суббота, 27 января 2018 г.



Zutaten für 6 Portionen

Ananas schälen und in Würfel schneiden. Limonen entsaften und mit dem Saft der Ananas in einem Mixer geben; ausserdem noch 1 Glas Mineralwasser und den Zucker dazugeben, das Ganze mixen, bis eine feine Masse entsteht, in einen Krug/Karaffe sieben, mit Mineralwasser auffüllen und mit Eiswürfeln servieren

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Limetten cocktail

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

Erfrischender Limetten-Ingwer-Cocktail, alkoholfrei

8 Limetten (unbehandelt)

4 EL brauner Zucker

400 ml Mineralwasser mit Sprudel


Oh wie lecker! Dieses Getränk schmeckt auch super lecker mit Gurke! Sehr erfrischend !

Oh ja, das kann ich mir durchaus sehr gut vorstellen! :-)

mhmm sieht sehr gut aus!

Er schmeckte auch wunderbar :-)

Ihr habt was dazu zu sagen? Scheut euch nicht, und schreibt einen Kommentar :-) Ich freue mich sehr darauf!

Herzlich Willkommen!

Ich bin Lola und freue mich, dass ihr den Weg hierher gefunden habt! Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und hoffe ihr schaut bald wieder vorbei :)

Cocktail Limetten Schmetterling Wall Hooks

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Cocktails mit Limette(n)

Über Limette(n)

Limetten sind Zitrusfrüchte, die den Zitronen sehr ähnlich sind. Der Name leitet sich von Limonen ab und bedeutet sinngemäß kleine Limonen, also Limetten. In der Karibik sind sie schon seit langer Zeit fester Bestandteil von unterschiedlichsten Trinkrezepten und Speisen. Ebenso verbreitet sind sie in den USA. In Europa werden sie zumeist für Cocktails verwendet. Jedoch sind sie hier erst seit den 1990ern ganzjährig im Handel erhältlich.

Wie die Limetten den Weg nach Europa und in die Neue Welt fanden

Die Bedeutung von Limetten erkannten die Seefahrer im 17. Jahrhundert. Zu jener Zeit erkrankten sehr viele Seeleute an Skorbut. Man fand heraus, dass dem durch die Aufnahme von Obst entgegengewirkt werden konnte. Allerdings enthalten Limetten nicht sehr viel von dem dafür verantwortlichen Vitamin C. Doch wurden die Limetten so in der westlichen Welt bekannt. Nachdem man sie insbesondere in den USA und der Karibik verwendete, fanden sie bald Einzug in die Welt der Cocktails. Hierfür werden auch andere Produkte wie Limetten-Sirup oder Lime Juice Cordial verwendet, die auf Limetten basieren.

Die Herstellungsregionen von Limetten

Limetten werden weltweit hergestellt. Die Anbaugebiete finden sich vornehmlich in mediterranen, subtropischen und tropischen Gebieten. Die Limetten werden nach zahlreichen Arten unterschieden: gewöhnliche Limette (Citrus × latifolia), echte Limette (Citrus aurantiifolia), Kaffeelimette (Citrus hystrix), australische Wüsten- und Fingerlimette (Citrus glauca und Citrus australasica), runde australische Limetten (Citrus australis) und Limequat (Citrus × floridana) wie auch verschiedene Hybriden.

Die Limette ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Cocktails und Longdrinks

Bei der Zubereitung von Cocktails sind Limetten nicht wegzudenken. Ebenso werden Longdrinks mit einem Schuss Limettensaft verfeinert. Der Limettensaft gibt Cocktails und Longdrinks eine fruchtige und saure Note ähnlich von Zitronen, als Sirup hingen eher fruchtig nach Zitrone und süß mit einem Hauch von sauer. Speziell für den mit Gin zubereiteten Gimlet wird Lime Juice Cordial benötigt. Die wohl bekanntesten Cocktails mit Limettensaft sind Mojito, Caipirinha, Maragrita oder Daiquiri. Als Longdrink der Cuba Libre. Teilweise werden die ausgedrückten Limetten mit in die Cocktails bzw. Longdrinks gegeben.

Für die Zutat Limette(n) wurden noch keine Fotos hochgeladen. Mach den Anfang und gestalte die Cocktaildatenbank mit! Foto hochladen

Limetten cocktail

Tonic Bitters

Tonic Bitters

200 ml, 43% Alcohol by Volume

The Bitter Truth Bitters represents liquid driven history by the drop full. From the Jerry Thomas Decanter Bitters to the classic – anything but usual Aromatic Bitters, each taste is memorable.

Exotische Noten von Zitrusfrüchten und Gewürzen, balanciert mit dem grasig-frischen Bukett von Japanischen Grüntee. Untermalt mit Noten von Kräutern und Gewürzen wie Wacholderbeeren, Koriandersamen und Muskatnüssen.

The Bitter Truth…oft das gewisse Extra für eine ganze Reihe meiner erfolgreichsten Drinks…inspirierend, natürlich, innovativ, verlässlich…always my first choice!

Notas exóticas de cítrico y especia, equilibrado por un ramillete fresco y herboso de té verde japonés. Respaldado por la nota herbal de la nebrina, semillas de cilantro y la especia mace.

200 ml, 43% alcohol por volumen

Los bitters de The Bitter Truth representan una historia líquida que se conduce a través de la garganta. Desde el Jerry Thomas Decanter Bitters al clásico, pero para nada usual Bitter Aromático, cada sabor es memorable.





Gin & Tonic

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Dry Gin

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Tonic Bitters

Build in long drink glass over ice, fill up with tonic water and stir gently.

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Rhum Agricole

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Tonic Bitters

1 bar spoon of sugar

Pour ingredients into a tumbler with ice and stir.


Dry Martini Cocktail

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Dry Gin

10 ml (1/3 oz) Dry Vermouth

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Tonic Bitters

Stir in mixing glass with ice & strain into a cocktail glass.

(by Thorsten Spuhn, Modern Masters)

30 ml (1 oz) Monkey 47 Gin

2 barspoons Danziger Goldwasser

1 barspoon Valdivia Amontillado “Prune” Medium Sherry

6 dashes The Bitter Truth Tonic Bitters

Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic Water

Stir very gently in serving glass over ice & add orange peel.

Recent posts

  • The Bitter Truth 10th anniversary edition release July 1, 2016
  • Old Cuban Cocktail with Robert Hess April 16, 2015
  • Bijou Cocktail and Right Garnish with Robert Hess March 11, 2015
  • Cucumber Bitters among TOTC Top 10 Best New Products 2015 June 19, 2015
  • Introducing Cucumber Bitters this Summer May 20, 2015

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Mix it up with your #Christmas #Cocktails this party season and create the perfect mixers to wow your guests🍸… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Avui et portem #novetatsdivinum per començar amb bon peu la setmana! Ja tenim amb nosaltres els @YOURBITTERTRUTH 👏…… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

@FloatingRumShac unfortunately not. only available through the fine people of @_HavanaClub

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The Bitter Truth GmbH

82049 Pullach im Isartal

Registered in Germany: DE264426168

Representative: Stephan Berg, Alexander Hauck

Local Court Munich: HRB 178548

This site is intended only for individuals of legal drinking age in their country. Please drink responsibly.

Limetten cocktail

  • It’s a treasure trove of unique recipes. Try them! They’re all magnifiques, très inspirational and genuinely françaises.

    This highly refreshing cocktail pairs the sour flavours of lime with the herbal notes of tequila. GRAND MARNIER® liqueur's orange.

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    Launched in 1927 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the House of GRAND MARNIER®, this rare blend is the perfect.

    The Limited edition

    Join us on Facebook

    Launched in 1927 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the House of GRAND MARNIER®, this rare blend is the perfect.

    Chutney Recipes

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    Cherry Chutney

    "I loved this! It's wonderful with crackers and goat cheese or Havarti, as well as over pork." – Christy Cooks

  • Mint Chutney

    "Very refreshing. Goes great with samosas." – Bandita

  • Chef John's Spiced Apple Chutney

    "I have made this over a dozen times and it's become my standard sweet-spicy side for ham." – Arliman Talavera

    Limetten-Saibling mit Zitronen-Limetten-Vinaigrette

    2 rote Zwiebeln

    1 Knolle Fenchel



    Darf's noch etwas mehr sein?


    Og, sieht das lecker aus! Muss das Rezept unbedingt ausprobieren!

    Das sieht echt phantastisch aus. Beim nächsten Fischessen gibt es dann Limetten dazu.

    Mir schmecken Limetten auch viel besser derzeit als Zitronen. Leider bekomme ich sie so selten in Bio.

    Sieht toll aus, super Fotos und schmecken tuts bestimmt! Gute Idee, den Fisch mit den Limettenscheiben zu spicken.

    das sieht toll aus mit den Limetten gespickt, wie immer total schöne Fotos!

    Viel Spaß beim Nachkochen und ganz viele Grüße in die große weite Welt! ;o)

    Vielen Dank und schon jetzt guten Appetit

    Komisch eigentlich, da Limetten ja auch grad jetzt im Sommer in Massen für Cocktails wie Caipirinha ausgedrückt und zerquetscht werden und ich möchte eigentlich keine Pestizide und den ganzen anderen Schweinkram in meinem Cocktail haben *grummel .

    Ganz viele Grüße in die Nachbarschaft :O)

    Oh mannnnnnn. Das sieht MEGA aus. Oh . mhmh.

    leider kenne bzw. kannte ich deinen Blog bisher nicht.

    Natürlich hast du Recht, dass es für uns beide sicher besser wäre, wenn sowohl dein als auch mein Blog als individuelle Blogs anerkannt und auseinandergehalten werden.

    Und das war noch viel leckerer ;o)

    Das geht sogar mehr als in Ordnung! Vielen Dank für Dein Verständnis :o)

    Saibling und Pangasius gelingt mir immer am Besten! :D Mit Limettenscheiben hatte ichs auch noch nicht ausprobiert. Tolle Anregung! Danke!

    Google mal Pangasius - ich denke, Dir wird schnell der Appetit auf Pangasius vergehen .

    Bin auf der Suche nach neuen Rezepten auf Deinem Blog gestoßen und bin total begeistert.

    Hab gleich die Limetten-Saiblinge nachgekocht. Das ist ein absolut geniales Gericht.

    Kommentare, die Werbelinks enthalten (Links, die auf kommerzielle Seiten verlinken und keinen Bezug zum Beitragsthema haben, sondern lediglich der Werbung dienen), werden selbstverständlich nicht veröffentlicht und ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte vor. Mein Blog dient nicht als kostenlose Werbeplattform!

    Limetten cocktail

    evtl. etwas Limejuice

    etwa 2 gehäufte Teelöffel Rohrzucker

    Die halbe Limette wird in Stücke (1/8) geschnitten und zusammen mit dem Zucker in einem stabilen Glas zerquetscht.

    Anschließend wird das Glas mit crushed ice aufgefüllt, der Cachaзa hinzugegeben und umgerührt.

    6 cl Orangensaft

    5 cl Maracujanektar

    3 cl Limettensaft

    Den Wodka einfüllen und anschlieЯend mit kaltem Ginger Ale aufgießen.

    Ursprьnglich wird der Moscow Mule mit Ginger Beer zubereitet.

    Ѕ Limette auf Rohrzucker zerdrьckt

    4-8 cl Maracujasaft

    Die halbe Limette wird in kleine Stücke (1/8) geschnitten und zusammen mit dem Zucker in einem stabilen Glas zerquetscht.

    Crushed ice zugeben, Maracujasaft dazu und anschlieЯend mit Ginger Ale auffüllen.

    6 cl Maracujasaft

    6 cl Ananassaft

    2 cl KokosnuЯcreme

    1 cl Mangosirup

    1 Limettenviertel, Minze

    Alle Zutaten (ohne Limette) mit Eiswьrfeln im Shaker kurz schьtteln. In ein zu einem Drittel mit crushed ice gefьlltes Glas abseihen.

    Limette ьber dem Drink auspressen.

    Frische Minze auf den Drink stecken und mit Trinkhalm servieren.

    Die Enden der Limette nach dem Waschen abschneiden, um zu verhindern, dass evtl. Bitterstoffe das Aroma beeintrдchtigen.

    Limetten cocktail


    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    .cranberry lime vodka.


    Oh wow! This is so neat! And looks yummy!

    Wow this is so cool! And pretty! Love it.

    Love this idea! Where did you buy those jars?

    Hobby Lobby has them

    World Market has these exact same jars/bottles. I bought 6 of them last week!

    I actually found them at Homesense. but check out places like Home Outfitters and Bed, Bath and Beyond because they usually have pretty jars :)

    THIS is a great idea, and soooo pretty and festive!

    Ikea used to have jars like that, but that was a while ago.

    IKEA still has them in Canada. I bought 6 yesterday at $2.99 each! Can't wait to try this. :)

    IKEA in Florida has them. $3.99 each here.

    Hobby Lobby has them

    Not sure if they do anymore, I am in Canada and don't get to Ikea very often.

    I just bought them at Ikea on Friday. I think they were $2.99 each.

    I infuse my own vodka often, but never thought about Christmas theme for gifts. I'm so doing this this year. Love how it looks, thanks!

    I so hope it turns out for all of you! I can't wait to dip into mine.

    Do you need to sanitize your jars before adding the vodka in them? This is a great idea for a Christmas gift.

    I always give my jars a good washing with soap and water, and I've never had an issue with mine. Been doing it for a couple years now, and it's always tasty. Make sure your jars can seal tightly though.

    Hope that helps.

    Just made mine as gifts. I need to clarify. do they need to sit ffor 2 weeks before using? Also, how should they be stored, on counter or in frig? I've used corks to seal my bottles, I guess this is ok. Thanks, they are beautiful gifts.

    This is awesome, I can't wait to try it! Thank you for posting :)

    what kinda of vodka do you use??

    The kind you like

    Hockey, vodka and cranberries? So glad I ran across a pin of the product on pinterest!

    Christmas gifts this year. Thanks so much!

    As for what vodka I use, go with some pretty cheap vodka. you really can't taste the vodka after it soaks with the cranberries after a while (trust me you can sip this stuff it's so good!), so don't spend too much because it wouldn't be worth it. If you are only going to let it sit for a couple weeks, I would use a more expensive vodka as it will be a little stronger tasting than if you let it sit for a month or two.

    And Christine. You made me laugh out loud :)

    Great idea! I know what I am doing for all my girlfriends this year. Thanks!

    what other types of fruit would you suggest beside cranberries and lime?

    At the same time as doing this batch, I did a blackberry vodka, as well as a raspberry vodka. I haven't yet tried the raspberry one, but the blackberry was utterly delicious! And obviously the sour cherry vodka (see link in this post) is a total favorite!

    When you make a drink with the cranberries, do you have to add more vodka? Kinda confused about that part.

    You use the liquid as your vodka. Nothing happens to the alcohol content of the liquor, it's the flavor and color that will change. Always taste everything before adding anything! Lol it's a rule I cook by!

    These are great! Thank you so much for the idea. Can you tell me what size bottles you used shown in the picture above?

    Oka I am making this tonight. Do I need to keep it in the fridge or is the kitchen counter okay. And how long will the blackberry vodka need to infuse? My local market just happens to have them onsale this week so I am going to try that too! I can not wait.

    Do you have any recommendations for a drink to make with this vodka? Thought it would be cute to attach a tag with a cocktail on it to use the vodka in!

    Some answers friends:

    Konnie: I haven't used the cranberries in a drink before, just the alcohol from it after it has been sitting in the cranberries for a while. So no, I don't add any more vodka to it. You could however, use the cranberries in a recipe I'm sure. hmm. that would be an idea to google.

    I am so going to do this! But I'm wondering, do you pour the vodka into a different container after it's infused or do you leave it with the fruit?

    How many cranberries and how much vodka do you need?

    Where do you find sour cherries to make the sour cherry vodka? I have never seen it fresh in this country but I have heard they have them in Michigan?

    Can I just pour the vodka out of the pretty bottle it came in (special edition) and then pour it back in?

    I have got to try this! Yum. What a great idea, thanks for sharing.

    Lisa Hitzeman: You can leave the vodka in with the fruit, but make sure you have a closed jar when not in use. That's what I do. Although we tend to drink it so fast, there's not much time to worry about what to store it in ;)

    I made this tonight! Can't wait to try it! :)

    I found your blog on Pinterest and made these tonight for my two best friends for Christmas. I can't wait to try! I ran out of Cranberries though so I will have to make my batch tomorrow. **NOTE. I found some awesome bottles at The Container Store, they have several different sizes and are fairly inexpensive.

    I found my bottles at Crate and Barrel, and they were fairly inexpensive.

    As for other flavors, I have done an orange cranberry Vodka and all my friends said it was super yummy, I gave it as xmas gifts a couple of years ago.

    how many limes did you peel for each bottle? Just one?

    Great bottles, even better prices than Ikea! Just ordered some in anticipation of making this yummy beverage!

    Is it really difficult to reuse the bottles?

    Nope, just throw away the fruit and wash the bottles out. I reuse mine all year round.

    Do you think this could work with Rum? I'm thinking Bacardi Silver.

    It very well may! I'd give a whirl!

    this is just SO pretty :) And look too yummy :) Thank you for the idea! i`m making it today, for christmas!

    Wondering if instead of an alcohol I could use anything non-alcoholic for the liquid or is that not feasible? It looks beautiful!

    Made these yesterday and girlfriend loves the look of the cranberries and lime in the bottles. She has commented at least 6 times about them. :P Quick question though. Overnight, the cranberries no longer fill the bottle as theres about a half inch of space at the bottom now as well as the vodka level is down some. Is that normal / should I add more vodka? Thanks!

    I had the same problem. I just added more cranberries!

    I just made a couple of bottles of this cranberry -lime vodka and it looks so pretty. I used frozen cranberries that i just bought bulk from the grocery store- will forzen cranberries still work for this vodka recipe? The colour of the vodka is already turing a bit pink- it looks so nice

    Do you have a recipe for the crantini's.

    I have the exact same question as JeepCrew!! I made mine a couple of days ago and the level of the liquid has already gone down so much. I'd love to see a photo of what yours looks like after a couple of days.

    :) made 4 batches tonite with one 1 liter bottle of vodka and 2 bags of cranberries . I found oil/vinegar bottles at world market that were only $2.99 and bought $1.99 airtight stoppers that double as pourers when opened. AWESOME! I used about half a lime for each bottle, and put the rind on the bottom so the cranberries sit on top . this looks great too. Thank you thank you thank you for this recipe! :)

    As my bottles sit I am noticing it turns to a pink color because of the cranberries . (which is lovely), but now I am worrying it will make the limes look brownish by the time I give these as gifts. Thoughts?

    When you say the bottles should be air tight, would bottles with cork stoppers work?

    Yep, that would work great.

    Bottle idea - i reused some fancy juice bottles that had the same type of top - just drank the juice and washed off the labels!!

    Love this idea! Just made a couple bottles for Christmas gifts and one for me. :) They look beautiful and I can't wait to try it!!

    Just used mason jars for my infusion and they turned out super cute! I'm giving them to everyone for Xmas this year! Thank you so much!

    Lastly, one more dumb question: How do you all drink/plan on drinking it? I'm thinking with soda water?

    Thanks for posting! Made a couple bottles and the vodka was amazing after just two weeks. My husband does not even like cranberries, but was going nuts over it. Mixed it with Fresca and it was absolute perfection. I think I will try other flavored infusions soon. Thanks again!

    You're so very welcome! I'm happy that it turned out :)

    Thank you for sharing this! Made as gifts & got a great response. My friend mixed it with Sprite & said that the cranberries were great to eat too!

    I am so happy to hear that! I was hoping that everyone liked it as much as I did!

    Was curious what size bottles you used in the above picture? Also do you give them as a gift with the cranberries still in it, or do you drain the infused vodka out and put it in a bottle? thanks

    What a great idea! I would love to make some of these and experiment with the flavors. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Could you use fresh pomegranate seeds in place of the cranberries?

    hmmmm, i have a huge bottle of lime flavored vodka that i absolutely hate. I am going to pour it over the cranberries and sugar to see if that will make it better. thanks!

    I was lucky enough to find bottles at a store called OLD TIME POTTERY. They have packages of three together for $6. This is the cheapest I have found. This is a great idea and I have already made 3 different kinds including blueberry/lemon! Can't wait to try and plan on making for Xmas .

    Thank you, found the bottles too. Now I am anxious to get started. will make great gifts.

    I got great bottles at The container store, $4.99 each

    I'm curious about using the fresh pomegranate seeds as well!

    This sounds delicious.

    How long can you leave the bottles. if they are left for 3 months would it cause a problem.

    No problem at all. It's how long I keep mine on the counter for. No need to refrigerate either.

    Im wondering the same as above, I made some todayand was hoping it would last until Christmas? Should I put it in the firdge/freezer after a month or so of infusing?

    Not to worry, it will last to Christmas and will be very tasty :)

    No need to refrigerate. I just leave mine on the counter. Super easy.

    I used cranberries and a vanilla bean for our Christmas bottles. It was divine!

    I was wondering if I could use any other fruit. It's a little hard to find cranberries in India :(

    Can you use cork top bottles?

    Yes, anything that will seal.

    I love this recipe and the bottles look so pretty. I actually found them online at www.eBottles.com!

    LOvely idea, must try it, but what do you do with the cranberries? it seems a shame to just use the vodka.

    Thank-You!! I have sour cherry bushes that produce profusely and this looks like a great way to use the excess. Can't wait for spring now.

    You can use the fruit on ice cream or blend it into a smoothie. Just remember this is not a smoothie you can take in the car and definitely do nit drink and drive!

    I would add the ice first, then milk or water to thin as needed. You could use cranberry juice or orange juice instead of milk or water.

    How about the Sour Cherry Vodka recipe?

    I'm so doing this for Christmas, they look super cute and fancy. think I will use the vodka infused cranberries to make cran sauce for Christmas dinner this year :)

    How do you seal it?

    About what is the sugar ratio?

    Not only does it sound yummy, but it looks so pretty! I'll be hoping to find some cute bottles like that when I go to the store. If I can't find them I guess I can go all hillbilly and put them in mason jars :)

    This article totally just made some of my Christmas shopping a little easier! I mean, who doesn't like a nice bottle of flavored alcohol paired with some cocktail glasses as a nice little gift basket? Thank you!

    I make an apple liquor with crabapples, sugar and vodka. same idea as this, and it, too, is absoutely DELICIOUS! Gonna try making the cranberry-lime now!

    I did this today and wanted to give them as Christmas gifts. It will be just at the 2 month mark. Will it go bad or do need to give it as a Thanksgiving gift. I would hate to have them go bad if they don't drink it that week. By the way it was fun and easy to do. They turned out really pretty.

    Is that an 8.5 oz bottle or 12 oz bottle?

    I'm making ten of these for people for Christmas! Can't wait :) :)

    Do you leave all those cranberries and lime in the bottle? It seems like there isn't much room for the Vodka. When you pour it don't they either fall out or plug the opening. Just curious because I plan on making it and I want to do it right. It looks yummy!

    Yes, leave the fruit in the bottles so the flavor gets infused. Also, some of the fruit will soak up the vodka so in a day or so, add some more of that vodka ;)

    Thank you so much for the great Christmas gift idea, I can't wait to start infusing and experimenting!! My one question is if I use a 1 liter bottle how much sugar do I add? I'm worried about not putting the right amount! Also, if I try other flavors like blueberry/lemon or blackberry do I still add the sugar? Thanks :)

    I was just wondering how long it stayed pretty. If I made them tonight would they still look pretty for Christmas?

    I know what I'll be giving for Christmas

    Made 2 bottles a couple weeks ago. Tasted it tonight and it was a little bitter so I added some more sugar. This is a great gift idea! I made 5 more bottles tonight for gifts and used about 1/3 whipped vodka (so it's a little sweeter) and 2/3 regular vodka. Found my bottles at Ross for $1.99

    Thanks for the great idea!

    Great idea with the whipped vodka!

    How long will this stay fresh after the 2 weeks to 2 months of infusing?

    Does it have to stay in the frig or room temp?

    I leave them at room temperature for well over 2 months and as long as the fruit is covered with the vodka and the bottle is sealed they will be fine.

    I'm going to try mine with Gin. I've been drinking Gin, Tonic water and cranberry juice with a squeeze of lime. So I think the cranberry and lime infused Gin will go great!

    Just put my first batch on the kitchen windowsill. Pricking the berries was easy. I just used a toothpick. Cannot wait to see how delicious it is! I'm gluten free, so this is perfect for me. I'm also making a batch of gluten free vanilla vodka. I only use potato vodka. I always have a signature cocktail at every party, so crantini's will be perfect! Thanks so much for posting the recipe.

    I made 6 bottles the other night using bottles with stoppers from Ikea http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50108908/ I'm noticing that each day the vodka has gone down, even though the bottles are sealed tight. Is the vodka evaporating or are the cranberries absorbing it?

    Not to worry. The liquid gets absorbed by the cranberries and it always goes down You can open them up and add a little more vodka if you really want, but it's not necessary :)

    Love this idea! Made them last night and will be passing them out to friends hosting Christmas parties this season- they look great- thanks for the creative ideas!

    how many oz is the bottle in your picture

    Can you poke the cranberries the night before??

    I just bought these same bottles at crate and barrel for only 4.95 each and 4.99 shipping for all, got them today and they are perfect for this vodka for gifts. They also had a package of 6 flat snowman sponges, use like a gift tag, that I can tie on the bottle with a ribbon.

    Great idea! Thanks for sharing. I've made six bottles for gifts and they look great!

    I'm doing mine right now! I'm pretty excited about it as they look adorable and Christmas-y and I think they'll make fantastic gifts. I was going to ask a few questions but these comments and replies answered them all! Hooray! I also really liked some of the other ideas on here, partticularly the orange and vanilla beans. I see a pattern developing in my life.

    Also, I got bottles that look the same as in your picture at our local grain store in the canning section. They were $2.79 each which I thought was pretty reasonable.

    Love these for gift ideas. Can you tell me how many ounces the jars are ? I am trying to find some, on line that are similar in size/shape.

    Not sure if this has been mentioned but use frozen berries when making your fruit vodka, saves you a huge job of making the skins split (poking the fruit with a pin/needle) before adding to the vodka!

    Do you think this would work the same with recycled whickey bottles? We try to recycle when we can. I bought the cranberries yesterday and can't wait to give it a try.

    Just made 2 bottles. It took almost 3 bags of cranberries. I had large bottles, got them from Crate and Barrel. $4.95 each, no shipping and extra % off. I believe the bottles were 33 oz. each.

    I found 1 liter bottles made in Italy at The Christmas Tree shop for $1.99. It took about 1 lb of cranberries to fill them. Can't wait.

    How much vodka do you end up with? It doesn't seem like much once you fill up the bottle with all those cranberries and lime.

    Are the lime rinds supposed to change color or are my bottles maybe not sealed enough?

    I too am wondering the same thing. What type of jars did you use? I used mason jars, and my rinds turned color after just a few days.

    Someone mentioned using frozen. Has anyone tried this? If frozen, you don't need to poke? Will it add extra water to the drink?

    When it comes to infusing alcohol with citrus fruits, freezing the skin will break apart the oils and make the infusing process be much shorter.

    I am also wondering about using frozen cranberries. And will the taste get stronger/bitter if you leave the berries and lime zest in?

    Otherwise lovely idea and thank you for the tip!

    Consider all the extra sugar, wouldn't you say that this is more like a strong liqueur rather than liquor vodka?

    My family has been making cranberry vodka for years. never thought to add limes or other citrus-great idea though and my next project. I have always frozen the cranberries first then mixed with the sugar and vodka in a mason jar and left in the cupboard for a few weeks. It turns out great every time. usually just let it sit for a few weeks and mix up every couple of days.

    I made five bottles the day after Thanksgiving. nice pink Color but the cranberries and limes look pretty rough after almost four weeks. I plan to give them for Xmas but am thinking of "freshening" up the bottles by replacing the fruit. anyone else done this?

    Yes, I have actually done this as well. Spruces things up a bit as the fruit will brown from the alcohol over time.

    Is this also you? It's almost word for word but it looked different than I had remembered your post to be.

    No, that's not me and it does appear that they used my recipe. I do see a link back to my site though, so it's all good. Thank you for sharing and I totally think you should keep one for yourself!

    LOVE this idea! Where did you get your jar from? Can't wait to make some of these for Christmas.

    Hi, I just tried this yesterday and I just went to shake it for the day and it's already cranberry color and the level of cranberries sunk already. Is that normal or should I be worried?

    No, that's totally normal! I just add a little more vodka to top it up after a day or so.

    Can you eat the cranberries

    Yes, I think you could, but they may be bitter and taste of vodka [however, that sounds kinda good too!]. Maybe try cooking them a little with some sugar and eat them over a dessert?!

    Oh my gosh you have a hit here! I made and the next day noticed the lime peel was not that fresh green color

    Anymore--any ideas on how to fix this? The bottles are sealed tightly.

    Unfortunately, the lime green color will fade over time. However, the good news is it still tastes great!

    I just made this for my daughter for Christmas as she is a lover of Vodka/cran/lime when she indulges! What a beautiful presentation, so festive! I wish I had come across this sooner. I would have made alot more for friends! (Next year). I also made homemade Baileys this year (which was very simple, and a hit)! It's so nice to make things for people. Gifts like these are always much more appreciated! Thanks for posting and helping us come up with something fun and creative as gifts! Happy Holidays!

    Your gift it's so beautiful, I like it vey much, I also bought one at hermes handbags online

    , If you want one too. can visit this address, The backpacks are

    beautiful at there. I think you will be love it too.

    sounds so yummy - I'm going to scavenge for bottles during the summer and make it up for the holidays! A great summer drink is to do it with fresh pineapple. just cut it up in a big pickle jar and fill with cheap vodka for 5 or weeks, strain into a pretty bottle and keep in the fridge for company or relaxing on the patio!. Yum!!

    Do you just put the lime rinds in it and not the limes?

    Yes, just the rinds. Gives it just a hint of citrus.

    use beer bottles, then you arent purchasing just recyling

    keep it refrigerated?

    No Need. Just keep it sealed tight.

    You can go to any local thrift store and get cute, unique glass jars with lids for very cheap. I think it's the best way to go. I actually tried this recipe out last night and am waiting for it to be ready! Can't wait to taste it. If all goes well, my friends will all be receiving a bottle for Christmas :)

    I just made 4 batches! They look so pretty! So excited to gift these (I'm going to keep one for myself :)) Thanks for the idea!

    Got my baled bottles from Crate & Barrel. Bought both large & small. Used a fork (& elisted the hubby) to poke the cranberries. I used organic limes & cranberries just to be sure. I like Sobeski(sp?) vodka & it seems to work well. Am delivering them to my best girlfriends tomorrow to get them through the rest of the cookie making, gift wrapping etc. Thanks so much.

    If I plan on making 6 bottles, about this size, how many bags of cranberries, how many bottles of vodka etc. Great idea!

    Love this idea!! I am making these this year for family. I found bottles similar to this at World Market today. :)

    Yum, what an AMAZING idea!

    I always give homemade gifts for Christmas! This will definitely be a big hit! May need to make some for our Thanksgiving festivities. Thank you for the great idea!

    I love this idea for Christmas gifts - where you do you get your bottles?

    I'm in Canada and saw them in Ikea called "Korken" bottles. They are $3.49ea. I am sooo doing this for xmas!

    I just did this and it looks great! Thank you so much for the good idea.

    Great idea! On the lookout for bottles, now!

    HI! I'm a bit confused lol..I have those same bottles as pictured above (they are from ikea) so do I just make the entire cranberry vodka in that? (as in..put the cranberries, sugar,lime and vodka in it give it a shake and let it sit for a couple weeks, then can give it as gifts and pour it right from that?) Or, do I have to make it in a mason jar or something and then pour just the liquid/vodka part into the jar pictured above for Christmas gifts? was a bit confused. Thanks!

    I did this and it still looks pretty but after a week now the liquid is turning red and the limes are not a pretty green as day one. They are getting dull looking. I poked a hole in each end of the cranberries and put the bottles in a window with lots of light, like I read somewhere. Where did I go wrong. Thank you.

    You did everything right. I make cranberry vodka every year since I found this in 2011, and the lime gets dull, then the cranberries start looking pale. All the flavor and color are going into the vodka and it will be delicious. Before I give it away or drink it, I remove the fruit, squeeze out the juices and pour it through a coffee filter to catch any bits of fruit. Don't worry, it will be fabulous.

    Could you add fresh mint or maybe even cilantro to any of these infusions. Rosemary. Sorry my question mark key does not work. I just thought of something. Could you make an infused mint julep. Like during a Kentucky Derby arty perhaps.

    Just quick question could you eat the fruit like the cranberries n the black berries after all done drinking it

    Hi, I would be interested to hear if anyone has used the leftover fruit in another recipe, and if so, what. It seems a shame to waste the cranberries after all. I was wondering if they would be OK to use in a jam or other preserve.

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    Thankyou very much for sharing this recipe , very interesting :)chowringhee vijaynagar

    I'm curious why you use sugar instead of Simple Syrup? Don't you risk the sugar granules not dissolving or do they?

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