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Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

Erdbeer cocktails

Entdecke leckere Rezepte für Cocktails mit Erdbeeren in der Cocktaildatenbank: Bitchy Witchkiss, Strawberry Daiquiri, Strawberry Margharita (frozen Erdbeer). Frühlingsküche: Erdbeer-Cocktail: 6 köstliche Rezepte - BRIGITTE Ein Erdbeer-Cocktail schmeckt immer fruchtig-frisch - egal ob Erdbeer-Daiquiri.

Erdbeer-Cocktails - Deshalb hat auch granini gerade jetzt die passenden Cocktails mit frischen und fruchtvollen Erdbeeren für Sie ausprobiert und die Besten zum selber Mixen hier. Cocktails, Rezepte mit Erdbeeren - Hier sowohl eine Beschreibung der Zutat als auch eine Auflistung der. Erdbeer cocktails Rezepte 146 schöne erdbeer cocktails Rezepte auf - Deutschlands größter. 36 Erdbeer Cocktail Rezepte - Die besten Erdbeer Cocktail Rezepte - 36 Erdbeer Cocktail Rezepte und viele weitere beliebte Kochrezepte bei.

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36 Erdbeer Cocktail Rezepte

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My Kind of Spring Drink Recipe: Strawberry Gin Smash

With more sunshine, my end-of-day goal is to spend a few moments putzing in my garden. This means dinner consists of simple recipes, served with easy but delicious drinks, like smashes. These smashes make up a whole new world of cocktails with endless options for muddling, mixing, and of course sipping. This one is just perfect for today's 10-Minute Happy Hour.

Strawberry Gin Smash: Watch the Video

In the world of cocktails, the smash is historically a drink that called for mint, a lump of sugar, ice, and the spirit of your choice. The Savoy Cocktail Book, originally printed in the 1930s, says "The smash is in effect a julep on a small plan."

Like the julep, smashes have come to include all sorts of fruit, and this one showcases sweet, ripe red strawberries. You can choose your spirit — rum, brandy, whiskey, and gin (my favorite!) all work. Add lemon, lime juice, or bitters to muddle with your sugar, or skip the sugar and top with a spritz. Basil and lemon balm, as well as the traditional mint, have made their way into smashes, too.

Do you love smashes? What's your favorite?

Strawberry Gin Smash Cocktail

1/2 teaspoon sugar

3 fresh strawberries, 2 hulled and sliced and 1 reserved for garnish

Fresh mint sprig, to garnish

In a tall glass, combine the sugar and a squeeze of juice from the lime wedge. Muddle with the back of a spoon to dissolve the sugar.

Add the sliced strawberries and lightly muddle.

Fill the glass with ice and add the gin. Top with a splash of club soda and garnish with the last strawberry and a sprig of mint.

A Pitcher of Strawberry Gin Smash

2 tablespoons sugar

2 limes, juiced, about 4 tablespoons

1 pound fresh strawberries

3 cups club soda

Fresh mint sprigs, to garnish

Muddle the sugar and limes in a pitcher that holds at least 8 cups (64 ounces). Set aside 6 to 8 small strawberries and make a small slice in their tips. Hull and slice the remaining strawberries and muddle the slices lightly with the sugar and lime juice.

Stir in the gin and club soda and pack the pitcher full of ice. Add mint sprigs to garnish. Pour into ice-filled glasses and garnish with a strawberry, slotted onto the edge of the glass.

  • Make-ahead note: You can make this ahead; mix everything except the club soda and ice, then refrigerate overnight. A night in the fridge will also help the strawberries add more flavor and color to the drink.

  • Calories 29
  • Carbs 0.3 g (0.1%)
  • Sugars 0.3 g
  • Sodium 0.2 mg (0%)
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Strawberry Prosecco Cocktail

This Prosecco cocktail looks great, tastes even better and is really easy to make. Possibly one of the best Prosecco cocktails I’ve ever tasted!

  • 1 leaf fresh mint
  • 3 large handfuls strawberries, preferably wild ones, hulled, washed and drained
  • 1 bottle Prosecco or Champagne

Add the mint and strawberries to a sieve and strain using the back of a spoon. It’s the juice rather than the pulp that you need. Chill until you are ready to serve your drinks.

Divide the purée between six glasses and top with Prosecco. Easy.

1 review for Strawberry Prosecco Cocktail

Strawberries and Prosecco – what could be better. A joy to drink.

The Strawberry Gin Prosecco Cocktail

A followup to our Dark & Frowny blackberry-basil Prosecco cocktail from yesterday, but this time with strawberries. The Madtini Intoxicologists are dying to try this with Kiwi soon, so stand by soon for a mix of New Zealand and Italy.

  • 3 fresh sliced and hulled strawberries
  • 3 large shredded basil leaves
  • 1 oz Hendrick’s Gin
  • 1 oz Sweet & Sour Syrup
  • 2-3 oz Prosecco

Muddle the strawberries and shredded basil leaves in the bottom of a rocks glass, add Gin & sweet and sour syrup and stir. Fill 3/4 of the glass with crushed ice, and top off with the Prosecco.

Classic Margarita Recipe

Our favorite version of the classic tequila cocktail. [Photograph: Vicky Wasik]

The perfect margarita is all about fresh, crisp flavors barely tempered by triple sec and sugar. After testing all the ratios, this is the one we reach for.

  • A good quality tequila needs no sugar to balance the acidity of lime juice beyond triple sec.
  • Cointreau makes for a balanced, smooth margarita without taking away from the tequila.

Note: This recipe works best with a high quality tequila. If you're using a budget brand that's a little harsh, swap the proportions for the Cointreau and lime juice and add 1/4 ounce simple syrup to each drink.

  • Yield: Makes 2 drinks
  • Active time: 5 minutes
  • Total time: 5 minutes


  • Lime wedge, plus 2 lime wheels for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon coarse salt, for glass rims
  • 4 ounces high quality blanco tequila (see note above)
  • 2 ounces Cointreau
  • 1 1/2 ounces fresh juice from 2 limes


Run lime wedge around the outer rims of two rocks glasses and dip rims in salt. Set aside.

In cocktail shaker, combine tequila, Cointreau, and lime juice. Fill with ice and shake until thoroughly chilled, about 15 seconds (the bottom of a metal shaker should frost over).

Fill glasses with fresh ice and strain margarita into both glasses. Garnish with lime wheels and serve.

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6 Margarita Recipes for National Margarita Day

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Cocktail erdbeer

Strawberry-Rhubarb Gin & Tonic

Posted on Thursday, June 6th, 2013

After close to a month of traveling here and there, I’m playing catch up with spring. All of a sudden, I got a serious craving for rhubarb. As usual, our rhubarb is slow, slow, slow. When I went to my favorite grocery store, the produce clerk got me all riled up by telling me I was showing up at the tail end of rhubarb season. Fortunately, there was still a modest supply of rhubarb there, so I loaded up. I had two rhubarb simple syrups I HAD TO make. The first was a combo of strawberry, rhubarb, ginger and nutmeg. The second was rhubarb and honey. I am thrilled with how both of them turned out. This Strawberry-Rhubarb Gin & Tonic is enhanced with the Strawberry-Rhubarb Syrup. Lots of added lime juice, keeps it from being an overly sweet cocktail. It is killer good. Here’s what I did.

  • 3 cups diced rhubarb
  • 3 cups strawberries, hulled and cut in half
  • 2 tablespoons chopped ginger root
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups organic cane sugar
  • 1/4+ teaspoon grated nutmeg

Put everything in a large pot, and bring to a simmer, stirring frequently. Keep at a gentle simmer for 20 – 30 minutes. Let cool. Strain through a sieve into a clean bottle. Save the fruit in your strainer to enjoy as is, mixed with yogurt, or added to a future recipe. Store syrup and cooked fruit in your fridge.

  • 3 ounces gin
  • 2 ounces Strawberry-Rhubarb Syrup
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • big splash of tonic water
  • couple dashes of lime bitter – Scrappy’s is tiptop

In a tall serving glass, place the above ingredients, and give a good stir. Add ice, tonic water and lime bitters. Garnish with a fresh strawberry or a small lime wedge.

Other fun cocktails:

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Strawberry Rhubarb Shrub Cocktail

I couldn’t let brunch week end without a cocktail recipe, could I? Thanks so much for playing along this week as we shared some amazing brunch recipes. And thanks to our hosts, Terri of Love and Confections and Susan of The Girl In The Little Red Kitchen for doing such a great job organizing everything! If you haven’t entered yet, but sure to go on over and read about our giveaway. We have some amazing sponsors and there are fantastic prizes up for grabs!

Have you ever tried a shrub? They sound a little weird if you haven’t tasted one yet – from the funny name to the fact that they have vinegar in them – but they’re really refreshing. I got into them a few summers ago, and they’re one of my favorite ways to cool off on a hot, humid day. Luckily, they’re super easy to make!

You start by mixing together fruit and sugar and refrigerating it overnight. The sugar helps pull the juiced out of the fruit and the juices help dissolve the sugar… leaving you with a delicious fruit flavored syrup. For this recipe, I used equal parts strawberries and rhubarb. (That photo above is what it will look like. That’s all just fruit and sugar – I didn’t add any liquid it at that point!)

Next, you strain out the fruit and stir some vinegar into the syrup. You can keep the syrup in the fridge until you’re ready to have a drink, then mix it with club soda and a shot of our favorite liquor. I like how the botanicals of gin pair with the strawberry-rhubarb shrub, but if you’re not a gin drinker you can also use white rum for a daquiri-like cocktail or vodka for something a little more neutral. (You can also forego the alcohol all together if you just want a refreshing drink.)

That’s all there is to it! You can use any kind of vinegar, but I like the flavor of apple cider vinegar. I also add some white balsamic, which helps smooth out the flavors (regular balsamic tastes good too, but your cocktail won’t be as pretty.) I’m not going to pretend drinking vinegar isn’t a little weird. But, once you get past the first few sips, it’s completely addicting! (If you like kombucha, you’ll find the sour vinegar taste to be pretty familiar. It’s not that far off!)

Strawberry Rhubarb Shrub Cocktail



  1. Combine the strawberries, rhubarb, and sugar in a large container. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Strain the liquid that has accumulated into a pitcher. Stir in the vinegars. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  2. To make a cocktail, mix 1 shot of gin, white rum, or vodka and 1 1/2 shots shrub syrup in a 6 ounce glass. Top with club soda.

Disclaimer: As a Brunch Week participant, I received several samples from our sponsors to use in my recipes. For this recipe, I used sugar from Dixie Crystals.

Thank you for this recipe! I ADORE shrubs…I am hooked on the pickled cranberries from Food In Jars, mostly because the leftover syrup is an absolutely magical shrub for mixing with soda water on a blazing hot afternoon. Can’t wait to try this syrup once the fruit is done marinating tomorrow!

I have never heard of adding vinegar to a cocktail before – so going to try it for curiosities sake!

I fell in love with shrubs after The Big Summer Potluck last year! So tasty. This sounds so spring-perfect!

I love rhubarb! I haven’t had a drink using it but this looks so refreshing and wonderful.

I think this is actually the only fruity cocktail the fiance would approve of. I love all the flavors, well done!

Strawberry and rhubarb is such a great combination, what a yummy cocktail!

I just had my first shrub drink a few weeks ago and loved it! I’ve been thinking about making one at home, and this is a great start!

I’ve never seen white balsamic before and definitely have not had it in a cocktail. But I love balsamic so I bet I would love this too.

Lauren Keating says

It’s right next to the regular balsamic in my grocery store, but since it’s clear it’s easy to mss if you’re not looking for it. I tried this drink with a more traditional balsamic too and it’s still good but the color ends up being more cola-like.

Strawberries + rhubarb = luv 4 eva (preferably luv 4 eva in this cocktail in front of me!)

I STILL haven’t tried a shrub, but I really need to!

Lauren Keating says

Yes, you do! I bet you’ll love them as much as i do.

I’m so intrigued by this. I’ve never even heard of a shrub before! Clearly I have some catching up to do. Can’t wait to try it!

I love Rhubarb and in a cocktail? What a great recipe and looks super tasty.

I’ve never had a shrub, but I actually LOVE vinegary drinks! I make myself a homemade version of Dr. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Drink and people think I’m nuts for loving it, but I do. 😉 This looks so easy and unique. I have some Coconut Balsamic Vinegar that I bet would lend a great flavor to a shrub. Thanks for sharing & happy brunching!

Lauren Keating says

I’d love to hear more about your apple cider vinegar drink!

oh I love rhubarb!! I need to try this! looks great!

I’m kind of in love with that syrup. I would have never thought of adding rhubarb into a cocktail! But, it makes an awesome pie..so why not! Pinned!

Lauren Keating says

I love it. I’m not huge on super sweet drinks, so I love the tartness that the rubarb (and vinegar) adds.

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Cocktail erdbeer

Bols Strawberry

What is Bols Strawberry

Bols Strawberry is a rich, striking red liqueur, expressing a powerful but not over sweet strawberry flavour, edged with a slight citrus tang.

Unbelievable as it sounds, the vast majority of cocktail bars had no strawberry liqueurs to speak of. Until comparatively recently, bartenders were forced to resort to use poor quality syrups and premixes. With the launch of Bols Strawberry, which contains fresh strawberry juice, bartenders finally have a real strawberry liqueur to add to their drinks.

Strawberry, like raspberry, is a very popular, modern cocktail flavour, featuring mostly in strawberry versions of the margarita, martini and the daiquiri.

Within 48 hours

Sun-ripened strawberries with a hint of citrus.

content of bottle

Cocktail with Bols Strawberry

  • 30 ml Bols Genever 21
  • 15 ml Bols Strawberry
  • 1 dash Bols Vanilla
  • 8 Lemon triangles
  • 3 Strawberries
  • 2 barspoon Cane sugar

  • 50 ml Bols Natural Yoghurt
  • 15 ml Bols Strawberry
  • 15 ml Fresh Lemon Juice

  • 30 ml White Rum
  • 15 ml Bols Strawberry
  • 25 ml Fresh Lime JuIce
  • 15 ml Sugar Syrup
  • 3 item fresh strabwerries
  • 8 item mint leaves
  • Top with Soda water

  • 15 ml Bols Strawberry
  • 40 ml white Rum
  • 25 ml fresh Lime juice
  • 10 ml Sugar syrup
  • 3 item Strawberries

Strawberry 'n Balsamic Martini

  • 45 ml Bols Genever 21
  • 15 ml Bols Strawberry
  • 15 ml Fresh Lemon juice
  • 5 ml Sugar syrup
  • 2 barspoon Balsamic vinegar
  • 3 item Strawberries

Strawberry Daiquiri Cocktail

Pour the rum, crème de fraises, lemon juice, strawberries and ice into a blender and process at slow speed for 5 seconds, then at high speed for 20 seconds. Pour into a chilled glass.

  • 1 part White rum
  • 1/2 part Crème de fraises
  • 1/2 part Lemon juice
  • Ice (crushed)
  • 4 Strawberries

4.3600001335144 525

Leave some comments about the Strawberry Daiquiri

Definatley needs 2 parts rum and 1 part Grenadine!

needs more rum to this will be good very nice drink in deed

This drink was very nice but the recipe needs a little bit more rum for my liking

oh my god the drink just sildes down you throat, very refreshing, what a gorgeous drink.

Had This Drink On A Weekend Away. . Totally Fell In Love With It. . . :-D ! End Up Drinkin Too Much Of It Tho :-P

simply GORGEOUS! i would recommend this to anyone!

by elle knapleigh

THE BEST DRINK IN THE WORLDtried it on holiday. . . fell in love with it. . . drank i evey oght. <3

fruity. . start as you mean to carry on!

by Charlotte Portelli

this is a wonderful drink, very soft and mellow, sip whole night and relax, so divine

This drink is yummy, nice wiht alcohol or as a non-alcoholic drink too!!

I use. . rum, vodka, lime cordial, crushed ice, tinned strawberries in fruit juice. Blitz all together in blender. . . . beautiful

cant find creme de fraises, I use teaspoon of sugar syrup.

Hmm delicious drink. . but tastes better with vodka instead of rum!

Strawberry Margarita

Ingredients (7)

  • 1 1/2 pounds frozen strawberries
  • 8 ounces silver (blanco), 100 percent agave tequila
  • 6 ounces Simple Syrup (see Game Plan note)
  • 4 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice (from about 8 medium limes)
  • 2 ounces triple sec orange liqueur, preferably Luxardo Triplum or Cointreau
  • 1/8 teaspoon fine salt
  • 3 cups ice
  • Calories 230
  • Fat 0.14g
  • Saturated fat 0.01g
  • Trans fat
  • Carbs 32.68g
  • Fiber 2.46g
  • Sugar 26.24g
  • Protein 0.57g
  • Cholesterol
  • Sodium 72.75mg
  • Nutritional Analysis per serving (6 servings)Powered by

Frozen margaritas dispensed from churning machines usually taste like syrupy convenience store slushies with a shot of bottom-shelf tequila thrown in. Our recipe blends real strawberries, quality tequila, simple syrup, fresh-squeezed lime juice, triple sec, ice, and a touch of salt to really bring out all the flavors. In just a few minutes you’ll have a fresh-tasting, balanced pitcher of frozen margaritas that can serve a Cinco de Mayo crowd or your backyard barbecue.

Game plan: You’ll need to make the Simple Syrup before you begin.

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