (URL)http://food-collection-simauma.blogspot.com/

So ein Mist, dass ich eine Alkohol-Allergie habe :-( Aber ich lese gerade von Rhabarbersirup - das könnte ich schön mit Mineralwasser mischen.

Klingt alles sehr erfrischen. Fehlt nur noch das Wetter dazu.

Toll deine Rhabarberpflanze

Oh ja, danke Barbara, manchmal stehe ich wirklich auf dem Schlauch! Einfrieren ist ja für einen Drink fast noch praktischer. Auf geht´s zum Markt!

Es Rhabarbert überall, deine Idee finde ich richtig Klasse!

Rhabarbar! Es gibt fast nichts besseres ;-) Der eigene Sirup litt aus unerfindlichen Gründen immer an Geschmackslosigkeit (frisch aus dem eigenen Garten ist halt doch am besten).

@Paprika: Rhabarbersirup will ich auch schon seit Tagen machen - irgendwie kam ich noch nicht dazu.

Na dann musst du dich jetzt aber ranhalten, sonst bekommst du keinen mehr.

Rhubarb Drinks

Rhubarb Juice


Boil rhubarb (cover with water) when mushy strain to get juice. Put juice back in kettle and add other ingredients. Bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes. Pour in warm jars right from stove and seal

Rhubarb Citrus Punch


In kettle, simmer rhubarb and water until rhubarb is soft. Cool; strain. Measure 4 cups juice and return to kettle with the sugar. Heat to dissolve sugar. Chill. Add the orange and lemon juices. Just before serving, add ginger ale and strawberries, if desired. Pour over ice.

Rhubarb Cordial


Cut rhubarb into chunks Combine with lemon and water in a large saucepan Bring to a boil and simmer until rhubab is tender Stir in lemon juice. Strain through a cloth Stir in sugar and bring to a boil

(how much sugar? Its not mentioned here, my guess is 1 or 2 cups)

Fresh Rhubarb Nectar


Combine all ingredients and simmer 10 min. Strain through cheesecloth. Refrigerate. Just before serving, combine one part soda water with two parts rhubarb nectar. Makes about 1 L.

Rhubarb Nectar


1.00 package (1 kg) frozen chopped rhubarb 1.00 L water 250.00 mL sugar 15.00 mL lemon juice Soda water (optional)

Combine all ingredients and simmer 10 min. Strain through cheesecloth. Refrigerate. Just before serving, combine one part soda water with two parts rhubarb nectar. Makes about 1 L.

Rhubarb Punch


In large saucepan, combine rhubarb, water, lemonade and sugar. Cover and cook about 20 min. until rhubarb is very soft. Strain to remove pulp. Chill liquid. Just before serving, pour rhubarb mixture over ice cubes in punch bowl. Carefully pour in chilled soda. Garnish with additional ice cubes or an ice ring.

Rhubarb Punch


Combine first 4 ingredients and simmer 10 min. Strain. Add remaining ingredients. Heat through or chill. Makes about 3 L.

Rhubarb Punch


Cook until rhubarb is mushy. Strain. Add frozen lemonade. When ready to serve add the 7-Up or soda. Note: Rhubarb base can be made up during rhubarb season and frozen for use with lemonade and 7-Up later.

Rhubarb Slush


Cook all this together and strain. Then add 1 small package strawberry Jello and 2 cups vodka. Makes about one 5 quart ice cream pail. "Freeze." Scoop into glasses and add 7-Up or Sprite.

Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade


In a saucepan stir together the water, the rhubarb, the sugar, 2 strips of the zest, and the vanilla, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved, and simmer it, covered, for 8 minutes. Stir in 1 cup of the strawberries and boil the mixture, covered, for 2 minutes. Let the mixture cool and strain it through a coarse sieve set over a pitcher, pressing hard on the solids. Stir in the remaining 1 cup strawberries and the lemon juice, divide the lemonade among stemmed glasses filled with ice cubes, and garnish each glass with some of the additional zest.

Makes about 7 cups, serving 6.


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Revolver Map

The Rhubarb Compendium, Copyright 1996-2015, Dan Eisenreich

Drink Your Rhubarb: 7 Drinks to Celebrate Our Favorite Stalk

I think rhubarb is so exciting because its season is relatively short-lived and for those of us who really like it (there are quite a few folks who don't), the bright, tart flavor is something we wait all year for.

What I love about using rhubarb in cocktails is the versatility: you can make a rhubarb simple syrup of sorts (and many of the recipes below instruct you how) and use it in everything from your favorite gin and tonic to a Negroni, margarita or simply use a few teaspoons in a glass of fizzy water for a refreshing non-alcoholic afternoon drink. Here are a few ways to get started:

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The Roasted Root

Strawberry Rhubarb Mint Mojitos. < – Use them to cheers all things in life.

To the big things in life, like family, friends, health, green vegetables, and really great chocolate.

To Adam Levine no longer looking like Draco Malfoy. Oh wait, he still does. That’s a bad example. #blondehairfordays

To rhubarb season and making cocktails at home like a straight up adult!

I don’t do very much cocktailing, but when I do, I like the drinks to be fresh and clean (queue Outkast). Wine is my drink of choice so I know approximately zilch about booze, but I do know what makes the boozes taste good and that’s fruit and herbs. Enter: strawberry rhubarb mint simple syrup.

It always got my romper in a rage to read cocktail recipes, because in my mind: booze + something sparkly + something sweet = cocktail. Does that necessitate a recipe? Do we really need measurements? Nah. I made these cocktails for ladies night, so the only thing I measured out was the amount of syrup I added to each glass. The rest was pour and go.

Anyhoo. Cocktail recipes. Many of them call for simple syrup. Classic simple syrup is made by combining a 1:1 ratio of water to sugar in a pot, heating it until boiling, and allowing it to simmer until syrupy. As I mentioned in my Strawberry Rhubarb Mint Simple Syrup post, I like to substitute cane sugar with a natural sweetener, such as pure maple syrup or agave. The result is a flavorful mixture that will make you feel less hurt in the morning. You’re welcome.

These strawberry rhubarb mint mojitos aren’t super sweet, which all of us ladies enjoyed. Gone are the days of the sugary Red Headed Slut, Surfers on Acid, and all them other Cosmopolitan-y drinks. These are zesty, refreshing, and go down real nice. They are perfect for cheers-ing the big and small things in life.

So to summarize: otherworldly cocktail = stellar homemade naturally sweetened fruit-infused simple syrup + da booze + da fizz. Mix it all up, cheers your friends and enjoy.

Strawberry Rhubarb Mint Mojitos


  • 5 fresh mint muddled or chopped
  • 6 tablespoons of strawberry rhubarb mint simple syrup
  • ½ lime juiced
  • 2 ounce white rum
  • 7 ounces sparkling water


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Had a feeling drinks where coming!! These are so pretty. Love that color!

As soon as I spotted this I thought YES, now I can booze up that syrup you just posted!!

These look so refreshing! I love a pink drink, and love it when they aren’t too sweet!

This looks so refreshing!! Wishing I had one right now!!

Less hurt in the morning is always a good thing! That simple syrup sounds like it’s to-die-for. Feel free to bring some to me down her so you can come enjoy somadat spring weather!

I’m not a drinkin’ gal, but this might turn me! 🙂 … In a good way!!

  1. Julia Post author May 22, 2014 at 12:08 pm

I hear ya! I’m not big on the booze, myself, especially frilly sugar-filled drinks. But this one’s a good’un for keeping it light and refreshing. Ooh, I bet the drink would be great without the rum, too! Now you’ve got me thinking!

This beautiful cocktail has my name all over it!

  1. Julia Post author May 22, 2014 at 12:07 pm

Heck yes! Let’s go run a race and then mojito it up!

I’m a big wine drinker myself, but when I do go the cocktail route, it is always with a mojito! I used to live in a house that had goats in the back yard and they would eat everything except for all the mint that came up (and there was so much of it!), which led to a summer full of mojito drinking! There is something so refreshing about cocktails that are made with mint, and the strawberry rhubarb flavors must make it over the top delicious 🙂

  1. Julia Post author May 22, 2014 at 12:07 pm

So glad you like the idea of the mojito! It definitely is crisp, refreshing and perfect for this time of year. I’m thinking a little pre-summer bbq + mojitos is in order 🙂

This. I need this. All day, every day. (Ok, maybe not that much. #tipsyforlife)

  1. Julia Post author May 22, 2014 at 12:05 pm

Because the drink is mostly water and fruit juice, I like to pretend I’m doing my body a service with all them cocktails. Juice cleanse via mojito? Okay!

what a delightful variation of a mojito!

  1. Julia Post author May 27, 2014 at 3:50 pm

Glad you like them, Dina!! They’re what dreams are made of 😉

Fine, maybe I won’t drink ALL of that syrup straight up. I suppose I could save some of it for these mojitos! So fun!

What you’ve got here, is a sophisticated lady-drink! And good riddance to the kamikazes, sex on the beaches- and in general- all those diabetes-inducing drinks from college days. This looks awesome!

Wow! That looks absolutely delicious and SO refreshing!

  1. Julia Post author May 27, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Glad you like the mojitos, Alida! They’re definitely a fun and unique beverage!

Rhubarb Drink Recipes

For the Best Rhubarb Beverages

Rhubarb Smoothies, Drinks, Slushes,

Cocktails, Liqueurs, Sodas

Make one of these healthy, easy Rhubarb Drinks, and give your taste buds a treat!

Whatever the occasion, Rhubarb Beverages create unique and refreshing beverages , especially on hot summer days and evenings!

Choose one of the delicious recipes below, prepare it for youself, or for your guest, and ENJOY!

My absolute favourite? Rhubarb Smoothies!

Rhubarb Smoothies, Slushies, and other tasty treats usually require a " stewed " rhubarb base, or a juice rhubarb base.

Most Rhubarb Drink Recipes are either a stewed or juice base:

STEWED Rhubarb Base Recipe

1 1/4 cups granulated sugar

1/2 cup orange juice

6 cups fresh or frozen rhubarb , chopped

For JUICE Rhubarb Base Recipe:

Rhubarb Smoothie Recipes

Rhubarb Drink Recipes (Non-Alcoholic)

Rhubarb Drink Recipes (with Alcohol)

Interested in making a Rhubarb PUNCH?

Most of these Rhubarb Recipes are easy and quick to make, especially if you make the "stew" or "juice" ahead of time. They are made with the basic equipment that everyone most likely has in their kitchen, for example a blender.

I have used the same "Oster" Brand of blender for about 25 years, and it is still working like a charm! If you are looking for a new blender, I whole-heartidly recommend an "Oster" blender.

Blenders are great appliances, however they can be quite a job to clean up after use . BUT, not so with the "magic bullet" (see below), you make the drink right in the mug/cup attachment!

My daughter-in-law uses a "magic bullet" when preparing drinks for herself and her family, including scrumptious and healthy smoothies!

The products below are available for online purchase at *Amazon.com.

Click on the images below for more detailed product information and customer product reviews.

If you prefer, to save time and effort, you can purchase pre-made rhubarb drinks, or ingredients for cocktail mixes.

These, (below), cocktail ingredients can be purchased on-line at *Amazon.com, and, in most cases, be delivered right to your door!

Everyone LOVES unique, drink ideas!

Consider the special effect of “rim sugar” for that extra special drink pizzazz.

You can make your own rim sugar as follows: Frost the rims of the glasses by brushing them with lemon juice and then dipping them in sugar. Let the rims dry until ready to serve.

You can also use "salt" instead of sugar.

Or you can purchase specialty rim sugar (see below), online at *Amazon.com.

Click on the images below for more detailed product information, including customer reviews.

An All Natural Flavor Infused Cane Sugar!

Copyright В©2010-2017  Rhubarb-Central.com

All Rights Reserved Worldwide

No Reproduction Permitted Without the Expressed

Written Consent of the Site Owner

* Rhubarb-Central.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.







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Zutaten für 4 Portionen

Den Rhabarber in kleine Stücke schneiden. Den Zucker in einem grossen Topf zu Karamel kochen, mit dem Wasser ablöschen und aufkochen. Rhabarber und Zitronenschale zugeben. Bei milder Hitze 40 Minuten geschlossen kochen, ab und zu umrühren. Ein Sieb mit einem feuchten Passiertuch auslegen und den Sud durchgiessen. Dann kaltstellen. Für den Cocktail je 1 cl Aprikosenschnaps in ein Glas geben und mit dem Rhabarbersaft und Sekt auffüllen.

* Quelle: Essen & Trinken 17.05.1994 Thomas Heiland, 2:2453/933.3 ** From: [email protected] Date: TГј, 17 May 1994 Newsgroups: fido.ger.kochen

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