понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.


Cocktail mit Erdbeeren, Holunderblütensirup und Limette im Garten

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Cocktail mit Erdbeeren, Holunderblütensirup und Limette

Cocktail mit Erdbeeren, Holunderblütensirup und Limette im Garten

Cocktail mit Erdbeeren und Limette

Holunderblüte mit Erdbeeren und Limette in der Sonne

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Cocktail limette

Ghid cu cele mai populare cocteiluri pana in 2013

Totalul afișărilor de pagină

duminică, 21 iulie 2013

Cele mai populare 20 de cocktail-uri.


Buna, ma numesc Cena Alexandru Ilie si imi face o mare placere sa impartasesc tuturor tinerilor si nu numai , din experienta mea de barman preparator acumulata de-a lungul a 15 ani atat in Romania cat si in strainatate.

Sper ca aceasta carte(ghid) sa va ajute la prepararea unui cocktail reusit atat pe plan profesional cat si acasa daca doriti sa va impresionati prietena sau familia. Si cand am vorbit de prepararea unui cocktail reusit nu ma refeream numai la amestecul bauturilor alcoolice si non-alcoolice al gustului, ci si la decorarea fiecarui cocktail asociat amestecului respectiv,de aceea am decis ca sa inteleaga fiecare mai usor metoda de preparare a fiecarui cocktail in parte,si sa prepar fiecare cocktail incepand de la alegerea paharului,amestecului pana la decorarea finala si apoi expuse pentru dumneavoatra in urmatoarele paginii.

In continuare imi face o mare placere sa fac public un amestec de bauturi personal pe care l-am numit Alex Tropical Cocktail, este un cocktail destinat femeilor cat si barbatilor, racoritor, usor aromat datorita continutului de Midori(lichior de pepene), putin dulce de la sucul de ananas si siropului de grenadina si putin mai tare de la de la ultimul ingredient Vodka care trebue sa fie de calitate superioara.

Alex Tropical Cocktail

150 ml Suc de ananas

10 ml Sirop de grenadina

2 Se adauga midori (lichior de pepene)

3 Sucul de ananas usor peste gheata fara a se amesteca cu midori (lichior de pepene)

4 Apoi se pune vodka cu grenadina intr-un alt pahar si se amesteca bine.

5 Se adauga usor deasupra in paharul de cocktail fara a se amesteca cu restul.

6 Se decoreaza si se serveste.


Cocktail-ul nu pentru a obtine o noua substanta multicolora, multiaromata, cu gust special, bazat pe caracteristicile celor folosite initial. reprezinta altceva decat un amestec al unor bauturi alcoolice sau non alcoolice

Istoria cocktail-ului este relativ recenta si destul de ambigua. Acesta a aparut in secolul al XIX-lea. Revista americana “The Balance” publica in mai 1806 un articol referitor la amestecul de bauturi in care este pentru prima data mentionat cuvantul “Cocktail”. Publicatia descria cocktail-ul sub forma unei combinatii de diverse tarii cu zahar si apa.

Cele mai poplare cockteil-uri in 2013

Top 20 dintre cele mai populare cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Lungi Cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Cremoase Cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Lungi,tropical Cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Scurte Cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Shot Cocktail-uri

Cele mai populare, Cocktail-uri fierbinti

Cele mai populare, Cocktail-uri fara alcool

Sectiunea 1

Top 20 dintre cele mai populare cocktail-uri

1 Sex on the beach

20 ml lichior de piersici

5 ml sirop grenadine

50 ml suc de portocale

50 ml suc de piersici

20 ml suc de ananas

cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare :

2 Inchide capacul shaker-ului si agita bine, timp de cateva minute, pana cand cuburile de gheata se vor topi

2. Margarita

adesea la diverse reuniuni sau baluri de seara. Fiecare ingredient folosit are un rol important si

impreuna dau bauturii un aspect foarte elegant.

10 ml triplu sec

20 ml suc de lime

cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare :

shaker, apoi adaugam sucul de lime, triplu sec si tequila

2 Inchidem capacul si agitam bine shaker-ul pana cand se topeste gheata

3 Umezim gura paharului de Margarita cu o feliuta de lime (vezi foto), apoi pe o farfurie in care am turnat in prealabil sare, punem paharul cu gura in jos si il rotim de cateva ori, astefel incat sarea sa ramana glazurata pe gura paharului (vezi foto)

4 Turnam continutul shaker-ului in paharul glazurat si decoram cu o felie de lime si/sau o maslina.

Cocktailul Mojito se afla pe locul 3 in clasamentul celor mai populare cocktailuri din lume, asa ca va trebui sa il incerci cu siguranta. Noi iti aratam cum sa-l prepari, tu va trebui doar sa urmezi pasii din reteta.

10 frunze de menta

2 lingurite zahar brun

Mod de preparare :

2 Se adauga 2 lingurite de zahar brun si cateva frunze de menta, apoi se storc in pahar cu un pisalog

3 Punem romul si gheata pisata, iar la sfarsit paharul se umple cu apa minerala

4 Pentru decor se pot folosi cateva frunze de menta si o felie de lime

4. Cosmopolitan

Dintr-un amestec de vodca, triplu sec, lime si sirop rezulta acest cocktail Cosmopolitan, un cocktail elegant, de seara. Cocktailul Cosmopolitan te va cuceri prin gustul placut si aspectul viu colorat.

20 ml triplu sec

50 ml suc de coacaze

jumatate de lime

cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare :

2 Inchidem shakerul si agitam bine cateva minute, apoi turnam continutul intr-un pahar

3 Pentru decor vom folosi o jumatate de felie de lime

5. Bloody Mary

150 ml suc de rosii

5-10 ml zeama de lamaie

2 picaturi sos Worcestershire

2 picaturi sos Tabasco

piper negru macinat

2-3 batoane de telina

5-6 cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare :

2 Adaugam vodca, sucul de rosii, zeama de lamaie, sosul Worcestershire si Tabasco

3 Amestecam bine ingredientele adaugate, apoi punem un varf de lingurita de piper macinat

4 Decoram cu batoane de telina

6. Caipirinha

Există multe povești despre originea caipirinha. Cel mai cunoscut este una care incepe in jurul 1918, în statul São Paulo. Potrivit informațiilor, caipirinha așa cum o știm astăzi, ar fi fost create de o rețetă populară făcut cu lămâie, usturoi si miere, indicat pentru pacientii cu gripa spaniola - și care, în prezent, este încă folosit pentru a speria raceli mici. Așa cum a fost destul de comună pentru a pune un pic de alcool în orice remediu, în scopul de a accelera efectul terapeutic, rom a fost utilizat în mod obișnuit. "Pana intr-o zi cineva a decis pentru a elimina usturoiul și mierea. Adăugat apoi un zahar cateva linguri pentru a reduce aciditatea de var. Gheață a urmat, pentru a îndepărta căldura," explică Carlos Lima, director executiv al IBRAC (Institutul brazilian de cachaça)

1 lime (o felie pentru decor)

2 lingurite zahar brun

Mod de preparare :

2 Adaugam zaharul brun si apoi stoarcem bucatile de lime in pahar, cu ajutorul unui pisalog.

3 Adaugam Cachaça , peste care punem gheata pisata.

4 Pentru acest cocktail vom folosi un decor simplu, o felie de lime si un pai.

7. Long Island Iced Tea

15 ml triplu sec

1 lime (pastreaza o felie pentru decor)

cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare:

2 Apoi turnam incet triplu sec, vodca, romul, ginul si tequila. Vei observa ca alcoolul se mentine la suprafata sub forma de strat incolor, iar cola ramane in prima jumatate a paharului

3 Vom decora cocktailul cu o felie de lime si un pai. Inainte de a servi, se amesteca bine cu ajutorul paiului

Sfaturi utile Cocktail Long Island Ice Tea

Acest cocktail se prepara direct in pahar, asa ca va trebui respectata ordinea de adaugarea a ingredientelor.

8. Tequlia Sunrise

150 ml suc de portocale

10 ml sirop grenadine

2 Adaugam foarte usor sucul de portocale, turnandu-l de preferinta pe un cub de gheata sau cu mare grija il turnam pe marginea paharului, astfel incat sa nu se amestece cu siropul grenadine

3 La final turnam tequila, foarte usor peste sucul de portocale

4 Pentru decor vom folosi o felie de portocala, un pai si o umbreluta colorata

Sfaturi utile Cocktail Tequila Sunrise

Acest cocktail se prepara in straturi, direct in pahar, asa ca trebuie sa respecti ordinea de adaugare a ingredientelor.

- 25 ml suc de lamaie

- 50 ml caracao de portocale

Mod de preparare :

10. Screwdriver

150 ml suc de portocale

cuburi de gheata

Mod de preparare :

2 Inainte de a servi trebuie amestecat un pic pentru a se combina sucul cu vodca

3 Pentru decor puteti folosi o felie de portocala si un pai.

11. Black Russian

15 ml lichior de cafea

Mod de preparare :

2 Torni in paharul clasic cu gheata vodka si lichiorul de cafea, dupa care amesteci bine.

3 Pentru un gust special, de fiecare data cand incerci Black Russian cocktail, prepara-l cu diferite lichioruri de cafea.

12. Caribou Lou

Reteta este de la Kansas City, MO.

15 ml Coconut Rum

150 ml Suc de ananas

Mod de preparare :

2. Se decoreaza cu o bucata de ananas ,cireasa si o umbreluta.

10 Apricot Brandy

10 ml sirop de grenadine

60 ml suc de ananas

30 ml zeama de lamaie sau limeta

Mod de preparare :

2 Decoram cu cirese si menta.

14. Alabama Slammer

45 ml Suc de portocale

o felie de portocala

Mod de preparare :

Bautura se serveste intr-un pahar inalt cu gheata cuburi.

2 Continutul se completeaza cu suc de portocale (de obicei fresh) dupa gust.

15. Adios Motherfucker

15 ml Blue Curacao lichior

60 ml amestec dulce și acru

Mod de preparare :

16. Sex with an Alligator

15 ml Midori (lichior de pepene)

15 ml Lichior de coacaze

15 ml Jagermeister (lichior de plante)

Mod de preparare :

2 Alege intodeauna un pahar de martini.

17. Ti Punch

30 ml sirop de zahar

o limete proaspata

Mod de preparare :

2 Adaugam siropul de zahar si apoi stoarcem bucatile de lime in pahar, cu ajutorul unui pisalog.

3 Adaugam bacardi , peste care punem gheata pisata.

4 Pentru acest cocktail vom folosi un decor simplu, o felie de lime si un pai.

18. Weng Weng

60 ml Suc de portocale

60 ml Suc de ananas

Mod de preparare :

2 Adauga tot alcoolul.

3 Umple paharul cu sucul de portocale si ananas,apoi adauga grenadina

St-Germain Cocktails

Tasty St Germain Cocktails Available 24-7

Posted in Gin

Gin Cocktails


1 oz Averna Amaro

1 oz St Germain

1 oz Plymouth Gin (recommended for this cocktail as it needs a soft gin)

.75 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

2 Brandied Cherries

Two dash club soda (light dashes)

Method: combine ingredients in your shaker, add ice. No need to muddle the cherries, they will break in your shake. Shake and strain into a chilled rocks glass over fresh ice. Add a touch of soda. Garnish with a brandied cherry.


1 oz St. Germain

3/4 oz fresh lime juice

dash fresh turmeric powder

dash fresh cinnamon powder

dash fresh nutmeg powder

8 blueberries (3 reserved for garnish)

2 oz soda water

large dense ice cubes


¼ part fresh lemon

top with Brut Rosé Sparkling Wine

Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into a Champagne flute. Top with Brut Rosé Sparkling Wine, and garnish with an orange peel or twist.


2 parts Vodka or Gin

¼ part dry vermouth or dry white wine

Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled Martini glass. Garnish with lemon or orange twist. High-kicking, cartwheels and petticoats recommended, but purely optional.


1 ½ oz Plymouth Gin

½ oz Maraschino liqueur

¼ oz fresh lime juice

3 fresh bing cherries

Muddle bing cherries in shaker


1 part St-Germain

2 parts Vodka, Cirtus Vodka, or Hendricks

¾ part fresh lemon

¼ part simple syrup

1 part muddled strawberry

top with Brut Rosé Sparkling Wine

Shake and strain over fresh ice in a Collins glass. Top with Brut Rosé or Brut Champagne. Garnish with strawberry.


1 dash absinthe

Garnish: Lime twist


¾ part fresh lemon juice

¼ part simple syrup

Shake all ingredients and strain into a highball glass. Garnish with a mint sprig and half a strawberry. Not a whole strawberry, mind you. Not a quarter strawberry. A half strawberry, if you please. Merci beaucoup.


1 oz St Germain

.75 oz fresh squeezed lime juice

2 pieces cucumber

1 pinch of mint

Garnish: cucumber wheel and mint leaf


1.5 oz Hayman’s Old Tom Gin

1.5 oz St Germain

1.5 oz Fresh Squeezed Lemon

shake and strain into a cocktail glass, top with Peychaud’s bitters


2 whole strawberries

½ oz simple Syrup

1 oz St Germain

1 ½ oz Plymouth gin

glass rinse with La Fee absinthe and rosemary


2 oz Hendrick’s Gin>

1 oz St Germain

.5 oz fresh squeezed lime juice, (squeeze of half a lime)

½ part Green Chartreuse

½ part freshly squeezed lime juice

Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a thinly sliced lime wheel. Do not resist urge to shed your hat and gloves. Madame Rose Lee would expect nothing less.


1 ½ oz Plymouth gin

¾ oz sweet vermouth

2 dashes peach bitters

place all into an iced mixing glass and stir


1 ½ oz Plymouth gin

place all into an iced mixing glass and stir


2 oz Plymouth Gin

¼ oz Creme Yvette

2 dash orange bitters

2 dash green chartreuse

Stirred, served in a coup with a lemon twist…


2 parts Plymouth Gin

1 part St-Germain

¾ part fresh lemon juice

¼ part simple syrup

dash orange bitters

add muddled fruit of choice

top with club soda

Add ingredients to a shaker without ice and shake vigorously to emulsify egg white. Add ice, shake again, and stain into a tall Collins glass, sans ice.


½ oz St. Germain elderflower

¼ oz green Chartreuse

place green Chartreuse in a cocktail glass


Bar Spoon of Absinthe

1 oz Gin (Plymouth or Hendricks Preferably)

.75 oz St Germain

.25 oz Fresh Lemon

Brut Champagne or Brut Sparkling wine

Thyme Garnish and a Lemon Peel or Lemon Thyme only. Smack the time between your hands once to release the oils and submerge in your cocktail glass.


1½ parts Gin or Vodka

1 part St-Germain

½ part Meyer lemon juice

Top with Q tonic

Build in a Collins glass with ice. Stir lightly with StG spoon-straw.

1½ parts Gin or Vodka

½ part freshly squeezed lemon juice

Top with float of Champagne

Combine all ingredients in a shaker except the Champagne, add ice and shake. Strain into a chilled coupe. Finish with a float of champagne and garnish with an orange peel. Much like affaires de l’amour, this cocktail will help you tolerate all that is bitter and sweet.


2 oz Hendrick’s Gin

1 oz St Germain

.75 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice

Garnish: cucumber wheel

Top with club soda

Glass: Collins/High Ball

ST GERMAIN GIN & TONIC (Scottish Re-Deux)

1.5 oz Hendrick’s Gin

.75 oz St Germain

Top with Tonic Water

Garnish: Lime Wedge

1½ parts Plymouth Gin

¼ part simple syrup

¾ part fresh lemon juice

Pour gin, St-Germain, simple syrup and lemon juice into a shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously, then strain into a chilled coupette.


1 part Miller’s Westbourne Strength Gin

1 part Tangueray Gin

1 part Hayden’s Old Tom Gin

¾ part fresh grapefruit juice

¾ part fresh lime juice

½ part homemade grenadine

¼ part homemade ginger syrup

1 dash Angostura bitters

Shake all ingredients with 3 ice cubes, and strain into a tall tiki mug over crushed ice. Garnish with a cherry and a lime wheel. A toast to Angus.

SAQ Cocktail Punch Limette

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    Cocktail limette

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    1. Personalised Gifts
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    4. Cocktail Liqueurs - Caipirinha Limette


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    Cocktail limette

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    1. Personalised Gifts
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    4. Gifts ВЈ10 to ВЈ20 - Comet 200ml with Caipirinha Limette


    UK Specialist in personalised gifts for him and her, including unique liqueurs, cocktails, spirits, cooking oils and vinegars. - Straight from the producer

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    We have extended our RTD line to include a unique range of refreshing and delectable ice teas.Rose's Ice Tea offers the distinctive Rose's flavours in a uniquely refreshing way.


    We have extended our RTD line to include a unique range of refreshing and delectable ice teas. Rose's Ice Tea offers the distinctive Rose's flavours in a uniquely refreshing way.

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix.

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix.

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix

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    Cosmo Punch Strawberry Daiquiri

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

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    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Cosmo Punch Strawberry Daiquiri

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

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    Pour all ingredients in a whiskey glass with ice. Garnish with a slice of lime.


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    Frozen Blue Daiquiri

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

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    Pour all the ingredients into blender until it has a smooth consistency. Gently pour the drink into a cocktail glass rimmed with lime and salt.


    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Margarita Frozen Blue Daiquiri

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri

    Blend all ingredients to a smooth consistency, and serve the drink in a cocktail glass.


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    Classic Gimlet Frozen Margarita

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri Mismo

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.

    Rum and Lime served in a tumbler with ice, fill up with mineral water, add a slice of fresh lime.


    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri Mismo

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.


    Mexico Pacifico Passionfruit Collins

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add cranberry juice, orange flavoured Brandy and Rose’s Passionfruit. Shake and strain into a chilled champagne glass. Top up with champagne. Garnish with a strawberry.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri


    Lanesborough Passionfruit Collins

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Fill a chilled highball glass with crushed ice. Add vodka, lemon juice and Rose’s assionfruit. Top up with soda water. Garnish with edible flowers and passionfruit.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.


    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled highball glass filled with ice cubes.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri


    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Long Island Ice Tea

    (lemon & sugar mixed)

    Pour the vodka, tequila, rum, gin, triple sec and sour mix into a glass with ice. Stir well and top the glass off with Rose’s Kola Tonic. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Kola Tonic

    Long Island Ice Tea Woodworks

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Pour the ingredients into a tumbler with ice cubes and stir well. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Kola Tonic

    Long Island Ice Tea

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Steelworks with a Twist

    Fill a glass up to ¾ with ice cubes. Add the soda water to the level of the ice cubes then poor the Rose’s Kola Tonic and rum. Fill to the top with the ginger beer and add the bitters. Stir well.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri

    Kola Tonic

    Long Island Ice Tea

    Steelworks with a Twist Filmograph

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    Fill a shaker with cracked ice. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled glass filled with ice cubes.

    ROSE’S CORDIAL Cocktail Recipes

    Shaken or stirred - as long as it's Rose's.

    Frozen Blue Daiquiri

    Kola Tonic

    Long Island Ice Tea

    Steelworks with a Twist

    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.


    The Rose family were shipbuilders in Leith near Edinburgh and Mr. Lauchlin Rose set up a branch of business provisioning ships with supplies which included lime juice. Lime juice, of course, was remedy against scurvy and the Merchant Shipping Act of 1867 made it compulsory for all ocean going ships to carry lime juice rations.

    The demand increased and Lauchlin Rose realised that although the neat lime juice taken for medical purposes by sailors might not be everyones cup of tea, a sweetened, bottled and attractively labelled lime juice could well become popular in Britain. With that in mind, he introduced the first branded fruit juice drink Cordial Mixer Lime Juice.

    In 1893 he bought estates in Dominica and planted lime trees to supply the demand for his new drink. By 1924 lime juice had become so popular that the company established new plantations on the Gold Coast to supplementary supplies.

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix.

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    Video Recipes

    There’s a new adventure waiting in the mix.


    From refreshing drinks to elaborate cocktails,

    if only everything was as easy as mixing with Rose's.

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    Cocktails mit Limette(n)

    Über Limette(n)

    Limetten sind Zitrusfrüchte, die den Zitronen sehr ähnlich sind. Der Name leitet sich von Limonen ab und bedeutet sinngemäß kleine Limonen, also Limetten. In der Karibik sind sie schon seit langer Zeit fester Bestandteil von unterschiedlichsten Trinkrezepten und Speisen. Ebenso verbreitet sind sie in den USA. In Europa werden sie zumeist für Cocktails verwendet. Jedoch sind sie hier erst seit den 1990ern ganzjährig im Handel erhältlich.

    Wie die Limetten den Weg nach Europa und in die Neue Welt fanden

    Die Bedeutung von Limetten erkannten die Seefahrer im 17. Jahrhundert. Zu jener Zeit erkrankten sehr viele Seeleute an Skorbut. Man fand heraus, dass dem durch die Aufnahme von Obst entgegengewirkt werden konnte. Allerdings enthalten Limetten nicht sehr viel von dem dafür verantwortlichen Vitamin C. Doch wurden die Limetten so in der westlichen Welt bekannt. Nachdem man sie insbesondere in den USA und der Karibik verwendete, fanden sie bald Einzug in die Welt der Cocktails. Hierfür werden auch andere Produkte wie Limetten-Sirup oder Lime Juice Cordial verwendet, die auf Limetten basieren.

    Die Herstellungsregionen von Limetten

    Limetten werden weltweit hergestellt. Die Anbaugebiete finden sich vornehmlich in mediterranen, subtropischen und tropischen Gebieten. Die Limetten werden nach zahlreichen Arten unterschieden: gewöhnliche Limette (Citrus × latifolia), echte Limette (Citrus aurantiifolia), Kaffeelimette (Citrus hystrix), australische Wüsten- und Fingerlimette (Citrus glauca und Citrus australasica), runde australische Limetten (Citrus australis) und Limequat (Citrus × floridana) wie auch verschiedene Hybriden.

    Die Limette ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Cocktails und Longdrinks

    Bei der Zubereitung von Cocktails sind Limetten nicht wegzudenken. Ebenso werden Longdrinks mit einem Schuss Limettensaft verfeinert. Der Limettensaft gibt Cocktails und Longdrinks eine fruchtige und saure Note ähnlich von Zitronen, als Sirup hingen eher fruchtig nach Zitrone und süß mit einem Hauch von sauer. Speziell für den mit Gin zubereiteten Gimlet wird Lime Juice Cordial benötigt. Die wohl bekanntesten Cocktails mit Limettensaft sind Mojito, Caipirinha, Maragrita oder Daiquiri. Als Longdrink der Cuba Libre. Teilweise werden die ausgedrückten Limetten mit in die Cocktails bzw. Longdrinks gegeben.

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    • lime in the water Stock Photography by kubator 2 / 22
    • lime in the water Stock Photography by kubator 1 / 11
    • lime slice in water Picture by yellowj 2 / 64
    • limette Stock Photographs by Milosz7 0 / 2
    • Gin Tonic Cocktail Stock Photo by a41cats 2 / 30
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic cocktail Stock Photography by a41cats 1 / 5
    • limette Stock Photo by Milosz7 0 / 2
    • Exotic limequats Stock Photography by rbiedermann 1 / 210
    • Limette Stock Photography by w20er 0 / 4
    • green fresh limette stapled at the market Stock Images by meinzahn 0 / 4
    • moscow mule cocktail Picture by a41cats 1 / 32
    • Gin Tonic Cocktail Stock Photography by a41cats 2 / 50
    • green fresh limette stapled at the market Pictures by meinzahn 0 / 5
    • moscow mule cocktail Stock Image by a41cats 1 / 20
    • Rainbow Trout Picture by Teamarbeit 1 / 134
    • Catfish with Vegetable and Rice Stock Photos by jomzor 1 / 164
    • water with lemon and lime in a glass with ice Stock Image by jannyjus 1 / 10
    • 5 wonderful limettes Stock Photography by detseven 1 / 403
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic cocktail Stock Image by a41cats 1 / 4
    • water with lemon and lime in a glass with ice Stock Image by jannyjus 1 / 28
    • one nice limette Stock Images by detseven 0 / 110
    • moscow mule cocktail Stock Photography by a41cats 1 / 39
    • green fresh limette stapled at the market Stock Photos by meinzahn 0 / 4
    • Lime slices pattern or background - green & white Pictures by BEEANDGLOW 1 / 268
    • Pho, vietnamesische Nudeln Stock Photo by bony2all 2 / 30
    • lime slice in water Stock Photos by yellowj 0 / 9
    • limette / lime 3d word Stock Photographs by mysky 0 / 1
    • lime in the water Picture by kubator 0 / 7
    • lime in the water Stock Images by kubator 0 / 6
    • lime in the water Pictures by kubator 0 / 5
    • Limette-2008 Stock Photo by Bullysoft 0 / 2
    • lime with bubbles Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 3
    • lime with bubbles Pictures by kubator 0 / 1
    • lime with bubbles Stock Images by kubator 0 / 2
    • lime in the water Pictures by kubator 0 / 6
    • lime slice in water Stock Photo by yellowj 0 / 6
    • lime in the water Stock Photo by kubator 0 / 1
    • lime with bubbles Stock Photographs by kubator 0 / 4
    • lime in the water Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 7
    • lime slice in water Pictures by yellowj 0 / 3
    • lime slice in water Stock Photos by yellowj 0 / 5
    • Limes on white, one cut half Stock Images by MichaelJayBerlin 0 / 2
    • lime slice in water Stock Photos by yellowj 0 / 8
    • lime in the water Picture by kubator 0 / 6
    • lime in the water Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 7
    • lime in the water Stock Image by kubator 0 / 7
    • lime with bubbles Picture by kubator 0 / 1
    • lime with bubbles Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 5
    • lime in the water Stock Photos by kubator 0 / 6
    • Green limes, fruit on white background Stock Images by MichaelJayBerlin 0 / 5
    • limette / lime 3d word Stock Photographs by mysky 0 / 0
    • lime with bubbles Pictures by kubator 0 / 3
    • Green limes and raw sugar on white Stock Images by MichaelJayBerlin 0 / 3
    • lime in the water Stock Photo by kubator 0 / 8
    • Slice of lime with water drops Stock Photography by FotoMaximum 0 / 3
    • lime slice in water Stock Photography by yellowj 0 / 6
    • Metropolis Whisky sour cocktail Stock Image by a41cats 0 / 6
    • lime slice in water Stock Photo by yellowj 0 / 10
    • lime with bubbles Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 1
    • lime slice in water Stock Photo by FotoMaximum 0 / 11
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic tom collins cocktail Stock Images by a41cats 0 / 7
    • lime with bubbles Picture by kubator 0 / 12
    • Slice of lime with water drops Stock Image by FotoMaximum 0 / 5
    • Slice of lime Stock Images by roxanabalint 0 / 1
    • lime with bubbles isolated on white Pictures by FotoMaximum 0 / 8
    • limette / lime 3d word Stock Photographs by mysky 0 / 1
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic cocktail Stock Photographs by a41cats 0 / 4
    • lime slice in water Stock Photos by yellowj 0 / 7
    • Metropolis Whisky sour cocktail Picture by a41cats 0 / 2
    • lime in balloons Stock Photo by genta27 0 / 3
    • lime in the water Picture by kubator 0 / 6
    • lime with bubbles isolated on white Stock Photo by FotoMaximum 0 / 10
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic tom collins cocktail Picture by a41cats 0 / 4
    • lime in the water Stock Photography by kubator 0 / 4
    • Metropolis Gin Tonic tom collins cocktail Stock Image by a41cats 0 / 2
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