среда, 24 января 2018 г.



A variation on the classic Gimlet cocktail, the addition of orange-flavoured Orange Liqueur to the Kamikaze makes for an elegant cocktail that belies its alarming name.

About this recipe


Smirnoff No. 21® Vodka

Smirnoff No. 21® Vodka

A vodka that's known around the world, Smirnoff is born of a long history of charcoal filtration to give smooth mouth feel and a pure, clean flavour.

How to make

With a jigger pour 25ml Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka, 25ml Orange Liqueur and 25ml lime juice into the shaker.

Shake vigorously until the surface of the cocktail shaker feels chilled.

Using a cocktail strainer, strain the mixture into a tall glass.

Grab a bite

Get some grub in before or while you’re drinking – it slows alcohol absorption.

Kamikaze Cocktail

Shake all the ingredients with cracked ice. Strain and pour into a highball glass.

  • 3 parts Vodka
  • 3 parts Triple sec
  • 2 parts Lemon juice
  • 2 parts Lime juice
  • 5 Ice cubes
  • 1 Lime wedge

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Leave some comments about the Kamikaze

squeeze a fresh lime plus 1 part vodka, 1 lemon juice and 1 cointreau into a shaker and pour into a cocktail glass. refreshing, strong and quick. best cocktail ever!

I agree, either go with just lemon juice or lime juice otherwise it get's too acidic.

refreshingly tangy! lovely drink for a hot day =]

by elle knapleigh

Take out the lemon juice. . . . . too acidic. . leave the lime juice as the only acid

The perfect cocktail for with that shot of vodka and just the right amount of flavor zing!

Kamikaze Drink Recipe

Glass to Use


  • 1 oz. Triple Sec (Cointreau)
  • 1 oz. Vodka
  • 1 oz. Lime Juice
  • 1 wedge Lime

Mixing Instructions

Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge and a stir stick.

Comments on Kamikaze:

First time ever getting drunk, I drank two 20 oz. bottles full of Kamikazes, It didn't hit me until I said, screw shots, how about I just take full mouthfuls from the bottle itself, after the third mouthful.. I'm like, "Hey, I'm drunk.. this is sweettttttt". It hit me like a punch in the face.

I thought grapefruit juice was part of this drink mix?

hey guys. how about mixing the kamikazee with out Cointreau, can i use gin instead?

you always have to drink at least five of them. you know why because then your an ace.

This was the first drink I ever had with my Dad at a bar and I really love it. Wow it can kick your a$$ . Good times.

I'm a bartender and met a guy tonight who claims he invented the kamikaze in 1978. He then told me has cirrhosis of liver and shouldn't be drinking.

bunch of WUSSES! nothing better than OLD NUMBER 7. tried them all for many years.

That is a good kamikaze, but if you really want to have fun try a Serbian kamikaze.

Pure tequila first, half glass

pure gin second, one quarter glass

Take a lighter, and flame the drink, keep drink flamed for 15 sec. or until it is hot. take a straw, and drink it fast, catch the flame with a straw at the end.

Bada-bing-bada-boom Yur wasted!

One of my fave drinks enjoyed as either shots or sipped. Either way, they'll knock you on your rear if you're not careful. "Let's sink another drink!" as Billy Idol used to sing!

Drinkin with Lincoln. Kami's until the special was over. I found myself in another state. Louisiana(start)Florida(finished).WHAT A NIGHT.

Just had two for the first time tonight. Must say it was amazing

I love kamikazes! I have found that they taste better with gin. I also use 1/2oz roses lime.

Walked into a bar in Huntsville Ala. and ordered 4 kamii shots with bud chaser. Repeated the order 4 more times. Next thing I knew I was waking up the next day in the barracks.

there is bar downtown that is known for these drinks, hell they have a giant mirror behind the bar with all the flavors they do, i swear they must have 50+, every single one ive tried has been awesome and will easily f**k u up!

im gay and on a date with a girl. drinking this had me making out with some strange guy on the pool table while my date watched with her jaw on the floor

When I make these, I use 1 oz. Grey Goose, 1 oz. Cointreau, and a few drops of freshly squeezed Lime Juice. *licks lips* they are delicious

Kamikaze's are delish! I think I should have a few tonight.

great with three olives cherry vodka too.

kamikaze's are the best.

Got thowed out of a Bennigans three times (managed to sneak back in twice)and downwd 13 of these.


the mrs and i got so drunk off these on our anniversary, we actually got cut off and close to kicked out. tastes like juice and goes down like nothing. LOVE kamikazes

my sister got bombed off these and jumped into a tumbleweed patch lmao

Me & My rommie got so toasted on these one night. I passed out and shatterd the tank on the toliet! WHoa!

kamikazi is the party drink for bars. no doubt!

for parties we greet everyone with a kamikaze shot - we do 2 parts vodka, 2 parts sweet n sour mix, 1 part triple sec - this time tried raspberry vodka for one of the vodka parts - nice!

DUDE this is shiz iz da BOMB. gotz me so faded me be in detox since 1974 WHATUP. i love dem hookerz gibben me jager's and ME SOME KAMIIIII

dudedudedudedude. HELL YEAH! this shit is amazing. i've never had anything like it before!!

New Wave Lounge. Ft. Liquordale, Fla. Pitchers of these bad boys, two blonde german tourists who only know one word of English. Yes! I passed out, my friend Steve hooked up with both of them. Damn you Kamikaze. Still, the best pitcher drink ever invented.

they dont make it better anywhere else but mexico!

Get one of those construction water coolers, a 750ml of Grey Goose, 750 of Triple Sec, and a bottle of Roses lime juice. Leave the vodka and triple sec in the freezer over night, and when you're ready to party combine the three in the water cooler and your bar-tending job is done.

Kamikaze's got me so faded one time i stole an airplane and crashed it on purpose. WWWWHHHOOOOAAAA.

Kamikaze is my favorite drink, but I make it slightly different because I don't like the overpowering lime taste. Also I use Rosie's Lime Juice, which is clear, not cloudy like real lime juice, and it's not as sour. Try 1oz vodka, 1oz triple sec, 1/2 oz Rosie's Lime Juice over crushed ice, stirred, not shaken. It comes out a clear pale green. Try it and let me know.


This is definitely my favorite drink! I'm having a get together tomorrow and I'll be serving nothing but kamikazes. First time making them so I started testing right now. I had 3 and I'm already buzzing. They taste so dam good.

really messes you upp because they taste so good. after 24 shots you black out.

Dolla you make a no sense. How can you have better, but it still be the best drink ever. I confused. In my country we make a more sense.

Ended a Thurs.night, at Yorkshire House, drinking Kamikase shooters. a contest with a really cute guy!! I guess I lost, cause the front door bouncer had the unfortunate task of holding my braids out of the way, while I vomited into the gutter!(Yucck) Not my finest hour!! Didn't return to Yorkshire for a few weeks! NEVER,, ever had a drinking contest with Kamikase's again. But, they are sooooooo gooooood!! Especially on a hot summer night!


This is the only drink I can drink.


Used to work at the MULE LIP SALOON in Colton i had that cocktail alot and its very smooth going down YUMMY. see ya im heading for the bar!

Anniversary last week, drank 11 at the bar along with a bottle of wine. wicked bad headache for a couple days, but they went down like water

I'd never heard of it before but now i have a cannot wait to try it.

Best drink by the shot or pitcher.

im going to make this right now!!


Doodz, this one is awsome! This was the first drink I had on by 21st b-day.

After bowling we used to get these by the pitcher. ended up divorced and re-married to my current wife who also drank with us. add a shot of gin for some extra punch.

I love these drinks!

Back in the day - when Reagan was prez - Legendary Kamikaze Party - 5 parts vodka 1 part Rose's Lime 1 part triple sec - using a beer mug to measure & mixxing in a bottled water dispenser. 1st wave of guests were the afternoon partiers, then came the afterdark wave & finally the closing time folks from the bar. We all survived & lived to tell the tale - though a drum set was destroyed - and 2 friends ended up married. This is the first time I thought of that party this century! Kamikaze = Hell of a good drink.

this is always a party favorite!

Used to enjoy these in the barber's chair back in the good old days. Don't remember much.

Used to be able to get this by the pitcher. Dangerously fun times.

I sometimes throw in a drop or two of sour mix. It adds a little something extra.

The great thing about these drinks is they are creepers. Taste soooo good and get you wasted =]

instead of lime use fresh lemon juice. its unique if u like sour drinks

"By stacy on November 17th, 2008 at 07:45:36

drinking sux, get something better to do"

And you're visiting a drinking site?

these are really good as a shot with southern comfort instead of vodka.

I skip the lime juice and use lime flavored vodtka

i make it with cherry vodka drink it as a shot its delish.

Skip the shot and have it as a drink..2 of em and you're feelin' good. bomb buzz!

I just got wasted off them and its a rough recovery but more than worth it. I recommend this as a drink or a shot!

Try it "upside down"; get the hottest hottie in the house to pour the mix in your mouth. Shake and swallow. Repeat. Now you've got a party.

I have only had one my whole life but it is the best. I plan on making some for my one year anniversary :)Wish me luck lol!!

Start off the night with about 4 or 5 of these badboys and you're set.

I enjoy kamikazes as shots and they are really good but drink them in moderation. I have had one too many crazy nights with kamikazes in the mix!! :)

7 for me + 7 for her = dangerous drive home and ridicuous carnal rampage. Good times. But know your limit. Mine is less than 7.

I add blue curacao and it's the best :D

Had my 21st birthday yesterday, went out to a bar, my buddy got me a Kamikaze. "What's this?" I ask. Obviously I don't remember what he told me. Oh yeah, and it was the first thing to come back up this morning. But yeah, they do taste damn good.

nice shot of vodka

i abosolutely love this as a shot, skip the garnish, rub the lime around the rim and dip the glass in some sugar or salt, depending on your tastebuds!! yummm

drinking sux, get something better to do

Pretty damn good with blueberry vodka (I recommend either Stoli or Three Olives)

the first time i had this drink, my boyfriend recommended it to me. now it's officially "our" drink <3

I drink these as shots (0.5 oz of each ingredient) and it is the BEST SHOT EVER CONCEIVED!

always a favorite at the bars.


this is one of my favorite cocktails. anyone who enjoys drinking will enjoy this citrus delight!

Serving size: this recipe

* : Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your diet needs.

Kamikaze Cocktail Recipe

  • 3 mins
  • Prep: 3 mins,
  • Cook: 0 mins
  • Yield: 1 serving

The Kamikaze (or Bullfrog) is the "sophisticated" version of the Kamikaze shooter that can cause quite a bit of damage, hence the name.

If you look at the recipe, it is quite simply a vodka ​margarita and is very similar to a ​daiquiri as well. The proportions to the famous tequila-lime cocktail are different, but the ingredients are the same. So, if you're one of those people who doesn't like tequila for one reason or another, here is a great option for you.

This is such a simple drink that it is also a perfect candidate for flavored vodka and almost any fruit infusion works. Another popular variation is a "SoCo" Kamikaze, in which the vodka is replaced with Southern Comfort.


Although its name is often associated with high-octane shots and happy-hour specials, this drink is a classic. Some historians trace its origins to a bar on the American naval base in Yokosuka, Japan, during the late 1940s or early '50s. Cocktail Tips from F&W Editors More Classic Cocktails


  • Ice
  • 1 1/2 ounces vodka
  • 2 teaspoons Cointreau or other triple sec
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice

How to Make It

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add the vodka, Cointreau and lime juice and shake well. Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass.

Kamikaze Shot Recipe

  1. For shot: Shake all shot ingredients with ice and pour into shot glass
  2. For drink: Shake all drink ingredients with ice and strain into ice filled lowball glass.

  1. Replace Triple Sec with Blue Curaçao or Raspberry Liqueur in same measure to make Blue kamikaze or Raspberry Kamikaze respectively. You can also convert them to shooter by halving the measures and serving them in shot glass
  2. Replace vodka with tequila for a change.

Kamikaze Cocktail or Shot Recipe

“The Kamikaze Queen” is what they used to call me. Not one of my parents’ prouder moments. When I was in my early twenties, I worked as a hostess at a restaurant in the popular Gastown district of Vancouver. This restaurant was the type of place where sweethearts proposed marriage, diners lingered over a fine bottle of wine, and stars came to eat in relative peace. As an aside, I found out that Richard Thomas still answers to, “Hey, John Boy!” During dinner service, we would occasionally experience some lulls as patrons lingered over their cappuccinos. I took it upon myself to disappear behind the bar and mix up a large batch of kamikaze shots. The sound of the cocktail shaker, which contained a mixture of fresh lime juice, vodka, and triple sec, seemed to work like a dog whistle on the serving staff.

Shots lined up on the container, eight or nine of us would duck down behind the counter, toast a quick “Cheers!” and throw back the liquid treat. For those few minutes, there was not a single member of the staff on the restaurant floor. However, we emerged with smiles on our faces, ready to face a few more hours of dinner service. Unbeknownst to the owner, this became a ritual on busy Friday and Saturday evenings.

These tangy, slightly sweet drinks can be made as cocktails, served in high ball or martini glasses, or potent shots. I will warn you – these are not for the faint of heart and it is imperative that you hand your car keys to someone far more responsible before you start to drink them. Over the years, I found that I enjoy these drinks more when I add a splash of simple syrup. One or two of these will do in my progressing years – a mere shadow of the kamikaze queen.

The recipe:

The simple syrup:

Make a simple syrup by combining equal parts granulated sugar and water in a small saucepan. I typically use 1 cup of each so that I have plenty of simple syrup left over for other uses. It can be stored in a glass container, such as a jar, in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to boil, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.

The cocktail:

Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add 1 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice, 1 1/2 ounce vodka, 1 1/2 ounce triple sec, and 3/4 ounce simple syrup.

Shake well, about 20 seconds, to chill the mixture. Strain into a highball or martini glass for a single drink or, if you prefer, into 4 separate shot glasses. Garnish with a wedge of lime and serve cold.

Other beverages using vodka and lime:

The Way the Cookie Crumbles’ Vodka Gimlet

Kamikaze Cocktail or Shot Recipe

Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

From the kitchen of Cookin Canuck. www.cookincanuck.com


The simple syrup

  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup water

The cocktail

  • 1 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1 1/2 oz. vodka
  • 1 1/2 oz. triple sec
  • 3/4 oz. simple syrup


The simple syrup:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to boil, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.

The cocktail:

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add lime juice, vodka, triple sec, and ¾ oz. simple syrup. Shake well, about 15 seconds, to chill the mixture. Strain into a highball or martini glass for a single drink or, if you prefer, into 4 separate shot glasses. Garnish with a wedge of lime and serve cold.

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I could go for a shot or two of this. Good thing happy hour doesn't really have to be between 4-7, right? 🙂

Those were the days in the restaurant business! Thanks for bring back some fond memories. I don't know of any restaurant where that would fly now.

In addition to having a shot or two, we would all go into the walk-in freezer to briefly cool off and scream! We called it "freezer-scream." Then, newly refreshed, we would all walk back onto the busy floor and provide excellent service…

I don't drink, but this looks beautiful!!

CC…great cocktail drink. Vodka lime …mmm kamikaze cocktail…great. Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂

Jason Phelps says

Job well done. I had my share of these in college, but on a nice hot day this will do the trick!

Carolyn Jung says

It's been a long time since I had a kamikaze at a bar. I think the first time I nearly keeled over! Hah. Now that I'm OLD or OLDER (ahem), I think I'd keel over for sure. But at least with your recipe, I can do so in the comfort of my own home. 😉

Sounds perfect for a summer cocktail!

Michelle @ Brown Eyed Baker says

I love this story! And great cocktail recipe, definitely saving it!

I love a good cocktail, particularly ones with lime. I'll be trying this.

What a great Friday post, and I must say I am so jealous of those gorgeous little frosted glasses.

This brought back some fun (and foggy) memories, both of late nights/early mornings in college, and of some of the restaurant jobs I held. I was "back of the house" tho, so we could just go into the walk-in, and not have to duck behind the bar ; ) Good times…

haven't had one of these in a long time but I sure did use to like them too, along with the gin/lime drinks too, can't remember what they were called, must have ate my brain up..LOL….think I might revisit these now during the summer months…

Sounds wonderful. I am up for it…

Daydreamer Desserts says

Loved this post, I could just imagine you guys ducking behind the bar and taking these down. Good times I'm sure!

Devaki @ weavethousandflavors says

What a great story! I could really use a shot or 2 of this on days lie this 🙂

Will have to file this under – must make summer drinks!

Cookin' Canuck says

Thanks for all of your comments.

Lori Lynn, your story about the "freezer scream" gave me a good chuckle.

Carolyn, in my younger years, I could shoot these one after another. Now that I'm much older and more refined (ahem), I have taken to sipping them.

Drick, I can relate!

These are fun and probably a bit dangerous! 😉 What a great story. I bet that was a fun time.

These sound so good and something that before you know what hit ya, you're out! =)

I wish I was enjoying one of these right now – yum!

…living dangerously like this sure sounds like kamikaze to me…I'll surely keep this cocktail in mind when I need something to brace me…

I am not a drinker, but this looks WONDERFUL!

Hi Kamikazi queen , I was a mind eraser queen. Us girls would get a double tall and all stick a straw in it and down it as fast as possible. We did 1 or 2 an hour. By the end of the night it would just be me and the girl bartender sharing one. I was so bad then (had such a high tolerance), now thankfully one drink and I'm done.

I haven't had a Kamikaze since my 20's… thanks for reminding me how tasty they are.

The Wind of the Gods do seem very refreshing!

Thanks for sharing!

Barbara @ moderncomfortfood says

I had no idea that you were such a cocktail expert! I can picture enjoying this drink immensely under a shade tree here in the Florida summer swelter. No kamikazi action, though, just a hammock please!

Brie: Le Grand Fromage says

haha, that's awesome. looks like a great drink!

I often find it surprising how what sound like 'typical' drinks actually have very subtle ways of production…and ultimately these differences can make the difference between a drink, and a GREAT drink. If only I can try one of the ones you have prepared!!

I love the story behind this recipe!

This looks so refreshing, especially with the lime. I love the thought of you ducking behind the bar to throw back a shot of this! Definitely going to try this.

Ahhhhhh…..the Kamikaze 🙂 Still my favorite drink and shot…loved your story.

I’m getting married in less than 60 and think you’ve introduced me to one of my signature drinks!

Please share the best way to make a batch for larger groups while managing the essence of the cocktail.

Thanks a bunch for sharing!

My birthday is on Dec 7 and sometimes the bars would have these on special as a “Pearl Harbor Day” special. Such good memories. Haven’t had one in years. Thanks for the idea!

Old Geezer says

“Back in the day”, this was the road beverage of choice. For simplicity, we we strayed from the the traditional 5:3:1 recipe and dumped a half gallon of vodka (cheapest available), a quart of Triple-sec and a pint of lime juice into a gallon milk jug, shake vigorously and serve liberally. Serves four.

Lucas padilla says

My ex girlfriend tell me,this cocktail is the best,i got a shot,and liked,from now i ask for kamikaze,very good .


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[…] Kamikaze Cocktail or Shot Recipe / Cookin’ Canuck […]

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  • #38 / 752 in Vodka Cocktails
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  • see all.
  • #56 / 287 in Lime Juice Cocktails
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  • #8 / 113 in Triple Sec Cocktails

3 Ingredients

  • 3 cl Vodka 3 cl Vodka 3 cl Vodka 30 ml Vodka 3 cl Vodka 1 oz Vodka
  • 3 cl Lime Juice 3 cl Lime Juice 3 cl Lime Juice 30 ml Lime Juice 3 cl Lime Juice 1 oz Lime Juice
  • 3 cl Triple Sec 3 cl Triple Sec 3 cl Triple Sec 30 ml Triple Sec 3 cl Triple Sec 1 oz Triple Sec
  • Original
  • cl
  • ml
  • oz

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Kamikaze cocktail great drink that is a one of the most popular shots.More cocktail drink recipes and videos at http://barbook.com/drink-recipes.">Kamikaze Cocktail Drink Recipe https://www.youtube.com/embed/AjOP6D9_mEE

A Kamikaze cocktail is one of the easiest to make and tastiest drinks ever, but it's easy to forget about because it's kind of an ancient drink. Drink it as a shot or as . ">How to Make a Kamikaze Cocktail https://www.youtube.com/embed/CtnDBv6FfAI

How to make a Kamikaze See full recipe: http://blog.cocktailkit.com.au/make-kamikaze-cocktail-recipe/ The Kamikaze is a vodka-based, sour cocktail.">Kamikaze Cocktail Recipe

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    Kamikaze cocktail

    Classic cocktails are the drinks that have stood the test of time. They are the blueprints on which all other cocktails are based.

    Signature cocktails are created by top-flight bartenders as well as the staff of Supercall. Some are seasonal, some are whimsical. All are designed to wow your guests with mixocological magic.

    Between the Classic cocktails you know and Signature drinks created by pros lie Standard Deviations: clever riffs on iconic recipes that'll expand your repertoire—without trying your patience.

    • top spirits

    Classic cocktails are the drinks that have stood the test of time. They are the blueprints on which all other cocktails are based.

    Signature cocktails are created by top-flight bartenders as well as the staff of Supercall. Some are seasonal, some are whimsical. All are designed to wow your guests with mixocological magic.

    Between the Classic cocktails you know and Signature drinks created by pros lie Standard Deviations: clever riffs on iconic recipes that'll expand your repertoire—without trying your patience.

    • top spirits

    In the 1970s, bars began catering to a new clientele: single.

    This collegiate shooter gets its name from the chemical reac.

    The Long Island Iced Tea’s azure cousin is the other.

    Whether mixologists want to admit it or not, the cocktail wo.

    Named for its explosive effect on a drinker’s state of sobriety, the Kamikaze was designed to get the party started—fast. A shooter made with equal part vodka, triple sec and lime juice, the shot goes down easy—no chaser required—so you can go from bar to dance floor in seconds flat (even quicker if you just decide to hop up and dance on the bartop).

    The Essentials


    • Combine all ingredients in a shaker.
    • Add ice and shake.
    • Strain into a shot glass and shoot.

    Substituting blue curaçao for triple sec makes a blue kamikaze, a colorful shooter worthy of a Blue Man Group afterparty.

    In the 1970s, bars began catering to a new clientele: single women. They crafted colorful, sugary "girly drinks" to attract women to the bar, hoping that the men would follow. One such bar was Henry Africa’s in San Francisco, where Norman Jay Hobday created the Lemon Drop Martini—a sweet-tart cocktail designed to taste like the namesake hard ca.

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    kamikaze cocktail

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