понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.



Cock|tail, der; -s (lat. peniculus cauda) stammt aus dem Englischen und setzt sich aus den zwei Wörtern „cock“ und „tail“ zusammen. Beim Cocktail handelt es sich normalerweise um ein alkoholhaltiges Mischgetränk. Die genaue Bedeutung des Wortes „Cocktail“ wurde nicht überliefert.


Forschungen [ Bearbeiten ]

Die Forscher stoßen bei ihren Nachforschungen, die nun seit 1874 andauern, schon früh auf Hindernisse, welche ihre Forschungsergebnisse weit auseinander driften lassen.

Ursache der Meinungsverschiedenheit ist die verschiedene Deutung der Worte „cock“ und „tail“ und der gelegentlich auftretende Vollrausch bei den verschiedenen Experimenten, der einen täglichen Neubeginn der Forschungen nach sich zieht.

Übersetzung [ Bearbeiten ]

Um nur einige Übersetzungen der beiden Worte zu nennen:

1. Cock: Gockel (zool.), Hahn (zool.), Kolben (techn.), Nille (vulg.), Penis (vulg., reg.), Schwanz (vulg.)

2. Tail: Ausläufer (geol.), Ende, Heck, Rest, Schwanz (zool.), Schweif(zool.), Zipfel

Alleine aus diesen ausgewählten Übersetzungen lassen sich über 40 verschiedene Kombinationen des Wortes „Cocktail“ zusammensetzen.

Beispiele: [ Bearbeiten ]

  • Nillenzipfel
  • Schwanzschwanz
  • Penisende
  • Kolbenausläufer
  • Gockelheck

In manchen sog. „Cocktail-Bars“ kommt es durchaus vor, dass die genervte Germanistikstudentin hinter dem Tresen einen Cocktail zusammenpanscht, dessen Geschmacksrichtung den obigen Übersetzungsvarianten alle Ehre macht.

Geschichte [ Bearbeiten ]

Der erste Nillenzipfel wurde um 1492 von dem deutschen Schnapsbrenner und Obstplantagenbesitzer Alko Hohl hergestellt. Alko Hohl wurde am 21. Februar 1466 als Sohn seiner Mutter geboren. Da er sich seit seinem 4. Lebensjahr in der Schnapsbrennerei seines Vaters aufhielt verfiel er schon früh dem Alkoholismus (lat. destillatio praecox). Seitdem experimentierte er an den verschiedenensten Geschmacksrichtungen und stellte am 12.9.1492 den ersten Cocktail der Geschichte her. Die ursprüngliche Mischung bestand aus Apfelsaft mit Kräuterschnaps und war geschmacklich noch nicht ausgereift.

Diese Erfindung brachte ihm viel Ru(h)m und Anerkennung. Ihm zu Ehren heißt der Alkohol heute Alkohol.

Cocktail Arten [ Bearbeiten ]

Cocktails sind Mischgetränke aus den verschiedensten Flüssigkeiten. Die häufigste Variante findet man mit limonadenartigen Getränken oder Fruchtsäften. Nach obiger Übersetzung kann nicht eindutig ausgeschlossen werden, dass es sich bei „Säften“ nicht auch um körpereigene Säfte (z.B. Crema di Papa) handeln kann.

Der Alkoholgehalt steht dabei in reziproker Relation zum Zuckergehalt (siehe Schaubild).

Fruchtige [ Bearbeiten ]

Diese Art von Cocktails besteht aus einem großen Anteil an Fruchtsäften von A wie Apfel bis Z wie Zebra. Der Zucker ist meist stark konzentriert, sodass es gelegentlich dazu führen kann, dass der Löffel im Cocktail stecken bleibt.

Spritzige [ Bearbeiten ]

Hierzu zählen Cocktails die mit kohlensäurehaltigen Flüssigkeiten gemixt werden. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Limonaden (buntes Zuckerwasser) oder Sekt (Kunst- oder Natur-).

Bei der Herstellung gilt es darauf zu achten, den Cocktail nicht im Shaker zu schütteln, da sonst die Kohlensäure ein Relikt vergangener Zeiten darstellt.

Deftige [ Bearbeiten ]

Zu dieser Cocktailvariante zählen v.a. Cocktails, die mit Fleisch- und/oder Gemüsesäften wie z.B. Tomaten- oder Karottensaft hergestellt werden.

Sie ähneln geschmacklich einer asiatischen Vorspeisensuppe und sehen nach dem Erbrechen noch genau so aus wie vorher.

Böllermänner [ Bearbeiten ]

Böllermänner sind Cocktails für richtige Männer. Sie sind dafür bekannt, dass sie richtig „reinklatschen“ und werden aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft gerne zum Schädelfluten verwendet.

Man findet sie oft auf Flatrate-Parties oder in Opas Nachttisch. Durch ihren Alkoholgehalt eignen sie sich vorzüglich zum Schönsaufen einer Frau.

Alkoholfreie [ Bearbeiten ]

Alkoholfreie Cocktails sind Cocktails für richtige Frauen. Allein der Name „Cocktail“ ruft bei ihnen einen leicht benebelten Zustand hervor. Bei Männer gelten alle Cocktails als alkoholfrei, die weniger als 10% Alkohol beinhalten.

Achtung: Nicht zum Schönsaufen geeignet, sondern anhand des hohen Zuckergehaltes höchstens zum Dicksaufen!

Drogencocktails [ Bearbeiten ]

Bei Drogencocktails handelt es sich um eine besondere Form des Cocktails. Hierzu gehöt u.a. auch Doping. Diese Art von Cocktail ist besonders bei Teilnehmern von professionellen Radrennen und Bodybuildern beliebt. Man nimmt an, dass diese Cocktails einen bleibenden Schaden im Hirn hinterlassen, da sich die Konsumenten bis zur Leistungsfähigkeit eines jungen Zuchtbullen aufpumpen und dabei denken, dass es niemandem auffällt. (siehe auch Jan Ulrich, Erik Zabel)

Formel [ Bearbeiten ]

Formel zur Berechnung des Cocktailbedarfs bei Schönheitsbedarf:

Cocktail in anderen Sprachen [ Bearbeiten ]

  • Französisch queue laniére
  • ItalienischPinocchio
  • Spanisch el cipote la correa
  • Lateinisch peniculus cauda
  • Chinesisch
  • Finnisch Huonencöcktäilainen
  • Bayerisch Weißbier
  • Blindenschrift .
  • Arabisch ﺶﺚﺵ (alkoholfrei)

Berühmte Cocktailtrinker [ Bearbeiten ]

  • James Bond Martini on the rocks (geschüttelt, nicht gerührt)
  • Harald Juhnke Keine speziellen, das ganze Programm
  • O. J. Simpson Bloody Marry
  • Paris Hilton Sex on the cam
  • Johannes Paul II Swimming Pope
  • Boris JelzinWodka Gorbatschow pure
  • Superman Wodka Redbull
  • Osama bin Laden Hollowman (alkoholfrei)
  • Tim Tailor Screwdriver
  • Chuck Norris Ethanol

Siehe auch [ Bearbeiten ]

3. Platz beim 2. Stupid Contest

Für dieses Werk erhält Agostea den bronzenen Stupidedia-Stern am Band.

Cocktail übersetzung

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cocktail bar

→ We went for a drink to a cocktail bar.

→ . the hotel's cocktail bar.

Results found in: French-English

  • bar à cocktail n. cocktail bar
  • bar américain n. cocktail bar ; American bar

Examples and translations in context

Alphabetical index

Welcome to English-French Collins dictionary. Type the word that you look for in the search box above. The results will include words and phrases from the general dictionary as well as entries from the collaborative one.


The study of booze with Camper English.

Which Distilleries Have Floor Maltings?

November 08, 2012

As I mentioned in a post about my visit to Laphraoig, only a few scotch whisky distilleries do their own malting. 

Floor malting is the historic technique of preparing barley for fermentation; turning it into malted barley. Most of the 100 distilleries in Scotland purchase malted barley from commercial malting plants, and most (all?) of the distilleries that do floor malting also purchase additional malt from commercial malters.

Read more about floor maltings here.

Today I just read about another scotch whisky distillery re-starting their floor malting, so I thought it would be good to create a list. 

Distilleries that do floor malting are: 

  • Laphroaig, Islay
  • Bowmore, Islay
  • Kilchoman, Islay
  • Highland Park, Orkney Islands
  • Springbank, Campbelltown
  • The Balvenie, Speyside
  • Benriach, Elgin, Speyside

As for American and other countries that do floor maltings (for beer or whiskey), that will be a list for another day. 

As I mentioned in a post about my visit to Laphraoig, only a few scotch whisky distilleries do their own malting. 

Floor malting is the historic technique of preparing barley for fermentation; turning it into malted barley. Most of the 100 distilleries in Scotland purchase malted barley from commercial malting plants, and most (all?) of the distilleries that do floor malting also purchase additional malt from commercial malters.

Read more about floor maltings here.

Today I just read about another scotch whisky distillery re-starting their floor malting, so I thought it would be good to create a list. 

Distilleries that do floor malting are: 

  • Laphroaig, Islay
  • Bowmore, Islay
  • Kilchoman, Islay
  • Highland Park, Orkney Islands
  • Springbank, Campbelltown
  • The Balvenie, Speyside
  • Benriach, Elgin, Speyside

As for American and other countries that do floor maltings (for beer or whiskey), that will be a list for another day. 

Gin & Tonic Book

New Cocktail Books

New Books for November: Aquavit, Bourbon, Prosecco Cocktails, Global Bars and the World of Booze

Twelve New Booze Books for October: Bourbon, Spies, Portable, Meehan, Bitters, NYC + SF

More than 200 Cocktail Books Available for Online Reading at the SF Public Library

Twelve New Drink Books for August/September 2017: Rum, Cider, Cats, Bar Ownership, Cocktail Comps

New Booze Books July/August: Mezcal, Monsters, Gin Tonics, Popsicles

New Drink Books June 2017: Foraging, Science, Bloody Mary, and Much More

New Cocktail Books: Beaches, Boston, Australia, Rum, and Moonshine

New Booze Books: Henny History, Cork Dorks, Bar Carts, Cocktail Cooking

New Ways to Write About Whiskey, As Seen in Three Books

All the Cocktails and Spirits Books Published in 2016 for Reading or Gifting


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  • Kevin Sargent on Modern Day Pond and Lake Ice Harvests in America
  • SSteve on Booze on Cruises: Updates on Cocktails on Princess Cruises and Norwegian Sky
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Cocktail übersetzung

Dum Gutkoon/ Jugni Ji (Cocktail): Lyrics, Translation

Music: Pritam (Original folk music, sung by Arif Lohar and Meesha Shafi for Coke Studio)

Music Label: T-Series

Mann di mitti vich laayi tu

Iss mitti da na mausam koi

Bin mausam yaar khaDaayi tu

Oh jug jug jeeve, jeeve jugni jisne

Maula mann vich booti laayi tu

Peer mereya, jugni ji

Ae ve allah waleya, jugni ji

Ae ve allah waleya, jugni ji

Ae ve nabi pak di, jugni ji

Ae ve nabi pak di, jugni ji

Ae ve maula ali wali, jugni ji

Ae ve maula ali wali, jugni ji

Ae ve mere peer di, jugni ji

Ae ve mere peer di, jugni ji

Ae ve saare sabz di, jugni ji

Ae ve saare sabz di, jugni ji

The first letter (Alif) of God's name is flower of love,

you have brought it to the earth of my heart,

there is no specific season of this earth,

You ____ the companion at a wrong time,

May the spirit live long, the spirit that

brought God's flower to the heart..

O Pir of mine - Spirit being.

indeed, this is the Godly Ones’ Spirit-being

indeed, this is the Holy Prophet’s Spirit-being

indeed, this is the Spirit-being devoted to God

indeed, this is my Pir’s Spirit-being

indeed, this is the long-living Pir’s Spirit-being!

Kar saayi naal sabak wafa da padhe saayi pir mereya, jugni ji

like a dove’s call, with every breath

my heart echoes

and reads the lesson of love, O pir of mine - Spirit being..

Oh jugni ishq de raste jaave

Kidre dokha hi na khaave

Kidre dokha hi na khaave

Ohnu zara samajh na aave

Ohnu zara samajh na aave

Jugni ishq de raste jaave

Kidre dhokha hi na khaave

Ohnu zara samajh na aave

Laave ya na dil nu laave

Naale pak mohabbat kare saayi pir merya jugni ji

The spirit being goes the way of love,

Doesn't get deceived anywhere,

She doesn't understand one bit,

The spirit being goes the way of love,

Doesn't get deceived anywhere,

She doesn't understand one bit,

Whether to bring the heart or not..

She loves with the heart, O pir of mine - Spirit being..

Jugni sochan de vich khoyi

Dhoondhe kise de vich oh koi

Dhoondhe kise de vich oh koi

Oh ishq de 'ich kamli hoyi

Oh ishq de 'ich kamli hoyi

Jugni sochan de vich khoyi

Dhoondhe kise de vich oh koi

Oh ishq de vich kamli hoyi

Bhaaron hassi andron royi

Naale pak mohabbat kare saayi phir merya jugni ji

Spirit being is lost in thinking,

she looks for someone in someone else,

She got mad in love,

Spirit being is lost in thinking,

she looks for someone in someone else,

She got mad in love,

She laughed outside n cried within,

She loves with the heart, O pir of mine - Spirit being..

Kar saayi naal sabak wafa da padhe saayi phir mereya, jugni ji

Other songs from Cocktail


Thank you so much for the translation. I've been lost in these words for so long.

Great work and superb translation.

Thanks dude, I got know the rooted meaning of the song.

Wat a bakwas translation. Harder than the original. Idiotic. And totally unauthentic. Jugni does nt mean a spirit. Its common sense.

Really..previously not able to understand. but this helped alot to understand the lyrics. thanks

Itz a sin to use the name NABI PAK in this song in which saif z shown kising both the girls. Idiot direction, shame for irshad kamil. Stain on muslim community.

Miss Rajrupa Roy : I guess u dont respect the hard work of others. N not the translation,but ur COMMENT is PURE BAKWAAS. Jugni doesnt literally means SPIRIT. JUGNI means LOVER. and its a SUFI SONG. this is an story of A HUMAN SPIRIT SEEKING LOVE OF THE DIVINE. beautifully sung in this SONG. This song is about spirit seeking Fanaa / MOKSHA.

Good translation.jugni gives a feeling of connectivity to God.reveals hidden truths in very simple words

Thanks mr someone

This is the correct reply to miss rajrupa & also to mr anonymus

Well said sir/mam

Really appreciate your comments

I am sure u will find many such opposing creatures. . But be sure i m with u

awsome work done .

Folks, this song is so touching, full of love. It is great to keep up with its spirit, and even if a correction needs to be made, so be it. In the end, what should remain is love, and the meaning of it, and how it has been portrayed. I wish i could understand even a bit of the original wording. Urdu is definitely a language of the poets. Great job - showung the real meaning of the powerful words of this song.

Sultan Bahu was a sufi saint the writes of this poem,,he was a spritual seeker who had devoted his life in way of one divine allah. its allahs love that made sultan to write these superp lines of love . and to use word nabi pak in this cocktail song is totally wrong and even when you put music to any poem ,its wrong . islam is totally against music ..no compromise on this , music is completely taboo in islamic religion .

touching song .. it's awsm .. <3

India should stop using Pakistan's songs and Sufi qalaams period. The person who translated the lyrics did an innaccurate and bogus job.

This song's clear beauty is without peer. I have listened to music from all around the planet.

I picked up the song by chance in the United States.

For the last 40 days i've been listening. Now I understand the meaning in my mind not just my heart and spirit.

Wow. Thank you for this translation.

incorrect translation at certain occasions for sure. its like google translating without getting the tone of the song.

islam is totally against music . and should not use Nabi pak word in it . its against muslims

Translation is not correct.

@ "islam is totally against music" and other religion oriented comments, I thought that sufism does not adhere to any religion in particular . in fact 'that all religions are equal' is an important paradigm of sufism

Thanks for translation.Really nice music and heart touching lyrics..I heard this song first time.didn't understand whole song but still it touched my heart.

Infact hes right jugni does not mean spirit, its an invented word from urdu, in SUFI islam it is a term used to address a pure love.

Lovely song and so is its translation

Dum ghutkoon isn't the dove sounds echoing. .ghutakna means to suffocate and dum is more like breath. .here he meant that his soul is suffocating inside his body. ..

Jugni- is no doubt literally a female firefly. But when used in folk to help to sing asa third person Means as the crazy lover of god, jugni is someone who is surrendered to love and here to the love not anyone just love. Someone devoted to love no matter whose the beloved.

jugni ke sadke sab peer kyunki pyar se bada khuda koi aur nahi. And its a tribute to that Jugni who taught world to love devotedly. And whomsoever is worshiper of love automatically becomes loved one of god.

Dont use nabi pak wrd in this song is totally againngst in islam

Seedlip: The World’s First Distilled, Non-Alcoholic Spirit

It’s a question even the most committed of cocktail enthusiasts grapple with at some point: What to drink when you’re not drinking? Having an alcohol-free night at your favorite bar can be a dispiriting affair, with your options too often limited to a sugary soda at worst or an uninspired mocktail at best. Now, a new product hopes to tackle that conundrum.

Seedlip, which launches at the end of October, is a distilled non-alcoholic spirit — the world’s first, according to the product’s founder, who goes by "Seedlip Ben." The idea came to him while researching old, forgotten herbal recipes from the 16th and 17th centuries. Ben’s research led him to John French’s 1651 book, "The Art of Distillation," which lists a large number of remedies for various ailments. Coming from a background in the drinks industry on the branding and agency side, Ben says he was interested in distillation and the world of spirits but was intrigued to find that "The Art of Distillation" talked about not only alcoholic remedies, but about non-alcoholic remedies too, both using distillation. “It’s easy to forget that alcohol had its origins in medicine. That quickly moved to drinking for pleasure, and it seems we forgot about the non-alcoholic side.” Ben says. “I’m not a distiller and I’m not scientific, but I thought that was interesting. So I bought a little still and starting playing around in my kitchen.”

Seedlip consists of distillates of six botanicals – two barks, two spices and two citrus peels – blended together without any alcohol or sugar. The ingredients are sourced from across the globe: oak bark imported from the U.S., cardamom from Guatemala, Cascarilla bark from the Bahamas, lemon peel from northern Argentina, grapefruit peel from Turkey, and pimento berries from Jamaica.

Seedlip Ben is the brains behind this new distilled wonder.

“The simplest way of describing it is it’s kind of smoky, clove-y, citrusy. Because we individually distill everything, we can perfect the balance,” he says. “So you’ve got the bitter side coming from the barks, the clove-y aspect from the pimento berries and the cardamom, and then the lemon and grapefruit peels add some fresh zest.”

As he comes from many generations of farming – his family has farmed in the north of England for more than 300 years – Ben says that being transparent about ingredients is especially important to him. “It’s the clever bit – distilling-wise and process-wise – that is our little secret.”

The six ingredients are individually distilled; five of them in copper stills in Germany, and the lemon peel in a stainless steel still at the source at the groves in Argentina. “We found a process that means we can distill and play with temperature and how long we distill and what we do with the ingredients before we distill them. That means we can get the most flavor out of each individual ingredient.”

It's a priority for Seedlip to be forthright about their meticulously selected ingredients.

Seedlip can be served long or short – the Seedlip martini is made with olive and jalapeño brine, and Ben has also been experimenting with an espresso martini, using cold brew syrup – but, he says, it is best served with tonic, preferably Fever Tree. “The profile works really well with Seedlip – not too sweet, good carbonation, good bitterness.”

Appropriately, London’s top bartenders got their first taste of Seedlip at previews in London’s oldest botanical garden, the three-acre, little-known, Chelsea Physic Garden, founded about 22 years after "The Art of Distillation" was published. Soon, the product will be rolled out in Selfridges, the esteemed London department store, and in bars such as Dandelyan, which, with its focus on botany, is “made for Seedlip,” according to Ben. Next year, Seedlip Ben hopes to export to America and Australia.

But what is it that really distinguishes a Seedlip-based cocktail from the much-maligned mocktail? Mocktails try to mimic alcohol cocktails yet always fall short, Ben says, adding that he is trying to help bartenders create amazing non-alcoholic drinks by giving them a great liquid with great flavor. Seedlip is not trying to imitate alcohol, he says. “Mocktails tend to just be a blend of fruit juices or an imitation of an actual great cocktail. What we are trying to create is something different and unique unto themselves.”

Seedlip is best consumed with tonic, which enhances its botanical essence.

Cocktail übersetzung

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cocktail lounge

Let's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton.

On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.

The court was told she had taken a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.

Let's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton.

in AM, use shrimp cocktail

in BRIT, use prawn cocktail

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Cocktail übersetzung

Songs of Childhood

  • "Song of the Birds" (1901) [instrumental]
  • "The Bobolink Waltz" (1902) [privately published]
  • "Fi, Fi Fifi" (circa 1905-1909)
  • "The Bearded Lady" (c. 1905-1909)
  • "The Tattooed Gentleman" (c. 1905-1909)
  • "Class Song" (1909)

The College Years

  • "When the Summer Moon Comes 'Long" (circa 1909-1910)
  • "Bridget McGuire" (c. 1909-1910) [Porter's first published song, as "Bridget".]
  • "The Motor Car" (c. 1909-1910)
  • "Yellow Melodrama" (c. 1909-1912)
  • "Antoinette Birby" (c. 1909-1912)
  • "Beware of Yale" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Fla De Dah" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Mercy Percy" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Moon, Moon" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Mory's" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Music With Meals" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "No Show This Evening" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Perfectly Terrible" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Since Dolly's Come to Town" (c. 1909-1913)
  • "Bingo Eli Yale" (1910)
  • "I Want to Be a Yale Boy" (1910)
  • "I Want to Be a Prom Girl" (1910)
  • "The Motor Car" (1910-1911)
  • "Hail to Yale" (1911) [Music by Arthur Troostwyck]
  • "Eli" (1911)

  • "Bull Dog" (1911)
  • "A Football King" (1912) [Rewritten for The Pot of Gold as "If I Were a Football Man".]
  • "It Pays to Advertise" (1912)
  • "When I'm Eating Around With You" (1912)
  • "When We're Wed" ("Once We're Wed") (1912)
  • "Esmeralda" (1913) [Originally used in The Kaleidoscope. It was interpolated into Hands Up, which opened on July 22, 1915 at the 44th Street Theatre for 52 performances. Sung in the production by M. Maurice and Florence Walton, it was Porter's first song to be performed on Broadway.]
  • "Craigie 404" (c. 1913-1914)
  • "The Talk You Hear at the Prom" (c. 1913-1914)
  • "Class of 1913 Song" (1914)
  • "Cincinnati" (1914) [The only surviving song from We're All Dressed Up and We Don't Know Huerto Go, performed May 22, 1914 by the Yale University Dramatic Association.]
  • After Yale

    • "Two Big Eyes" (1915) [Lyrics by John Golden, it was interpolated in Jerome Kern's Miss Information, which opened at the George M. Cohan Theatre on October 5, 1915 for 47 performances. The song was performed by Irene Bordoni.]
    • "War Song" (c. 1915-1920)
    • "Cleveland" (1916) [Written for the Federation of Yale Clubs gathering in Cleveland.]
    • "Katie of the Y.M.C.A." (c. 1917-1918)
    • "It Puzzles Me So" (c. 1917-1918)
    • "Alone With You" (1918) [Written with Melville Gideon, this song was interpolated in the London production of Jerome Kern's Very Good Eddie, which opened at the Palace Theatre on May 18, 1918 for 341 performances. It was not used in the Broadway production of 1915.]
    • "Altogether Too Fond of You" (1918) [Written with Melville Gideon, it was used in Telling the Tale, which opened at the Ambassadors' Theatre, London, on August 31, 1918 for 90 performances.]
    • "Widow's Cruise" (1919?)
    • "Venus of Milo" (1919?)
    • "You Make Up" (1919?)
    • "A Table for Two" (1919?)
    • "I Never Realized" (1919) [The song was first performed in Buddies, which opened October 27, 1919 at the Selwyn Theatre, New York, and later in The Eclipse, which opened at the Garrick Theatre, London, on November 12, 1919. See recording info below.]
    • "Washington Square" (1919) [With lyrics by Cole Porter and E. Ray Goetz, and music by Melville Gideon, this song was first performed as "In Chelsea Somewhere" in The Eclipse (see above for production info.) See recording info below. It was also performed in As You Were, which opened January 27, 1920 at the Central Theatre, New York.]

    The Twenties

    • "Look Around" (1920) [With lyrics by Clifford Grey, this was written for A Night Out, which opened at the Winter Garden Theatre, London, on September 18, 1920, and ran for 309 performances. See recording info below.]
    • "Why Didn't We Meet Before?" (1920) [With lyrics by Clifford Grey, this was written for A Night Out (see above). See recording info below.]
    • "Our Hotel" (1920) [With lyrics by Clifford Grey, this was written for A Night Out (see above).]
    • "Don't Tell Me Who You Are" (early 1920's)

    • "Olga (Come Back to the Volga)" (1922) [This song was first performed in Mayfair and Montmartre which was produced and staged by C. B. Cochran. The show opened at the New Oxford Theatre, London, on March 9, 1922, and ran for 77 performances.]
    • "Cocktail Time" (1922) [This song was first performed in Mayfair and Montmartre; see above.]
    • "The Blue Boy Blues" (1922) [This song was first performed in Mayfair and Montmartre; see above.]
    • "The Bandit Band" (1922) [An early version of this song was written for Mayfair and Montmartre, but was not used. It was later rewritten for Hitchy-Koo of 1922.]
    • "Wond'ring Night and Day" (1922) [This was written for, but not used in, Mayfair and Montmartre.]
    • "Ragtime Pipes of Pan" (1922) [This song was written for Phi-Phi which opened at the London Pavilion Theatre on August 16, 1922.]
    • "Butterflies" (1925) [This was performed in Out O' Luck, which was first presented on December 17, 1925 by the Yale University Dramatic Association. The show was directed by Monty Woolley, and had a book by C. S. "Tom" Cushing. It was taken out on tour for several performances.]
    • "Mademazelle" (1925) [Written for Out O' Luck, see above.]
    • "Opera Star" (1925) [Written for Out O' Luck, see above.]
    • "Italian Street Singers" (1926)
    • "Sex Appeal" (1927)
    • "Hot-House Rose" (1927) [This was written for Fanny Brice's nightclub act.]
    • "Weren't We Fools?" (1927) [This was written for Fanny Brice's nightclub act.]
    • "The Laziest Gal in Town" (1927) [This song was performed by Marlene Dietrich in Alfred Hitchcock's film Stage Fright (1950).]

  • "Here Comes the Bandwagon" (1929) [This was written for The Battle of Paris, a Paramount Pictures film released November 30, 1929, starring Gertrude Lawrence.]
  • "They All Fall in Love" (1929) [This was written for The Battle of Paris, see above. See recording info below.]
  • "I'm Dining With Elsa" (late 1920's)
  • "That Little Old Bar in the Ritz" (late 1920's)
  • "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" (unknown)
  • "Oh, Honey" (unknown)
  • "Poor Young Millionaire" (unknown) [This song was reconstructed with new music by Peter Bogdanovich and Artie Butler for the film At Long Last Love (1974).]
  • "The Scampi" (unknown) [The music for this song was used for "The Tale of the Oyster" in Fifty Million Frenchmen (1929).]
  • The Thirties

    • "What's My Man Gonna Be Like?" (1930) [This was written for Evelyn Hoey to sing in The Vanderbilt Revue, which opened at the Vanderbilt Theatre on November 5, 1930.]
    • "Miss Otis Regrets" (1934) [This was first performed on stage by Douglas Byng in Hi Diddle Diddle, which opened October 3, 1934 at the Savoy Theatre, London. See recording info below.]
    • "Thank You So Much, Mrs. Lowsborough-Goodby" (1934) [This song was recorded by Cole Porter on October 26, 1934. See recording info below.]
    • "Goodbye, Little Dream, Goodbye" (1936) [This song was written for the film Born to Dance, but not used. It was also dropped from Red, Hot and Blue. It was finally used in the London production of O Mistress Mine, which opened on December 3, 1936 at the St. James Theatre. See recording info below.]
    • "It All Belongs to You" (1938) [This song was written for Rene Clair's film Break the News (US Release, 1941).]
    • "River God" (1938) [This was written for The Sun Never Sets which opened at the Drury Lane Theatre, London, on June 9, 1938. See recording info below.]
    • "What Am I To Do? (1939) [This was written for Kaufman-Hart's play The Man Who Came to Dinner which opened at the Music Box Theatre, New York, on October 16, 1939 and closed July 12, 1941 after 739 performances.]
    • "At Last in Your Arms" (1939) [written for the M-G-M film Balalaika, but not used]
    • "Java" (1930's, unknown)
    • "How Do They Do It?" (1930's, unknown)
    • "Maybe Yes, Maybe No" (1930's, unknown)
    • "The Upper Park Avenue" (1930's, unknown)
    • "Dressing Daughter for Dinner" (unknown)

    The Forties

    • "So Long, Samoa" (1940)

    [The music for this song was used later for "Farewell, Amanda" in the film Adam's Rib (1949)]

  • "Glide, Glider, Glide" (1942)
  • "Sailors of the Sky" (1943)

    [written for, but rejected by, the Navy]

  • "The Gold Dusters Song" (1946)

    [written for the Vassar singing group The Gold Dusters]

  • "I Gaze in Your Eyes" (1940's ?)

    [The music for this song was either lost or never written. recorded with new music by Ann Hampton Callaway on Cole Porter Revisited, Vol. 5]

  • "Farewell, Amanda" (1949)

    Original Cast Recordings

    "Chelsea" / "I Never Realized" - Nancy Gibbs and F. Pope Stamper

    "Chelsea" / "I Never Realized" - Garrick Theatre Orchestra

    "Why Didn't We Meet Before" - Lily St. John, Leslie Henson

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Douglas Byng

    "Thank You So Much, Mrs. Lowsborough-Goodby" - Cole Porter

    "Goodbye, Little Dream, Goodbye" - Yvonne Printemps with the Carroll Gibbons Orchestra

    Contemporaneous Recordings

    "They All Fall in Love" - Will Osborne and His Orchestra

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Anita Day

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Peggy Johnson and Her Orchestra

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Jimmy Lunceford

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Ethel Waters

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - The Mills Brothers

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Cab Calloway and His Orchestra

    "Miss Otis Regrets" - Jean Sablon

    Cocktail übersetzung

    Lemongrass, Coconut, and Blackberry Cocktail

    While Karen and Erica are currently sipping piña coladas and mai tais on the beach in Maui, I’m stuck here in the middle of another foggy Berkeley summer. But before you feel sorry for me, j ust know that I’m sipping on my own tropical cocktail, while on the living room floor cooking “doodles” (noodles) and “mynies” (brownies) in an empty cast iron skillet, with Fiona. I couldn’t be happier. Truth be told, this cocktail was inspired by my own trip to Hawaii this past May.

    Audrey and I are HUGE shave ice fans. In fact, I may or may not have just purchased a commercial grade shave ice machine (more on that later). My favorite shave ice flavor from my trip was a lemongrass shave ice from Wailua Shave Ice in Kapaa, Kauai. To up the ante, it was topped with a syrupy blackberry condensed milk. Needless to say, I’ve been thinking about that perfectly fluffy bite ever since…it was heavenly! So, while this cocktail doesn’t call for pillowy shaved ice, or even condensed milk, the flavors are spot on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some imaginary cooking to do.

    Lemongrass, Coconut, and Blackberry Cocktail


    For the cocktail

    • 2 oz white rum
    • 1/2 oz coconut cream
    • 1/2 oz orange curaçao
    • 1 oz lime
    • 1 oz lemongrass syrup
    • 1/4 oz blackberry syrup (on top)
    • garnishes (blackberries, lemongrass straws and/or pieces, and limes)

    For the lemongrass syrup

    • 4 stalks lemongrass
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1/2 cup water

    For the blackberry syrup

    • 1/2 cup blackberries
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 2 tablespoons water


    For the lemongrass syrup

    1. Trim the lemongrass, leaving just the whitish-purple section, then chop into 1/8-inch slices. Set aside.
    2. Add the sugar and water into a saucepan over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, and bring to a boil.
    3. Add the lemongrass, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for

    5 minutes.

  • Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. If not using immediately, transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.
  • For the blackberry syrup

    1. Add all the ingredients into a saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir frequently until the berries are broken down, 5-10 minutes.
    2. Strain through a fine mesh strainer, pushing on the berries to extract as much juice as possible. If not using immediately, transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

    For the cocktail

    1. Add the rum, coconut cream, orange curaçao, lime, and lemongrass syrup into a cocktail shaker and shake. Strain into a tiki glass (or other large glass) over crushed ice. Top with blackberry syrup, and garnish with mint, lemongrass, limes, and blackberries.

    (images by HonestlyYUM)

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    A+ choice of tiki goblet + that lemongrass syrup !

    My goodness, this looks so delicious and refreshing, especially on a hot summer day. And that goblet you serve it in?! Wow!!


    lemongrass syrup. dude. You are taking this to a whole new level. My revised bucket list now includes hunting down that shop in Hawaii so that I can try the blackberry condensed milk. YUM. (PS have fun making Mynies. We’re making pretend cookies over here. Chocolate chip or bust.)

    This is SO PERFECT tropical cocktail. Lemongrass is usually my weapon of choice when cooking Thai food but I love love love it when it became a sweet component. This cocktail is beautiful & Asiany I’m loving it. 🙂

    Falando de cor, ao que me lembro os judeus chegaram a Portugal em tres grandes camadas migratorias: no periodo cartagines, aproveitando nucleos fenicios (como Gades),depois no periodo romano e posteriormente, durante a presença islamica.Populacoes de outros povos do Médio Oriente, so dispersas (por exemplo, os sirios eram dominantes nas elites islamicas de algumas taifas do sul do Tejo), mas demograficamente eram irrelevantes.Agora se falarmos em epocas pre-historicas… ai a neblina ja será bem mais densa…

    If it means you’ll make lemongrass shaved ice on demand, I’m not going to make fun of your ENORMOUS shaved ice machine anymore. I would totally sip on this while making imaginary food on the floor with Fiona. She makes the best doodles.

    Huckle my buff

    • Display recipe in:

    How to make:

    Gently BLEND all ingredients on a slow speed then warm in a saucepan, gently stirring with a whisk (or microwave for 30 seconds and stir), then pour into warmed glass. If you make several servings in one batch, keep warm and serve from a sous-vide or heated soup kettle at to 60°C.

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    Buy ingredients

    Previous Cocktail

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    How to Cook Boiled Shrimp

    Shrimp are a wonderful seafood delicacy. Their meat is delicate and sweet, they take only a few minutes to cook, and presentation is never a problem with a half of a lemon. Here is a surefire way to cook shrimp or prawns. For best results, use fresh, wild shrimp.

    Ingredients Edit

    Steps Edit

    30 per pound) will take around 5 to 7 minutes. This is only a guideline however.

    • If you feel like you want to check for doneness, shrimp is cooked when the thickest part of the flesh is opaque.
    • Take care not to overcook the shrimp. Overcooked shrimp become tough and rubbery. Remove the shrimp from the heat as soon as a few begin popping up to the top of the water.

    Community Q&A

    • Shrimp only need a few minutes to cook; when the shrimp starts to turn pink, flip it over. It's done when the shrimp is completely pink.
    • 3 parts salt, 1 part cayenne pepper, 1 part herbal poultry seasoning (mixture of powdered bay, sage, thyme, rosemary, marjoram).
    • Use a shrimp peeler, a long, slightly curved tool that removes the shell and opens up the vein for removal. The tool slides under the top of the shell from the back of the head to the tail.
    • Avoid over-boiling the shrimp and cooking it for more than needed. Allow frozen shrimp to thaw fully before boiling.
    • Try sprinkling salt and black pepper over the shrimp to give it more flavor, or use another seasoning instead.
    • Usually a pinch of salt is enough, but depending on how much shrimp you boil, you may need to add a teaspoon.
    • You can. In America, we are rarely gifted with the full shrimp or prawn, head and all. It's not unusual to have the heads already cut off even if you buy raw shrimp with the shell still on. The heads are a treat, but not needed for boiling.
    • No, unless you want to chill the shrimp down completely. Just plunge the shrimp into boiling water for a second to stop the cooking process and keep them from over-cooking.

    Warnings Edit

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    Make Lemon Butter Shrimp With Dried Italian Seasoning (Baked in Oven)

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