вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.


Measure Like a Mixologist: A Guide to Jiggers

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The Nationalist's Delusion

  • Adam Serwer
  • Nov 20, 2017
  • Women Exit the Party of Trump

    The Glaring Blind Spot of the 'Me Too' Movement

    The Bad American Habits I Kicked in Finland

    • Timothy D. Walker
    • Feb 4, 2015
  • Network Neutrality Can't Fix the Internet

    • Derek Brown
    • Jul 30, 2010
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    • It used to be that when you saw a bartender using a jigger—a small measuring cup for drinks—you assumed he was either a new bartender or micromanaged by his superiors. Why else wouldn't he just "count," whereby you pour the bottle and issue a count in your head equivalent to the cup-measured pour?

      Worse yet, the assumption would be that the bartender was being cheap. Nothing erodes customer confidence quicker than an ungenerous bartender, and the dual-sided metal cups might well have been the mascot of this stinginess. Of course, times change.

      These are durable, useful, and can be easily rested between your fingers for

      With the rise of bartending culture and classic cocktails, the jigger has become the mark of precision and care in crafting cocktails. We have now come to expect our Manhattans and Martinis will be made with some mathematical formulae—two to one or three to one—and measured to order. This is good news for cocktail purists.

      It's been pointed out by industry luminaries that making cocktails resembles baking more than savory cooking. With baking you must measure ingredients in advance of cooking because after heat has been applied the product changes dramatically in texture and flavor. The same thing happens when we shake the cocktail with ice.

      With savory cooking, often you can manipulate the product in process. A pinch of this or a pinch of that can be added to a flavorless sauce. With a cocktail, you have to dump it out and start again. You wouldn't want to do that, would you? Imagine your college-era friends screaming: alcohol abuse!

      Fortunately there is a wide range of jiggers to choose from. Here are just a few that I've tried and would recommend.

      Your standard double jiggers come in two sizes, one ounce and ½ ounce, or 1 ½ ounce and ¾ ounce. These are durable, useful, and can be easily rested between your fingers for steady pours. These are recommended but suffer one major flaw. What if you want to measure out 1 ¼ ounce or ¼ ounce? You're back to guessing.

      OXO has some very innovative culinary tools, and it's no surprise that it extends its line for bartenders, home or professional. The OXO double jigger resembles the standard double jigger but has two distinct features. First, it has a rubber grip in the middle that makes it more comfortable to hold, and, secondly, it has increments marked within the jigger such as 1/3 ounce or ¼ ounce. The only drawback I can see is that it's twice the price.

      Fortunately, OXO also makes mini angled measuring cups that are not the prettiest to look at but are highly functional and cheap. You can pour overhead and see the increments. The metal version of its mini angled measuring cup adds a more visual appeal but is useless behind a low-lit bar, as the metal with black lines is hard to read without bright lighting.

      Über Bar Tools has introduced a somewhat futuristic looking jigger called the ProJig, which has multiple measurements on either side while imitating a double jigger. Great idea, but it's a little hard to get adjusted to if you normally use a standard double jigger. That can be easily overcome, so my major complaint here is that it's plastic.

      Lastly, Cocktail Kingdom has some beautiful double jiggers from Japan that are elegant and functional. I use a combination of these and the OXO double jiggers behind my bar.

      Good luck jiggering!

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      • Chris Kindred / The Atlantic

      The Nationalist's Delusion

      Trump’s supporters backed a time-honored American political tradition, disavowing racism while promising to enact a broad agenda of discrimination.

      T HIRTY YEARS AGO, nearly half of Louisiana voted for a Klansman, and the media struggled to explain why.

      It was 1990 and David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, astonished political observers when he came within striking distance of defeating incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, earning 43 percent of the vote. If Johnston’s Republican rival hadn’t dropped out of the race and endorsed him at the last minute, the outcome might have been different.

      Was it economic anxiety? The Washington Post reported that the state had “a large working class that has suffered through a long recession.” Was it a blow against the state’s hated political establishment? An editorial from United Press International explained, “Louisianans showed the nation by voting for Duke that they were mad as hell and not going to take it any more.” Was it anti-Washington rage? A Loyola University pollster argued, “There were the voters who liked Duke, those who hated J. Bennett Johnston, and those who just wanted to send a message to Washington.”

      Women Exit the Party of Trump

      After laboring for years to close the gender gap, GOP strategists are suddenly facing a gender chasm.

      It turns out those pink kitty-cat hats weren’t just for show after all.

      Among its many electrifying aspects, the early Trump era has had a politically galvanizing effect on women. They are organizing in the streets and on social media, running for office in record numbers, training to enter future races, and volunteering on campaigns. And on November 7, they flocked to the polls to officially have their voices heard.

      What they had to say more or less boiled down to: Things around here have got to change. Now. Which has many folks in the Republican Party reaching for the Xanax.

      By now, you’ve likely heard some of the Election Day stats and stories. In Virginia, women went from holding 17 seats in the House of Delegates to holding 27. Winners include Danica Roem, who became the state’s first transgender delegate-elect by beating an incumbent who bragged of being the state’s “chief homophobe.” In the gubernatorial contest, women favored Democrat Ralph Northam by 22 points—5 points more than Hillary Clinton’s margin among them last fall. Particularly concerning for Republicans: Fifty-eight percent of white college-educated women went for Northam vs. only 50 percent for Hillary.

      The Glaring Blind Spot of the 'Me Too' Movement

      Lena Dunham’s defense of a Girls writer accused of sexual assault highlights how frequently allegations from women of color are dismissed.

      As America’s very public reckoning with sexual harassment and assault continues, the conversation around “believe women” and #MeToo, inevitably, also becomes more complicated and fractured—in particular when it comes to society’s decisions about which allegations are taken seriously, and which should be subject to deeper scrutiny.

      Last Friday, Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner, co-showrunners for the series Girls, issued a statement defending Murray Miller, a friend and writer on the show, against allegations that he had sexually assaulted the actress Aurora Perrineau when she was 17. (Miller has denied the allegations.) “During every time of change there are also incidences of the culture, in its enthusiasm and zeal, taking down the wrong targets. We believe … that this is the case with Murray Miller,” they wrote in a statement. “While our first instinct is to listen to every woman’s story, our insider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year.” After a wave of criticism that her statement was in direct opposition to the feminist beliefs she espouses, Dunham issued another statement apologizing for her remarks; it acknowledged that, regardless of her closeness to the situation, she had used her considerable influence to unduly put “our thumb on the scale.”

      The Bad American Habits I Kicked in Finland

      From to-go mugs to small talk

      “Well, you’re just special. You’re American,” remarked my colleague, smirking from across the coffee table. My other Finnish coworkers, from the school in Helsinki where I teach, nodded in agreement. They had just finished critiquing one of my habits, and they could see that I was on the defensive.

      I threw my hands up and snapped, “You’re accusing me of being too friendly? Is that really such a bad thing?”

      “Well, when I greet a colleague, I keep track,” she retorted, “so I don’t greet them again during the day!” Another chimed in, “That’s the same for me, too!”

      Unbelievable, I thought. According to them, I’m too generous with my hellos.

      When I told them I would do my best to greet them just once every day, they told me not to change my ways. They said they understood me. But the thing is, now that I’ve viewed myself from their perspective, I’m not sure I want to remain the same. Change isn’t a bad thing. And since moving to Finland two years ago, I’ve kicked a few bad American habits.

      Network Neutrality Can't Fix the Internet

      The FCC is poised to dismantle common carriage for broadband and wireless providers. That’s bad, but the internet itself is worse.

      In a new video advocating for network neutrality—a name for regulating internet providers like public utilities—the American Civil Liberties Union declares that “giant internet companies shouldn’t have the power to mess with what we read, watch, and explore online.” The ACLU is referring to broadband and wireless carriers like Comcast and AT&T, who would have the power to throttle, charge for, or even block access to services, websites, or other online resources if the Obama-era rules are rolled back.

      Yesterday, Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai announced the agency’s plans to do precisely that. The plan will likely pass along party lines at the next FCC meeting December 14.

      The Making of an American Nazi

      How did Andrew Anglin go from being an antiracist vegan to the alt-right’s most vicious troll and propagandist—and how might he be stopped?

      On December 16, 2016, Tanya Gersh answered her phone and heard gunshots. Startled, she hung up. Gersh, a real-estate agent who lives in Whitefish, Montana, assumed it was a prank call. But the phone rang again. More gunshots. Again, she hung up. Another call. This time, she heard a man’s voice: “This is how we can keep the Holocaust alive,” he said. “We can bury you without touching you.”

      When Gersh put down the phone, her hands were shaking. She was one of only about 100 Jews in Whitefish and the surrounding Flathead Valley, and she knew there were white nationalists and “sovereign citizens” in the area. But Gersh had lived in Whitefish for more than 20 years, since just after college, and had always considered the scenic ski town an idyllic place. She didn’t even have a key to her house—she’d never felt the need to lock her door. Now that sense of security was about to be shattered.

      Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

      More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.

      O ne day last summer, around noon, I called Athena, a 13-year-old who lives in Houston, Texas. She answered her phone—she’s had an iPhone since she was 11—sounding as if she’d just woken up. We chatted about her favorite songs and TV shows, and I asked her what she likes to do with her friends. “We go to the mall,” she said. “Do your parents drop you off?,” I asked, recalling my own middle-school days, in the 1980s, when I’d enjoy a few parent-free hours shopping with my friends. “No—I go with my family,” she replied. “We’ll go with my mom and brothers and walk a little behind them. I just have to tell my mom where we’re going. I have to check in every hour or every 30 minutes.”

      Those mall trips are infrequent—about once a month. More often, Athena and her friends spend time together on their phones, unchaperoned. Unlike the teens of my generation, who might have spent an evening tying up the family landline with gossip, they talk on Snapchat, the smartphone app that allows users to send pictures and videos that quickly disappear. They make sure to keep up their Snapstreaks, which show how many days in a row they have Snapchatted with each other. Sometimes they save screenshots of particularly ridiculous pictures of friends. “It’s good blackmail,” Athena said. (Because she’s a minor, I’m not using her real name.) She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. “We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.”

      The Inconvenience of Being a Woman Veteran

      When leaving the service, women are often faced with a slew of challenges as they try to assimilate into civilian life.

      I happen to be a woman. This is often inconvenient. It was inconvenient for the military and, now that I’m out of the military, it’s still inconvenient. In multiple surveys and anecdotes, both women who are serving and women who have served repeatedly list gender bias as an issue, though the way it manifests itself differs during and after their time in the military.

      The military doesn’t just urge women, it requires them—especially if they want to succeed—to view themselves on the same playing field as their male counterparts. They are also expected to behave and perform in traditionally masculine ways—demonstrating strength, displaying confidence in their abilities, expecting to be judged on their merits and performance, and taking on levels of authority and responsibility that few women get to experience. The uniform and grooming standards work to downplay their physical female characteristics. Additionally, the expectation—explicit or implicit—is that they also downplay other attributes that are traditionally considered feminine, such as open displays of emotion. That’s not to say that gender isn’t going to be noticed or that others aren’t going to make it an issue—they will. But highlighting female characteristics is undesirable. As General Lori J. Robinson, the U.S. military’s first female combatant commander, put it: “I’m a general, a commander, an airman. And I happen to be a woman.”

      Power Causes Brain Damage

      How leaders lose mental capacities—most notably for reading other people—that were essential to their rise

      If power were a prescription drug, it would come with a long list of known side effects. It can intoxicate. It can corrupt. It can even make Henry Kissinger believe that he’s sexually magnetic. But can it cause brain damage?

      When various lawmakers lit into John Stumpf at a congressional hearing last fall, each seemed to find a fresh way to flay the now-former CEO of Wells Fargo for failing to stop some 5,000 employees from setting up phony accounts for customers. But it was Stumpf’s performance that stood out. Here was a man who had risen to the top of the world’s most valuable bank, yet he seemed utterly unable to read a room. Although he apologized, he didn’t appear chastened or remorseful. Nor did he seem defiant or smug or even insincere. He looked disoriented, like a jet-lagged space traveler just arrived from Planet Stumpf, where deference to him is a natural law and 5,000 a commendably small number. Even the most direct barbs—“You have got to be kidding me” (Sean Duffy of Wisconsin); “I can’t believe some of what I’m hearing here” (Gregory Meeks of New York)—failed to shake him awake.

      Answers to Every Possible Thanksgiving Health Question

      When dealing with opinionated family members, how much alcohol is too much? Has anyone’s stomach actually burst from eating too much? Why am I apparently unable to digest entire kernels of corn?

      In what has become an annual tradition, here are this year’s questions about human health and social well-being as they relate to the U.S. holiday known as Thanksgiving.

      Can forcing a smile for an extended period of time cause a brain aneurysm?

      It’s unlikely. It’s technically possible if forcing a smile means you’re stressed and your blood pressure is high. You’d have to be smiling and experiencing stress for a very long time, though, much longer than a day. Once formed, aneurysms can burst in moments of intense anxiety. But it’s very unlikely, and worrying about this doesn’t help.

      A group of neurosurgeons at Cleveland Clinic reported that among male patients, aneurysm ruptures happen most often in late fall. This could be related to the holidays, though the researchers were more convinced by the onset of Ohio winter, writing that their finding “suggests that weather is causally related to aneurysm rupture in men.”

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      73 of the 164 reviewers have substantial overlapping product review history. These reviewers have rated this product an average of 5.0 while the reviewers who have a more unique product review history rated this product an average of 4.7. Based on our statistical modeling, the discrepancy in average rating between these two groups is significant enough to believe that the difference is not due to random chance, and may indicate that there are unnatural reviews.

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      • 101-200 words: 38.4% (Avg. rating: 4.9)
      In total, we found that 63 reviews (or 38%) are within an overrepresented word count group. While this is more reviews from overrepresented word count groups than we'd expect to see, the discrepancy in ratings between reviews with overrepresented word groups and all other reviews isn’t significant enough to rule out the possibility of it being due to random chance.

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      0.0 average net helpfulness for positive reviews

      0.0 average net helpfulness for negative reviews

      3 of the 164 total reviews for this product admitted to receiving a free or discounted product in exchange for a review. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.

      mumbi Cocktail MIXER Bar Set im gebürsteten Edelstahl Design / 5 teilig: Shaker, Sieb, Messbecher. From mumbi

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      • Overrepresented word count (114 words)
      Reviewer: Geht_dich_nichts_an
      • Critical Reviewer (avg. rating: 3.8)
      • Verified Purchaser
      Reviewer: Michael
      • Critical Reviewer (avg. rating: 3.8)

      Least Trusted Reviews

      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Amazon Kunde
      • One-Hit Wonder
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Overrepresented word count (195 words)
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: MemoT4040
      • Take-Back Reviewer (7 deleted reviews; avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 4 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.8)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Franzisca
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Amazon Kunde
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.7)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: yvonne dean
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Take-Back Reviewer (1 deleted review; avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.9)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Admitted to receiving an incentive
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: MT
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.4)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Overrepresented word count (177 words)
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: T. Haertel
      • Take-Back Reviewer (2 deleted reviews; avg. rating: 3.5)
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.7)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Overrepresented word count (121 words)
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Sabi
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Take-Back Reviewer (3 deleted reviews; avg. rating: 4.3)
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 2 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Overrepresented word count (130 words)
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Michael Müller
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Easy Grader (avg. rating: 4.4)
      • Unverified Purchaser
      • Created on a high volume day
      • Contains repetitive phrases ( show)
      Reviewer: Amazon Kunde
      • Never-Verified Reviewer
      • Take-Back Reviewer (1 deleted review; avg. rating: 5.0)
      • Overlapping Review History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products
      • Critical Reviewer (avg. rating: 4.2)

      Analysis Details

      208 of the 344 total reviews for this product are unverified purchases. The unverified purchasers have rated this product an average of 4.3 while the verified purchasers have rated this product an average of 4.0. Based on our statistical modeling, the discrepancy in average rating between these two groups is significant enough to believe that the difference is not due to random chance, and may indicate that there are unnatural reviews.

      from unverified purchasers

      from verified purchases

      Unverified purchases may be the result of Kindle Unlimited readers, buyers who didn't pay full price, or reviewers who did not purchase the product at Amazon. Read more about our Unverified Purchases test.

      4.3 Product's Average Ease Score

      4.2 Category's Average Ease Score

      277 of the 344 total reviews for this product use substantial repetitive phrases between them. These reviewers have rated this product an average of 4.3 while reviews without substantial repetitive phrases rated this product an average of 3.8. Based on our statistical modeling, the discrepancy in average rating between these two groups is significant enough to believe that the difference is not due to random chance, and may indicate that there are unnatural reviews.

      from reviews with substantial repetitive phrases

      from reviews without substantial repetitive phrases

      We counted 344 reviews for this product over the span of 2,408 days, an average of 0.1 reviews per day. If these reviews were created randomly, there would be a 99.9% chance that we would see 2 or fewer reviews on any given day.

      from reviews created on high volume days

      from reviews created on normal volume days

      Never-Verified Reviewers

      103 of the 344 reviewers have never written a verified purchase review. While this is more Never-Verified Reviewers than we'd expect to see, the discrepancy in ratings between the Never-Verified Reviewers and reviewers who have written at least one verified purchase review isn't significant enough to rule out the possibility of it being due to random chance.

      from never-verified reviewers

      from reviewers with at least one verified purchase review

      Take-Back Reviewers

      4 of the 344 reviewers have had at least one of their past reviews for another product deleted. While this is more Take-Back Reviewers than we'd expect to see, the discrepancy in ratings between the Take-Back Reviewers and reviewers who don't have any deleted reviews in their history isn't significant enough to rule out the possibility of it being due to random chance.

      from take-back reviewers

      from reviewers without previously deleted reviews

      In the graph above, we can see the distribution of review word counts for this product and the expected distribution for this category. We see the following 1 group with a statistically significant greater concentration than what we'd expect to see:

      • 101-200 words: 25.0% (Avg. rating: 4.1)
      In total, we found that 86 reviews (or 25%) are within an overrepresented word count group. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.

      from reviews with an overrepresented word count

      from reviews with a properly represented word count

      from the same brand

      134 of the 344 reviewers have substantial overlapping product review history. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.

      from reviewers with substantial overlapping history

      from reviewers without a substantial overlapping history

      Brand Repeaters

      0.0 average net helpfulness for positive reviews

      0.0 average net helpfulness for negative reviews

      8 of the 344 total reviews for this product admitted to receiving a free or discounted product in exchange for a review. This is within an acceptable range and it does not appear to be significantly affecting the overall rating for this product.

      Cocktail messbecher

      Eine Cocktailparty veranstalten und feiern? Ist das nicht eine stinknormale Fete nur dass es zum Trinken jede Menge Cocktails gibt? Mitnichten liebe Partyfreunde denn eine Cocktailparty ist viel mehr als nur ein geselliges Zusammensein mit ein paar coolen gemixten Getränken.

      • Gehobene Atmosphäre mit ein wenig „Schicki-Miki“
      • Viel Tratsch, Plausch und Plaudern gepaart mit ein wenig Geschäftsinteressen
      • Moderner Afterwork Style
      • Gerne auch als Singleparty ausgelegt und gefeiert
      • Es gibt keine Sitzplätze, also eher eine typische Stehparty
      • Es gibt kein spezielles Motto, der Name ist immer Programm
      • Wenn euch diese Eigenschaften nicht schmecken, dann könnt Ihr Sie auch über den Haufen werfen und eine Stehparty mit schicken Bars und reichlich Cocktails machen. Jedem wie es gefällt, ist dann eben nur kein Original.
      • Wer eine Cocktailparty plant und vorbereitet, muss sich vorher um eine gute Organisation kümmern, damit das Fest auch wirklich rundum perfekt wird. Was braucht man alles um das Event perfekt auf die Beine zu stellen?
      • Dazu gehören nicht nur die passende Dekoration, sondern auch gute Cocktail-Rezepte, lustige Spiele und vieles mehr. Aber dafür seit Ihr ja hier.

      Cocktailparty Outfit – Dresscode und Was kann ich anziehen?

      Inhaltverzeichnis für schnelle Leser

      Dekoideen für Cocktailpartys

      Utensilien zu diesem Event

      Must-Have Empfehlungen für dieses Thema

      Lustige Spiele auf einer Cocktailparty

      Getränke, Cocktails und Zubehör

      Was wäre eine Cocktailparty ohne die richtigen Drinks? Wer auf eine solche Feier geht, erwartet natürlich auch eine gewisse Auswahl an Cocktails. Und dies sollte im Idealfall nicht ein alkoholischer und ein Driver sein, sondern eine gewisse Auswahl. Ihr solltet euch als Gastgeber also schon frühzeitig Gedanken darum machen, welche Drinks den Gästen angeboten werden.

      • Indian Flame
      • Caipirinha
      • Tequila Sunrise
      • Cuba Libre
      • Long Island Ice Tea
      • Sex on the Beach
      • Mai Tai
      • Mojito
      • Pina Colada
      • Zombie
      • Planters Punch

      Die beliebtesten nicht-alkoholischen Cocktails für solche Feiern sind:

      • Yellow Runner
      • Coconut Kiss
      • Pussy Foot
      • Ipanema
      • Virgin Colada
      • Mojito Limo

      Versucht bei der Auswahl der Getränke / Cocktails darauf zu achten, dass es bezüglich der Zutaten häufig Überschneidungen gibt. So müsst Ihr insgesamt weniger kaufen, spart Geld und habt es beim Mixen auch leichter. Verzichtet wenn möglich auch auf Cocktail-Exoten, die tendenziell viele und schwer zu findende Zutaten haben.

      Tipp: Mit der Zuckerrandhilfe geht dies leicht von der Hand. Gibt es hier.

      Was die Ausstattung betrifft, so bist du mit einem Eiscrusher, einem Shaker, einem Messbecher, einem Schneidbrett für Limetten und andere Früchte sowie mit passenden Cocktailgläsern plus Strohhalmen gut beraten. Ansonsten solltet Ihr euch besorgen:

      • Cocktailstäbchen
      • Flexhalme
      • Zuckerrandhilfe
      • Spieße
      • Cocktailmixer

      Kunst des Mixens

      Tipps und Infos

      Noch mehr Partys

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      Apres Ski Party +

      Junggesellenabschied Party +

      Einweihungsparty +

      Gut zu wissen

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      Party Flirt Tipps +

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      Partys organisieren

      Details und Anregungen für eure Fete. Holt euch kostenlose Tipps zur Planung und Organisation für eine perfekte Party.

      Wir wollen euch hilfreiche Informationen, Tipps und Anregungen geben, wie ihr eure Feier unvergesslich werden lassen könnt. Schaut regelmäßig bei uns vorbei, hier gibt es ständig Neues.

      Cocktail messbecher

      700 ml Dressingshaker Maker Saucenbox Mixer Messbecher Mixbecher Eiwei? Protein Dressing Shaker Dressingmaker Vorratsdose auch verwendbar als Trinkflasche

      • 100% luft - und wasserdicht, Material: schlagfester Kunststoff, garanriert eine lange Lebensdauer, F?llmenge: 700ml, mit integrierter Messscala bis 700ml
      • praktischer, komplett abnehmbarer Deckel mit Klicksystem, stapelbar und somit platzsparend, aromafest, aufklappbarer Ausgie?er
      • lebensmittelecht, sp?lmaschinengeeignet, mikrowellengeeignet bis 130?C, tiefk?hlgeeignet bis - 20?C, H?he: ca. 20cm, H?he: ca. 20cm, Durchmesser: ca. 9cm, Farbe: transparent mit blauem Deckel
      • Ideal zum anmischen von Dressing, Soucen, Dip, Fitnessgetr?nke, Eiscafe, Gew?rze usw.
      • auch geeignet zum aufbewahren von stark riechenden Lebensmitteln wie Fisch und K?se, verwendbar als Trinkflasche

      Cocktail messbecher

      Messbecher, insbesondere zur Zubereitung von Mischgetränken in Bars, mit wenigstens einem Becher, vorzugsweise in Form eines sog. ”Jiggers” mit zwei konischen Bechern, die sich gegenüberliegen, wobei der Messbecher eine Umhüllung aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass im Hohlraum (4) zwischen Becher (2) und Umhüllung (3) zumindest ein klanggebendes Element eingeschlossen ist, insbesondere eine Vielzahl von Partikeln (5) eingefüllt sind.

      Die Erfindung betrifft einen Messbecher, insbesondere zur Zubereitung von Mischgetränken in Bars, gemäß den oberbegrifflichen Merkmalen des Anspruches 1.

      Derartige Messbecher werden meist als sog. ”Jigger” mit zwei konischen Bechern verwendet, die sich gegenüberliegen und häufig bodenseitig miteinander verbunden sind. Diese Messbecher werden auch als „Barmaß” bezeichnet, da der größere Becher meist auf 4 bis 5 cl dimensioniert ist, während der kleinere Becher 2 bis 3 cl fasst, um so die gebräuchlichen Zutaten bzw. Mengen für Cocktails oder andere Mischgetränke rasch abzumessen. Diese Volumina können jedoch je nach Land unterschiedlich ausgelegt sein. Bei den doppelseitigen Messbechern gibt es auch solche mit einer zylindrischen Umhüllung, auf die meist eine Herkunftsangabe z. B. der Name der Hotelbar eingraviert ist.

      Die Zubereitung von Cocktails wird von versierten Barkeepern oft mit Showeinlagen begleitet, so dass bereits der Mixvorgang zu einem Ereignis für die Gäste wird. Das Einschenken selbst geht jedoch relativ unspektakulär vor sich. Daher wären weitere Effekte wünschenswert.

      Demzufolge liegt der Erfindung die Aufgabe zugrunde, einen Messbecher mit Zusatznutzen zu schaffen, mit dem Klangeffekte erzielt werden können.

      Diese Aufgabe wird gelöst durch einen Messbecher mit den Merkmalen des Anspruches 1. Vorteilhafte Ausgestaltungen sind Gegenstand der Unteransprüche.

      Bei dem vorgeschlagenen Messbecher zur Zubereitung von Mischgetränken in Bars ist vorgesehen, dass im Hohlraum zwischen Becher und Umhüllung wenigstens ein klanggebendes Element eingeschlossen ist, insbesondere Partikel in Perlenform eingefüllt sind. Hierdurch werden bereits beim Ergreifen des Messbechers und/oder beim Eingießen bzw. Einschenken der Cocktail-Zutaten zusätzliche Klangeffekte erzeugt, die insbesondere tropischen Musikinstrumenten, wie Maracas oder Rasseln ähneln, und damit Aufmerksamkeit bei den Gästen erzielt. Die eingefüllten Partikelteile können in ihrer Größe oder Materialien variieren. So ergibt die Verwendung von Glas- oder Stahlkugeln eher einen metallischen Klang („steeldrums”), während kleinere, sandartige Partikelteile ein eher rasselndes Geräusch ergeben. Auch der Einsatz von Kunststoffkugeln oder natürlichen Materialien, wie Reiskörner oder getrocknete Nüsse ist möglich.

      Damit kann der Klang für die unterschiedlichen Bechergrößen (z. B. 5 cl und 3 cl) entsprechend ausgelegt werden, so dass der Gast (zumindest in ruhigen Bars) hören kann, ob ihm ein „einfaches” oder „doppeltes” Maß an entsprechenden Alkoholika oder anderen Zutaten eingeschenkt wird. Durch entsprechendes Jonglieren und Schwenken des Messbechers kann der Barkeeper somit eine zusätzliche akustische Untermalung liefern, wobei die Materialwahl für die Umhüllung den Klang ebenfalls beeinflusst.

      Für einen ausreichenden Klang eines solchen Messbechers ist der Hohlraum etwa zu 10% gefüllt, z. B. mit Stahl- oder Glaskugeln. Um den Klangkörper zu vergrößern, können die beiden als Barmaß dienenden Becher bevorzugt bodenseitig voneinander getrennt sein. Zur Erfüllung der hygienischen Auflagen ist der Messbecher mit Umhüllung bevorzugt aus Edelstahl oder Kunststoff hergestellt, wobei für den Privatgebrauch auch andere Materialien möglich sind. Um die Klangeffekte zu variieren, kann der Hohlraum mit einer Zwischenwand unterteilt sein und mit unterschiedlichen Partikelgrößen oder -materialien gefüllt sein. Zur einfachen Herstellung des Messbechers in Jigger-Form werden die Becher bevorzugt in die Umhüllung passgenau eingepresst ist, so dass der Messbecher einstückig hergestellt werden kann. Zudem kann die Umhüllung einen Werbeaufdruck oder eine Einprägung aufweisen.

      Nachfolgend wird ein Ausführungsbeispiel des Messbechers anhand der Zeichnung näher erläutert und beschrieben. Hierbei zeigen:

      1 eine Schnittansicht eines Messbechers mit zwei bodenseitig verbundenen Bechern; und

      2 eine Schnittansicht gemäß 1 , wobei die Becher voneinander getrennt sind.

      1 zeigt einen Messbecher 1 zur Zubereitung von Mischgetränken in Form eines sog. ”Jiggers” mit zwei konischen Bechern 2 , die sich gegenüberliegen und hier bodenseitig verbunden sind. Der Messbecher 1 weist zudem eine zylindrische Umhüllung 3 auf, so dass ein Hohlraum 4 zwischen den beiden Bechern 2 und der Umhüllung 3 gebildet ist. Der hier obere Becher 2 weist ein größeres Volumen auf, wie mit dem Eichstrich 4 cl angedeutet ist, während der untere Becher 2 , hier in Überkopf-Position, ein Nennvolumen von 2 cl besitzt.

      Der Hohlraum 4 ist zumindest teilweise mit Partikelteilen 5 gefüllt, die hier in Form von kleinen Perlen ausgeführt sind. Es können auch Sandpartikel eingefüllt sein, um beim Schütteln des Messbechers 1 ein relativ leises Geräusch in Art einer Rassel zu erzeugen. Für einen stärkeren Klang können die Partikelteile 5 auch aus größeren Glas- oder Metallkugeln gebildet sein, wie dies in 2 etwa in Originalgröße angedeutet ist. Solche Stahlkugeln sind beispielsweise aus der Kugellagerherstellung günstig zu erwerben und geben zusammen mit den metallischen Bechern 2 und/oder Umhüllung 3 einen metallischen Klang, ähnlich den sog. „steeldrums”. Hierbei können die Becher 2 auch einer Halb-Hohlkugel angenähert sein.

      Um dieses Geräusch zu verstärken, kann der Klangkörper bevorzugt dadurch vergrößert werden, dass die Becher 2 bodenseitig (mit Abstand zueinander) getrennt werden, jedoch von der Umhüllung 3 sicher zusammengehalten werden, insbesondere über endseitige Umbördelungen 7 , wie dies auch in 2 dargestellt ist. Hierbei ist der Hohlraum 4 etwa zu 10% des Gesamtvolumens des Messbechers 1 gefüllt, so dass sich beim Schütteln oder Kippen um die Hochachse des Messbechers 1 ein intensives Geräusch ergibt, insbesondere durch das trommelartige Auftreffen der kugeligen Partikelteile 5 auf die sich gegenüberliegenden Böden der beiden Becher 2 . Für diesen metallischen Klang ist der Messbecher 2 mit Umhüllung 3 bevorzugt aus Edelstahl mit geringer Wandstärke hergestellt, wobei auch schon eine einzige Kugel oder größere Perle einen ansprechenden Klang ergibt.

      Zudem kann der Messbecher 1 auf seiner Umhüllung 3 einen Werbeaufdruck 6 oder mindestens eine Einprägung aufweisen. Dabei kann durch solche Einprägungen auch die Klangfarbe oder Klanghöhe des Messbechers 1 beeinflusst werden. Dies kann auch durch Variation der Wandstärke der Umhüllung 3 entlang der Hochachse des Messbechers 1 erzielt werden. So kann z. B. bei Verwendung des größeren Bechers 2 eine höhere Klangfarbe erzeugt werden als bei Benutzung des kleineren Bechers 2 (oder umgekehrt). Zudem kann der Hohlraum 4 mit einer Zwischenwand unterteilt sein, so dass unterschiedliche Partikelgrößen oder -materialien eingefüllt werden können, ohne dass sich diese beim Schütteln des Messbechers 1 vermischen.

      Messbecher 4 cl

      Preisersparnis: 0,50 € = 14%

      Farbe: keine Zuordnung

      Gewicht netto: 0,05kg

      Zusatztext: Art.Nr.: 1489, Material: Kunststoff, Füllmenge: 4 cl

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      Cocktail Messbecher 1-5 cl

      Preise inkl. 19 % USt. & zzgl. Versandkosten | Sofort lieferbar

      Cocktail Messbecher / Barmaß / Jigger.. 1-5cl

      Hochwertige Ausführung von LEOPOLD VIENNA

      Doppelmaß 1-3 cl und 1-5 cl

      mit Skala innen

      Mit dem Cocktail Messbecher abmessen und dosieren - ganz genau!

      Bei Mixgetränken kommt es ganz besonders auf das richtige Abmessen der Zutaten an. Hierzu verwendet man einen Messbecher, der auch als Barmaß oder Jigger bezeichnet wird. Gewöhnlich besitzt ein solches Maß zwei Seiten, eine mit 4cl und eine zweite mit 2cl Fassungsvermögen, jeweils bei randvoller Füllung. "Jigger" bezeichnet eigentlich die größere Seite, die kleinere Seite nennt man auch "Pony". Sofern eine Skalierung vorhanden ist, hat man den Vorteil, dass auch kleinere Mengen genau dosiert werden können.

      Sofern kein Barmaß zur Verfügung steht, kann man sich zunächst mit einem geeichten Schnapsglas 2/4 cl behelfen. Eleganter und professioneller geht es jedoch mit dem hier angebotenen hochwertigen Barmaß, das zudem ein Fassungsvermögen bis 5cl, bei einer Skalierung 1-5cl, aufweist. Und wenn Sie häufiger Drinks mixen, ist dieses kleine Messinstrument ein unverzichtbares Zubehör für Ihre Hausbar.



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