суббота, 27 января 2018 г.


The Vesper Cocktail Recipe

Introduced to the world in 1953 in Casino Royale—the first book in what became Ian Fleming's sprawling James Bond franchise—the Vesper has had more popularity in print and in film than it's ever had inside a glass. Which is too bad, actually, considering it's actually a pretty decent drink.

In the book, Bond spells out the recipe very clearly to a barman, and the drink he describes is a sort of hybrid between the classic gin martini and the then-upstart vodka martini, with a notable twist: for a flavor modifier, instead of the martini's signature dry vermouth, Bond specifies Kina Lillet.

As I wrote on Wednesday, Kina Lillet disappeared from the bar in the mid-1980s, when Lillet reformulated its product and removed "Kina" from the name. Some have claimed that pre-reformulation Lillet had a sharper bitter bite, with a flavor similar to that of Cocchi Aperitivo Americano, an Italian aperitif wine currently enjoying its moment in the craft-cocktail sun.

After I wrote my post for Wednesday, I received further information about Lillet's reformulation that suggests the previous version may not have been as bitter as Cocchi Americano, and that there's not a great deal of difference between the Kina Lillet that Fleming included in the recipe and the Lillet currently available in stores.

But that's a topic for further research; for now, the Vesper offers its own opportunities for exploration. Start with the basics: the vodka part is easy, just go with one you like; for the gin, aim for an old-school London dry, such as Tanqueray or Beefeater. Then, if you're in the mood for an experiment and you have some friends to play along (not to mention the ingredients), try mixing two versions of the drink, the first with Lillet and the second with Cocchi Americano. (Oh, and a word on the quantities: as detailed in the book, the recipe makes a massive, very potent drink -- pretty much what you'd expect for James Bond. Take it easy, though; unless you've either got a license or an evening to kill, I'd suggest you cut the recipe in half or share this with a friend.)

Both versions are quite nice, but where the Lillet version will be smooth and floral with a touch of citrus, the Cocchi version will have a crisp, bitter finish. Which Vesper is better? You be the judge.

  • Yield: 1 (or more prudently, 2)
  • Active time: 1 minute
  • Total time: 1 minute
  • Rated:


  • 3 ounces London dry gin
  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 1/2 ounce Lillet or Cocchi Aperitivo Americano
  • wide strip of lemon zest, for garnish


Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir well until chilled, about 20 seconds, and strain into chilled cocktail glass. (Or if you want to go the full Bond route, use a cocktail shaker, shaking with ice for about 10 seconds -- it'll make a more bubbly, cloudy drink, but that's up to you). Squeeze a wide strip of lemon zest over the drink and use as garnish.

Special Equipment

Paul Clarke blogs about cocktails at The Cocktail Chronicles and writes regularly on spirits and cocktails for Imbibe magazine. He lives in Seattle, where he works as a writer and magazine editor.

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Lillet cocktail rezepte

This year’s 84th Academy Award winners reminded us of Hollywood’s earliest days. Many of the films featured Old Hollywood glamour and charm, and included a silent film star struggling to keep his name up in lights in The Artist, to a struggling writer finding solace in sharing drinks with the stars of the golden age in Midnight in Paris, and a young orphan’s adventures in a train station in 1930s Paris in Hugo. So what better way to celebrate the cinematic greats of 2012 than with cocktails inspired by this year’s winner and nominees for Best Picture?

Inspired by The Artist

  • 1 part Bourbon
  • 1 part Lillet Rouge
  • ½ part fresh lemon juice
  • ½ part Grenadine
  • ¼ part simple syrup

Shake, serve up in a cocktail coupe. Garnish with one mint leaf

Inspired by Hugo

  • 1 part Rye
  • 1 part Lillet Rouge
  • 4 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • 1 white sugar cube
  • 1 bar spoon soda water
  • 2 dashes Maraschino liqueur

Build in a rocks glass, add ice. Add white sugar cube, Angostura bitters and soda water, and muddle. Add Lillet Rouge, Maraschino liqueur and Rye. Stir in ice, mixing all ingredients and allowing drink a moment to chill. Zest and garnish with long lemon and orange twists.

Inspired by Midnight in Paris, this is a new spin on the “Hemingway Daiquiri” classic cocktail

  • ¾ part Lillet Blanc
  • ¾ part Anejo Rum
  • ¾ part Maraschino liqueur
  • ¼ part fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ part fresh grapefruit juice

Shake, serve up in a cocktail coupe. Garnish with a Luxardo cherry.

Inspired by actress Emma Stone’s role in The Help

  • 1 part Lillet Rouge
  • 1 part Aperol (bright orange aperitif, with a unique bitter-sweet taste derived from a secret recipe)
  • 1 part fresh lemon juice
  • ¾ part Grenadine
  • ¼ part simple syrup
  • 2-4 purple grapes

Shake, serve on the rocks. Do not strain grapes. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.

Inspired by actor Brad Pitt’s role in Moneyball, this is a fresh twist on the “Fifty-Fifty” classic martini.

  • 1 part Lillet Blanc
  • 1 part Hendrick’s Gin
  • 2 dashes of orange bitters

Stir, strain. Cocktail coupe. Garnish with a toothpick-ed cantaloupe melon-ball/ cucumber slice.

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Lillet cocktail rezepte

Toute la fraîcheur d’un apéritif au goût moelleux et fruité

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The Vesper Cocktail Recipe

Introduced to the world in 1953 in Casino Royale—the first book in what became Ian Fleming's sprawling James Bond franchise—the Vesper has had more popularity in print and in film than it's ever had inside a glass. Which is too bad, actually, considering it's actually a pretty decent drink.

In the book, Bond spells out the recipe very clearly to a barman, and the drink he describes is a sort of hybrid between the classic gin martini and the then-upstart vodka martini, with a notable twist: for a flavor modifier, instead of the martini's signature dry vermouth, Bond specifies Kina Lillet.

As I wrote on Wednesday, Kina Lillet disappeared from the bar in the mid-1980s, when Lillet reformulated its product and removed "Kina" from the name. Some have claimed that pre-reformulation Lillet had a sharper bitter bite, with a flavor similar to that of Cocchi Aperitivo Americano, an Italian aperitif wine currently enjoying its moment in the craft-cocktail sun.

After I wrote my post for Wednesday, I received further information about Lillet's reformulation that suggests the previous version may not have been as bitter as Cocchi Americano, and that there's not a great deal of difference between the Kina Lillet that Fleming included in the recipe and the Lillet currently available in stores.

But that's a topic for further research; for now, the Vesper offers its own opportunities for exploration. Start with the basics: the vodka part is easy, just go with one you like; for the gin, aim for an old-school London dry, such as Tanqueray or Beefeater. Then, if you're in the mood for an experiment and you have some friends to play along (not to mention the ingredients), try mixing two versions of the drink, the first with Lillet and the second with Cocchi Americano. (Oh, and a word on the quantities: as detailed in the book, the recipe makes a massive, very potent drink -- pretty much what you'd expect for James Bond. Take it easy, though; unless you've either got a license or an evening to kill, I'd suggest you cut the recipe in half or share this with a friend.)

Both versions are quite nice, but where the Lillet version will be smooth and floral with a touch of citrus, the Cocchi version will have a crisp, bitter finish. Which Vesper is better? You be the judge.

  • Yield: 1 (or more prudently, 2)
  • Active time: 1 minute
  • Total time: 1 minute
  • Rated:


  • 3 ounces London dry gin
  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 1/2 ounce Lillet or Cocchi Aperitivo Americano
  • wide strip of lemon zest, for garnish


Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir well until chilled, about 20 seconds, and strain into chilled cocktail glass. (Or if you want to go the full Bond route, use a cocktail shaker, shaking with ice for about 10 seconds -- it'll make a more bubbly, cloudy drink, but that's up to you). Squeeze a wide strip of lemon zest over the drink and use as garnish.

Special Equipment

Paul Clarke blogs about cocktails at The Cocktail Chronicles and writes regularly on spirits and cocktails for Imbibe magazine. He lives in Seattle, where he works as a writer and magazine editor.

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9 lillet cocktail Rezepte

Zuerst die Eiswürfel in ein Rotweinglas geben und mit Lilet Blanc und Schweppes Russian Wild Berry auffüllen. Dann eine Orangensch.

Lillet und Schweppes Russian Wild Berry in ein Weinglas geben und mit etwas Eis und den geforenen Beeren auffüllen.

herb erfrischender Aperitif

In ein mit Zuckerrand garniertes großes Weinglas 4 Eiswürfel geben. Lillet und doppelte Menge Bitter Lemon in das Glas füllen. Eis.

Lillet ist ein uralt Apéritif aus Weinen und Fruchtlikören, der diesen Sommer ein Revival erlebt

Zuerst die Cocktailschale entweder in den Kühlschrank stellen oder mit chrushed Ice oder Eiswürfeln füllen und kurz runterkühlen l.

Lillet Blanc, Balsamico, Basilikum, Erdbeeren und Eiswürfel in ein Glas geben und mit Schweppes Russian Wild Berry auffüllen.

Die ersten vier Zutaten in einen Shaker geben und mixen. Über zerkleinertes Eis in Gläser abseihen. Mit Kirsche oder Orangenschale.

Lillet cocktail rezepte

Cocchi Americano is supposed to be the Vesper Martini's best aperitif vs. that of Lillet Blanc. Let's create the traditional James Bond Vesper and taste the .

Lasst ihn euch schmecken, DEN Cocktail des Sommers 2012! Der Lillet Berry wird euch die warme Jahreszeit versüßen. Egal ob an romantischen .

«Lillet, c'est moi.»: Für den ersten deutschen TV-Spot konnte Lillet den bekannten Pariser Regisseur Cyril Guyot gewinnen. Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen .

Lillet and Club Soda make a fresh and bright French apéritif you can serve anytime. An orange twist adds fragrance and beauty! It's the perfect start to a .

Watch this video to learn how to pronounce Lillet. Want to learn how to pronounce the names of other tongue-twisting spirits? Watch the rest of this series, .

Twitter: @banneke_essen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Banneke Shop: https://www.banneke.com/?fsk=1 Blog: http://blog.banneke.com Herzlich .

video production by DIMA CROLL official booking: dimacroll@mail.ru.

He liefjes, in deze vlog ga ik op een persreis met Lillet en leer ik het merk wat beter kennen. Er staat een bezoek aan Maison Lillet, een cocktailworkshop en .

Gearing up for a summer full of spritz sipping and fully immersing myself in the aperitif lifestyle that I love so much! Super excited to be a Lillet Style Ambassador.

Heute zeige ich euch ein leckeres Drink Rezept für einen Lillet Vive. Es ist ein herber aber fruchtiger Aperitif, für Geburtstage, Partys und viele weitere Anlässe .

Ingredients: 1.5oz Lillet 1/2oz cucumber-steeped Lillet 1/8oz Lillet Grapefruit juice 1/4oz Grapefruit juice 1/5oz Cucumber tonic water Honey and Gin-soaked .

Easy, festive, and summery cocktails. It's part of a new series called MommyMixers and we're showing you how easy it is to mix up some fun at home. Perfect for .

Twitter: @banneke_essen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Banneke Shop: https://www.banneke.com/?fsk=1 Blog: http://blog.banneke.com Herzlich .

Wie macht man Lillet Wild Berry? Wir zeigen euch, wie man ganz einfach einen Lillet Russian Wild Berry selbst machen kann! Mit Rezept: -Eiswürfel - 5-6 .

Lillet Rose A blend of Ish gin with Sauvignon Blanc and grapefruit juice. https://www.thelowryhotel.com.

FØLG MED PÅ KANALEN: https://goo.gl/hJQlqJ ▻ SE FLERE OPSKRIFTER: http://www.cocktailstudio.dk Her i denne video viser vi dig hvordan du laver den .

Die Leute sagen: Du träumst zu viel. Du tanzt zu viel. Du liebst zu viel. - Die Leute reden zu viel»

Discover Lillet's signature drink: Lillet Vive. Recipe below. Elegant, delicious & easy to realize at home, this long drink will delight all your guests! Lillet Vive .

Wine Class 14: Lillet Cocktails Up your somm game. Learn about aromatized wines and how/when/why to drink them. With Revancha .

OUTFIT DETAILS: Bik Bok: Dress Crysalis: Bracelets Location: Staatsoper Cinematographer: Patrick Domingo | https://instagram.com/patdomingo Check out all .

Mehr Videos unter www.sat1regional.de Erwin Bröker aus Bad Pyrmont ist der geborene Shaker. Als Barkeeper ist er schon seit über 20 Jahren erfolgreich und .

Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Sommerdrink? Mit LILLET BLANC und Schweppes Wild Berry entsteht der der prickelnd fruchtige Sommerdrink LILLET WILD .

Italian-Inspired Cocktails

There's nothing like a sip of pleasantly bitter Campari or a lemony, palate-cleansing sgroppino before an Italian meal. From old standbys like negronis to new twists on Italian classics, we've rounded up our favorite Italian-inspired cocktail recipes.

When it comes to Italian cocktails, it doesn't get much more classic than the negroni. The drink, first created for Count Camillo Negroni in 1919 at Florence's Café Casoni, is simply a mixture of equal parts Campari, gin, and sweet vermouth. The resulting drink is bitter, a little sweet, and a stunning shade of pink.

From this simple base can come a universe of variations. Swapping out the gin for sparkling wine, which first happened at Bar Basso in Milan in 1968, create a negroni sbaliagto, or "bungled negroni." To make a Boulevardier, the gin is replaced with bourbon.

Further modification of the negroni template produces even more drinks. The Contessa the Campari and sweet vermouth for Aperol and dry vermouth, while the amber negroni replaces those ingredients with Braulioa and Lillet.

Another classic Italian cocktail is the bellini, a mix of peach puree and sparkling wine. We like to intensify the peach flavor by adding peach brandy. For an autumnal variation, mix prosecco with a mulled cider syrup and fig vodka.

If you want something refreshing, try sgroppino—a slushy combination of lemon sorbet, vodka, and prosecco that is common in Italy as a palate cleanser, a dessert, or a pre-dinner drink. Whisking the ingredients together creates a chilly, frothy libation.

Find all these drinks and more in our collection of great Italian-inspired cocktails.

This classic cocktail couldn't be simpler—it's simply even parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth.

The 19th-century Italian cocktail the Milano-Torino consisted of bitter Campari and Martini sweet vermouth. It is said that American travelers preferred their apéritifs with soda water, so the Milano-Torino with soda became known as the Americano.

The Contessa, a modern creation of John Gertsen, a bartender at Boston’s Drink, replaces two of the Negroni’s three ingredients: Campari is swapped for the lighter and more orangey Aperol and dry vermouth substitutes for sweet. It’s more like the Negroni’s third cousin than a direct descendant.

Jeffrey Morgenthaler, bar manager of Clyde Common in Portland, is known for barrel-aging cocktails and other fancy bartender tricks. But when he throws a party, he makes this lightly bitter, pop-and-pour punch that's as easy as 1-2-3.

In this negroni variation, gin is swapped out for bourbon.

Replacing the Negroni's traditional sweet vermouth with Lillet and the Campari with Braulio, an herbal Italian amaro, gives this twist on the classic cocktail a rich amber hue and a pleasingly astringent edge.

This bubbly Negroni variation, whose name means “bungled,” was invented at Bar Basso in Milan in 1968 when a bartender accidentally put sparkling wine into the drink instead of gin. It is an excellent choice for a brunch cocktail.

In this negroni cousin, the gin is replaced with rye whiskey.

A direct descendant of the Negroni, the Al Capone (a creation of Brooklyn bartender John Bush) blends Campari, whiskey, and vermouth to create the perfect summer whiskey drink. The result is heavy on the whiskey (Bush prefers a fiery rye like Willett), with half as much vermouth (like dark, spicy Carpano Antica).

Found all over Italy, the spritz is a classically Venetian cocktail of prosecco mixed with a bitter aperitif and soda water.

Sgroppino, a slushy combination of lemon sorbet, vodka, and prosecco, is common in Italy as a palate cleanser, a dessert, or a pre-dinner drink.

This refreshing aperitif is a mixture of Aperol, dry vermouth, and triple sec.

The traditional Bellini is made with white peach purée and sparkling wine, but the addition of peach brandy intensifies and sweetens the cocktail.

A luscious take on the bellini, the Rossini swaps strawberries in for white peaches and prosecco in for champagne.

Prosecco marries with richly spiced mulled cider and a splash of fig vodka in this fall drink.


At Saveur, we recommend all kinds of products we think you'll love. In some cases, we receive a commission for purchases made through this site, but if a product link shows up in an editorial article, it's there for one reason: We love it. End of story.

Copyright © 2017 SAVEUR. A Bonnier Corporation Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Before- and after-dinner cocktails

An aperitif is a pre-meal beverage that is supposed to stimulate the appetite. They are typically dry and can be as simple as a glass of dry white wine or as complex as a cocktail. Spirits such as Campari, Lillet and vermouth are all popular as aperitifs.

Campari spritz


  • 2 ounces Campari
  • 1 ounce club soda
  • 2 to 3 ounces prosecco
  • Slice of orange for garnish


  1. Fill a rocks or wine glass with ice. Add prosecco, club soda and Campari.
  2. Garnish with a slice of orange and enjoy!

Lillet vive


  • 1-1/2 ounces Lillet Blanc
  • 3 ounces tonic
  • 1 slice of cucumber, a strawberry and a sprig of mint for garnish


  1. Fill a wine glass with ice. Add Lillet Blanc and top with tonic.
  2. Garnish with a slice of cucumber, a strawberry and a sprig of mint.

Digestifs are served after meals and help stimulate digestion, especially useful if you've had a big dinner and are feeling very full. They are typically sweet drinks and can be heavier in alcohol content than aperitifs. Cognac, brandy and Chartreuse can all be enjoyed in after-dinner drinks.


Lillet ist der raffinierte Aperitif für Genießer und alle, die die französische Lebensart und Aperitif‑Kultur lieben. Und wer Lillet einmal für sich entdeckt hat, der findet hier viele weitere exklusive Highlights: Neben Informationen zur neuen TV-Kampagne und zu unserer Historie gibt es natürlich auch jede Menge kreative Mix-Ideen. Santé!

Lillet ist der raffinierte Aperitif für Genießer und alle, die die französische Lebensart und Aperitif-Kultur lieben. Und wer Lillet einmal für sich entdeckt hat, der findet hier viele weitere exklusive Highlights: Neben Informationen zur neuen TV-Kampagne und zu unserer Historie gibt es natürlich auch jede Menge kreative Mix-Ideen. Santé!

Lillet – der neue TV-Spot.

Elegant und zeitlos: die erste TV-Kampagne für Lillet, den beliebten französischen Aperitif.

Cold-Weather Gin Cocktails

Gin is a summer favorite than transitions to cooler seasons with ease

Gin is a perfect warm-weather spirit. Bitter and refreshing, nothing is better than a gin and tonic when you need to cool off on a blistering summer day. But don't move your gin to the back of the liquor cabinet as the temperature drops—it easily transitions to cooler weather. We've collected our favorite cold-weather gin cocktail recipes.

Gin takes wonderfully to winter spices. Our Spiced Pear Collins combines a rich pear puree with a simple syrup infused with rosemary and clove for a woodsy, autumnal drink. Our Sweet Gin Symphony and Conquistador gin and tonic both look to anise for a fall note—garnishing with whole star anise makes for a festive presentation.

Even more warming than a spiced cocktail is a hot spiced cocktail. Our Pearman's Toddy pears gin with cinnamon for a warm cocktail to curl up with in the dark of winter.

For inspiration, it pays to look north. Full of Iceland flavors, the Viking Martini pairs dry Martin Miller's gin with tannic, spruce-flavored Björk liqueur and herbaceous Alpine amaro into a complex, layered drink perfect for a chilly evening.

What better way to warm up in the cold than with fire? The Big Red mixed grapefruit juice and cinnamon-infused syrup with an overproof gin that gets lit ablaze for serving.

Find all of these recipes and more in our collection of cold-weather gin cocktail recipes!

At San Francisco's Coqueta restaurant, this fruity gin and tonic is mixed with a homemade citrus-and-fennel tonic and a spiced apple-celery juice, then garnished with fragrant fennel and star anise.

This highball uses a homemade tonic infused with raspberry-flavored orris root and peppery, flowery grains of paradise to complement the specific flavor profile of Bombay Sapphire gin.

Bottled in the same spot in Iceland, brisk, dry Martin Miller’s Gin and tannic, spruce-flavored Björk liqueur make a great duo, particularly matched with bitters and an herbaceous Alpine amaro in this layered drink meant to evoke northern climes.

Replacing the Negroni's traditional sweet vermouth with Lillet and the Campari with Braulio, an herbal Italian amaro, gives this twist on the classic cocktail a rich amber hue and a pleasingly astringent edge.

This spin on the French 75 uses a base of both gin and a raspberry-infused cognac.

This lively gin-based punch captures complex seasonal flavors with layers of citrus, mint, and anise thanks to an absinthe rinse sprayed in each glass. For an added festive touch, garnish with star anise fruit.

Equal parts gin, chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, and fresh lime juice, this is an old-fashioned cocktail that feels awfully modern.

Pear purée, gin, and rosemary give this autumnal cocktail a crisp, woody sweetness, robust density, and sour, crackling effervescence.

This brightly spiced punch recipe includes gin, lemon juice, cinnamon syrup, and allspice dram.

Grapefruit juice and cinnamon-infused syrup bring bright, spicy balance to the wallop of navy-strength gin, a variety with an extra-high alcohol content.

In the 1880s, Old Tom gin, a style with quite a bit more sweetness than London dry, was just beginning to gain popularity in America. This is the drink that put it over the top.

Since Whitley Neill gin gets its signature tanginess in part from the fruit of the African baobab tree, this sweet, sour, and spicy apéritif takes its name from a song by Senegal’s legendary Orchestra Baobab.

Indian thandai, literally translated as 'something that cools', is a sweet, creamy milk drink flavored with nuts and mixed with spices such as cardamom, fennel, rose petals, and poppy seeds. On Holi, the Indian festival of colors, the refreshment is traditionally served with the addition of bhaang (a derivative of marijuana). Here we've substituted gin instead, which accentuates the nutty, warmly-spiced, floral flavors in thandai perfectly.

Popularized by the 1930 Savoy Cocktail Book by Harry Craddock, this classic cocktail is part of a succession of "Corpse Revivers" originally devised as a hangover cure. An ice-cold nip of this elixir is refreshing, astringent, and strong enough to perk up the senses.

The classic gin and tonic gets a seasonal twist from a splash of pear and allspice liqueurs.

Laced with cinnamon, lemon, and Angostura bitters, this gin-based drink is a brisk, warming twist on a toddy.

This Moscow Mule variation is made with gin and mint.


At Saveur, we recommend all kinds of products we think you'll love. In some cases, we receive a commission for purchases made through this site, but if a product link shows up in an editorial article, it's there for one reason: We love it. End of story.

Copyright © 2017 SAVEUR. A Bonnier Corporation Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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