среда, 24 января 2018 г.


4 Ways to Drink James Bond’s Original Cocktail of Choice (It's Not a Martini)

Shaken, not stirred. Those iconic words have followed James Bond around for decades. Not only are they bad instructions for how to make a martini (which should be stirred, people), they've contributed to the false impression that martinis are all 007 liked to drink. Actually, if you survey all of James Bond’s documented boozing, which some curious researchers did in 2013, you’ll find that what he likes most of all is good whiskey. But his first drink ever? An Americano. Bond ordered the bittersweet cocktail in Casino Royale long before he started downing martinis. Enjoy one of these takes on Bond’s real first drink of choice.

The Classic Americano

Even though Bond drank quite a few of these, it’s not clear he liked them that much. He insisted his Americanos be made with Perrier instead of regular soda water because “expensive soda water is the best way to improve a poor drink.” We’re not sure what he’s talking about. We like Americanos as they are.

The Quo Vadis

We don’t know exactly what Bond didn’t like about the original, but if it was too bitter for him, this would be a good cocktail to switch to. A little less Campari and some cream sherry contribute to a smoother, sweeter profile.


If Bond wanted to get a bit further from the original this Campari-vermouth-soda combination is also made with limoncello and thyme.

That study we mentioned found that Bond drank 26 ounces of straight alcohol every week, so this mocktail would actually be a wise choice. The drinks creator Francesco Lafraconi calls it “the most authentic alcohol-free replica of an Americano”

Vesper Martini Recipe

  • 3 mins
  • Prep: 3 mins,
  • Cook: 0 mins
  • Yield: 1 serving

Every James Bond fan will recognize the lines in the recipe below as the first martini ​Bond ordered in Casino Royale.

The Kina Lillet Bond speaks of can be found today labeled as White or Blanc Lillet. It's a brand of dry vermouth made in France since the late 1800's that is often referred to as "the apèritif of Bordeaux". Bond's glassware of choice for the Vesper is a deep Champagne goblet.

What You'll Need

  • 3 ounces Gordon's Gin
  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 1/2 ounce Kina Lillet
  • Lemon peel for garnish

How to Make It

The Vesper according to Ian Fleming and James Bond:

Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?

Vesper Martini

The 'Vesper Martini' is the famous drink ordered by James Bond in both the book and the movie Casino Royale.

The recipe for Bond's "Vesper" martini, as described in the 1953 book: 'Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel. Got it?'

The recipe for Bond's "Vesper" martini, as described in the 2006 movie: 'Three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.'

To make this drink yourself, you have to mix the ingredients, strain, and serve in a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a large thin slice of lemon peel.

Kina Lillet, now called Lillet, is hard to find in regular stores, but can easily be purchased online at Amazon.com ($14), Amazon.co.uk (£15), TheDrinkShop.com (£15), TheWhiskyExchange (£15) but you could replace this with another dry Vermouth if necessary. As Lillet is slightly different from the original Kina Lillet, you might want to add a small dash of bitters to recreate the original taste even more accurately.

In the movie Casino Royale, when Vesper asks Bond if he named the drink after her "because of the bitter aftertaste", 007 replies that he named it for her, "because once you have tasted it, you won't drink anything else." Try it yourself, and let others know what you think by writing a comment below or visiting the forum!

The brand of vodka is not specified in the novel or the film, but both Stolichnaya and Smirnoff have a strong Bond connection.

Gordon's is a famous British brand of Gin, developed in 1769. The recipe for Gordon's is known to 12 people in the world and has been kept a secret for 200 years. Gordon's can be purchased in most liquor stores or online at TheWhiskyExchange.

Kina Lillet is nowadays simply names "Lillet". Lillet (pronounced lee-lay), is a French Aperitif made from a blend of wine, liqueurs, fruits and herbs. It originated in the French village of Podensac and has been made since the late 1800s. Lillet Blanc is made from white wine and is drier than Lillet Rouge, its red-wine counterpart. Both are classically served over ice with an orange twist. Lillet is a blend of rigorously selected wines and fruit liqueurs, aged in oak vats for around 12 months, during which it is given the same care as the Grands Crus (great wines) of Bordeaux. Lillet Blanc has a golden color with candied orange, honey, pine resin, lime and fresh mint aromas. Full and rich on the palate with a lovely, long aftertaste.

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I constantly ruin my friends on martinis now that I serve The Vesper at parties. It is leaps and bounds above the same old gin martini.

This recipe is actually incorrect. At the time that Flemming invented this drink, Gordon's was a very different gin; now you're better off using something like Hendrick's, Magellan, Stingray, or even Tanqueray (all of which are the traditional 94 proof). Vodka was the same way; almost all vodkas at the time were 100 proof so use something like Stoli 100 proof for the best result. Finally, Lillet Blanc replaced the Kina Lillet in the mid eighties. You know have to add the "kina" part yourself by mixing in either 1/8 tsp of quinine or (in a pinch) a dash of bitters.

I had this drink for the first time today and i really wanted to like it and i did! i'm not a big fan of Martini but i like this one quite dry but it is nice.

The Vesper is a wonderful drink for aquired tastes. Because of the aftertaste it may turn people off. Much prefered by yself over standard vodka martinis. Enjoy for yourselves.

I have been to every liquor store in my city and not a single one carries Lillet. I contacted Lillet and have not heard back for a distributor. I would highly recommend someone get some Lillet up in the auction area of this site and watch the bids start rising.

Instead of asking for Kina Lillet or Lillet, Lillet Blanc is easier to find, and still is a smashing drink.

I was happy to find a private wine shop in my town which carries the Lillet brand. Picked up two bottles and made the Vesper according to Flemming's recipe. I was suprised how good it was. I decided that I prefer a touch more Lillet with the Gordon's and vodka.

after years of searching, starting in the 70,s, at last I have been able to taste the vesper, If any one has any probs getting hold of lillet go to thedrinkshop.com, they are fast and reliable, a side note, the company who dlivered my bottle, proberly didnt realise that the last 6 digets of ther phone no were very apt, they were 007 007

great drink had them for years. I read the book 7 years ago.

I was lucky to find the Lillet in the deli just down the street, so I bought a Handle of Gordan's Gin and a bottle of Vodka. That night we made about five Martinis for after dinner they were great. A regular martini taste off and just never settled well with my stomach, but the Vesper was perfect so now we make them on a regular bases, the Lillet should be no more then 15 dollars if you shop around you'll find it.

I just made the Vesper and attempted to drink a glass. As a true bond fan I am sorry to say that I did not like it. Since I do not like Gin that much. I feel like a knight that could not pull excaliber from the rock, but it was not good.

haven't tried it yet

This is an excellent Martini. if you like Martini's. I changed the recipe a little, I make it with 3 measures of Bombay Sapphire, 1 of vodka and a full measure of Lillet.

I am an absolute try and true martini lover. When I saw this drink in the Bond film, I had to try it. I had the guy at my local sprits store order the Lillet Blanc for me. I have to say, it's no where NEAR good as a regular, gin or vodka martini. The Lillet takes like vermouth, I wouldn't add as much. I will probably make use of the Lillet in other ways, though.

My favorite drink - I've been drinking it since before the film Casino Royale, ever since I first read the book by Flemming, and made it for myself. Very few barmen know how to make it, so I always get a kick out of telling them. Superb taste and the overall ultimate martini.

I just had this drink at a theatre in Downtown Seattle and I never want to drink anything ele. I have a feeling people wont know what I am talking about and am afraid to sound like douche when I measure out the ingredients to the bartender. What do I do?

Incredible strong value drink. I actually had my 1st one about 5 hours ago. One glass will destroy you, no matter who you are. Mine was about 99% alcohol.

A really good drink, but you NEED to sip it for the best flavor. Strong taste going down. I recommend it!!

I have been making Vespers at home for myself and my guests for a little more than 25 years now. I was curious about the recipe when I first read Casino Royale in university. Lucky for me, my local wine merchant at the time stocked Lillet. As a Martini fan(atic), the Vesper has long been my favourite. Imagine my delight to see it featured in both Daniel Craig movies - particularly Casino Royale. So . my review? It's a wonderful balance of the sweet (which comes from the Lillet) and the tart (the gin). It's interesting that the addition of the vodka really tones down the gin flavour - as such, I have had many guests who say they don't like gin rave about the Vesper. Expressions like "doesn't take like gin at all' are not uncommon. Alessandro, the great bartender at Dukes Hotel in London, likes to add a few drops of Angostura Bitters (to make it more like the taste of the now defunct Kina Lillet) and replaces lemon peel with orange. While I don't recommend the use of the bitters, a nice slice or orange peel does go wonderfully well - and matches the hint of orange in the Lillet perfectly. Now that you got me thinking about a nice cold Vesper, I am counting the hours to getting home tonight! Try one. You may never go back.

The Vesper Martini is really a refreshing drink and amazingly for all the alcohol doesn't knock you out of your seat after a few. I could actually see drinking these while playing million dollar poker at the Casino Royale and not falling face first into my cards!

What are some good replacements for Gordon's Gin in this recipe?

I've thought about the usuals, Bombay Sapphire, Beefeater London. I've yet to try to Vesper myself, but I'd like to change the recipe just a tad without compromising the taste.

Recently had the opportunity to try a vesper at a local martini bar name "The Red Door" in Salt Lake City, Ut.

I must say, it was an enjoyable mix, could be addicting.

I look forward to this being my first 'Real' drink, Does anyone know if say, a Cruiseship would have the required ingredients to make it?

-At any rate, I look forward to trying this and finding out what all the fuss is about.

Yes, you really do need to add some bitters, such as Angostura, to the drink as modern lillet Vermough is nothing like the original Kina (quinine) Lillet. In fact modern lillet Vermouth is not that distinctive without the quinine so any dry Vermouth (I like Dolin ChamberyAbout three drops is right. You can go up to six but that tints the drink a shade of pink and makes it quite bitter (which I quite like). I tend to use Bombay Sapphire for the Gin and Smirnoff Black or Wyborova Exquisite for the vodka). It's a fun drink to play around with. Using lime peel instead of lemon changes it again. The key thing I have found is that it immensely improved by being served in a frozen glass. Bond liked his cocktails very, very cold!

Just made one right now. Finding the Lillet was hard but worth it.

I work at a liquor store and bought the ingredients tonight. I am usually a person who avoids any thing with gin, but this drink was quite good. Having heard that the original lillet had quinine in it, I added a splash of tonic to the drink and it vastly improved it. The gin taste is not overpowering at all and, for the alcohol content, this is a very smooth drink. A pinch of quinine powder would probably work just as well.

I had this drink at a small underground bar in Vienna, and it was amazing. Very smooth, with a hint of citrus.

this is the perfect martini to me! No bite from eitherthe gin or vodka. The lillet tames them both and adds to the mix a taste of sweet/bitterness. Twist of fresh lemon brings everything together and gives the lucky embiber a smooth ride. You dont want anything else (well, to drink)after Bonding with this elixior!

I prepared this cocktail and after my first initial taste I found this to be a most enjoyable cocktail, mind you the third one finished me off after our night out, I had two before leaving the house and the third on my arrival home, I awoke this morning fully dressed on the sofa minus a girlfriend who had sneaked off to bed . I would not consider this to be a jazzy over worked nightclub cocktail more of a sophisticated cocktail for gin lovers which I am

I concur. my "modified recipe" has won over many a beer drinker at parties. I personally put one full ounce of lillet in the mix. still the BEST martini I've ever had. trust me or no. but try this mix, if you haven't by now. oh and never order this drink when you're out and about on the town. the bartender will look at you funny and screw it up every time. mix it yourself. witch unfortunately costs about $50 to do if you are just getting started. good luck and happy drinking.

Just had my first - you always remember your first. Very smooth, clean and crisp. This is my new fav. Hard to find Lillet. Finally found it here in Syracuse. Can't wait to have another.

Am shocked to find how difficult a time some readers had to find Lillet

it has been a staple in my bar for ages. I actually loved the fact in the latest version that he requests "Gordon's" gin, not some crazy, over priced, trendy brand. the classics are the classics and I stand by that man! (Although, Hendricks IS quite lovely!)


I've gone to several local-ish bars and pubs and ordered this one. Probably, the best one was one that I got while I was in downtown San Diego, CA where the bartender was a big martini drinker and made it sooo damned perfectly. I believed he used sweet vermouth at the first sample, then again with dry. Both of them were great!

This drink will be in heavy rotation with my other favorite drinks, including vodka gimlets and rum, scotch and Coke (a Beatle drink).

Finally got the lillet and put it all together. Very nice. Spectacular, no, but worth having again. Part of it of course, is the Bond connection. What man doesn't want to have a little James Bond in him?

It's important to remember the difference in ABV of the spirits now compared to 1953. Gordons back then was 43%, Smirnoff was 50%, and Kina Lillet was a completely different drink before it was reformulated.

I make Vesper's at my bar using Tanqueray, Stolichnaya 100, and Lillet with a tiny pinch of quinine powder. Making it with modern Gordons, 40% Vodka and Lillet without the quinine makes a flat, dull drink, in my opinion.


3.0 OZ BLADE Gin]


0.5 OZ Cocchi Americano Aperitvo

Served up with a twist of lemon

Chewy, you know your booze!

Love the peppery quality of your conconction. BLADE rocks! NOT good with potato vodka as I also tried with Chopin (my favorite vodka in Martinis) tasted flat. much more pepper with GG. don't think Stoli 100 would be better, but haven't tried!

Bond is right . a good "real" Vesper is both rocket fuel, easy to drink, and "once you have tasted it, you won't drink anything else." . warning - its very easy to get wrong - it has to be below freezing temperature to drink. I had my first in Christopher's Bar in London and get my Lillet from Drinks.com.

Try a real one - and don't suffer any other Vermouth. Lillet IS NOT a Vermouth. sip it and enjoy.

Cocchi is MUCH closer to the original Kina Lillet than Lillet blanc, as it has a much higher level of the key ingredient, quinine. I use Cocchi Americano, Wyborowa Exquisite and original yellow-label Gordons. If you can't find Cocchi (or, indeed Lillet) you can get both at thewhiskyexchange.com.

Love this drink, one of my favourite cocktails. Can't handle too many of them though as it's a real 'blow your head off but easy to drink at the same time' kind of drink.

I use Absolute blue, Bombay Sapphire and Lillet Blanc. I use Absolute and Bombay simply because it's always in the drinks' cabinet. Plus I like the extra spice you get with the Bombay, makes up for what the Lillet Blanc lacks. Works a treat, for my tastes anyway.

I tried the Vesper at a bar here in Las Vegas. The bar is called "Vesper Bar" in the Cosmopolitan. The Vesper is their signature drink. I'm not sure what exactly they mixed in it, but wow was it good. Very smooth with a sweetness and a lemon after taste.

Vesper martini is unquestionably the ultimate connoisseur's martini. Always use 100 proof Vodka and at least 94 proof Gin. Serve well chilled.

I just ordered a bottle of Lillet and I can't wait to try my first Vesper martini. Bottoms up!

Great notes about a great drink! I just completed an illustration for this drink and posted it on my blog. It is the Vesper Grey a slight wist on the James Bond classic! Please check it out!

I enjoy this drink. However, I substitute the Gordon's for Bombay Sapphire. The drink must have either a splash of tonic or additional quinine powder; makes them interact better and bridges the favour from alcohol to the lemon zest finish. Lillet really must be used.

Aperitivo Cocchi Americano

It's the most credible alternative to the long discontinued Kina Lillet due to its high levels of cinchona, the fiercely bitter bark used to make quinine. This makes Cocchi Americano essential in recreating James Bond's Vesper and the legendary Corpse Reviver 2 from The Savoy Cocktail Book. Good Luck

We did Bombay Sapphire Gin, Vodka, and dry vermouth.

This drink is sinful, taste great, but I'm surely gonna try it next time Kina Lillet

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4 Ways to Drink James Bond’s Original Cocktail of Choice (It's Not a Martini)

Shaken, not stirred. Those iconic words have followed James Bond around for decades. Not only are they bad instructions for how to make a martini (which should be stirred, people), they've contributed to the false impression that martinis are all 007 liked to drink. Actually, if you survey all of James Bond’s documented boozing, which some curious researchers did in 2013, you’ll find that what he likes most of all is good whiskey. But his first drink ever? An Americano. Bond ordered the bittersweet cocktail in Casino Royale long before he started downing martinis. Enjoy one of these takes on Bond’s real first drink of choice.

The Classic Americano

Even though Bond drank quite a few of these, it’s not clear he liked them that much. He insisted his Americanos be made with Perrier instead of regular soda water because “expensive soda water is the best way to improve a poor drink.” We’re not sure what he’s talking about. We like Americanos as they are.

The Quo Vadis

We don’t know exactly what Bond didn’t like about the original, but if it was too bitter for him, this would be a good cocktail to switch to. A little less Campari and some cream sherry contribute to a smoother, sweeter profile.


If Bond wanted to get a bit further from the original this Campari-vermouth-soda combination is also made with limoncello and thyme.

That study we mentioned found that Bond drank 26 ounces of straight alcohol every week, so this mocktail would actually be a wise choice. The drinks creator Francesco Lafraconi calls it “the most authentic alcohol-free replica of an Americano”

The Complete Guide to the

Don’t miss “The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond” shipped direct to your front door!

When you think of James Bond, what comes to mind? Perhaps his Aston Martin DB5 and breathtaking car chases; witty retorts and a raised eyebrow; or perhaps you think of his signature drink, a vodka martini – shaken, not stirred…

…and when it comes to drinks, the truth is that these days most people associate James Bond simply with vodka martinis and Bollinger.

However, in my award winning book – available exclusively online – you’ll learn that James Bond is much more than vodka martinis and Champagne.

“The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond” examines the world of James Bond from the point of views of his drinks and covers the cocktails, wines and other drinks from Ian Fleming’s novels and the EON film series. As well as information on drinks appearing in the books and films you’ll also find a complete list of cocktail recipes to allow you to mix the drinks for your friends.

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Drink and drinking

By the time of Thunderball, Ian Fleming tells us that Bond’s daily intake of spirits is around half a bottle. Like his creator, James Bond drinks a lot, hence his much needed stay in a health farm ordered by M.

However, unlike the popular belief that Bond drinks nothing but vodka martinis – shaken, not stirred – and champagne, the books in particular see 007 consuming a wide variety of drinks. These include martinis, with both gin and vodka, champagne, whisky, beer, saki, and a variety of cocktails.

The very first drink he orders, from 1953’s Casino Royale, is an Americano, a mixture of Campari, Cinzano and soda water and later in the same book he goes on to invent the Vesper, made with Kina Lillet, which he names after his love interest on the mission.

However, he is never to return to the Vesper, which he asks the barman to prepare when he first meets Felix Leiter, and the rest of the book sees him drinking chilled vodka and champagne.

Vodka and martinis

James Bond drinks chilled vodka with Vesper in Casino Royale to accompany caviar and while dining with M in Moonraker with smoked salmon. However, since Ian Fleming so often used brand names, it is also slightly curious that no vodka brand is named other than Wolfschmidt, which he orders on the latter occasion.

During that same meal at Blades we learn that while in Moscow Bond picked up the habit of dropping a pinch of black pepper on the surface of the drink. Although this is supposed to take all the impurities to the bottom of the glass, he tells M he got to like the taste.

And while he drinks both gin and vodka martinis in the books (or in the case of the Vesper, gin and vodka) Fleming actually provides Bond’s own vodka martini recipe at the end of the second book, Live and Let Die.

As they recover from injuries sustained after being dragged across a reef, Solitaire mixes six parts vodka to one of vermouth, which she takes out to Bond in the garden. Served in a cocktail shaker, it is only implied that the drink is shaken; Bond finally requests this in Diamonds Are Forever, the fourth book (for more see The James Bond vodka martini and Shaken, not stirred: James Bond vs the martini world)

On many occasions throughout the books James Bond does enjoy a glass – or more likely bottle – of champagne. In Casino Royale he tells Vesper that Taittinger is “probably the finest Champagne in the world”.

Oddly, although perhaps because of what happens afterwards, he rarely orders Taittinger afterwards; in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service when he revisits Royale-les-Eaux and 007 In New York pink Taittinger is mentioned as an accompaniment to scrambled eggs. And when M tells him that Blades doesn’t stock Taittinger, Bond replies that it was just a fad anyway.

Whatever happened to Taittinger being the finest Champagne in the world? Bollinger is mentioned in a couple of books too, as are Dom Pérignon, Veuve Clicquot, Krug and Pommery.

More than vodka martinis, literary Bond’s real drink is whisky. Being of Scottish descent you might find a preference for scotch whisky to be expected. However, while Bond does drink Scotch on many occasions, either straight or with soda, he actually consumes more bourbon, which he drinks both straight or with branch water, something introduced to him by Felix Leiter.

As usual with 007, the real answer to why this should be the case lies with Ian Fleming, who said – whether he believed it or not – that bourbon was better for him that scotch.

Beer and going local

While it is difficult to imagine the James Bond of the books ordering a pint of beer in a pub, he certainly does drink beer in the books. Miller High Life, Red Stripe and Löwenbräu are all name checked and on his stag party in Munich in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Bond downs four steins of beer with an ex-Luftwaffe pilot.

It is also notable that Bond often drinks whatever is local, something highlighted by the beer choices above. In Turkey he drinks Raki, which he finds identical with Greek Ouzo and Kavaklidere, “a rich course burgundy like any other Balkan wine”, while he drinks Chianti to accompany his pasta in Rome.

And there is just room for a mention of the gin and tonic, consistently a favourite in the UK and elsewhere. However, Bond’s G&T in Doctor No includes the juice of an entire lime, which creates quite a different drink altogether. Bond is also known to drink vodka and tonic, sometimes with angostura bitters.

If you liked this article and want to find out more about 007’s drinks you might be interested in my book, “The Complete Guide To The Drinks of James Bond”. It’s available direct, or you can buy it in both paperback and Kindle formats from Amazon.

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  • Data added: 5th Oct 2012 (last edited: 13th Nov 2015)

Vesper Martini - Casino Royale

Vodka Martini - Dr. No

Black Velvet - Diamonds are Forever

Vodka Tonic - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Americano - A View to a Kill

Old Fashioned - Live and Let Die

Stinger - Diamonds are Forever

Negroni - For Your Eyes Only

Rum Collins – Thunderball

Mojito - Die Another Day

Dirty Martini - Spectre

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    James Bond Wedding Cocktail Hour Playlist

    James Bond, Agent 007, is a man of international intrigue. A creation of writer Ian Fleming, James Bond was adapted to the silver screen in 1962 with "Dr. No" starring Sean Connery. Skyfall (2012) was the 23rd installment in the film series and Spectre (2015) was the 24th and most recent Bond film. The series has grossed over $6 billion to-date, making it the second-highest-grossing film series ever (behind Harry Potter) and the single most successful when adjusted for inflation.

    In addition to colorful characters, exotic locales and clever gadgets, Bond films have contained a wealth of great music through the years. To this end, it was relatively easy to compile a list of songs for a James Bond-themed cocktail hour - with artists ranging from Adele to Duran Duran to Louis Armstrong to Sheena Easton. Our playlist even contains several soca-calypso tracks that were featured in Dr. No and Licence to Kill.

    Ambient DJ continues its tradition of selecting a signature cocktail for each wedding cocktail hour playlist. The "Vesper Martini" is a drink that was invented by fictional secret agent James Bond in the 1953 novel Casino Royale. Its namesake was inspired by the beautiful female character Vesper Lynd. Of course, Mr. Bond would want his Vesper Martini "shaken, not stirred." The recipe and history of the Vesper Martini can be viewed by clicking here.

    James Bond Cocktail Hour Playlist

    1. James Bond Theme - The John Barry Orchestra (Dr. No) (1962)
    2. From Russia with Love - Matt Monro (1963) .. alternatively, consider Natacha Atlas' cover version.
    3. You Only Live Twice - Nancy Sinatra (1967) .. alternatively, consider Coldplay's cover version.
    4. We Have All the Time in the World - Louis Armstrong (On Her Majesty's Secret Service) (1969).. alternatively, consider Iggy Pop's cover version
    5. Diamonds are Forever - Shirley Bassey (1971)
    6. For Your Eyes Only - Sheena Easton (1981)
    7. Nobody Does It Better - Carly Simon (The Spy Who Loved Me) (1977)
    8. All-Time High - Rita Coolidge (Octopussy) (1983)
    9. GoldenEye - Tina Turner (1995)
    10. Licence to Kill -Gladys Knight (1989)
    11. Wedding Party - Ivory (Licence to Kill) (1989)
    12. Kingston Calypso - Byron Lee & His Dragonaires (Dr. No) (1962)
    13. Under the Mango Tree - Diana Coupland (Dr. No) (1962)
    14. Skyfall - Adele (2012)
    15. A View to a Kill - Duran Duran (1985)
    16. Die Another Day - Madonna (2002)
    17. The Living Daylights - a-Ha (1987)
    18. Live and Let Die - Paul McCartney & Wings (1973)
    19. The World is Not Enough - Garbage (1999)
    20. Tomorrow Never Dies - Sheryl Crow (1997)
    21. Writing's On the Wall - Sam Smith (2015)
    22. James Bond Theme Song (2005 drum & bass remix) - LTJ Bukem

    Recap of Previous Cocktail Hour Playlists

    Here are our prior submissions:

    1. Alternative Rock Cocktail Hour, Craft Beer (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    2. The Quintessentially Mixed Cocktail Hour, Long Island Iced Tea (DJ AQ). Click here.
    3. Good Vibes Cocktail Hour, Pina Colada (DJ Iron Mike). Click here.
    4. Head to Shoulder Dip Cocktail Hour, Hairy Navel (DJ Gary G). Click here.
    5. Retro Soul Cocktail Hour, Ciroc Havana Coconut Martini (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    6. Smooth Sail Cocktail Hour, Malibu Bay Breeze (DJ Mike K). Click here.
    7. Back to the Eighties Cocktail Hour, Midori Sour (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    8. Beach Themed Cocktail Hour, Red Stripe Beer (DJ Spinz). Click here.
    9. Classic Wedding Cocktail Hour, Tanqueray & Tonic (DJ Garrett B.). Click here.
    10. International Excursions Wedding Cocktail Hour, Sangria (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    11. Country Wedding Cocktail Hour, Manhattan (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    12. Crooner Wedding Cocktail Hour, Jack Daniels on the Rocks w/Splash of Water (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    13. Chanteuse Wedding Cocktail Hour, White Lady (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    14. TV Theme Songs Wedding Cocktail Hour, Coca-Cola with a side of Popcorn (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    15. Christmas Wedding Cocktail Hour, Eggnog (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    16. Boardwalk Empire / Great Gatsby Wedding Cocktail Hour, Rum Punch for a Crowd (Gregg Ambient). Click here.
    17. Classic R&B Wedding Cocktail Hour, Ciroc Blue Ocean (DJ Iron Mike). Click here.

    James Bond Martini Cocktail Recipe

    Bond, James Bond

    Whether you're hosting a movie night, throwing an awards night bash or want to add star power to your . More cocktail party, Hollywood-themed mixed drinks like 007's signature "Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred" are sure to delight your fellow cinephiles! The classic Bond martini is made with vodka and dry vermouth, and garnished with olives or a lemon peel. Add gin to create The Vesper, ordered by 007 in Casino Royale. Less.


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    More Cocktail Ideas

    Harry Potter

    You won't need wizardry to conjure up this delicious potion!

    Throw a boot-kickin' Hollywood-themed hootenanny for Western film aficionados!

    Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

    Classic Disney Masterpieces can be fun for adults too with Snow White and the seven shots!

    You'll feel like you're "the king of the world" when you serve guests this iceberg-blue martini.


    Your guests will feel like 1940's Tinseltown starlets as they sip their sparkling cocktails.

    The Lion King

    Celebrate the "circle of life" with a zebra-inspired, chocolatey cocktail!

    Iron Man & The Incredible Hulk

    Assemble the Avengers (cocktails!) at your next superhero movie night!

    Your guests won't call you Shirley when you set up this Airplane!-inspired beverage bar!

    Captain America

    Call in Captain America and shoo out the Winter (Soldier) with these patriotic Strawberry Daiquiris!

    Create an eye-popping party cocktail that's just as epic as the latest blockbuster!

    James bond cocktail

    your nearby Eddie V's

    is your nearest

    based on your current location.

    tap into your inner bond

    What better way to celebrate the November 6th premiere of the new 007 movie Spectre™ than with a perfectly chilled martini?

    Become a Friend of Eddie’s and be among the first to hear about future events.

    I like my martinis the way I like my movie plots: with a twist.

    From Oct 26 – Nov 22 we’ll be masterfully mixing exclusive James

    Bond-inspired martinis featuring internationally renowned Belvedere Vodka.

    Join us for an evening of

    On one very special evening, the V Lounge will transport you to the world of agent 007. From the Aston Martin parked out front, to the red carpet guiding your entrance, to the live singers entertaining you with Bond hits, it will be an evening worthy of Bond himself.

    Only at these select Eddie V’s locations.

    SPECTRE © 2015 Danjaq, MGM, CRL. 007 Gun Logo and related James Bond Trademarks, TM Danjaq. All Rights Reserved.

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