среда, 17 января 2018 г.


World Cup Cocktails Germany 'Black Red Gold'


2011 World Cup Cocktails – VERPOORTEN Exclusive Country Cocktails:

. first stop: Germany “Black Red Gold”

50 g Black Currants, Blackberries (fresh or frozen)

50 g Strawberries, Raspberries, Red Currants (fresh or frozen)

2 cl Pomace (e.g. from a Mosel Riesling)

1 Dash Grenadine Syrup

1 Dash Lemon Juice

Some powdered sugar


Preparation World Cup Cocktail Germany “Black Red Gold"

Using a hand mixer, blend the blackberries, adding a dash of lemon juice. Add some black currants to make it even darker! Frozen fruits are great for this recipe. If you are using fresh fruit, add a couple of ice cubes and blend it all together. Finally, add the pomace before putting the fruit mixture to the side. (A little dash of food colouring doesn’t hurt the presentation, but it is not necessary if you are using really black blackberries).

The strawberries are the key ingredient in this layer, however there are other German berries that are ideal for this recipe such as raspberries and red currants - or a combination of the three. Frozen fruits are the best, as they will help you to achieve a nice sorbet consistency. Put the fruits into a mixing bowl and purée with a hand mixer (making sure you’ve cleaned all the “black” from it). Sweeten with a dash of grenadine syrup. If you use lots of red currants, it is a good idea to sweeten the mixture with some powdered sugar. Place the mixture into the freezer until it is half-frozen and reaches a sorbet consistency.

Make sure to use well cooled VERPOORTEN ORIGINAL Advocaat.

Preparing the Country Cocktail Germany “Black Red Gold"

Decorate, as shown, with a stylish garnish of a black currant, a strawberry and a slice of lemon on a skewer.

The Online Editorial Team wishes all 16 teams the best of luck for the 2011 World Cup. But, of course, you'll forgive us for reserving all crossable fingers at VERPOORTEN for Silvia Neid's team!

Get the world cup party of the year started with VERPOORTEN advocaat!

Additional information

Recipe No. 555 in the category. Cocktails .

The recipe was sent by VERPOORTEN Online Editorial Team Bonn from Bonn, the Advocaat Capital! .

Level of difficulty: simpel

Taste: refreshing, fruity, sour, sweet, cool

Origin: Made in Germany

Occasion: World Cup Recipes, Parties at Home 2011, World Cup Parties 2011, World Cup Celebrations, World Cup 2011 Public Viewing Parties, World Cup Parties at Home 2011

Type of drink: Country Cocktail, Lifestyle Recipes, Recipes for Parties at Home, Party Drinks, Party Recipes, World Cup Drinks, World Cup Recipes 2011, World Cup Cocktails 2011, Advocaat Drinks for Parties at Home 2011, World Cup Drinks

Pictures for recipe World Cup Cocktails Germany 'Black Red Gold'

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Eierlikör: What It Is and How to Drink It

The thick, spicy egg drink is popular in Europe all year round.

When the tuba’s oom pah pah blurts out into the crisp fall air and currywurst lovers dust off their finest lederhosen, it’s difficult not to get excited about the most Germanic of celebrations, Oktoberfest, which spans from the third week of September until the beginning of October each year. For devotees of all things lagers and schnitzel, there’s no finer hour to spiral into a meaty, beer-drenched state of bliss while clapping merrily along to a polka beat.

At the eye of the Oktoberfest storm in Munich and in German-heavy cities across the United States, beer looms large as revelers' sudsy beverage of choice. Sure, there are always a few autumnally-flavored schnapps and some paltry, ho-hum wines for those who are less hops-inclined, but these drinks always feel like a sad afterthought. What are drinkers to do, then, when they’ve wiped the last beer froth from their upper lip, maxed out on sticky-sweet Rieslings and still want to sip something a little boozy?

Eierlikör—a centuries-old, golden-hued egg liqueur—might just be the answer.

. the versatility and weighty richness of eierlikör . has long held year-round appeal in both Germany and the Netherlands .

Similar to eggnog or a steamy mug of the British-favorite Tom and Jerry, the versatility and weighty richness of eierlikör—which is made by combining a multitude of egg yolks, spices, sugar and a dark spirit of choice, like brandy or rum—has long held year-round appeal in both Germany and the Netherlands (where it is known as Advocaat). The drink is traditionally so thick and glue-like that it’s almost easier to imagine slapping up wallpaper with the eggy paste than nimbly sipping it. People can—and do—frequently eat it with a spoon.

Its function as a natural beverage of choice for indulgent, cozy boozing, though, is unmatched. In the winter, it’s a holiday favorite served piping hot to fight off winter’s chill. In warmer months, the drink’s egg-heavy constitution ensures that it’s glugged down—cup after cup—at room temperature during Easter. At other times of the year, eierlikör is served in a number of curious drinking vessels, including out of tiny chocolate shot glasses, in a highball mixed with orange Fanta or inside cake cones like half-melted ice cream.

It is, truly, a drink for all seasons.

While eierlikör's origins are a little fuzzy, much of the credit for its cross-border prominence goes to the Verpoorten Company, which has been producing the drink in the town of Heinsberg on the Dutch-German border since 1876. As the story goes, Belgian distiller Eugen Verpoorten dreamed up the liqueur as a way to recapture the flavor and texture of an avocado-based drink Dutch colonists discovered in Brazil two centuries earlier. Since avocadoes were impossible to come by, eggs—which offered a similar density and buttery finish—were an ideal stand-in.

The family-owned company remains the dominating force in the German commercial eierlikör scene, and has worked diligently in recent years to help the liqueur shed a somewhat fusty stereotype by reimagining it as everything from a cocktail mixer to cake ingredient. In a recent interview, current owner William Verpoorten was asked what his response would be to someone who considered the drink "old-fashioned."

. egg liqueur cocktails are gaining traction in both Germany and the Netherlands.

"They’re old-fashioned themselves and out of touch!" Verpoorten joked. "They have no idea."

Today, egg liqueur cocktails are gaining traction in both Germany and the Netherlands. The Verpoorten website is littered with quirky eierlikör-based drink recipes, from creamy espresso cocktails to tiki-inspired concoctions. In the Netherlands, it’s the star ingredient the Snowball—which blends together the egg liqueur with lemonade and lime juice—and the Fluffy Duck, a mixture of eierlikör with orange liqueur, orange juice, gin and soda.

The drink has yet to find footing among toddy-lovers in the United States, but, perhaps, this is the year eierlikör is unearthed by those searching for a novel winter treat.

Below, Louisville, Kentucky-based brandy distillers Copper & Kings have fine-tuned a contemporary version of the egg liqueur for those curious enough to whip up a batch at home, then placed it into two scarf-weather appropriate cocktails:

Régéneration (Egg Liqueur)

8 ounces brandy, such as Copper & Kings

6 ounces spiced brown sugar syrup*

6 eggs, separated

1 pinch cream of tartar

2 ounces evaporated, sweetened, condensed milk

In a medium mixing bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks until runny. Slowly add brandy and syrup to the egg yolks. Slowly fold egg whites into the mixture and add the condensed milk. Mix until smooth. Refrigerate for six hours and shake before use. Régéneration will stay good for up to one week in the fridge and is best enjoyed over ice with a garnish of freshly grated nutmeg.

*Brown Sugar Syrup

3 cups brown sugar

1 ½ cups hot water

1 tablespoon clove

1 teaspoon cracked allspice berries

2 crushed cinnamon sticks

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

Combine all ingredients in a pot and stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Steep over low heat for 10 minutes. Finely strain. Will last three weeks in the fridge.

Régéneration, photo by Copper & Kings.

By Sean Thibodeaux of Copper & Kings

1 ounce brandy, such as Copper & Kings

1 ounce Tempus Fugit Spirits Crème de Cacao

1 ounce Régéneration

Combine all in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake. Strain over ice in a rocks glass. Garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.

99 Liftballoons, photo by Copper & Kings.

By Chris Wilkins of Copper & Kings

1 ounce brandy, such as Copper & Kings

1 ounce apple brandy, such as Copper & Kings

1 ounce Jamaican rum

3 dashes Angostura

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a coupe glass. Top with freshly grated nutmeg.

Kr&ftwerk, photo by Copper & Kings.

Rezept backofen

Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Eierlikör cocktail

Eierlikör Rezepte - Kategorie Kaffee Yellow Rabbit. ZIRLER GOAS - Eier Mandel Cocktail Likör - die köstliche Likörspezialität aus der. Cocktail DRACULA JAGT FRANKENSTEIN - TELE 5 2 cl Eierlikör Bananen-Saft. Rezept: Kaffee-Cocktails mit Eierlikör - VERPOORTEN 5 Stairs to Heavn. Cocktail Rezepte mit Eierlikör Rezepte für Cocktails und Longdrinks die Eierlikör enthalten. Egg liqueur cocktails are gaining traction in both Germany and the.

Cocktails mit Eierlikör bei Eierlikör-Karamell-Cocktail (Bild) 4 cl Eierlikör 4 cl Karamelllikör, Nougatlikör oder Baileys Schlagsahne Eierlikör in ein kleines Cocktailglas geben. Zirler Goas Eierlikör kaufen Eier Mandel Cocktaillikör bestellen. Originelles Videorezept: Ein oberleckerer Cocktail, der mal was Anderes drin hat als immer die üblichen Verdächtigen: nämlich Original. Eierlikör Zitronensaft, Gin, Eierlikör, Schweppes Dry Tonic Water.

Eierlikör-Cocktails - Rezepte - Verbraucher - WDR

Eierlikör Rezept: B52 bombed by VERPOORTEN - Cocktail-Rezepte. Barista-Cocktails, Espresso-Cocktail fivestars to heaven, Barista Kaffeekunst mit VERPOORTEN ORIGINAL Eierlikör.

Verpoorten website is littered with quirky eierlikör-based drink recipes. Eierlikör-Coffee - Von Caipirinha bis Mojito: Bar-Rezepte, mit denen man Cocktail-Klassiker selber mixen kann. Cocktails, Rezepte mit Eierlikör - Hier sowohl eine Beschreibung der Zutat als auch eine Auflistung der. 12 Eierlikör mit Sekt Rezepte - Die besten Eierlikör mit Sekt Rezepte - 12 Eierlikör mit Sekt Rezepte und viele. EieraposoaposRussian Cocktail Rezept mit Eierlikör - lecker und spritzig.


Eierlikör: What It Is and How to Drink It - Eater Oct 13, 2015. Neue Herbstrezepte, Kaffee-Cocktails und neue Eierlikör Rezepte. Eierlikör: Rezepte Tipps - LIVING AT HOME Eierlikör selber machen geht mit unserem Rezept ganz einfach. Die schnellste und sicherste Chance, selbst zum wahnwütigen.

Im Snowball-Cocktail sind diese Zutaten zu einem leckeren Getränk für die Weihnachtszeit vereint. Eierlikör-Cocktails - Rezepte - Verbraucher - WDR vor 1 Tag. Espresso-Cocktail fivestars to heaven Barista Kaffeekunst mit. Cocktails mit Eierlikör Eierlikör ist ein Likör aus rohem Eigelb - hier die besten Cocktail.

Snowball: Rezept für Weihnachtscocktail mit Eierlikör Limonade und Eierlikör? WM-Cocktails für die WM-Homeparty 2015: Länder-Cocktail USA. Auswahl an Rezepten für Cocktails, Longdrinks, Shooter Co.

Eierlikör cocktail Rezepte 22 leckere eierlikör cocktail Rezepte auf - Europas bester Kochseite. Diese Cocktaillikör Spezialität wird hergestellt unter Mitverwendung. Die besten Herbsttorten, raffinierte Punschrezepte und pfiffige Back- und Kuchenrezepte mit Eierlikör.

Mit Eierlikör kann man auch leckere Cocktails mixen, wie den Schoko- oder den. Bruschetta mit Tomaten - Rezept - Für die Bruschetta mit Tomaten die Tomaten kurz überbrühen, schälen, entkernen und in kleine Würfel schneiden. D, A und B wie bei Schritt 4 und 5 verfahren. Denn die Kartoffelgerichte von EAT SMARTER beweisen, dass leicht lecker ist.

Die Hollywood-Diät beruht auf dem Prinzip des Kohlenhydrate-Weglassens ähnlich wie die Atkins-Diät und alle Low-Carb-Diäten. Die Temperatur auf 100 Grad reduzieren und die Roten Beten weitere 15.

Die besten Tipps für eine zuckerfreie Ernährung. Eine 2 -stöckige Torte aus deinem Kirschgugelhupf Rezept machen. Eins von 5.000 leckeren, gelingsicheren Rezepten von Dr.

Gourmet Ranch: Ernten, Kochen und Servieren im App Store BEGINNE EIN NEUES LEBEN AUF DEN LAND UND ENTDECKE DEN KOCH IN. HAUPTGERICHTE Rezepte 550 schöne HAUPTGERICHTE Rezepte auf - Deutschlands größter. HEFTVORSCHAU Die aktuelle BILD der FRAU Nr. Hollywood-Diät: Schlank wie die Stars - FIT FOR FUN Sie träumen von einem straffen Body la Hollywood nur wissen nicht wie?

ISBN :, Bücher - Kochen nach Ländern. Italienische Desserts - süße Sachen aus Bella Italia Lecker Zuppa inglese, Zabaione, Panna cotta, Tiramisu - italienische Desserts sind tolle. Klassisch lasagne Rezepte 12 beliebte klassisch lasagne Rezepte auf - Europas größter.

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Recipe for Eierlikoer German Egg Liqueur

  • 25 mins
  • Prep: 5 mins,
  • Cook: 20 mins
  • Yield: 3/4 quart (8 servings)

German Eierlikör, or eggnog, is not made for immediate consumption. Let the liqueur sit overnight or even longer to fully develop the aromas and soften the alcohol. Many people make it as a gift to give for Christmas or Easter, but it's so delicious, it's frequently consumed before it can be given.

Bols cocktails

Cocktail workshops, bartending courses, cocktail recipes and more.

Bols: the world's oldest distilled spirit brands

Wanna create the best cocktails at home? Learn about the different techniques , visit our blog page and buy your Bols products online in our webshop.


Cocktail blogs about the perfect cocktail moments, cocktail trends, tips and tricks to make the best cocktails at home , events and many more..

Our brand new course at the Bols Bartending Academy: WSET level 2 in spirits!

For the first time in Amsterdam we gave hospitality professionals a unique opportunity for to obtain the internationally acclaimed WSET certificate!

Writing genever history in Berlin

We were part of a historic initiative in the world of genever during Bar Convent Berlin. Read all about it here!

Ivar's 4 World's 50 Best Bars favorites

Read all about Ivar's favorites from the World's 5o Best Bars!

Talking Tiki in Disney

Who thinks that Disney is all about Mickey is mistaking. Disney is also about food, wine and Tiki!

Representing the true Amsterdam spirit at Gin Day

The Milan based juniper festival ‘Gin Day’ showed Milan to be the capital of gin.

Mexico city: much more than tacos and tequila

Forget the stereotype Mexican image of tacos, tequila, Mariachi and sombreros, the cocktail scene is booming!


Why Philly is smoking hot!

The Date Night is the perfect balance between the sweetness of the dates and the sourness of lemon juice.

Cocktail Trends Around The World

Bols Brand Ambassador Denzel Heath describes the latest cocktail and bartending trends in Australasia.

Tropical Tiki Party

Picture yourself on a beach in the Caribbean. The sun is out there, your feet are in the sand, people are cheerful and you are drinking the best tropical cocktail you can think of.

Throwing a dinner party is a joyous occasion. You invite your friends or family and maybe you decorate your house of your garden. You spend the whole day getting the best ingredients you can, which you turn into the best dishes you can.

On your wedding day, you should be king and queen of the day. It is all about you and your happiness. A day you will always remember, and a day that everybody wants to remember.

On a night with the guys you want to serve a manly drink. A drink that is not too easy to make, and not too easy to drink.

Girls Night Out

High heels, cocktail dress, your best friends and the best venues. That is what a girls night is about. We have all seen the girls do it in Sex and the City on their Girls Nights Out.

Bols Around the World is Back

Are you the next Bols Genever Pioneer?


Full Moon Party

The Full Moon party has spread throughout the world and one of the iconic things of the party is people sharing their drinks. What better drink to share then the Sangria?

Millions of Dutchmen celebrate the King’s birthday, by dressing up in our national Dutch color Orange, playing games, selling their old stuff. But most of all, they celebrate.

Little Barrel Geneva

Read about this hidden gem and discover Little Barrel's Bols Genever cocktail.

Bols around the woods

All the ingredients you want for your cocktail, just around the corner of your bar.

Octans - A spirited bar

Wilhelm III cocktail. A cocktail by Octans for Bols. Check this delicious cocktail recipe and try it yourself!

5 bar tools you’ll need to make cocktails

We listed the bar tools that you need to make cocktails at home. Search on Bols for a delicious cocktail recipe and you're good to go!

Bols Barrel Aged Genever

Bols Barrel Aged Genever is launched in Asia. Our ambassador and Master Bartender with a secret bar at the Singapore Cocktail Festival.

It's not only fashion in Milan

Milan, aperitivo and the Genever Sazerac. Read all about it in this weeks blog.

Bols cocktails

Cocktail workshops, bartending courses, cocktail recipes and more.

Bols: the world's oldest distilled spirit brands

Wanna create the best cocktails at home? Learn about the different techniques , visit our blog page and buy your Bols products online in our webshop.


Cocktail blogs about the perfect cocktail moments, cocktail trends, tips and tricks to make the best cocktails at home , events and many more..

Our brand new course at the Bols Bartending Academy: WSET level 2 in spirits!

For the first time in Amsterdam we gave hospitality professionals a unique opportunity for to obtain the internationally acclaimed WSET certificate!

Writing genever history in Berlin

We were part of a historic initiative in the world of genever during Bar Convent Berlin. Read all about it here!

Ivar's 4 World's 50 Best Bars favorites

Read all about Ivar's favorites from the World's 5o Best Bars!

Talking Tiki in Disney

Who thinks that Disney is all about Mickey is mistaking. Disney is also about food, wine and Tiki!

Representing the true Amsterdam spirit at Gin Day

The Milan based juniper festival ‘Gin Day’ showed Milan to be the capital of gin.

Mexico city: much more than tacos and tequila

Forget the stereotype Mexican image of tacos, tequila, Mariachi and sombreros, the cocktail scene is booming!


Why Philly is smoking hot!

The Date Night is the perfect balance between the sweetness of the dates and the sourness of lemon juice.

Cocktail Trends Around The World

Bols Brand Ambassador Denzel Heath describes the latest cocktail and bartending trends in Australasia.

Tropical Tiki Party

Picture yourself on a beach in the Caribbean. The sun is out there, your feet are in the sand, people are cheerful and you are drinking the best tropical cocktail you can think of.

Throwing a dinner party is a joyous occasion. You invite your friends or family and maybe you decorate your house of your garden. You spend the whole day getting the best ingredients you can, which you turn into the best dishes you can.

On your wedding day, you should be king and queen of the day. It is all about you and your happiness. A day you will always remember, and a day that everybody wants to remember.

On a night with the guys you want to serve a manly drink. A drink that is not too easy to make, and not too easy to drink.

Girls Night Out

High heels, cocktail dress, your best friends and the best venues. That is what a girls night is about. We have all seen the girls do it in Sex and the City on their Girls Nights Out.

Bols Around the World is Back

Are you the next Bols Genever Pioneer?


Full Moon Party

The Full Moon party has spread throughout the world and one of the iconic things of the party is people sharing their drinks. What better drink to share then the Sangria?

Millions of Dutchmen celebrate the King’s birthday, by dressing up in our national Dutch color Orange, playing games, selling their old stuff. But most of all, they celebrate.

Little Barrel Geneva

Read about this hidden gem and discover Little Barrel's Bols Genever cocktail.

Bols around the woods

All the ingredients you want for your cocktail, just around the corner of your bar.

Octans - A spirited bar

Wilhelm III cocktail. A cocktail by Octans for Bols. Check this delicious cocktail recipe and try it yourself!

5 bar tools you’ll need to make cocktails

We listed the bar tools that you need to make cocktails at home. Search on Bols for a delicious cocktail recipe and you're good to go!

Bols Barrel Aged Genever

Bols Barrel Aged Genever is launched in Asia. Our ambassador and Master Bartender with a secret bar at the Singapore Cocktail Festival.

It's not only fashion in Milan

Milan, aperitivo and the Genever Sazerac. Read all about it in this weeks blog.

Rezept backofen

Freitag, 28. Juni 2013

Mixgetränke mit eierlikör

Eierlikör gab s bei uns (wenn überhaupt) nur zu Ostern. Hier sowohl eine Beschreibung der Zutat als auch eine Auflistung der Cocktails bzw. Cocktails mit Eierlikör bei Eierlikör-Karamell-Cocktail (Bild) 4 cl Eierlikör 4 cl Karamelllikör, Nougatlikör oder Baileys Schlagsahne Eierlikör in ein kleines Cocktailglas geben. Originelles Videorezept: Ein oberleckerer Cocktail, der mal was Anderes drin hat als immer die üblichen Verdächtigen: nämlich Original. Eierlikör cocktails Rezepte 22 tolle eierlikör cocktails Rezepte auf - Deutschlands größter. Zitronensaft, Gin, Eierlikör, Schweppes Dry Tonic Water.

Kaffee-Cocktails mit Eierlikör - VERPOORTEN 5 Stairs to. EieraposoaposRussian Cocktail Rezept mit Eierlikör - lecker und spritzig. Die besten Herbsttorten, raffinierte Punschrezepte und pfiffige Back- und Kuchenrezepte mit Eierlikör. Cocktails, Rezepte mit Eierlikör - Cocktails mit Eierlikör.

Eierlikör Rezepte - Kategorie Kaffee Cocktails - VERPOORTEN

Neue Herbstrezepte, Kaffee-Cocktails und neue Eierlikör Rezepte. Mit Eierlikör kann man auch leckere Cocktails mixen, wie den Schoko- oder den.

Eiswürfel, Blue Curaao, Ananassaft, Eierlikör, Batida de Coco. Cocktails mit Eierlikör Eierlikör ist ein Likör aus rohem Eigelb - hier die besten Cocktail.

Eierlikör cocktails Rezepte

Rezepte mit Eier Likör Eier Likör (engl. WM-Cocktails für die WM-Homeparty 2015: Länder-Cocktail USA. Eierlikör Rezept Omas Eierlikör Rezept Anleitungen um Eierlikör selber mach zu können, ganz einfach.

Zutaten - Cocktails ganz einfach aus der eigenen Hausbar zaubern. Eierlikör longdrinks Rezepte 28 raffinierte eierlikör longdrinks Rezepte auf - Deutschlands größter Kochcommunity. Cocktails mit Tonicwater Rezepte Cocktaildatenbank Entdecke leckere Rezepte für Cocktails mit Tonicwater in der Cocktaildatenbank: Virgin Caipirinha Tonic, Blue Cobra, Gin Tonic, Crema Gin, Jack Cousteau.

Eierlikör Rezepte - Kategorie Kaffee Cocktails - VERPOORTEN Kaffee, Cocktails, Cocktailrezepte, Mixgetränke, Drinks, Cocktailkurs. Auswahl an Rezepten für Cocktails, Longdrinks, Shooter Co.

Das Mixgetränk mit Eierlikör und Sekt, hier zum Rezept. Cocktail Rezepte mit Eierlikör Rezepte für Cocktails und Longdrinks die Eierlikör enthalten. Licor de huevos) wird aus mindestens 140 g Eigelb pro Liter, mindestens 150 g. Eierlikör Rezept: B52 bombed by VERPOORTEN - Cocktail-Rezepte.

Als Eierlikör können wir für die Mixgetränke verschiedene Basis Eierliköre verenden, wodurch unsere Eierlikör Mixgetränke feiner abgestimmt. Eierlikör-Cocktails - Rezepte - Verbraucher - WDR vor 1 Tag.

7 Getränke, von denen du im Osten einen Schwips bekommen hast. Eierlikör selber machen mit Omas Eierlikör Rezept Kochanleitung.

Am besten im Kühlschrank auftauen - Vorsichtsmaßnahmen gegen. Auftauen in Minuten - Lifehack für Fisch und Fleisch 2.

Backen Vegan Guerilla Passend zu ihrem Reisebericht über Hawaii hat die Küchenmamsell auch ein durch ihre Reise inspiriertes super leckeres Cupcake Gastrezept für euch. Das ganze Rezept auf Netmoms.

Diabetes mellitus ist eine chronische Stoffwechselstörung, die mit erhöhten Blut- zuckerwerten. Eier, Fisch, rohes Fleisch und Geflügel sollten.

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Rowley's Whiskey Forge

The archives of a sporadic discussion about drinks, food, and the making thereof

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Boozy Egg Drinks: Eggnog, Eierlikör, and Eierpunsch

Clyde Common Eggnog

Beat a dozen eggs in blender for one minute on medium speed. Slowly add 2 1/4 cups of sugar and blend for one additional minute. With the blender still running, add 3 teaspoons of freshly-grated nutmeg, 1 1/12 cups of Amontillado sherry, 1 1/2 cups of anejo tequila, 4 1/2 cups of whole milk and 3 cups of heavy cream until combined. Chill thoroughly to allow flavors to combine. The rest of the article How Not to Spike Egg nog is here.

Eierlikör cocktail

20 January 2017

The new coffee system brand 'Qbo' (belongs to the European coffee, clothing, lifestyle goods producer, retailer and store chain Tchibo) teamed up with blogger Michael Krist of Kitchen-News.at for the following Qbo coffee, egg liqueur, milk froth and chocolate flakes recipe. Qbo is a press-brew technology which works with an app that directs the kitchen machine for pressing, brewing the block-like coffee capsules; the machine prepares also the milk for various coffee creations after recipes.

For the composition of the creamy sweet cocktail with vanilla taste Kitchen-News' Michael Krist used the Qbo Indian Nilgiri. (Following recipe is translated from the original which can be found in German language on kitchen-news.at.)

25ml egg liqueur

120ml Qbo Indian Nilgiri

Milk froth from the Qbo machine's 'Milk Master'

1. Add 25ml of egg liqueur to a champagne glass

2. Connect the milk master to the Qbo machine.

2. Create a new recipe with 120ml of coffee as well as about 50ml of milk froth - can be loaded via Qbo app too

3. Place a capsule Indian Nilgiri and brew the coffee directly into the champagne glass.

4. Decorate the finished egg liqueur cocktail with a few chocolate flakes.

fig.: Qbo-Eierlikör-Cocktail. Photo (provided inclusively recipe by Qbo): (c) kitchen-news.at.

Note by Fashionoffice: Be cautious with the amount of the coffee egg liqueur. One glass keeps the mind clear; too much of the drink will harm the perceptiveness!

Rowley's Whiskey Forge

The archives of a sporadic discussion about drinks, food, and the making thereof

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Boozy Egg Drinks: Eggnog, Eierlikör, and Eierpunsch

Clyde Common Eggnog

Beat a dozen eggs in blender for one minute on medium speed. Slowly add 2 1/4 cups of sugar and blend for one additional minute. With the blender still running, add 3 teaspoons of freshly-grated nutmeg, 1 1/12 cups of Amontillado sherry, 1 1/2 cups of anejo tequila, 4 1/2 cups of whole milk and 3 cups of heavy cream until combined. Chill thoroughly to allow flavors to combine. The rest of the article How Not to Spike Egg nog is here.

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