суббота, 27 января 2018 г.


Search result : 25 recipes with (licor 43)

11 rates

Carefully layer on top of each other to resemble the halloween candy. First the Licor 43, then the orange curacao, then .

17 rates

Shake and serve in a chilled old-fashioned glass.

56 rates

Pour Licor 43 into a shot glass. Layer cream slowly on top so that it resembles the 'head' on a beer.

12 rates

Pour ingredients into mixing cup filled with ice, shake and strain into glass.

15 rates

0 rates

Pour Licor 43 over ice in a cocktail shaker. Stir, add 42 Below vodka, and shake firmly until cold settles in. Pour doub.

4 rates

Shake with ice and strain into 2 shot glasses.

2 rates

Pour vodka and licor 43 over 2 - 3 ice cubes in a highball glass. Stir and fill with with root beer. Serve with a straw.

6 rates

Build over ice in a highball glass. Dust with nutmeg, and serve.

0 rates

Mix in a blender on low speed and serve in a chilled glass. Garnish with a cherry.

12 rates

Pour ingredients into an ice-filled highball glass, and serve.

15 rates

Pour over ice and stir to mix.

15 rates

Pour licor 43 over ice, shake and strain into a highball glass. Vary ingredients to taste.

1 rates

Pour licor 43 into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add absolut vodka, fill with milk, and mix.

3 rates

stir ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

0 rates

Shake well and use it as a shot.

5 rates

Put licor 43 and coffee into mug. Pour cream gently over the coffee, don't let them mix.

2 rates

stir, and strain into a cordial glass.

7 rates

Pour licor 43 and midori into a cocktail glass. Fill with milk, add ice, and serve.

1 rates

Layer in a shot glass.

6 rates

Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice.

6 rates

Pour chocolate milk into a large glass, and add the licor 43. Mix well, and serve cold.

0 rates

Add to an ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with a slice of seville orange speared with a cherry, and paper parasol.

4 rates

Pour the licor 43 into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with milk, and add a stirring pin.

1 rates

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass.

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Top 10 Cocktails

1001 Cocktails - Copyright © 1997-2017

The Fervent Shaker

So I wrote a post, way back at the beginning of my blogging life. Ever since then, it has gone from strength to strength. It has been, by far, my most viewed post (around 100-150 views ahead of my other posts – last count). So to celebrate I thought I’d put together my top ten (10) Licor 43 cocktails. There’s one rule: they’re all going to be summer cocktails. Of course they’ll be versatile, but primarily they’ll be superb for those chilled summer evenings…

Here’s a little tip before we start: Licor 43 (Cuarenta Y Tres) is a viscous, sweet, Orange & Vanilla* flavoured liqueur. Thus it can be substituted for other ‘similar’ liqueurs on the market. For example; the cocktail at no.8 shows Licor 43 replacing Cointreau, offering an alternative to those who are not fans of the famous French liqueur…

*Although Licor 43’s flavour is a combination of 43 different ingredients, the Orange and Vanilla flavours are arguably the most predominant.

Let’s Begin with a Brazilian Classic made the Spanish way;

Top up sparkling water

Served over crushed ice (build it, don’t shake it)

3m Midori (Melon Liqueur)

Top up fresh milk

6m Sweet & Sour Mix (lemon sugar syrup)

2m Fresh Orange Juice

1m Fresh Lime Juice

Top up Ginger Ale*

* I like to add a little splash of something at this point. Although Licor43 sugest the cocktail as is, I prefer a little fizz. Try adding either Soda water or ginger ale/beer (my personal preference).

5. The Power of Cuarenta Y Tres

1m fresh Lime juice

8m Fresh cranberry juice

4m Passion Fruit Nectar

1m Caramel syrup

1m Fresh Lime Juice

1m Southern Comfort

3m Cranberry Juice

Top up ginger ale

50ml ginger ale

Now, I’m trying to be different with this list, I have tried and tested many a cocktail (licor 43 or none) but one I keep coming back to is the Cuba Libre… This next cocktail is my number one for 2 reasons: It combines a fantastic classic cocktail (conveniently my favourite one) with one of the best liqueurs in the world. The flavours work wonders and the simplicity of the drink means anyone can enjoy one if they wish to…

A few drops of fresh lime juice

When I went to Almeria (Southern Spain – the regional home of Licor 43), as part of my University course, they didn’t need to suggest this liqueur to me… I asked for it. The look of approval from the staff member serving me said it all. I asked for a simple mixture: 43 & Pepsi.

It’s not only simple, but superbly refreshing. I let my Uni friends all try it, and they all went and ordered one. This cocktail is a testament to not only the quality of the liqueur, but also its growing market here in the U.K.

Top up Pepsi (original only)

for picture of most of these cocktails (so you know what they’re meant to look like please visit the cocktail section of licor 43: http://licor43.com/#/cocteles/)

Licor 43 Summer Cocktails: So I hope you enjoy this instalment! They are all fantastic cocktails, and all of them are perfect for the warm/british summer nights ahead. For the warmer nights, go for the fruitier/stonger drinks. For the ‘British Summer’ nights (aka Cold) go for the milky cocktails.

Review: Licor 43

Licor 43’s secret formula stretches back to 209 BC. The secret formula which uses only natural ingredients has remained intact through the ages. The name is derived from the 43 basic ingredients used in the secret formula. Licor 43 is the world’s leading Spanish vanilla citrus liqueur. It is “The Heart & Soul of Spain.”

Proof 62 / 31% alcohol

Suggested Retail Price: $24 to $30 / 750ml Bottle

Availability: 43 states nationwide and counting

Tasting Notes

Color: Beautiful gold.

Aroma: Light citrus, vanilla, extremely light touch of warm spice, but not spicy. Almost thought there might be possible hints of saffron, but if there is any saffron it is very faint.

Tasted Neat: Butterscotch, rich buttery toffee, lush, decadent, sweetened like honey without the sharp sugary edge. Lingering sweetness of juicy light flavored citrus. Faintest hint of floral.

Mouth Feel: Medium without venturing to the thick syrupy side.

Comparable Spirit: Closest I would say is Tuaca. Though Tuaca is a bit thinner, contains a bit of burn and tastes a bit more sugary. Tuaca doesn’t have a lot of burn, but Licor 43 doesn’t contain any burn in my opinion. The butterscotch / Toffee flavor in Tuaca is less rounded and lush than that of Licor 43.

Possible Uses, Pairings and / or Cocktails:

Terrific sipper on the rocks. Licor 43 claims it will mix with everything including juice, soda, coffee, milk and other spirits. While I can’t say “everything,” I’m not ruling anything out at the moment. It’s extremely mixable and terrific on its own. A few cocktails to sample:

Recipes courtesy Licor 43

Carajillo 43

1-1/2 ounce Licor 43

3 ounces Espresso

Pour ingredients in rocks glass over ice. Stir and serve.

1-1/2 ounce Licor 43

1 ounce Red Wine

1 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice

1 ounce Fresh Orange Juice

1 dash Classic Bitters

Orange & Apple Slices and Grapes Garnish

Combine liquids in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to blend. Strain into double old fashioned glass over fresh ice. Garnish with fruit.

43 Pineapple

1-1/4 ounce Licor 43

6 ounces Pineapple Juice

Orange Wheel Garnish

Build in highball glass over fresh ice. Garnish with orange wheel.

Another recipe to consider that is ideal for Super Bowl weekend, or any football / sports weekend for that matter is the Licor 43 Mini Beer . It’s almost as if the Mini Beer is Licor 43’s answer to the Baby Guinness shot.

Review sample courtesy representatives of Frank PR USA, representatives of Licor 43


Just found it on the shelf of the local (Thoughtful) liquor store …..bought on a whim…looking for something different….and it is…very different…not overly sweet…not overly thick…citrus caramel…not gigantically alchoholic……very nice….I haven’t even tried it as a mixer yet :)

I hope you enjoy it Jerry!

You are truly right, nothing takes me back to Spain like sitting on my back deck in San Antonio in 95+ degree weather with 43 poured over crushed ice, and I’m a beer guy. I spent 3 great years in the mid-90s stationed on the southern Atlantic coast of Spain. 43 found it’s way into every ‘Spanish’ cocktail on the Costa de Luz. I didn’t know it had made its way stateside. Can’t say how excited I got when I saw it on the shelf at a bistro in San Marcos TX last year, enough that we stopped on the way home just to buy a bottle at Specs.

I’ll take 43 with Coke over any other liquor.

I’m glad you found a bottle to enjoy, Guy. Cheers!

I hope you liked Rota and the country around. Greetings from a Gaditano.

I love this with milk. Pour it on a fancy glass with a citrus slice, it’s too decadent not to.

Results - Licor 43 cocktails

The Little Black Dress Toddy

1 ¼ tbsp Cocoa Powder

15 pods Cardamom pods">8 ingredients

1 tbsp Cinnamon

1 ½ oz Tequila Silver

¼ oz Cinnamon syrup">7 ingredients

Key Lime Pie Martini

2 oz Vanilla Vodka

1 oz Licor 43">4 ingredients

43 Mini Beer
Peninsular War

2 oz Licor 43">4 ingredients

2 parts Lemon Juice

2 parts Licor 43">4 ingredients

Spanish Margarita

2 parts Licor 43">3 ingredients

Barcelo Blazer

Dash Chocolate Bitters">3 ingredients

2 oz Rye Whiskey

½ oz Licor 43">5 ingredients

Vanilla Dreamsicle

1 ¼ oz Licor 43">4 ingredients

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    3 Drinks to Make with Licor 43, Spain’s Favorite Liqueur

    Screwdriver + Licor 43 = boozy Creamsicle in a glass.

    Sometimes, we come across an obscure liqueur little-known outside a single village in France or Italy. But other times, we find ourselves drawn to an ingredient that already has a devoted following. Though little-known in the States, Licor 43 is the most popular liqueur in its native Spain—and also quite prominent in Mexico and other Latin American nations.

    Named for the 43 ingredients that go into its production, Licor 43 (that’s cuarenta y tres, if you’re over in Spain) is made with fruits and a wide range of aromatic herbs and spices. It’s light and sweet, with vanilla far and away the strongest flavor, backed up by bright citrus and warm cinnamon. It’s easygoing and quite likable, making it a cinch to deploy in cocktails. Here are three of our favorites.

    Easy: 43 Screwdriver

    Licor 43’s citrus aspect is so prominent, we thought: This would be great in a Screwdriver. And orange and vanilla are an obvious pairing. This simple drink ends up tasting like a Creamsicle, except a good deal more sophisticated. Great for brunch.

    Instructions: In a tall glass, combine an ounce of vodka, an ounce of Licor 43, and three ounces of orange juice. Give a quick stir, then add ice. Garnish with three orange half-moons and a cinnamon stick.

    Intermediate: 43 & Coffee

    In Mexico, a drink called a carajillo is made by spiking espresso with booze—and Licor 43 is a popular choice. We’re taking that combination two steps further by adding tequila and spice. The liqueur’s sweet vanilla aspect balances out spicy jalapeño, while the tequila stiffens it up and the coffee adds a rich bitterness. If your energy’s ever flagging at a cocktail party, this thing will wake you up, no question.

    Instructions: In the bottom of a cocktail shaker, muddle (that is: smash up) 2 thin slices of jalapeño pepper, seeds included (a little less if you're new to the spicy drink game). Add an ounce of Licor 43, an ounce of blanco tequila, two ounces of cold brew coffee, and half an ounce of simple syrup. Shake all that up hard with ice, and then double strain (through the cocktail's own strainer and through a fine mesh strainer) into a rocks glass with fresh ice. Garnish with a few jalapeño slices.

    Advanced: 43 Flip

    With its warm spice and strong vanilla flavor, Licor 43 is an obvious choice for a flip—a rich, substantial cocktail with a whole egg. Think of eggnog, but without the cream, and you’ll have an idea. A good measure of bourbon amplifies the caramel-vanilla notes, and helps make this cocktail dangerously drinkable.

    Instructions: In a cocktail shaker without ice, combine two ounces of bourbon, an ounce of Licor 43, a half-ounce of simple syrup, and one whole egg. Shake all that up without ice to aerate it—that’s called a “dry shake”—and then add ice and shake again for a “wet shake,” to chill it down. Strain into a rocks glass, without ice. Garnish with grated nutmeg.

    Licor 43 Coconut Coffee Cocktail

    There are few things finer than weekend brunch. Last month, I had the most amazing coffee cocktail during my little trip to San Diego. A month later and I’m still thinking about that drink.

    I’m not one to just sit around and wait for that magical drink to appear again. Oh no, I’ve been mixing and concocting coffee cocktails every weekend since then. (Ask the boyfriend, he’s my designated test recipe taster.) After a handful of not so delicious failures, I think I’ve finally got myself a winner!

    Thanks to the addition of Licor 43, this Vanilla-Coconut Coffee Cocktail is my new brunch liquid of choice. Move on over, Mimosa and Bloody Mary, there’s a new brunch cocktail in town!

    Licor 43 Coconut Coffee Cocktail, makes 1 serving

    1/2 cup cold brew coffee

    pinch of ground cinnamon

    splash of agave syrup

    3/4 oz heavy cream

    1 1/2 Tbsp coconut cream

    cinnamon sugar mixture to rim cocktail glass (optional)

    1. Add ice cubes to cocktail shaker.

    2. Pour in 1/2 cup chilled cold brew coffee.

    3. Follow with 1 oz aged rum of choice.

    4. And 1 oz Licor 43.

    5. Add a pinch of ground cinnamon.

    6. Add 1 1/2 Tbsp coconut cream

    7. Pour 3/4 oz heavy cream and a splash of agave syrup.

    8. Cover cocktail shaker and shake, shake, shake.

    9. Lightly moisten the rim of cocktail glass and coat in cinnamon sugar. (optional)

    10. Pour out shaken cocktail. Add additional ice, if desired.

    The lovely folks at Licor 43 sent me a bottle to sample and test out cocktail recipes.

    What is Licor 43? It’s a tasty vanilla flavored Spanish liqueur. Supposedly its made up of 43 ingredients, hence the name. I haven’t tasted anything like it. It smells of warm vanilla and honey. I’ve tried drinking it neat, on the rocks (with ice), and mixed into cocktails. Needless to say, it is a fantastic addition to drinks.

    The boyfriend says, “If it were acceptable, I’d drink my coffee this way EVERY morning.” Unfortunately, it’s not (although, I share the same sentiment about this delicious and fabulous coffee concoction). This cocktail is meant for lazy Saturdays and Sundays when you can bum around and be merry. It reminds me of summer vacation with the sun shining on my face and my toes dug into the warm sand.

    Licor 43 Coconut Coffee Cocktail


    • 1/2 cup cold brew coffee
    • 1 oz rum
    • 1 oz Licor 43
    • pinch of ground cinnamon
    • splash of agave syrup
    • 3/4 oz heavy cream
    • 1 1/2 Tbsp coconut cream
    • ice, as needed
    • cinnamon sugar mixture to rim cocktail glass (optional)


    1. Add ice cubes to cocktail shaker.
    2. Pour in 1/2 cup chilled cold brew coffee.
    3. Follow with 1 oz aged rum of choice.
    4. And 1 oz Licor 43.
    5. Add a pinch of ground cinnamon.
    6. Add 1 1/2 Tbsp coconut cream
    7. Pour 3/4 oz heavy cream and a splash of agave syrup.
    8. Cover cocktail shaker and shake, shake, shake.
    9. Lightly moisten the rim of cocktail glass and coat in cinnamon sugar. (optional)
    10. Pour out shaken cocktail. Add additional ice, if desired.

    The Little Epicurean

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    Baker, cake maker, and cocktail shaker. I believe in celebrating the every day.

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    Mmmmmmm, must try!

    I hope you do try it, Diane! It’s sooooo good :)

    This was a fantastic tribute to an amazing cocktail. Bottomless coffee cocktails with my brunch buffet? You had my curiosity… but now you have my attention.

    Lol I have had your attention since the first day we met, Alex ;)

    Also, see to it that you follow the correct coffee beans and water proportion. Putting too much water and little coffee beans in the coffee maker will certainly yield a poor and “weak” brew. A general rule when brewing is to put 2 tablespoons of grounded coffee beans for every 6 ounces of water.

    Please, do you have a substitute for Licor 43?

    Because I cannot find this product where I’m living.

    Thank you so much

    Maryanne Cabrera

    Hi, Licor 43 is available for sale online. I’m sorry, I’m not aware of any substitutes.

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    All About Spanish Licor 43

    A Liqueur Made With 43 Ingredients, Including Herbs, Spices, and Vanilla

    Licor 43 is a sweet, vanilla-flavored liqueur that is produced in Spain by the Diego Zamora company.

    According to the producers, it is an ancient recipe, dating back to 200 B.C. The recipe was passed down from generation to generation until in 1924 it was purchased by Diego Zamora, along with a distillery in Cartagena, Murcia, Spain. Since then it has become a very popular drink in Spain.

    How It Is Made

    Licor 43 is made from 43 different ingredients, including vanilla, citrus, and other fruits, as well as aromatic herbs and spices, but the recipe and exact ingredients remain a secret.

    According to the company’s website, the liqueur is exported to more than 60 countries around the world and can be used to make a variety of cocktails.

    How Licor 43 Is Served

    It is served on ice as an after-dinner drink, mixed with coffee, colas, and other carbonated beverages, and incorporated into elaborate cocktails and dessert recipes.

    33 things we’ve learned about Licor 43*

    Licor 43 has been on our radar for a little while now but nipping over to its beautiful home in sunny Alicante taught us one or two more things, well 33 things actually, about the liqueur originally known as “Mirabilis” (see No 2)…

    1. When the Romans conquered the Mediterranen city of Quart Hadas in 209 BC they found many exotic liqueurs being produced, but one in particular stood out for its aroma of local herbs and plants.

    2. Such was the esteem in which the original liqueur was held it was called “Mirabelis” meaning “Marvellous” or “Miracle”.

    3. The original recipe was passed down through generation after generation.

    4. Licor 43 was first commercially produced in the early 20th

    century by Diego Zamora, his siblings Angel and Josefina, together with Josefina’s husband, in a small factory in Cartagena.

    5. It is still produced by the same family today.

    6. Licor 43 is made from a closely protected secret recipe which

    includes spices, herbs and fruits from all around the Mediterranean.

    7 Its original Spanish name is “ Cuarenta Y Tres” simply meaning “43”

    No. 7 Cuarenta Y Tres, or as it is known to us, Licor 43

    8. Its name comes from the fact the secret recipe is made up of, you guessed it, 43 ingredients.

    9. Careful maceration, blending and resting results in Licor 43’s

    distinctive golden glow.

    10. On the nose it has a seductive vanilla quality.

    11. Its texture is rather like that of premium honey.

    12. The taste has hints of chocolate, mint and rum.

    13. In 2012 Licor 43 moved to its new home – designed with an

    arresting ‘barcode’ of colours signifying the essence of the liqueur, including yellow for the sun and orange for the citrus ingredients.

    No 13 A “Barcode” of colours signify the Licor 43 story at its new distillery

    14. As well the distillery the new venue houses much more…

    15. Including a fully interactive museum complete with archive

    advertising (see above) and items from the original distillery…

    No 15 The office of Diago Zamora lovingly recreated in the museum

    16. An immersive senses room that creates moods with music, film and aromas…

    17. Beautiful landscaped gardens…

    18. And a bar that offers the range of unique Licor 43 serves.

    19. Licor 43 is a treat for the senses when savoured neat.

    20. It’s exquisite served over a little ice.

    21. Licor 43 is also very, very versatile:

    22. Add ice cubes to a balloon glass, fill with three parts ginger ale and pour in two parts of Licor 43 for an easy drinking Ginger 43…

    No 22 How to make a Ginger 43

    23. Combine two parts of Licor 43 with a cup of espresso in a rocks glass filled with ice for a Café 43…

    24. Mix one part Licor 43 with 3 parts ice-cold milk in a tall glass for a kind of grown-up milkshake called a Blanco 43…

    25. Mix one part Licor 43 with 2 parts ice-cold milk and one part

    passion fruit juice for a Blanco Maracuyá (trust us, it works)…

    26. Combine one part Licor 43 with three parts freshly-pressed

    orange juice over crushed ice and top up with one part Cava for Spanish Water (yes, we like that name too)…

    27. Three quarters fill a shot glass with Licor 43 and top with cream for a Mini 43 or, as they call it in The States, a Mini Beer, because, at just 50mm tall, it looks exactly like a mini, beer…

    No 27 The tiny drink with a big character, Mini 43, just 50mm tall

    28. In a heavy small glass layer three parts condensed milk, three parts coffee and finally one part Licor 43 for the drink particularly loved by the Alicante locals, the Asiático 43…

    29. Licor 43 also goes well with food…

    30. Poured over fresh fruit…

    31. Poured over ice cream…

    32. Poured over fresh fruit and ice cream, together…

    33. Licor 43 suits a sunny day in Alicante but makes a grey one in London feel like the aforementioned.

    * Why 33 facts and not 43? Well, we loved Alicante and we love Licor 43 so we might have to head back for a little more research.

    Licor 43 is available from all good drinks retailers

    Cuba Libre with Licor 43 Recipe

    • 5 mins
    • Prep: 5 mins,
    • Cook: 0 mins
    • Yield: 1 serving

    Lots of people enjoy a “Cuba libre” or rum and cola when they want a cocktail. What happens when you nix the rum and add a bit of a Spanish liqueur called Licor 43 to it? You add a little Spanish style to this tropical drink.

    Serve it to your friends and they’ll be asking what your secret is. And that's in the Licor 43, which has complex flavors that will turn your regular rum and coke upside down. The Licor 43 is a Spanish Liqueur that is made with 43 ingredients including herbs, spices, and vanilla.

    The history of the beverage started in the 1940s when the Licor 43 company wanted to recreate an ancient Roman recipe known as liquor mirabillis. It became a national brand around the 1970s and is now available in more than 50 countries across the globe.

    What You'll Need

    • Ice cubes to fill a 12 oz. glass
    • 1 ounce Licor 43
    • 1/2 ounce rum
    • 8 ounces cola soda
    • 1/2 ounce lemon juice
    • Garnish: lemon slice

    How to Make It

    1. Fill a 12 ounce glass with ice cubes.
    2. Add Licor 43 and rum to the glass.
    3. Fill the glass with cola.
    4. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice in glass.
    5. Stir to mix and garnish with lemon slice.

    Also known as Cuarenta Y, Licor 43 is derived from citrus and fruit juices as well. It has a yellow, goldish color and is 62 proof. First, you will probably taste the vanilla but then you'll enjoy the tangy fruit and sweet spices -- that also gives it a rum-like taste reminiscent of the rum and coke.

    Licor 43 is also known as liquid gold. It is the top liquor in Spain.

    Want to substitute Licor 43 into a cocktail if you do not have it on hand? Substitute a splash of vanilla syrup into the drink or use a golden rum that has vanilla notes to attain a similar flavor profile.

    A popular drink with Licor 43 in it is Otto's Grotto. This cold drink includes coffee, white rum, coffee liqueur such as Kaluha, Licor 43, and a splash of heavy cream. While coffee is the superstar here, the rum, coffee liqueur and Licor 43 all add extra flavor that makes it so unique.

    Simple Cocktails: recipes & reviews for home bartenders

    Enjoy a Drink!

    Licor 43 is a liqueur (sweetened liquor) from Spain that’s celebrating it’s 90th anniversary this year. It has a very good vanilla-and-spice flavor that makes this a very good choice for a liqueur in your home bar, since it goes well with lots of mixers, from vodka to rum, coffee, caramel, or even a rich, dark beer (like a stout).

    Here are some cocktails I tried with Licor 43, including their “Mini Beer” shot:

    • 1 1/2 oz Licor 43
    • 1 1/2 oz of vodka
    • build in a glass with a stir stick and serve on the rocks

    • Fill a mini beer mug (or shot glass) with Licor 43 and top with well-shaken heavy cream. Pour the cream slowly so it floats on top. I found that the longer you let the cream sit, the more it will separate to the top.

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