среда, 31 января 2018 г.



Nachdem wir uns letzte Woche alle ganz fleißig darüber echauffieren konnten, dass Frau Petry keinen Schießbefehl an der deutschen Grenze vorgeschlagen hat, legen heute anständige, demokratische Politiker nach und fordern einen Militäreinsatz im Mittelmeer, um den Flüchtlingsstrom zu unterbinden.

Da das sicher einer ganzen Menge arbeitsloser asozialer Linker (und asozialer Linker, die in Parlamenten sitzen) nicht schmecken wird, werden sich wahrscheinlich gerade ein paar Leute überlegen, irgendwas mit Molotow-Cocktails zu bewerfen. Das ist nun nicht einfach Benzin in eine Flasche, Tuch rein, anzünden, werfen; nein: Molotow-Cocktail bauen muss gekonnt sein!

Nun wundert es mich nicht, dass sowas auf linken Internetseiten steht; ist ja auch nicht so schlimm; was kann da schon passieren? Brennen halt ein paar Hunderte Autos. Gut, dass wir die eine rechte Internetseite zugemacht haben, so können die ganzen Neonazis jetzt nirgends mehr nachschauen, wie man Molotow-Cocktails baut, um sie in Flüchtlingsunterkünfte zu werfen. Man kann ja schlecht als ordentlicher Rechtsradikaler linksradikale Brandsätze bauen, nicht wahr?

Ich habe aber positive Nachrichten für alle Extremisten: Die Mainstream-Medien helfen! Die Süddeutsche und Spiegel online, beide verhältnismäßig wenig links, veröffentlichen heute übereinstimmend das Rezept für einen anständigen, rechtsradikalen Molotow-Cocktail:

Den Molotowcocktail aber haben die beiden Männer gebastelt, vor ihren Augen, ganz akkurat. Sie holten Sägespäne aus dem Keller, füllten sie in eine leere Flasche Branntwein, stopften mit einem Kugelschreiber nach und gossen Benzin und Öl drüber.

Ordentliche Linksradikale verwenden zum Nachstopfen (der Lunte) einen Schraubenzieher. Was mich aber wunderte, sind Sägespäne. Im linken Rezept steht eine Tube Pattex flüssig, mit Begründung: Pappt dann besser. Dafür ist auch das Öl da; ist dann nicht so flüssig wie reines Benzin. Man möchte ja gezielt was bestimmtes anzünden, da nützt es nichts, wenn das zu sehr rumspritzt. Nun haben die drei Trolos Heiz- statt Motoröl genommen, was natürlich doof ist, denn das ist auch dünnflüssig. Und wohlgemerkt in einer leeren Schnappsflasche, die dann nicht zerbrach. Hätten sie mal bei den Linken nachgelesen; die empfehlen explizit “0,5 l Kakaoflaschen mit Schraubverschluss bzw. 0,33 l Selterflaschen, weil 0,33 l Flaschen weiter geworfen werden können”. Zudem zerbrechen die wohl zuverlässig.

Was aber ist nun mit den Sägespänen? Die erzeugen Rauch. Das ist natürlich bei einem Anschlag auf Autos weitestgehend nutzlos, aber im Antipersoneneinsatz durchaus ein interessanter Punkt: Es brennt nicht nur, man sieht auch nichts mehr. Von Rauchvergiftung gar nicht zu sprechen. Der Kleber ist aber per se keine schlechte Idee; Aluminiumseife beizumischen ist aber besser; dann hat man quasi Napalm.

Gut, dass es im Internet jetzt keine Stelle mehr gibt, wo man solch menschen- und eigentumsverachtenden und ausschließlich für kriminelle Zwecke nutzbaren Informationen mehr finden kann.

Molotov cocktail bauen

Just Survive

. Current versions follow.

  • 10x Scrap of Cloth Fetzen Stoff

  • 4x Metal Bracket Metallhalterung

A small collection of gun casings, gunpowder, and primers. A workbench and hammer are required to turn them into bullets.

*** Only Takes One Type of Ammo ***-------

Eine kleine Sammlung von Pistolenhülsen, Schießpulver und Zündvorrichtungen. Ein Arbeitstisch und Hammer sind erforderlich, sie in Kugeln zu verwandeln. *** Nimmt nur einen Typ der Munition ***

This .223 Round is used in an AR15.

This .380 round is used with R380 semi-automatic pistols.

This .308 round is used in Hunting Riffles.

This .45 round is used in a M1911A

This 9mm round is used in a M9 pistol.

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 3 Metal Bracke (Metalhalterung)

  • 2 Scrap of Cloth (Fetzen Stoff)
Gauze can be used to to gain a small amount of health and to stop bleeding.
  • 16 Metal Shard (Metallsplitter)

  • 8 Scrap Metal (Schrott)

  • 20 Wood Plank (Holz Planken; Bretter)

  • 5 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 1 Bear Steak (Bären Steak)

  • 1 Bear Meat (Bären Fleisch)
Consuming this meat will replenish all of your energy.

  • 4x Metal Bracket Metallhalterung

This bee box will produce honeycomb. If empty bottles are placed inside, the honey will drain into them and wax can be collected.

  • 1 Animal Fat (Tierfett)
This is enough biofuel to fill up a quarter of a tank.
  • 5 Blackberry (Brombeer)

  • 1 Scrap of Cloth (Fetzen Stoff)

After being lit this will burn for about an hour before burning out.

  • 2 Wood Log (Holz Stämme)
This campfire can be used to cook food or light an area. It can be set on fire by hitting it with a torch or igniting it with a lighter.
  • 1 Ground Coffee (Gemahlener Kaffee)

  • 1 Coffee (Kaffee)

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 1 Rabbit Meat (Kaninchen Fleisch)

  • 4 Wood Log (Holzstämme)

  • 1 Venison (Wildfleisch)

Bandages can be used to regain a small amount of health and to stop bleeding. These bandages have honey applied to them which is known to have beneficial effects that accelerate healing.

  • 1 Pipe (Rohr)
This hammer can be used to demolish structures that you own. Each swing will do massive damage destroy to destroy structures. Large structures may take a few hits to demolish.
  • 1 Deer Steak (Hirsch Steak)

  • 1 Deer Bladder (Hirsch Blase)

  • 1 Venison (Wildfleisch)
Consuming this meat will replenish a great deal of energy.
  • 4 Wood Plank (Holz Planken; Bretter)

  • 1 Yeast (Hefe)

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 1 Bandage (Bandage)

  • 1 Fertilizer (Dünger)

  • ? Wheat (Weizen)
Flour can be used to create survival bread and other recipes.
  • 1 Backpack Frame (Rucksack Rahmen)

  • 1 Metal Bracket (Metallhalterung)

  • ? Trout (Forelle)
This is trout and it is grilled.
  • Nails (Äste)

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

Gun parts can be used to create gun repair kits.

This can be used to repair damaged guns.

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 1 Metal Shard (Metallsplitter)

  • 1 Scrap of Cloth (Fetzen Stoff)

  • 1 Punji Sticks (Punji-Stöcke)
This trap will attempt to impale an intruder with a sharp spike.
  • 1 Metal Shard (Metallsplitter)

  • 1 Metal Shard (Metallsplitter)

  • 4 Metal Bracket (Metallhalterung)

  • 2 Wood Plank (Holzbretter)

  • 1 Scrap of Cloth (Fetzen Stoff)

  • 1 Wood Stick (Äste)

  • 1 Scrap Metal (Schrott)
This can be used to make tools, weapons, and construction materials.
  • 1 Scrap Metal (Schrott)
These brackets can be used in building structures.
  • 2 Metal Bracket (Metallhalterung)

  • 1 Metal Bracket (Metallhalterung)

  • 1 Scrap Metal (Schrott)
This can be used in crafting.
  • 6 Metal Sheet (Metallplatte)

  • 2 Metal Bar (Metallbarren)
Metal sheets can be used to make pipes for guns or blades for melee weapons.
  • 2 Metal Sheet (Metallplatte)

  • 1 Empty Bottle (Leere Flasche)

  • 1 Metal Shard (Metallsplitter)
Nails can be used in constructing wood structures.
  • 2 Metal Sheet (Metalplatten)
Metal pipes can be used to create barrels for a variety of guns.
  • 8 Wood Stick (Äste)
These sharpened sticks will damage whatever walks over them.
  • 1 Dirty Water (Schmutzwasser)
This purified water is safe to drink and provides a good deal of hydration. This is the only water safe enough to cook with.
  • ? Cooked Rabbit (Gekochtes Kaninchen)

  • 1 Purified Water (Gereinigtes Wasser)

  • 1 Battery (Batterie)

  • ? Corn (Mais)
Consuming this will replenish a good deal of energy.
  • 1 Purified Water (Gereinigtes Wasser)

  • 6 Scrap of Cloth (Fetzen Stoff)
This small satchel is worn on the back and will hold a few items.
  • 16 Nail (Nägel)

  • 8 Nail (Nägel)

  • 4 Wood Plank (Holzbretter)

  • 1 Fertilizer (Dünger)

  • 1 Metal Shard (Metalsplitter)

  • 4 Wood Plank (Holzbretter)

  • 4 Metal bracket (Metalhalterung)

  • 2 Wood Plank (Holzbretter)

  • 1 Purified Water (Gereinigtes Wasser)

  • ? Flour (Mehl)

  • 1 Packet of Sugar (Päckchen Zucker)

  • 10x Scrap of Cloth Fetzen Stoff

This item can be placed on the ground and rested on if you are tired. The tarp lining on the bottom will keep out moisture.

FBI offers $5,000 reward after bacon found at Vegas mosque

(Masjid Tawheed via Fox 5)

The FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for information that helps them find the person who put raw bacon on the door handles of a Las Vegas mosque.

The FBI said in a statement Wednesday that agents are trying to find the man seen in a surveillance video putting the meat on the entrances of the Masjid-e-Tawheed mosque. Authorities call it a desecration of the Islamic worship center.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, prohibits Muslims from eating pork, and pigs have been used to taunt or offend Muslims.

Both the FBI and Las Vegas police say they're investigating the case as a possible hate crime.

Las Vegas police spokesman Larry Hadfield said the bacon was wrapped on the door knobs, and was also found on the ground and fences.

Officials at the mosque couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

The FBI said the incident happened about 3:15 a.m. Dec. 27. The culprit is described as a white man wearing a dark blue hat, jacket and black-framed glasses. He had black or dark brown hair with long, thin sideburns.

The site west of the Las Vegas Strip wasn't damaged, and no one was hurt. The mosque was empty at the time, and the case was reported by members who came to worship later that morning.

Several threatening incidents at mosques have been reported in recent weeks. A Molotov cocktail went off at an Islamic center in Tracy, California, days ago, and a severed pig's head was found outside a Philadelphia worship site earlier this month.



This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ©2017 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved. All market data delayed 20 minutes.


Explosives are special weapons that deal a large amount of damage. All explosive weapons will damage every unit inside the explosion radius, including the user. This also includes other players on the server, even if they are not engaged in PvP.

The explosives that can be crafted are the Sticky Bomb, Sticky Grenade and the Explosives block; the others can only be purchased from the Demolitionist. Bombs are frequently found inside pots underground while Dynamite can be found in some chests.

At least one type of explosive needs to be obtained before the Demolitionist NPC is able to appear.

Dying from an explosive will cause a player to spawn with max HP and without any loss of money. This is intentional.

Dynamite and 'Explosives' Are able to destroy almost all blocks (the indestructible blocks being Adamantite Ore, Mythril Ore, Cobalt Ore, Pink Brick, Blue Brick, Green Brick, which also cannot be destroyed on the Console Ports). Spikes can also be destroyed with explosives. Additionally, all walls can be destroyed.

Explosives Break Down

Comparison of the damage caused by different kinds of explosive items.

PC Gamer

Rise of the Tomb Raider review

Our Verdict

A little too streamlined in places, but Rise of the Tomb Raider does a lot to improve upon its predecessor.


What is it: The second action adventure outing for the rebooted Lara Croft.

Developer: Crystal Dynamics

Reviewed on: Windows 10, 8GB RAM, i5-3570k, GeForce GTX 970

The opening minutes of Rise of the Tomb Raider had me worried. It starts with Lara trudging slowly through the snow, my only requirement being to hold W as the game plays itself around me. All of sudden, I'm having flashbacks to 2013's Tomb Raider reboot and its interminable, set-piece heavy introduction. At one point during a cutscene laden climbing tutorial, I miss a prompt, fall and die. Redoing the section, I hit the prompt, climb a few feet higher, and watch another cutscene in which Lara falls but is fine. Here we go again? Actually, no.

The opener is frustrating, but over quickly. From then on, Rise of the Tomb Raider sticks to a mostly consistent level of interactivity. There's still plenty of set-piece spectacle, but these pace-breaking action segments trust you to read the visual clues of the environment and react using the appropriate controls. There's a level of artifice to these sequences, but they operate within the framework of established interactions. This is emblematic of RotTR as a whole. It's not that Tomb Raider's missteps have been eradicated, but they've been dramatically reduced. There are fewer slow-mo QTE sequences, fewer awkward conversations, fewer by-the-numbers miniboss fights. They're all still there, but take up significantly less of 15-or-so hour running time.

Lara's latest adventure opens in Siberia, and—aside from an early sojourn in Syria—that's where it stays. Lara is on the hunt for the Divine Source, an artifact that her father had obsessed over before his death. There's an important difference in the plots of RotTR and its predecessor. Here, Lara has initiated her quest. While things quickly spiral out of control, particularly after the appearance of militaristic cult Trinity, she's no longer an unwilling participant in events.

That's crucial to how the game treats Lara. In Tomb Raider, she was frequently battered, bruised and impaled—and that's just if you were playing well. In RotTR, Lara can fall foul to a number of fatal traps, but in regular play she no longer feels like a victim of her environment. That's not to say the story isn't clumsy in places. There are times when the it all goes a little bit Avatar. Lara stumbles across a tribe called the Remnant, and—despite their having lived in this Siberian wilderness for generations—she quickly proves to be the best at hunting, climbing and gunning down an entire army.

Other elements of the story work much better. This is still Lara's origin, but, while she hasn't yet embraced her role as a globetrotting murderess, she is at least more accepting of it. There's a resolve that didn't exist before, and that means there's no clumsy disconnect between the story of a woman traumatised by her actions and the gleeful feeling of killing off a camp full of bad guys. It's just as well, because the combat remains highly enjoyable. Rise of the Tomb Raider—like its predecessor—deftly blends stealth and action. Most enemies begin unaware of Lara's presence, giving you the scope to creep through bushes and behind cover. With patience, and by chucking around objects to provide distractions, it's possible to systematically and silently clear out most enemy patrols. Often, it's more fun to take out a couple of guys and then choose to initiate a firefight.

Lara has access to a small selection of weapon types—pistol, rifle and shotgun—with a variety of styles available in each category. Most feel good to fire, the panicked inaccuracy of the automatic rifle being the only real exception. Pistols feel lightweight and clinical, while the pump-action shotgun is a chunky and gratifyingly deadly option. Once again, though, the bow is star of the show. Having to draw back and charge shots provides a nice rhythm to the combat, especially in conjunction with some of the skill upgrades available as Lara levels up. I especially enjoy the feel of the rapid fire skills, which let you instantly fire off fully charged follow up arrows after your initial shot. Aimed correctly, and you can down even heavily armed guards with a single salvo.

New for this outing is Lara's ability to craft combat tools on-the-fly. Arrows and special ammo can be created at any point, but you can also make use of things found around enemy camps. A bottle can be turned into a molotov cocktail; an empty can an IED. Doing so costs resources found out in the world, but I was never so low on them that I was unable to set light to a clustered group of soldiers. You craft combat tools by holding the middle-mouse button, thus keeping your keyboard hand free to control Lara's movements. As a result, scrabbling between cover while grabbing and arming a can is a frictionless process. It gives combat a welcome feeling of fluidity.

The presentation does a lot of the heavy lifting. Scaling giant buildings or huge cliff faces still feels risky, even as the interactions involved are slim.

When you're not fighting for your life—be it against soldiers or the crumbling ruins of an action set piece—you're exploring one of a handful of large, open hub areas. These are sprawling, intricate environments, and, for the most part, you can leisurely pick through them—the only distractions coming from the occasional wolf, bear or big cat that's taken a disliking to your continued existence. Platforming in Rise of the Tomb Raider follows a standard set of interactions, thrown together in a variety of combinations. Jump, swing, grab, attach—each action requiring a specific button press. It's a simple, streamlined system, and with the correct taps of space, E and F, you'll seldom run into any problems. It's a shame there's not more danger, but the presentation does a lot of the heavy lifting. Scaling giant buildings or huge cliff faces still feels risky, even as the interactions involved are slim.


Graphics options: Lots, including a range of AA and anisotropic filter settings, as well as customisable texture quality, shadow quality, ambient occlusion, depth of field, tessellation, screen space reflections, dynamic foliage, bloom, motion blur, lens flair, and, most importantly, PureHair.

Each area is packed with things to find, and the rewards for hunting out collectibles often makes their presence worthwhile. Ancient documents fill out the story of the region, and level up your proficiency in one of the three languages you'll encounter. With a high enough language level, Lara can decode monoliths that mark down the location of coin caches on the map. Collect enough coins, and you can purchase special upgrades. Elsewhere, you'll find optional challenge tombs that boast some of the game's most intricate puzzle design. Each is short, but they repurpose some of the standard interactions in new and interesting ways. They're always worth seeking out, not least because they reward useful new skills.

If there's a downside to the game's exploration, it's that—as in Tomb Raider before it—collectibles feel like the end goal rather than a bonus along the way. The route Lara must take through an area is rarely in question, especially when you're only ever a button press away from Survival Instinct—an optional view mode that highlights your next objective, any pertinent puzzle pieces, and any resources or collectibles for Lara to snaffle up. I miss the puzzle aspect of pre-reboot Tomb Raider games, where tombs felt like cavernous brain teasers. Lara visits plenty of ruins on this adventure, but all of them are solved through familiar and comfortable interactions. With only a few notable exception, surprise comes through spectacle rather than design.

Outside of the campaign, you'll find Expeditions—a series of custom score attack modes that let you apply modifying cards to alter the challenge. Some card packs are earned for tasks completed in the campaign, and others can be purchased with points gained by playing Expeditions mode challenges. There's also the option to spend real money on card packs, which seems overkill given how frivolous the mode seems. Nevertheless, there are plenty of fun mutators that can be stacked to create unexpected combat encounters. It's also possible to play custom challenges created by other players, or create and upload your own.

In many ways, Rise of the Tomb Raider is peak sequel design: an incredible similar game with a set of expanded and additional systems. But RotTR is also better because it lets you spend more time engaging with those systems. While it doesn't fully eradicate the missteps around the edges of interactivity, it does let you spend longer enjoying the core action and exploration. As a result, it's an incredibly competent action platformer.

The Verdict

Rise of the Tomb Raider

A little too streamlined in places, but Rise of the Tomb Raider does a lot to improve upon its predecessor.


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Brain of Cthulhu

Brain of Cthulhu 266

First Form

(with Creepers)

(with Creepers)

Second Form



Summoned By


It is the second body part of Cthulhu to be put in the game, the first one being the Eye of Cthulhu.

It has two phases. In the first phase, it teleports around the player's vicinity, surrounded by eye-like enemies called Creepers, which randomly charge directly at the player. The Brain is completely invulnerable during this stage. Once all of the Creepers are gone, the front of the brain opens up, revealing a heart with an eye on it, as it enters stage two. The Brain's attack and speed dramatically increase at this point. Once all of the 1000 have been exhausted, the Brain is defeated.

Note, the Brain can move through large blocks with ease and is quite large. If you are inside the small heart room (like to pick up the item said heart drops), the brain will spawn above you and trap you in the small enclosure. The brain will teleport down into the small room (even if the room is half its size) and can kill you very quickly. It might be a good idea to drop a bomb to blow up the third heart, then run to a clear open space to prevent getting trapped; at the very least, make sure you have your grappling hook ready or set up some platforms to quickly retreat to the main cavity. You'll need the extra room.

One interesting thing to note about the Brain is that it is the only boss in the game that does suffer from knockback during the second stage of the fight. Hitting it repeatedly will prevent it from reaching the player.

like the Eater of Worlds, the Brain of Cthulhu or his creepers will flee when out of the Crimson.(if not nearby 500 crimstone blocks)


On its first form, the Brain of Cthulhu appears to be a giant brain with a small bit of a spine on the bottom with four tentacle-like nerves sprouting from the brain. On it's second form the Brain of Cthulhu has the front of the brain gone, showing a heart with an eye in it. Coincidentally, the heart in the Brain of Cthulhu looks like the Pulsing Hearts you need to break to summon it and the eye in the heart looks similar to the Creeper minions it has.

Crimson hearts are floating red hearts found deep in the branches of the Crimson. A world with crimson features several different Crimson hearts and the items they possess are a crucial part to defeating the brain of Cthulhu. The rotted fork is a spear that drops from the Crimson heart, its useful against the Brain of Cthulhu with range, being long it can attack the boss from a safe distance.

A good idea is to make sure you spawn the Brain of Cthulhu in a spacious area, if needed destroy some of the blocks around you to create more space or find a spacious place in the cave you are in. You can also fill this spacious area with platforms to grapple onto, its also a wise idea to put campfires on the platforms giving you the buff 'Slight increase in regeneration'.

If you have fought plantera before you can use the same technique you used to defeat him.


If you have a world with The Crimson, you should probably already have The Undertaker by the time you face him (breaking the Pulsating Hearts gets you this weapon, and it always drops from the first Heart you break). Stock up on bullets at least two hundred, to be safe.

If you have enough coins, the Minishark is also a wise investment, as it takes care of the Creepers fairly easily and during the 2nd phase of the battle, the knockback is enough to keep the Brain at a fair distance from you. Remember that the Minishark has a 33% chance not to consume ammo, so at least 800 bullets will do nicely.

If you have gone fishing in the Ocean, using the Sawtooth Shark will destroy him. Neither he nor the Creepers can even touch you, thanks to decent knockback and ability to be held down.

A magic weapon is extremely useful here, if not entirely necessary. You'll need to gather fallen stars to increase your maximum mana to around 100 or more before rushing into the battle. You'll also need silver armor (or equivalent) or better.

To make a good early magic weapon, hunt for 8 Gems of a single type and make yourself one of the staves (Topaz Staff, etc.; see Spells), depending on what metals are available in your world -- get the best one you can easily manage. This is the best weapon to use against the Brain at this stage of the game, due to it being able to pierce enemies and its low mana cost.

If you have broken a Pulsating Heart, chances are that a meteorite has landed in your world. Get the Space Gun with Meteorite Armor. As it will technically have unlimited ammo, can pierce and is extremely fast the Space Gun will effectively destroy the Creepers.

Build row upon row of platform in the large underground cavern in the Crimson. The staff and gun will help you fend off critters the happen across you while you're building. It will take 3-4 stacks of wood platforms to fill the space. Make them as far apart as you can reach without jumping; this ensures they're just close enough to reach with a single normal jump. You can place a platform every 2 blocks to save having to use more wood than necessary.

Due to it's powerful knockback, spread of fire and being relatively easy to create, the Molotov Cocktail can be devastating against both the brain and the creepers, especially when one remains unharmed against the flames caused by the weapon. Around 20 of them will do.

Swiftness Potions are useful in the battle as the extra speed will help you traverse the Platforms in the arena easily. Rocket Boots are good as well, and can be bought from the Goblin Tinkerer for only 5  .

The Battle

Summon the boss either with the Bloody Spine or breaking Hearts with Bombs or a Pickaxe, so that you do not get trapped inside the Heart's cave by the Brain when it appears. Using a grappling hook to get out may also work but use bombs to be safe.

At the beginning, the Creepers will rush at you at first, simply avoid them and look for the main body of the boss. The Creepers always flock to wherever the boss teleports, so the easiest way to take them out is to aim straight at the main boss the whole time. This will also prevent Creepers from attacking you for the most part, as you're firing where most of them are and taking out more of them than you would be if you only attacked the ones that came close.

Blood Crawlers and Crimera will come at you occasionally, but they cannot go down through the platforms. Use this to trap them and kill them without getting in harm's way. Prior to defeating the WoF, none of the enemies here have ranged attacks, so you need only avoid running straight into them. As long as you're a few levels up on the platforms, the Face Monsters aren't any danger either. Just be wary that Blood Crawlers can climb on walls, and that if any spawn below you, they can easily make things harder. A good way to avoid this situation is to put solid blocks right under the lowest platform layers. This can also be ensured to catch any falling loot that go through the platforms.

Keep an uninterrupted barrage of magic and/or bullets between yourself and the main body of the Brain the whole time, and keep on the move so that he doesn't teleport directly on top of you. When you're out of mana, switch to the gun and just keep shooting until your mana recharges. You'll catch all the Creepers and most likely any other stray Crimson monsters in the crossfire.

When all the Creeper minions are dead and he's vulnerable, continue shooting him and keep moving. He is affected by knockback, and the knockback is the only thing preventing him outpacing you. The platforms give you sufficient mobility to evade him 80% of the time, so use them. Always switch back to the staff when your mana's fully recharged, because staffs tend to do more damage than the gun, and they can also hit multiple times with a single bolt if your aim's fairly decent. Although the projectile is slower than bullets, by this stage the Brain keeps quite close, so aim should not be a problem.

The platforms should catch most (if not all) of the Creepers' drops; wait until the boss is dead before you try to collect them all, to be on the safe side.

Another method is to set your spawn next the place at which you summon him and in the Crimson, because he teleports to you as long as you are within some distance of him and in crimson he will teleport to you. Let him kill you and then when you respawn he will teleport to you attack him or his creepers whichever stage he is on with your max DPS weapon. Once he dies, gather the drops and done, no potions necessary.

Farming the Brain of Cthulhu is great because it drops around 5  every time you kill it, and the item drops are worth around 18  (please check), which means more than 20  each time you kill the Brain. A good strategy for farming the Brain after you get the Bee Gun is to continuously use the gun. Around 400 is all that is needed to demolish all of the Creepers and you probably won't need any Mana Potions or a Mana Flower as you can collect mana from the Creepers when they die. In the second stage, a Sunfury with armor penetration (available from the Sharpening Station) will kill the Brain in under 20 seconds. They are also a good source of Crimtane Ore and Tissue, meaning that it is possible to skip over the Eye of Cthulhu if you are looking for these materials, especially since the Eye despawns if the player dies, and the Brain does only if you get too far away.


"Press B to open the crafting menu"

Crafting or building items is a fundamental feature in Project Zomboid. Anything from weapons, food, traps, or simply a plank of wood nailed to a door, can be created to help one's character stay alive longer. Virtually hundreds of such items will be available to the player. Using the crafting panel found at the bottom of the inventory, one can combine or dismantle items found anywhere in the gaming environment to craft newer and more useful items. As a player character's various crafting skills increase, or more useful tools and equipment for crafting are made available, one will be awarded access to more complicated crafting recipes.

Weapons As with most zombie video games, weapons are an integral asset dictating one's very survival. Project Zomboid additionally grants the player the capability of crafting a customized arsenal of zombie destroying mayhem.

Each weapon has a range of characteristics. Melee weapons, for example, will have differing ranges, swing arcs, min/max damage thresholds, weights, and resistances. These characteristics differ one's weapon choice wildly in application and effectiveness. A Hammer, though cumbersome and awkward, may be great idea for crushing the head of one zombie, however, this may prove ineffective against a larger group of masticating enemies. A baseball bat, on the other hand, is much lighter and quite effective at keeping zombies at bay, for a time.

By combining some weapons, such as the bat, with other items, you can alter its attributes. Hammering nine-inch nails through a baseball bat will increase its damage potential, but will reduce its ability to knock back zombies. Where as using a hacksaw on a shotgun’s barrel will improve its close-range capabilities, lower its weight, but will reduce its range. Below is a list of the current craftable items, modifications, and its requirements:

  • Makes a Wooden Plank a more deadly weapon
  • Throwable bottle on impact creates fire.
  • A more powerful version of the Baseball Bat.
  • Sawed-Off Shotgun has a greater damage area than that of the standard Shotgun.

Food Edit

While you can always eat cold raw food at a pinch, health, morale and a sense of normality are important when the undead are shuffling outside your door. In Project Zomboid, you can use your crafting skills to create a culinary treat to help keep up the spirits of you and your companions, which may help avoid any inconvenient mental collapses.You can press "B" and press "Food" and then you can carft the food like sandwich,hamburgur..etc..

Defensive Obstacles Edit

Some planks of wood and a few nails could be the thin line between safety and being zombie food. Pushing furniture against the door may give you the additional time you need to jump out the bathroom window and leg it to safety.

Acts the same as any other door, but can be placed in desired location

Furniture Edit

There are craftable items in game that can aid in your survival but arent necessarily defensive but either offer an extra point of survivability or comfort.

Bastelanleitung: Molotow-Cocktails kinderleicht selber bauen

Hach, wie süß: Die tunesische Kinderzeitschrift Regenbogen hat eine Rubrik namens Garten des Wissens - und veröffentlichte dort eine Anleitung zum Bauen von Molotow-Cocktails. Kindgerecht ist das nicht, deshalb klagte ein Ministerium wegen der Terrorismus-Gefahr, die vom Artikel ausgehe.

Tunesische Kinderzeitschriften gehen offenbar härter ran, als ihr Name vermuten lässt. Eine Illustrierte mit dem niedlichen Namen Kaws Kouzah, zu deutsch Regenbogen, hat eine Rubrik namens Garten des Wissens, in der Kinder Fakten vermittelt bekommen sollen. Wie Spiegel Online berichtet, hat sich der Regenbogen in seiner September-Ausgabe die Molotow-Cocktails vorgenommen und eine Anleitung zum Nachbauen für kleine Tunesier abgedruckt.

Neben der bunten Zeichnung einer brennenden Flasche beschreibt das Magazin, woraus der Molotow-Coktail besteht. «Der Molotow-Cocktail ist eine selbstgemachte Brandwaffe, die aus einer Glasflasche und einem gefalteten Tuch besteht, das mit einer entflammbaren Flüssigkeit getränkt ist - Öl, Alkohol oder Petroleum.» Anschließend erklären die Macher des Magazins ihren kleinen Lesern, wie solch ein Molotow-Cocktail funktioniert: «Die brennende Flasche wird anschließend gegen ein bestimmtes Ziel geschleudert, sie zerbricht und setzt es in Brand.»

Nun wurde das Magazin vom tunesischen Frauen- und Familienministerium verklagt. Der Artikel, so die Begründung des Ministeriums, gefährde nicht nur das Leben von Kindern, sondern stifte zum «Gebrauch von Brandsätzen bei zerstörerischen oder terroristischen Akten» an.

Wollen Sie wissen, wie das Thema weitergeht? Wir informieren Sie gerne.

Insurgency ACE

Insurgency is "some 'Blackhawk Down' shit" - a molotov cocktail of fast-paced, nail-biting, brutal street-fighting and leisurely long-range war-mongering with mixed Co-Op and PVP gameplay. When OPFOR units are killed, some will drop silver briefcases. Every briefcase that is collected by BLUFOR reveals another map clue showing the rough distance to an ammo cache. BLUFOR then need to locate and destroy these ammo caches with a satchel or other explosives. BLUFOR units spawn at base or off of their team-members whereas human OPFOR can jump into different OPFOR AI units. OPFOR's objective is to prevent BLUFOR from achieving theirs. More mission instructions available in the in-game Notes.

- Takistan map with US Army

- More difficult, brutal, and realistic gameplay - Harden up son!

- M18A1 anti-personnel claymore mines, C4 explosives, tripwire and command-detonated buryable IED's

- Realistic wind-deflection and Kestrel wind-meters, Blufor sniper rifles and spotting scopes

- Variety of ACE weapons and gear actually used by U.S. forces

- Flash-bang stun grenades that can temporarily distract and disorient enemy

- Human Opfor can jump into AI Opfor armour

- Lots of great automatic ACE features

- BE ADVISED: This mission is intended for Expert or higher difficulty settings and editing choices are made with this in mind.

- BE ADVISED: ACE Wounding is not yet in effect, to maximise compatibility with existing Insurgency code. I hope to change this in future.

Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions folder.

* Known Issue: Loadout tool does not allow you to pack individual items into your actual ACE ruck and Save those pack choices or view IFAK (Improved First Aid Kit). However, the ACE rucks themselves and any other gear you choose will be saved. Outside of the Loadout screen these all function as per usual and your Blufor IFAK is pre-loaded with Saved medical supplies.

* Known Issue: Seems that if AI Difficulty is set to 9 or 10 in Mission Parameters that some AI Opfor may ignore Blufor units. Will continue to confirm/investigate this. In the mean-time, perhaps leave difficulty at 8 (I have set this as Default).

This ACE edit by Swedge www.swedgey.com with support from AEF CTB. Mission by pogoman, revised and further developed by Fireball at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/insurgency/

Huge thanks to Fireball for all his great work. Please continue to support, promote, and submit bug/feature tickets for Fireball's Insurgency.

The patrolling AI vehicles use Kronzy's fantastic Urban Patrol Script (UPS).

The gear respawn dialog is a heavily modified version of the one used in Warfare - Benny edition

* Changed: Humvee's replaced with replaced with M1114 CROWS versions (Common Remotely Operated Weapon System). In the gunner seat, press the + key on the numpad 3 or 4 times to access thermals.

* Changed: Opfor armour replaced with weapon-mounted Pickups and Offroads

* Added: M224 60mm mortars and baseplates. Mortars and baseplates can be saved from the loadout but not the mortar rounds. Each HumV has some non-respawnable mortar rounds in their cargo. At the deployed HQ next to the field hospital is a mortar pit and ordnance box containing mortar equipment and mortar rounds. Those mortar rounds respawn every 5 minutes (Cheers Delta). Artillery computer is turned off, you will need to use T and E adjustments and range tables.

* Added: 7 empty non-respawn civilian vehicles (Yamaha, Pickup, Lada) placed at gas stations throughout Takistan

* Removed: Fireteam limits on some weapons.

* Fixed: Drag exploit with some items

* Changed: Mission parameter option for 'Enable Insurgency Markers' set to True as default

* Changed: Default date changed to provide several moonlit nights

* Added: To HumV gear loadouts - Rangefinder batteries, Claymores, flashbangs

* Added: Rangefinder batteries now added to Loadout as individual items in addition to sub-item of Rangefinder

* Be advised: Mission is intended for server.armaprofile difficulty as Veteran, Mercenary etc

* Known Issue: Loadout tool does not allow you to pack individual items into your actual ACE ruck and Save those pack choices or view IFAK (Improved First Aid Kit). However, the ACE rucks themselves and any other gear you choose will be saved. Outside of the Loadout screen these all function as per usual and your Blufor IFAK is pre-loaded with Saved medical supplies.

* Known Issue: Seems that if AI Difficulty is set to 9 or 10 in Mission Parameters that some AI Opfor may ignore Blufor units. Will continue to confirm/investigate this. In the mean-time, perhaps leave difficulty at 8 (I have set this as Default).

* Bug fixed: Opfor who moved within 400m of Blufor HQ were being teleported closer to Blufor HQ.

* ACE Wounding and Medical System Implemented

Medical sequence: Bandage, Epinephrine, Morphine, Medkit

-- All units can self-apply bandages to stop bleeding if they are not too badly injured

-- All Blufor units can use epinephrine and morphine to maintain consciousness and reduce pain (moaning and red-screen)

-- Only Medics can use Medkits to restore you to full health in the field

* Added: Once a Blufor unit uses the Loadout they will automatically Save earplugs in their gear and 2 bandages, 2 epinephrine, 2 morphine in their IFAK (Improved First Aid Kit), even though they will not see these at the Loadout screen.

* Added: Blufor HumV's now have bandages, epinephrine, morphine, medkits, in their cargo.

* Changed: Saved Blufor Loadouts will now always be restored when Blufor respawn, regardless of how far away they are from HQ (previously 50m)

* Added: Blufor Crew-Served-Weapons - Mk19 grenade launcher, M2 machine gun

* Added: Randomly, up to 25% of Opfor may have Night Vision Googles

* Changed: Opfor who move within 400m of Blufor HQ will now be teleported 10m away instead of 600m.

* Added: Blufor gear option for 'ACE CharliePack ACU Medic'

* Removed: Some Blufor Patrol Packs from gear Loadout.

* Changed: Blufor medic units now 'US Soldier' instead of 'US Delta Force'

* Added: Blufor Chemlights - Red, Green, White, Yellow, Blue, Infrared

* Added: Cache image to briefing notes.

* Known Issue: Loadout tool does not allow you to pack individual items into your actual ACE ruck and Save those pack choices or view IFAK (Improved First Aid Kit). However, the ACE rucks themselves and any other gear you choose will be saved. Outside of the Loadout screen these all function as per usual and your Blufor IFAK is pre-loaded with Saved medical supplies.

* Known Issue: Seems that if AI Difficulty is set to 9 or 10 in Mission Parameters that some AI Opfor will ignore Blufor units. Will continue to confirm/investigate this. In the mean-time, perhaps leave difficulty at 8 (I have set this as Default).

* Known Issue: Blufor fireteam leader map markers sometimes disappear. Note that most Blufor players will not have map markers. I have no plans to correct this at this time as it's more realistic anyway. Use your DAGR and GPS and learn to read a map

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Aus Uncyclopedia

Der Molotow-Cocktail wurde ursprünglich erfunden, um fremde Panzerfahrer mit einer Flasche Alkohol zu begrüßen und etwas Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen.

[Bearbeiten] Der Erfinder des Molotow-Cocktails

Molotow war ein russischer Politiker, der sich in seiner Freizeit auch als Hobbychemiker und Barmixer betätigte. Offenbar schüttete er hierbei einmal eine Ladung Kaliumchlorat in Wodka und erfand somit den berühmten Molotowcocktail.

Wjatscheschislawatsch Molotow sprengte sich am 13. September 1940 mit dem bislang grössten Molotowcocktail den die Welt je gesehen hat, mit einem gewaltigen Schlag selbst in die Luft.

Die erste Detonation eines Molotow-Cocktails fand allerdings bereits 1589 auf Jamaika statt, als die "Saufen bis zum Umfallen"-Party des britischen Freibeuters Philip Hassard Killigrew auf Jamaika aus dem Ruder lief, und in einem unplanmäßigen Feuerwerk endete. Da die Bezeichnung Planter's Punch aber nicht einprägsam genug war, geriet sie rasch in Vergessenheit, weshalb man heute in diesem Zusammenhang nur noch vom Molotow-Cocktail spricht.

[Bearbeiten] Rezeptur für "echte" Molotow-Coctails

Rezept nach dem internationalen Handbuch für Barmixer

Ein "echter" Molotowcocktail besteht aus zwei dritteln Motoren- oder Altöl (alternativ auch Natives Olivenöl) und zu einem Drittel aus Benzin, wobei das Benzin (oder alternativ Wodka, Brennspiritus, Strohrum oder Jamaikarum) nur als Brandbeschleuniger dient. Das ganze wird in eine Flasche gefüllt, so daß diese zur Hälfte voll ist. Von oben wird durch den Flaschenhals ein Docht - z. B. eine Stoffserviette - eingebracht. Ist das Öl erstmal entzündet entwickelt es seine wärmende Wirkung, und brennt bis zu 1400°C heiß! - Also genau daß, was es braucht, um einen Panzerfahrer im eisigen russischen Winter aus seinem kalten, ungemütlichen Metallkasten zu locken!

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