воскресенье, 14 января 2018 г.



Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Location description:

unübersehBAR - die geilste Tram Münchens +++ Wir fahren jeden 1. Samstag im Monat +++ 4 Stunden Partytram & After-Tram-Party +++ Tickets und Infos online auf www.Cocktail-Tram.de

Website: Impressum auf www.Cocktail-Tram.de

Phone: 0179 79 00 086

Timezone: Europe/Berlin

Last update: 2016-06-04

Upcoming Events happening at Cocktail-Tram

No events found.

Past Events that happened at Cocktail-Tram


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dresscode: WHITE

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dancefloor Classics

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dancefloor Classics

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

◄◄ rewind

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Christmas Calling

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Atemlos durch den Advent (Schlagerspecial)

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Stories by Sieraya

De cocktail tram

We maken allemaal wel eens gebruik van de tram. Het is soms heerlijk dat we niet lopend de hele stad door hoeven en dat we gewoon de tram kunnen pakken die ons van A naar B brengt. In de winter dagen houdt de tram ons warm en soms is dit een gelegenheid om nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten en met mensen in contact te komen. Hmm Ja, ik probeer eigenlijk nog meer positieve dingen over de tram te schrijven maar eigenlijk heb ik nu even geen idee en blijf ik bij de bovenstaande punten hangen. Want man, man, man wat kan het een ellende zijn met die tram. Het was kerstvakantie dus Amsterdam was overvol. Ik las vorige week op Facebook dat het de drukste dagen van het jaar zijn geweest. Nou dat heb ik gemerkt hoor. Alle trams waren overvol en in de stad was het schuifelen geblazen. Ik stapte vorige week in een bomvolle tram 5 en wist ondanks dat toch vrij snel een zit plek te bemachtigen. Gelukkig hoefde ik niet zo heel ver, van Amsterdam Centraal Station naar Leidseplein, maar toch was ik blij dat ik tijdens deze rit kon zitten. Kort na mij stapte er een hele school met toeristen in, en tientallen andere medereizigers. De tram was al vol, maar raakte nog voller. Ik vroeg me af wanneer de bestuurder de deuren ging sluiten want naar mij idee was het nu zo vol dat het gevaarlijk werd.

Het probleem begon vrijwel direct nadat de tram begon te rijden. De deuren gingen dicht en na een paar minuten begonnen de vieze luchtjes zich te verspreiden. Ik kreeg een vies, misselijkmakend luchtjes onder mijn neus. Het was een cocktail van wiet, zweet, alcohol, knoflook en tomaat. Toen de tram bij de dam was kon ik het eigenlijk niet meer uithouden. Ik was zo ontzettend misselijk dat ik niet meer wist of ik nou moest kotsen, poepen of moest plassen. Mijn maag was compleet in de war. Ik moest nog een behoorlijk eind naar Leidseplein en lopen was geen optie met min drie buiten. Ik heb geprobeerd om zo dicht mogelijk tegen het raam aan te gaan zitten, met een centimeter afstand, happend naar frisse lucht. Ik leek wel een vis op het droge. Naast mij zat een man verdacht dicht op me. Ik had het idee dat hij mijn warmte wel aantrekkelijk vond en mijn appgesprekken nog aantrekkelijker. Ook mijn telefoon probeerde ik zo’n beetje het raam in te drukken en ik probeerde mijn rug naar de man toe te keren. Normaal doe ik ongeveer twintig minuten met een ritje in tram van Centraal station naar Leidseplein, maar ik geloof dat ik er die dag vijftig minuten over heb gedaan. Er bleven maar mensen bij komen, iedere keer als de tram stopte. De alarmbellen gingen bij iedere stop af omdat er mensen tegen de deur aan stonden waardoor de deuren niet goed konden sluiten.

Na de helse rit kwamen we eindelijk aan op Leidseplein. En gelukkig, ja echt een bofkontje ben ik, was ik niet de enige persoon die er hier uit moest. Ik heb me vanaf mijn stoel een soort van omhoog getild. De man naast mij bleef zitten hoe hij zat en verrekte geen spier. Hij leek wel zo’n stom beeld uit Madame tussauds. Dat maakte het voor mij niet makkelijker om op te staan. Ik hoopte dat andere medereizigers net zo meegaand waren op het moment dat hij eruit moest. Dat misschien iemand hem heel per ongeluk, door de drukte, weer terug in zijn stoel duwde waardoor meneer zijn halte mistte. Toen ik eindelijk recht opstond en me vast kon klampen aan een paal, die ik met tien andere mensen moest delen, moest ik nog de uitgang zien te bereiken. Ik hoorde een oudere man achter mij schelden:’’ Klote tram, ik doe dit ook nooit meer’’. Ik wou hem bijna een high-five geven want dat gevoel heb ik ook al vaker gehad. Er waren mensen die begonnen te duwen omdat we met zijn tienen via het zelfde gangpad naar dezelfde uitgang wilde. Toen ik eindelijk de uitgang bereikt had kwam hier het gedoe met het hekje. Kan iemand mij vertellen waarom er altijd gedoe is bij dat hekje, bij de uitgang van de tram? Ik ging door het hekje en hielt het hekje open voor de meneer achter mij. Ik verwachtte dat de meneer het hekje daarna zelf open zou houden en vervolgens door het hekje zou gaan. Maar niks was minder waar, deze meneer was niet van plan om het hekje zelf open te houden zodat hij er door heen kon. Deze meneer verwachtte blijkbaar dat ik dat zou doen. Hallo?! Zijn we serieus nu? Toen meneer in de deuropening stond, tussen de twee palen van het hekje, heb ik het hekje losgelaten. Dit ging eigenlijk per ongeluk ik had gewoon geen zin meer om het hekje vast te houden en niet echt gekeken op welk moment ik het hekje losliet. En je raadt het al het hekje klapte met een aardige vaart tegen meneer aan, ter hoogte van zijn edele delen. Ik denk dat meneer hierna de regel van het hekje wel begrepen heeft.

Altijd leuk zo’n ritje met de tram. Ik ben blij dat ik in ieder geval warm heb gezeten en het heb overleefd. En dat de cocktail van vieze luchtjes niet in mijn neus is blijven hangen de rest van de avond. Ik kijk nu al uit naar mijn volgende ritje.

Vind ik leuk:

4 thoughts on “ De cocktail tram ”

en mooi verhaal

De tram laat ik meestal aan mij voorbijrijden.

De metro neem ik graag.

Dat kan ik me heel goed voorstellen. Misschien moet ik ook wat vaker met de metro gaan. Ik ga het eens proberen haha!

Cocktail Tram

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  • cocktail tram мюнхен •
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Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Location description:

unübersehBAR - die geilste Tram Münchens +++ Wir fahren jeden 1. Samstag im Monat +++ 4 Stunden Partytram & After-Tram-Party +++ Tickets und Infos online auf www.Cocktail-Tram.de

Website: Impressum auf www.Cocktail-Tram.de

Phone: 0179 79 00 086

Timezone: Europe/Berlin

Last update: 2016-06-04

Upcoming Events happening at Cocktail-Tram

No events found.

Past Events that happened at Cocktail-Tram


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dresscode: WHITE

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dancefloor Classics

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Dancefloor Classics

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

◄◄ rewind

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany


Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Christmas Calling

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Atemlos durch den Advent (Schlagerspecial)

Cocktail-Tram Orleansplatz 81667 Munich Germany

Stories by Sieraya

De cocktail tram

We maken allemaal wel eens gebruik van de tram. Het is soms heerlijk dat we niet lopend de hele stad door hoeven en dat we gewoon de tram kunnen pakken die ons van A naar B brengt. In de winter dagen houdt de tram ons warm en soms is dit een gelegenheid om nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten en met mensen in contact te komen. Hmm Ja, ik probeer eigenlijk nog meer positieve dingen over de tram te schrijven maar eigenlijk heb ik nu even geen idee en blijf ik bij de bovenstaande punten hangen. Want man, man, man wat kan het een ellende zijn met die tram. Het was kerstvakantie dus Amsterdam was overvol. Ik las vorige week op Facebook dat het de drukste dagen van het jaar zijn geweest. Nou dat heb ik gemerkt hoor. Alle trams waren overvol en in de stad was het schuifelen geblazen. Ik stapte vorige week in een bomvolle tram 5 en wist ondanks dat toch vrij snel een zit plek te bemachtigen. Gelukkig hoefde ik niet zo heel ver, van Amsterdam Centraal Station naar Leidseplein, maar toch was ik blij dat ik tijdens deze rit kon zitten. Kort na mij stapte er een hele school met toeristen in, en tientallen andere medereizigers. De tram was al vol, maar raakte nog voller. Ik vroeg me af wanneer de bestuurder de deuren ging sluiten want naar mij idee was het nu zo vol dat het gevaarlijk werd.

Het probleem begon vrijwel direct nadat de tram begon te rijden. De deuren gingen dicht en na een paar minuten begonnen de vieze luchtjes zich te verspreiden. Ik kreeg een vies, misselijkmakend luchtjes onder mijn neus. Het was een cocktail van wiet, zweet, alcohol, knoflook en tomaat. Toen de tram bij de dam was kon ik het eigenlijk niet meer uithouden. Ik was zo ontzettend misselijk dat ik niet meer wist of ik nou moest kotsen, poepen of moest plassen. Mijn maag was compleet in de war. Ik moest nog een behoorlijk eind naar Leidseplein en lopen was geen optie met min drie buiten. Ik heb geprobeerd om zo dicht mogelijk tegen het raam aan te gaan zitten, met een centimeter afstand, happend naar frisse lucht. Ik leek wel een vis op het droge. Naast mij zat een man verdacht dicht op me. Ik had het idee dat hij mijn warmte wel aantrekkelijk vond en mijn appgesprekken nog aantrekkelijker. Ook mijn telefoon probeerde ik zo’n beetje het raam in te drukken en ik probeerde mijn rug naar de man toe te keren. Normaal doe ik ongeveer twintig minuten met een ritje in tram van Centraal station naar Leidseplein, maar ik geloof dat ik er die dag vijftig minuten over heb gedaan. Er bleven maar mensen bij komen, iedere keer als de tram stopte. De alarmbellen gingen bij iedere stop af omdat er mensen tegen de deur aan stonden waardoor de deuren niet goed konden sluiten.

Na de helse rit kwamen we eindelijk aan op Leidseplein. En gelukkig, ja echt een bofkontje ben ik, was ik niet de enige persoon die er hier uit moest. Ik heb me vanaf mijn stoel een soort van omhoog getild. De man naast mij bleef zitten hoe hij zat en verrekte geen spier. Hij leek wel zo’n stom beeld uit Madame tussauds. Dat maakte het voor mij niet makkelijker om op te staan. Ik hoopte dat andere medereizigers net zo meegaand waren op het moment dat hij eruit moest. Dat misschien iemand hem heel per ongeluk, door de drukte, weer terug in zijn stoel duwde waardoor meneer zijn halte mistte. Toen ik eindelijk recht opstond en me vast kon klampen aan een paal, die ik met tien andere mensen moest delen, moest ik nog de uitgang zien te bereiken. Ik hoorde een oudere man achter mij schelden:’’ Klote tram, ik doe dit ook nooit meer’’. Ik wou hem bijna een high-five geven want dat gevoel heb ik ook al vaker gehad. Er waren mensen die begonnen te duwen omdat we met zijn tienen via het zelfde gangpad naar dezelfde uitgang wilde. Toen ik eindelijk de uitgang bereikt had kwam hier het gedoe met het hekje. Kan iemand mij vertellen waarom er altijd gedoe is bij dat hekje, bij de uitgang van de tram? Ik ging door het hekje en hielt het hekje open voor de meneer achter mij. Ik verwachtte dat de meneer het hekje daarna zelf open zou houden en vervolgens door het hekje zou gaan. Maar niks was minder waar, deze meneer was niet van plan om het hekje zelf open te houden zodat hij er door heen kon. Deze meneer verwachtte blijkbaar dat ik dat zou doen. Hallo?! Zijn we serieus nu? Toen meneer in de deuropening stond, tussen de twee palen van het hekje, heb ik het hekje losgelaten. Dit ging eigenlijk per ongeluk ik had gewoon geen zin meer om het hekje vast te houden en niet echt gekeken op welk moment ik het hekje losliet. En je raadt het al het hekje klapte met een aardige vaart tegen meneer aan, ter hoogte van zijn edele delen. Ik denk dat meneer hierna de regel van het hekje wel begrepen heeft.

Altijd leuk zo’n ritje met de tram. Ik ben blij dat ik in ieder geval warm heb gezeten en het heb overleefd. En dat de cocktail van vieze luchtjes niet in mijn neus is blijven hangen de rest van de avond. Ik kijk nu al uit naar mijn volgende ritje.

Vind ik leuk:

4 thoughts on “ De cocktail tram ”

en mooi verhaal

De tram laat ik meestal aan mij voorbijrijden.

De metro neem ik graag.

Dat kan ik me heel goed voorstellen. Misschien moet ik ook wat vaker met de metro gaan. Ik ga het eens proberen haha!

Cocktail-tram.de Cocktail Tram München

Keywords: Cocktail, Tram, Strassenbahn, München

About cocktail-tram.de

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Tram Museum


Birthdays, cocktails, company parties, silver and golden wedding anniversaries: they are all good reasons to rent one of our old trams or buses.

A bar tram, a cocktail tram, a party tram: you take care of the catering and we will make sure you get the right vehicle.

The different routes we have on offer will allow you to come up with a trip that suits your needs.

Additionally, you can rent our museum halls for different kinds of events.

The Tram Museum (MTUB) can change the vehicle type at any time, e.g. in case of technical problems.

A reception, a family get-together or an event at the Museum

Our Museum or parts of it can be rented for family parties, receptions and various shows or corporate events.

We have three basic formulas:

• the “Tramways Bruxellois” hall, separated from the Museum but with a view of our collection. It can hold approximately 40 people.

• the “carpet space”, a dedicated and modular space in one of our halls. This formula is ideal for groups up to 250 people.

• the “Guy Cudell” hall, a complete museum hall that allows for larger events like walking dinners. It holds up to 600 people.

Our rental department will gladly help you to find the formula that best suits your needs.

A vintage bus trip in and around Brussels

If you’re looking for a trip with a vintage vehicle without the restrictions of a tram, we have just the thing for you! One of our old-school buses can take you on a tour of Brussels and its periphery. Feel free to contact us to plan your trip!

Available vehicles

Bus 8399 (1991-2010) 24 seated- 50 standing

This is a vehicle that is at the same time spacious, modern and comfortable. It is the right choice for people who aren't specifically looking for the vintage feel of our older buses.

Bus 8060 (1975-1985) 33 seated

Despite its reduced seating capacity, bus 8060's seventies style upholstery and (comfortable) interior will surely win over your guests. This bus is equipped with a sound system as well as a refrigerator.

Articulated bus 8815 (1985-2001) 44 seated / 66 standing

This relatively modern bus can accommodate a large number of passengers.

Bus 8246 (1960-1975) 35 seated / 25 standing

This "Brossel" bus is an icon of Brussels in the 1960s. After its career with STIB, it served many schools and municipalities well for a number of years.

A short trip through the Sonian Forest (1 hour + waiting time)

A charming trip through the beautiful Sonian Forest. This journey is ideal for the summer months which allow for “Belle Epoque” motor cars and trailers. However, we can also offer more modern, larger vehicles with outside doors and heating.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Tervuren – Tram Museum

• from € 400 to € 530 depending on the time of year and the day of the week. This basic price includes either a one hour waiting time in Tervuren or a visit to the Museum.

• a dedicated guide for a visit to the Museum: an extra fee of € 30

• fixed price for school groups on weekdays: € 260

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 5025 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

With its classic woodwork and its "Art Deco" touches, this tram with open platforms is ideal for a trip on our heritage line through the Sonian Forest. It accommodates up to about 30 people.

Motor Car 1259 (1934-1973) 20 seated - 20 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 1305 (1910-1937) 20 seated / 20 standing

This typical "Belle Epoque" tram can take you on a trip through the Sonian Forest, to Tervuren. If coupled with an open trailer ("baladeuse") it can transport groups of up to about 40 people.

Motor Car 984 (1906-1935) seated 20 / standing 20

This typical "Belle Epoque" tram can take you on a trip through the Sonian Forest, to Tervuren. If coupled with an open trailer ("baladeuse") it can transport groups of up to about 40 people.

Motor Car 428 (1903-1935) 20 seated / 27 standing

This charming "chocolate coloured tram" is ideal for short trips with about 20 people, to either Tervuren or Cinquantenaire Park.

A “short tour” of Boitsfort (1 hour)

This relatively short trip takes you on a tour of the sights of Ixelles, Etterbeek and, of course, Boitsfort, a particularly leafy area of Brussels.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Étangs d’Ixelles – ULB – Place Wiener – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 495 to € 660 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

A “long tour” of Boitsfort (1h30)

If the short tour of Boitsfort is too short for you, we have an extension on offer that takes you through the beautiful residential neighbourhoods of Avenue Brugmann and Avenue Churchill.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Place Janson – Ma Campagne – Avenue Brugmann – Place Vanderkindere – Avenue Churchill – Bois de la Cambre – ULB – Place Wiener – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 660 to € 880 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Avenue Louise and the Royal Quarter (2 hours)

This is the ideal journey for groups that wish to discover some of Brussels’ finest monuments: Cinquantenaire Park, the Palace of Justice, the Town Hall, the Royal Palace and the Parliament buildings.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Bois de la Cambre – Avenue Louise – Place Poelaert – Sablon – Place Royale – Parc de Bruxelles – Colonne du Congrès – Botanique – Église Sainte-Marie

(return trip: same itinerary)

• from € 830 to € 1100 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Avenue Louise and the Royal Quartier, extension to Schaerbeek train station (2h30)

The beautiful train station at Schaerbeek is definitely worth a detour, for an extension to our journey to the Royal Quarter. This additional half hour makes the trip even more worthwhile!

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Bois de la Cambre – Avenue Louise – Place Poelaert – Sablon – Place Royale – Parc de Bruxelles – Colonne du Congrès – Botanique – Église Sainte-Marie – Place Verboeckhoven – Gare de Schaerbeek – return trip: same itinerary

• from € 990 to € 1320 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Avenue Louise and the Royal Quarter, return through Boitsfort (2h15)

You would like to see more of Brussels besides the Royal Quarter and Avenue Louise? We have another extension on offer that takes you through the university neighbourhood, leafy Boitsfort and the Boulevard du Souverain.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Bois de la Cambre – Avenue Louise – Place Poelaert – Sablon – Place Royale – Parc de Bruxelles – Colonne du Congrès – Botanique – Église Sainte-Marie – return trip: same itinerary until place Flagey, then ULB – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 890 to € 1190 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Avenue Louise and the Royal Quarter, return through Uccle and Boitsfort (2h30)

You would like to see more of Brussels besides the Royal Quarter and Avenue Louise? We have another extension on offer that takes you through affluent Uccle, leafy Boitsfort and the Boulevard du Souverain.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Bois de la Cambre – Avenue Louise – Place Poelaert – Sablon – Place Royale – Parc de Bruxelles – Colonne du Congrès – Botanique – Église Sainte-Marie – return trip: same itinerary until place Louise, then chaussée de Charleroi – Avenue Brugmann – Avenue Churchill – Bois de la Cambre – ULB – Place Wiener – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 960 to € 1270 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Uccle and Fort-Jaco (2 hours)

A marvellous trip through the green southern parts of the city. You will get to see beautiful “Art Nouveau” mansions in Etterbeek, Ixelles and Uccle, as well as affluent neighbourhoods around Saint-Job and Fort-Jaco.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Place Janson – Ma Campagne – Avenue Brugmann – Square des Héros – Dieweg – Place Saint-Job – Fort-Jaco – return trip: same itinerary

• from € 860 to € 1140 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Uccle and Fort-Jaco, return via Boitsfort (2h30)

A slightly longer and equally marvellous trip through the green southern part of Brussels. Besides the “Art Nouveau” mansions you will get to see in Etterbeek, Ixelles and Uccle, you will also pass through the university neighbourhood as well as leafy Boitsfort.

Itinerary: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Place Janson – Ma Campagne – Avenue Brugmann – Square des Héros – Dieweg – Place Saint-Job – Fort-Jaco – return trip: the same itinerary until place Flagey, then ULB – Place Wiener – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 890 to € 1190 depending on the time of year and the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Extended tour of Brussels (3 hours)

This trip includes a lot of Brussels’ must-sees! Our destination is the Heysel Plateau, the location of the Atomium. We also ride through beautiful areas of Ixelles and Saint-Gilles, the area surrounding Avenue Louise, the Royal Quarter, the Brussels-Charleroi canal, Midi station, Barrière de Saint-Gilles and leafy Boulevard du Souverain.

Tour: Tram Museum – Cinquantenaire – Place Flagey – Bois de la Cambre – Louise Avenue – Place Poelaert – Sablon – Place Royale – Parc de Bruxelles – Botanique – Saint Mary’s Royal Church – Place Liedts – Square De Trooz – Place Bockstael – Jette Cemetery – King Baudouin Stadium – return trip: the same route until Jette Cemetery, then Avenue Woeste – Leopold II Boulevard – Sainctelette – Porte de Ninove – Midi station – Place Wielemans – Barrière de Saint-Gilles – Place Janson – Place Flagey – ULB – Place Wiener – Boulevard du Souverain – Tram Museum

• from € 1320 to € 1760, depending on the time of year and on the day of the week

Show itinerary

Available vehicles

Motor Car 7500 (1962-2010) 48 seated / 40 standing

This modern tram is ideal for larger groups of 40 to 60 people who do not wish to be separated between two vehicles

Motor Car 7065 (1956-2008) 32 seated / 30 standing

These comfortable trams had a very long career in Brussels, stretching from the early 1950s to 2010. They can accommodate up to approximately 50 people.

Motor Car 1064 (1934-1973) 18 seated / 17 standing

This vehicle was an integral part of the Brussels streetscape for 40 years. It's ideal for groups of up to about 20 people. However, it can be coupled with a trailer (from the same period): this doubles its capacity to 40 passengers.

Motor Car 5008 (1935-1976) 30 seated / 20 standing

These spacious and comfortable trams are ideal for longer journeys through the city. They can accommodate about 30 (seated) passengers. Certain trams of the 5000 series have an on-board sound system.

Today, the museum is closed

Next opening time

Saturday 09.12.2017 from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

10.12.2017 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

14.01.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

11.02.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

11.03.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

09.12.2017 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

13.01.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

10.02.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm

Opening time

10.03.2018 : Open from 1 pm to 5 pm






Please note that it is not possible to reserve seats on our vehicles running on our historical lines (Tervuren, Cinquantenaire, Stockel and BM) during weekends and holidays.

Are you looking for an original setting

Birthdays, cocktails, company parties, silver and golden wedding anniversaries: they are all good reasons to rent one of our old trams or buses.

12 Tokyo Bars For Exceptional Cocktails And Shockingly Rare Whisky

And you won't go broke! A real drinker's paradise.

You might have heard about the hand-carved ice. Suited bartenders. The world’s most exquisite barware. The famed Japanese “hard shake” technique, of which there are varying styles. Intimate bars hidden in tough-to-find basements and high-rises around the most populated city on earth. All of this is true of Japan’s best bars.

But during my recent visit to Tokyo, I found out that there was so much more to this story. Service is not only respectful, a dominant trait prized in Japanese culture, but is beyond any I’ve experienced around the world. Bartenders often went so far as to escort me to the street as I left, bowing until I was out of sight. Most surprising, though, was finding rare and extinct Scotch and Japanese whiskies available by the pour — and at reasonable prices. And it doesn’t stop with whisky. True to all-or-nothing Japanese form, you’ll find the world’s biggest sherry collection in Tokyo and bar managers who can’t wait to educate you on absinthe, Calvados or all manner of spirit rarities.

Not even in my travels through Scotland’s top scotch bars, from the Highlands down to Edinburgh, have I seen such scotch available by the glass, and certainly not at attainable prices. Granted, most of Tokyo’s best bars charge a “cover,” but it tends to be no more than $10 USD per person — worth it if you linger and try a range of whiskies. I found most of the best cocktails cost a typical big-city price of $15 to $20 plus a $5 to $10 cover charge, which, given that there is no tipping in Japan (hallelujah!), works out to be no more than many a London or NYC bar visit.

Tasting at several Tokyo bars, I was able to educate myself on now-defunct distilleries and decades-old vintages of Japan and Scotland. I learned quickly that most whiskies are also available by the half pour. When a rare 1970s or ’80s scotch is $20 to $30 a pour (which is insanely low and would be unheard of in the States or Europe, if they even had such bottles on the shelves), a half pour is a doable $10 to $15 — and the ideal way to taste a flight of hand-selected rarities. When bar managers spoke English, I’d ask how they could keep the prices low and how they found such rare bottles. I’d get the same discreet answers, bar after bar: Without excessive licensing overhead, they can offer a more “at cost” pour. And they claim private collectors are where they get the majority of rare bottles.

If you visit bars and distilleries around the world, as I do, it can be tough to be wowed. But Japan is where you will be blown away, time and time again, in a way nowhere else in the world can match. Tokyo isn’t necessarily your cutting-edge, experimental cocktail city — although that is on the rise — so much as the service and cocktail-technique capital of the world. Here are some of Tokyo’s best bars for whisky and cocktails:

Zoetrope is among the quirkiest, coolest bars in Tokyo, appealing to film buffs as well as whisky lovers. Owner Atsushi Horigami shows off his impressive collection of hundreds of movie soundtracks (which play in the background), plus sci-fi and fantasy-movie memorabilia, as classic films are projected on the back wall. He has one of the best collections of Japanese whisky in the world, including many from cult favorite Ichiro (yes, the Malt Card whiskies and rare Chichibu bottlings), which have all but disappeared everywhere else. Here you can sip Ichiro malts from the 1980s and even after six to ten half pours of these rarities, walk away a reasonable $100 lighter (consider the $1,000+ a single bottle can go for). Horigami speaks English and makes you feel welcome and cared for. 3 rd Floor, Gaia Biru Number 4, 7-10-14 Nishi Shinjuk, Shinjuku-ku, homepage2.nifty.com/zoetrope

Open since summer 2013, Bar Bennfiddich is one of the most unforgettable bars in the world, thanks to absinthe-obsessed owner Hiroyasu Kayama. The intimate bar is lined with spices and looks like a colonial-era tavern, all rustic woods with an apothecary feel. Kayama goes further than ubiquitous whisky offerings, educating Tokyo on absinthe with his extensive collection as he crafts made-to-order cocktails and spirits from his magical lab of herbs and spices. He distills and steeps in bar-top equipment, inspired by recipes in a dusty, old distilling book he’ll pull from behind the bar to show you. Try his house green chartreuse, absinthe or his stunner of a root beer botanical cocktail, served in a copper mug and infused with everything from coriander to sarsaparilla-root powder. 9F Yamatoya Building, 1-13-7 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku

3. Park Hotel Tokyo: The Society

Up on the 25th floor of the Park Hotel, the Society is not just any hotel bar. Besides lovely cocktails (think Matcha Highballs) from bar manager Kouji Nanmoku, the sleek bar is home to a collection of Scotch Malt Whisky Society whiskies, a rare joy outside of the private, members-only society in Scotland. They have discounted pricing for members, but everything is available by the pour, with special bottlings from Scotch and Japanese distilleries. Shiodome Media Tower 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, en.parkhoteltokyo.com/the-society

Prepare for a “wow” experience in the intimate, eight-seat bar Gen, where Gen Yamamoto himself serves you individual drinks or a tasting menu of cocktails he crafts from a handful of rare spirits in categories ranging from gin to sake at an austere bar made of single, hand-hewn wood. He utilizes an impressive array of Japanese produce at its peak, thoughtfully matched with each spirit (think chestnuts and sencha green tea with All Koji sake). Anniversary Building 1F, 1-6-4 Azabu-Juban, Minato-ku, genyamamoto.jp

Yes, the spelling of the name is correct, and this closet-sized basement bar is well worth hunting for if you’re a Scotch or Japanese whisky aficionado. The owner is passionate about whisky, walking you through a treasure trove of obscure bottlings that might include no-longer-produced Karuizawa Japanese whisky or a 1980s Mars Single Malt from the Shinsyu Distillery. Best of all, there’s no cover charge, and his pours are the most affordable I found anywhere (let’s keep that a secret between us, shall we?). 1 Chome-6-8 Yurakucho, Chiyoda

Cask Strength (aka Cask) has a 1,000-yen cover charge (roughly $10) plus a 10 percent service charge, but if you linger for more than a couple pours in the mesmerizing basement bar — entered through a castle-like turret and stone hallway — the incredible Scotch and Japanese whisky selection makes it more than worth it. These eye-popping rarities can average around $20 a pour, as with an eight-year Glen Mhor scotch from 1980 or a stunning 1989 Karuizawa Japanese whisky. B1, Main Stage Roppongi Biru, 3-9-11 Roppongi, Minato-ku, cask-s.com

Tiny Bar High Five is all about owner and bar great Hidetsugu Ueno. Though he might be traveling the world training bartenders and industry folk, if you are lucky enough to catch the stylish Ueno (who came from Tokyo’s legendary Star Bar Ginza), you’ll get a first-class lesson in precision and service. He hand-carves ice into diamond-like spheres and perfects classics, whether his signature White Lady or a Black Whisky Negroni, mixing Kirin Japanese whisky with sweet vermouth and Fernet Branca. No. 26 Polestar Building, 4th Floor, 7-2-14 Ginza Chuo-ku, barhighfive.com

Legendary Y & M Kisling (hidden on a seventh floor in Ginza) is sheer magic, like stepping into another time period. The dark wood-lined bar glows with 1930s elegance, jazz softly playing in the background, bartenders in cream-colored jackets. You’ll find an ever-impeccable collection of Japanese barware and glassware, perfectly stirred or shaken cocktails and the house drink, a frothy-beautiful Kaikan Fizz, created by head bartender Mitsugi Yoshida, who has bartended for over 55 years. Look for quirky rarities like a Western-themed Rawhide bottling of Suntory Japanese whisky from the 1970s. 7 th floor, 7-5-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku

Sip perfect cocktail classics and whiskies amid vintage radios and suited bartenders at the romantic, legendary Bar Radio. Try experimental cocktails and molecular mixology alongside an extensive whisky selection at Code Name Mixology’s two locations. Hipster Japanese youth flock to Bar Tram and Bar Trench for elegant cocktails, plenty of spirits and a daytime coffee bar, Coffee Tram. For locals’ under-the-radar whisky spot (note: no English spoken), visit Odin. For Tokyo’s famous cocktail great — also boasting a fine whisky collection — visit the quiet, intimate Star Bar Ginza.

See what else is going on in Tokyo on Food Republic:

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The Everleigh Cocktail Tramcar

When speaking with Michael Madrusan, owner and manager of famed Fitzroy bar The Everleigh, about the upcoming Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, his excitement is palpable. For Madrusan and his team, who last year presented a seminar on Everleigh-style cocktails at MFWF, the stakes have been significantly raised this year.

Deciding not only to take his ideas outside, but put them onto a moving vehicle, Madrusan and his team (along with their two trusty trolleys), will be taking the iconic Melbourne trams on a classic cocktail odyssey. "The trolleys will be wheeled to each table and the drinks made in front of the guests," explains Madrusan of the event, which will run over three nights during the festival in March.

But the team aren’t about to stop there – Madrusan has also organised a soundtrack for the evenings, so as not to lose the classic romanticism synonymous with The Everleigh.

"I'm not sure how the trolleys are going to go when the tram is moving – perhaps the patrons will be watching the bartenders hold on! It could get interesting," says Madrusan with a laugh. "It's all about recreating the tram experience for people and adding our style to that, which I think compliments it really well."

Seating 36 people per night and covering the well-known City Circle route, the tram will also be serving dishes from the Tram Car Restaurant. But really, food is but a second thought when there are world-class cocktails on offer and iconic scenery passing you by.

March 11–13, 5.45pm–7.15pm

This event is now SOLD OUT. To be placed on the cancellation wait list, please contact The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant directly on (03) 9695 4000. For more information on the event, click here.

Top 10 Cocktail Bars near Tram Stop 1 - Spencer St/Collins St in Melbourne Victoria




  • Open Now
  • Good for Groups
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    • Outdoor Area / Patio Only
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    1. Eau De Vie

    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number 0412 825 441

    Fantastic whiskey selection and impressive cocktails! The waitstaff were particularly helpful and knew what they were talking about. I asked for a recommendation and was not let… read more

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    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number (03) 9654 8808

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    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number (03) 9663 7660

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    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number (03) 9654 4860

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    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number (03) 9654 0500

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    Melbourne Victoria 3000 Phone number (03) 9825 8990

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