среда, 31 января 2018 г.


White On Rice Couple

We’re in serious need of cocktail therapy to sooth our nerves and prepare us for another all nighter of re-coding and html corrections on the blog. It seems appropriate to write up one of the cocktails and indulge. So for tonight’s session of inebriation therapy, we made a couple of “Island Taxi” cocktails made with rum and curacao and fresh lime juice

The “Island Taxi” cocktail is kind of a rum variation of one of our favorite cocktails, the Sidecar. We replaced the cognac with a light rum, swapped the triple sec to curacao to give it a beautiful color, then we played with the citrus to find a nice balance to the new alcohols. The result is quite refreshing. Both the hosts of the show, Cindy and Roxanne, loved these pretty, pretty Curacao cocktails. But for tonight, we might have to make a few more to soothe the pain for all the loss of blog posts.

Island Taxi Curacao Cocktail Recipe


  • 1 ounce (30ml) light Rum (Havana Club if you can get it)
  • 1 ounce (30ml) Curacao
  • 1 1/2 ounce (45ml) fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
  • 3/4 ounce (20ml) fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
  • 1/2 ounce (15ml) Simple Syrup, or to taste
  • sugar for the rim
  • lime wheel for garnish


  1. If possible, chill your cocktail glass beforehand.
  2. Moisten the rim of the cocktail glass with a piece of lime, then sugar the rim.
  3. Add your cocktail ingredients to an ice filled shaker (rum, curacao, oj, lime juice, and simple syrup), and shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Strain into cocktail glass and garnish with lime wheel. Lick & sip.

Note 1: A basic simple syrup is a 1:1 ratio of sugar dissolved in water. example- One cup sugar dissolved in one cup of water. We usually make larger batches and keep on hand in the refrigerator.

Hello! All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use our images without prior permission and do not re-publish this recipe. Simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank you.

Recipe Note for Salt: All recipes containing salt are based on kosher or sea salt amounts, not table salt. If using table salt, reduce the amount used to taste.

More cocktails that you might enjoy Here.

Related Recipes & Stories:

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Don’t miss out on our free recipe updates and food, travel, garden stories. Subscribe to our free email updates here and on our Facebook Page. Follow and connect with us on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by!

As written it was very very sweet. To my taste, it was improved if one changes from blue curacao to Grand Marnier, omit the simple syrup, omit the sugared rim.

OMG. How horrible. I would make that drink a triple! You guys work hard enough as it is. God, I never even thought of backing up my blog. Jeez, I’m gonna have a drink or two for you!

Thanks for the info about backing up a blog. I’ll have to look into that.

Thanks for all the sympathies, everyone. D. was pouting pretty hard while things were messed up. There are still some posts truncated that will take some time to recreate. WAPITA. (What a pain in the ass!) Several have asked how to back up their sites. We are on WordPress, and there is a plugin that will automatically back your site up regularly, but it didn’t work for us correctly when we tried to restore the site. We are still researching why. A probably better solution would be to follow the methods listed on the wordpress site listed here :

It probably works for other platforms as well, but we don’t know for sure since we’ve only used wordpress. And Sandie, don’t harass the bartenders too much if they don’t know how to make an Island Taxi. It is our own creation. Just tell them they have to start reading our blog. Thanks again everyone for the support. T.

oppppsssss…..glad to see you back! and glad to know that you didnt resort to drinking chinese cooking wine like some people did (no no not me) LOL

Hey guys – I’m truly sorry to hear of your coding issues. It’s amazing how 1 tiny, miserable piece of code can mess up a whole blog, but I know it happens. Best of luck getting everything up & running at 100%.

Now… onto the really good stuff. Holy Moly! This drink looks delicious! I’m spending the month of July in Florida and am getting ready to visit various beaches over the next 2 weeks. Are you familiar with those little tiki hut bars found near oceanside pools? I’ll be looking for these “Island Taxi’s” in the days to come, and if the tiki bar bartenders are lame and don’t know how to make these (off chance, but still a chance,) I’m printing this recipe, making copies and handing it to him or her, with instructions to keep the glasses coming while I soak up some serious sun & waves! Cheers in advance…

Looks like the kind of drink that could get me into trouble. Tastes so good that you drink more than your share and then bam…you are stumbling around.

Glad you are back and running.

Oh dear..it happened to me once too when I went to change the layout of my blog. Ended up everything gone and I spent hours restoring it. It was a nightmare and I was crying and scolding myself for hours.

I hope you will sort out all your links and stuffs soon.

Such a pain to have all your hard work messed up! Hope that it has righted itself now. One Island Taxi for me please! (Love the colour!)

Ouch, sounds like a nightmare. The good thing about having our own domain is that all the published pages will still reside at the FTP even though they got wiped out from the blog management tool. But it’s a pain.

oh, no! I don’t even know how to back up my blog… is there a feature on word press that does that?

the good news is that the feed seems to be working! i hope you get to recover everything!

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I’ve had some issue myself and know how frustrating it is. That drinks look like a fantastic diversion from fixing a blog though:-)

Sorry to hear about your troubles guys. I hope you’ll be able to resolve the problem soon. I know how frustrating it can be to loose some precious work. The feed seems to work fine though.

I’m drinking with you. Cheers!!

I feel the pain. What a nightmare.

Glad that finally you could sit down and relax sipping this beautiful drink. Cheers!

I have been drinking a similar drink for over 30 years, a recipe straight from Playboy’s Bartender Guide. It’s called a Chapel Hill, and needless to say, that’s where I went to college: UNC-Chapel Hill. Go Tar Heels! Here’s the recipe as I remember (drink) it:

1 jigger whiskey, 1/2 oz Curacao, simple syrup, 1/2 oz lemon juice, juice from 1 slice of orange. It’s a little darker than your Island Taxi, but it sure is good.

Sorry to hear about all the problems. I’m sure it’s nothing a lovely drink can’t ameliorate!

Have I told you, you have absolutely stunning photographs?

Well, you have absolutely stunning photographs. 😀

Navigating the dodgy world of blog editing always calls for a drink or two with me. Of course, that might also be the reason why I have the worst luck making changes to my blog too.

I hear that you are meant to back up your blog often.. Problem is, I have no idea how, and no idea what to do with the backups when I have them!

I’ll join you all for a double too. What a week huh?

My heart skipped a beat just reading this. I have no idea what I’d do. Eek!

Delicious looking drinks!

I am pretty ignorant about this entire blogging process, so I just fly by the seat of my pants. Your tale of woe put the fear of God into me. Just reading it made me want a stiff drink! 😉

Hey guys, I hear your pain. The same thing happened to me. I tried to upgrade WordPress, something went horribly wrong and I lost the whole site for 2 days. It was absolutely crippling as you say. I really didn’t know how awful it would feel to have the blog gone. I cried! A lot! Anyway, I managed to sort things in the end, as have you but I now realise the importance of backups, backups, backups and I will never let anything like that happen again.

Whatever platform you use, wordpress, typepad etc, you should install a local copy of it on your computer (instructions on the web) – that way, you can mess about with the design as much as you want without fears then when it;s ready, upload it. Don’t know if you’ve already done this but thought I would mention anyway.

Good luck and hope to see your blog here every time I click!

Major bummer! Looks like you’ve done a great job in recovering stuff, though.

Keep drinking the Island Taxis. They’re clearly helping. 😉

ah, there’s nothing like some blue booze to clear the stress away. i love the action shot!

I’m getting my feed through yahoo… I would flip out if I didn’t get my white on rice… have a drink for me too!

oh I am so sorry you had to go through that. I will drink to you.

Oh how I can relate to that one. I’ve had something like that happen twice. I now have my first blog sitting out there in the virtual world: you can read it, you can comment on it but I can’t edit it. One day I’ll take it down.

You showed up in my RSS.

Ugh. How horrible!

I know just how it feels to be messing with back-end website disasters when all you want to be doing is cooking and eating. Or blogging. Or really, anything other than server and software issues. Best of luck on the cleanup process!

a nice way to celebrate your blog’s restoration. glorious colour.

What an ordeal. Hope you will restore all your posts soon. I dread this will happen one day and if someone can give us a link where we can back-up our files that would be great.

OH NO!! What a nightmare…email or call me if u need help. I’m actually pretty good in WordPress

oh no! I’m glad to see everything back in action… FYI, I’m a software engineer and do a fair amount of web stuff, and am happy to help my fellow bloggers when website troubles arise

As for cocktails, my favorite as of late has been the Blackberry Bramble: muddle 3-4 blackberries with some sugar, add cold gin, and a splash of seltzer water. Garnish with mint — yum!

What a bummer about your HTML troubles! I’m glad the two of you were able to patch things up.

I love your blog!

Oh nooooo! All of that beautiful work! You must be devastated! I hope that you guys can get it sorted out and recover as much as possible.

This is why I am so terrified to change anything on my blog. I am clueless about HTML, coding, scripts, etc., and I know if I tried to do these things, my computer would explode and my blog would be blown to smithereens!

Good luck, and drink an extra Island Taxi for me!

P.S. I’m still getting feeds in Google Reader.

Argh! Sounds like a nightmare. Silly question – how do I backup my blog?

Ouch! An Island Taxi is definitely needed. Love the color too.

I have you on Google Reader and the feed is still updating but is titled “undefined”

I was poking around to see if I could dig up any of your older posts out on the internet (e.g. google cache, wayback machine, etc), but didn’t have much luck. The drink looks great and it definitely seems like an appropriate time for it…I could only imagine how frustrating this experience has been. :-/

The feed showed up in Bloglines, so here I am. But the feed itself looks a bit weird (your blog title is showing up as an Http link).

Poor thangs. I’ve got your feed on google reader, and that hasn’t been wiped out. Phew.

I get the feed in the Safari bookmarks and I got this one OK – sometimes it takes forever to load but I just assumed it was the weight of all those gorgeous photos…

Poor you! I wondered why some of your posts were truncated and some were full feeds. Do you get all of your posts emailed to you? I do that and save them all just in case anything ever happens. *Knock on wood.* My feed shows previous posts in full so if you subscribe to yourself, you can get your old posts. Then it’s a matter of cutting and pasting. A pain, but at least all is not lost?

Beautiful blue color indeed! I hope you guys have had a chance to relax now. It will please you to at least know this came into my preexisting feed just fine 🙂

Oooooh, ouch! I’ll drink to a speedy recovery. (And go back up my own stuff.)

This post showed up in my Google reader, so there’s one you didn’t lose.

My cocktail taxi

CocktailsAndShots.com number 1 cocktails and shots recipes website!

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Recipe of the day


  • part(s)
  • part(s)


How to make a Taxi cocktail:

For the Taxi recipe we use a chilled cocktail glass. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add the Dry Vermouth, the Gin, the lime juice and the Pastis. Stir with a bar spoon. Strain into your cocktail glass and your Taxi drink is ready.

On August 17 we celebrate the birthday of Robert De Niro. One of De Niro's most memorable roles was in Taxi Driver where he plays a mentally unstable night-time taxi driver. That's why the Taxi cocktail drink is the cocktail of the day on August 17.

My cocktail taxi

This site is edited by Barry Popik.

"Mambo Taxi” is the signature drink of the Mi Cocina restaurants (Dallas and other locations) and Taco Diner restaurants. The drink recipe is secret, but it’s widely believed to consist of a Margarita cocktail with sangria and Chambourd (raspberry-flavored liqueur) added.

Founded in 1991, Mi Cocina serves the best in traditional Tex-Mex—as well as interior Mexican dishes—all in a modern, contemporary setting.

Now you can catch a taxi in Allen,

A Mambo Taxi that is.

Announcing the opening of our newest Mi Cocina in Allen, Texas.

Does anyone know “how to make a MAMBO TAXI” drink? This drink is from Dallas’ Mi Cocina.?

Only those who have had it, or are a bartender of the Taco Diner/ Mi Cocina chain in Dallas could help best. I would go and get one. however I no longer reside there and would really love to refresh with one. Thanks ahead for anyone’s help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It’s a closlely guarded secret. This is as much as I can tell you.

It’s made with basic sangria, margarita mix, and Chambourd (raspberry flavored liqueur). Now all you can do is try out combinations of these 3 ingredients until you hit a ratio that you think tastes like the original.

Mambo Taxi Recipe

A Mambo Taxi is a cocktail made by the Mi Cosina Tex-Mex restaurant chain in Dallas, Texas. They keep the secret of this recipe from all who ask.

Cool your heels with the “mambo taxi,” a frozen drink swirling margarita with sangria.

Mi Cocina (several locations around town) is a owned by a Dallas family and has delicious, simple Tex Mex. Try a Mambo Taxi (margarita with sangria swirl) and anything on the menu and you won’t be disappointed.

texasgirl Feb 06, 2008 09:52AM

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Too many of these things and you better be in the back of a taxi!

Smurfett is incorrect - Mambo Taxi are NOT made with chambord. The margarita with chambord is the Limousine. Mambo Taxi only have tequila, sangria, triple sec and Mi Cocina’s sweet & sour mix. There is NO way you can make a Mambo Taxi at home that will taste exactly like Mi Cocina’s or Taco Diner’s Mambo because they have the sweet & sour mix made especially for them.

I’ve been drinking Mambo Taxis at Highland Park Village since 1994 and I can guarantee you they do not contain Chambord in them unless you ask to have it added to it which it then is no longer a typical Mambo Taxi.

Why does the menu say frappe sangria and brandy but no mention of tequila, seems if you’ve been drinking these since 94 you might know better.

It’s a Margarita - do you not know that Margarita’s have Tequila in them. Seems if you knew anything about a Margarita - you woudl know that!! A Mambo Taxi is a Margarita with the Sangria & Brandy squirted in the bottom of it and then poured from the Margarita Machine!! Give me a break!!

57. Foxy’s Tamarind Bar – Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

Cocktail – Foxy’s Millennium Punch

White rum, dark rum, cranberry, guava, lime

Date Visited – Apr 2016

I was surprised this bar was the choice for the book, seeing as The Painkiller was created on Jost Van Dyke at Soggy Dollar Bar, but researching the island you find out just how legendary Foxy is, he’s the hub of the island, with connections throughout! Turns out I’d booked accommodation at his son’s place, thought that might prove useful in getting a lift to the bar, or establishing Foxy’s whereabouts, but instead I went it alone! Having walked the couple of miles from White Bay to Great Harbour I arrived at about 4pm, and there was Foxy at the entrance with his guitar, cocktails at this point could wait! Foxy is quite the character, nearly 80 he’s full of energy, tell him where you’re from and he’ll recite a poem about your homeland, or if you’re lucky some Calypso. He’s been to Buckingham Palace to meet Princess Anne, the photos are proudly displayed in the bar.

Known for its New Years Eve parties, which obviously inspired the cocktail choice, now to be found on the menu only as “Foxy’s Punch”. I ordered one before chilling out on the hammock and returning later for the Karaoke. The men are very flirty in BVI, the Dominican bartender said my punch was on him, and another of Foxy’s sons was very attentive! Foxy blends his own rum on St Croix, secret recipe of course, so I requested a sample at the bar while hanging out with the American tourists, it’s definitely the party place of the island, with suitably dreadlocked locals taking the mic for some Bob Marley. As with most of the BVI bars you can leave an item of attire to hang from the ceiling, I only left my business card, and the page from the book. Don’t worry if you’ve not got a boat to sleep on, you’re bound to find a taxi driver in the bar, or you could always charter one of Foxy’s water taxis….or kayaks!

White On Rice Couple

We’re in serious need of cocktail therapy to sooth our nerves and prepare us for another all nighter of re-coding and html corrections on the blog. It seems appropriate to write up one of the cocktails and indulge. So for tonight’s session of inebriation therapy, we made a couple of “Island Taxi” cocktails made with rum and curacao and fresh lime juice

The “Island Taxi” cocktail is kind of a rum variation of one of our favorite cocktails, the Sidecar. We replaced the cognac with a light rum, swapped the triple sec to curacao to give it a beautiful color, then we played with the citrus to find a nice balance to the new alcohols. The result is quite refreshing. Both the hosts of the show, Cindy and Roxanne, loved these pretty, pretty Curacao cocktails. But for tonight, we might have to make a few more to soothe the pain for all the loss of blog posts.

Island Taxi Curacao Cocktail Recipe


  • 1 ounce (30ml) light Rum (Havana Club if you can get it)
  • 1 ounce (30ml) Curacao
  • 1 1/2 ounce (45ml) fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
  • 3/4 ounce (20ml) fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
  • 1/2 ounce (15ml) Simple Syrup, or to taste
  • sugar for the rim
  • lime wheel for garnish


  1. If possible, chill your cocktail glass beforehand.
  2. Moisten the rim of the cocktail glass with a piece of lime, then sugar the rim.
  3. Add your cocktail ingredients to an ice filled shaker (rum, curacao, oj, lime juice, and simple syrup), and shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Strain into cocktail glass and garnish with lime wheel. Lick & sip.

Note 1: A basic simple syrup is a 1:1 ratio of sugar dissolved in water. example- One cup sugar dissolved in one cup of water. We usually make larger batches and keep on hand in the refrigerator.

Hello! All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use our images without prior permission and do not re-publish this recipe. Simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank you.

Recipe Note for Salt: All recipes containing salt are based on kosher or sea salt amounts, not table salt. If using table salt, reduce the amount used to taste.

More cocktails that you might enjoy Here.

Related Recipes & Stories:

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Don’t miss out on our free recipe updates and food, travel, garden stories. Subscribe to our free email updates here and on our Facebook Page. Follow and connect with us on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for stopping by!

As written it was very very sweet. To my taste, it was improved if one changes from blue curacao to Grand Marnier, omit the simple syrup, omit the sugared rim.

OMG. How horrible. I would make that drink a triple! You guys work hard enough as it is. God, I never even thought of backing up my blog. Jeez, I’m gonna have a drink or two for you!

Thanks for the info about backing up a blog. I’ll have to look into that.

Thanks for all the sympathies, everyone. D. was pouting pretty hard while things were messed up. There are still some posts truncated that will take some time to recreate. WAPITA. (What a pain in the ass!) Several have asked how to back up their sites. We are on WordPress, and there is a plugin that will automatically back your site up regularly, but it didn’t work for us correctly when we tried to restore the site. We are still researching why. A probably better solution would be to follow the methods listed on the wordpress site listed here :

It probably works for other platforms as well, but we don’t know for sure since we’ve only used wordpress. And Sandie, don’t harass the bartenders too much if they don’t know how to make an Island Taxi. It is our own creation. Just tell them they have to start reading our blog. Thanks again everyone for the support. T.

oppppsssss…..glad to see you back! and glad to know that you didnt resort to drinking chinese cooking wine like some people did (no no not me) LOL

Hey guys – I’m truly sorry to hear of your coding issues. It’s amazing how 1 tiny, miserable piece of code can mess up a whole blog, but I know it happens. Best of luck getting everything up & running at 100%.

Now… onto the really good stuff. Holy Moly! This drink looks delicious! I’m spending the month of July in Florida and am getting ready to visit various beaches over the next 2 weeks. Are you familiar with those little tiki hut bars found near oceanside pools? I’ll be looking for these “Island Taxi’s” in the days to come, and if the tiki bar bartenders are lame and don’t know how to make these (off chance, but still a chance,) I’m printing this recipe, making copies and handing it to him or her, with instructions to keep the glasses coming while I soak up some serious sun & waves! Cheers in advance…

Looks like the kind of drink that could get me into trouble. Tastes so good that you drink more than your share and then bam…you are stumbling around.

Glad you are back and running.

Oh dear..it happened to me once too when I went to change the layout of my blog. Ended up everything gone and I spent hours restoring it. It was a nightmare and I was crying and scolding myself for hours.

I hope you will sort out all your links and stuffs soon.

Such a pain to have all your hard work messed up! Hope that it has righted itself now. One Island Taxi for me please! (Love the colour!)

Ouch, sounds like a nightmare. The good thing about having our own domain is that all the published pages will still reside at the FTP even though they got wiped out from the blog management tool. But it’s a pain.

oh, no! I don’t even know how to back up my blog… is there a feature on word press that does that?

the good news is that the feed seems to be working! i hope you get to recover everything!

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I’ve had some issue myself and know how frustrating it is. That drinks look like a fantastic diversion from fixing a blog though:-)

Sorry to hear about your troubles guys. I hope you’ll be able to resolve the problem soon. I know how frustrating it can be to loose some precious work. The feed seems to work fine though.

I’m drinking with you. Cheers!!

I feel the pain. What a nightmare.

Glad that finally you could sit down and relax sipping this beautiful drink. Cheers!

I have been drinking a similar drink for over 30 years, a recipe straight from Playboy’s Bartender Guide. It’s called a Chapel Hill, and needless to say, that’s where I went to college: UNC-Chapel Hill. Go Tar Heels! Here’s the recipe as I remember (drink) it:

1 jigger whiskey, 1/2 oz Curacao, simple syrup, 1/2 oz lemon juice, juice from 1 slice of orange. It’s a little darker than your Island Taxi, but it sure is good.

Sorry to hear about all the problems. I’m sure it’s nothing a lovely drink can’t ameliorate!

Have I told you, you have absolutely stunning photographs?

Well, you have absolutely stunning photographs. 😀

Navigating the dodgy world of blog editing always calls for a drink or two with me. Of course, that might also be the reason why I have the worst luck making changes to my blog too.

I hear that you are meant to back up your blog often.. Problem is, I have no idea how, and no idea what to do with the backups when I have them!

I’ll join you all for a double too. What a week huh?

My heart skipped a beat just reading this. I have no idea what I’d do. Eek!

Delicious looking drinks!

I am pretty ignorant about this entire blogging process, so I just fly by the seat of my pants. Your tale of woe put the fear of God into me. Just reading it made me want a stiff drink! 😉

Hey guys, I hear your pain. The same thing happened to me. I tried to upgrade WordPress, something went horribly wrong and I lost the whole site for 2 days. It was absolutely crippling as you say. I really didn’t know how awful it would feel to have the blog gone. I cried! A lot! Anyway, I managed to sort things in the end, as have you but I now realise the importance of backups, backups, backups and I will never let anything like that happen again.

Whatever platform you use, wordpress, typepad etc, you should install a local copy of it on your computer (instructions on the web) – that way, you can mess about with the design as much as you want without fears then when it;s ready, upload it. Don’t know if you’ve already done this but thought I would mention anyway.

Good luck and hope to see your blog here every time I click!

Major bummer! Looks like you’ve done a great job in recovering stuff, though.

Keep drinking the Island Taxis. They’re clearly helping. 😉

ah, there’s nothing like some blue booze to clear the stress away. i love the action shot!

I’m getting my feed through yahoo… I would flip out if I didn’t get my white on rice… have a drink for me too!

oh I am so sorry you had to go through that. I will drink to you.

Oh how I can relate to that one. I’ve had something like that happen twice. I now have my first blog sitting out there in the virtual world: you can read it, you can comment on it but I can’t edit it. One day I’ll take it down.

You showed up in my RSS.

Ugh. How horrible!

I know just how it feels to be messing with back-end website disasters when all you want to be doing is cooking and eating. Or blogging. Or really, anything other than server and software issues. Best of luck on the cleanup process!

a nice way to celebrate your blog’s restoration. glorious colour.

What an ordeal. Hope you will restore all your posts soon. I dread this will happen one day and if someone can give us a link where we can back-up our files that would be great.

OH NO!! What a nightmare…email or call me if u need help. I’m actually pretty good in WordPress

oh no! I’m glad to see everything back in action… FYI, I’m a software engineer and do a fair amount of web stuff, and am happy to help my fellow bloggers when website troubles arise

As for cocktails, my favorite as of late has been the Blackberry Bramble: muddle 3-4 blackberries with some sugar, add cold gin, and a splash of seltzer water. Garnish with mint — yum!

What a bummer about your HTML troubles! I’m glad the two of you were able to patch things up.

I love your blog!

Oh nooooo! All of that beautiful work! You must be devastated! I hope that you guys can get it sorted out and recover as much as possible.

This is why I am so terrified to change anything on my blog. I am clueless about HTML, coding, scripts, etc., and I know if I tried to do these things, my computer would explode and my blog would be blown to smithereens!

Good luck, and drink an extra Island Taxi for me!

P.S. I’m still getting feeds in Google Reader.

Argh! Sounds like a nightmare. Silly question – how do I backup my blog?

Ouch! An Island Taxi is definitely needed. Love the color too.

I have you on Google Reader and the feed is still updating but is titled “undefined”

I was poking around to see if I could dig up any of your older posts out on the internet (e.g. google cache, wayback machine, etc), but didn’t have much luck. The drink looks great and it definitely seems like an appropriate time for it…I could only imagine how frustrating this experience has been. :-/

The feed showed up in Bloglines, so here I am. But the feed itself looks a bit weird (your blog title is showing up as an Http link).

Poor thangs. I’ve got your feed on google reader, and that hasn’t been wiped out. Phew.

I get the feed in the Safari bookmarks and I got this one OK – sometimes it takes forever to load but I just assumed it was the weight of all those gorgeous photos…

Poor you! I wondered why some of your posts were truncated and some were full feeds. Do you get all of your posts emailed to you? I do that and save them all just in case anything ever happens. *Knock on wood.* My feed shows previous posts in full so if you subscribe to yourself, you can get your old posts. Then it’s a matter of cutting and pasting. A pain, but at least all is not lost?

Beautiful blue color indeed! I hope you guys have had a chance to relax now. It will please you to at least know this came into my preexisting feed just fine 🙂

Oooooh, ouch! I’ll drink to a speedy recovery. (And go back up my own stuff.)

This post showed up in my Google reader, so there’s one you didn’t lose.

My Cocktail Bar

Jasmine Walton

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Transcript of My Cocktail Bar

providing excellent customer service and a pleasurable experience

holding ticketed and themed events

holding regular community and local events such as book club meetings and private parties Jazzi's and why? The name 'Jazzi's' has been decided due to the theme of the cocktail bar and what it has to offer.

People could come before, after or both before and after a meal.

This is because the people in the village are afluent and there is a perfect target market. Jazzi's product range of food & snacks: Complimentary nuts will be given when drinks are ordered

Snacks & Nibbles will be available such as:

fresh bread and butter

garlic dough balls

crisps The 'Jazzi' Theme: The theme to Jazzi's is very much a 'Jazzy' feel.

There is plenty of space inside for up to . customers at any one time.

Parties can reserve the back bench and tables and there are plenty of other seats available for the walk in customers.

There will be outdoor seating on the pavement at the front of Jazzi's. SWOT Analysis of Jazzi's: STRENGTHS: Jazzi's is the only cocktail bar in Chorleywood

lack of customer variety

Jazzi's relys on one specific market and if it doesn't reach that market then there is a huge risk SWOT Analysis of Jazzi's: OPPORTUNITY: there are no other cocktail bars in Chorleywood

The Taxi Cocktail took us for a ride

Drink this and don't drive.

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½ Jigger French Vermouth

2 Barspoonfuls lime juice

2 Barspoonfuls Absinthe

½ Jigger French Vermouth

2 Barspoonfuls lemon juice

2 Barspoonfuls Absinthe

  • Image Credit: Jim Heimann Collection via Getty Images

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My cocktail taxi

CocktailsAndShots.com number 1 cocktails and shots recipes website!

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Recipe of the day


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How to make a Taxi cocktail:

For the Taxi recipe we use a chilled cocktail glass. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add the Dry Vermouth, the Gin, the lime juice and the Pastis. Stir with a bar spoon. Strain into your cocktail glass and your Taxi drink is ready.

On August 17 we celebrate the birthday of Robert De Niro. One of De Niro's most memorable roles was in Taxi Driver where he plays a mentally unstable night-time taxi driver. That's why the Taxi cocktail drink is the cocktail of the day on August 17.

Sangrita/Mambo Taxi Recipe Part 2

For National Margarita Day, I wrote about a few versions of the Mexican staple. My favorite – the Mambo Taxi! Since then, I’ve perfected an easy at-home recipe I wanted to share. It’s basically a frozen Sangria/margarita combo = Sangrita. Want to simplify? The margarita portion is amazing on its own.

Here’s a look at the finished product. It was actually pretty easy…

FIRST STEP (prepare mini batch of Sangria)

  • 1/4 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon
  • 1/2 cup of brandy
  • 1 shot of triple sec
  • 1 apple diced up
  • Splash of orange juice

Mix in small pitcher and marinate in the fridge for at least 24 hours. 2 to 3 days is perfect.

*This is a scaled down version of this delicious recipe.


  • 1/2 can (4 oz.) of frozen limeade
  • 4 oz. of Suaza Silver tequila (3 shot glasses filled about 3/4 full)
  • 1.5 oz. of triple sec (1 shot glass filled 3/4 full)
  • 1 lime

For Sangrita – pour 1 full shot glass of Sangria (without the fruit) into an empty cocktail glass. If the glass is extra tall, add another ounce (half full shot glass) of Sangria. Pour the frozen margarita blend into the glass on top of the Sangria; it will swirl on its own. Top off with a lime wedge and voilà!… well that’s French, so however you’d say that in Spanish. Adiós!

Need more cocktail inspiration? Check out other travel-related recipes here.

Tag Archives: mambo taxi

National Margarita Day 2014

Mark your calendars, this Saturday – Feb. 22nd – is National Margarita Day in the United States!

Tequila, we’ve come a long way. You are no longer consumed solely in a shot glass by a college student with bravado. No, we’re more sophisticated now (on most days). We drink you fancy. Margarita lovers, unite. Grab that salt-rimmed glass and cheers to another holiday made better by Suaza and Jose Cuervo!

Planning a get together, but fresh out of recipes? Want to take things up a notch and impress with something new? Give these frozen versions a whirl! Just click for the full recipe. Enjoy!


Do the Olympics have you feeling patriotic? Go for the gold with this recipe!

The traditional lime base is decorated with fresh strawberries and blueberries.

Red, White and Blue. This lime margarita has a fresh strawberry swirl.


The name says it all. Finally a way to use the fresh basil you’ve been growing! Fresh out?

Pick some up at Trader Joe’s for under $2. Or spring for a plant… they’re usually $4-10.

Strawberry Basil Margarita. Have fresh basil handy? Toss it in the blender.


Start with my simple recipe for the traditional lime base, then swirl in freshly made

blueberry syrup. Directions for both, above. Takes 10 minutes tops!

Blueberry Swirl Margarita. A traditional lime base with homemade blueberry syrup.


It’s amazing what a freshly cut mango can do. It’s the star of this recipe. The whole thing

only takes five ingredients, four if you leave out the extra lime.

A full mango is 1 of just 5 ingredients in this fresh margarita. After peeling time, it takes less than 5 minutes.


One of my most popular recipes on Pinterest! This margarita has a homemade Sangria swirl.

Inspired by the Mambo Taxi at Mi Cocina – a lime margarita with a homemade Sangria swirl.

Don’t own a blender? Click here to find a celebration near you.

Mi Cocina: My Go-to Tex-Mex in Dallas

Chicken Mole Enchiladas

As soon as I book a flight back to my hometown Dallas, Tex-Mex is on my mind. Enchiladas, margaritas… they’re almost a requirement for my first meal in the Big D. For that, my go-to restaurant is Mi Cocina. My must have meal is Enchiladas de Pollo con Mole (Chicken Mole Enchiladas). For $12.95 you get two enchiladas with rice and refried beans. The beef and chicken Fajitas are also excellent. I’m seriously dying over this just typing. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, you will also find a great selection of lunch specials for $8.95. Whatever you order, be sure to wash it down with the trademark Mambo Taxi… a frozen margarita with a Sangria swirl. The “taxi” is what you’ll need after drinking a few of them. Sound good? You can also check out my version here.

This place rocks. The food is great and the atmosphere is laid back, yet sleek. There are several locations (some even outside of Texas). My favorite one is in the West Village near Uptown Dallas (pictured below). It’s in a very social spot surrounded by bars, restaurants and shops. This Mi Cocina has a large patio area outside and a very slick bar on the inside. It’s a great first place to take someone who’s never been to Dallas. The picture on the right is the view across the street.

I dare you to read this menu and not get a sudden urge for some mouthwatering Mexican food. If you happen to be in the mood for margaritas or that Mambo Taxi I talked about, try this awesome recipe to tide you over until your next Texas trip. It’s the next best thing to Mi Cocina!

Break out your maracas… it’s almost Cinco de Mayo!

What exactly is Cinco de Mayo you ask? Good question. Thanks to elementary Spanish, we know it means “fifth of May.” In America, it’s become a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, but the meaning behind the celebration is a mystery to some. I dare you to ask 10 people. I bet at least 8 get it somewhat wrong. Many think “Cinco de Mayo” is Mexico’s Independence Day. It’s not. Quick history lesson so you feel educated when you throw back those margaritas at the bar: The roots of the holiday date back to May 5, 1862 in Puebla, Mexico. That’s when Mexican soldiers defeated a much bigger French army. Mexico had been independent for decades, but it was heavily indebted to European governments. France sent troops to capture Mexico City and take over rule. This was one victory in a much longer Franco-Mexican war, but it became symbolic and bolstered the resistance to France. Now that you’re armed with knowledge… let’s celebrate!


This year, I’m headed to a party and I’ll be bringing my homemade red sangria (I added that item to the potluck list). You can check out the recipe below.. along with a few other ideas! I even added a “Cinco de Mayo” category to my blog for quick reference! Diviértete!





Sangrita/Mambo Taxi Recipe Part 2

For National Margarita Day, I wrote about a few versions of the Mexican staple. My favorite – the Mambo Taxi! Since then, I’ve perfected an easy at-home recipe I wanted to share. It’s basically a frozen Sangria/margarita combo = Sangrita. Want to simplify? The margarita portion is amazing on its own.

Here’s a look at the finished product. It was actually pretty easy…

FIRST STEP (prepare mini batch of Sangria)

  • 1/4 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon
  • 1/2 cup of brandy
  • 1 shot of triple sec
  • 1 apple diced up
  • Splash of orange juice

Mix in small pitcher and marinate in the fridge for at least 24 hours. 2 to 3 days is perfect.

*This is a scaled down version of this delicious recipe.


  • 1/2 can (4 oz.) of frozen limeade
  • 4 oz. of Suaza Silver tequila (3 shot glasses filled about 3/4 full)
  • 1.5 oz. of triple sec (1 shot glass filled 3/4 full)
  • 1 lime

For Sangrita – pour 1 full shot glass of Sangria (without the fruit) into an empty cocktail glass. If the glass is extra tall, add another ounce (half full shot glass) of Sangria. Pour the frozen margarita blend into the glass on top of the Sangria; it will swirl on its own. Top off with a lime wedge and voilà!… well that’s French, so however you’d say that in Spanish. Adiós!

Need more cocktail inspiration? Check out other travel-related recipes here.

Friday Fix – Shaken or Frozen? It’s National Margarita Day.


Shaken, frozen, fruity, on the rocks… however you like them. Today this Mexican cocktail gets some recognition! Each year on Feb 22nd, lime lovers around the world raise a glass to National Margarita Day.

I’m not a fan of overly sweet, overly sour pre-mixed concoctions. I do like them on the rocks, but well made. Key ingredients? Tequila, triple sec/Cointreau and fresh squeezed lime juice.

The IBA (International Bar Association) standard is 7:4:3. That’s 50% tequila / 29% Cointreau / 21% fresh lime juice.

Mambo Taxi, Mi Cocina

My all-time favorite frozen version comes from Dallas based Tex-Mex restaurant, Mi Cocina. If you are ever in the area, try a Mambo Taxi… they are legendary (and you’ll need a cab ride after two of them). It’s a secret recipe that’s basically a frozen lime margarita (Sauza Blanco tequila, triple sec, special sweet & sour mix) with a Sangria swirl (that includes brandy). Yum. It’s a great concept you can attempt to recreate at home. You won’t be able to replicate it exactly, but it doesn’t hurt to try! I wrote about Sangria in a previous post. Click here for the recipe. You can easily make 1/2 or 1/4 of the batch by cutting down the wine, etc. Maybe add in a little extra brandy for sweetness and let it steep. Use the liquid as the add-in for this margarita. I would pour about a full shot glass (1.5 oz) worth into a glass before adding the frozen mix.

Here’s another Mambo Taxi-like recipe from Tastebook:


  • 3 ounces fresh lime juice
  • 2 1/2 ounces Sauza Silver Tequila
  • 1 1/2 ounces Hiram Walker Triple Sec
  • 6 large ice cubes
  • 1 1/2 ounces high quality Spanish Sangria
  • 1 ounce Brandy


Puree lime juice, tequila, triple sec and ice cubes in blender. Pour into a 9 ounce glass. Swirl in the sangria, then the brandy.


If you’d like an easy on the rocks recipe, you might try this one. It has a lot of positive reviews. It’s a large batch recipe (serves 8).. but you can change to serving size and it will scale the ingredients.

Need a place to celebrate National Margarita Day? Click here for parties around the country.

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