понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.


10 prosecco cocktails you can make in minutes

Prosecco is great on its own but benefits from the addition of other carefully chosen ingredients. Discover our bubbly cocktail recipes – ideal for a party.

The light flavour and delicate fizz of prosecco make it an ideal candidate for imaginitive mixing. Try the following blending ideas for sophisticated party drinks.

Our video guide to making prosecco cocktails should help you hone your skills…

Our top 10 prosecco cocktails.

Mix one part crème de cassis with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and top with three parts prosecco. Skewer a couple of blueberries onto a sprig of thyme and drop into the glass to serve.

Invented by Sophie Dahl. Fill a glass with prosecco and pour one tablespoon of rose syrup down the inside of the glass so that it slides to the bottom.

Place a Kirsch-soaked cherry along with one tablespoon of Kirsch in the bottom of a champagne flute. Top with one part Amaretto Disaronno and three parts prosecco.

Put a hibiscus flower (from lakeland.co.uk and some supermarkets) with one teaspoon of its syrup in the bottom of a glass, and pour over prosecco. Don't discard the flower - it tastes of raspberry and rhubarb.

Decorate the rim of a champagne flute by dipping it in a saucer of water then into a dish of one tablespoon caster sugar mixed with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Add one tablespoon of ginger syrup from a jar of stem ginger into the glass then top with equal quantities of pear juice and prosecco, garnish with a slice of stem ginger.

A relation of the Negroni. Mix four parts prosecco, one part sweet vermouth (such as Martini Bianco) and one part Campari. Serve with a twist of orange zest.

7. Raspberry prosecco bellini

Pour one part raspberry liqueur into a champagne flute then add one sprig of fresh basil. Top with four parts prosecco and serve.

A splash of sloe gin and a blackberry or two, topped up with prosecco.

Combine the juice of one clementine with one part Cointreau and three parts prosecco in a champagne glass or tumbler. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and a slice of clementine studded with cloves.

For a spin on this classic, place one part elderflower cordial, one part lemon juice and one parts gin in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake until well combined then strain into a tall glass. Top with prosecco and serve with a twist of lemon and a couple of mint leaves.

Looking for more inspiration? Try out some more of our prosecco recipes.

What's your favourite way to serve prosecco? Do you prefer to keep things simple or can't resist a splash of colour? Share your ideas and tips in the comments below.

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Cocktail ideen

Eine Cocktailparty veranstalten und feiern? Ist das nicht eine stinknormale Fete nur dass es zum Trinken jede Menge Cocktails gibt? Mitnichten liebe Partyfreunde denn eine Cocktailparty ist viel mehr als nur ein geselliges Zusammensein mit ein paar coolen gemixten Getränken.

  • Gehobene Atmosphäre mit ein wenig „Schicki-Miki“
  • Viel Tratsch, Plausch und Plaudern gepaart mit ein wenig Geschäftsinteressen
  • Moderner Afterwork Style
  • Gerne auch als Singleparty ausgelegt und gefeiert
  • Es gibt keine Sitzplätze, also eher eine typische Stehparty
  • Es gibt kein spezielles Motto, der Name ist immer Programm
  • Wenn euch diese Eigenschaften nicht schmecken, dann könnt Ihr Sie auch über den Haufen werfen und eine Stehparty mit schicken Bars und reichlich Cocktails machen. Jedem wie es gefällt, ist dann eben nur kein Original.
  • Wer eine Cocktailparty plant und vorbereitet, muss sich vorher um eine gute Organisation kümmern, damit das Fest auch wirklich rundum perfekt wird. Was braucht man alles um das Event perfekt auf die Beine zu stellen?
  • Dazu gehören nicht nur die passende Dekoration, sondern auch gute Cocktail-Rezepte, lustige Spiele und vieles mehr. Aber dafür seit Ihr ja hier.

Cocktailparty Outfit – Dresscode und Was kann ich anziehen?

Inhaltverzeichnis für schnelle Leser

Dekoideen für Cocktailpartys

Utensilien zu diesem Event

Must-Have Empfehlungen für dieses Thema

Lustige Spiele auf einer Cocktailparty

Getränke, Cocktails und Zubehör

Was wäre eine Cocktailparty ohne die richtigen Drinks? Wer auf eine solche Feier geht, erwartet natürlich auch eine gewisse Auswahl an Cocktails. Und dies sollte im Idealfall nicht ein alkoholischer und ein Driver sein, sondern eine gewisse Auswahl. Ihr solltet euch als Gastgeber also schon frühzeitig Gedanken darum machen, welche Drinks den Gästen angeboten werden.

  • Indian Flame
  • Caipirinha
  • Tequila Sunrise
  • Cuba Libre
  • Long Island Ice Tea
  • Sex on the Beach
  • Mai Tai
  • Mojito
  • Pina Colada
  • Zombie
  • Planters Punch

Die beliebtesten nicht-alkoholischen Cocktails für solche Feiern sind:

  • Yellow Runner
  • Coconut Kiss
  • Pussy Foot
  • Ipanema
  • Virgin Colada
  • Mojito Limo

Versucht bei der Auswahl der Getränke / Cocktails darauf zu achten, dass es bezüglich der Zutaten häufig Überschneidungen gibt. So müsst Ihr insgesamt weniger kaufen, spart Geld und habt es beim Mixen auch leichter. Verzichtet wenn möglich auch auf Cocktail-Exoten, die tendenziell viele und schwer zu findende Zutaten haben.

Tipp: Mit der Zuckerrandhilfe geht dies leicht von der Hand. Gibt es hier.

Was die Ausstattung betrifft, so bist du mit einem Eiscrusher, einem Shaker, einem Messbecher, einem Schneidbrett für Limetten und andere Früchte sowie mit passenden Cocktailgläsern plus Strohhalmen gut beraten. Ansonsten solltet Ihr euch besorgen:

  • Cocktailstäbchen
  • Flexhalme
  • Zuckerrandhilfe
  • Spieße
  • Cocktailmixer

Kunst des Mixens

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Cafe-tequila.de Cocktail Ideen

auf der Seite Cocktail Ideen lesen Sie Berichte Artikel und News ueber Cocktail Sets Shaker Ice Crusher und weiteres Bar Zubehoer.

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  • likör 43 154 %
  • batida de coco 139 %
  • wodka 113 %
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Cocktail ideen

Creole Bitters

Creole Bitters

The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters are reminiscent of a style of bitters dating back to an era before cocktails even existed. Back then, bitters were made by doctors and apothecaries, primarily for the use in liquid tonics and then eventually as an ingredient in alcoholic beverages. The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters reflect the Creole way of life with all its beautiful complexity and spiciness. The beautiful metallic red label houses a fiery anise tinged cherry red colored liquid. Try it in your favorite Manhattan.

200 ml, 39% Alcohol by Volume

The Bitter Truth makes some of the very finest bitters on the market; indeed, they’re an essential part of my tool-kit.

Mit fruchtigen Noten von getrockneten Aprikosen, Kirschen und Kranichbeeren die sich mit starken Tönen wie Anis, geräuchertem Paprika und geröstetem Pinienholz vereinen, verströmen diese Bitters den Geruch einer Küche des „French Quarters“ in New Orleans. Im ersten Moment bestimmt durch Noten von Cayenne und rosa Pfefferkörner, werden diese Töne unterstützt von Anis, Kümmel, Zimt und Fenchel. Das schmuckvolle, metallic rote Etikett umschließt eine komplexe, mit Gewürzen wie Anis und Kümmel aromatisierte, rote Flüssigkeit die klassischen und modernen Cocktails Kraft und Ausdruckskraft verleiht. Exzellent in einem Manhattan oder Brandy Cocktail.

Stephan Berg und Alexander Hauck sind für mich die Trendsetter der Barszene in der Kategorie Bitters. Mit ihren innovativen Ideen trugen Sie dazu bei den Geschmackshorizont der Barkeeper und Gäste um ein Vielfaches zu erweitern. The Bitter Truth ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für “Perfect Mixology”.

比特储斯克里奥苦味酒同样美味,因其独特的文化内 涵而别具一格。杏脯、樱桃和蔓越莓的果香与浓郁 的大茴香、熏制辣椒味道以及淡淡的松木烟味交 织,闻起来有如法国区(French Quarter)的厨 房味道。入口之初感受到的是大茴香、大红肉桂、 香菜和茴香籽口感映衬下的辣椒与红 胡椒籽的味道。在法兰西75,或者其 他需要提味的饮品中加入本品,会让 你不禁想拉起手风琴,舞动起双脚!

El bitter Criollo de The Bitter Truth es un recordatorio de un estilo de bitter que data de una era antes de que existieran incluso los cocteles. En aquellos tiempos, los bitters eran elaborados por doctores y boticarios, principalmente para el uso en tónicos líquidos y más adelante como ingrediente en bebidas alcohólicas. El bitter Criollo de The Bitter Truth refleja el estilo de vida criollo con toda su bella complejidad y picardía. Pruébelo en su Manhattan favorito.

Amargo, dulce y picante. Según el estilo criollo tradicional, los aromas de fruta y florales se unifican con el sabor de anís, alcaravea e hinojo.

200 ml, 39% alcohol por volumen

The Bitter Truth hace algunos de los bitters más distinguidos del mercado; de hecho, ellos son una parte esencial de mi set de herramientas.







Improved Brandy Cocktail

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Cognac

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters

2 dashes Absinthe

10 ml (1/3 oz) Sugar Syrup

Stir in mixing glass with ice and strain into a chilled tumbler or cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.


Pendennis Cocktail

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Gin

25 ml (3/4 oz) The Bitter Truth Apricot Liqueur

2-3 dashes The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters

15 ml (1/2 oz) fresh lime juice

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Seelbach Cocktail

20 ml (2/3 oz) Bourbon Whiskey

10 ml (1/3 oz) Cointreau

4 dashes The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters

4 dashes The Bitter Truth Aromatic Bitters

Pour all ingredients into a chilled Champagne flute and stir. Add the Champagne and stir again. Garnish with an orange twist.


The Antoine

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Gin

10 ml (1/3 oz) Sugar Syrup

10 ml (1/3 oz) Dry Vermouth

2 dashes Absinthe

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Creole Bitters

Stir in mixing glass with ice and strain into a chilled tumbler or cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Recent posts

  • The Bitter Truth 10th anniversary edition release July 1, 2016
  • Old Cuban Cocktail with Robert Hess April 16, 2015
  • Bijou Cocktail and Right Garnish with Robert Hess March 11, 2015
  • Cucumber Bitters among TOTC Top 10 Best New Products 2015 June 19, 2015
  • Introducing Cucumber Bitters this Summer May 20, 2015

Recent Tweets

Mix it up with your #Christmas #Cocktails this party season and create the perfect mixers to wow your guests🍸… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Avui et portem #novetatsdivinum per començar amb bon peu la setmana! Ja tenim amb nosaltres els @YOURBITTERTRUTH 👏…… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

@FloatingRumShac unfortunately not. only available through the fine people of @_HavanaClub

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The Bitter Truth GmbH

82049 Pullach im Isartal

Registered in Germany: DE264426168

Representative: Stephan Berg, Alexander Hauck

Local Court Munich: HRB 178548

This site is intended only for individuals of legal drinking age in their country. Please drink responsibly.

Wedding Reception Games: Ice Breakers, Kiss-Makers and More

Many people are divided on the idea of "games" at weddings. There are those who find them fun and harmless, and those who think that surely weddings are enjoyable enough as-is, and question the need to add opportunities for embarrassment to the day's schedule.

While I have sympathies with the latter group, my older sister, who married last summer, is firmly in the former camp. Our family are big game-players, and over years of celebrations she's realized that reception games are often her favorite part of a wedding, so she always planned to incorporate them into her big day.

If you're similarly inclined, and know your guests would respond well to the idea, there are lots of ways to incorporate games into your wedding day lineup. Here are three we organized for different times on my sister's wedding day, as well as some related ideas for your own celebrations. Most of these games are adaptable for reunions, anniversaries and other kinds of celebrations as well, so don't feel constrained by the wedding theme!

The Objective: The post-ceremony cocktail hour is when your guests will first begin to really relax, talk to each other, and hopefully start making new friends. If your crowd is from different areas, social groups and backgrounds, it's nice to provide a helpful nudge to get them all intermingling. Sure, the cocktails themselves will probably help with that, but a couple optional ice-breaker games won't hurt. If you can award some kind of prize to the winner, it's a great incentive!

The Game: Wedding Guest Bingo takes some organization, but it's a lot of fun. At my sister's wedding the guests were a mix of our Canadian family and my brother-in-law's English one, but by the end of the cocktail hour, everyone was firm friends.

Along with their RSVP, every guest was asked to provide an "interesting fact" about themselves. I then collated these into 4-5 Bingo cards, which were displayed at the reception during cocktail hour, alongside some mini pencils and the promise of a prize to the first two guests to get a "Bingo", done by matching facts to guests. It definitely brought out the competitive spirit in some, but most just enjoyed the conversation starters.

Also Consider: Putting the anonymous facts at each table, and having guests work out who is who through a 20 Questions-like game (this works better if the tables are quite mixed, and made up of guests who don't know each other well).

The Objective: Traditionally, games played during the dinner hour (usually in between courses and speeches) are done with the goal of making the newly-wed couple show their affection by kissing. People will often use the old-fashioned glass-clinking for this, but making it a game adds an element of challenge.

The Game: Before dinner, we informed the guests that anyone who wanted to see the couple kiss should be prepared to step up to the microphone and perform a song or poem containing the word Love. This led to much laughter, including a particularly memorable song-and-dance routine performed by six of my cousins to Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love.

Also Consider: Having guests write original poetry, fill out custom wedding Mad Libs, or perform skits about the couple.

Getting the Couple Involved

The Objective: If you're going to encourage yours guests to embarrass themselves for fun at your wedding, you might want to consider turning the tables at some point. Mainly, for this idea is for the guests' entertainment.

The Game: The Shoe Game can be hugely fun. The couple sit back to back in view of all the guests. They remove their shoes, and trade one with each other so that they're holding one of each. Someone (usually the MC) then asks the couple a series of questions about themselves and their relationship (ranging from the sweet and fairly straightforward "Who said 'I love you' first?" to the controversial "Who is the better driver?"). The couple answer by holding up the corresponding shoe, and the entertainment comes from the fact that they can't see what each other is answering, though some occasionally-incredulous peeking occurred at my sister's wedding.

Also Consider: A Spouse Pub Quiz, where tables compete on their knowledge of the newly married couple. The couple themselves can be involved by reading out the questions and supplying the correct answers at the end.

For either of these ideas, it adds an element of fun to have the guests themselves come up with the questions, perhaps one from each family or table. That way, they're unexpected and you can get some outrageous ones!

What are your thoughts on games at weddings? Have you played any of these, or do you have another favorite game to share?

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Make Your Party Special

Extra attention to these decorating details will really help make your party special.

Cupcake Station

Festive Family Pets

Include the family pets in on the fun by tying festive ribbons on their collars.

Window Birds

Red birds (available at crafts stores and www.barnardltd.com) add color to a window.

Candlelight Display

For a simple, festive table decoration float snowflake candles in a galvanized boot tray.

Our decorator recommends adding just 4 quarts of water to the boot trays to make it easier to move them when cleaning up.

Complimenting Gifts

Carry the Scottish theme to your gift wrapping.

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Cocktail ideen

The Sweet 16 party is so popular that we have dedicated this entire section to Sweet 16 birthday party ideas.

Here are the Party Plans shared by our readers!

Party Plan Title Award

Slumber Sweet 16 - 16 Questions

Amethyst & Silver 16yr - Heart Candelabra

Sweet Sixteen - Patio Sports & Games

Sweet 16 Dance Party - Limo From School

Special Sweet 16 - Photo Collage Invite

DJ, Karaoke & Limo Sweet 16 - Special Memory Cards

Bears & Hearts 16yr - Chocolate Lollipop

Sweet 16 Ball - Pink & Orange

Karaoke Sleepover - Memory Book

Heaven Sent - Midnight Blue Decorations

Dressy Dress Sweet 16 with DJ

Surprise Party 16yr - Memory Video

Surprise 16 - Candle Lighting Ceremony

Sweet 16 Awesome Formal Ball

Pink & Orange 16yr - Chocolate Fountain

Phantom Masquerade Ball 16yr - Black, Silver, Gold

MTV Sweet 16 Dance Party

Winter Survivor Luau - Virgin Coladas & Daquiris

Hollywood Party 16yr - Walk of Fame

Musical Night - Candle Lighting Ceremony

Diamonds and Denim Party

Cocktail Party 16yr - Pink and Black

Diamond Princess Sweet 16 Party

Princess Party 16yr - Memory Movie

On Lavender Carpet Party - Dance with Dad

Vegas Casino - Welcome to Las Vegas

The Sweet Life Party Sweet 16

Chocolate Party Sweet 16 & Slide Show

Club Party - Lavendar and Silver

White Chic Party - White Rose Carnations

Hotel Spa Party - Facials & Pedicures

In Wonderland 16yr - Tea Party Treasure Hunt

Sept. 2003 Winner

Dance Party - Orange and Pink

Totally 80's Sweet 16 Party

Luau Sweet 16 - Tropical Theme

Twilight Party -16yr- Songs for each Candle

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