суббота, 27 января 2018 г.


Review: Licor 43

Licor 43’s secret formula stretches back to 209 BC. The secret formula which uses only natural ingredients has remained intact through the ages. The name is derived from the 43 basic ingredients used in the secret formula. Licor 43 is the world’s leading Spanish vanilla citrus liqueur. It is “The Heart & Soul of Spain.”

Proof 62 / 31% alcohol

Suggested Retail Price: $24 to $30 / 750ml Bottle

Availability: 43 states nationwide and counting

Tasting Notes

Color: Beautiful gold.

Aroma: Light citrus, vanilla, extremely light touch of warm spice, but not spicy. Almost thought there might be possible hints of saffron, but if there is any saffron it is very faint.

Tasted Neat: Butterscotch, rich buttery toffee, lush, decadent, sweetened like honey without the sharp sugary edge. Lingering sweetness of juicy light flavored citrus. Faintest hint of floral.

Mouth Feel: Medium without venturing to the thick syrupy side.

Comparable Spirit: Closest I would say is Tuaca. Though Tuaca is a bit thinner, contains a bit of burn and tastes a bit more sugary. Tuaca doesn’t have a lot of burn, but Licor 43 doesn’t contain any burn in my opinion. The butterscotch / Toffee flavor in Tuaca is less rounded and lush than that of Licor 43.

Possible Uses, Pairings and / or Cocktails:

Terrific sipper on the rocks. Licor 43 claims it will mix with everything including juice, soda, coffee, milk and other spirits. While I can’t say “everything,” I’m not ruling anything out at the moment. It’s extremely mixable and terrific on its own. A few cocktails to sample:

Recipes courtesy Licor 43

Carajillo 43

1-1/2 ounce Licor 43

3 ounces Espresso

Pour ingredients in rocks glass over ice. Stir and serve.

1-1/2 ounce Licor 43

1 ounce Red Wine

1 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice

1 ounce Fresh Orange Juice

1 dash Classic Bitters

Orange & Apple Slices and Grapes Garnish

Combine liquids in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to blend. Strain into double old fashioned glass over fresh ice. Garnish with fruit.

43 Pineapple

1-1/4 ounce Licor 43

6 ounces Pineapple Juice

Orange Wheel Garnish

Build in highball glass over fresh ice. Garnish with orange wheel.

Another recipe to consider that is ideal for Super Bowl weekend, or any football / sports weekend for that matter is the Licor 43 Mini Beer . It’s almost as if the Mini Beer is Licor 43’s answer to the Baby Guinness shot.

Review sample courtesy representatives of Frank PR USA, representatives of Licor 43


Just found it on the shelf of the local (Thoughtful) liquor store …..bought on a whim…looking for something different….and it is…very different…not overly sweet…not overly thick…citrus caramel…not gigantically alchoholic……very nice….I haven’t even tried it as a mixer yet :)

I hope you enjoy it Jerry!

You are truly right, nothing takes me back to Spain like sitting on my back deck in San Antonio in 95+ degree weather with 43 poured over crushed ice, and I’m a beer guy. I spent 3 great years in the mid-90s stationed on the southern Atlantic coast of Spain. 43 found it’s way into every ‘Spanish’ cocktail on the Costa de Luz. I didn’t know it had made its way stateside. Can’t say how excited I got when I saw it on the shelf at a bistro in San Marcos TX last year, enough that we stopped on the way home just to buy a bottle at Specs.

I’ll take 43 with Coke over any other liquor.

I’m glad you found a bottle to enjoy, Guy. Cheers!

I hope you liked Rota and the country around. Greetings from a Gaditano.

I love this with milk. Pour it on a fancy glass with a citrus slice, it’s too decadent not to.

Search result : 25 recipes with (licor 43)

11 rates

Carefully layer on top of each other to resemble the halloween candy. First the Licor 43, then the orange curacao, then .

17 rates

Shake and serve in a chilled old-fashioned glass.

56 rates

Pour Licor 43 into a shot glass. Layer cream slowly on top so that it resembles the 'head' on a beer.

12 rates

Pour ingredients into mixing cup filled with ice, shake and strain into glass.

15 rates

0 rates

Pour Licor 43 over ice in a cocktail shaker. Stir, add 42 Below vodka, and shake firmly until cold settles in. Pour doub.

4 rates

Shake with ice and strain into 2 shot glasses.

2 rates

Pour vodka and licor 43 over 2 - 3 ice cubes in a highball glass. Stir and fill with with root beer. Serve with a straw.

6 rates

Build over ice in a highball glass. Dust with nutmeg, and serve.

0 rates

Mix in a blender on low speed and serve in a chilled glass. Garnish with a cherry.

12 rates

Pour ingredients into an ice-filled highball glass, and serve.

15 rates

Pour over ice and stir to mix.

15 rates

Pour licor 43 over ice, shake and strain into a highball glass. Vary ingredients to taste.

1 rates

Pour licor 43 into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add absolut vodka, fill with milk, and mix.

3 rates

stir ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

0 rates

Shake well and use it as a shot.

5 rates

Put licor 43 and coffee into mug. Pour cream gently over the coffee, don't let them mix.

2 rates

stir, and strain into a cordial glass.

7 rates

Pour licor 43 and midori into a cocktail glass. Fill with milk, add ice, and serve.

1 rates

Layer in a shot glass.

6 rates

Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice.

6 rates

Pour chocolate milk into a large glass, and add the licor 43. Mix well, and serve cold.

0 rates

Add to an ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with a slice of seville orange speared with a cherry, and paper parasol.

4 rates

Pour the licor 43 into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with milk, and add a stirring pin.

1 rates

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass.

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Top 10 Cocktails

1001 Cocktails - Copyright © 1997-2017

The Fervent Shaker

So I wrote a post, way back at the beginning of my blogging life. Ever since then, it has gone from strength to strength. It has been, by far, my most viewed post (around 100-150 views ahead of my other posts – last count). So to celebrate I thought I’d put together my top ten (10) Licor 43 cocktails. There’s one rule: they’re all going to be summer cocktails. Of course they’ll be versatile, but primarily they’ll be superb for those chilled summer evenings…

Here’s a little tip before we start: Licor 43 (Cuarenta Y Tres) is a viscous, sweet, Orange & Vanilla* flavoured liqueur. Thus it can be substituted for other ‘similar’ liqueurs on the market. For example; the cocktail at no.8 shows Licor 43 replacing Cointreau, offering an alternative to those who are not fans of the famous French liqueur…

*Although Licor 43’s flavour is a combination of 43 different ingredients, the Orange and Vanilla flavours are arguably the most predominant.

Let’s Begin with a Brazilian Classic made the Spanish way;

Top up sparkling water

Served over crushed ice (build it, don’t shake it)

3m Midori (Melon Liqueur)

Top up fresh milk

6m Sweet & Sour Mix (lemon sugar syrup)

2m Fresh Orange Juice

1m Fresh Lime Juice

Top up Ginger Ale*

* I like to add a little splash of something at this point. Although Licor43 sugest the cocktail as is, I prefer a little fizz. Try adding either Soda water or ginger ale/beer (my personal preference).

5. The Power of Cuarenta Y Tres

1m fresh Lime juice

8m Fresh cranberry juice

4m Passion Fruit Nectar

1m Caramel syrup

1m Fresh Lime Juice

1m Southern Comfort

3m Cranberry Juice

Top up ginger ale

50ml ginger ale

Now, I’m trying to be different with this list, I have tried and tested many a cocktail (licor 43 or none) but one I keep coming back to is the Cuba Libre… This next cocktail is my number one for 2 reasons: It combines a fantastic classic cocktail (conveniently my favourite one) with one of the best liqueurs in the world. The flavours work wonders and the simplicity of the drink means anyone can enjoy one if they wish to…

A few drops of fresh lime juice

When I went to Almeria (Southern Spain – the regional home of Licor 43), as part of my University course, they didn’t need to suggest this liqueur to me… I asked for it. The look of approval from the staff member serving me said it all. I asked for a simple mixture: 43 & Pepsi.

It’s not only simple, but superbly refreshing. I let my Uni friends all try it, and they all went and ordered one. This cocktail is a testament to not only the quality of the liqueur, but also its growing market here in the U.K.

Top up Pepsi (original only)

for picture of most of these cocktails (so you know what they’re meant to look like please visit the cocktail section of licor 43: http://licor43.com/#/cocteles/)

Licor 43 Summer Cocktails: So I hope you enjoy this instalment! They are all fantastic cocktails, and all of them are perfect for the warm/british summer nights ahead. For the warmer nights, go for the fruitier/stonger drinks. For the ‘British Summer’ nights (aka Cold) go for the milky cocktails.

Licor 43 Drinks

Drinks containing Licor 43

Choose from 7 drink recipes containing Licor 43.

Learn more about Licor 43 in the drink dictionary!

Beachgrass (Shooter) Licor 43, Malibu Rum, Midori, Pineapple Juice Gold Standard (Cocktail) Cuervo Tequila, Curacao, Licor 43, Orange Juice, Sour Mix Key Lime Sling (Cocktail) 7-Up, Citrus Vodka, Half and Half Cream, Licor 43, Lime Juice, Sour Mix Little Beer (Shooter) Cream, Licor 43 Pina Con Cuarenta Y Tres (Cocktail) Licor 43, Pineapple Juice Sweet Heat (Cocktail) 4 Copas Anejo, 4 Copas Organic Agave Nectar, Jalapeno Pepper, Licor 43, Lime Juice The Churro Margarita (Cocktail) Baileys Irish Cream, Cabo Wabo Anejo Tequila, Licor 43, Tuaca

The Fervent Shaker

Licor 43: Cuarenta Y Tres… Why all the fuss?

My first encounter with this seductive liqueur was about 6 years ago, purely by chance too! I ordered Cointreau, and instead, out came this rather yellowy-gold nectary glass containing what I now know to be called: Licor 43. Alongside which was a small glass bottle of Pepsi, ready for me to serve… Now I was a bit confused, but considering I had just paid for it, I certainly made the most of it. Now as you can imagine I had no clue as to what it was I was drinking, all I knew was that it tasted bloody amazing.

Here in this focus I want to get across to every one of my readers 2 things;

1) That this little known liqueur is looked over by many individuals, and rarely comes out to play.

2) That this liqueur can help create some of the (arguably) best cocktails in the world. Simple, yet eloquent cocktails that make you wonder why you never tried it before.

So please, read, and enjoy (and as usual feel free to share your opinions/feelings/thoughts and anything else you want to share about this topic at the bottom of the post)…

The first website I went to gather information was the official Licor 43 website: www.licor43.com and there I was greeted with the customary age input you get with all the alcohol sites, but this is where the similarities with other alcohol (spirit especially) websites; After it loads, you’re met with this fantastically vibrant and contemporary home page draped in black and gold. It really is a great welcome by the liqueur company and you’re sure to remember it well into the future. But even this eye catching design, they feel, isn’t enough: that’s right you’re met with this wonderfully melodic piece of music that, for lack of a better, word is perfect for the website & the liqueur.

Once you take a few seconds to steady yourself, you can begin to explore the relatively simple but effective pages of the site. I started with the cocktails, for obvious reasons (they taste great by the way) but for all intents and purposes I shall discuss the history first.

As with every liqueur company their histories are almost always somewhat exaggerated, like a game of Chinese whispers that got out of hand; it starts with ‘my auntie gave me the recipe’ and ends with ‘my auntie gave me the recipe, but did so whilst saving my family from a hoard of giants and dragons’… Needless to say you should always take these with a pinch of salt…

Licor 43’s history is not as ‘flowered up’ on their official website, and started off with humble beginnings. Created by a group of entrepreneurs; two brothers (Diego & Angel) and a couple by the name of (Mrs) Josefina Zamora Conesa & her husband Emilo Restoy Godoy Licor 43 started off small and became well known locally.

Working hard together, and pioneering advertisement techniques in southern Spain at the time (including TV, radio and even vehicle ads), they turned a small liqueur company into the single most successful Spanish liqueur ever created. It became the highest sold/consumed liqueur in Spain before hitting the European and world markets (sold in a total of 55 worldwide markets, present day).

The Taste Of The Real Southern Spanish Gold:

‘O Tono Con Todo’ meaning “The Tone With All” – Licor 43 is Spain’s biggest International Success.

Licor 43, or “Cuarenta Y Tres” as it is known locally (and to almost anyone who can pronounce the words), is a golden-yellow liquid made with 43 individual ingredients. The flavours you get when drinking it, consist primarily of vanilla and citrus but there are also subtle notes of spice and an almost aged-rum like quality, but overall the liqueur is very sweet. This however does not detract from its mixability or overall taste/flavours.

As the website suggests, it’s made to the highest quality and cannot be imitated, and has a smooth finish that not only allows it to become a possible drink for all palates but it makes it easy to mix into almost any other liquid, should it be other spirits (for cocktails), coffee, cola’s or even milk!

Whilst it is an easy liqueur to mix, you should never just presume that it works the same as a vanilla liqueur. However, as long as you take into account the subtle spice flavours as well as the citrus, you will be able to create more complex flavours in your cocktails.

So I speak to people about this liqueur all the time… And every time I’m met with a blank stare and simply asked: “What’s this Licor 43 then?” along with “never heard of it” … Now this always gets to me because I have a well held love for this liqueur and have done since I first tried it about out 6 years ago. I feel the biggest problem with this, and the reason hardly any one knows about it in the UK is that it’s not sold in many bars or supermarkets, which is a big problem for myself. This is the problem with almost any product you want, or want to share with people; you are limited to what the supermarkets or other vendors are willing to sell.

The shame here is, in my opinion (as a bit of a cocktail snob), that i would replace Galliano (a vanilla liqueur) with Licor 43 in almost 99% of the relevant cocktails – purely because, in my opinion, it tastes better as well as helping to develop more complex layers of flavour in a drink. From simple concoctions such as the Harvey Wallbanger to the more complicated maidens kiss, Licor 43 adds that extra layer and again, in my opinion, adds something special to any drink it’s in.

Licor 43 is the most famous Spanish liqueur, revered by bartenders across the world…

So what about the liqueurs aesthetics I hear you shout!? – Don’t worry if you didn’t, I’m going to tell you my thoughts anyway!

So as you can see from the picture above it is a golden-yellow liquid and its stored in what is, in my opinion, a simple yet stylish bottle. It does have one of those annoying pouring regulator plastic things in the neck of the bottle but sometimes (although definitely not all the time!), especially with thicker/denser liqueurs like this, it can be of help. Taste wise, its mainly vanilla and citrus you get, but if you try it again and again, you’ll eventually come across the spices in the drink as well. This is a well-balanced liqueur that, as shown by its sales history in Spain alone, is probably one of the best in the world. It’s unique in both its flavours and their balance, not to mention great in a simple Pepsi mix, or even complicated cocktails.

Now this is the link for the miniature(s) of the drink, but there is a link on that page for the full 70cl bottles (around £18/£19) and they can be purchased there. If you want to give it a try, grab a couple of miniatures and get mixing, pick one of the following cocktails and let loose. Eventually you’ll find something you like and I promise you won’t regret it!

Licor 43 Cocktails: Mix Up Something Special…

Key Lime Pie Martini

– 1 measure Licor 43

– 1 measure Key Lime Juice

– 2 measures Cream

– 2 measures Vanilla Vodka

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker, and shake vigorously for about 1-2 minutes. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Enjoy.

The vanilla from the vodka and the citrus from the lime juice help extract both the vanilla and citrus flacours from the licor 43, This frees up the spices/other flavours the licor 43 contains to be tasted in the drink.

– 1.5 measures Licor 43

– 4 measures Pineapple juice

Licor 43 is perfect for this sort of summary drink. The smoothness of Licor 43 is really apparent in mixes with juice like this… Try using the same amount of Orange Juice instead of pineapple for a completely different, but still fantastic, tasting cocktail!

– 1.25 measures Licor 43

– 2.5 measures Orange Juice

Shake all the ingredients well, and serve over ice in a chilled glass.

Perfectly smooth, this drink oozes class. The vanilla and citrus flavours in the Licor 43 blend well with the brandy and orange juice, and adding the milk just adds a little creaminess to this drink to make it perfectly smooth.

Licor 43 is so smooth, it can be mixed with almost anything, from Soda’s to milk and every thing in between (even Coffee!)

– 4 measures Pineapple Juice

– 3 measures Licor 43

– 1 measure coconut cream

– ½ measure Malibu/coconut liqueur. (Optional)

Shake all ingredients well over ice. Pour (no straining) into a chilled glass and drink through straws.

– 2 measures Licor 43

– 2 measures Light (white) Rum

– ½ teaspoon White granular sugar

In a cocktail shaker muddle the lemon with the sugar until most of the sugar dissolves

Then add the Licor 43, Rum and crushed ice and shake.

Pour, without straining, into a chilled glass and add a splash of soda water.

Now this drink is a bit naughty, as it takes out the one ingredient that makes it a Caipirinha; The Cachaca (a spirit distilled from sugar can in South America)… However in an attempt to make it at least resemble the original drink it does include white rum (a North American equivalent to a sugar cane based spirit).

This drink is included because it tastes great (trust me I’ve had a few of them in my time), but also to make a point.

Cocktails like this are all about experimenting with what you have on hand. In South America they made this drink’s Father (Classic Caipirinha) into a classic. Now all over the world you can order a Caipirinha and enjoy its refreshingly crisp taste. However, this specific ‘offspring cocktail’, as shown above adds something a little special that the original doesn’t have: a more complex flavour…

As you can see from the recipe, its preparation is remarkably similar to that of a Mojito (minus the mint) and in this case, it’s shaken only due to the high density of Licor 43.

My advice to you when making this brilliant cocktail is to not be afraid to meddle with the amount of sugar used. For some, the licor 43’s sweetness will be enough but for others not so. Try different amounts of sugar, or even different sugars (in my opinion a Mojito tastes better with demerara sugar not white and the same goes here) but in the end you need to find your own flavours and the best way is to try things out…

Pro Tip: for a smoother drink, try using caster/superfine sugar instead of the granulated kind.

The Gold Standard

– 2 measures Gold Tequila

– 1 measure Licor 43

– ½ measure Curacao Orange Liqueur (Triple sec also works well here)

– ½ measure Sweet & Sour Mix

– ½ measure (Freshly Squeezed) Orange Juice.

Using Curacao Liqueur is obviously the best move for this drink, but in the case of you not finding any orange curacao (the Blue curacao is most readily available but will ruin the aesthetics of the drink) use Triple Sec liqueur instead (it’s made by the same method only its slightly stronger and clear).

– 4 Measures Licor 43

– 2 measures fresh Lemon juice

– Top up Tonic Water

Build the ingredients over ice, add the tonic water and stir well to mix. For some added bitterness add 2 dashes of angostura before the tonic, for some added sweetness add a ½ teaspoon of sugar syrup at the same point. Enjoy.

From shoots – long iced teas, Licor 43 is extremely versatile, why not try it out?

So to close, i just want to say one thing: Some of you have probably heard of Licor 43 before, and most of you won’t have… Either way i hope reading this has opened your mind to both it’s quality as a standalone liqueur, and at the very least given you some cocktails you’d like to go away and try.

Just please go out and give it a try, you won’t regret it, I promise you that much!

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15 thoughts on “Licor 43 (Cuarenta Y Tres): The Jewel of Southern Spain…”

Somebody over on my latest blog post mentioned Licor 43 in the comments, and I had never heard of it, so I went Googling and came across your post here. So just thought I’d say hi, and thank you for the info, I now know all about it! 🙂

Thank you so much! I’m glad it has helped you out! I started this blog for this exact reason, so to know I’ve helped one person, makes it all worthwhile 😀

Thanks Fervent Shaker I’ve never herd of Licor 43 until a customer came into my store asking for it,I looked it up and came across your page.The mixtures you gave will be used, keep them coming.

Thank you! It’s always nice to hear this is still helping people out! It is a wonderful liqueur! I hope to have a few more done ready for the spring/summer time 🙂 Thanks again!

Sour mix?? no – use fresh lime or lemon juice instead. And the Licor 43 provides enough sweetness that additional sugar (from a sour mix) isn’t needed.

You can make fresh sour mix, which uses both fresh lime and lemon. A fresh sweet n sour mix adds to the depth of the drink 🙂

Well what can I say? I have a dear pal who resides in Porto-del A Cruz, Tenerife, and he introduced me to “43″ around 35 yrs. ago. There is NO other Liquor to compare, it has the taste and smoothness of liquid gold. I have used it on various Sweet/Reserves, but it is best on its own, in the company of after-dinner guests.

where can i buy a glass with 43 on it.

I have been drinking 43 since I was stationed in Rota, Spain in 1982, wonderful addition and great with hot milk just before bed. Glad to see it getting the attention it deserves!

I discovered 43 in Ireland as a compliment to Guinness thanks for more recipes used 43 with.

No problem, It is a stunning liqueur and most probably my favourite of all. Hope you enjoyed the post 🙂

I just came across Licor 43 this evening in a bar in Aberdeen. I couldn’t decide what to have and so the bar tender made me a rum flip with Licor 43 and chocolate liqueur included. I liked the vanilla so I asked for its name and looked it up and here I am. I’ll definitely be trying some of your recipes! Thanks!

I was a tour guide for US troops where my trips took us to the coast of Spain. The locals used Licor 43 in everything! I found myself loving a Lumumba (Brandy and what amounts to be like a Yoohoo chocolate drink here in the states) with some 43, over ice. But on those rowdy nights, we would order up a pitcher, or two, or three of Sangria (also enhanced with Licor 43)! Pretty hard to find it here in very rural Montana.

Licor 43 Mini Beer

Okay, let’s be honest. I’m 28 years old and I don’t do shots (minus the mandatory tequila shots with cousins during the holidays).

During my younger college years, my girlfriends and I loved sweet, candy-like shooters like B-52, Lemon Drop, and Purple Hooter. It was all my sweet tooth could stomach. Long gone are those days. At this age, I don’t ever want to order such drinks from a bar. I can only image the looks I’d get from the bartender or mixologist.

However, I have to let you in on a secret. I have met a new cocktail shooter that is worthy to be drunk. Have you had a Licor 43 Mini Beer?

In the words of Penny Hartz (of the hilarious and laugh-inducing show, Happy Endings), “it is ah-MAH-zing!”

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I made that coconut coffee cocktail using Licor 43? Well, my love for this sweet vanilla liquer continues. Though it’s called a mini “beer,” there is no beer in this drink recipe. Nope. Only two ingredients: Licor 43 and heavy cream. That’s it. That’s all you need for a happy and oh-so-delicious sip!

note: The lovely folks at Licor 43 provided me with the super cute mini mugs.

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Baker, cake maker, and cocktail shaker. I believe in celebrating the every day.

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I love it, especially the little mugs! I’ll get myself a bottle of Licor 43 and try it out. After I find and buy those mini mugs of course :)


I just had my first one for my birthday this past week. It’s delicious and EASY to make. I remember when this liquer came in the early 80’s!

Maryanne Cabrera

Awesome! Happy belated birthday!

George Gower

where do u get the heavy cream

Maryanne Cabrera

It’s available at any supermarket. It can also be labeled at whipping cream.

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Cocktails mit Licor 43

Über Licor 43

Licor 43 gehört zu den aromatisierten Fruchtlikören. Das spanische Produkt leitet seinen Namen von den angeblich 43 Ingredienzien ab, die in ihm enthalten sein sollen. Licor steht dabei für Likör. In Spanien wird er meist als Cuarenta Y Tres, das spanische Wort für 43, bezeichnet. Hauptbestandteil sind Zitrone und diverse andere Früchte und Blüten sowie als dominierendes Gewürz Vanille. Die leuchtend gelbe Spirituose hat einen Alkoholgehalt von 31 Prozent und liegt damit bei den Likören im mittleren Bereich.

Licor 43 hat als Spirituose eine über 200 Jahre alte Tradition. Die weitgehend geheimgehaltene Rezeptur wurde dabei von Generation zu Generation weiergegeben. Nach anderen Quellen geht das Rezept sogar auf die antiken Römer zurück. Seit 1924 wird Licor 43 in Cartagena von der Brennerei Diego Zamora S.A im klassischen Likörverfahren industriell hergestellt und ist der weltweit am meisten verbreitete spanische Likör. Besondere Sorgfalt wird dabei auf die Gewinnung des Aromakomplexes aus den verschiedenen Zutaten wie Vanille und Orangenblüten in einem Gemisch aus Alkohol, Wasser und Fruchtsäften gelegt. Anschließend wird der Likör mehrfach destilliert und Zucker hinzugefügt, bis er die gewünschte leuchtend gelbe Farbe und den fruchtig-aromatischen Eigengeschmack hat.

Als Bestandteil von Cocktails und Longdrinks wird Licor 43 sehr häufig eingesetzt und erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Besonders beliebt ist die Mischung des Likörs mit Milch in einem Verhältnis 1:3. Dieses als Muttermilch bekannt gewordene Mixgetränk hat einen sehr weichen samtartigen Geschmack und zählt zu den milden Cocktails. Fruchtiger schmeckt Licor 43, wenn wenn er mit Orangensaft gemixt wird.

Hast du ein schöneres Foto von der Zutat Licor 43? Dann lade es hoch und hilf uns die Cocktaildatenbank zu verbessern! Foto hochladen

Beliebteste Licor 43 Cocktails

Weitere Cocktail-Rezepte mit Licor 43

Deine Bewertung

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mit Milch schmeckt der richtig gut :D

  • Mit kalter Milch als Longdrink, so lecker ich könnt mich reinlegen.

    Licor 43 Mini Beer

    A while back I posted the Baby Guinness shot as a two ingredient drink just in time for a labor free Labor Day. Not only is the Baby Guinness eye catching and easy, but it’s delicious. Now Licor 43 has created a new shot that is equally eye catching, easy to build and insanely delicious. It’s the Mini Beer. You guessed it, no beer included. It’s just meant to look like a mini frosted mug of goodness.

    Since both shots are beer oriented in appearance and name, I thought they would both be perfect drink (or shot) picks for Super Bowl weekend. It doesn’t take much to get anyone in the mood for a good game of football, but this little shot of heaven is a great way to kick off festivities.

    Licor 43 Mini Beer Layered Shot Recipe

    Licor 43 Mini Beer

    1-1/2 ounce Licor 43 – chilled

    Splash of Heavy Cream

    Fill shot glass 2/3 full of chilled Licor 43. Top with layer of heavy cream. Layer heavy cream on top of Licor 43 by slowly pouring it over the back of spoon.

    While I love a good mug of beer, this little shot tastes more like a decadent creamsicle. Great way to celebrate a touchdown, field goal or great play. Cheers!

    Read the Licor 43 review which includes three more cocktail recipes by following the link.

    Total Time: 5 minutes

    approximately 1-3/4 ounce

    Licor 43 Mini Beer 019 photo copyright Cheri Loughlin

    • 1-1/2 ounce Licor 43 – chilled
    • Splash of Heavy Cream
  • Fill shot glass 2/3 full of chilled Licor 43. Top with layer of heavy cream. Layer heavy cream on top of Licor 43 by slowly pouring it over the back of spoon.

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    All content ©2015 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist

    Cheri Loughlin is the Omaha writer and photographer behind www.intoxicologist.net and author of Cocktails with a Tryst: An Affair with Mixology and Seduction. You can email Cheri with comments and questions at str8upcocktails@gmail.com.


    substitute Coole Swan for the cream……yummy

    Rezept backofen

    Donnerstag, 20. August 2015

    Rezepte für likör 43

    O-Saft und zum Schluss noch mit 14 Milch. Man nehme ein Glas 0,3 l und fülle es zu 14 mit Likör 43, danach dann zu 24 mit. Likör 43 mit Milch aufschäumen und auf den Espresso geben.

    (Alkohol) Ich finde, dass Likör 43 mit Milch wirklich köstlich schmeckt - den trinke ich so am. Licor 43 MIT KLICKEN AUF BEST ÄTIGEN, AKZEPTIERST DU DIE SPEICHERUNG VON. Nice Cocktails - Cocktails mit Likör - Licor 43 (Cuarenta y tres) Nutzen Sie das umfangreiche Nice-Cocktails Rezeptangebot an Licor 43 Cocktails. Cocktails, Rezepte mit Licor 43 - Cocktails mit Licor 43.

    Nice Cocktails - Cocktails mit Likör - Licor 43 (Cuarenta y tres)

    Rezepte: licor 43 - Rezepte: licor 43 Rezepte Blog Community Cocktailwissen Rezepte A-Z. Licor 43 (1 x 0.7 l : Lebensmittel).

    Er soll sich aus einem über 2000 Jahre alten Rezept. Benannt ist sie nach der bei den Promis dieser Welt beliebten Stadt an der Costa del. Eine kanarische Spezialität aus Milch, Espresso und Likör 43. Licor 43, der weltweit meistverkaufte Premiumlikör Spaniens, bringt ab Juni. Licor 43 Hergestellt wird der Licor von der Brennerei Diego Zamora S.A in.

    Heißen Kakao zubereiten und jeweils ein Schnapsglas Likör 43 dazugeben. Licor 43 Cocktails, Cocktail mit Licor 43 Weitere Cocktail-Rezepte mit Licor 43. Heißgetränke Tolle Kaffee-Rezepte für die kalte Jahreszeit. Likör 43 Rezepte 135 raffinierte likör 43 Rezepte auf - Deutschlands bester.

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    Search result : 143 recipes with (butterscotch schnapps)

    30 rates

    Fill glass with ice. Add all liqueurs. Add milk. shake.

    80 rates

    Add the Bailey's Irish Cream to a shot glass and add Butterscotch Schnapps on top.

    172 rates

    Pour ingredients over ice in an old-fashioned glass. Stir, and serve.

    22 rates

    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned g.

    5 rates

    Blend liquors in shot glass. Top with whipped cream. Serve.

    14 rates

    Blend ingredients together in a shot glass, and serve.

    131 rates

    Fill glass with ice. Pour Butterscotch Schnapps and Bailey's into the glass. Fill with Milk. Shake. Serve with sip straw.

    8 rates

    Mix ingredients, the shot should taste like a piece of french toast.

    33 rates

    Pour the Bailey's irish cream, Kahlua coffee liqueur and butterscotch schnapps into a cocktail shaker half-filled with i.

    7 rates

    Level ice to the top in a shaker, add crown royal and butterShots, then shake. Strain into a brandy snifter.

    330 rates

    Pour the butterscotch, float the bailey's and let the kahlua sink to the bottom of the shot glass.

    9 rates

    Mix all ingredients in tin with crushed ice. Shake, strain, and serve.

    20 rates

    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake firmly and pour into a cocktail glass. Ser.

    9 rates

    Pour the butterscotch schnapps into a shot glass, and float the Bailey's Irish Cream on top of the schnapps. Pour the gr.

    6 rates

    Mix the three together in a big glass and pour into shot glasses. Top each shot off with whipped cream.

    6 rates

    Pour the butterscotch schnapps into a highball glass. Add milk, to taste. Stir well, and serve.

    10 rates

    Shake with ice and strain into Champagne Flute.

    6 rates

    Mix equal parts Crown Royal and pre-chilled butterscotch schnapps in a shot glass, and serve.

    6 rates

    2 rates

    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, shake until completely cold then strain into a chilled stemmed .

    10 rates

    Pour kahlua into an old-fashioned glass. Add butterscotch schnapps, to taste, and fill with milk. Serve.

    4 rates

    Mix butterscotch shnapps with Bailey's irish cream then pour milk over the mixture. Add crushed ice. Let it sit f.

    5 rates

    Put the Irish cream in first. Then slowly pour the Kahlua down the side of the glass so it doesn't mix. Then add the But.

    0 rates

    Shake and Strain the Butterscotch, Bailey's, and Goldschlager into a cocktail glass. Float the Sambuca, then sprinkle Ci.

    6 rates

    stir the butterscotch schnapps and cream soda together in a highball glass, and serve.

    3 rates

    Pour butterscotch schnapps and raspberry vodka in equal parts into a shot glass, and serve.

    0 rates

    Pour apple juice into a cocktail shaker. Add Goldschlager, apple schnapps and butterscotch schnapps. Shake and strain in.

    1 rates

    Pour kahlua first into a double shot glass. Add one ounce of butterscotch schnapps. Float 151 proof rum on top and set o.

    2 rates

    Fill a shot glass about 4/5 of the way full with butterscotch schnapps. Float a layer of bailey's irish cream on the sch.

    4 rates

    Pour all ingredients into a shot glass, stir and serve.

    2 rates

    In a LARGE shot glass (or small juice glass), add Rootbeer Schnapps, Amaretto, Butterscotch Schnapps and Bacardi 151 dar.

    2 rates

    Pour over ice in 10-12 oz. rocks/old-fashioned glass.

    0 rates

    Shake over ice, and strain into two shot glasses.

    4 rates

    Add Butterscotch first, layer Irish cream on top, and pour in melon liqueur.

    3 rates

    Stir all ingredients together in a highball glass, using ice cold milk and/or several ice cubes.

    1 rates

    stir ingredients together in a mixing glass with cracked ice. Strain into a shot glass, and serve.

    4 rates

    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice,shake until completely cold then strain into a chilled stemmed g.

    1 rates

    Shake all three ingredients quickly with ice. Strain into a shot glass, or increase proportions and strain into several.

    3 rates

    Chill in shaker.

    3 rates

    Pour ingredients in equal parts into a shot glass, and serve.

    2 rates

    Layer the Bailey's Irish cream over the butterscotch schnapps in a large shot glass. Add a few drops of grenadine, and s.

    1 rates

    Pour the tennessee whiskey, kentucky bourbon, tequila, rum and vodka into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. .

    4 rates

    Pour the vodka, butterscotch schnapps and creme de cacao into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, .

    2 rates

    Pour the butterscotch schnapps into a shot glass. Layer the Bailey's Irish cream on top, and finally add the DeKuyper So.

    0 rates

    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice and shake until ice cold. Pour into an old-fashioned glass three.

    4 rates

    Place bananas in an uncovered plastic bowl to freeze. Allow frost to form on them. Blend ice cream, milk, and f.

    3 rates

    Combine all ingredients together in a mixing glass with a few ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a shot glass, and serve.

    1 rates

    Mix liquor togther. Add Cream. Shake Well. Strain & Serve.

    0 rates

    Pour tequila, bailey's irish cream and butterscotch schnapps into a cocktail glass. Add ice and half-and-half. Pour into.

    2 rates

    Add Amaretto first and then layer Butterscotch schnapps on top, don't mix. Add whipped cream if desired.

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