четверг, 21 декабря 2017 г.


Ice Cream Drinks and Cocktails

Ice cream drink and cocktails — grown-up yet childlike — hit an enduring sweet spot

I typically don't go for blender drinks, but I make an exception when I'm in Wisconsin, where the after-dinner libation known as the ice cream cocktail is a cherished tradition among patrons of the Dairy State's old-timey supper clubs. Most ice cream drinks are amped-up versions of cream-based cocktails—the minty grasshopper (left) and the Golden Cadillac (center), tasting of anise from a dose of Galliano. Others, like the almond-flavored Pink Squirrel (right), are Wisconsin originals. A magnificent concoction of vanilla ice cream, crème liqueur, and often brandy or another spirit, the ice cream cocktail is certainly more dessert than digestif. But in uniting two postprandial pleasures—one childlike, the other grown-up—in a single glass, it hits an enduring sweet spot.

David McAninch is a SAVEUR editor-at-large.


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Eis: wie Cocktails kühlen

Posted by Juliane 2323 days ago

Bei den aktuellen Temperaturen, mit denen uns der Frühsommer verwöhnt, sind gekühlte Getränke sehr begehrt. Vorbei die Jahreszeit, wo das Bierchen oder der Cocktail nicht so kalt sein sollten.

Derzeit braucht ein guter Cocktail einfach Eis. Eis ist mit das Wichtigste für einen guten Cocktail, nicht nur, um ihn zu kühlen, sondern auch um den oft hohen Alkoholanteil etwas zu verdünnen.

Eis im Eisbereiter ist zu warm

Das richtige Eis für einen Cocktail zu gewinnen ist dabei gar nicht so einfach, denn oft kommt es zu “warm” und zu weich aus dem Eisbereiter. Im Eisbereiter wird nur bis minus 15 Grad gekühlt. Ideal sind aber minus 20 Grad. Zu “warmes” Eis schmilzt im Cocktail zu schnell und kühlt die Getränke nicht richtig herunter.

Deswegen sind die herkömmlichen Tiefkühltruhen oder die Gefrierfächer im Kühlschrank für Cocktail-Eiswürfel eine gute Variante, weil hier bis minus 30 Grad herunter gekühlt werden kann.

Wer zu Hause sein Eis im Gefrierfach herstellt, sollte Lebensmittel nicht zu nahe bei den werdenden Eiswürfeln platzieren, denn das Wasser hat die Eigenschaft, den Geschmack der danebenstehenden Lebensmittel anzunehmen und das ist kontraproduktiv für den Geschmack eines jeden Cocktails.

Herstellung von Crushed Ide

Crushed Ice oder zerstoßenes Eis sind zerkleinerte Eiswürfel. Für zu Hause ist die billigste und einfachste Methode, die gefrorenen Eiswürfel in einen Beutel zu tun und mit dem Hammer zu zertrümmern. Ist eine größere Party angesagt, kann man bei Tankstellen fündig werden. Diese verkaufen – zumindest im Sommer – meist Crushed Ice.

Professionelle Eiswürfel Zerkleinerer

Wer es gerne wie die Profit macht, benötigt zum Zerkleinern der Eiswürfel ein Gerät, einen Ice Crusher oder einen Mixer, der einen Funktion zum Ice Crushen enthält.

Welche professionellen Eiswürfel Zerkleinerer gibt es

  • elektrische Eiszerkleinerer: sie verkleinern die Eiswürfel nicht gleichmäßig. Man hat große und kleine Eisstückchen. Manche Maschinen sind auch sehr laut, so dass man auch die billige Holzhammer Methode nutzen könnte. Ein elektrischer Eiszerkleinerer kostet zwischen 30 und 40 Euro.
  • Eiszerkleinerer mit Kurbel: er arbeitet nach dem gleichen Prinzip wie sein elektrischer Bruder und ist bei den Profis sogar beliebter. Allerdings sind die Mengen relativ klein, die man gleichzeitig herstellen kann.

Aus Japan gibt es ein Gerät, mit dem man Eisblöcke in verschiedene Formen pressen kann. Das sieht schön aus und geht schnell. Es gibt Eis in Form von Diamanten, Eiern, Kugeln, Tennisbällen, Fußbällen. Die Geräte kosten ca. 150 Euro und lohnen sich deshalb nur für einen Hobby-Viel-Cocktail-Trinker, dem der Preis egal ist oder für Bars.

Unter diesem Link bei Youtube finden Sie eine Menge Videos, wie man schnell Eis zubereiten kann. Nur nicht alles zu ernst nehmen.


A cocktail you'll love at first sip thanks to its special texture and striking mixture of flavors. There are many legends and stories about how this cocktails got its name, for sure the Americano is one of James Bond's favourite cocktails (he ordered one in 007 Casino Royale). The Americano is part of the official cocktail list of the IBA (international bartending association) and IBA cocktails are prepared all over the world according to this original recipe.

  • recipe

- 1 part (1oz, 3cl) Campari

- 1 part (1oz, 3cl) Red Vermouth

1) Pour the ingredients directly in a old-fashioned glass

2) Fill with ice cubes

3) Add a splash of soda water

4) Garnish with orange slice or lemon peel.

It is commonly used to serve neat aperitif or any drink “on the rocks”.

Simple and balanced, it's considered to be one of the most famous Italian cocktails in the world. Invented in 1919 by Count Negoni - who asked to add a touch of gin rather than soda to his americano, in honour of hist last trip to London - the cocktail was finally named after the count who adored it. The Negroni is part of the official cocktail list of the IBA (international bartending association) and IBA cocktails are prepared all over the world according to this original recipe.

  • recipe

- 1 part (1oz, 3cl) Campari

- 1 part (1oz, 3cl) Gin

- 1 part (1oz, 3cl) Red Vermouth

- 1 slice of orange

1) Pour all ingredients directly into a rock glass filled with ice

2) Garnish with a slice of orange.

It is commonly used to serve neat aperitif or any drink “on the rocks”.

Invented during the prohibition years and served in American style, The Boulevardier mixes European ingredients and has a rich, intriguing and intense taste.

  • recipe

- 2 parts (1oz, 3cl) Campari

- 2 parts (1oz, 3cl) Red Vermouth

- 3 parts (1oz, 3cl) Bourbon Whiskey

1) Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.

2) Stir well and strain into chilled cocktail glass

3) Garnish with lemon twist.

Size: from 16cl to 24cl

The cocktail glass is commonly used to prepare “straight up” alcoholic cocktails without ice in the glass, usually shaken.

The eye catching colour and the sweet taste makes this cocktail unique. The Campari orange was originally named Garibaldi - the soldier who fought for the Italian unification movement - as it combines two ingredients that come from north and south of Italy: Campari is from Milan and oranges from the south.

  • recipe

- 1 part (1⁄4 oz, 4cl) Campari

- 3 parts (top) Orange juice

1) Pour the ingredients into a tall glass filled with ice.

2) Garnish with a slice of orange.

As the name suggests, it is commonly used to serve cocktails made with fruit juices.

In 1972, Mirko Stocchetto at the Bar Basso in Milan added sparkling wine instead of the gin by mistake to a Negroni. He then realized that this variation had some sense and this humble mistake led to the creation of a classic cocktail that is still enjoyed all around the world today, and to its name: in fact, in Italian "sbagliato" means mistaken. Ideal for those who want to enjoy a few "bubbles" without having to forget the classic sharp Negroni taste they know and love.

  • recipe

- 1 part (1 oz, 3cl) Campari

- 1 part (1 oz, 3cl) Red Vermouth

- 1 part (top) Sparkling Wine

1) Build in a double rocks glass with ice.

2) Garnish with a slice of orange.

It is commonly used to serve neat aperitif or any drink “on the rocks”.

Simplicity is often the key to the best results. And this drink proves the point. All it takes is a touch of tonic water to make an irresistible, thirst-quenching cocktail.

  • recipe

- 1 part (1,1⁄4 oz, 3,75cl) Campari

- 3 parts (top) Tonic Water

1) Build the drink in a balloon glass with ice.

2) Garnish with a slice of orange.

A stemmed cocktail glass with a balloon shape bowl, ideal for serving gin or cocktails.

It holds about 415 ml and is 18 cm high.

This was the most popular drink in the bar Camparino, opened by Davide Campari himself back in 1915. Simple and easy, and perfect for the aperitif when you are in town.

  • recipe

- 1 part (2 oz, 6cl) Campari

- 3 parts (top) Soda water

1) Prepare directly inside the glass.

2) Pour the chilled Campari and top up with soda.

3) Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

A stemmed glass, wherein the top of the glass pushes out a bit to form a lip in order to capture the head and the body is bulbous.

Campari and the shaker were invented at almost the same time and soon became a twosome. Perhaps this is why together they create something special. Quick, uncomplicated and with a simple elegance it is one of the best ways of enjoying Campari’s complexity.

  • recipe

- 1 part (2 oz, 6cl) Campari

1) Shake well with ice and pour into a chilled cocktail glass.

Size: from 16cl to 24cl

The cocktail glass is commonly used to prepare “straight up” alcoholic cocktails without ice in the glass, usually shaken.

The simplest, most classic way of discovering and enjoying Campari's complexity. The ice will enhance its unmistakeable hint of bitter, entering dry and strong on the palate. The best time to enjoy it? Aperitif time, of course.

  • recipe

- 1 part (2 oz, 6cl) Campari

1) Prepare this cocktail directly inside an ice-filled glass.

3) Garnish with a slice of orange.

It is commonly used to serve neat aperitif or any drink “on the rocks”.

Italy, around 1870. Campari bitter (made in Milan) came together with Cinzano vermouth (made in Turin). An encounter that changed everything. It is hardly surprising that the name Mi-To sounds exactly like the Italian word for ‘Myth’

  • recipe

1 part (3 cl - 1oz) Campari

1 part (3 cl - 1oz) Red Vermouth

1) Build in a rocks glass full of ice. 2) Garnish with a peel of orange.

A stemmed glass, wherein the top of the glass pushes out a bit to form a lip in order to capture the head and the body is bulbous.

This is the Stars and Stripes version of the Negroni. It uses the characteristic American spirit – rye whiskey – instead of gin and became famous in the 50s. It is both strong and fascinating, like its most famous

admirers, the male stars of Hollywood of the time.

  • recipe

- 1 part (3 cl - 1oz) Campari

- 1 part (3 cl - 1oz) Rye Whiskey

- 1 part (3 cl - 1oz) Dry Vermouth

1) Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass filled with ice cubes.

2) Stir well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

3) Garnish with orange peel and red cherry cocktail.

Size: from 16cl to 24cl

The cocktail glass is commonly used to prepare “straight up” alcoholic cocktails without ice in the glass, usually shaken.

Campari Milano is a new reinterpretation of Campari Spritz with a touch of mint and elder flower syrup, that offers an unexpected fresh taste experience. Ideal for the hot summer nights.

  • recipe

- 1 part (11⁄2 oz, 4,5 cl) Campari

- 1 part (1oz, 3 cl) Elderflower syrup

- 3 parts (3oz, 9 cl) Prosecco

1) Prepare directly inside an ice filled glass

2) Pour the prosecco first then the elderflower and finally the Campari.

3) Garnish with fresh mint leaves and stir gently.

Size: from 30cl to 60cl

This glass has recently become popular for Prosecco based cocktails.

The Mixology Map

Find out which campari cocktail perfectly suits you.

Welches Eis zu welchem Cocktail?

Die meisten Cocktails bestehen aus wenigstens drei Zutaten: Spirituose, Filler, Eis. Bei der Spirituose geht der Trend schon lange klar zum Qualitätsprodukt und auch bei den Fillern bemerkt man in den letzten Jahren: Hey, die Leute haben Bock auf Experimente, die Barkeeper und Hersteller auch. Beim Eis gibt es diesen Trend auch – aber er verhakt sich leider in den In-Schuppen:

Entweder steht man in einer Bar, in der sie das Eis für deinen Cocktail direkt aus einem durchsichtigen Frost-Schwan schnitzen – oder man muss schon danke dafür sagen, dass im Cocktail-Glas anderes Eis ist als im Shaker. Zu Hause dagegen bleibt sie aktuell fast komplett aus, die Revolution des Drink-Kühlens.

Was macht Eis mit meinem Cocktail?

Wer Eis im Cocktail verstehen will, der muss gefrorenes Wasser an sich verstehen und ein paar kleine Grundprinzipien der Physik abrufen: Gefrorenes Wasser schmilzt, wenn es Wärme ausgesetzt wird (und Wärme ist in diesem Fall alles über Null Grad), löst sich also auf und wird wieder zu flüssigem Wasser. Warum ich etwas so alltägliches so genau erkläre? Weil ihr euch jetzt vorstellen müsst, dass das in eurem Cocktail passiert.

Vordergründig macht Eis erstmal genau das, wofür es die meisten in den Drink schütten: es kühlt. Der Cocktail wird kälter, erfrischender, spritziger. Anders als ein Whisky, der runtergekühlt einfach nur flacher schmeckt, wird ein Cocktail erst durch Kälte zu dem Gesamtkunstwerk, das man von ihm erwartet. Es passiert zeitgleich aber noch etwas anderes:

Das Eis darin schmilzt, das geschmacksneutrale Wasser verbindet sich mit Spirituose und Fillern – der reine Cocktail nimmt an Masse zu, aber an Geschmack ab – die Menge an Geschmackspartikeln muss sich auf eine größere Masse an Flüssigkeit aufteilen. Für manche Cocktails ist das aber essentiell: Genau wie ein heftiger Whisky sich durch zwei, drei Tropfen Wasser geschmacklich auffächert, passiert das auch bei Cocktails, die nur aus Spirituosen bestehen.

Eiskugeln oder Eiswürfel?

So, jetzt da ihr mit diesem Wissen ausgestattet seid, müsst ihr ein paar Fragen stellen: Was will ich denn mit Eis in meinem Cocktail erreichen? Wie viel Schmelzwasser will ich drinhaben, um den Druck rauszunehmen und den Drink zu öffnen? Wie kalt soll der Drink am Ende werden und wie lange halte ich mich später an meinem Cocktail fest, bevor er endlich leer ist?

Theoretisch läuft die Sache so: Wenn der Cocktail viel Wasser verträgt und schnell runterkühlen soll, braucht ihr Eis mit viel Oberfläche – Crushed Ice also oder Hohlkörper-Eiswürfel. Für Drinks, die nicht so viel Wasser trinken sollen, braucht ihr massive Eiswürfel, je größer, desto langsamer schmelzen sie. Und jetzt die Frage: Eiswürfel oder Eiskugeln? Kugeln haben weniger Oberfläche, schmelzen also langsamer. Ergo sind sie für Drinks, die lange kühl bleiben, aber nicht verwässert werden sollen, die besten Wahl. Andere Drinks dagegen sehen Eis nur beim shaken.

Cocktails in Martini-Gläsern ohne Eis.

Kühlt eure Gläser – in der Tiefkühltruhe oder wenigstens im Eis! Ganze Artikel über das richtige Eis im Cocktail lesen, aber das Cocktail-Glas dann frisch aus der Spülmaschine holen? Bitte nicht!

Gelaber! Welches Eis nehme ich jetzt für welchen Cocktail?

Der Überblick für alle, die kein theoretisches Geschwafel brauchen, sondern sich einfach nur nicht blamieren wollen, wenn sie ihren nächsten Cocktail mixen.

Ein gefrorener Cocktail mit Crushed Ice.

  • Eiswürfel: Im Bestfall etwas größer als normal, 3x3cm sind optimal. Die nehmt ihr für alles, wo ihr euch nicht sicher seid und alles, was „on the rocks“ heißt und in fast jedem Longdrink. Dazu zählt auch alles, was irgendwie den Namen Fizz, Highball oder Collins trägt. Für hohe Longdrinks etwas besser ist Stab-Eis (englisch: Ice Spears) – längliche Eiswürfel mit der Masse von drei bis vier Würfeln, aber weniger Oberfläche.
  • Crushed Ice: Zerhacktes Eis, gekauft ist es beinahe schon Eisstaub. Cracked Ice ist die weniger zerbröselte Variante davon und hält etwas länger, dafür bekommt der Drink nicht diese Wasser-Eis-Textur, die manche bei Frozen-Drinks so schätzen. Meistens handelt es sich dabei um Frozen Daiquiris, die statt in ein leeres Glas einfach in ein Glas mit Crushed Ice geschüttet werden. Auch der Mint Julep und andere Julep-Varianten leben vom Crushed Ice. Meistens jedoch sind Eiswürfel die bessere Alternative.
  • Fette Eisbatzen: Eine einzelne große Eiskugel im Glas, das ergibt vor allem bei Old Fashioneds Sinn, die in kleinen Bechern serviert werden, oder wenn ihr einen Scotch gekühlt trinken müsst, weil er euch zimmerwarm zu heftig ist und ihr Mimosen seid.
  • Gar kein Eis: Viele Shortdrinks und fast alle Crustas werden ohne Eis serviert. Generell alles, was in ein Martini-Glas gehört, braucht kein Eis. Sähe in der kleinen Cocktail-Trompete auch irgendwie verstörend aus.

Wer seine Cocktails nicht im Glas mixt, sondern auch zu Hause den Shaker benutzt, der braucht natürlich trotzdem immer Eiswürfel zu Hand, egal welchen Cocktail er mixt. Das Eis im Shaker dient dazu, den Cocktail runterzukühlen, was selbst bei Cocktails ohne Eis ein absolutes Muss ist.

Die optimale Eis-Temperatur:

Wer einen Cocktail möglichst schnell kühlen will, braucht Eis mit -1 bis -4 Grad, das noch während des Shakens anschmilzt. Bei der Eis-Schmelze kühlt der Cocktail schneller ab, als sonst. Um den Cocktail dann im Glas möglichst lange kalt zu halten, gilt: Je kälter das Eis, desto besser.

Wie komme ich an das richtige Eis?

In den Kühltruhen vor der Tanke und den Supermärkten findet man fast ausschließlich Crushed Ice und Hohlkörper-Eiswürfel. Wir sind an dieser Stelle ehrlich: Wenn eure Kumpels nicht selber Barkeeper sind oder richtig tief drin in der Materie, dann seid ihr auf der nächsten Party der einzige, dem der Unterschied zwischen einem Eiswürfel und einem Hohlkörper auffällt. Aber ihr wollt ja erst meistern und dann bekehren.

Für einen massiven Eiswürfel in einer ordentlichen Größe kommt ihr um Eiswürfelbehälter nicht herum. Eis aus Eiswürfelbeuteln (die liegen im Supermarkt bei den Frischhaltebeuteln) ist meist sehr klein und zu flach, schmilzt entsprechend schnell. Eis in der richtigen Größe oder sogar in Übergrößen zu kaufen, ist schwierig, weil schwer zu finden.

Als Alternativen bleiben: Ihr bastelt euch selbst einen dicken Eisblock, aus dem ihr kleinere Eiswürfel herausstanzt – das ist körperlich irre anstrengend, aber macht Eindruck. Und die Herstellung ist recht simpel: Schneidet Tetrapacks auf, wascht sie aus, füllt sie mit Wasser und packt sie dann (natürlich aufrecht) in die Tiefkühltruhe. Dann holt ihr den Batzen raus und zerhackt ihn. Wer lieber glatte Eiskugeln mit großem Durchmesser machen möchte, greift zur Wasserball-Methode:

Das Problem: Viele Wasserballons färben ab oder verleihen dem Eiswürfeln einen ganz, ganz fiesen Plastik-Nachgeschmack. Es lohnt sich, ein paar qualitativ hochwertigere Exemplare zu kaufen, zu testen und – sofern die Eiswürfel passen – einfach einen ganzen Batzen davon auf Vorrat zu kaufen.

55 Festivals

On calendar

for Summer 2016

120 Million

Annual production

11 Countries

Launched by

N1CE was launched last Summer in one country. By 2017 we plan to be in 20.

Sebastian Ingrosso and celebrity bartender Jimmy Dymott hatch the idea for frozen cocktails perfect for live music events.

Jimmy Dymott spent several months crafting recipes for our four signature cocktails.

Found ice cream manufacturing partners to help produce our frozen cocktails. They’ve been critical partners to develop our unique production technology.

We launched the brand at Sweden’s premier music festival: Summerburst Goteborg. We sold 18,400 products at our first festival!

We launched at home in Sweden. It was mayhem as we sold 250,000 units in the first three months!

First shipments to Ibiza, Cyprus and Denmark. We signed deals in Spain, the UK, and Italy.

We’ve expanded into nine countries this year. In the first quarter we sold 250,000 cocktails around the world.

We shattered our own three month record selling

1,250,000 units in Q2 ’16.

We just closed nearly $100k which will help us open one more country. We’re raising more to accelerate growth and solidify our lead in the frozen cocktail market.

In the Fall, we enter the US in force, expanding our established market in Florida to add other warm, year round markets like Las Vegas and Los Angeles, California.

By early 2017 we plan N1CE distribution to cover 20 countries. Given our technological lead and hold on the crucial ‘frozen’ production facility we’re confident we won’t have significant competitors for at least 3 years.

Taking the World by Storm

Supposedly invented by an American mining engineer who was in Cuba at the time of the Spanish-American War and popularized by a congressman back in 1902.

Three Puerto Rican bartenders contest the founding of their national drink. One claims he made it at the Hilton Beachcomber Bar in San Juan 1952.

It's been traced to British sea captain Francis Drake, who heard South American Indians used the drink to cure dysentery and scurvy while at sea.

Early stories of the margarita come from 1938 Mexico where it was crafted for dancer Majorie King who was allergic to many spirits, but not tequila.

We Want You to Join the Party

Meet the Founders

and the rest of the team

Raised $278,618

From 386 Investors

We’re building an innovative lifestyle brand company. Our flagship product is “N1CE Frozen Cocktails”: great tasting, ready-to-serve, frozen mixed drinks with 5% alcohol content, served in paper cones. With our partners, we’re getting the brand into restaurants, clubs, bars, festivals and events, and eventually into retail and grocery stores.

We established our business first in Scandinavia, where we test marketed our products last year to great success. We saw very high brand awareness and a lot of support from customers. They loved the taste and convenience of having a frozen cocktail, served in a grab-and-go paper cone.

We were just a few guys, including EDM music star Sebastian Ingrosso and celebrity bartender Jimmy Dymott, discussing how to sell frozen cocktails. From the beginning we wanted to bring ready-to-serve, frozen mixed drinks to the public. We started with concerts and festivals because right now, you can only get beer, wine, and hard cider there. We’re bringing mixed drinks into those venues, because there is a real demand.

When we started talking to concert venues, using Sebastian’s contacts in the festival business, they confirmed what we’d noticed: there’d been very little innovations in the drinks they carry, and the options have been limited. They said they were looking for new products to sell, but couldn’t find viable options. They had tried to sell mixed cocktails before, but couldn’t sell as many as they wanted because good cocktails are handcrafted and customer expectations are high. They simply couldn't make them fast enough to meet demand, and they didn't have consistency in quality and taste.

We started in on this idea back in 2014. Right away, we knew even our early trials would need to have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of frozen cocktails at once. We realized that we needed a really strong production partner we could rely on to produce our products with the right quality, at a good price. We found a good production partner in the ice cream industry, then developed the actual product.

We knew how we wanted it to taste, but making the recipe for mass production is really different from making them one at a time. We had to adjust our recipe over and over so the taste was right and the quality was still there, despite it being produced in the hundreds of thousands and later in the millions. We knew that quality would be the key to success and we vowed never to shortcut on ingredients or on the effort to produce the best product, no matter what.

At the end of April 2015, we did our first big market test where we were selling them and measuring sales volumes for each flavor. That first market test was selling in the VIP area at a major EDM concert – Alesso was playing. At the concert, there were 450 people in the VIP area of the famed Swedish venue called Globen in Stockholm. We sold 700 N1CE Cocktails. That allowed us to also get a sense that our pricing – around $6 each at events – was in the right range, which proved to be right on target.

Next, we aimed for a bigger outdoor event. We saw the same success when we offered them to 28,000 concert goers – the consumers loved them, the festival organizers loved them, and everyone benefited.

We’ve also been testing the product in nightclubs and outdoor venues, as well as individually at convenience stores. In Sweden and Cyprus, we set up a full-on market trial during the summer to get some sales volume going. This served as a field test outside of concerts and festivals, to see how they can sell on an everyday basis. We had to validate the market beyond the limited, specialty venues of the festival scene - and, again, we did very well. We sold over 250,000, just in a few months. That showed us that our product was going to be successful in Scandinavia, and that we could take it global, expanding throughout Europe, the USA, and even to countries in Asia.

Many of the festivals in Europe have been around for fifteen or twenty years. They have really high-priced bars, but, even when they try to make mixed drinks on demand, they can’t get the volume up to where it’s profitable. We saw that as a gap in the market. If we could offer a quality product that met that demand for mixed drinks while still being easy and quick to serve, we could sell a lot of them. When we introduced N1CE Cocktails at the first trial events, we saw that we were right; customers loved the product. And, based on the credit card receipts, we saw 26% actually came back a second time to buy another round, which is really high.

The festival organizers loved the products too, because they were fast, ready-to-serve – no pouring, no prep time, no mixing, and no clean up. N1CE Cocktails were a “cash on the bar and go” item – and they sold a lot of them.

In Sweden, we have a very short summer season, ending in late August. The music festival scene and the summer basically ends and for the festivals and events, we are a seasonal product. It’s no or little demand of the product in winter time, here in Sweden for festivals – it is minus 12 degrees. The product is better suited for California, Florida, Ibiza, Spain, Italy, and other sunny destinations. That’s where we want to expand – wherever it’s Spring Break, we're there too: Daytona. Miami Beach. Bari in Italy. Alicante and Barcelona in Spain. Ibiza.

We’re aiming to launch this Spring in the U.S., starting out small in Miami and Miami Beach and expanding from there. We’ve already set up production for the U.S. market, using a production partner in Canada. To serve our expansion into southern Europe and the Mediterranean, we also have a production and distribution partner in Spain now. They have 350 ice cream trucks and 20 distribution hubs covering all of Spain. Their distribution network also extends into Italy, France, Portugal and the UK. In all those countries, combined, they have 50,000 retailer accounts, ranging from hotels, restaurants, bars, beach clubs, and grocery stores.

N1CE owns its own recipes. We manufacture our own compound and we own the recipe of our compound. The basic syrup for each flavor is always made in Sweden – for that, we have centralized production and quality control, so even the US-made product has Scandinavian quality through and through. We send the recipe compound to our production partners, but the exact mix and content of the compound is kept secret. This is part of our company's intellectual property and matching the quality and taste of the flavors we have is a tall order. It took us many months to get there.

By using the same compound from our Scandinavian production facility, we also know that we get the same results and same high quality product wherever we make it. Production factories in Spain, North America or Sweden will all use the same compound, the same procedure, and have the same results. They don’t know the recipe of the compound and even with careful analysis, it would be very difficult to match it.

Our three production partners are exclusive with us, so they cannot make a product for any other brand under those contracts. Also, they have no interest in doing that – we offer them exactly what they are looking for: hundreds of thousands of units as the manufacturing requirement with a growth curve that they know will exceed 5 million units this year, and be at least triple that a year later. Within just a few short years, they expect to be closing in on if not exceeding 100 million units produced. We're good business for them.

There’s also a non-compete in place that seals the deal and explicitly disallows that in our manufacturers. So, it would only be other ice cream companies that aren’t contracted with us that might consider that, but even then, alcoholic products aren’t their focus. For an ice cream manufacturer, their target demographic is 70% kids, so going into an alcoholic beverage market space would be incompatible with their core brand values, and they wouldn’t know the market. They know ice cream sales and distribution, and they know how to market to kids, but it’s a big leap for them to get into an alcoholic product set. There’d be a lot of risk in that leap.

It’d be better for them to partner with us, because we already have the brand. They don't face any risk that way – they don’t have to go out and try to establish their own distribution, establish a new brand on the market, and build market buzz. The easiest way into the market for any of these companies is to contact us and offer to serve as an additional production house once our demand grows – it is a lot less costly, a lot less risky and a very obvious solution.

Presently, we have no direct competition – there are no ready-to-serve frozen cocktails on the market except N1CE. Looking ahead, we might see new competition emerge, probably from the big alcohol companies, but this would be a major shift in their business. It’s not just a matter of producing a different type of drink; it would be a major shift in their whole production cycle. Currently, their products aren’t frozen, so they don’t have any frozen products distribution or warehousing at all. Even if they go into a full effort to compete with this product, it will take them at least a year or more to test, refine, develop recipes, and then deploy or contract the necessary “frozen products logistics train” to compete. We don’t think we’ll see any reasonable competition for at least 2-3 years, so we’ll have the strength of being there 2 or 3 years before the next company hits the market to compete. In that time, we'll reasonably be closing in on a 100 million annual turnover in units sold.

That begs the question as to whether they would want to try to compete or rather just buy us out. These larger companies aren’t traditionally pioneering new spaces themselves; instead, they’ll buy the companies that were the original pioneers. Most likely, we’d likely be an acquisition target rather than actual competitive play for most of them.

We have the “first mover” opportunity. If anyone else wanted to jump into this market, even a big brand like Bacardi or Smirnoff, they just don’t have the frozen distribution infrastructure to do it. They’d have to pioneer a new brand, do recipe mixes, and more; it takes a lot of time and a lot of money.

We’ve seen one company in Sweden try to do something similar with frozen cider, but they don’t have the frozen distribution, so they sell the room temperature product that the customer buys and then freezes themselves. It’s not ready-to-serve, and most of the market, from bars to hotels to convenience stores, is looking for ready-to-serve. Moreover, when you serve the products at room-temperature, you have a shelf life, and you have to pasteurize it. You lose a lot of taste and flavor in that process. But, because we’re frozen from the start, we don’t have to add any preservatives so our frozen drinks taste just like the original: a Pina Colada tastes like any other Pina Colada you’ve had, if not better.

That's where you see the hand of Jimmy Dymott, our mixologist and world famous bartender, at work – it makes a real difference when you have someone like as one of the owners of the company. He's the real deal – you don't get to Bartender of the Year by just hacking around experiment a bit behind the bar. He really knows how to balance flavors, acidity, the right touch of lime, how much water and so forth to bring the product alive and make it taste really great.

The compound is very fresh and with no preservatives. We have real strawberry juice, real lime juice and so on. We don’t need any preservatives because there is high concentration of alcohol in it when we ship it, and the alcohol keeps it fresh. Then, we freeze the product to keep everything just as fresh through the whole production process.

When we started thinking of flavors, we chose to go classic because it’s a brand new product. If we made like a chili margarita, or a mango daiquiri, then people would have no reference to how that should taste. We chose to go classic because people try the Mojito and have that reference point, and they can say, “This really tastes like a Mojito!” It was the same logic for our other current flavors: Pina Colada, Margarita, and Strawberry Daiquiri.

We have other recipes in our bank, and we’ve already developed them, but that’s for the future. Right now, we’re focused on getting the brand out there, with the four flavors we’re producing right now.

When we go into new markets, we attend festivals and other outdoor venues where we can sell them. When we’re at these events, the packaging itself is branding you can use. When you’re standing at the bar with something as novel as a an ice pop, people will come up and ask about it, and get pulled in by the novelty of a frozen cocktail.

And, a lot of the time, people will recognize it already from our social media presence. With every market entry, we’ll have a big social media push beforehand. Our ownership team – Ingrosso, Alesso, Axwell – each have a vast social media reach that we can work with, and we also work with intermediaries and groups like bloggers and artists to push the product. Through all our partners, we have a network of over 7 million people exposed to our product.

We also benefit from the reputation of Jimmy Dymott. He’s famous as an award-winning bartender, and his recipes and his bartending skills are well-known throughout Sweden and around the world. All of this combines to make for a very powerful brand vehicle for us.

The taste experience has been proven to be extraordinary. We see a lot of recurrent buyers, and a lot of people tell their friends. We’ve seen huge recurrent buyer rates, and this huge brand loyalty around that.

We measure this through our points of sale at festivals. Customers usually only pay by credit card, so we can get good data on our customer. We see that at festivals, between 23% and 27% are recurring customers, with people going back to buy more of the product. That’s a very high rate, and attests to a taste and popularity of our product that extends beyond the initial novelty.

We sold at a couple of big festivals in Sweden, up in Stockholm and Gothenburg, We found that we outnumbered the beer and cider sales, selling 5.5 times more N1CE Cocktails than beer.

With that said, it’s important to recognize that we didn’t cannibalize the beer and wine sales to get to that multiple. The beer and wine sales were stable, and actually even improved a bit from previous festivals in prior years. The vendors reported making far more money than in previous years, with the usual profit from beer and wine sales, and then a huge increase from carrying N1CE Cocktails.

At Summerburst Stockholm, there was about 38,000 people present, and we sold, in total, 18,400 products from the bars. About 27% of those sales were from repeat buyers.

It varies a little bit, market to market, depending on what the cost is to produce and what we can sell at, but we’re seeing, basically, a gross margin of 76%. In the future, as we expand, there will be economies of scale at every level, which will improve that even more. Every tier does well with this product – from manufacturing to the consumer point of sale.

In bars and hotels it might be 5 to 7 Euros, or $6 to $8 in the U.S. In retail, the price is not that high, but those outlets don’t look for the same margins as the bars; they price for volume. Because we have a lot of brand loyalty and recurrent sales, they’re able to get that volume in sales.

Final retail rates generally match perceived consumer value for the product. It has a taste and quality that warrants the cost, and customers like it and feel it is priced well.

Last year, 95% of our sales were in Sweden and 5% were in Denmark, and Cyprus. We sold around 250,000 products, but it was only in 60 points of sales – 2015 was our product and market testing year. Ultimately, we called that a successful launch for Sweden and Denmark because the volumes were pretty high for what was really only supposed to be a market test.

We're building on those numbers this year, expanding to new shops, bars and venues and we're seeing the volumes going up accordingly – very rapidly through the first months of 2016. This year, we’ll likely hit over 5 million sales, and I think we’ll probably exceed even that. In just the past couple of months, we’ve added seven more countries. The deal we just signed in Spain will be huge and indicative of future success: we’re reaching potentially 50,000 retail doors in one fell swoop. We’ll be able to sell for longer because the summer season is longer, and the weather is better. The distribution contracts we’ve signed now add up to millions of products sold by year end, and next year that will go up even higher.

Our priority is to look for strong partners whenever we enter into a new market. We’re partnering with the best of the best, because you always do better at the local level working with the guy who’s already in the country. Our expansion strategy is not to set up offices in every country, which would carry a high overhead cost, but rather to partner up with distribution companies that already have the relationships we need to achieve big numbers. We’re expanding on existing networks who have the local knowledge and presence we need, as well as thousands of retail doors already established in their networks.

This is hugely beneficial for us. Take our recent partnership in Spain, for example. Even if it's just half of their 50,000-strong network sells N1CE Cocktails, and even if each of those only sells 5 per week, we’re looking at over 6 million product sales per year in Spain along. Our experience has been much higher than that, and we’ve seen bars and restaurants sell a lot more than 5 N1CE Cocktails a week; that’s probably closer to the figure per hour on an average Friday night.

It isn’t hard to find good distribution agents like this; in fact, they’re reaching out to us based on consumer demand. A lot of our growth is demand-driven. We have to keep up with the demand, not fight to create it.

We cannot enter, immediately, into every region at the same time. We have to build a success story in each region within each country, so we’ll choose a key market and then launch the product there. In Spain, we’ve chosen 4 major cities like Barcelona and Madrid to launch. Once we’re in these major cities, we’ll be established because there’s a lot of tourism around the country. People go on holiday in Spain and then return to the USA and look for the product at the store – and then we'll be in New York too in short order. We are aiming to have quite high penetration and be successful in those first target areas, and then move to next area and achieve distribution in the whole of Spain by next year. It goes very fast.

The partnerships work so well because we work to bring these companies tremendous success as well. The distribution agents get territories on an exclusive basis, which they maintain as long as they meet the sales targets we’re expecting. It helps a lot that we're a fresh new product and not just another brand of beer or wine. They’ve still got their usual orders for their beer or wine, but now we’ve given them something new and interesting to sell alongside. There's a lot of interest from retailers, so distributors play to that and build sales and markets quickly as a result.

With our distributors, 80% of them found us, not the other way around. They were reaching out to us because of consumer demand. We build that demand because we place our products first in the festivals, so you develop a following right away. Because there’s such high demand, we’re able to be very careful in choosing the right partners. Our sales director, Jim Nyberg, does a lot of this. He used to work for one of the biggest Swedish beer brands, so he has the knowledge and ability to see and pick the right kind of distributors, how to measure if they have what it takes to not just buy the product, but to invest in the plan to build demand. Of course, they already want to do this, because then they make money, too.

A large challenge so far has been bootstrapping it. Despite the strong sales and our rapid growth, we are very much a lean, entrepreneurial group of people. We have bootstrapped this entire business, from idea to actual consumer sales.

Bootstrapping like this is challenging, but it’s also very efficient. This isn’t our first rodeo, as the Texans like to say. I’ve been through previous ventures, and if you have too much money at the beginning, you do things that don’t make as much sense. At the beginning, it’s inevitable that you’re going to play the wrong horses sometimes and do the wrong things. If you have a lot of money at hand, you tend to play more wrong horses than right ones. We believe that we should be very focused on what we invest our money in.

The biggest challenge will probably be timing: not having sufficient funds to tap this market as quickly as we need before competitors enter it. We’re going to grow, pretty much no matter what, but having enough money to enter all the markets we want to enter is key – the faster we grow, the faster we grow faster. With another $1 million on hand, we could launch in a lot more countries and territories. With every new market, we enjoy a boost in revenue, which accelerates entering into the next market after that and so forth.

We project about a 3-year-window where we’ll have no significant competitors, because it takes a lot of time to do all the things you have to do to develop a new product. With every passing year, however, the risk of potential competitors entering the market grows, so our biggest challenge is having financing now to attain the market dominant position that will carry us beyond that point. In 3 years, we don’t want to look back and say, “Gosh, we wish we’d done more when we had no competition.”

A good analogy for our strategy is Red Bull. They established the energy drink market. By the time that competitors emerged, like Monster and others, those competitors didn’t so much steal their marketshare as they just expanded the demand for everyone in the market. If we can get these next couple years right, we have every potential of being the next Red Bull – I'm not overstating that.

We could be profitable, but we’re re-investing all of our current profits back into marketing and opening new territories. Sure, we could take our 76% gross margin and pocket it, earn a nice living. Ongoing product sales are stable and growing. Of course, the point is not just to be stable and growing; we want to go global and turn this into what it should be. We don’t doubt that we have the potential to become a global business with several hundred million dollars of valuation within a very short time. It is happening already.

Our partners and investors are also invested in this expansion, and aren’t looking for dividends and returns right now. Everyone is plugging every dollar we earn back into marketing and sales and the expansion of our distribution right now, adding countries and new territories. They’re willing to make the sacrifices now because they believe in the product and have seen how fast we’re entering new products. It really shows their faith in what we’re doing.

We want to raise our next investment round through Regulation Crowdfunding through Wefunder. The new JOBS Act presents a great market shift, and we want to be there for that, be one of the first companies to use Regulation Crowdfunding. We're all about transforming markets with new products, we're about breakthrough ideas – Regulation Crowdfunding is who we are.

However, that’s only one part of our overall financing plan for the next two years. We are going to need more over the next few years if we’re going to fully capitalize this planned market and territorial expansion. It can come in different investment rounds, as well as through the profitability of our market penetration. We expect to raise between $1 million and $2 million dollars through Regulation Crowdfunding and from some accredited investors. Then, we plan on going into Regulation A+ investment round early next year- in others words, a mini IPO.

All of these numbers are well within reach – these are not investment figures that are improbable or difficult to achieve, particularly based on our product and successes so far. We have a financing plan, but we also know that we can be successful without that. We know that the sooner we can get financing in, the faster we can grow into each of the new markets.

Loyalty goes both ways – they've believed in our product, they've driven our expansion. Those fans who are helping us spread the word out there should have the opportunity to invest in us – and Regulation Crowdfunding gives them that chance. We want them to be there along with us, enjoying the success that they are helping to create.

Crowdfunding is an ideal match for the social media reach we have, as well. Most companies don’t have the social media that we have. On Day One of a crowdfunding effort, we can reach millions of people who are potential investors, many of whom have already expressed an interest in investing. And we will use that to support our product sales and marketing worldwide as every investor is also a brand ambassador.

And, in many cases, the very people who want to invest in us are the people who own and run the venues where our products are being sold. They’re our ideal brand ambassadors, because there’s no better way to get their allegiance and their support for your product distribution than to have them on your team – so it works both ways. If they're investors into N1CE, they're going to push the product in the bars and venues they own.

We have a kind of three-tier structure for our main team right now. The first piece of that is our three part ownership team, which include EDM stars Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, and Alesso, who use their social media reach to really push the company forward. The second tier is the bartender of the year, Jimmy Dymott, who’s also a partner and makes all the recipes for our product.

Then, backing them is the third tier of the company: a professional team of skilled food and beverage product managers, marketing professionals, advertising sales and logistics experts and so on. All in all, we have not only the social reach and celebrity status, but also an unparalleled recipe quality, coming from one of the best in the business. Then, backing that, we have a full management team to get the job done.

1) These numbers include startups currently live on Wefunder if they pass their minimum target.

2) Some startups use two different laws at the same time (i.e., Regulation D and Regulation Crowdfunding).

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EIS is pleased to host a spectacular Alaskan cruise on Celebrity Cruises' magnificent ship, the Solstice, July 20 - 27, 2018! Come experience why Celebrity Cruises has been named Best Premium Cruise Company for the 7th consecutive year.

It's practically impossible not to be utterly amazed by Alaska. Much of its coastline is wilderness with snowcapped mountain peaks, enormous glaciers, dense rainforests, and deep fjords. You'll find all this natural beauty brimming with fascinating wildlife. Visit Alaskan towns and meet people who retain the spirit of frontier independence that brought them to this unspoiled land nestled between glaciers and rainforests. This is your opportunity to take the adventure you've always dreamed of. Witness dramatic displays of ice-shelves breaking off into icebergs. Visit cultures that have lived and loved the land for thousands of years. Marvel at moose and bear on the land, bald eagles soaring above, and humpback whales peacefully rolling with the sea. And gaze upon the backdrop of a million stars showcasing the miracle of the Aurora Borealis.

Extraordinary scenery, wildlife, and inviting Ports of Call will greet you at every turn. On the horizon is enjoying the freshest salmon you've ever had in Ketchikan, "Salmon Capital of the World", a cruise through Tracy Arm Fjord surrounded by 3,000 foot granite walls rising up from the emerald seas, and a chance to go on a glacial dogsled adventure via helicopter.

A luxurious week lies ahead as you relax into a world of comfort and elegance aboard the award winning Solstice. You'll quickly find yourself falling into the rhythm of carefree and inspiring days as you sail through stunning Alaska. On one day, you might opt to visit Mendenhall Glacier, a river of ice measuring 1.5 miles wide and over 6 miles long. While on another day, you might venture off the ship to explore Butchart Gardens, a world famous garden of breathtaking beauty in Victoria, British Columbia. Treat yourself to a luxurious spa treatment in the ship's fabulous spa. The possibilities are endless and are there for the taking. Be sure to take time to relax by the ship's pool and let the fresh air rejuvenate you. You will find the food to be superb, the service impeccable, and the memories will last a lifetime!



  • Any pre trip or post trip extensions
  • Shore Excursions
  • Alcoholic beverages aboard the ship
  • Soft Drinks aboard the ship
  • Laundry Charges
  • Canyon Ranch Spa treatments & packages
  • Babysitting Service
  • Shopping onboard
  • Telephone & Internet Charges
  • Travel Insurance
  • Some fitness classes
  • Several specialty restaurants on board the ship that are available with a per person cover charge.


Travel dates for the EIS Alaskan Cruise are Friday, July 20th - Friday, July 27th, 2018. You will sail from Seattle on July 20th. Early booking is crucial to secure the best available travel options for you and your guest(s). For this reason, we ask that you register no later than October 1, 2017. Please be aware that we will begin booking your nonrefundable airline tickets in September of 2017.


Your trip includes accommodations aboard the ship in an outside stateroom with balcony. EIS will complete actual cabin assignments no earlier than April 2018.

All meals aboard the ship are included in your trip. Dining aboard the Solstice is a celebration in the truest sense with all dishes created with the freshest ingredients and menus composed of a symphony of flavors. From a quick bite poolside to a formal five-course affair in the elegant Main Dining Room, the crew of the Solstice knows how to orchestrate a truly memorable dining experience.

For breakfast and lunch, you'll have many casual dining options as well as room service. In the evening, you will have the option of the ship's traditional dining at either 6:00 pm or 8:30 pm in the Main Dining Room with your fellow cruisers from EIS.

The Solstice has three specialty restaurants, Murano, Tuscan Grille and Silk Harvest, each with a surcharge per person.

The dining options on board the Solstice are endless from the Oceanview Cafe to the Aqua Spa Cafй to the Poolside Grill. One thing is for sure - you won’t go hungry on this trip!

July weather in Alaska is refreshingly delightful with average highs in the mid-sixties and average lows in the mid-fifties. Days are long with the sun rising at approximately 4:30 am and setting at 9:30 pm AKDT. Please refer to weather.com for the latest weather forecast prior to the cruise.

On board the Solstice, shorts, t-shirts, jeans, pants, casual skirts and dresses are all perfect during the day, whether you are indoors or out. Be sure to bring casual clothes that can be layered as well as a raincoat and umbrella. It's also important to bring rubber-soled comfortable shoes, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

In the evening aboard the Solstice, dress falls into two distinct categories:

Smart Casual: Pants or jeans with sport shirt for men; skirts, pants and jeans with a casual top for women.

Evening Chic: Formal attire has been replaced by Evening Chic which is intended to be dressier than Smart Casual but less dressy than Formal. Men should feel comfortable wearing pants or designer jeans with a dress shirt, button-down shirt or sweater. Sport coats are optional. Women should feel comfortable wearing a cocktail dress, skirt, pants or designer jeans with an elegant top.

On your cruise, you will have 5 Smart Casual evenings and 2 Evening Chic evenings.

Note: T-shirts, swimsuits, robes, bare feet, tank tops, baseball caps and pool wear are not allowed in the main restaurant or specialty restaurants at any time. Shorts and flip-flops are not allowed in the evening hours. The dress code will be enforced at all restaurants. Guests are asked to follow the Smart Casual or Evening Chic dress code in the Celebrity Theater for all evening performances.

Solstice operates on a "cashless" system, meaning your boarding card (also known as your SeaPass card) will be used as a charge card to make all onboard purchases. Normally to activate this SeaPass® account, most guests provide a credit card (American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover) to have these purchases charged to at the end of their cruise. Additionally, the SeaPass system may be activated with traveler's checks or cash. Personal checks are not accepted, and only US currency is accepted aboard the ship.

Solstice requires guests to place a deposit if they are paying for their SeaPass account with cash. There is a daily limit of $500 on cash accounts.


Pacific Daylight Time prevails in Seattle & Victoria and is three hours behind Eastern Daylight Time. Noon in Seattle is:

3:00 PM in Atlanta

2:00 PM in Chicago

1:00 PM in Denver

Noon in Los Angeles

Alaska is on Alaska Daylight Time and is four hours behind Eastern Daylight Summer Time. Noon in Alaska is:

4:00 PM in Atlanta

3:00 PM in Chicago

2:00 PM in Denver

1:00 PM in Los Angeles


All travelers must provide a valid passport in order to board the Solstice and will need to provide it when registering with Celebrity Cruises on-line. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the end of the cruise.

Remember that the passport process from application to receipt can take up to ten weeks. For more information on applying for a U.S. passport, you may visit the U.S. Department of State website.


Following is a timeline of important dates to keep in mind as you plan your trip:

For this reason, we ask that you register no later than October 1, 2017. Please be aware that we will begin booking your nonrefundable airline tickets in September of 2017.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

For questions concerning your cruise account status, cabin upgrades, hotels etc., please contact Gina Copeland at gcopeland@eis-inc.com (email is preferred) or at (678) 255-3602.

For questions about the cruise, registration, airline information, etc., please contact Julia Pinkston at Woodruff & Associates jpinkston@woodruffandassociates.com or at (404) 816-8470.

For general questions about the cruise or ship, please feel free to contact Celebrity Cruises Customer Service Center at (800) 280-3423.



Woodruff and Associates will be booking coach-fare flights to and from Seattle, Washington, only. Airline tickets will begin being booked in September of 2017.

For people opting to book their own flights to Seattle for the cruise, EIS will offer an airfare credit of $350 per person for people traveling from Washington State or Oregon and a $450 per person airfare credit for all other states.

If you plan to pursue an upgrade for your flight using frequent flier points, you will be responsible for booking your own airfare to Seattle.

If you are booking your own airfare, please ensure that you consider the travel dates and times listed below. EIS will only be providing transfers to and from the Seattle Airport and the Solstice on Friday, July 20th and Friday, July 27th.


The Solstice sails from Seattle at 4:00 pm on Friday, July 20, 2018. Woodruff and Associates will schedule flights to depart from your home airport on Friday, July 20, 2018 and flights back home on Friday, July 27, 2018, unless otherwise requested on your registration form. However, you may request flights on different days to Seattle. Please be aware that if you request flights on days other than July 20th and July 27th and the flights are more expensive, you will be responsible for any additional costs incurred.

If booking your own airfare, you or your travel agent should book your flight to arrive into Seattle Tacoma Airport (SEA) no later than 12:45 pm local time on July 20th -- earlier if possible. Celebrity requires guests to be checked in no later than 60 minutes prior to the scheduled sailing time of 4:00 pm. Guests arriving late will not be permitted to sail.

EIS strongly encourages you to fly into Seattle at least one day prior to the cruise departure day of Friday, July 20th, in order to avoid any unforeseen flight delays that could cause you to arrive late and miss the departure of the cruise. Check in for the ship is between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm, and the ship will sail from Seattle promptly at 4:00 pm. Unfortunately due to maritime laws, if you arrive late and miss the ship in Seattle, you will NOT be able to join the cruise at a later port and therefore, you will miss the cruise! NO REFUND will be given to individuals who fail to bring the proper travel documents or arrive late.

On July 27, 2018, the ship will be docked and ready for disembarkation at approximately 6:00 am. If booking your own airfare, you or your travel agent should not book a flight before 11:30 am out of Seattle (SEA) on July 27th.


Flights to Seattle can be very competitive to get the best flights available. The most important factor in getting a good air schedule is booking early. Woodruff and Associates will begin booking airline tickets in September of 2017 to ensure the best availability, and we encourage those booking their own airfare to do so early as well


We encourage you to register as soon as you've decided on your travel plans and no later than October 1, 2017. This will help ensure the best available flight schedules.

Remember that you have three main options for booking your air travel:

  1. Cruise Only with Coach Fare - Woodruff and Associates will book flights
  2. I will book my own flights
  3. Pursue Upgraded Flight Using Frequent Flier Points - I will book my own flights


You may desire to upgrade to Business or First Class on your flight. This can often be a challenging process. If you want to pursue this option, you will be responsible for booking your own airfare. When you call the airline, you will likely find that:

  • You must pay a coach fare which is significantly higher than the lowest fare available
  • You must purchase this higher ticket for the seat to be "upgradeable"
  • You must commit to this without the assurance that the upgraded seat is available (on most carriers), so there may be a "risk" involved to you
  • Upgrades can be challenging on weekends

If you indicate on your registration form that you will be booking your own flights, EIS is offering an airfare credit of $350 per person for people traveling from Washington State or Oregon and a $450 per person airfare credit for all other states.



Inside Passage, Alaska

No journey stays with you, mind and soul, like an expedition through Alaska. From the blue ice of gigantic glacial fields to the stunning grandeur of the scenery and wildlife, everything in Alaska is big, bold and absolutely breathtaking.

Find yourself a spot up on the deck of the Solstice with some friends and take in the magnificent scenery surrounding you. There’s so much to see and do on the cruise. By day, explore this massive and magical place on any of the countless shore excursions. By night, dine on the exquisite cuisine aboard the Solstice and enjoy all the entertainment the ship has to offer. This will be a trip to savor!


Visitors to the Emerald City find a fusion of American, Asian and Native American cultures, set against a backdrop of the Puget Sound and Olympic Mountains. Sample the freshest seafood to be found along the Pacific Rim, as well as a cup of Seattle’s famous coffee. Seattle is very water-oriented set between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, with Lake Union in the center. Practically everywhere you look, you’ll see sailboats, ferries, windsurfers and anglers. This beautiful cosmopolitan city has a lot to offer – from shopping to fine restaurants to attractions galore.

We know that many of you will want to explore this lovely city and tour at your leisure for a day or two so EIS is offering you a couple of options before and after the cruise. EIS strongly encourages you to fly into Seattle at least one day prior to the cruise departure day of Friday, July 20th, in order to avoid any unforeseen flight delays that could cause you to arrive late and miss the departure of the cruise. Check in for the ship is between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm, and the ship will sail from Seattle promptly at 4:00 pm. Unfortunately due to maritime laws, if you arrive late and miss the ship in Seattle, you will NOT be able to join the cruise at a later port and therefore, you will miss the cruise! NO REFUND will be given to individuals who fail to bring the proper travel documents or arrive late.

EIS has booked a block of hotel rooms for pre-trip Wednesday, July 18th and Thursday, July 19th and for post trip Friday, July 27th and Saturday, July 28th at two Seattle area hotels. You can choose to stay one or two nights.

Situated in vibrant downtown Seattle, the Sheraton Seattle Hotel offers a dynamic hotel getaway for experiencing Seattle’s diverse sights. This contemporary urban hotel is situated in the center of the Emerald City within a short walk of Seattle’s famous Pike Place Market and the lovely waterfront. Sheraton Seattle Hotel’s room rate is $239 plus taxes & fees for double occupancy per night. (There is an additional charge of $25 per person per night for more than two people per room.) Rooms are available for pre-trip for Wednesday, July 18th and Thursday, July 19th or for post trip Friday, July 27th and Saturday, July 28th. You can choose to stay one or two nights. This hotel does not offer transportation to and from the Seattle Airport. You will need to arrange this on your own at your own expense. The Solstice will be sailing out of Smith Cove Terminal at Pier 91 in Seattle which is approximately 4 miles from the Sheraton Seattle Hotel.

For those interested in staying near the Seattle Airport, EIS has booked rooms at the Marriott Seattle Airport Hotel which is conveniently located just minutes away from airport. The hotel offers a complimentary airport shuttle making it a super convenient place to stay. Marriott Seattle Airport Hotel’s room rate is $189 plus taxes & fees per night. Rooms are available before the cruise on Thursday, July 19th or after the cruise on Friday, July 20th. Downtown Seattle is approximately 14 miles from this lovely airport hotel. The Solstice will be sailing out of Smith Cove Terminal at Pier 91 in Seattle which is approximately 18 miles from the Marriott Seattle Airport Hotel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We have a limited number of hotel rooms available in Seattle, and they will be booked on a first come first serve basis. Upon registration, if you choose to arrive into Seattle prior to July 20th or depart after July 27th after the cruise, EIS will bill you directly for your hotel room in Seattle. Cancellation penalties will apply. Transfers between the airport and your hotel and sightseeing are NOT included.

EIS would like to send a special Thank You to all the vendors participating in the 2018 Spectacular Alaskan Cruise for their continued support. Make Sure You Are Purchasing from these 2018 Spectacular Alaskan Cruise Sponsoring Vendors.

The Whiskey Sour is a Classic That Continues to Inspire

  • 3 mins
  • Prep: 3 mins,
  • Cook: 0 mins
  • Yield: 1 serving

The Whiskey Sour is one of the most popular sour drinks and rightfully so, it is a great cocktail! It is a classic recipe that has been around for years and is very easy to mix up.

It is sour, yes, but the sweetness of some whiskeys and the simple syrup will offset and certainly complement the tartness. Balance is key, so it is best to stick to the pours suggested in the recipe, give it a taste, then adjust your next drink to suit your taste.

Just in case you need a reason to drink a Whiskey Sour, National Whiskey Sour Day is August 25th.

What You'll Need

  • 1 1/2 ounces whiskey
  • 1 1/2 ounces fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 ounce simple syrup
  • Egg white (optional)
  • Maraschino cherry for garnish

How to Make It

  1. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Strain into a chilled sour glass or over ice in an old-fashioned glass.
  4. Garnish with the cherry.

Tips for Making the Perfect Whiskey Sour

The Whiskey. The style and brand of whiskey you choose will create a different cocktail. Most drinkers prefer bourbon though a good rye whiskey will make an excellent Whiskey Sour as well. You may need to adjust the sweet and sour elements for each different whiskey you pour.

The Canadian Club Sour, for example, picks up the citrus when mixing with Canadian Club 12.

If you choose a Scotch whiskey, you have a Scotch Sour. It's a little different than the Whiskey Sour and often skips the sweetener completely. Yet, scotch also makes an appearance in the UK Sour in which cinnamon syrup and apricot liqueur sweeten the drink.

  • A fun and very popular variation is the Frisco Sour which uses Benedictine as the sweetener and employs both lemon and lime for the sour.
  • In the Old Thyme Sour, we see Irish whiskey in a very complex mix. The ingredients include St. Germain, Green Chartreuse, cinnamon, and thyme. It's quite fascinating.

The Sour. The key to a great Whiskey Sour is to use fresh lemon juice. Bottled lemon juices are either too sweet or too sour and they will significantly affect the quality of your drink.

Sour mix is a popular shortcut for the sweet and sour elements of this drink. While this is an easy option and many sour recipes opt for it, you do lose a bit of control. If you do opt for a sour mix, make your own because it is very easy and better than most commercial brands.

If you would like to play around with the sour ingredients, the Whiskey Sour 101 is a fun example. In this recipe, grapefruit and lime are paired with honey and a honey liqueur.

Add Egg White. A traditional recipe for a Whiskey Sour includes an egg white. This tends to tame the sourness of the drink and make it a bit smoother. The use of raw egg is a matter of personal choice and has fallen out of favor for many drinkers because of the potential for salmonella (which is minimal).

When using egg, it is generally preferred to serve the drink on the rocks. You will also need to shake the drink for at least 30 seconds and put some serious effort into the shake.

How Strong is the Whiskey Sour?

Assuming that we pour an 80-proof whiskey into a Whiskey Sour, it is a relatively mild 14% ABV (28 proof). This is about half the strength of a Manhattan, so in comparison, the sour is a light weight.

History of the Whiskey Sour

The Whiskey Sour has a long history in the world of cocktails. It made an appearance in the first published cocktail book, Jerry Thomas' "The Bon Vivant's Companion" or "How to Mix Drinks" (published in 1862).

The sour evolved from the practice of adding lime juice to rum rations to prevent scurvy among sailors in the British Navy in the 1700s. As fresh fruit was perishable, the juice would be doctored with rum, gin, or sometimes whiskey. This would preserve the juice and ensure the health of the sailors.

It didn't take long to figure out that citrus and spirits that were enhanced by a bit of sugar made a rather palatable and delicious cocktail. And so, the sour drink was born and it's been a favorite ever since.

Remix Your Sour Without the Whiskey

Almost every distilled spirit in the bar has made it into a sour cocktail at one time or another. It's quite simple and all you really need to do is switch out the whiskey for gin, rum, tequila, or vodka. Just as you would with different styles of whiskey, adjust the sweet and sour to suit the new liquor and your taste.

When it comes to brandy, flavored brandies like apricot are popular in sours. The Pisco Sour is another brandy version that is very common and it almost always includes the egg white.

Liqueurs are not strangers to the sour formula, either. They act as the base liquor and produce some very interesting drinks. Because these spirits have sugar, it's often best to reduce or eliminate the sweetener.

While many liqueurs can work in a sour, the most popular are amaretto, Grand Marnier, Kahlua, and Midori (this makes the Grinch Cocktail). Though it's not sweet (or technically not a liqueur), absinthe makes a nice sour drink as well.

Cocktail eis

In the age of a cocktail revolution, the most important aspect of all cocktails has been ignored. ICE

Ice can make or break a cocktail. Dilution, the melting of ice in the mixing and drinking process can ruin a cocktail by putting too much or too little water in your drink and throwing off the delicate balance. The other problem is chilling. We all like our drinks to be ice cold, but we don’t like them to be watery cold.

The solution is bigger ice cubes. A bigger ice cube has the added bonus of chilling the contents of a shaker can or cocktail and not diluting the cocktail full of water. This is why NГ©vГ© was invented.

Today, we will talk about chemistry and equilibrium. And booze, yes, booze is important.

Everything wants to be in equilibrium. So if you have a cocktail, with normal machine made ice cubes in it, the cocktail wants to get cooler and the ice cubes want to get warmer.

The ice cubes can exchange their cold for the cocktail's hot, where they have exposed surface area. So they do. It's called heat transfer.

In theory, the ice cubes are supposed to stop melting once they hit equilibrium and are as warm as the cocktail. In theory . But, we all know that THAT never happens. Eventually the machine made ice cubes melt away and disappear and your cocktail is diluted. Things are different with Large ice cubes.

Large ice cubes have less surface area, which are sites of heat transfer, so they don't melt as quickly as a bunch of small ice cubes in the same volume. Which means your drinks stays true to its potency and it’s stays colder longer. Huzzah!

Bartenders know that bigger ice cubes are better. That's why sometimes you see them jabbing ice picks into blocks of ice. That's so old school though, and it’s not cost effective. Nowadays, you can get yourself some pre-made large ice cubes from Névé Ice.

List Drinks A-Z

  • 420 Martini (admin)
  • 42Zombie (pr-drinks)
  • 4th of July Watermelon Cocktail (marcia)
  • 50/50 Split (aviationgin)
  • A Happy Jewish New Year (rachel)
  • Aberdeen Flip (jonashalpren)
  • Absinthe Frappé (admin)
  • Absinthe Irish (admin)
  • Absolut Brooklyn Ginger (jonashalpren)
  • Absolut Pleasure (jonashalpren)
  • Absolut Relief (admin)
  • Absolut Wonder (admin)
  • Açai Blackberry Cooler (jonashalpren)
  • Acai Grapefruit Cooler (jonashalpren)
  • Admiral (admin)
  • AFC Paloma (admin)
  • After Dark (admin)
  • After Dark #2 (pr-drinks)
  • Agave Kiss (admin)
  • Agave Kiss (jonashalpren)
  • Alabama Slammer (jonashalpren)
  • Algonquin Cocktail (admin)
  • Amaretto Sour (admin)
  • Amendment 21 (admin)
  • American Beauty (jonashalpren)
  • American Beauty Shot (admin)
  • American Dad (marcia)
  • American Flyer (admin)
  • American Pie (admin)
  • American Sweetheart (admin)
  • Amor Caliente (pr-drinks)
  • Amore Appletini (admin)
  • Ancholito Luxury Drop (pr-drinks)
  • Anna's Summer Shot (admin)
  • Anti-Oxidant Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Aphrodisiac (admin)
  • Apple Berry Crush (admin)
  • Apple Bob (jonashalpren)
  • Apple Irish Coffee (jonashalpren)
  • Apple Pie Shot (admin)
  • Apple Sidecar (Apple Car) (admin)
  • Apple Thyme H20 Cocktail (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Appletini / Apple Martini (admin)
  • Après Ski (pr-drinks)
  • Apricot Fizz (marcia)
  • Apricot Stone Sour (admin)
  • Archangel (rachel)
  • Argonaut (jonashalpren)
  • Arizona Margarita (admin)
  • Artillery (admin)
  • Ashes to Ashes (dotw-staff)
  • Autumn Apple (jonashalpren)
  • Autumn Breeze Cocktail (guest-mixologist)
  • Autumn Harvest (pr-drinks)
  • Autumn in New York (admin)
  • Autumn Sunrise (drinkdiva)
  • Aviation (rachel)
  • Aviation by Plymouth (admin)
  • Aztec Summer (pr-drinks)
  • B & B (Blakberi & Basil) (admin)
  • B-52 (dotw-staff)
  • Bacardi Cocktail (admin)
  • Bacca BOO Sangria (pr-drinks)
  • Back in Thyme (pr-drinks)
  • Backyard Barbeque Michelada (jonashalpren)
  • Bacon Salt Martini (admin)
  • Badgertini (admin)
  • Bahama Mama (admin)
  • Baileys Irish Ice (jonashalpren)
  • Baileys Peppermint Cream (pr-drinks)
  • Baileys Pumpkin Pie (pr-drinks)
  • Baileys Red Carpetini (admin)
  • Baileys Red Carpetini (dotw-staff)
  • Baileys Rose (pr-drinks)
  • Bajarita (admin)
  • Balsamique (pr-drinks)
  • Baltimore Bang Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Banana Daiquiri (marcia)
  • Banshee (admin)
  • Basil Hayden Wish (admin)
  • Basil Mojito (marcia)
  • Batidas (admin)
  • Bay Breeze (admin)
  • Beach Buster (admin)
  • Beach Street Cooler (admin)
  • Beach Umbrella (jgower)
  • Beefeater Thanksgiving Toast (admin)
  • Beer Buster (admin)
  • Beers Knees (aviationgin)
  • Beet-iful Apples (pr-drinks)
  • Belle Femme (pr-drinks)
  • Bellini (admin)
  • Bermuda Highball (admin)
  • Berry Cobbler (rachel)
  • Berry Madness (admin)
  • Berry Madness (admin)
  • Berry Scary Sour (marcia)
  • Berry Thankful (pr-drinks)
  • Besitos (admin)
  • Between the Sheets (admin)
  • Bewitched (admin)
  • Birthday Partini (admin)
  • Bitai Avon (pr-drinks)
  • Black & Silver (admin)
  • Black and Gold Punch (Steelers Cocktail) (pr-drinks)
  • Black and Tan (Half & Half) (admin)
  • Black Angel (pr-drinks)
  • Black Cat (pr-drinks)
  • Black Cat Martini (jonashalpren)
  • Black Grouse (and the Black & Blue cocktail) (dotw-staff)
  • Black Hawk (admin)
  • Black Lily (jonashalpren)
  • Black Magic (jonashalpren)
  • Black Opal (jonashalpren)
  • Black Paloma (jonashalpren)
  • Black Punch (admin)
  • Black Rat (charliewilliams)
  • Black Rose (marcia)
  • Black Russian (admin)
  • Black Shadow (pr-drinks)
  • Black Spiked Cocoa Rumtini (happyhourrch)
  • Black Velvet (admin)
  • Black Widow (admin)
  • Black Widow #2 (jonashalpren)
  • Black Widow #3 (jonashalpren)
  • BlackBerry Firebomb (admin)
  • Blanche’s X-Rated Julep (admin)
  • Blessed Honeycomb Cocktail (dotw-staff)
  • Blitz (pr-drinks)
  • Blitzen’s Mexican Egg Nog (dotw-staff)
  • Blonde Ambition (jonashalpren)
  • Blood and Sand (jonashalpren)
  • Blood Martini (dotw-staff)
  • Blood Orange Freeze (jonashalpren)
  • Blood Orange Margarita (jonashalpren)
  • Blood Orange Mochaccino (pr-drinks)
  • Blood Red Sangria (admin)
  • Blood Shot (pr-drinks)
  • Bloodberry Fizz (pr-drinks)
  • Bloodhound (admin)
  • Bloodsucker (pr-drinks)
  • Bloody Black Currant Punch (admin)
  • Bloody Brew (admin)
  • Bloody Bull (admin)
  • Bloody Maria (admin)
  • Bloody Maria (tbreit)
  • Bloody Mary (jonashalpren)
  • Bloody Mary Modenese (houseofbalsamic)
  • Bloody Red Rum Sangria (pr-drinks)
  • Bloody Rum Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Bloody Sunday (pr-drinks)
  • Blooming Fizz (jonashalpren)
  • BLT Cocktail (pr-drinks)
  • Blue Hawaii (admin)
  • Blue Hawaiian (admin)
  • Blue Ice Heart Throb (blueicevodkausa)
  • Blue Moon (marcia)
  • Blue Motorcycle (admin)
  • Blue Voodoo Doll (admin)
  • Bluegrass Punch (jgower)
  • Blues Martini (admin)
  • Blushing Duchess (marcia)
  • Bocci Ball (admin)
  • Bohemia Michelada (jonashalpren)
  • Bohemia Sangrita (dotw-staff)
  • Boilermaker (admin)
  • Bonjour, Bonheur (aliciargentile)
  • Boston Sidecar (admin)
  • Boston Tea Punch (admin)
  • Bourbon Cobbler (admin)
  • Bourbon Daddy (jonashalpren)
  • Bourbon Peach Tea (pr-drinks)
  • Bourbon Sidecar (admin)
  • Brain Hemorrhage (dotw-staff)
  • Brandy Alexander (admin)
  • Brandy Amanda (admin)
  • Brandy Bird (pr-drinks)
  • Brandy Cassis (admin)
  • Brandy Crusta (marcia)
  • Brandy Old Fashioned - Wisconsin Style! (admin)
  • Brass Monkey (jonashalpren)
  • Bride of Frankenstein (pr-drinks)
  • Bridesmaid Sidecar (pr-drinks)
  • Broken Basil (draciti)
  • Bronx Cocktail (admin)
  • Brooklyn Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Brown Derby Cocktail (admin)
  • Brut Bottle Rocket - Bastille Day Cocktail (sacosta322)
  • Bubbles (drinkpr)
  • Bubbles & PINK (jonashalpren)
  • Buddy's Cajun Martini (admin)
  • Bullfrog (admin)
  • Buon Giorno! (jonashalpren)
  • Burroughs Festive Plum Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Butterscotch Martini (admin)
  • Buttery Nipple (publicpost)
  • Cable Car (admin)
  • Cadillac Margarita (admin)
  • Café Romano (admin)
  • Caipirinha (jonashalpren)
  • Cajun (admin)
  • Cajun Martini (jonashalpren)
  • Calabatini (admin)
  • Cali Mojito (pr-drinks)
  • Caliente Margarita (publicpost)
  • Calypso Coffee (dotw-staff)
  • Campari Citrus Infusion (admin)
  • Campari Sparkling Passion (admin)
  • Camus Cognac Cider (saronis)
  • Canal Street (pr-drinks)
  • Candy Bar Cocktail (marcia)
  • Candy Cane (admin)
  • Candy Cane Martini (skinnygirlcocktails)
  • Candy Corn (jonashalpren)
  • Candy Corn Cocktail (dotw-staff)
  • Candy Corn Cocktail #2 (pr-drinks)
  • Candy Corn Martini (taylor87)
  • Candyland (jwgrandrapids)
  • Cape Cod (admin)
  • Caramel Apple Pie (admin)
  • Caramel Apple Pie-tini (jonashalpren)
  • Cardamom and Pop Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Caribbean Champagne (admin)
  • Carmelized Pineapple Margarita (drinkpr)
  • Carnival 76 (jonashalpren)
  • Carnival Caipirinha (admin)
  • Carrie (aka the "New Cosmo") (admin)
  • Carrie Cosmo (publicpost)
  • Cascabeles Cóctel (Sleighbell Cocktail) (pr-drinks)
  • Catrinas (dotw-staff)
  • Cauldron Punch (dotw-staff)
  • CC Old Fashioned (jonashalpren)
  • Celtic Mix Cocktail (marcia)
  • Cerveza Nicola (jonashalpren)
  • Chambord Margarita (admin)
  • Chambord Pomegranate Sparkler (jonashalpren)
  • Champagne Christmas Punch (admin)
  • Champagne Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Champagne Martini (admin)
  • Champino (dotw-staff)
  • Charlotte (admin)
  • Charro Negro (admin)
  • Chelsea Sidecar (Gin Sidecar) (admin)
  • Cherries Jubilee Champagne Cocktail (marcia)
  • Cherry Chainsaw Massacre (pr-drinks)
  • Cherry Cinnamon Punch (drinkpr)
  • Cherry Delight (dotw-staff)
  • Cherry Noir Fizz (pr-drinks)
  • Cherry Patriot (admin)
  • Cherry Picker (sacosta322)
  • Cherry Slice (pr-drinks)
  • Cherry Sling Margarita (admin)
  • Chez Goose (pr-drinks)
  • Chi Chi (admin)
  • Chicago Cocktail (admin)
  • Chipotle Michelada (pr-drinks)
  • Chipotle Sangrita (jonashalpren)
  • Chocolate Covered Pomegranate (rachel)
  • Chocolate Milk Martini (jonashalpren)
  • Chocolate Mint (jonashalpren)
  • Chocolate Peppermint Cookie (pr-drinks)
  • Chocolate Pinky Valentini (admin)
  • Chocolate Raspberry Martini (admin)
  • Chocolate Velvet (admin)
  • Chocolatini (admin)
  • Chriser Rose (admin)
  • Christmas Coco (wyndhamgrandorlando)
  • Christmas Cosmopolitan (dotw-staff)
  • Churro Margarita (jonashalpren)
  • Ciderhouse Sangria (pr-drinks)
  • Cielo Rosso (jonashalpren)
  • Cinco de Mayo (admin)
  • Cinco Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Cinful (waldorfastoria)
  • Cinnamon Margarita (peligroso-tequila)
  • Cinnamon Sparkler (pr-drinks)
  • Cinnful Valentine (pr-drinks)
  • Citrico Snowflake (admin)
  • Citron Dragon (admin)
  • Citrus Winter Warmer (dotw-staff)
  • Citrus Winter Warmer Toddy (pr-drinks)
  • City Slicker (admin)
  • Classic Kentucky Eggnog (pr-drinks)
  • Cocoa Passion (pr-drinks)
  • Cointreau Blush (pr-drinks)
  • Cointreau Teese (pr-drinks)
  • Cointreau Vixen (pr-drinks)
  • Cold Pumpkin Pie (pr-drinks)
  • Completo (admin)
  • Connie's Hot Buttered Rum (rachel)
  • Cool-as-a-Cucumber Cocktail (admin)
  • Coquito (marcia)
  • Cork Comfort (marcia)
  • Cork Comfort (dotw-staff)
  • Corpse Reviver (dotw-staff)
  • Corpse Reviver #2 (dotw-staff)
  • Corpse Reviver #3 (admin)
  • Cosmopolitan (admin)
  • Cosmopolitan Dreams (jonashalpren)
  • Cosmopolitano (admin)
  • Covers Martini (admin)
  • Cranberry Blueberry Cosmopolitan (admin)
  • Cranberry Blueberry Cosmopolitan (jonashalpren)
  • Cranberry Christmas Punch (admin)
  • Cranberry Citrus Swizzle (admin)
  • Cranberry Cooler (pr-drinks)
  • Cranberry Mint Margarita (pr-drinks)
  • Cranberry Raspberry Flirtini (admin)
  • Cranberry Shooters (admin)
  • Cranberry-Honey Cocktail (marcia)
  • Creamsicle (admin)
  • Creepy Crawler Punch (admin)
  • Creepy Crawler Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Creepy-Crawly Jello Shots (admin)
  • Creole (admin)
  • Creole Julep (pr-drinks)
  • Creole Mama (jonashalpren)
  • Creole Splash (admin)
  • Crimson Sunset (admin)
  • Crown Royal Derby Drinks (admin)
  • Cryptonite (admin)
  • Cuba Libre (admin)
  • Cucumber Calypso (jasonnyc)
  • Cucumber Irish Blessing (publicpost)
  • Cucumber Mint (jonashalpren)
  • Cucumber-Basil Collins (marcia)
  • Cultured Spirit (jasonnyc)
  • Cup O' Agave Gold (admin)
  • Cupid's Arrow (pr-drinks)
  • Cupid's Kiss (pr-drinks)
  • Cupid’s Cosmo (skinnygirl)
  • Cupid’s Mark (pr-drinks)
  • Cuppa Good Cheer (pr-drinks)
  • Dad's Spice (pr-drinks)
  • Dad’s Dry Daiquiri (pr-drinks)
  • Daiquiri (admin)
  • Daisy de Obeah (vickiloo)
  • Dancing Leprechaun (drambuieguy)
  • Dark and Stormy (admin)
  • Dave Wondrich's Zombie (dotw-staff)
  • Deadly Nightshade (marcia)
  • Death and Taxes (rachel)
  • Death by Fire (admin)
  • Death in the Afternoon (jonashalpren)
  • Deep Sea (admin)
  • Delft Blue (jonashalpren)
  • Delmonico Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Demo-licious Margarita (pr-drinks)
  • Depth Bomb (admin)
  • Derby Day Cocktails from Woodford Reserve (admin)
  • Devil's Kiss (admin)
  • Devil's Poison (admin)
  • Devil’s Handshake (dotw-staff)
  • Dewar's Highball (admin)
  • Dewar's Old Fashioned (admin)
  • Dewar's Rob Roy (admin)
  • Dewar’s Ward Eight (admin)
  • Dingle Dram (marcia)
  • Dirty Blonde (admin)
  • Dirty Martini with a Tomato Twist (admin)
  • Dizzy Lizzie (admin)
  • DonQ Rum Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Dr. Cockmeister (thandiman90)
  • Dr. Morganmeister (thandiman90)
  • Dr. Peter Venkman (admin)
  • Dra-Kahlúa (pr-drinks)
  • Dragon's Blood Punch (admin)
  • Dragonfly (admin)
  • Dream Cocktail (admin)
  • Dublin Cocktail (dotw-staff)
  • Dublin Delight (jonashalpren)
  • Dubonnet Cocktail (admin)
  • Dubonnet Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Dulce de Tezón (admin)
  • Dutch Courage (pr-drinks)
  • Dutch Negroni (jonashalpren)
  • Earth Day Pisco Sour (jonashalpren)
  • Earthquake (admin)
  • Easter Bunny Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Easter Sangria (rachel)
  • Eclipse (jonashalpren)
  • Eclipse #2 (admin)
  • Eerie Eyeballs (admin)
  • Egg Cream Pie (jonashalpren)
  • Egg Nog (admin)
  • El Bicentenariomec (dotw-staff)
  • El Chupacabra Martini (publicpost)
  • El Diablo (admin)
  • El Diablo del Invierno (dotw-staff)
  • Elderflower Sipper (marcia)
  • Electric Lemonade (admin)
  • Electric Martini (admin)
  • Electric Peach (admin)
  • Elephant's Tail (pr-drinks)
  • Elit Rosemary Martini (admin)
  • Embarcadero Dandy (jonashalpren)
  • Emerald Forest (admin)
  • Emerald Isle Cocktail (admin)
  • Empire Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Enchanted Dry Daiquiri (pr-drinks)
  • English Christmas Punch (admin)
  • English Christmas Punch (admin)
  • Equinox Spice (jgower)
  • Espresso Martini (rachel)
  • Evening Nectar (admin)
  • Everybody's Irish (dotw-staff)
  • Everybody’s Irish (admin)
  • Everyman Afterall (vickiloo)
  • Everyman Afterall (vickiloo)
  • Exorcist Twist (pr-drinks)
  • Express (admin)
  • Express by Plymouth (admin)
  • Eyeball Martini (admin)
  • Faeries’ Nectar (pr-drinks)
  • Fall Back (pr-drinks)
  • Fall for this Heated Affair (thoang)
  • Fallen Angel (admin)
  • Fallen Angel (admin)
  • Fancy Bourbon Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Fig Pie (cassidyricalde)
  • Fire & Ice (jonashalpren)
  • Fireball (admin)
  • Firebelle Lil (rachel)
  • Firecracker (jonashalpren)
  • Firecracker (pr-drinks)
  • Firecracker Shot (admin)
  • Firefly (admin)
  • Firefly Flavored Vodkas Product Release (admin)
  • Fireside Martini (marcia)
  • Fireworks (pr-drinks)
  • First Class (admin)
  • Flavor Ice Summer Shake (publicpost)
  • Flip Flop Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Flirtini (admin)
  • Flirty Mistletoe (pr-drinks)
  • Floradora Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Flying Aphrodite (pr-drinks)
  • Flying Dutchman (admin)
  • Fog Cutter Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Fool's Gold (admin)
  • Founder's Fizz (edenton)
  • Four Leaf Clover (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Four-Leaf Cloverita (admin)
  • Fragole all' Aceto Balsamico (publicpost)
  • Fran Shandy (sacosta322)
  • Frangelico Hazelnut Coffee (pr-drinks)
  • Frangelico Truffle Cocktail (saronis)
  • Freddy Fudpucker (admin)
  • French 75 (admin)
  • French Kiss (admin)
  • French Revolution (admin)
  • French-ish Martini (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Fresa Catrina (dotw-staff)
  • Fresh Apple Spritzer (pr-drinks)
  • Frisk Cocktail (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Frostbite (admin)
  • Frozen Daiquiri (admin)
  • Fruit Cocktail (kelvin101)
  • Fudgesicle (admin)
  • Fumble Roosky (dotw-staff)
  • Funky Monkey (admin)
  • Funky Monkey (admin)
  • Fuzzy Navel (admin)
  • Fuzzy Screw (admin)
  • G5 New Year (admin)
  • Gabrielle’s X-Rated Kiss (dotw-staff)
  • Gatorade (admin)
  • Geisha Girl (admin)
  • George Washington Cocktail (marcia)
  • Ghost (admin)
  • Ghostly Captain (dotw-staff)
  • Ghostly Coolada (dotw-staff)
  • Ghostly Skyy (admin)
  • Ghoul-Aid (pr-drinks)
  • Gibson (jonashalpren)
  • Gibson (admin)
  • Gimlet (jonashalpren)
  • Gin & Tonic (jonashalpren)
  • Gin and Milk (5 Ways to Drink Like an Old Man) (thespir-it)
  • Gin Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Gin Fizz (rachel)
  • Ginger Bubbly (marcia)
  • Ginger Man (jonashalpren)
  • Ginger Rogers (admin)
  • Ginger Snap Sass (dotw-staff)
  • Gingerbread Man (jonashalpren)
  • Glamour Gal (jonashalpren)
  • Glögg (admin)
  • Godchild (admin)
  • Godchild (admin)
  • Godfather (admin)
  • Godiva Royale (admin)
  • Godmother (admin)
  • Gold Medal (admin)
  • Gold Medal (admin)
  • Gold Rush (admin)
  • Gold Rush Cocktail (publicpost)
  • Golden Daze (admin)
  • Golden Delicious (pr-drinks)
  • Golden Dream (admin)
  • Golden Gate 75 (jonashalpren)
  • Golden Gate Cocktail (rachel)
  • Golden Gate Cocktail II (rachel)
  • Golden Gate Persimmon Cocktail (marcia)
  • Golden Glamour (jonashalpren)
  • Golden Rum Punch (dotw-staff)
  • Golden Touchdown (pr-drinks)
  • Goldfinger (admin)
  • Golf Cocktail (admin)
  • Good Night Special (admin)
  • Goodnight Moon Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Gooey Butter Cake Martini (scottbar)
  • Gosh Yam It (pr-drinks)
  • Gotham Chill (rachel)
  • Grand Thanksgiving (pr-drinks)
  • Grapefruit Basil Martini (pr-drinks)
  • Grapefruit-Rosemary Mojito (marcia)
  • Grasshopper (admin)
  • Grateful Cranberry Cocktail (marcia)
  • Great White (admin)
  • Green Acre Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Green Agave (admin)
  • Green Bay Gimlet (pr-drinks)
  • Green Bay Margarita (pr-drinks)
  • Green Bay Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Green Ghoul (publicpost)
  • Green Glass (pr-drinks)
  • Green Sangria (marcia)
  • Green Tea and Ginger Cocktail (marcia)
  • Green Tea Gimlet (marcia)
  • Greentini (admin)
  • Grenada (admin)
  • Greyhound (admin)
  • Grilled Pineapple Crush (vickiloo)
  • Grog (admin)
  • Guac This Way (publicpost)
  • Gumbo Fizz (admin)
  • Hacking Salander (pr-drinks)
  • Hail Mary (pr-drinks)
  • Hal Ligon (jonashalpren)
  • Half & Half (Black & Tan) (marcia)
  • Halloween Harvest (pr-drinks)
  • Hanukkah Gelt Martini (jonashalpren)
  • Hard Rocker Cider (pr-drinks)
  • Harvest Highball (pr-drinks)
  • Harvest Moon (pr-drinks)
  • Harvest Sour (pr-drinks)
  • Harvey Wallbanger (admin)
  • Haunted Cinn (cassidyricalde)
  • Hauntini (admin)
  • Hawaiian Cocktail (admin)
  • He's Into You (pr-drinks)
  • He's Just Not That Into You (pr-drinks)
  • Heart-Shaped World (pr-drinks)
  • Heather 81 (marcia)
  • Heatwave (admin)
  • Heebie Jeebies (m-booth)
  • Hemingway Daiquiri (dotw-staff)
  • Hep Cat (admin)
  • Herradura Mango Mojito (admin)
  • Herradura Splash (admin)
  • Herradura's Cincorita (admin)
  • Hey, Fig Spender (marcia)
  • Hibiscus Pinky Valentini (admin)
  • Hibiscus Pinky Valentini (pr-drinks)
  • Highball (admin)
  • Highland Fling (admin)
  • Highland Harvest (pr-drinks)
  • Hiram’s Brandy Alexander (jonashalpren)
  • Holiday Cheer Martini (admin)
  • Holiday Cocktails from Chivas Regal (jonashalpren)
  • Holiday Cocktails from Hiram Walker (jonashalpren)
  • Holiday Highball (pr-drinks)
  • Holiday Pearadise (pr-drinks)
  • Holiday Peppermint Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Holiday Spice (pr-drinks)
  • Holiday Sunset (admin)
  • Hollywood Martini (admin)
  • Honey Deuce Cocktail (pr-drinks)
  • Honey Deux Inferno (admin)
  • Honey Deux Inferno (admin)
  • Honeymoon (dotw-staff)
  • Honolulu Juicer (admin)
  • Horny Goat (admin)
  • Hot Apple Cider (jonashalpren)
  • Hot Apple Fritter (pr-drinks)
  • Hot Bloody Mary (stolichnaya)
  • Hot Buttered Brugal (pr-drinks)
  • Hot Cinn Apple Toddy (pr-drinks)
  • Hot Kahlúa Cocktails at Celsius, NYC Pop-Up Bar (jonashalpren)
  • Hot Nantucket Night (dotw-staff)
  • Hot on Top (pinnaclevodka)
  • Hot Rumba (admin)
  • Hot Shot (pr-drinks)
  • Hot Toddy (jonashalpren)
  • Hound’s Tooth Toddy (dotw-staff)
  • Hudson Highland Cup (marcia)
  • Hula Dancer’s Delight (dotw-staff)
  • Hula Hoop (admin)
  • Hula Hula (admin)
  • Humid In H-Town (admin)
  • Hurricane (admin)
  • Hurricane #2 (admin)
  • Ice and Fire (pr-drinks)
  • Ice Pick (admin)
  • Iceberg Martini (admin)
  • Icebreaker (admin)
  • Iced Mochaccino (admin)
  • Icy Hands Halloween Punch (admin)
  • Ignus Fatuus (admin)
  • Iguana (admin)
  • Inaguration Cocktails (admin)
  • Inaugural Orange Punch (admin)
  • Independence (pr-drinks)
  • Independence on Ice (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Apple Sour (hiramwalker)
  • Irish Applesauce (pr-drinks)
  • Irish Appletini (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Buck (marcia)
  • Irish Charlie (dotw-staff)
  • Irish Coffee (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Cow (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Flag #1 (admin)
  • Irish Flag #2 (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Guy (admin)
  • Irish Kilt (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Kilt (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Kiss (jonashalpren)
  • Irish Mist Coffee (pr-drinks)
  • Irish Monkey (dotw-staff)
  • Irish Sour (marcia)
  • Irish Spring Cocktail (marcia)
  • Irish Tea Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Island Cooler (admin)
  • Island Holiday Punch (dotw-staff)
  • Italian Coffee (admin)
  • Italian Halloween Punch (admin)
  • Italian Sparkling Citrus Punch (marcia)
  • Italian Stallion (dotw-staff)
  • Italian Toddy (jonashalpren)
  • J.J.'s Shamrock (jonashalpren)
  • Jack-o'-Lantern (jonashalpren)
  • Jack-o'-Lantern Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Jack-o'-Tini (admin)
  • Jack-O-Latern (taylor87)
  • Jade (admin)
  • Jagertee (liaisoncapitolhill)
  • Jamaica Me Crazy (admin)
  • Jamaican Winter (admin)
  • Jameson Old Fashioned (jonashalpren)
  • Jammer's Cacao Kiss (nina-zc)
  • Jazz (admin)
  • Jelly Bean #2 (admin)
  • Jelly Bubbles (jasonnyc)
  • Jimmy Russell’s Mint Julep (admin)
  • Joker's Tea (admin)
  • Jolly Rancher #1 (dotw-staff)
  • Jolly Rancher #2 (dotw-staff)
  • Journalist (admin)
  • Jump Into Summer (pinnaclevodka)
  • Jump on the BOND Wagon Martini (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Juniper Shine (pr-drinks)
  • Jäger Black Ice (edenton)
  • Jägermonster (admin)
  • Kahlúa Black Cat (pr-drinks)
  • Kahlúa Cryptini (admin)
  • Kahlua Hot Chocolate (admin)
  • Kahlua Mocha Freeze (dotw-staff)
  • Kahlúa Mochatini (admin)
  • Kahlúa Peppermint Mocha Espresso Martini (dotw-staff)
  • Kahlúa Peppermint Mocha Hot Chocolate (dotw-staff)
  • Kahlúa Shake (admin)
  • Kahlúa White Leprechaun (jonashalpren)
  • Kamikaze (admin)
  • Kangaroo (dotw-staff)
  • Kentucky Apple Sour (marcia)
  • Kentucky Champagne Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Kentucky Cocktail (admin)
  • Kentucky Mulled Cider (admin)
  • Keoki Coffee (admin)
  • King Cake Martini (admin)
  • Kir (admin)
  • Kir Royale (admin)
  • Kiwi Caipiroska (admin)
  • Kiwi Masquerade (publicpost)
  • Kiwi Mint Mango (admin)
  • Kiwi Strawberry Martini (pr-drinks)
  • Kopstootje (pr-drinks)
  • Kurant & 7-Up (admin)
  • Kurant Affair (admin)
  • Kurant Bon Bon (admin)
  • Kurant Imperial Kir (admin)
  • La Estrella (marcia)
  • La Poire Golden Harvest (pr-drinks)
  • La Serena Sour (edenton)
  • Labor Day Lemonade (pr-drinks)
  • Last Out Of The Gate Swizzle (pr-drinks)
  • Laughter in the Dark (quinn)
  • Lava Flow (jonashalpren)
  • Leap Year Cocktail (admin)
  • Legal Shirley Temple (admin)
  • Lemon Drop (admin)
  • Lemon Herb Sparkler (marcia)
  • Lemon Lavender Cocktail (marcia)
  • Lemon Verbena Spring Fling Cocktail (marcia)
  • Lemonada (pr-drinks)
  • Leprechaun (jonashalpren)
  • Lifesaver (admin)
  • Lijit Cocktail (admin)
  • Limbo (admin)
  • Limey (admin)
  • Lingering Labor Day (pr-drinks)
  • Liquid Candy (admin)
  • Little Briar Rose (jonashalpren)
  • Little Devil (admin)
  • Little Princess (admin)
  • Little Princess (jonashalpren)
  • Living Shadow (jgower)
  • Loft Lavender Cello Product Release (marcia)
  • Long Beach Ice Tea (admin)
  • Long Island Iced Tea (admin)
  • Long Island Iced Tea (admin)
  • Los Muertos (pr-drinks)
  • Lotus Cocktail (joel)
  • Louisville Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Love and Roses (pr-drinks)
  • Love Letter (pr-drinks)
  • Love Machine (pr-drinks)
  • Love Machine (pr-drinks)
  • Lover’s Cocktail (admin)
  • Lovin' in the Coven (pr-drinks)
  • Low Calorie Spring Cocktails (admin)
  • Lucid Frappe (jonashalpren)
  • Lucky Dragon (pr-drinks)
  • Lucky Lady (admin)
  • Lucky’s Manhattan (pr-drinks)
  • Lychee Gimlet (marcia)
  • Lynchburg Lemonade (dotw-staff)
  • L’Orange Autumn Sage (pr-drinks)
  • Macua (jonashalpren)
  • Madras (admin)
  • Magic Cooler (admin)
  • Mai Tai (admin)
  • Make It Work Mojito (mwcooper)
  • Maker's Mark Egg Nog (pr-drinks)
  • Maker’s Latte (pr-drinks)
  • Mali-boo Mojito (dotw-staff)
  • Maliboo Witch's Brew (admin)
  • Malibu Breeze (admin)
  • Malibu Sparkler (admin)
  • Malibu Vampire Kiss (admin)
  • Mama's Malibu Martini (admin)
  • Mango Margarita (marcia)
  • Manhattan 101 (dotw-staff)
  • Manhattan Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Maple Sweet & Sour (pr-drinks)
  • Maple Syrup Martini (skinnygirlcocktails)
  • Mardi Gras 2010 (jonashalpren)
  • Marengo's Punch (dotw-staff)
  • Marga-Regis! (jonashalpren)
  • Margarita (admin)
  • Margarita of Love (marcia)
  • Marshawn Lynch's Golden Cleats (crosen)
  • Martin Miller's Sugar & Spice Martini (admin)
  • Martini (admin)
  • Massacre (admin)
  • Maui Fizz (admin)
  • Mauna Kea Martini (admin)
  • Mayhem Cocktail (pr-drinks)
  • Melange A Trois (admin)
  • Mellon Baller (admin)
  • Melon Ball (admin)
  • Merry Irishman (admin)
  • Merry Maker (dotw-staff)
  • Merry Mary (skinnygirlcocktails)
  • Merry Mint Muddle (alliejf)
  • Metate Margarita (dotw-staff)
  • MexiCabo Hot Chocolate (pr-drinks)
  • Mexican Coffee (admin)
  • Mexican Egg Nog (jonashalpren)
  • Mexican Hot Chocolate (admin)
  • Mexican Hot Chocolate #2 (admin)
  • Mexican Leprechaun (admin)
  • Mexican Martini (admin)
  • Mexican Mojito (pavrasin)
  • Mezcal Mai Tai (jasonnyc)
  • Mezcal Manhattan (jasonnyc)
  • Michelada (dotw-staff)
  • Midnight (jonashalpren)
  • Midnight Berry (pr-drinks)
  • Midnight Blue Margarita (marcia)
  • Midnight Cocktail (dotw-staff)
  • Midnight Ghost (dotw-staff)
  • Midnight Kiss (jonashalpren)
  • Midnight Martini (pr-drinks)
  • Midnight Rider (publicpost)
  • Midori Shamrock (jonashalpren)
  • Midori Sour (admin)
  • Midori’s Merry Martini (admin)
  • Mikado (admin)
  • Mile High Mai Tai (jonashalpren)
  • Milk & Honey Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Millennium Martini (admin)
  • Mimosa (admin)
  • Mind Eraser (admin)
  • Mint Julep (jonashalpren)
  • Mint Spook (dotw-staff)
  • Miranda (admin)
  • Miss Sunshine (admin)
  • Mistletoe (admin)
  • Mistletoe Mulled Wine (skinnygirlcocktails)
  • Mistletoe Punch (admin)
  • Mocha Bulldog (admin)
  • Modern Margarita (publicpost)
  • Mojito (admin)
  • Mojito X (admin)
  • MOMosa (sacosta322)
  • Monkey Driver (admin)
  • Monkey Fizz (admin)
  • Monkey Gland (admin)
  • Monkey Gland (jonashalpren)
  • Monsieur Hayden (jgower)
  • Monster Martini (pr-drinks)
  • Monster Mash (pr-drinks)
  • Montanya Mermalada (pr-drinks)
  • Moontini (admin)
  • Morning with Leprechauns (jonashalpren)
  • Moscow Mule (admin)
  • Mother Earth Mint (pr-drinks)
  • Mother's Day Blackberry Champagne Cocktail (admin)
  • Mother’s Little Helper (jonashalpren)
  • MOtinez (jonashalpren)
  • Mounds Bar (admin)
  • Mountain Tea (publicpost)
  • Mr. Big (jonashalpren)
  • Mr. Bigtini (publicpost)
  • Mr. Manhattan (jonashalpren)
  • Mudslide (admin)
  • Mulled Cider (jonashalpren)
  • Mumtini (admin)
  • Musical Mule (pr-drinks)
  • Napa Sun (admin)
  • Napa Valley Breeze (admin)
  • Napoléon (admin)
  • Naughty Holiday Punches (admin)
  • Naughty Nog (dotw-staff)
  • Navy Seal (admin)
  • Navy Seal (admin)
  • Nazca (pr-drinks)
  • Nectarine and Honey Cocktail (marcia)
  • Nectarine of the Gods (vickiloo)
  • Negroni (marcia)
  • Nelson's Blood (admin)
  • Nervous Breakdown (admin)
  • New Orleans Buck (jonashalpren)
  • New Year in Lambeth (jonashalpren)
  • New Year's Cheer (pr-drinks)
  • New Year’s Sparkler (jonashalpren)
  • New Year’s Swanky Toast (admin)
  • New Yorker (admin)
  • New-Fashioned (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Newbury (admin)
  • Newport Cooler (admin)
  • NFC Margarita (admin)
  • Night & Day (admin)
  • Night Nurse (vickiloo)
  • Night on the Town (marcia)
  • Nightmare (admin)
  • Nine to Five Punch (jgower)
  • Nirvana (admin)
  • Nude Beach (admin)
  • Nut House (admin)
  • Nuts About Peanuts (pr-drinks)
  • Nutty Irishman (dotw-staff)
  • Nutty Professor (admin)
  • Nutty Stinger (admin)
  • Oak Room Special (admin)
  • Oatmeal Cookie (admin)
  • Ocean Dream (admin)
  • Old Ironsides (marcia)
  • Old Sydney-Town Punch (drinkpr)
  • Olé (admin)
  • One Night Stand (admin)
  • Opera (admin)
  • Orange Blossom (admin)
  • Orange Bomber (admin)
  • Orange Bourbon Press (admin)
  • Orange Crush (admin)
  • Orange Crush Cosmo (pr-drinks)
  • Orange Orange (admin)
  • Orange Sunset (admin)
  • Orangecello Champagne Cocktail (admin)
  • Oranje Firecracker (jonashalpren)
  • Osaka (admin)
  • Oscar Cocktails (admin)
  • p.i.n.k. Leprechaun Martini (pr-drinks)
  • p.i.n.k. peppermint martini (admin)
  • Pacific Splash (admin)
  • Packer's Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Packer’s ROCKS (pr-drinks)
  • Paloma (jonashalpren)
  • Papa Ghirardelli (SF Cocktail Week 2010) (jonashalpren)
  • Papacito (jonashalpren)
  • Park Avenue Princess (jonashalpren)
  • Partidge In A Pear Tree (admin)
  • Partridge in a Pear Tree (admin)
  • Pass the Turkey (pr-drinks)
  • Passing Game Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Passion-Politan (pr-drinks)
  • Patriot Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Patriotic Punch (admin)
  • Pau Hana Cocktails for the Tin Man Triathlete (hawaiirama)
  • Peach Mint Smash (pavrasin)
  • Peach Scotch Smash (marcia)
  • Peach Toast (hiramwalker)
  • Peach Twist (admin)
  • Peaches and Cream (admin)
  • Peanut Jubilee (jasonnyc)
  • Peanut Manhattan (jasonnyc)
  • Peanutty Buddy (jonashalpren)
  • Pear Sake Martini (marcia)
  • Pear-Ginger Champagne Cocktail (marcia)
  • Pear-Way to Heaven (admin)
  • Pearaschino Bourbon Cocktail (marcia)
  • Pearfect Season (New England Patriots) (jonashalpren)
  • Peg Leg Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Penalty Kick (jonashalpren)
  • Peppermint Froth (admin)
  • Peppermint Martini (dnatola)
  • Peppermint Mocha Hot Cocoa (pr-drinks)
  • Peppermint Patty (wyndhamgrandorlando)
  • Pilgrim’s Pear (marcia)
  • Pilgrim’s Pumpkin 75 (marcia)
  • Pimm’s Cup (marcia)
  • Piña Colada (admin)
  • Piña Martinique (admin)
  • Piña Perfection Margarita (jonashalpren)
  • Piña Perfection Margarita (dotw-staff)
  • Pinata (admin)
  • Pineapple Cilantro H2O (marcia)
  • Pineapple Mai Tai (AKA Pai Tai) (marcia)
  • Pineapple Martini (admin)
  • Pineapple Upside-Down Shot (jonashalpren)
  • Pink Frost (jonashalpren)
  • Pink Jesus (admin)
  • Pink Orleanade (admin)
  • Pink Panther (admin)
  • Pink Pineapple (jonashalpren)
  • Pink Sophisticate (pr-drinks)
  • Pink Squirrel (dotw-staff)
  • Pirate Drinks (admin)
  • Pisco Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Pisco y Tamarindo (edenton)
  • Planter's Punch (admin)
  • Platorange (montalvotequila)
  • Plum Smash (marcia)
  • Pogo Stick (admin)
  • Poinsettia Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Poison Apple (pr-drinks)
  • Polamalu Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Pome ‘n Tonic (jonashalpren)
  • Pomegranate Bliss (eileenclark)
  • Pomegranate Grapefruit Campari Cocktail (publicpost)
  • Pomegranate Martini (admin)
  • Pomegranate Smash (jonashalpren)
  • Pop Rocks (dotw-staff)
  • Pop's Milk Punch (azalicki)
  • Pornstar (admin)
  • Prairie Fire (admin)
  • Preserved Bliss (jasonnyc)
  • Prickly Peartini (admin)
  • Proper Irish Whiskey (dotw-staff)
  • Pumpkin Caipirinha (marcia)
  • Pumpkin Cocktail (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Pumpkin Horchata (jasonnyc)
  • Pumpkin Margarita (admin)
  • Pumpkin Martini (admin)
  • Pumpkin Martini (skinnygirlcocktails)
  • Pumpkin Patch (pr-drinks)
  • Pumpkin Patch Julep (pr-drinks)
  • Pumpkin Pie (admin)
  • Pumpkin Spice (dotw-staff)
  • Pumpkin Spice Mexican Coffee (pr-drinks)
  • Pumpkin's Passion (admin)
  • Punch in the Stomach (admin)
  • Purple Hooter (admin)
  • Purple Hooter (admin)
  • Purple Melon's Majesty (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Put the Lime in Tea Coconut (marcia)
  • Quaker City Cooler (admin)
  • Quaker's Cocktail (admin)
  • Quarter Deck Cocktail (admin)
  • Queen of Hearts (pr-drinks)
  • Queen of Mexico (publicpost)
  • Quick Kick (jonashalpren)
  • Quicky (admin)
  • Ramos Fizz (admin)
  • Raspberry Lemon Drop (admin)
  • Raspberry Margarita (admin)
  • Raspberry Sparkler (marcia)
  • Raspberry Twist (admin)
  • Real Gold (admin)
  • Red Cicada (admin)
  • Red Death (admin)
  • Red Devil (admin)
  • Red Devil #2 (admin)
  • Red Hot Chocolate (pr-drinks)
  • Red Hot Mama (admin)
  • Red Light Lover (pr-drinks)
  • Red Over Heels (jonashalpren)
  • Red Rooster Sour (dotw-staff)
  • Red Rose Martini (skinnygirl)
  • Red Snapper (admin)
  • Red Zombie (pr-drinks)
  • Red Zone (jonashalpren)
  • Red Zone Refresher (pr-drinks)
  • Red, White & Blue (admin)
  • Red, White and Blue (pr-drinks)
  • Red, White, & Blue Cocktail (admin)
  • Red, White, and B-Lucid Punch (pr-drinks)
  • Red-Headed Miranda (publicpost)
  • Red-Headed Slut: RIP (jonashalpren)
  • Regent's Punch (rachel)
  • Renegade (admin)
  • Rhubarb Cosmo (marcia)
  • Rich Bourbon-Brandy Egg Nog (marcia)
  • Rickey (admin)
  • Ring of Kerry (dotw-staff)
  • Road Kill (admin)
  • Roaring '20s (admin)
  • Roasted Orange Negroni Sbagliato (dotw-staff)
  • Rob Roy (Scotch Manhattan) (admin)
  • Rocket Fuel (admin)
  • Romney Hood Cocktail (jonashalpren)
  • Root Beer Float (tricia)
  • Root Beer Floatini (admin)
  • Rosé the Riveter (jonashalpren)
  • Rouge Martini (pinnaclevodka)
  • Rum Berry (sacosta322)
  • Rum Yum (admin)
  • Rumjito (sacosta322)
  • Running Mate (jgower)
  • Rusty Nail (admin)
  • Saint Valentine (jonashalpren)
  • Salted Caramel Egg Nog (amandapini)
  • Salty Dog (jonashalpren)
  • Samantha (admin)
  • Samantha Jones' Community Service (jonashalpren)
  • Sandeman's Sweetheart Sparkler (admin)
  • Sangre de Avión (dotw-staff)
  • Sangria Basics (marcia)
  • Sangue Frio (Cold Blood) (jonashalpren)
  • Satan’s Whiskers (jonashalpren)
  • Savoy Corpse Reviver (admin)
  • Sazerac (jonashalpren)
  • Scary Sangria (pr-drinks)
  • Scooby Snack (admin)
  • Scotch Spice (marcia)
  • Scottish Grasshopper (drambuieguy)
  • Scream (jonashalpren)
  • Scream Soda (admin)
  • Screwdriver (jonashalpren)
  • Screwed-Up Screwdriver (jonashalpren)
  • September Sour - Celebrate Bourbon Heritage Month (jgower)
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  • Sesame Nog (jasonnyc)
  • Seven Layer Cookie (pr-drinks)
  • Sex a' Peel (admin)
  • Sex On The Beach (East Coast) (admin)
  • Sex on the Beach (West Coast Version) (admin)
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  • Shira-la-la-la-az (admin)
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  • Shrinking Violet Champagne Cocktail (marcia)
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  • Silver Screen Punch (jonashalpren)
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  • Skinny Jack-O-Lantern (pr-drinks)
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  • Skinny Santa (pr-drinks)
  • Skinny Spiked Cider (dotw-staff)
  • Skulls & Bones (dotw-staff)
  • Skyy Infusions Pineapple Product Release (admin)
  • SKYY Violet (pr-drinks)
  • Skyyscraper (admin)
  • Sleepy Hollow Fizz (admin)
  • Sleepy Hollow Fizz (jonashalpren)
  • Sleigh (pr-drinks)
  • Smashed Pumpkin (pr-drinks)
  • Smashing Pumpkin Martini (admin)
  • Smitten Pears (pr-drinks)
  • Smoke & Spice (jasonnyc)
  • Smoked Peach Ice Tea (pr-drinks)
  • Smoky Martini (admin)
  • Snow Cap (pr-drinks)
  • Snowball (admin)
  • Something Blue (dotw-staff)
  • Sorrento in Red (dotw-staff)
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  • Sour Witch (jonashalpren)
  • Southern Pacific Julep (jonashalpren)
  • Spa Cooler (sacosta322)
  • Spanish Coffee (admin)
  • Sparkling Black Cherry Cooler (dotw-staff)
  • Sparkling Candy Apple (pr-drinks)
  • Sparkling Dragon (pr-drinks)
  • Sparkling Hibiscus Champagne Cocktail (publicpost)
  • Sparkling Peppermint Swirl (winelover)
  • Sparkling Pineapple (pr-drinks)
  • Sparkling Rye Cocktail (admin)
  • Sparkling Spring Punch (marcia)
  • Spellbound (pinnaclevodka)
  • Spice and Everything Nice Mulled Cider (dotw-staff)
  • Spice Night (admin)
  • Spiced Pear Toddy (jonashalpren)
  • Spiced Pumpkin (pinnaclevodka)
  • Spiced Rum Toddy (pr-drinks)
  • Spiced Sangria (jwgrandrapids)
  • Spiced Spiked Cider (admin)
  • Spiced Tea Holiday Punch (admin)
  • Spiced Toddy Revolucion (pr-drinks)
  • Spicy Sangre Orange Margarita (peligroso)
  • Spicy Watermelon Fresca (pavrasin)
  • Spider’s Kiss (jonashalpren)
  • Spin, Spin Sugar (taylor87)
  • Spinning Driedel (pr-drinks)
  • Spirted Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Spring Fever (pr-drinks)
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  • Spring Melon (pr-drinks)
  • Spring Shiso (jasonnyc)
  • Spring-Time Manhattan (jonashalpren)
  • St. Francis Cocktail (admin)
  • St. Patrick's Day Drinks (part 1) (admin)
  • St. Patricks Day Drinks (part 2) (admin)
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  • Star Spangled Punch (piscochile)
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  • Steelers Cider (pr-drinks)
  • Steelers Squeeze (pr-drinks)
  • Stinger (admin)
  • Stoop Party (jonashalpren)
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  • Strawberry Cheesecake (admin)
  • Strawberry Ginger Martini (admin)
  • Strawberry Ginger Martini (jonashalpren)
  • Strawberry Kir (pr-drinks)
  • Strawberry Lemon Drop (admin)
  • Strawberry Pisco Sour (marcia)
  • Strawberry Tarragon Cocktail (marcia)
  • Sugar & Spice Martini (admin)
  • Sugar Cookie (pr-drinks)
  • Sultry Samantha (publicpost)
  • Summer Chiller (dotw-staff)
  • Summer Gin Punch (jonashalpren)
  • Summer of Picasso (jasonnyc)
  • Summer of ‘56 (edenton)
  • Summer Punch (vaughancr)
  • Summer Slush (admin)
  • Summer Soiree (dotw-staff)
  • Summer Solstice (catalyst)
  • Summer Solstice Smash (marcia)
  • Sunset Twist (jonashalpren)
  • Super Bowl Buster (jonashalpren)
  • Super Bowl XLIV Cocktail: Who Dat Highball (marcia)
  • Supernatural Sip (pr-drinks)
  • Swamp Thing (admin)
  • Swamp Thing (pr-drinks)
  • Swedish Kiss (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Swedish Sun Cocktail (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • Sweet & Salty (admin)
  • Sweet and Spooky Creamsicle (pr-drinks)
  • Sweet and Vicious Shot (lcoombs)
  • Sweet Dreams (pr-drinks)
  • Sweet Summer Tea (pinnaclevodka)
  • Swing State Spritzer (farynyk)
  • Taboo (admin)
  • Tailgate Toddy (pr-drinks)
  • Take Me Out to the Ballgame (dotw-staff)
  • Take Me Out To The Moneyball-game (pr-drinks)
  • Tall Tale (kyliegarrett)
  • Tamarindo Margarita (jonashalpren)
  • Taming of the Shrew (mitch)
  • Tangerine Rose (pr-drinks)
  • Taxi (admin)
  • Tea for Toronto (pr-drinks)
  • Tea-quila Toddy (dotw-staff)
  • Tennessee (admin)
  • Tequila Cocktail (admin)
  • Tequila Ghost (admin)
  • Tequila Honeysuckle (pavrasin)
  • Tequila Romero (pr-drinks)
  • Tequila Sunrise (admin)
  • Tequila Sunset (jonashalpren)
  • Tequila Tangerine Dream (marcia)
  • Texan Hot Chocolate (jonashalpren)
  • Thai Basil Cucumber Margarita (peligroso)
  • Thai Basil Martini (publicpost)
  • Thai Spring Mojito (marcia)
  • Thanksgiving 101 (admin)
  • Thanksgiving Toast (admin)
  • The 1820 (jonashalpren)
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  • The Awapuhi - Pau Hana Friday Cocktail (hawaiirama)
  • The Bee's Knees (jonashalpren)
  • The Bee's Teas Gin Cocktail (marcia)
  • The Black Pearl (mitch)
  • The Blazin’ Shooter (jonashalpren)
  • The Bloody Halfback (admin)
  • The Blue Stampede (marcia)
  • The Bookworm (marcia)
  • The Boothby (jonashalpren)
  • The Boss (pr-drinks)
  • The Bubbly Apricot (jonashalpren)
  • The Celtic Buck (admin)
  • The Cheeseburger (pr-drinks)
  • The Clockwork Oranje (jonashalpren)
  • The Co-Op (liaisoncapitolhill)
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  • The Creepy Colada (pr-drinks)
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  • The Cupid Shine (pr-drinks)
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  • The Dublin Apple (admin)
  • The Espolón Eulogy (pr-drinks)
  • The Fall Punch (pr-drinks)
  • The Great Pumpkin (dotw-staff)
  • The Great Pumpkin (marcia)
  • The Green Crush (jonashalpren)
  • The Green Lantern (pr-drinks)
  • The Green Ocelot (jasonnyc)
  • The Grizzly (admin)
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  • The Happy Mom (admin)
  • The Headless Horseman (dotw-staff)
  • The Heartthrob (pr-drinks)
  • The Honey Sour (pavrasin)
  • The Jeweler (admin)
  • The Jolly Red Giants (admin)
  • The Kilauea - Pau Hana Friday Cocktail (hawaiirama)
  • The Last "F" You (admin)
  • The Legendary Lady (dotw-staff)
  • The Leprechaun's Pot of Gold (Irisih Absinthetini) (dotw-staff)
  • The Lusty Maritime Punch (jonashalpren)
  • The Maker’s Heart (jonashalpren)
  • The Marpessa (jonashalpren)
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  • The Napoleon Sneak (admin)
  • The New French Revolution (infoallencooperenterprises-com)
  • The New North Beach (jonashalpren)
  • The Nominees Are. (pinnaclevodka)
  • The Obituary Cocktail (dotw-staff)
  • The Old Fashioned 101 (dotw-staff)
  • The Old-Fashioned Cheesehead (pr-drinks)
  • The Olympic (jonashalpren)
  • The One-Cheek Sneak (admin)
  • The One-Cheek Sneek (admin)
  • The Orange Turf (admin)
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  • The Patriot (pr-drinks)
  • THE PB&J (pr-drinks)
  • The Peaches and Scream (taylor87)
  • The Pink Ribbon (peytonpr)
  • The Prickly Margarita (jonashalpren)
  • The Procession (pr-drinks)
  • The Queen's Bouquet (dotw-staff)
  • The Real McCoy (pr-drinks)
  • The Real Wedding Crasher (dotw-staff)
  • The Red Witch (publicpost)
  • The Regal Ransom Cocktail (admin)
  • The Rockin' Paloma (jonashalpren)
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  • The Royal Rose-Marry Lemon Margarita (dotw-staff)
  • The Royal Sapphire (dotw-staff)
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  • The Shamrocker (jonashalpren)
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  • The Stir Tropical Sparkler (marcia)
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  • Toast Oprah Farewell with Tequila Cocktails (jonashalpren)
  • Toasted Almond (dotw-staff)
  • Toasted Coconut Colada (dotw-staff)
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  • Waterwheel (jonashalpren)
  • What's Up, Doc? Cocktail (marcia)
  • Whipped Fiesta (pinnaclevodka)
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  • Zombie - Don the Beachcomer 1934 (jonashalpren)
  • Zombie Peep Corpse Reviver (the-drink-nation)


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The Drinks for Her

Five variations on the feminine cocktail, because when made right, they're good enough for anyone

No self-respecting man would ever publicly order a Cosmopolitan, right? Wrong. I was extremely lucky to have been educated in the world of cocktails by some of the greats, including King Cocktail himself, Dale DeGroff. More than once I've been witness to Mr. DeGroff sipping the '90s classic, which is a classic for a reason. Rule number one: use a properly sized cocktail glass. None of those crazy nine-ounce bowls. Rule number two: use good ingredients, including fresh juice, high-quality vodka, and premium orange liqueur.

1 1/2 oz citrus vodka

3/4 oz Cointreau or Combier

1 oz cranberry juice

1/4 oz fresh lime juice

Orange peel flamed

Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a flamed orange peel. Because what lady doesn't like a flamed orange peel?

A gorgeously tart and floral cocktail, the Pink Panther is Yael Vengroff's cross between a pisco sour and a Clover Club. You can find Ms. Vengroff behind the bar at Painkiller and Maison Premiere in New York City, where she's known for making drinks quicker than most of the men.

2 oz Capel Pisco

3/4 oz lemon juice

3/4 oz orgeat (Yael makes her own, but you don't have to)

4 drops rosewater

In a mixing glass, muddle the raspberries and add all other ingredients. Dry shake. Add ice and shake again. Double strain into a cocktail glass.

Your mom probably drinks them while your grandmother dunks ice cubes into her red wine. But a spritz made well — that is, sans Franzia, plus some muddled fruit — is one you can happily swill at business lunches or afternoons on the lawn.

Strawberries or raspberries

In a wine glass, muddle several berries and add ice. Add Aperol and Prosecco. Top with a splash of sparkling water, stir gently, and garnish with an orange peel.

A little spicy, slightly weird, and just the right amount of candied, this cocktail from Audrey Saunders, the owner of New York City's Pegu Club, is perfect for the woman in your life who is not like other women in your life.

2 oz rye whiskey

1/2 oz Cynar (a bitter artichoke spirit)

3/4 oz sweet vermouth

Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass over ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a couple of skewered Luxardo cherries. Replenish her cherries as she eats them. I promise, she'll appreciate it.

Highly underappreciated (and an excellent excuse to linger), I firmly believe the digestif should follow every evening meal, whether it takes the form of an Irish Coffee or a Negroni Spagliato, the Italian classic made with sparkling wine instead of gin. Often, a splash of something bittersweet will set a woman right, too. Personally, I love the dried-cherry-and-coffee funk of Carpano Antica, an Italian sweet vermouth, and the citrusy caramel bite of Amaro Nonino. And if you can get your hands on Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, an old Piedmontese recipe, you'd be wise to keep a couple bottles around, just to rouse post-dinner conversation.

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