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The Remedy Room | IV Hydration & Wellness

New Orleans, LA 70130

  • Vitamins
  • January 3, 2014

What is a Myers’ Cocktail?

Myers’ Cocktail – An intravenous vitamin infusion which enhances immune system, reduces fatigue, helps with seasonal allergies, reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia and asthma.

The Myers’ Cocktail is named for the late John Myers, M.D., a Maryland physician who used intravenous injections of nutrients to treat many chronic conditions. Currently, the nutrient cocktail has been popularized by Alan Gaby, M.D., a physician who often writes about nutrition in medicine. He has treated thousands of patients with the Myers’ Cocktail over many years. Conditions which he found to be responded well by this treatment include acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies and cardiovascular disease. He also observed improvements in athletic performance.

The Myers’ Cocktail works by increasing the blood concentration of several essential vitamins and minerals beyond that which can be achieved when supplementing orally. For example, Vitamin C given intravenously has been found to reach blood concentrations more than 50 times greater than what can be achieved when given orally.

The idea is that many illnesses and conditions are associated with digestive disturbances such as bloating, indigestion and food sensitivities and that people with such conditions may not absorb many of the nutrients needed to return them to good health. Also, many diseases and inflammation cause the body to use nutrients at a faster rate, or to require higher amounts for proper healing. When nutrients are given intravenously, the digestion is bypassed. ADDITIONALLY the levels in the bloodstream are temporarily increased so that the nutrients are “coaxed” into the cells, and frequently into the mitochondria where they are active. This temporary boost frequently “kick-starts” the cells, so that energy is produced more efficiently in them.

Some patients feel an energy boost lasting days or weeks. In the case of fibromyalgia, decreased pain can be observed. In other chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, because the “leaky” nature of the gut, the infusion helps get necessary nutrients into the cells. Chronic asthma and other lung disease, congestive heart failure, and chronic allergic problems may respond with more energy and less symptoms. Patients who get sick often with infections may find an improved immune response, with less susceptibility to viral illnesses.

A small catheter is inserted into a vein, and the infusion is given very slowly over 20-30 minutes. Side effects are remarkably rare and almost always are limited to local irritation of the vein. The most common sensations are heat and flushing (a magnesium effect), and the taste of vitamins soon after the infusion begins. The cocktail is usually given 1-2 times per week, and beneficial effects are usually felt by the fourth visit. Many patients with chronic conditions choose to continue the infusions every 1-4 weeks or when they feel their energy slipping.

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New Orleans , LA 70130

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This service is intended only for healthy adults.

© 2017 Remedy Room

ATTENTION PATIENTS: Due to two recent hurricanes affecting manufacturing, there is a current national shortage of IV fluids. In order to ensure enough for each patient to continue to receive care, all additional fluids will be allocated by the Provider in clinic on a per case basis. We must charge an additional fee of $35 for any fluids exceeding one liter. Due to current unpredictable changes in supply and demand, this price is subject to fluctuate. We apologize about this temporary inconvenience and hope to be back to normal very soon.

Hangover Heaven Las Vegas IV Specialists

Myers Cocktail IV

The Myers cocktail IV is available in Las Vegas at Hangover Heaven. Myers cocktail benefits were discovered by physician John Myers to cure the worst hangovers.


A great option for IV hydration

Contains IV Fluid, Vitamin C, Magnesium, 6 B vitamins

helps energize your body

fights infection and fatigue

The "Myers cocktail" is a nutrient cocktail invented by John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland. It is administered intravenously and promoted as an alternative treatment for a broad range of conditions including asthma, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It consists of B vitamins, vitamin C and other nutrients.

The Myers cocktail, along with IV fluids, is a very fast way to get critical nutrients and hydration into your body. Many people live hectic, busy lives and have difficulty getting enough vitamins in their diet. There is no better way to replenish your vitamin stores than the intravenous route.

If you have been having a good time in Las Vegas and are feeling run-down and "fuzzy," a Myers Cocktail may be the treatment you need to get your vacation back on track. We can have you in and out of the clinic in 30 minutes.

Here at Hangover Heaven, we likely administer more IV therapy than any other health and wellness clinic in the country. Most IV clinics consider themselves "busy" if they are doing 20 IV's a month. At Hangover Heaven, we sometimes administer over 100 IVs in a single day.

We are experts in IV therapy and can tailor your Myers' cocktail to your individual needs. Some clients need more vitamin C due to illness, which other clients need more magnesium to treat their migraine headaches. We also have some clients with inflammatory bowel disease that require more B vitamins, as their digestive problems limit their ability to absorb B vitamins from food.

Amino acids are a key component of our Myers' cocktail. Glutathione comes standard with our Myers' cocktail and we also have intravenous Taurine as an option, Taurine is a powerful antioxidant and can help energize your body. Glutathione is called "The Mother of antioxidants" and is the most prolific antioxidant in the body. Due to stress and and a highly process food supply, most Americans are antioxidant deficient.

Our Myers Cocktail has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, from general dehydration, to fibromyalgia, to multiple sclerosis.

Premium IV nutrient therapy services for athletic performance and recovery from common ailments like hangovers, jet lag and fatigue. We travel to you!

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Everything you want to know about the Myers’ Cocktail

We’ve all heard the story of that magic potion—the one able to extend life and work miracles. Since ancient times, brave adventurers and alchemists alike have searched for a fabled elixir by many different names: Amrita, the Philosopher’s stone, “the Water of Life”, liquid gold.

But what if this liquid cure-all isn’t a legend, after all?

Enter the Myers’ Cocktail: it’s not shaken, stirred, or even served in a glass. But it is a liquid some might compare to those fabled elixirs. A mixture said to cure illness, reverse aging, and much more.

Here’s everything you want to know about the Myers’ Cocktail.

What is a Myers’ Cocktail?

DEFINITION #1 – in layman’s terms

A Myers’ Cocktail is a popular blend of vitamins given through intravenous (IV) therapy.

DEFINITION #2 – in detail

A Myers’ Cocktail is a scientifically-formulated mixture of medical-grade nutrients administered through injections or an IV regimen, pioneered more than fifty years ago by the late Dr. John Myers.

Society’s increased dependency on processed foods has equated a lack of necessary nutrients in the everyday modern diet:

“Two-thirds of all meals are eaten outside the home, and nearly half of them are in fast food joints. You can’t expect this to provide all the necessary nutrients, and many studies show that it does not. A large number of people admitted to hospitals are found to have deficiencies, and the problems worsen in the hospital.”

Further, an increase of digestive complications among the public means the nutrients that are ingested in our diets are no longer getting 100% absorption.

But the use of an intravenous drip allows vitamins to bypass the digestive system and enter directly into the bloodstream and organs, ensuring full absorption at the cellular level. Intravenous vitamin treatments are recommended by many researchers, as evidenced in many scientific publications, including Annals of Internal Medicine and PLOS ONE.

“Nutrition and nutrient therapies are safer, cheaper and more effective than most other medical treatment. … Patients need adequate nutrition, not drugs, to recover from any illness, and sometimes they need that really fast.”

What’s in a Myers’ Cocktail?

Ingredients vary depending on the treatment center. Commonly-used vitamins include:

  • Magnesium chloride – prevents inflammation and supports a healthy immune system. Also good for treating asthma, migraines, and high blood pressure
  • Calcium gluconate – treats low blood calcium and builds strong bones
  • B complex – promotes healthy hair and skin, prevents memory loss, and acts as anti-stress
  • Vitamin C – fights cancer and acts as an antioxidant

History of the Myers Cocktail

It was the 1960s, a decade of counterculture and revolution in every shape and form imaginable. At Johns Hopkins Hospital in the heart of Baltimore, internist Dr. John Myers felt restraints of his own—in the traditional reactive medicine practiced in near-exclusivity at that time.

Even in that decade, it was already clear that diet and nutrition needed greater study. One pioneering physician founded one of the nation’s first community health centers in an impoverished area, causing the medical community to ponder the idea of treating the cause of sicknesses, rather than the illnesses themselves. (Also known as preventative health care.)

Dr. Myers, too, realized medical treatment needed its own revolution.

In his work, he realized minimal amounts of nutrients were being absorbed into the bloodstream. Inspiration struck when he decided to mix key vitamins and minerals into a “cocktail” of sorts. The treatment would be given intravenously and would boost his patients’ health directly through their bloodstream. Myers first tested the treatment on animals, later on himself, and finally on others to great success.

When Myers died in 1984, no one knew the exact recipe for his infamous IV “cocktail”. Enter Dr. Alan Gaby, a medical sleuth (and author) who, vitamin by vitamin, uncovered a formula to match the late Dr. Myers’ miracle blend. He dubbed the treatment the “Myers’ Cocktail” to honor his late colleague’s work. Dr. Gaby gave more than 15,000 treatments over the course of a decade and began spreading the word about the positive effects of the Myers’ Cocktail. He presented his findings at medical conferences and published an oft-quoted review in the Alternative Medicine Review in 2002.

In the nearly fifteen years since, the Myers’ Cocktail has grown in popularity. In addition to its use to treat and prevent medical conditions, it has also become known for its use as a hangover cure in party cities and among celebrities.

What Conditions Can IV Therapy Help With?

IV Vitamin Therapy is used to treat a number of conditions. We’ve included a list of conditions and products we offer that can help treat those conditions:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Chronic depression
  • Lyme disease
  • Cancer
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Flu / cold
  • Immune boosting
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Food poisoning

  • Narcotic withdrawal
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Migraines

But IV nutrient therapy is not just for sick—many use the treatment in a preventative sense. Children are getting injections to ready themselves for their germ-filled classrooms.

Some frequent travelers use vitamin injections before long flights in cold and flu seasons.

What to Expect When Receiving IV Treatment

After arriving at the clinic for an appointment, a staff member will guide you through a brief medical assessment. The “cocktail” will be mixed right there at the clinic. The nutrient-rich mixture will be administered via syringe or IV (usually into your forearm) over a period of time ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. Treatment rooms oftentimes are relaxing spaces, with dim lights and comforting music.

Don’t be surprised to feel a “flush” that starts in your chest and moves through your body. Some report a warm sensation in the pelvic region; others, a metallic taste in your mouth. Patients have also experienced heightened visual activity.

Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat beforehand—otherwise you may feel faint or dizzy.

Those who’ve received Myers’ Cocktail treatments report feeling re-energized, perky, and pain-free. Some have noticed tighter facial skin and a healthy all-around glow. You might even call the Myers’ Cocktail a “vacation-in-a-bag”, as many describe feeling as rested and happy as after a week-long vacation.

Typically patients are recommended for Myers’ Cocktail treatments once a week for 4 weeks, and then once or twice a month afterward. Frequency may vary based on the medical professional, patient, and symptoms.

Real-life Clinical Examples of Myers’ Cocktail Use

[As presented as case studies in Dr. Alan R. Gaby’s “Myers’ Cocktail” Review in the Alternative Medicine Review, Volume 7, Number 5 (2002)]

Example 1: After battling chronic sinusitis for more than a year, a woman in her early 30s was given Myers’ Cocktail injections two days in a row. Her symptoms improved quickly and did not reoccur for more than six months’ time.

Example 2: A middle-aged woman suffering from migraines began Myers’ Cocktail therapy after a number of failed treatments. She received about 70 sessions over the course of 6 years and after most treatments she had considerable headache relief in mere minutes.

Example 3: Just days before an important tournament, a college wrestler came down with the flu. After a Myers’ Cocktail injection, his symptoms diminished and he felt re-energized. He performed better he ever had before in the wrestling tournament.

Myers’ Cocktail vs. Alternative IV Therapies

Myers’ Cocktail is a powerful blend of vitamins, whereas other IV therapy options generally use fewer ingredients. Other IV therapies include:

B12 COMPLEX – a quick energy boost and great for hair, skin, and nails;

HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C – prevents stress and fatigue, supports immune health, and brightens skin;

GLUTATHIONE – anti-oxidant that treats fatigue, depression, and other chronic symptoms;

MULTIVITAMIN MINERAL IV – a wide variety of vitamins ranging from A to Zinc used to replenish vitamin deficiencies;

MSM – an amino acid used for pain relief;

SODIUM BICARBONATE – also known as baking soda. Improves detoxification, decreases inflammation, and decreases symptoms of acid reflux;

ALPHA-LIPOIC ACIC (ALA) – a powerful antioxidant of vitamins like C and E, used to treat cancer and other diseases;

While each of these IV therapies focuses on an important area of health or nutrition, the Myers’ Cocktail is the most comprehensive IV therapy available today.

Who’s Talking About IV Therapy?

  • Stars like Brad Pitt and Rihanna are said to receive IV vitamin treatment so they look—and feel—good on stage and on the screen.
  • American model and Spike TV’s Lip Sync Battle co-host Chrissy Teigen has posted about IV therapy on Instagram, saying: “hello body meet vitamins”
  • Good Morning Americacovered the use of vitamin drip infusions in Hollywood
  • Australian model Miranda Kerrclaims the Myers’ Cocktail is her favorite cocktail

A photo posted by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Feb 20, 2015 at 12:21pm PST


And now you know: if you’re interested in preventing illness, treating sickness, or just feeling all-around more healthy and energized, the Myers’ Cocktail might be the boost your cells have been looking for!

20 thoughts on “ Everything you want to know about the Myers’ Cocktail ”

I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post…

Thanks so much! Great, check out our website https://resquaredmedical.com/ for more information as well.

I was sick and got an iv Myers cocktail and i’m telling you it saved the day 😉

It sure does 🙂 Hope everything’s well.

How much does this cocktail cost ? Does a dr. have to administer it? As a cancer patient ,will insurance cover it?

In Ann Arbor, MI mine are $138 per treatment. I don’t know if insurance covers these at all but mine does not.

Could you give me contact information of where in Ann Arbor you get the treatments?

Unfortunately my tummy completely swelled up and I have had pains all day since receiving the myers today

At the men’s clinic I go to here in Vegas they charge

“Greetings! Very helpful advice within this post! It is the little changes which will make the greatest changes. Thanks for sharing!”

Love the quote! It’s so true, Dani.

Have you checked out our Travel Healthy blog? Some great advice here as well https://resquaredmedical.com/travel-healthy/

How do you get this at home?

You can either contact us via phone at 702-850-0732 or send us a message here https://resquaredmedical.com/contact-us/ for more information.

Have a great night!

Great post explaining everything we need to know about Myers’ Cocktail!

Thanks, we really appreciate it 🙂

If you enjoyed this post you might want to take a look at our “Travel Healthy” blog here: https://resquaredmedical.com/travel-healthy/

Have a great night!

Thanks for the review! What is the dosage of each ingredient in the cocktail? Does it change from one place to another?

Tomer, if you have specific questions regarding the amounts in our infusions, I would invite you to come to our office. Our dosages are discussed during the initial consultation, which are based on your needs. I hope this helps!

Can you mix the glutathione in with the IV myer’s or do you need a separate IV push for that?

We need a location near Ackworth, Georgia.

Where can I get the Myers IV in the Kansas City Area

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    Intravenous Micronutrient Therapy (Myers' Cocktail) for Fibromyalgia: A Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study


    Intravenous micronutrient therapy (IVMT), and specifically the Myers' Cocktail, is a popular approach for treating fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) among complementary and alternative medicine practitioners, but its efficacy is uncertain. This trial assessed the feasibility, safety, and provided insights into the efficacy of this therapy.

    This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.

    The study locations were an academic research center, teaching hospital, and affiliated Integrative Medicine Center in Derby, CT.

    The subjects were 34 adults with American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-defined FMS.


    Subjects were randomly assigned either to treatment (weekly infusions of IVMT) or to placebo (weekly infusions of lactated Ringer's solution) for 8 weeks.

    Outcome measures

    Primary outcome was change in the Tender Point Index, assessed 8 and 12 weeks after initiation. Secondary measures included a Visual Analog Scale to assess global pain, and validated measures of physical function (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), mood (Beck Depression Index), and quality of life (Health Status Questionnaire 2.0).

    Clinically significant improvements were noted (of a magnitude similar to other effective interventions). However, in part because of the high placebo response and the small sample size, no statistically significant differences were seen between groups, in any outcome measure, at 8 and 16 weeks. Statistically significant within-group differences were seen in both the intervention and placebo groups, demonstrating a treatment effect for both IVMT and placebo. At 8 weeks, the IVMT group experienced significantly improved tender points, pain, depression, and quality of life directly following treatment (all p ≤ 0.02), while the placebo group experienced significantly improved tender points only (p ≤ 0.05). The treatment effects of IVMT persisted at 4 weeks postintervention for tender points, pain, and quality of life, while placebo effects persisted only for tender points. A single minor adverse event was noted in one subject in the intervention group.


    This first controlled pilot study established the safety and feasibility of treating FMS with IVMT. Most subjects experienced relief as compared to baseline, but no statistically significant differences were seen between IVMT and placebo. The efficacy of IVMT for fibromyalgia, relative to placebo, is as yet uncertain.


    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common clinical disorder of unknown etiology characterized by widespread pain and muscle tenderness often accompanied by chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depressed mood. 1 Approximately 3.4% of women in the United States suffer from FMS, 10 times the prevalence in men. 2

    The uncertain etiology of FMS 2 complicates a rational approach to pharmacotherapy. Several recently completed trials demonstrate promise, though not without concern for serious adverse effects. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly utilized, 3 despite the fact that they have been found to have negligible effectiveness, 4 along with potential gastrointestinal and renal toxicity. 5 In clinical trials, the atypical opioid, tramadol, has shown some promise in controlling pain with inconsistent results in functional improvement, 6 although a combination with acetaminophen has shown promising results in a randomized trial. 7,8 A recent series of treatment guidelines expresses caution in the use of tramadol for FMS due to the potential for opiate dependence. 6 A controlled trial of prednisone 9 resulted in no improvement; most measured variables showed a trend toward deterioration. The limited data available on the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have shown them to be less effective than the tricyclic agents. 10 Pregabalin was found to be efficacious for FM symptoms in various doses in randomized trials lasting between 8 and 14 weeks; the initial trial resulted in the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a drug to treat FM. 11–13 Of note, the most recent trial of pregabalin excluded “placebo responders,” limiting external validity and biasing away from the null. 13 Duloxetine, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, demonstrated efficacy in two 12-week randomized controlled trials 14,15 as well as a 6-month randomized clinical trial (RCT) on pain and self-perceived improvement. In the treatment arm with the highest dose (120 mg/d), 27.2% of patients discontinued the study due to adverse effects. 16 Duloxetine was approved for fibromyalgia in June 2008.

    Dietary interventions have demonstrated some promise; FMS symptoms decreased in patients eating predominantly raw vegetarian diets. 17,18 Other open-label trials using nutritional supplementation consisting of whole food extracts, plant constituents, or single vitamins 19,20 reported an increase in pain tolerance and overall quality of life.

    As is true of many conditions that are poorly understood and rather resistant to conventional treatments, FMS often compels those afflicted to seek complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). 21,22 These CAM interventions include nutritional and herbal supplements, spiritual practices, visits to alternative practitioners, dietary modifications, acupuncture, and osteopathy. While patient satisfaction with these treatments is ranked moderate to high, there currently exists limited evidence of the efficacy of any specific intervention. 23–26 Several small trials have shown promise for a combination of malic acid and magnesium, 27 and S-adenosylmethionine. 26,28

    Intravenous micronutrient therapy (IVMT), and specifically use of the “Myers' Cocktail,” 29 a solution of water-soluble vitamins and minerals, is a popular approach among CAM practitioners. Interest in and use of IVMT is growing as evidenced by the number of clinics across the United States offering IVMT as a principal treatment. Members from a wide range of national medical associations including The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the American Holistic Medical Association, the American Academy of Pain Management, the Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine, and the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM) report using IVMT. Data from over 12,000 patient encounters obtained by an online survey of members of these organizations suggest that IVMT is widely used for a variety of conditions, most often FMS and chronic fatigue syndrome, with consistently positive results. 30 Despite its popularity, no controlled trials of IVMT, and only one trial investigating the mechanism of action of the Myers' Cocktail 31 have been conducted. A single, small-sample, open-label study of the Myers' cocktail for FMS was recently published suggesting therapeutic efficacy. 32 We therefore performed the first controlled clinical trial of IVMT for FMS.


    The Yale University (New Haven, CT) Human Investigation Committee and Griffin Hospital (Derby, CT) Institutional Review Board approved the protocol. All enrolled participants provided informed consent.

    Eligible subjects were English-speaking between 18 and 75 years old who fulfilled the criteria for FMS, as defined by the American College of Rheumatology, namely: (1) continuous presence of widespread (in all four quadrants of the body, including axial) musculoskeletal pain of undefined etiology for 3 months or more, and (2) pain in 11 of 18 tender point sites on digital palpation. 1

    As occasion requires (PRN) use of NSAIDs and/or Cox II inhibitors was permitted provided that total dosing did not vary on average more than 50% from 1 week to the next over any given month during the past 90 days, and that no new PRN pain medication was introduced within 90 days of study enrollment. All medication and supplement use was documented during the screening process.

    Exclusion criteria included narcotic analgesic use, rheumatologic disease, chronic infections, untreated endocrine disorders, unstable seizure disorders, previously diagnosed psychiatric disorders, acute peptic ulcer disease, congestive heart failure, chronic liver disorders and/or bleeding diathesis. Pregnant women and those unwilling to stop vitamin and mineral supplementation prior to and during the course of the study were excluded.

    Prescription medications for conditions unrelated to FMS were included, provided a stable dosing regimen for 60 days prior to enrollment. A minimum of 90 days of stable dosing was required for all classes of antidepressants and anxiolytics.

    Other modalities of treatment specifically for FMS, such as acupuncture or osteopathy, were discontinued for 2 weeks prior to enrollment. Subjects agreed to discontinue all vitamin/mineral supplementation throughout the study period.

    Potential subjects exhibiting allergy to thiamine, as determined by a visible wheal following intradermal injection of 0.1 mL of diluted thiamine, were excluded as well as previous treatment with the Myers' Cocktail.


    The intervention is based on the current Myers' cocktail 33 containing:

    The solution is bright yellow and contains 37 mL of relatively high doses of water-soluble vitamins and minerals and sterile water. Prior to study inception, an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the FDA was submitted and approved (IND 66,885).

    Intervention solutions were prepared within 1 hour of administration, under a sterile hood, and double-checked for accuracy by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations–accredited Griffin Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy. The placebo infusion consisted of 37 mL lactated Ringer's solution. Preparation costs for one dose of IVMT was $18 US.

    Subjects received intervention or placebo solutions intravenously in the antecubital fossa using a slow-push infusion delivered over approximately 10 minutes using a 25-gauge butterfly needle. Subjects received infusions, once weekly for 8 weeks, at the Integrative Medicine Center at Griffin Hospital, Derby, CT.


    This pilot study was designed to assess safety and feasibility, and to provide preliminary data regarding efficacy of IVMT for FMS as compared to an intravenous lactated Ringer's placebo.

    The primary outcome measure was change in the Tender Point Index (TPI) 1,34 assessed by a single board-certified rheumatologist. Secondary corroborative measures included a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to assess global pain, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) 35 to assess physical function, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) 36,37 and Health Status Questionnaire 2.0 (HSQ 2.0) 38 to assess subjects' self-perceived mood and general well-being.

    Outcomes were measured at baseline, end of treatment period (8 weeks), and after a 4-week washout period (12 weeks) ( Table 1 ).

    Sample size

    The sample size was determined to allow for 20% attrition and noncompliance and provide at least 80% power to detect a minimal difference of 2.0 points in the TPI between the experimental and placebo group with a maximum allowable type I error of 5%. A standard deviation of 2 points in the TPI was used to compute the sample size.


    Subjects went through a 2-week run-in period to assess the stability of FMS medication use. Those demonstrating the ability to successfully complete the run-in period (i.e., maintain stable dosing of FMS medications) were assigned by balance allocation to either IVMT or placebo. Randomization was performed by the data manager with gender stratification in blocks of two to assure optimal balance between groups using SAS Software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Subjects were enrolled by a study coordinator unblinded to group allocation.

    Study design

    This pilot study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Once deemed eligible, subjects were randomized to receive eight weekly intravenous infusions of either IVMT (intervention) or lactated Ringer's solution (control).

    The infusion nurse and subject were blinded to treatment assignment by means of placing an opaque sheet over the syringe and cannula between the nurse and subject. All tender point examinations were performed by a single board-certified rheumatologist who was blinded to treatment assignment. Other self-report instruments were delivered by a study coordinator and research assistant unblinded to treatment assignment.

    Statistical methods

    Data were analyzed using SAS software for Windows version 9.1. Validated scoring techniques were used to calculate total survey scores for the BDI, HSQ, and FIQ. Responses for individual survey questions were scored and then added to produce a total survey score for each study participant. The Fibromyalgia Intensity Score for each patient was calculated by dividing the TPI Total Survey Site Scores by 18 tender-point sites tested in the survey. Individual patient readings for the VAS were converted to scores ranging from 0 to 100, based on a linear scale of 10 segments and each segment 10 mm in length. Comparisons of all survey scores for the IVMT and Placebo groups were done at three time points: baseline, 8 weeks after the start of intervention, and 12 weeks after the start of intervention. Descriptive analyses of individual surveys showed that the data were not normally distributed. Therefore, nonparametric statistics were used to analyze the outcomes of interest. Within-group changes in the outcome measures were calculated by subtracting each score at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks from the baseline score. Differences in the change in outcome measures between the two groups were assessed using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. In all analyses, a two-tailed α of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The continuous data are presented as means ± standard deviation in the text and tables.

    Participant flow ( Fig. 1 )

    A total of 263 potential subjects were screened by phone; 55 were eligible for clinical screening. Approximately 40% of those deemed ineligible after phone screen were taking narcotic analgesics, while approximately 20% cited distance from study center or disinterest in participating. Other subjects were excluded due to a pre-existing health condition, a lack of stability on medications, unwillingness to discontinue vitamins, or lack of FMS diagnosed by a board certified rheumatologist. Clinical screening consisting of TPI examination was performed by a board-certified rheumatologist on 44 candidates; 35 were randomized to IVMT or placebo. Of those eligible for clinical screen, 11 were not interested in continuing with the study, or could not be reached to schedule an appointment. Of the 9 that were excluded after clinical screen, 4 exhibited sensitivity to thiamine, and 5 were found to be unstable on their medication ( Fig. 1 ). One 1 subject in the IVMT group and 2 subjects in the placebo group dropped out prior to the 12-week assessment; all were unwilling to travel to the study site. Ultimately, 31 subjects completed the 8-week intervention and follow-up assessment.


    Subjects were recruited by internet announcements, press releases, newspaper advertisements, presentations to FMS support groups, and mailings to rheumatologists and naturopathic physicians between September 2003 and October 2005 in south central Connecticut. Screening and data collection took place at Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Derby, CT.

    Baseline data

    The two groups were comparable in terms of demographic and baseline characteristics ( Table 2 ). All but 1 subject were female; 1 male was in the IVMT group. Mean ages were 51.7 ± 12.1 years and 50.7 ± 8.2 years, for the IVMT and placebo groups, respectively.

    Numbers analyzed

    Thirty-four (34) subjects enrolled and completed at least one of the two follow-up assessments: 16 in the IVMT group and 18 in the placebo group. Analyses were based on the intention-to-treat principle, by substituting missing values with the reported values from the 8-week evaluation for the subjects who dropped out prior to completing the study.

    Between-group comparisons of individual variables did not reach statistical significance (all p-values > 0.05) ( Tables 3 and ​ and4); 4 ); no significant differences were seen in participants assigned to IVMT or lactated Ringer's solution. Following the treatment period (8 weeks), mean Total Survey Sites Score (intervention −18.7 ± 26.5; placebo −16.6 ± 31.2; p = 0.60) and mean Fibromyalgia Intensity Score (intervention −1.1 ± 1.4; placebo −0.9 ± 1.7; p = 0.50) decreased in both groups indicating improvement in tender points.

    Tables 3 and ​ and4 4 summarize the results for 8-week and 12-week evaluations, respectively.

    Ancillary analyses

    Mean within-group HSQ scores significantly increased at 8 weeks in the IVMT group (4.0 ± 5.1, p = 0.01), but not in the placebo group (1.9 ± 7.2, p = 0.23) ( Table 3 , Fig. 5 ). The IVMT group maintained statistically significant improvement in self-reported health status at 12 weeks of assessment (4.1 ± 7.2, p = 0.04), with no improvement in the placebo group (0.3 ± 5.9, p = 0.76) ( Table 4 , Fig. 5 ).

    Self-reported level of physical function, as measured by mean FIQ score, improved in both arms following the beginning of treatment. At 8-week assessment, a decrease in mean FIQ scores from baseline, indicating fewer reported restrictions on physical function, was significant in the IVMT group (−12.0 ± 15.3, p = 0.02), but not in the placebo group (−11.2 ± 25.4, p = 0.11) ( Table 3 , Fig. 7 ), though the magnitude of change did not differ between groups. This treatment effect waned by 12 weeks ( Table 4 , Fig. 7 ).

    Adverse events

    One (1) subject reported feelings of dyspepsia, insomnia, depression, and a rise in blood pressure, gradually over the course of 3 weeks. The principal investigator and Data Safety Monitoring Board agreed the symptoms were unusual given the intervention, but treated them as causal. Symptoms ameliorated after voluntary withdrawal from the study. No other adverse effects were reported. All subjects tolerated the infusion well, with no complaints of discomfort or pain.


    This pilot study, the first controlled trial of IVMT for fibromyalgia, demonstrated feasibility and safety of testing an intravenous vitamin solution in a randomized, controlled trial. All outcome measures improved at the end of the 8-week treatment period, both in intervention and placebo groups. At 12 weeks, 4 weeks after treatment had ceased, some but not all of the apparent treatment benefits had abated.

    A strong placebo effect was noted, with minimal between-group differences on all outcome measures. The impact of an invasive placebo such as weekly infusions in a health care setting are generally greater than oral placebos. 39,40 However, the consistency and magnitude of treatment effects was greater in the IVMT group. There was a statistically significant improvement in all outcome measures in the IVMT group at 8 weeks, and persistent significant improvement from baseline in most measures at 12 weeks. In comparison, only the TPI showed significant improvement at 12 weeks in the placebo group. Immediately following the treatment period, the IVMT group had significantly improved pain, depression, and quality of life. IVMT effects persisted at 1 month postintervention for pain and quality of life, but was marginal for depression.

    The suggested therapeutic effects seen in this trial are commensurate with other modalities considered promising. The magnitude of change seen with IVMT with the FIQ, the standard measure of global function in patients with FMS, 41 exceeds or is similar to the benefits seen in recently completed RCTs in both conventional and CAM domains, though the effect sizes (Cohen's d) 42 vary. Pre-post changes in the FIQ in a recent trial of patient education and exercise resulted in a 3.38-point change (d = 0.4) in the intervention group. 43 Other interventions such as written emotional disclosure resulted in a 5.6-point (d = 0.5) change after 3 months; 41 acupuncture resulted in a 7.6-point (d = 0.7) change after 1 month. 44 The magnitude of change was strongest in trials of guided imagery and pramipexole with 13.2-point (d = 5.7) change after 6 weeks 42 and 13.3-point (d = 5.7) changes after 14 weeks, 45 respectively. A recent trial of pregabalin, the first FDA-approved drug for the treatment of fibromyalgia, found a 13.08-point (d = 0.72) change after 14 weeks (600-mg dose). Subjects receiving IVMT in our study improved by a mean 12.0 points (d = 0.8) after 8 weeks; subjects receiving intravenous lactated Ringer's solution (placebo) improved by a mean 11.2 (d = 0.4) points after 8 weeks.

    This trial was one assessing prevailing practice. IVMT is in widespread use by CAM physicians for a variety of conditions, particularly FMS. There is scant theoretical understanding of the formulation nor any definite mechanistic understanding of any apparent clinical effects. Much of the benefit of Myers' Cocktail in the treatment of FMS may be derived from the magnesium content. 29 Magnesium administered intravenously has been shown to ameliorate pain in a number of conditions. 46 Patients with fibromyalgia may be deficient in serum magnesium, 47 and low serum magnesium is associated with increased fatigue in FMS. 48 Most other constituents of the IVMT solution have not been investigated extensively, although vitamin B12 injected intramuscularly has been used experimentally to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, 49 which is closely associated with FMS. 50

    Among the limitations of this pilot study is a small sample size, initially based on an effect size and variance in a randomized trial assessing the efficacy of ibuprofen for FMS pain. 51 Study power may have been insufficient to identify significant between-group differences in light of the strong placebo effect observed. Alternatively, if modest volume expansion is a therapeutic mechanism of IVMT, the placebo in this study may have been a poor choice, overlapping with the active treatment. A comparison to IV insertion without volume expansion and/or oral placebo may be warranted in follow-up study.

    The external validity of the study is limited as well, due to the homogeneous nature of the population studied. Subjects were primarily middle-aged white women, similar in demographics to participants in other FMS clinical trials. This is in part attributable to an increased prevalence of FMS in women compared to men. 2 In addition, men with fibromyalgia may have less severe symptoms than women and are less likely to seek medical care for the condition. 52 Of 263 people telephone screened for the current study, only 14 were male.


    In conclusion, this pilot study established the safety and feasibility of treating FMS with IVMT. No significant differences in outcome measures between IVMT and placebo were demonstrated. Preliminary data regarding the efficacy of IVMT show a strong placebo effect, with both intervention and placebo groups experiencing strong symptomatic relief after 8 weeks of treatment. The efficacy of IVMT relative to placebo remains uncertain.


    We thank Alan Gaby, M.D., Stephen J. Moses, M.D., Cristina Romero-Bosch, N.M.D., and Aviva Wertkin, N.M.D. for their contributions.

    This publication was made possible by grant numbers R21AT000942 and F32AT00667 from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institutes of Health. The paper's contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NCCAM.

    Additional support comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (SIP-14-00 and U48-CCU115802.

    Myers cocktail

    Myers’ Cocktail

    Restore Your Energy and Stamina, Don’t Wait to Feel Great!


    At Natural Bio Health, we offer the “Myers’ Cocktail”, an intravenous vitamin nutrient supplement that was formulated more than 30 years for promoting healing and restoring energy and stamina. The Myers’ Cocktail can be effective at increasing blood levels of nutrients and may improve the transport of nutrients from the blood into the cells.* The cocktail is ideal for fatigue, asthma, arrythmias and other conditions.*

    Myers’ Cocktail IV Therapies Prevent and Relieve:

    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with or without Epstein-Barr virus
    • Chronic depression
    • Acute or chronic muscle spasm
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Migraine headaches- often within minutes
    • Tension headaches
    • Narcotic withdrawal
    • Seasonal allergic rhinitis
    • Respiratory problems
    • Acute of chronic asthma
    • Sinusitis
    • Bronchitis
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Ischemic vascular disease
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Athletes who need quick recovery for athletic events
    • Acute viral illness/colds
    • Acute infections

    ** Results may vary from person to person.

    Myers’ Cocktail Push (Buy 4, get 1 Free)

    Myers’/Glutathione Combo (Buy 4, get 1 Free)

    Discuss the best option for you with one of our doctors.

    Why Natural Bio Health?

    Holistic Approach

    High Quality Ingredients

    Health Advantages

    When nutrients are given intravenously, the digestive system is bypassed and these much needed nutrients are delivered directly into the cells. Each cell gets to bath in a nutrient dense solution, so that these vitamins are easily accessible, in the most bio-available form, allowing the greatest potential for healing and ENERGY.

    Learn more about our Myers’ Cocktail. Call us today!

    (888) 447-2047


    My husband and I have been going to natural bio health for a few months now. I am not one to write a review, but have been very pleased with their services. The staff is very well informed, compassionate, organized and friendly! Meagan gave me a Myers cocktail and although I am not a big fan of needles, she made it painless and an enjoyable experience…. Gawd I love that place! 5 stars. *

    Contact Us

    Why is it given intravenously?

    Intravenous nutrients can attain serum concentrations that is not obtainable via other routes of administration. Various nutrients have shown to exert pharmacological effects, which can only be achieved if done intravenously.*

    Magnesium is the key

    Magnesium is the most important ingredient in the Myers’ cocktail and it lets the blood vessels relax and reduces any muscle spasm.

    What does a standard Myers’ Cocktail contain?

    The standard Myers’ Cocktail consists of magnesium, calcium, vitamin B-5 (dexpanthenol), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B-12 (hydroxycobalamin), vitamin B complex, and Vitamin C. Two time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling was a staunch supporter of Vitamin C for healing a wide variety of health problems. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps the immune system ward off bacterial and viral infections. It also makes certain metabolic processes in work better. Other vitamins or ingredients may be added to the Myers’ Cocktail protocol, depending on the patient’s diagnosis and overall health as well as the condition being treated.*

    What is the duration of treatment?

    Patients vary in the number of treatments needed, but most request infusions one to two times per week. Some patients experience improvement after only one treatment, and many report significant healing by the fourth infusion. People who have chronic conditions may want ongoing treatment of several times per week, or periodically every few weeks to regain their energy.*

    How can you prepare for the treatment?

    It is best to prepare for the Myers’ by drinking plenty of water and having food in your stomach before you come in the office. Some patients may experience a general flushing feeling, light-headedness and/or a taste of the vitamins.

    Is it safe?

    Myers’ Cocktail is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive therapy that is well tolerated by most people. It carries a low risk of serious adverse side effects. If the protocol is administered quickly there may be a sensation of warmth and flushing. This is due to the rapid rise of magnesium. Some patients may also have the taste of vitamins in their mouth shortly after they are given the infusion.

    Note: Patients taking digoxin (Lanoxin®) or potassium-depleting drugs should be cautious and should inform the staff that they are using these medications before beginning the Myers’ Cocktail protocol.

    Disclaimer: *The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Natural Bio Health makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEB SITE.

    Natural Bio Health does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriatenesss or suitability or any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be contained on or available through this web site. NATURAL BIO HEALTH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE NOR LIABLE FOR ANY ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION, SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE.

    Are You Tired of Being Tired?

    Not feeling your optimum self? The original Myers’ Cocktail and IV Glutathione therapy are two services offered at the clinic of Dr. Sara Whitney, N.D. Intravenous vitamin therapy is the best way to get vitamins such as B12, C, and added minerals into your system. Most Americans have a compromised gut; no matter how many vitamins they take in through food and supplements, their body just can’t absorb them. With IV therapy, you know you are giving your body exactly what it needs by depositing it into the bloodstream directly and bypassing the gut. Myers’ Cocktail is packed full of B vitamins to help you get through your day. The original Myers’ Cocktail is a concoction of:

    Glutathione is an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage thereby helping to maintain cellular homeostasis. High stress levels, certain medications, and a poor diet can all deplete the body’s glutathione reservoirs.

    Maintaining proper levels of Glutathione can contribute to:

    • Improvements in energy, sleep, mental focus, and recovery after exercise.
    • Supporting immune defenses, liver functions, the circulatory system, digestive health, respiratory functions, and brain tissue health.
    • Additionally reducing the effects of inflammation common with aging, increasing cellular detoxification, and critical in increasing disease protection.

    For either of these services, or additional ones on our menu text Dr. Sara at (310) 849-2244 for an appointment. She strives to deliver personalized service with no waiting. Try it today.

    What is Myers’ Cocktail?

    Myers Cocktail is named after Dr. John Myers, M.D., a Baltimore, Maryland physician, who used intravenous vitamins as treatment for fatigue, upper respiratory infections, acute asthma attacks, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, migraines, and other disorders. His actual “recipes” differ only slightly from what is given to patients today. His successor, Dr. Alan Gaby, M.D., developed the formulation commonly known as Myers’ Cocktail today and named it Myers to honor the pioneering Practioner (Alan R. Gaby, 2002). The following Myers’ Cocktail ingredients are given to patients by Dr. Sara Whitney, N.D.:

    Use Myers’ Cocktail to overcome a health obstacle or as part of a wellness regimen that infuses vital nutrients and vitamins directly into the body. Intravenous delivery is the very best way to receive vitamins since most people have a compromised digestive system. If your digestive tract is functioning at a fraction of its optimal state (and whose isn’t), then only a fraction of the vitamins you ingest from food and supplements are absorbed into the body. With Myers’, the full cocktail is delivered right into your bloodstream and available for cellular use.

    The typical frequency for Myers’ Cocktail is 1x per week for a month, then 1-2x per month. The infusion takes about 1/2 half hour and you can combine Myers’ with IV Glutathione Therapy (GSH) for added detox support. Myers’ helps prevent illness, provides increased energy, and overall better sleep.

    Text Dr. Sara Whitney, N.D. personally to set up your appointment today: (310) 849-2244.

    Alan R. Gaby, M. D. (2002). Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: the “Myers’ Cocktail”. Alternative Medicine Review, 7(5), 389-403.

    Myers' Cocktail Boulder

    The Myers' cocktail is named after the late John Myers, MD. Myer's cocktails contain vitamin C, magnesium, minerals and B vitamins. The cocktail can be helpful for combating chronic fatigue, asthma, arrhythmias and other conditions. NatureMed has been providing intravenous treatments such as the Myers cocktail to patients in the greater Denver and Boulder area since 2004.

    Why give nutrients intravenously?

    Intravenous nutrients can achieve serum concentrations not obtainable with other routes of administration. Various nutrients have been shown to exert pharmacological effects, which can only be achieved with IV administration. For example, an antiviral effect of vitamin C has been demonstrated at a level achievable only with IV administration.

    The power of magnesium: Magnesium is a key ingredient in the Myer's cocktail and promotes relaxation of both blood vessels and skeletal muscle and reduces muscle spasm. In addition to having direct pharmacological effects, IV nutrient therapy is more effective for correcting intracellular nutrient deficits because some nutrients are present at much higher concentrations in the cells than in the serum and the high blood levels achieved with IV drive the nutrients into the cell.

    For example, the average magnesium concentration in heart cells is 10 times higher than the concentration outside the cells. In certain disease states, the capacity of membrane pumps to maintain normal concentration gradients may be compromised.

    Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 20% (magnesium) 2-5 mL

    Calcium gluconate 10% (calcium) 1-3 mL

    Hydroxocobalamin 1,000 mcg/mL (B12) 1 mL

    Pyridoxine hydrochloride 100mg/mL (B6) 1 mL

    Dexpanthenol 250 mg/mL (B5) 1 mL

    B complex 100 (B complex) 1 mL

    Vitamin C 222 mg/mL (C) 4-20 mL

    Massey PB. Reduction of fibromyalgia symptoms through intravenous nutrient therapy: results of a pilot clinical trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2007 May-Jun;13(3):32-4.

    Gaby AR.Intravenous nutrient therapy: the "Myers' cocktail". Altern Med Rev. 2002 Oct;7(5):389-403.

    Clague JE, Edwards RH, Jackson MJ. Intravenous magnesium loading in chronic fatigue syndrome. Lancet. 1992 Jul 11;340(8811):124-5. No abstract available.

    Takahashi H, Imai K, Katanuma A, Sugaya T, Hisano K, Motoya S, Aoki S, Sugiyama T, Yachi A. [A case of chronic fatigue syndrome who showed a beneficial effect by intravenous administration of magnesium sulphate]

    Arerugi. 1992 Nov;41(11):1605-10. Japanese.

    Ho KM. Intravenous magnesium for cardiac arrhythmias: jack of all trades. Magnes Res. 2008 Mar;21(1):65-8. Review.

    Stühlinger HG, Kiss K, Smetana R.[Significance of magnesium in cardiac arrhythmias] Wien Med Wochenschr. 2000;150(15-16):330-4. Review. German.

    Rowe BH, Camargo CA Jr.The role of magnesium sulfate in the acute and chronic management of asthma. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2008 Jan;14(1):70-6. Review.

    Mohammed S, Goodacre S. Intravenous and nebulised magnesium sulphate for acute asthma: systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Med J. 2007 Dec;24(12):823-30. Review.

    Kowal A, Panaszek B, Barg W, Obojski A. The use of magnesium in bronchial asthma: a new approach to an old problem. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2007 Jan-Feb;55(1):35-9. Review.

    Beasley R, Aldington S.Magnesium in the treatment of asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Feb;7(1):107-10. Review.

    Sedighi M, Pourpak Z, Bavarian B, Safaralizadeh R, Zare A, Moin M. Low magnesium concentration in erythrocytes of children with acute asthma. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Dec;5(4):183-6.

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    We are truly a naturopathic integrative clinic and the only one of its kind in the area. Our naturopathic doctors are each graduates of CNME accredited post-doctorate naturopathic colleges. Each of our ND's has also completed extensive internships/residencies with prominent medical doctors after graduation. Our naturopathic doctors work together with each patient to provide the best possible outcomes towards optimal health. NatureMed is a naturopathic and integrative medicine clinic located in Boulder/ Denver area just off the Boulder Turnpike in South East Boulder, Colorado offering preventive, holistic, integrative, sports and naturopathic medicine. We are a cash based practice and do not partner with insurance companies or medicare/medicaid. Read more about us.

    © 2013 NatureMed Integrative Medicine

    Contact Us

    5330 Manhattan Circle Suite B

    Boulder, CO 80303

    Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 9-5 and Friday 9-3

    Stephen Wesley Parcell's Practice has been recognized as one of the top Boulder Family Medicine practices.

    Myers' Cocktail - Premium Rejuvenation

    Rejuvenate with the Accesa Myers' Cocktail!

    The Accesa Myers' Cocktail is an intravenous (IV) infusion of vitamins and minerals delivered over 10-15 minutes. Designed by our medical staff, the Accesa Myers' Cocktail is packed full of minerals and nutrients. Each Accesa Myers' Cocktail is prepared right before IV administration to ensure freshness and stability. By delivering nutrients and minerals directly into the bloodstream, the Accesa Myers' Cocktail enables nutrient absorption and energy production at the cellular level. The Accesa Myers' Cocktail costs $100 per treatment and is safe to receive once per week.

    Myers' Cocktail - Get Started

    Myers' Cocktail - Premium IV Nutrition

    The Accesa Myers' Cocktail is packed full of goodness:

    • Calcium Helps with bone health and nerve and muscle function.
    • Magnesium Helps lower blood pressure, relaxes muscles, aids in sleep and relieves anxiety.
    • B-Complex Helps with blood sugar control, energy production and metabolism.
    • Vitamin B5 Supports adrenal glands and energy production.
    • Vitamin B6 Helps with mood, balances hormones, reduces inflammation and supports the immune system.
    • Vitamin B12 Helps with red blood cell production, nervous system support, and fatty acid metabolism.
    • Vitamin C Powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, blocks histamine release and supports the adrenal glands.

    Want to read more about the Myers' cocktail? Please click here.

    *Prices were last checked on November 22, 2017 and are subject to change.

    IV Memberships

    We offer our premium Myers' cocktail a la carte or through our membership programs. We recommend the membership programs to motivated customers who want to save money and commit regularly to their health and wellness:

    The Accesa Myers' Cocktail may help with the following symptoms:

    • Migraines
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle spasms
    • Colds / flus
    • Allergies
    • Chronic depression
    • Anxiety
    • Asthma
    • Low energy

    Myers' Cocktail Appointments

    Open Sat, 10am - 3pm

    Closed Thursday 11/23 through Sunday 11/26. Happy Thanksgiving!

    We accept cash, credit & debit. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.

    Anyone tried a "Myers Cocktail?"

    Member • 9 years on site • 197 posts

    Member • 10 years on site • 359 posts

    I hate to be seem the naysayer all the time, but there are combinations of vitamins and minerals that can function the same as an energy drink, so to speak.

    A dose of Vitamin C can give you energy, but it will wear off in a couple of hours. My doc gave me a combo of Vitamin C and some liquid. He told me that whenever I felt fatigued, to put a drop on the Vitamin C and put it under my tongue and I would get almost instant energy. but it wore off in an hour. so I stopped doing it, because I couldn't see the use in it.

    Having said that, if this IV the doc gave you makes you feel better, then that's great. It's an individual decision, to be sure.

    Member • 9 years on site • 197 posts

    I think I'll try another one or two and see how it goes. If it's something that helps. but it's $100 a pop, so if it isn't really the reason I feel good today.

    Member • 10 years on site • 359 posts

    My doc wanted my to do Vitamin C IVs, but I said no, I'm not traveling an hour and a half through heavy traffic once a week for an "energy boost". The time and expense do not support the short term benefits I would receive.

    Like we always say here, it's different for each person.

    VIP Member • 9 years on site • 7080 posts

    However, there are some treatments like Chelation, where vit and mins are used and they help. My grandfather had 2 strokes and shouldnt have lived long after the 2nd. But he went for chelation, and they did heavy doses of garlic (man did he stink after), but it gave him an extra 7 years.

    But we do have to keep in mind that our bodies are a natural thing, so they are designed to process food in a specific way - food in its natural form is best digested and all the nutrients are absorbed to the max. That is why a diet high in Fruits and Veggies can be more beneficial then anything. but it is hard - we can be so picky when it comes to taste. and of course the big road block $$$$$.

    There are whole food supplements that once you are on them and take religiously, they start to correct your body. and things get better - but they take time.

    I say, you have to do what works best for you - and sometimes that means dealing with the immediate - and then addressing the long term. Just make sure you understand what is in the IV, and understand how it is that these work. And of course track your progress.

    Hope this helps

    Member • 10 years on site • 359 posts

    Member • 9 years on site • 4 posts

    I also used to have Vit C with Hydrogen Peroxide infusions.. I absolutely loved them. While I would have what appeared to be a mini-herx in the middle of the infusion.. the end result was I walked out of the clinic when before the infusion I had to roll in on my wheelchair. Had energy for a good 2-3 days, much less Lyme fog.. it was a great supportive therapy for me.

    But yes, they were expensive and I couldn't keep on paying $$$'s every month. I also thought Vit C and antibiotics aren't compatible, which is another reason I didn't continue with the infusions.

    Ack, I'm babbling. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the info in this thread!

    Member • 10 years on site • 359 posts

    The Myers cocktail is not right for everyone, so you have to be

    careful. Make sure you are told everything that is in it (beacuse some docs mix different things).

    If you have low blood pressure, don't do it. The magnesium in it makes you hypotensive and can lead to fainting, even in people with normal blood pressure.

    Always know what is being put in to your body, and whether it is compatible with your other treatments. Follow that and you should be okay.

    Member • 9 years on site • 3 posts

    Member • 10 years on site • 359 posts

    I read up on the Myers cocktail and it's history is rooted in wound-healing, which Vitamin C is really good for.

    The actual cocktail was not developed by Dr. Myers, who it is named after, rather than by a follower of his who developed it after the death of Dr. Myers in the mid 1980's. and "honored" him with his name.

    Dr. Meyers practiced here in Baltimore, and would give IV Vitamin C and a one or two other supplements to help patients recover from wounds, surgery and the like.

    Besides the low blood pressure side-effect, people often get a "flushed" feeling that starts in the chest, and moves throughout the body. Women experience this more than men, and for some reason, their experience is more intense. The flushed feeling in women usually takes a "southern route", and some doctors have reported that women have actually had. well. orgasms, while on the cocktail.

    Let's see the Surgeon General put that on a warning label. LOL.

    In case of EMERGENCY call 911 or 1.800.273.TALK (8255) to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Read more.

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