среда, 24 января 2018 г.


Kinder cocktail

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Kinder suprize Cocktail

Put everything together in a boston shaker, give it a mix with a spindle mixer then pour it over ice, garnish with a few flakes of dark chocolate. Really creamy and dreamy.

  • 2 parts Frangelico®
  • 1/2 part Crème de cacao (white)
  • 3 parts Half and half
  • 1 Chocolate flake
  • top up Ice cubes

5 1

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Kinder chocolate 'contain dangerous levels of likely carcinogens'

The European Food Safety authority calls the chemical found in the chocolate as 'likely carcinogenic and mutagenic'

  • Independent Staff
  • Tuesday 5 July 2016 12:22 BST

The Independent Online

The German watchdog say they asked Kinder to recall the chocolate bars but it refused Wikimedia commons / A Kniesel

A German food watchdog has called for Kinder chocolate bars, as well as other foods, to be recalled after tests found they contain dangerous levels of what have been described as "likely carcinogens".

Foodwatch said that mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAHs), which are created when oil is refined, have been found in the products.

The watchdog tested 20 different products and found three with what it said were “dangerous” levels of the oil byproduct.

Foodwatch has since asked that Ferrero’s Kinder Riegel chocolate bar, Lindt’s Fioretto Nougat Minis and one other German product be taken off sale.

In a statement on their website, the watchdog said: “Foodwatch had the the producers concerned informed in advance about the test results and called for a public recall.

“They refused, however, to remove products from sale.

The European Food Safety authority describes MOAHs as "likely carcinogenic and mutagenic".

Johannes Heeg , from Foodwatch , said: "Instead of clearing the candy from the shelves and alerting consumers, they [say]. that everything was undertaken legally."

Food trends in 2016

Food trends in 2016

1/11 Celeriac root

We had a kale obsession in 2015, but 2016’s vegetable sine qua non is predicted to be the knobbly celeriac root. Celeriac milk (Tom Hunt at Poco in Bristol serves it with winter mussels and wild water celery), celeriac cooked in Galician beef fat (from Adam Rawson of Pachamama, hot new chef in the capital) and salt-baked celeriac (to be found in Matthew and Iain Pennington’s kitchens at The Ethicurean in the West Country) are just a few examples.

2/11 Middle Eastern food

The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook (£24.95, Phaidon) by grand-dame Salma Hage, author of the bestseller The Lebanese Kitchen (whose halva is pictured here), is out in April

© Liz & Max Haarala Hamilton

3/11 Non-alcoholic cocktails

Grain Store mixologist Tony Conigliaro has created Roman Redhead, a riot of red grape juice, beetroot, pale ale and verjus, and Rose Iced Tea (black tea, rose petals, anise essence, pictured here)

The discerning will be slurping Hepple gin – from chef Valentine Warner and cocktail guru Nick Strangeway – which is punctuated with bog-myrtle nuances

5/11 Argyll and Bute

Restaurant followers are getting in a froth about Pam Brunton in Scotland, who opened the Inver restaurant in Argyll and Bute to acclaim last year

6/11 Andy Oliver’s Som Saa

One of the most eagerly awaited restaurants of 2016 will be the permanent incarnation of Andy Oliver’s remarkable pop-up Som Saa opening very soon in east London. Oliver, who worked at Thai god David Thompson’s Nahm in Bangkok, raised a whopping £700,000 through crowdfunding, and is renowned for his piquant Thai flavours and obsessive attention to detail, including in his home ferments and DIY coconut cream

7/11 Venison

Another ruminant in vogue is venison, with Sainsbury’s doubling its line for 2016. It provides a protein-packed punch, with B vitamins and iron, and it’s low in fat. Its entry into the mainstream is in part thanks to the Scottish restaurant Mac and Wild, just opened in London, whose Celtic head chef Andy Waugh (who also runs the Wild Game Co) has been touting it as street food for years (his venison burger pictured here)

From Brett Graham’s The Ledbury to Angela Hartnett’s kitchens at Lime Wood Hotel in the New Forest, Cabrito is the go-to goat supplier among the chef cognoscenti (roasted loin of kid pictured here) – but this year, domestic cooks can get in on the action, as Sushila Moles and James Whetlor of Cabrito offer their meat through Ocado

Mike Lusmore / mikelusmore.com

9/11 Coffee

Coffee sage George Crawford is launching the much-anticipated Cupsmith with his partner, Emma. Crawford believes that 2016 is the year purist coffee will finally meet the masses; Cupsmith’s mission will be to make craft coffee as popular as craft beer on the high street. The company roasts Arabica beans in small batches, improving its quality – but sells it online, at cupsmith.com, in an approachable way: expect cheerful packaging and names such as Afternoon Reviver Coffee (designed for drinking with milk – no matter how uncouth, most of us want milk) and Glorious Espresso

10/11 120-day-old steak

Hanging meat for extremely long lengths of time has become an art. In Cumbria, Lake Road Kitchen’s James Cross is plating up 120-day-old steak (pictured here). The beef is from influential “ager” Dan Austin of Lake District Farmers, who is currently investigating the individual bacterial cultures that go into this maturing process

11/11 Lotus root

Diners can expect root-to-stem dining - cue the full lotus deployed by the Michelin-starred Indian Benares in its kamal kakdi aur paneer korma

Speaking to the German edition of The Local , Mr Heeg said: "You can't see it, you can't taste it, but it's in there

"We recommend not purchasing these products because the levels are simply unacceptable for consumption."

The Association of the German Confectionary Agency last week issued a statement that the levels of MOAHs that Foodwatch found could "be consumed without concern".

The Independent has contacted Kinder for comment.

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Healthy Drinks for Kids

What's in this article?

We know it's important to get kids to eat healthy foods, but what about getting them on board with healthy drinks? What kids drink can greatly affect how many calories they consume and the amount of calcium (needed to build strong bones) their bodies get.

Serve Water and Milk

For kids of all ages, water and milk are the best choices, so let them flow. Besides having zero calories,water is a no-sugar thirst-quencher. And 1 cup of milk has 300 milligrams of calcium, so it's a big contributor to a child's daily needs.

Here's how much calcium kids need each day:

  • toddlers (ages 1 to 3 years): 700 milligrams of calcium daily
  • kids (ages 4 to 8 years): 1000 milligrams
  • older kids (ages 9 to 18 years): 1,300 milligrams

The current dietary guidelines for milk or equivalent dairy products or fortified soy beverages are:

  • Kids ages 2 to 3 should drink 2 cups (480 milliliters) every day.
  • Kids 4 through 8 should have 2½ cups (600 milliliters) per day.
  • Kids 9 and older should have 3 cups (720 milliliters) per day.

Choose fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk products most of the time.

When kids drink too much juice, juice drinks, sports drinks, and soda, these beverages can crowd out the milk they need. Sugary drinks also can pile on the calories.

This chart shows the calories and sugar in different beverages:

Put Limits on Juice

If your child likes juice, be sure to serve 100% juice. Also follow these recommended limits:

  • up to 6 months old: no juice
  • 6-12 months old: no more than 2-4 ounces (120 milliliters) per day, always served in a cup
  • 1-6 years old: 4-6 ounces (120-180 milliliters) of juice per day
  • 7-18 years old: 8-12 ounces (240-360 milliliters) of juice per day

Say No to Soda

Soft drinks are commonly served to kids, but they have no nutritional value and are high in sugar. Drinking soda and other sugared drinks can cause tooth decay. Colas and other sodas often contain caffeine, which kids don't need. In addition, soft drinks may be taking the place of calcium-rich milk.

One study found that, on average, preschoolers drank less than the recommended 16 ounces of milk each day while drinking 8 ounces of soda and fruit drinks (not including 100% fruit juice).

If soda habits start when kids are little, chances are they will drink increasing amounts as they get older. In older kids and teens, drinking soda has been linked to excessive weight gain and other problems.

That said, many kids like soda and will request it. As a rule, don't serve it to babies, toddlers, or preschoolers. With older kids, let them know it's a once-in-a-while beverage. Don't ban it entirely if your kids like it now and then — that's likely to make it more appealing and them more inclined to overdo it when they get the chance!

  • For Teens
  • For Kids
  • For Parents


Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.

© 1995- The Nemours Foundation. All rights reserved.

The Colorful Layered Cocktail

Anytime of the year is a great time to sit back and treat yourself to a colorful layered cocktail.

Here is a recipe rich in color for an after school treat, thirst quenching summer cocktail or anytime drink!В

This page will tell you how to make a delicious multicolored cocktail.

About this recipe

  • Preparation time : 5 min
  • Yield : Colorful Layered Cocktail

Ingredients : Colorful Layered Cocktail

  • Orange juice : 1/3 of glass
  • Pineapple juice : 1/3 of glass
  • Grenadine : 1/4 of glass
  • Sugar : 35 cl
  • White Grapes : quelques grains
  • Toothpicks : 5
  • Coasters : 4

Colorful Layered Cocktail, Recipe

    Do not forget to print 3 placemat by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. Before preparing your cocktail, put all the ingredients in the fridge to keep your cocktail cool and fresh.
  1. In a small dish, pour a little bit of grenadine. In another small flat dish pour some sugar. Turn your empty glass over and dip the rim of the glass into the syrup them into the sugar to coat the rim. The sugar is stuck to the edge of the glass with the grenadine and your glass is decorated now, you'll be able to make your cocktail!
  2. First, a bit diluted pineapple juice with water, to make it less dense.В

    You can decorate your drink with a skewer of green grapes to add color. You will now be able to enjoy this colorful cocktail!В

    Now print the mathematic table placematsВ to match with your themed recipe.

    Fichier gГ©nГ©rГ© le 18/11/2017 Г 10:13:23

    10 Classic Cocktails

    Meet the timeless standards of the cocktail playbook. Mix up these classic adult beverages for your next party or home happy hour.

    1) Martini (Gin, vermouth)

    Sometimes made with vodka, this is a classic, clear, and very strong cocktail. Serve chilled in (you guessed it) a martini glass.

    Classic Martini with Olive | Photo by Meredith

    2) Manhattan (Rye whiskey, vermouth)

    Similar to the martini, but with a touch of sweetness. This 100-year-old cocktail can also be made with bourbon. Serve in a martini glass or a short tumbler--always chilled.

    Photo by Meredith

    3) Bloody Mary (Vodka)

    Usually served at breakfast or brunch, the Bloody Mary is easy to customize depending on how strong you like your drinks--and how much spice you can handle. Serve over ice in a tall glass with the vegetable garnish of your choice.

    Photo by Meredith

    4) Margarita (Tequila, triple sec)

    A sweet party drink that's easy to make in batches. Blend in some fruit for extra flavor. You can serve in special rounded margarita glasses or whatever's handy (serving in a mason jar is increasingly popular).

    Photo by Meredith

    5) Old Fashioned (Whiskey)

    A sweet, sophisticated cocktail that's simple to make and goes down smooth. Serve over ice in a short tumbler (also known as an Old Fashioned glass).

    Photo by Meredith

    6) Mojito (White rum)

    A refreshing Cuban classic made with fresh mint. Sweet and fruity on hot summer days. Serve over ice in a tall glass.

    Photo by Meredith

    7) Daiquiri (Rum)

    An easy, sweet, and slushy blender drink. Serve in a chilled martini or margarita glass.

    Photo by Meredith

    8) Gin and Tonic

    The good 'ol G&T is a dead-simple summer drink, and a good reason to stay stocked up on fresh limes. Serve over ice in a short tumbler.

    Photo by Meredith

    9) Screwdriver (Vodka)

    Also called vodka and orange juice, because that's all it is! Easy to make as weak or as strong as you like. Typically served at breakfast or brunch in a tall glass over ice.

    Photo by Meredith

    10) Gimlet (Gin)

    A classy Gin and sweetened lime juice (Rose's is the most common brand). Also sometimes made with vodka. Serve in a martini glass or short tumbler.

    Photo by Meredith

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    These Sizzling Summer Cocktails Will Keep You Cool

    By Allrecipes Staff

    Cool down this summer with our top-rated cocktail recipes. From bourbon to beer-based, these drinks are refreshing.

    Rum Cocktails

    For extra credit, add a paper umbrella and serve these rum-based drinks in a pineapple or coconut shell.

    Photo by Meredith

    Check out more Classic Rum Cocktails To Put Yourself On Island Time.

    Gin Cocktails

    Gin is the quintessential hot-weather spirit.

    Tom Collins | Photo by Meredith

    Explore more Classic Gin Cocktails.

    Tequila Drinks

    It's North America's first distilled spirit. Tequila makes some classic cocktails.

    Tequila Sunrise | Photo by Meredith

    Explore more Classic Tequila Cocktails.

    Vodka Cocktails

    Vodka is the spirit for smooth and refreshing summer sips.

    Photo by Meredith

    Explore more Classic Vodka Cocktails.

    Whiskey Cocktails

    No frills in these classic cocktails.

    Photo by Meredith

    Explore more Classic Whiskey Cocktails.

    Beer and Wine Cocktails

    Some of these cocktails come with spirits, some without.

    Sangria | Photo by Meredith

    Dessert Drinks

    These rich, sweet cocktails let you drink your dessert.

    Photo by Meredith

    Homemade Liqueurs

    Take advantage of summer fruit to make homemade liqueurs. Many require weeks or months of infusing fruit to get the best flavors.

    Mixer Magic

    Nothing's easier to make than simple syrup. If you like, infuse the syrup with other flavors, like mint (for mojitos) or lemon (for iced teas, Collins, and other summer drinks).

    Don't Forget the Ice!

    It's often overlooked. But the best tasting cocktails use fresh ice made from pure, filtered water. "Fresh" means the cubes haven't been sitting around for weeks in the freezer soaking up the stale flavor essences of long-lingering foods. Bring the water to a quick boil for best results. Make it the morning of the day you plan to mix your cocktails, and you’ll enjoy the freshest, most delicious cocktails. And, yes, we do have a recipe for Cocktail Ice.

    Rezept backofen

    Freitag, 28. Februar 2014

    Cocktail kinder

    KinderCola Coca Cola cocktail Kinder Surprise, Kinder Chocolate, Angry Birds, Peppa Pig, Minions. Cocktails schmecken erfrischend und sind für jedermann geeignet, Kinder. Der Zauber: Solange man diesen alkoholfreien Kinder-Cocktail nicht. Cocktails für Kinder: Halali - Bilder - Der Halali ist ein aromatisch-süßer Cocktail, der bei Kindern besonders beliebt ist. Genetische Vielfalt macht Kinder intelligenter - Wissen. Wenn Kinder diese Geheimrezepte mit ihren Eltern nachmachen.

    KinderCola Coca Cola cocktail Kinder Surprise, Kinder Chocolate. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Ananas-Apfel-Cocktail Den Deko-Tipp hier kannst du auch für andere Drinks verwenden.

    Für die nächste Kinder-Poolparty oder den Kindergeburtstag haben wir hier super leckere Rezepte für bunte alkoholfreie Cocktails, zum Beispiel für den. The resurgence of classic cocktails and savvy, ingredient-focused.

    Familotel - Alkoholfreie Cocktail Rezepte Alkoholfreie Cocktail Rezepte. Alkoholfreie Cocktails: Coole Drinks für Kinder - Bilder - Für die nächste Kinder-Poolparty oder den Kindergeburtstag haben wir hier super leckere Rezepte für bunte alkoholfreie Cocktails. Cocktail-Catering auf der Ein Herz für Kinder Gala - CATERISTIC Für Coca-Cola setzte CATERISTIC auf der Ein Herz für Kinder Gala das Cocktail. Sweet Potato Cocktail Mixologist John Kinder formerly of MK Restaurant. Wir haben die aufregendsten Rezepte mit und ohne.

    Alkoholfreie Cocktails: Coole Drinks für Kinder - Bilder

    A little bit drinking a little bit fun.making a cocktail with kinder bueno chocolate. Catering als Barcaterer um und versorgt die Gäste mit Markencocktails. KINDERL ÄHMUNG : 480 000 Cocktails - DER SPIEGEL 361960 KINDERL ÄHMUNG 480 000 Cocktails. Thinkstock Cocktails, Drinks and Html.

    Mix it up with new and classic cocktails Aug 13, 2013. Alkoholfreie Cocktails: Coole Drinks für Kinder - Bilder Cocktails. Hier gibt es jeden Monat einen neuen leckeren, alkoholfreien Cocktail für Groß und. Alkoholfreie Cocktails - kein Alkohol Es geht auch ohne Alkohol Cocktails, in denen kein Alkohol enthalten ist, sind.

    Kinder, the distillery s national brand manager, has won mixology. Sweet Potato Cocktail from Mixologist John Kinder of MK Restaurant. Cocktail-Rezepte RAUCH Fruchtsäfte Greifen Sie doch mal selbst zum Shaker und verwöhnen sich und ihre Freunde mit frischen Cocktails.

    Eltern war, umso größer und intelligenter wurden die Kinder. Kinder surprise mousse cocktail Food drools Pinterest Mousse. Kinder cocktail Rezepte 55 raffinierte kinder cocktail Rezepte auf - Deutschlands bester. Video made by laura marin pliso if you have some tips or. Zum Mixen und Anrichten braucht man: 1 Longdrinkglas (25 cl Stößel). This Pin was discovered by Laura Hyams.

    Cocktails für Kinder: Summer Cooler - Bilder. 10 Muffin Rezepte - Sie sind der Star bei jedem Kindergeburtstag, und auch wir. Abnehmen nach Atkins, Logi-Methode, Steinzeitdiät oder das South-Beach. Acai-Beeren-Kapseln - Mein Selbstversuch - Forum - Erdbeerlounge Ich bin durch Zufall auf die Acai-Beere gestoßen und das hat mich sehr neugierig.

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