понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.


How to Make a Manhattan

Rye whiskey is a requirement.

Invented sometime in the late 18th century, the Manhattan goes toe-to-toe with the martini in terms of bold flavor, smooth delivery, and cultural lore. It is also a highly customizable cocktail, with various recipes calling for orange bitters, various vermouths, or even absinthe. During the Prohibition, the Manhattan was made with the only whiskey available, Canadian whiskey. Since those dark, dry times, bartenders have dabbled in Tennessee whiskey, whiskey blends, and bourbon. The proper way to make a Manhattan, however, is with rye whiskey, Italian vermouth, and Angostura bitters—stirred, not shaken. Garnish as you please.

Manhattan Cocktail Recipe

The classic cocktail, made with rye, sweet vermouth, and bitters.

  • Yield: makes 2 cocktails


  • 4 ounces rye whiskey
  • 2 ounces sweet vermouth
  • 4 dashes Angostura bitters
  • Garnish: 2 Maraschino cherries


Pour the whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir until outside of shaker is very cold to touch.

Place a maraschino cherry in each of two chilled cocktail glasses. Dividing evenly, strain the contents of the shaker over cherries and serve immediately.

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What's Your Favorite Rye Cocktail?

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Manhattan Cocktail

Employees Only, New York City This Manhattan reflects the recipe in America's first cocktail book, 1862's The Bon Vivant's Companion, by Jerry Thomas. It has a higher ratio of sweet vermouth to rye than the modern Manhattan. Plus: Cocktail Recipes


  • Ice
  • 11 ounces sweet vermouth
  • 11 ounces rye whiskey
  • 2 1/2 ounces Grand Marnier
  • 16 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • 8 orange or lemon twists

How to Make It

Fill a pitcher two-thirds full with ice. Add the vermouth, rye, Grand Marnier and bitters and stir for 30 seconds to chill. Strain into 8 chilled martini glasses; top each with a twist.

Manhattan Cocktail

Ingredients (5)

  • 2 ounces rye whiskey or bourbon
  • 1 ounce sweet vermouth
  • 2 dashes angostura bitters
  • Ice
  • 1 cherry in marasca syrup
  • Calories 175
  • Fat 0.02g
  • Saturated fat 0.0g
  • Trans fat
  • Carbs 2.14g
  • Fiber 0.17g
  • Sugar 1.33g
  • Protein 0.11g
  • Cholesterol
  • Sodium 1.44mg
  • Nutritional Analysis per serving (1 servings)Powered by

Proportions for the classic Manhattan are two (sometimes three) parts whiskey to one part sweet vermouth, with a little aromatic boost from bitters. The drink is believed to date from 1874, created by a bartender at New York’s Manhattan Club. “Since New York was a rye town in those days,” writes cocktail expert Dale DeGroff in The Craft of the Cocktail, “the original Manhattan was made with rye whiskey.” Bourbon Manhattans are a thing in the South. For more Bourbon-based beverages, see also our old fashioned drink recipe

What to buy: Unlike the shockingly red maraschinos that top the kids’ sundaes, cherries in marasca syrup are chewy, dark, and free of food coloring. Look for the Italian brand Luxardo.


  1. 1 Place a cocktail glass in the freezer to chill.
  2. 2 Measure the whiskey and vermouth into a mixing glass. Add the bitters.
  3. 3 Add ice and stir until chilled, about 30 seconds.
  4. 4 Strain into the chilled cocktail glass.

  • 5 Drop the cherry into the glass and serve.

    Manhattan Cocktail Recipe

    The classic cocktail, made with rye, sweet vermouth, and bitters.

    • Yield: makes 2 cocktails


    • 4 ounces rye whiskey
    • 2 ounces sweet vermouth
    • 4 dashes Angostura bitters
    • Garnish: 2 Maraschino cherries


    Pour the whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir until outside of shaker is very cold to touch.

    Place a maraschino cherry in each of two chilled cocktail glasses. Dividing evenly, strain the contents of the shaker over cherries and serve immediately.

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    What's Your Favorite Rye Cocktail?

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    5 Ways to Make a Manhattan

    In which we acknowledge the recent surge in popularity of the 130-year-old drink, establish guidelines for making it, and offer a few ways to mess with the formula.

    We don't have any hard numbers for you, but countless hours of observation lead us to believe that the manhattan is now being ordered more than the martini at good cocktail bars. The tricky part is that the martini worked as the Default American Cocktail because it's so simple. The manhattan, of course, is not so simple: There are four ingredients, not three. And adding a little more or a little less of any of the ingredients changes everything. A good manhattan can be every bit as good as a good martini (as heretical and blasphemous as that may sound to cocktail purists). A bad manhattan will always be much worse.

    So, standards must be set — standards for the archetypal manhattan and for ways to beneficially adulterate the archetypal form. Here are five ways to make a manhattan. David Wondrich, Esquire's longtime drinking correspondent, on the precise way. It involves measuring, stirring, and paying very close attention. The other ways, not so much.

    • rye or bourbon
    • sweet vermouth
    • Angostura bitters
    • mixing glass
    • ice
    • twisted-stem barspoon
    • julep strainer
    • cocktail glass or coupe
    • lemon or cherry

    1 — The Right Way

    There is a correct way to make a manhattan. It's mostly a matter of getting your mind right, although there is one physical skill to be mastered. Learn to make a proper manhattan and you will know how to create at least one flawless thing in this world, and the person you're making it for will know, and respect that about you.

    Step One: Assemble Your Ingredients

    The earliest unequivocal reference to a manhattan cocktail dates back to September 1882. It describes the drink as "a mixture of whiskey, vermouth and bitters." Such was the manhattan then, such it is now, such shall it ever be, world without end.

    As with any item of scripture, however, there is room for interpretation. These days, rye whiskey gets the nod from cocktail geeks and bourbon from everyone else (save those heretics who call for Canadian). Bourbon appears almost as often as rye does in the old recipes, so they're both authentic. We find, however, that it's proof that matters the most. A whiskey in the 90- to 110-proof range makes a better manhattan than an 80- or 86-proof one. Proof being equal, we do prefer rye but will settle happily for bourbon.

    The vermouth should be the sweet red kind. The bitters should be Angostura.

    Step Two: Prepare Your Glass

    Place the glass in the freezer for 30 minutes. We prefer the style known as the coupe or the old-style cocktail glass (pictured below), with its curved-in sides, to the V-shaped martini type, because they don't spill as easily. Whatever you use, it shouldn't be larger than 5 or 6 ounces.

    Step Three: Measure Your Ingredients

    Pour a measured 2 oz whiskey and 1 oz vermouth into a standard pint glass. If you're using a conical jigger to do the measuring, make sure to fill it all the way to surface tension. Add 2 or 3 dashes bitters — and by dashes we mean good, vigorous squirts, not drops. If the bottle is very full, the squirts should be smaller and you'll need 5 or 6.

    To get a stirred drink (see step five) truly cold, you've got to break up your ice cubes to increase the surface area in contact with the liquid. Put an ice cube in the (clean) palm of your left hand. Grasp a barspoon by the very end of the handle and snap the bowl against the cube, almost as if you were swinging a golf club. Repeat 4 or 5 times, and then crack and add a few more cubes.

    Shaking makes it just as cold, but the drink ends up cloudy and topped with an algaelike layer of foam. Stirring leaves the drink clear and homogenous to the eye and, more importantly, silky and almost oily on the tongue.

    The goal is to make the ice revolve smoothly without circling your forearm as if you were mixing cake batter or thrashing the spoon around the ice like a swimmer fighting off a shark attack. Your wrist and fingers are the only things that should move. This is easy if you're using a stirring rod or even the handle of a barspoon, but far more satisfying if you've mastered using the spoon as God intended. The trick to maneuvering the bowl of the spoon through the ice is to trap the shaft between your index and middle fingers, with the top of it resting in the notch between thumb and index. Then you use the middle finger to push it (counterclockwise) halfway around a tight circle and the index to pull it back. A smooth stir is one of the bartender's subtlest skills. Fifty revolutions at a minimum.

    Slide a julep strainer, as the traditional, large perforated spoon used with stirred drinks is known, into the glass. Strain the drink into your chilled glass.

    The standard maraschino cherry has been a part of the drink since at least 1891. The lemon twist was probably there for another decade before that. In other words, use whichever you like. We prefer the twist because of the fragrant and appetizing slick of lemon oil it leaves on the surface of the drink.

    With a knife (old-school) or vegetable peeler, cut a 1 1/2-inch-by-1/2-inch swatch of peel, avoiding the white pith. Hold it skin-down between thumb and index finger over the drink and snap it in half lengthwise. Drop it in or discard, as you prefer.

    2 — The Not-Wrong Way

    1. Assemble your ingredients.

    2. Acquire a glass — from the freezer or not.

    3. Into a vessel larger than the glass, place some ice cubes. Also pour in some whiskey. Then half as much sweet vermouth. A couple dashes bitters.

    4. Stir with whatever stirring implement you happen to have nearby.

    5. Strain into the glass. If necessary, let your fingers be the sieve.

    3 — Possible Adulterations

    • Dubonnet or Lillet. Wine-based aperitifs and the like can work fine but must be approved on a case-by-case basis.
    • Ruby port is nice.
    • So are Italian amari.
    • Madeiras and the sweeter sherries (not a fino, Manzanilla, or amontillado).

    NOTE: You occasionally see a "perfect manhattan" on a cocktail menu. In drink-making, "perfect" always refers to the addition of equal parts sweet and dry vermouth. I can't recommend it. I find that dry vermouth clashes with the whiskey and makes an awkward drink; you may disagree.

    4 — On the Rocks

    If you pour the ingredients for a manhattan over ice, you do not then have a manhattan. You have something else. It's tasty, but it's not a manhattan.

    5 — Blow It Up

    Watch David Wondrich Make a Manhattan at Home:

    Manhattan Cocktail

    As this post goes live today, I’ll be clinking glasses with Barclay high up in the sky on our 13-hour flight halfway around the world to NEW ZEALAND!! :) :) :)

    Oh my goodness, after months of planning, I can hardly believe that this trip is finally here! But I am so ready for it — so ready to finally see and feel and taste and explore this beautiful country, so ready to soak up lots and lots of time with my handsome traveling partner and his Kiwi family, and so ready to take some time off work and get busy vacationing. Ahem, make that vacationing in the warm summer New Zealand sunshine, no less. I’ve never loved backwards seasons more than now.

    Anyway, stay tuned because I cooked up a bunch of great recipes that will be popping up on the blog while I’m gone. And my incredible assistant Hayley will be tuning in here (as always) with answers to comments and any recipe questions that you might have. But other than that, I’m going to try very hard to stay mostly offline and soak up time with some of my favorite people in one of my favorite countries that I’ve always wanted to visit. I’m certain I’ll be back with oodles of stories and photos to share. :)

    So cheers to a great month for all of us ahead! And what better than to raise a glass of one of my all-time favorite cocktails, that I’ve recently kicked up a notch with two new favorite things. Can you spot em?

    Yes, after years of obsessing over Luxardo cherries out at cocktail bars, I finally bit the bullet and decided to buy a little jar of my own. They’re definitely a bit of a splurge. But as much as I love a good Old Fashioned or Manhattan cocktail, I figured it was finally time to have a little jar of my own.

    Worth. Every. Penny.

    Seriously, the red-food-coloring-and-refined-sugar-laden little guys I used to buy at the grocery store don’t even come close to holding a candle to the (natural) deliciousness in the original maraschino cherries. Such a treat. I could probably be happy just eating a few of these on their own…but I suppose we should make a little cocktail to go with them. ;)

    For a classic Manhattan drink, you just need 3 simple ingredients:

    • whiskey (some say rye, some say bourbon, I say whatever you love)
    • sweet vermouth
    • aromatic bitters

    Add the whiskey, vermouth and bitters to a large mixing glass along with some ice, and give it a good stir to chill the drink.

    Then once it’s ready, strain it out into — my second new favorite thing — some cute (and preferably chilled!) cocktail glasses!

    I recently bought this new bar cart from West Elm and had been wanting to purchase some of their cute small coupe champagne glasses to store on top of it. But alas — gah — they were discontinued right as I tried to order them. I browsed around at some of my other favorite kitchen and decor stores, and no one seemed to offer small (5-ounce) coupe glasses, just enormous ones. So I finally turned to Amazon, and stumbled upon these sweet little glasses. They’re perfectly sized, affordable, and absolutely perfect for a chilled Manhattan. (And they fit my little martini picks perfectly!)

    Just add the cherries on top…

    …and this classic cocktail will be yours to enjoy.

    Manhattan Cocktail

    Learn how to make a classic Manhattan cocktail with this easy 3-ingredient Manhattan drink recipe.


    • 2 ½ ounces bourbon whiskey
    • 1 ounce sweet vermouth
    • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
    • ice
    • maraschino cherries (I recommend Luxardo cherries)


    1. Add bourbon, sweet vermouth, bitters, and a handful of ice to a large mixing glass. Stir well until the ingredients are combined and chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass*. Garnish with a few maraschino cherries.

    *I used 5-ounce coupe glasses in these photos.

    **For a different twist (literally) on this recipe, feel free to run an orange peel around the rim of the cocktail glass before serving. Then give the peel a twist, and serve it in the drink along with the maraschino cherries.

    If you make this recipe, be sure to snap a photo and hashtag it #gimmesomeoven. I'd love to see what you cook!

    This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend. The prices stay the same as they would be in stores for you, but I earn a small commission on anything sold, so win-win. :)

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    18 comments on “Manhattan Cocktail”

    One of my favorite cocktails!! I love the classics, and this one or a good dirty martini are my go tos after a long week!

    Thanks Heather, you have good taste! Happy Friday! :D

    This is such a classic drink! Thanks for sharing!

    you should try s better vermouth. There is an Italian vermouth that will really bring this manhattan up a bit. If you are splurging on the cherries you should not skimp in the vermouth!!

    Adore Luxardo cherries! You’ve got some beautiful cocktail gear, there, too!

    Ali, not sure if you will see this but WELCOME to New Zealand!! This is my little corner of the world…you will love it! :)

    I love that you have cocktail recipes on GimmeSomeOven! I made the cranberry margaritas for a holiday party and they were a huge hit! If you are ever searching for coup glasses, they have some reasonably priced ones at CocktailKingdom.com – they don’t have 5oz but they have 3.75oz, 6oz, and 7.5oz. They are all around $35 for a pack of six (shipping not included) but you can get fancy ones with gold or silver rims for a few dollars more. Thanks for the great recipes!

    Lovely looking cocktail -cheers! Have the bestest time on your travels Ali and Barclay! I have family in Australia and have been fortunate enough to travel there a few times. Haven’t been to New Zealand longer than airport stops… all I know is that there are a whole heck of a lot of sheep looking down from the air plane :) Enjoy the quality time and eachother. We will soak up all your creations that you’ve organized in your absence and will look forward to the stories and picks when you get back! ? Bita

    Trying your recipe tonight!

    Awesome Kara, we hope you enjoy!

    Thank you for this cocktail recipe. I happen to have all of the ingredients for once (I have been looking for something to do with my sweet vermouth for some time, I can tell you), I love bourbon, and have been looking for an excuse to use my cocktail shaker. Whee!

    Have an AMAZING time in New Zealand. You surely shall. Check out Marlborough wine country and the 8Wire and/or Moa and/or Tuatara Brewers if you get a chance. I spent a year in NZ from ’05 to ’06 and I feel like I left a part of my heart there. You will love it – it is a stunning place with so many different things to offer. If you get the chance to experience a traditional Maori hangi feast, jump on it! :D

    These look amazing. I love the cherries. Is 11 am on a Wednesday too early to enjoy a Manhattan? haha JK

    Haha! Well we think it depends on the morning you’ve had (and how early you got up) ;P And yeah, those Luxardo cherries are pretty impossible to beat (we just wish they were cheaper)! Totally worth it though. :)

    One of my favourite cocktails ! A few drops of the cherry juice from the jar makes it even nicer!

    Thanks Kathy, we’ll definitely try that next time! :)

    I was looking for a new mix of drinks, this will do perfectly thanks :)

    I see the Martini and Rossi, which is what I use when I’m feeling pinched. But when you’re feeling flush, please do yourself a favor and try one of the more expensive red vermouths for your cocktails.

    Use blended scotch for the variation called a Rob Roy. (I sometimes choose a lemon zest garnish for that.)

    Awesome, thank you for the recommendation, Jim!

    Hey, I’m Ali!

    And I’m so happy you’re here!! So many of my favorite memories in life seem to take place around the table, especially when surrounded by people I love. And of course, all the better when nourished by some seriously delicious food. So I created this site to share my favorite recipes and stories with you, in hopes that they might inspire and help us all to spend more time around the table and savor the good stuff in life. Cheers, friends! more about me »

    All About the Manhattan Cocktail

    Perhaps one of the most famous of the classic cocktails, the Manhattan paved the way for other vermouth-fortified classics such as the Martini, the Martinez, the Rob Roy and the Bobby Burns.

    Who Created the Manhattan?

    The debate on exactly who, where, what, and how the Manhattan cocktail began has been running for decades. The most well-known story is that the drink was created in 1874 by Dr. Iain Marshall during a dinner party at the Manhattan Club in New York City, put on by Lady Randolph Churchill (Winston Churchill’s mother) in honor of presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden. Supposedly the drink was such a success that it lived on beyond that night and became the classic we know today.

    Unfortunately, it appears this story can’t be true – as Lady Randolph was in England and pregnant at the time.

    Others contend the drink was created as an homage to the “Manhattan” borough.

    A third story comes from a bartender named William F. Mulhall who worked at the Hoffman House in the early 1880’s:

    “The Manhattan cocktail was invented by a man named Black, who kept a place ten doors below Houston Street on Broadway in the [eighteen-] sixties—probably the most famous drink in the world in its time”

    Regardless of the exact story, it’s likely this drink originated in New York somewhere around the 1880’s. It differed from its predecessors (and the original “cocktail” formula) by omitting the sweetener and adding vermouth. Depending who you ask, the Manhattan is considered one of the most famous of the “Spirit Forward” classic cocktails.

    The Manhattan Recipe:

    Just like any classic cocktail that’s been around a while, it seems like you never really know what you’re going to get when you order a Manhattan in a bar. (Once I received a Manhattan in an extra-large Margarita glass.) But for the most part you can expect to receive a cocktail with Whiskey, Sweet Vermouth and Bitters.

    Also similar to other classic cocktails, there is disagreement on what is the true “classic” Manhattan recipe – but most will agree the following is pretty darn close.

    • 2 oz Bourbon
    • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
    • 2 dashes Angostura Bitters

    Not-So-Classic Manhattan Recipes

    It’s not surprising that many variations of the Manhattan have come about in the 100+ years since this cocktail first appeared.

    The following are some of the more common Manhattan variations:

    • Rob Roy – Scotch is used instead of rye whiskey and aromatic bitters are replaced by orange bitters
    • Dry Manhattan – served with a twist, a Dry Manhattan is made with dry vermouth instead of sweet vermouth
    • Perfect Manhattan – equal parts of sweet and dry vermouth is used instead of just sweet vermouth
    • Tijuana Manhattan – made with Anejo Tequila instead of whiskey
    • Martinez – Gin is used instead of rye whiskey and orange bitters instead of aromatic. Dry vermouth and Maraschino is also used
    • Fourth Regiment – this is also a classic that uses a 1/1 ratio of whiskey and vermouth, 3 dashes of bitters namely orange, celery and creole (Peychaud’s)

    Drink what you Like

    The controversy over what is truly the “original” Manhattan recipe is not likely to end any time soon, but its popularity can’t be a coincidence. I say find a recipe you like and enjoy it – this is a true classic that’s stood the test of time.

    Just wanted to let you know: sometimes we mention and link to products or services that give us a small commission if you buy. I wanted to assure you that we only mention stuff we genuinely believe in! Thank you for clicking our links and supporting the blog!

    About the Author: Julia Tunstall

    Co-Founder and Editor of A Bar Above. Cocktail lover, drinker, appreciator. I write about cocktail recipes I like and other interesting topics related to bartending, cocktails and mixology.

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    It's a classic drink that never gets old, and this Manhattan recipe has no added frills, thrills, or paper umbrellas. Keep it simple.


    Recipe Preparation

    Fill a short glass 2/3 full with ice. Add bitters, vermouth, and bourbon. Add cherry (and crush it against the side of the glass with a spoon). Stir.


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    Manhattan Cocktail Glasses


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    Attorney-turned-artist Alyson Thomas's playful graphics mean the formula for a classic rye Manhattan is always at hand. Her hand-d . rawn graphic representation of the cocktail adorns these coupe glasses, with a playfully pseudo-scientific rendering of the drink's essential components: rye, bitters, and sweet vermouth, all in relative proportions to mix a perfect cocktail with intuitive flair. Includes a recipe card. Glassware made in the USA. Decorated in Minnesota. read more

    Made from natural Himalayan crystal salt. Set includes 4 glasses. Features natural anti-bacterial properties. Includes protective . plastic insert. Rise and wipe out to clean. 3-oz. capacity. The unique Accentuations by Manhattan Comfort Himalayan Salt Shot Glass - Set of 4 features four shot glasses that are sure to draw compliments when you're entertaining. Plastic inserts protect the salt from your beverage, and allow you to simply rinse and wipe them out to clean. The salt makes them naturally anti-bacterial. Size: Set of 2,Set of 4. read more

    Dimensions: 5L x 5W x 7.5H in.. Made of clear glass. 12 oz. capacity. Dishwasher safe. Comes with 4 glasses. The True Manhattan Ma . rtini Glass - Set of 4 is a barware essential which features a classic shape crafted from dishwasher safe glass. The simple styling fits right in with nearly any style of décor. The 12 oz. capacity makes it ideal for serving a wide variety of mixed cocktails and is a must-have addition to any home bar. read more

    Dimensions: 5L x 5W x 7.5H in.. Made of clear glass. 12 oz. capacity. Dishwasher safe. Comes with 4 glasses. The True Manhattan Ma . rtini Glass - Set of 4 is a barware essential which features a classic shape crafted from dishwasher safe glass. The simple styling fits right in with nearly any style of décor. The 12 oz. capacity makes it ideal for serving a wide variety of mixed cocktails and is a must-have addition to any home bar. read more

    The epitome of sophistication, our 12 oz. clear Manhattan Martini glass is the perfect counterpart for classy cocktails and sophis . ticated sipping. Set of 4, holds 12 oz. read more

    Made from natural Himalayan crystal salt. Set includes 4 glasses. Features natural anti-bacterial properties. Includes protective . plastic insert. Rise and wipe out to clean. 3-oz. capacity. The unique Accentuations by Manhattan Comfort Himalayan Salt. read more

    Stuart - Stuart Manhattan Highball Glass - Cut

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    The epitome of sophistication, our 12 oz. clear Manhattan Martini glass is the perfect counterpart for classy cocktails and sophis . ticated sipping. Clear glass Holds 12 oz Dishwasher safe Color: Multi. read more

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    A bold design with a classic shape makes a brilliant addition to your barware collection with these dazzling crystal double old-fa . shioned glasses. read more

    Accentuations by Manhattan Comfort Himalayan Salt Shot Glasses brings uniqueness to your party! Made from natural Himalayan salt c . rystals hand mined in the Himalayan Mountains, the shot glass is naturally anti-bacterial so the product can be reused. Add salt naturally to your shots with the natural carved Himalayan salt shot glass. Diameter measures 2" and includes plastic removable inserts for the shot glass. Weight and color may vary due to the natural variation in the Himalayan Crystal Salt. Includes a set of 4 shot glasses. read more

    A bold design with a classic shape makes a brilliant addition to your barware collection with these dazzling crystal shot glasses. . read more

    Accentuations by Manhattan Comfort Himalayan Salt Shot Glasses brings uniqueness to your party! Made from natural Himalayan salt c . rystals hand mined in the Himalayan Mountains, the shot glass is naturally anti-bacterial so the product can be reused. Add salt naturally to your shots with the natural carved Himalayan salt shot glass. Diameter measures 2” and includes plastic removable inserts for the shot glass. Weight and color may vary due to the natural variation in the Himalayan Crystal Salt. Includes a set of 2 shot glasses. read more

    Georg Jensen's Manhattan cocktail shaker is crafted of mirror-polished stainless steel detailed with a ridged base and lid. From t . he Manhattan Collection. 9.25"/23cm height (approximately). Available in Steel. Stainless steel. Hand wash. Imported. read more

    Georg Jensen Manhattan Cocktail Shaker-Home

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    Serve up classic drinks in timeless style with a pair of heavy, lead-crystal double old-fashioned glasses. Style Name:Rogaska Crys . tal 'Manhattan' Double Old Fashioned Glasses (Set Of 2). Style Number: 5000535. Available in stores. read more

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    Dimensions: 5L x 5W x 7.5H in.. Made of clear glass. 12 oz. capacity. Dishwasher safe. Comes with 4 glasses. The True Manhattan Ma . rtini Glass - Set of 4 is a barware essential which features a classic shape crafted from dishwasher safe glass. The simple styling fits right in with nearly any style of décor. The 12 oz. capacity makes it ideal for serving a wide variety of mixed cocktails and is a must-have addition to any home bar. read more

    Dimensions: 5L x 5W x 7.5H in.. Made of clear glass. 12 oz. capacity. Dishwasher safe. Comes with 4 glasses. The True Manhattan Ma . rtini Glass - Set of 4 is a barware essential which features a classic shape crafted from dishwasher safe glass. The simple styling fits right in with nearly any style of décor. The 12 oz. capacity makes it ideal for serving a wide variety of mixed cocktails and is a must-have addition to any home bar. read more

    Serve up classic drinks in timeless style with a pair of heavy, lead-crystal double old-fashioned glasses. Style Name: Rogaska Cry . stal 'Manhattan' Double Old Fashioned Glasses (Set Of 2). Style Number: 5000535. Available in stores. read more

    The epitome of sophistication, our 12 oz. clear Manhattan Martini glass is the perfect counterpart for classy cocktails and sophis . ticated sipping. read more

    Union Street - Union Street Manhattan-Gold Martini Glass - Heavy Optic,Gold On Clear Ball Stem

    Union Street - Union Street Manhattan-Gold Cordial Glass - Heavy Optic,Gold On Clear Ball Stem

    A fiesta made easy with this sturdy hand blown margarita glass. Gold leaf stem adds interest. Hand wash to protect the gold leafin . g. read more

    When you want to have some fun, you need the Giant Martini Glass. There will be more drinking and less pouring with this glass! Th . is massive martini glass can hold 4+ martinis! You certainly will not go thirsty with this glass! Glass. Hand wash. Size. read more

    Among the finest crystal glassware we've ever offered, the Comete Collection reinterprets a classic cut with modern finesse. Simpl . e and timelessly elegant, the gently drawn stems and softly curved bowls initiate a unique play of light and color. The collection is a throwback to the classic bar culture and was developed with legendary bartender Charles Schumann as a symbiosis of aesthetics and enjoyment. Each glass features fine, delicate lines and a geometric style that harmoniously refracts the light of your drinks with eye-catching grandeur. By replacing the lead in traditional crystal with titanium and zirconium, Schott Zwiesel has created the strongest, clearest, most brilliant crystal glass available. Patented Tritan® Crystal retains its clarity and luster for the life of the glass and resists chipping, scratching, and breakage. read more

    Innovation, quality and craftsmanship have been part of the Williams Sonoma legacy since 1956.

    This is perhaps the finest collection of crystal glassware we've ever offered. Simple and timelessly elegant, the gently drawn ste . ms and softly curved bowls initiate a unique play of light and color. The collection is a throwback to the classic bar culture and was developed with legendary bartender Charles Schumann as a symbiosis of aesthetics and enjoyment. The Glace Collection features elegantly shaped glasses with etchings, each sure to attract attention at your next party. The dynamic cuts create the illusion of movement in the glass, and the style seems organic. The glasses refract light like ice crystals, so the soft hues of your beverages are highlighted with a special brilliance. By replacing the lead in traditional crystal with titanium and zirconium, Schott Zwiesel has created the strongest, clearest, most brilliant crystal glass available. Patented Tritan crystal retains its clarity and luster for the life of the glass and resists chipping, scratching, and breakage. read more

    This classic crystal stemware coordinates perfectly with any dinnerware pattern and makes an elegant statement with its delicate m . otif. read more

    This is perhaps the finest collection of crystal glassware we've ever offered. Simple and timelessly elegant, the gently drawn ste . ms and softly curved bowls initiate a unique play of light and color. The collection is a throwback to the classic bar culture and was developed with legendary bartender Charles Schumann as a symbiosis of aesthetics and enjoyment. The Glace Collection features elegantly shaped glasses with etchings, each sure to attract attention at your next party. The dynamic cuts create the illusion of movement in the glass, and the style seems organic. The glasses refract light like ice crystals, so the soft hues of your beverages are highlighted with a special brilliance. By replacing the lead in traditional crystal with titanium and zirconium, Schott Zwiesel has created the strongest, clearest, most brilliant crystal glass available. Patented Tritan crystal retains its clarity and luster for the life of the glass and resists chipping, scratching, and breakage. read more

    Prove that you're the #1 Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns fan with this Etched mixing glass! It features printed Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns gr . aphics that'll put your team pride on the forefront. Enjoy your drink of choice in this festive Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns. read more

    Uber Bar Tools Uibi Glass is an elegant and stable glass with a comfortable texture that reduces slippage. The Uibi glass is perfe . ct for cocktail making and built for high usage by bartenders. Makes a great tool for a bartender and the perfect Father's Day or Christmas Gift. read more

    A fiesta favorite, the traditional margarita glass is perfect for frozen beverages. The beautifully-crafted sombrero shape glass c . omes in a generous size to serve daiquiris, cocktails or ice cream sundaes. Pair the margarita glass with the 3-tier. read more

    Cheer on your Bobcats while sippin' on your favorite beverage with this Jersey glass. It features a team-colored jersey background . emblazoned with a Charlotte logo. This 17oz. glass is a perfect way to add some team spirit to your game day drink! read more

    Celebrate your Pitt Panthers fandom with this 17oz Color Chrome mixing glass! Wow your friends and family when you pass around dri . nks in this team-colored glass with printed Pitt Panthers graphics. It's the final touch needed to really impress everyone. read more

    Find Drinkware at Target.com! This heavy duty Libbey 25.25oz Cocktail Mixing Glass has a seamless interior for quieter and smoothe . r stirring. This mixing glass is the workhorse behind any bar. With a 2-3 drink capacity, dishwasher safe and for use with a variety of bar tools this cocktail mixing glass will keep the party going. Size: Decanter. Color: Clear. read more

    Your game day ritual is something you never forget about. You always have the perfect snack, beverage and outfit to showcase your . fandom before and during the game. Now you can make sure you enjoy your drink the true UConn Huskies way when game time. read more

    Improve your collection of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns glassware with this Etched mixing glass! The bold team graphics make this an es . sential item for any Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns fan. You'll love sipping your favorite beverage from this Louisiana Ragin'. read more

    Cheer on your Bobcats while sippin' on your favorite beverage with this Jersey glass. It features a team-colored jersey background . emblazoned with a Charlotte logo. This 17oz. glass is a perfect way to add some team spirit to your game day drink! read more

    Set of 2 New Orleans Landmark Etched Martini Cocktail Glasses - 7.25 Oz.

    US Glass - US Glass Manhattan-Clear Punch Cup - Stem #15078,Pressed Glass, Dots/Cane

    The cool aqua of the Mexican Caribbean twirls in voluptuous goblets. Handcrafted by Javier and Efrén, the elegant stemware feature . s a transparent base. Refined yet informal, the versatile set of four showcases glass-blowing techniques perfected over more than thirty years. Because each piece is handmade, shape and size can vary slightly and tiny bubbles may appear within the glass. This exemplifies the hand-blown technique, making every piece a unique example of blown glass craftsmanship. read more

    Your Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns just brought home another win! Ensure that you're ready to celebrate with this 16oz. mixing glass. It . s crisp team graphics will amplify your Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns enthusiasm with every use. read more

    Your game day ritual is something you never forget about. You always have the perfect snack, beverage and outfit to showcase your . fandom before and during the game. Now you can make sure you enjoy your drink the true Pitt Panthers way when game time. read more

    Light up the next tailgate party when you enjoy a delicious drink from this amazing UConn Huskies 16oz. Two-Tone mixing glass. Thi . s engaging piece of UConn Huskies dishware features electrifying graphics that will help you flaunt your unique style. read more

    Goran Hongell's celebrated Aarne collection has a modern sensibility as captivating today as it was in 1948. With proud, sleek lin . es in heavy crystal, these cocktail glasses are an enduring classic of the home bar. read more

    Celebrate your UConn Huskies fandom with this 17oz Color Chrome mixing glass! Wow your friends and family when you pass around dri . nks in this team-colored glass with printed UConn Huskies graphics. It's the final touch needed to really impress everyone. read more

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