среда, 17 января 2018 г.


Dresscode Cocktail

Wenn auf der Einladung zum Fest oder zum Empfang eine Kleiderordnung angegeben ist, kann das sowohl eine große Hilfe für den Gast sein, es kann aber ebenfalls zu kleinen Ärgernissen führen. Da der Dresscode aus Ehrerbietung und Respekt gegenüber dem Gastgeber unbedingt eingehalten werden sollte, führen allzu ausgefallene Kleiderwünsche zu Verdruss bei Gästen.

Den Eingeladenen wird es nämlich nicht immer einfach gemacht. Feststehende Begriffe wie Black Tie, informell oder Abendgarderobe weisen jedem Gast den richtigen Grad an Eleganz und lassen dennoch persönlichen Spielraum.

Leider gehen jedoch manche Gastgeber soweit, den Damen das Erscheinen im hellen Kleid vorzuschreiben oder dem Herrn ein gänzlich weißes Outfit zu diktieren. Dann kann die Kleiderordnung zum Alpraum werden.

Dresscode Cocktail

Der Dresscode Cocktail stammt aus Amerika und lässt dem Gast verschiedene Möglichkeiten trotz stilvollen Outfits die eigene Persönlichkeit zu verwirklichen. Wie der Name sagt, wird diese Kleiderordnung beispielsweise in eleganten Cocktailbars vorausgesetzt. Sie eignet sich aber auch fürs Kasino oder für ein elegantes Geschäftsessen.

Ebenso wie beim Tenue de Ville trägt der Herr einen dunklen Anzug, der nicht unbedingt in Schwarz gehalten sein muss.

Die Dame kleidet sich in ein schickes Kostüm, ein elegantes Cocktailkleid oder eventuell in einen adretten Hosenanzug, der aber nicht auf jeder Veranstaltung gerne gesehen ist.

Dresscode Cocktail für Damen

Wenn sich die Dame nicht für ein hübsches Cocktailkleid im Pastellton entscheiden möchte, kann sie stattdessen ein elegantes Kostüm wählen. Beim Cocktailkleid sollte sie darauf achten, dass weniger oft mehr ist.

Das bedeutet hat das Kleid auffällige Rüschen, Volants oder Pailletten, so wird an den Accessoires gespart und das Make-up sowie die Frisur fallen besonders dezent aus. Handelt es sich um ein einfarbiges, schlichtes Cocktailkleid, darf der Schmuck etwas auffälliger sein und auch die Frisur darf extravagant ausfallen.

Dresscode Cocktail für Damen - Beispiele:

  • Schlichtes, anliegendes Cocktailkleid kombiniert mit auffälligen Ohrringen und hohen Pumps
  • Helles Cocktailkleid mit Rüschen und Volants kombiniert mit kleinen Ohrringen und Pumps
  • Dunkles Kostüm kombiniert mit einfarbiger Bluse im Pastellton
  • Hautfarbene Strumpfhose
  • Dunkle, geschlossene Lederpumps passend zu Kleid oder zum Rock

No Go's: Jeansrock oder Jeans, Kostüm aus grobem Stoff, Minirock, langes Abendkleid, Kleid mit auffälligem Muster, bauchfreie Bluse, durchsichtige Bluse, Trägertop, T-Shirt, Kleid mit tiefem Ausschnitt, gemusterte Nylonstrümpfe oder Netzstrümpfe, Söckchen jeglicher Art, offene Schuhe, Schuhe mit Absatz über acht Zentimeter, grelles Disco-Make-up.

Dresscode Cocktail für Herren

Auch Herren müssen nicht zwangsläufig im schwarzen Anzug im Spielkasino erscheinen. Die Kleiderordnung Cocktail erlaubt ebenfalls einen eleganten Anzug in Anthrazit, in Dunkelgrau oder in Nachtblau. Der Anzug kann mit einem weißen, langärmeligen Hemd kombiniert werden. Oder es wird ein Hemd im hellen Pastellton vorgezogen. Selbst ein dezentes Muster, wie beispielsweise feine Streifen, darf das Hemd aufweisen.

Die Krawatte sollte umgelegt werden. Auch sie ist entweder einfarbig oder leicht gemustert. Passend zum Anzug werden dunkle Socken gewählt und das Schuhwerk besteht aus schwarzen Lederschnürschuhen.

Dresscode Cocktail für Herren - Beispiele:

  1. Anzug in Schwarz, Anthrazit, Dunkelgrau oder Nachtblau, kombiniert mit einfarbigem, hellem, langärmeligem Hemd
  2. Dunkler Anzug kombiniert mit dezent gemustertem, hellem, langärmeligem Hemd
  3. Einfarbige Krawatte oder Krawatte mit dezentem Muster
  4. Zum Anzug passende, dunkle Herrensocken oder Herrenkniestrümpfe
  5. Dunkle Lederschnürschuhe

Fauxpas: Anzug mit auffälligem Muster, Anzug in einer grellen Farbe, Anzug in Dunkelbraun, Anzug im Glitterstil, Jeanshose, Cordhose, Lederhose, Lederjacke, T-Shirt, Poloshirt, ohne Krawatte, auffällig gemusterte Krawatte oder Krawatte mit Bild, helle Socken, Socken mit Bild oder Aufschrift, Sneakers, Herrensandalen, Turnschuhe, Lederstiefel.

How to Dress for Cocktail Attire and Cocktail Attire Festive

Cocktail attire can be the most fun of all the dress codes and it doesn't have to cost a fortune but there are some rules to follow.

Cocktail Attire for Women

Knee-length or tasteful short dresses can be paired with sexy sandals or try tailored trousers beaded shells or silky tube top or shell.

Throw on your little black dress and add fun hosiery, or a vintage brooch, or faux-fur wrap.

Simple jewelry is fine, leave the jewel-intensive stuff for more formal events.

No denim, no sweats, no cords, no T-shirts, even if they are really cute.

Hair can be fun, messy updos, high ponytails, messy buns or wear hair down and sleek or sexy curls.

Glossy lips, shimmery eyes and body glitter turn up the heat.

Cocktail Attire for Men

Dark tailored dress pants and nice button down shirt (preferably white long sleeve dress shirt) and tie.

If you’re not sure a tie is required, stuff one inside your jacket pocket just in case.

No tennis shoes or deck shoes, shine up your nice pair of dress shoes and please, wear socks.

Invitations for Cocktail Attire

Here are just a few of our favorite invitations that would be fun for a cocktail attire party:

Business Casual Men’s Attire & Dress Code Explained

Business casual is a dress code men are confronted with everywhere but what does it really mean? In this Business Casual Guide for men we answer this question in detail, explain DO’s and DON’Ts and provide specific advice on what you can wear so you are dressed to the T.

Business Casual Video

Please watch the video & read the guide for the best explanation of Business Casual. If you enjoy this guide, please subscribe for free on youtube and sign up to our complimentary email newsletter here.

History of Business Casual

Until recent times, the Business Casual attire did not exisit. There was simply daywear and evening wear. During the day, men would wear a stroller coat or a morning coat for business. In the evening they would change into a tailcoat for dinner and events. Once retiring for bed, pyjamas would be donned as would a dressing gown, but the chance of anyone seeing them wear this besides their spouse and perhaps a valet or butler was slim to none. The most casual attire a gentleman might wear would have perhaps been a tweed suit while shooting or for a walk in the park.

Around the turn of the century, black tie made its mark and the tuxedo overtook the white tie dress code in popularity. Business suits became standard and they stayed that way for quite awhile.

Business Casual for Men Changes with the Office Environment and the Job

Aloha Friday Pave The way For Business Casual

Then came the year 1966. Until then, you had casual wear and business attire. Casual wear was worn on the weekends at home, but if you worked in an office, you wore a suit and a tie. There was no debate. Then, a company that made Hawaiian shirts began to strategize how they could increase their profits and a brilliant ad agency in Hawaii came up with the idea of “Aloha Fridays”. They began petitioning local businesses to allow their employees to wear the Hawaiian shirt on Fridays. Initially penned as a way of showing local pride, it ended up quickly becoming a trend and a popular way of avoiding the rat race of corporate America. The fad began to catch on and soon it hopped off the Islands and made its way to the mainland.

Vintage Hawaii Shirt by Penney’s

Dockers Ad Campaign Brings Khakis To The Office

By the early 1990’s Levis began to notice the trend on the mainland and many of its customers in upper management began complaining that their employees were too casual, wearing shorts and t-shirts to work. The sale of jeans was in decline and so they took it as a chance to market their new brand called ‘Dockers’ to the corporate community. They began to launch expensive ad campaigns for their khaki pants and it took off. Employers looked at it as a fair compromise between shorts and suits and the employees agreed. As this was occurring, television shows like Saved by the Bell and movies about wealthy country clubs began showing the Preppy, Ivy and Trad styles to those outside the Northeastern United States. Companies like Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren and J.Crew jumped on the opportunity to increase the sale of their casual wear. They began marketing polo shirts, sport shirts and chinos as perfect options that worked flawlessly or better than the Levi Dockers brand. It was a revolution of sorts.

Business Casual Outfit by Hogtownrake – Single Breasted Blazer with popover shirt, cotton pocket square, khakis and brown tassel loafers

How Business Casual is defined today for men?

Business Casual In A Nutshell = No Suit But Also No Jeans

Obviously, that is just a general guideline but in order to nail the business casual look, you have to adapt to your specific company culture. Also, your age is important and the older you are, the more formal your business casual outfit should be.

1. Business Casual in Traditional White Collar Job – Law Firm, Accounting, Banks…

If business casual attire is allowed in this kind of work environment it is the most formal of all business casual dress codes and it consists of the following items:

A. Blazer or Sport Coat

The blazer is an essential part of a business casual wardrobe. Avoid gold buttons and stick with dark colors. Navy is the most classic color and your best bet. Single breasted is the standard while a double breasted navy blazer can look more powerful. To learn more about the blazer in general, check out our blazer guide.

If you wear a sport coat, opt for something subdued with a subtle pattern and avoid loud summery colors.

Oxford Cloth Shirt – A Business Casual Staple

B. Long Sleeved Dress Shirt

Wear a cotton dress shirt in light blue or pastel colors. An Oxford dress shirt is absolutely appropriate for business casual wear and can be worn in a relaxed state by keeping the top button undone or wearing a more casual knit tie with it. A simple white oxford shirt is the ideal shirt for business casual wear as it can be elevated to business attire for a last minute meeting with the addition of a tie kept in your desk drawer and a blazer thrown over top.

Business Casual Outfit with silk knit tie for fall

C. Neckwear

Neckwear is optional but it certainly elevates your outfit. Ideal ties include grenadine ties or knit ties because they perfectly underline the business casual character.

Bow ties certainly make a statement, and when in doubt stick with the tie.

In case you decide against neckwear, make sure that your undershirt is not visible.

D. Trousers

Jeans should not be worn but the jacket and shirt are ideal

Dress Pants

A pair of solid navy, grey or even charcoal dress pants pleated or flat front are the perfect choice for business casual wear. With a dress shirt neatly tucked into it, and a blazer or sports jacket you are good to go.

Small Houndstooth pattern ideal for Business Casual

Chinos / Khakis

Chinos are appropriate in many casual work environments, but should ideally be paired with a contrasting blazer to elevate their casual heritage.

Corduroy Pants

Cords can also be worn in lieu of chinos during the colder months of the year. The same rules apply to corduroys as they do to chinos.

Business Casual Mens by hogtownrake – Cardigan Madder inspired tie that extends beyond the waistband with suspenders, and vintage watch

E. Sweaters

A sweater vest, cardigan or turtle neck works well during the colder days in addition to your sport coat or blazer. Simply worn over a collared shirt it is only appropriate for Casual Friday. In general a knitted vest will always make a formal garment more casual.

F. Accessories

Accessories are a great way to distinguish yourself from the pack. Choosing a knit tie or pocket square for your blazer pocket will make you look very dapper. Depending on your environment, a boutonniere or a collar pin may work as well, but when in doubt, skip it.

You could also consider a more casual wrist watch with a more formal outfit or pairing a dress watch with a more casual outfit to add a touch of elegance.

Cuff links are also a good way to enhance your outfit, just like tie bars.

Wrist bands are a bit too casual and when in doubt you should skip them.

Full Brogue Oxford with a beautiful chestnut brown patina

G. Shoes & Boots

This is where it gets really fun. Rather than sticking with the classic oxford and derby, you can get creative with unique colors like oxblood or wearing more casual dress shoes and boots like monk straps, loafers or chukka boots, Chelsea boots or balmoral boots.

In terms of color, brown shoes are a great companion for Business Casual, and so are burgundy and Oxblood. Click here to learn how to wear and combine them.

Sometimes you see grown men wearing backpacks with their business casual outfits. That’s a faux pas and it makes you look like a little school boy. Instead, go with a leather bag in brown or black that works for you. Whether it’s classic, functional or sleek, clean and modern you can find hundreds of leather bags in various price ranges.

2. Business Casual in the Service Industry

If you work in the service industry, in sales, trade positions or a job where you interact with the public, you should adapt the business casual standard we mention in 1. above.

If you are just at the office and you don’t have customer contact, your employer will most likely have a more relaxed attitude when it comes to business casual.

Hogtownrake in combination of light sport coat with charcoal pants and brown wool knit tie, blue shirt and cream pocket square

It’s likely that wearing a jacket is optional. So if you don’t want to go with just a dress shirt and a blazer would be too much, consider wearing a vest or a cardigan instead.

The button-down collar shirt is another classic shirt that is acceptable for business casual wear. Alternatively, a long-sleeved polo shirt is acceptable too, if others wear it in the office as well. You don’t want to be the only one wearing polos though.

In this scenario, business casual does not mean wearing t-shirts, casual sweaters without a collared shirt underneath, hoodies, pullovers or any other style of shirt.

Checked Shirt Fabric – Ideal for Business Casual

C. Neckwear

Neckties and bow ties are completely optional, yet they look great with vests, jackets and cardigans.

While dress pants are ok, chinos, khakis and corduroys are your number one choice. Dark colors such as navy and grey stain less easily although lighter colors are preferable for the warmer months of the year. Don’t wear denim as that might be considered too informal.

Pants such as denim jeans, athletic wear, sweatpants, draw-string pants, shorts and cargo pants should not be worn, nor should any pant with a camouflage print or large visible logo.

Navy pants, burgundy vest and tweed jacket – business casual in the fall

E. Sweaters & Accessories

If you decide not to wear a jacket, sweaters and knit vests or cardigans become your best friends. Not only will they keep you warm, but they also look stylish all while adding that casual note to your outfit. Accessorize your outfit as you please but try not to set too many accents, otherwise people don’t know where to look.

F. Shoes & Boots

Skip sneakers and tennis shoes but you can choose from a wide range of classic shoes in various materials such as leather, suede and fabric.

Leather bags are best but if you want a canvas-leather or all canvas bag may work as well. You can be more daring with your color choice and go with green, yellow, blue or red if you want.

In young start-ups this would be an appropriate business casual outfit

3. Business Casual in Young Startups

Startups are generally much more casual than traditional jobs. They will likely also not have a company dress code but the hierarchies are typically low and often people can wear whatever they want, especially in a tech related environment.

In most places a jacket is probably too overdressed. Is your startup that place? You’ll figure it out pretty soon. At the same time, startups often have a very accepting culture so if you enjoy dressing up, wearing a jacket the way you like it is a good thing.

B. Shirts, Sweaters & Neckwear

While most startups would consider a t-shirt to be just fine, a nice trim cut polo shirt looks much smarter. Sweaters are perfectly acceptable and neckwear is definitely not the norm but again, if you like it, go for it.

Bold sport coats are too much for traditional business casual but in start-ups they are fine

C. Pants & Shorts

While it’s totally fine to wear denim at most startups, and you can even find people wearing cargo shorts, you are probably better off wearing lightweight summer slacks such as seersucker because no matter what you do in life, people will at least subconsciously judge you based on what you look like. Being perceived as being well put together, will never hurt you but being a slop can.

Consider wearing a sport coat with jeans for a smart casual look.

Appropriate business casual attire for young men in a start-up

D. Shoes & Boots

A nice pair of boots or shoes will always make you look more dapper than wearing sneakers. Instead of just going with brown, you can be more playful and wear stone, red, green or blue suede loafers, driving mocs or spectators. Of course, sneakers or stylish canvas shoes can be acceptable too, and even though some coworker may wear tennis shoes, you will look better without them.

A portfolio or a leather / canvas bag are your best bet. In terms of colors, anything goes, even though a bright pink bag with pokemons on it may not reflect positively on you. If you are into tech, bags with built in chargers, cables and camera compartments will satify your needs but please, skip the backpack.

A great business casual outfit with outerwear and accessories

Business Casual Outerwear

When your job means being on the move, it’s a great idea to ensure your outerwear matches your indoor attire because that active jacket you wear skiing or hiking does not go well with your sport coat.

Quilted Jackets

Lightweight, warm and classic the quilted jacket is slightly longer than your blazer and makes you look instantly well put together. At the same time, it is easy to care for, wrinkles easily and can be machine washed.

Trench Coat

During the fall and spring season a trench coat will look very dapper. To learn all about this garment, check out our trench coat guide. For a more youthful look, with a trench coat that is shorter than your knees.

Peacoat with double sided scarf, Jodhpur boots and Chinos – Business Casual

For the cold winters, a pea coat is the perfect business casual companion because it is less formal than a full fledged overcoat yet still warm, stylish and functional due to its many pockets. To learn more about peacoats click here

Scarves & Gloves

A gorgeous paisley scarf or a nice pair of gloves will add the finishing touches to your business casual look.

This is too casual for business casual unless you work in a young startup or tech environment

DO’s – When In Doubt, Dress Up

If you are unsure of whether business casual is allowed in your workplace or not, it is best to err on the side of caution and to be overdressed rather than underdressed. Wear a suit and tie the first day. Then you can see how people dress around you and adapt. If you are still unsure about what is appropriate, ask your coworker or superior.

Jeans should be avoided in traditional and service environment unless approved by management

DON’Ts – When It’s Not Appropriate

Even for the most casual workplaces, there are times where business casual simply isn’t appropriate. Here are a few of the times you will want to wear a more conservative outfit such as a business suit.

  1. When you have an important meeting with clients or customers outside your normal range of duties.
  2. When you have a meeting with a manager or executive in the organization.
  3. When you will be attending a board or committee meeting.
  4. During work related events, conferences, and symposiums.
  5. When representing your company in the media or speaking at an event.
  6. When interviewing for a position or negotiating a raise with your employer.
  7. When you work for a firm with a policy that does not permit the regular wearing of business casual attire.
  8. Don’t wear business casual to a job interview – to learn more about what to wear to an interview, check out this guide

Wonderful business casual outfit for fall with brown suede double monks and green turtleneck

What about Casual Friday? It depends

Some companies do not support business casual attire but they will allow it on Fridays, others even allow very casual clothing on Fridays. Talk to your coworkers and your boss to find out how your company handles Friday dress codes.

In case there is a more casual dress code for Fridays, but you notice that senior management doesn’t dress that way, you should take them as the lead. It’s more advantageous for you to dress for the job you want, rather than the job you have.


Business Casual for men is not easy to master because it means different things at different events. Using the three step structure we provide in this guide, you at least determine what ballpark your office or company is in and adjust your outfits accordingly.

If you would wear it to watch television or to a casual barbecue, don’t wear it to work. If you’re unsure whether it’s appropriate, chances are it’s not and you should always dress up a notch because it is always best to be slightly overdressed than slightly underdressed.

This guide was written by Sven Raphael Schneider & J.A. Shapira

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Another great article! A few nits to pick: Many of the sport coats look at least a couple of inches too short. If you wear trousers with braces, remove the belt loops. Also, a shawl collar cardigan sweater may substitute for a sport coat in certain environments. Keep up the good work!

It’s an old wives tale about removing the belt loops when wearing braces. Yes, it can look cleaner but options are good. I can wear my bespoke trousers with or without braces, as desired. I personally always have buttons and loops put on any new trousers I have made. When you’re spending upwards of $1K each, you want as much versatility as you can get.

Love it. Dressing down is always a difficult game of guesses and decisions. Far more room for errors! I can nail a three-piece in full bloom, but pulling it down to a more casual level is much more difficult. Good tips here.

People working in the academia and similar jobs have traditionally always dressed that way or a similar one, but with dress codes more and more casualizing in other businesses, there has also appeared a confusion of what is appropriate. I am happy to see that there is a guide going this deeply into the details to explain what business casual really is.

Hi Raphael, I enjoyed the article. If you’ll allow me I want to point out some fun facts related to the photo of you dressed in the double-breasted jacket and the yellow pocket square. Dude – if you dress like that here in Austin, TX three things will happen. 1) You will sweat to death in the heat – but you will look sharp while so doing. 2) Everyone will thing you are a tourist. 3) I will have to send you to Antonio Centeno for remedial training on how to dress for ungodly hot weather. HAHAHA. Seriously this is a great article.

I have been to Austin in the summer, and I wore a jacket 😉

This is another article showing “fashion-forward” styles – short jackets, skinny low-rise pants, no socks, and so on – as appropriate.

Looks like it’s time for this older hand to find another article source.

Most of us that are not in their twenties anymore may be a bit skeptical about nowaday’s fashion, but still, using such pictures is a good way to reach the younger generation in need for instruction about the matter.

You got the point. We show long jackets and shorter ones. In a young start-up a short jacket is appropriate, and a traditional law firm, probably not.

We want to help men dress better, and that often means to lead the way, no matter where they are in their sartorial journeys.

If one’s sole purpose is to leave negative comments, then this is not the place.

If that is all you can say after reading the entire article, then yes, I think you should go somewhere else. People like you are not the ones we are writing for.

Don’t keep writing rubbish then

I don’t understand why would you would be trolling on fine articles like these. If you don’t areciate GG articles then it would be best to show your dissatisfaction by not reading them.

It would be nice to read your take on business and business casual in warmer climates such as the south and southwest. So many layers are fun but impractical and doomed for staining with taco sauce. I love those looks, but as another respondent noted, I wouldn’t last a minute in the heat. Unfortunately Bermuda shorts and blazers never caught on here on the continent and those unfortunate low-rise jeans and no socks look alarmingly uncomfortable. How have the Italians and Spanish solved this problem?

Spontanously I would say that linen pants with loafers, a piqué shirt and a fresco sport coat might be the anwer, but then, I live in France.

@Poppy But he is a handsome devil, isn’t he!

although I think the photo is cut off short to hide his flip-flops

Great discussion and video Sven. You are always “On the Money” with your analysis and advice. Really appreciate the discussions. Keep up the good work.

I was having lunch with a banker client of mine and we were discussing appropriate work dress. I asked him what the policy at the bank was for casual Fridays. His response was classic.

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[…] Business Casual Men's Attire & Dress Code Explained — Gentleman's Gazette says: October 20, 2016 at 10:06 PM […]

[…] Business Casual Outfit by Hogtownrake – Single Breasted Blazer with popover shirt, cotton pocket square, khakis and brown tassel loafers […]

The five most common dress codes and what they actually mean for men and women

Dress code getting you down? Here’s our definitive guide. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

WEDDING and party invites giving you outfit anxiety?

In order of most formal to least formal, here’s Vogue’s ultimate guide to dress codes. Just remember, rules are always meant to be broken.

Women: Floor-length formal gown and gloves; hair typically worn in an up-do.

Men: Suit with a waistcoat and white bow tie.

White tie. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

Women: Floor-length formal gown.

Men: Suit with a black bow tie.

Black tie. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

Women: Formal gown.

Men: Suit with a tie.

Lounge suit. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

Women: An above-the-knee hem is appropriate, or an evening pantsuit.

Men: Suit, tie optional.

Cocktail. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

Women: There are no rules however it requires a degree of polish, such as a blazer or jewellery. Flats or heels are acceptable.

Men: Denims, chinos or suit paints with a shirt or dressed-up T-shirt; no ties.

Smart casual. Picture: Vogue. Source:Vogue Australia

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How to Dress for a Casual Casino Day (B)

Dice, Cards and Chips

Casinos are probably more wide-spread today than ever. Pretty much every middle-sized town around the world has a casino where people can go to have fun, play games, eat and drink.

However, if you have never been to a casino, you might not know exactly what the dress code is or whether more casinos even have one. The only references you have a probably movies or Katy Perry videos, which portray slightly different version of what a casino is from what it is in reality.

And because casinos are not only places far away from home, here are some tips on how to dress when playing casino games at home and around the world:

If you are having a casino party at home, and use your own games, you might as well turn it into a big Gatsby costume party. Guys dressing up in black suits, women wearing little black dresses or long, red gowns with feathers in their hair, everyone playing slots on aligned laptops or tablets. Whatever works for you, do it!

Even though when playing games at home, the games are the star, we still encourage you to dress up! Just find a dress code you like and imagine you are spending an evening in the country of your dreams

Nowadays, you can even play casino games from home online, on websites such as Casino Midas for example or other online gaming websites, which don’t require much dressing up and can be just as fun. Playing games from home can actually be a fun activity; it can be done alone or with friends and can be accessed at any time of the day from any part of the world. And the best part is, you can even do it in your pajama!

Around the world

If you decide to go out and hit the town for a night at a casino, you should know a few things about how to dress up for it.

Fortunately, there is no one dress code that you have to follow or risk getting kicked out. The days when wearing a tuxedo was the norm are gone in most places of the world.

The dress code for casinos varies from place to place and is, of course, highly connected to the climate of the location. Wearing a tuxedo in Las Vegas can turn out to be quite a warm experience. Of course, this does not mean you can’t dress elegantly for a night out. If you want to have a great experience when going to a casino, following a few sartorial rules can help you enhance your experience and help you feel comfortable, which is a receipt for a good time.

In Las Vegas

A casual, yet elegant and polished casino look

Let’s begin with the epicenter of casinos: Las Vegas. Here, you can basically enter in any casino if you look clean. They allow people in shorts and t-shirts, given the fact that Nevada is situated in a very hot climate and that temperatures can go very high, especially during the summer months. Note that if you plan on eating at one of the more elegant restaurants, you should at least wear a pair of chinos and a casual, short- or long-sleeved shirt. In terms of shoes, we always recommend moccasins or loafers as a comfortable and stylish alternative to sneakers or espadrilles. In warm climates, if you are wearing shorts and a shirt, you can also wear sandals, but we don’t recommend wearing socks with your sandals!

You can follow these guides pretty much everywhere in North America, as their dress codes in casinos are quite relaxed. Usually they ban beachwear and gang colors but, otherwise, you should be fine.

In the United Kingdom, there are two types of casinos: there is one category where you can go dressed according to the Vegas rules we mentioned above and there are is a category of casinos where you might be thrown out if you wear a tracksuit.

Many casinos in Great Britain have a “smart/casual” dress code. This basically means that if you have a t-shirt and long pants on (jeans accepted), you will be let in. Other casinos have a strict ban on football colors, as they don’t want anyone getting into brawls. Hooded tops also some of the things certain casinos won’t let you wear.

Many casinos in London and other UK cities as well are imposing a “smart” dress code for the evening. What this means is that you will need a jacket to use their machines and to play their games.

Our tip is that before you head out to make a call to the casino you are planning on spending your evening at and to check whether they have strict dress code or if certain items are unacceptable.

Other parts of Europe

Across other parts of Europe, you will find that the dress code in casinos is basically a mix between the UK code and the US one. Even in places such as Monte Carlo, they will ask you to dress appropriately for the setting, without imposing a strict code. Wearing anything that is too casual or that can instigate to conflict will usually not be accepted. In Europe, people might not be very happy if you turn up in a tracksuit, but they probably won’t throw you out.

In Australia

Australians have a dress code that is similar to the one you will find in the UK. Here, you will find casinos that will let you play even if you are wearing shorts and a t-shirt, especially due to climate conditions, while others will require a minimum of formality. Usually, casinos based in resorts will be more open to casual wear, while stand-alone casinos will require you to wear a jacket.

Our recommendations

While some places let people in who are dressed up in shorts and t-shirts, this does not mean that you need to wear bad clothes. We strongly recommend that you wear a well-fitting t-shirt or a polo shirt, a dress pair of pants (no cargos, please), and, why not, a belt and a watch.

Being casual does not mean being sloppy. Remember that your clothes speak a lot about you can influence your interactions with other people. It might sound strange, but being dressed appropriately and well can result in better fun than you would have had wearing a sloppy pair of pants and a pajama t-shirt.

Wearing a simple, yet stylish outfit is going to make a big difference.

Pair a well-fitting shirt with a pair of khakis or shorts and a pair of slip-ons and you are set to go.

A casual outfit can incorporate several colors, prints or patterns. Remember, the rule when it comes to mixing patterns is that they need to be of different sizes. As you can see in the picture, a bigger print can be matched to a small pattern, such as big print of the pants with the fine pattern of the shirt.

Smart casual

The same shirt we used in the previous outfit can be incorporated in a dressier outfit, by mixing it with more formal pieces, such as a gray jacket and a black pair of pants.

Dressy and sleek

Another option is to go for a dressier look and style up a dress shirt with a blazer and a pair of suede oxfords or brogues. Remember that there are several differences between dress shirts and casual shirts: dress shirts are usually more fitted, they touch your body and frame it right, while casual shirts are looser and usually feature more colorful patterns or prints. Another important factor that differentiates a dress shirt from a casual one is whether it has pockets or not. A dress shirt does not have any pockets, while a casual shirt usually has one. Shirts with two pockets are utilitarian shirts and should not be worn with dress pants, jackets or dress shoes.

A black and white casual outfit

A third option is to go for a classic black and white combo. You can either wear a nice white shirt or an elegant v-neck t-shirt. You can even put on a printed t-shirt that features a cool design. This outfit can be worn with a casual blazer made from cotton or velour.

You can say ‘casino through your accessories by either showing it or by suggesting it. Here are some accessories featuring poker chips and a black-white-red pair of socks

Adding cool accessories is also a nice touch. Colorful socks, a great watch or a necklace are all ways of styling up an outfit and of expressing your personality through your appearance. Wearing accessories is an indicator of a person who pays attention to the details and who knows himself.

In the end, we can say that casinos these days are really great places to have wonderful time. However, if the classic casino dress code is not followed anymore, it doesn’t mean that you cannot dress as sharp as James Bond when you are playing some games.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. How do you like to dress when going to a casino? Do you like playing casino games from home? Share your thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!

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3 thoughts on “ How to Dress for a Casual Casino Day (B) ”

Since I have never been to a casino and had an image only from movies, like you said, this guide is definitely great!

We’re happy to help! Have fun at the casino and play responsibly!

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How to dress cocktail for men

Wonder how to dress cocktail for men? Here we provide information on what to wear to a cocktail party. Besides that here you can also find great examples of cocktail outfits that can inspire you to look great in your cocktail attire.

What is cocktail attire?

Cocktail attire is used as a party dress code for different occasions . These can range from more formal to less formal depending on the situation. The outfit can be adjusted to the formality of the event or situation of the party. With this dress code there is more space for your own interpretation as with more formal dress codes like black tie or white tie.

Difference Between Business Casual & Business Attire

Business formal attire is common in finance jobs.

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  • 1 Four Different Types of Business Attire
  • 2 What Is Considered Men's Business Attire?
  • 3 Difference Between Women's Business Casual Dress & Business Attire
  • 4 Difference Between Formal & Business Casual for Men

The majority of white collar workers are subject to standardized dress codes imposed by their employers. Typical clothing choices consist of conservative colors, fabrics and styles. Occasionally, office workers can dress less formally in apparel that helps maintain a productive business environment yet is comfortable enough to feel more relaxed than on a typical work day. When in doubt about workplace clothing attire, choose more conservative apparel until you know dress code norms.

Men's Business Formal Attire

While less than 9 percent of white collar workers dress in business formal attire, this type of dress style remains the preferred look for job interviews and daily use in conservative professions such as finance and engineering. Business formal attire consists of classically tailored dark suits, conservative ties, coordinating button down, starched dress shirts, dark leather shoes and socks. This look extends to personal grooming as well. Earrings should be removed and facial hair should be neatly groomed. White collar workers are advised to choose the business formal dress code when attending a job interview or if there are any doubts about a company's dress code.

Men's Business Casual Attire

Famous high tech entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates chose not to wear business formal suits and instead made business casual attire a standard dress code for many male office workers. This look consists of lighter conservative color choices for pants, such as khakis, Oxford button-down shirts and less formal footwear such as loafers or even well-kept athletic shoes. Although jeans are acceptable in many offices, all business casual apparel should be neatly ironed, free of frayed edges and in good condition. A business casual look for men does not include t-shirts, shorts or sandals and outward expressions of individuality such as tattoos and piercings.

Women's Business Formal Attire

Women's formal business attire is generally conservative, dark and restrained. Many of the rules for business formal menswear also apply when selecting women's formal business clothing, such as classically tailored, coordinated suits with knee or calf-length skirts, ironed blouses with conservative necklines and classic closed-toe, low-heeled leather dress shoes. Hosiery, no perfume and minimal jewelry is preferred, and hair should be neatly styled. This formal dress code makes an ideal first impression on employers and is suitable for women in any type of office profession -- from an entry-level administrative assistant to a lawyer.

Women's Business Casual Attire

As less formal dress codes become more acceptable in office-based professions, choices for women's business casual attire often cause confusion among workers. Generally, any clothing that reveals cleavage, stomachs or thighs is unacceptable. Flip-flops, sundresses, short skirts and midriffs are best reserved for picnics and weekends, even when outside temperatures soar. A safer bet for women's business casual clothing consists of restrained makeup, jewelry and hair styles. Tailored knit sweater and pant sets are good choices during winter, and cotton or linen coordinates can be worn in summer. While hosiery is not mandatory in most casual business climates, more conservative industries will expect female workers to wear nylons, even during hot weather

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About the Author

Rene Agredano is a traveling journalist and entrepreneur based in Fort Collins, Colo. Since 1998, she has covered travel, home-and-garden, fitness, animal care and other lifestyle topics for publications such as "The Times-Standard" newspaper of northern California. Agredano holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Chapman University.

Einladung zur Cocktailparty: was muss man beachten

Posted by Juliane 2241 days ago

Wer zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben eine Einladung zu einer Cocktailparty erhält, fragt sich mit Recht, was wohl der Unterschied zu einer anderen Party ist. Sind es nur die Getränke – nämlich die Cocktails – die den Unterschied ausmachen?

Ja, es gibt noch einige gravierende Unterschiede zwischen Cocktailparty und sonstiger Einladung, die man sowohl als Gastgeber als auch als Gast wissen sollte, sonst kann es peinlich werden.

Sie wollen Gastgeber eine Cocktailparty sein

  • etwa zwei Wochen vorher einladen
  • Cocktails entweder selbst mixen oder jemanden engagieren, der es kann
  • eine Cocktailparty dauert nicht länger als zwei Stunden
  • besten Zeiten für eine Cocktailparty sind 18 bis 20 Uhr oder 19 bis 21 Uhr
  • die Cocktailparty ist eine Stehparty, es müssen keine Stühle organisiert werden
  • viele Gäste einladen. Da jeder kommen und gehen kann, wann er will, wird empfohlen 1 Gast pro m² einzuladen.
  • Kleiderordnung ist eher zwanglos
  • Fingerfood in Form von mundgerecht zerteilten Häppchen, für die man kein Besteck benötigt

Sie sind zu einer Cocktailparty eingeladen

  • zwanglose aber gute Kleidung
  • Sie können einen Gast mitbringen
  • vor Ort nicht die ganze Zeit mit der gleichen Person sprechen
  • nicht weniger als 20 Minuten bleiben
  • nicht viel länger als 30 Minuten bleiben

Noch ein paar Worte zur Kleiderordnung einer Cocktailparty

Beliebt ist das einfache kleine Schwarze für Damen, allerdings sollte dies nicht zu elegant sein, denn die Cocktailparty ist eine eher lockere Angelegenheit. Der Stil des Kleides sollte sportlich lässig sein. Auch große Handtaschen gelten als Stilbruch.

Herren sollten ihre teuren Krawatten zu Hause lassen und sich auch eher lässig sportlich kleiden.

Auf dieser Webseite finden Gastgeber einer zukünftigen Cocktailparty viele Rezepte für gelungene Cocktails mit und ohne Alkohol.

How to Dress for Festive Attire

Dressing in festive attire is like dressing in cocktail attire but with a festive flair.

What time of day is the party?

What's the location?

How many guests?

Is it formal or in-formal?

This doesn't mean your thick Christmas scene cable knit sweater to dress up your jeans.

Festive Attire for Women

Add a bit of holiday color and sparkle or beading.

Nice black pants or simple black skirt with red silk blouse or cashmere sweater or sweater set, nice dressy flats or pull out these chic pumps.

Festive Attire for Men

Add some holiday color to your shirt, nice dark dress pants (usually stay away from khakis or light colors), nice leather shoes and socks, maybe red or green holiday pattern.

For evening and for warmth, a nice sport coat and leave the large cable knit sweaters in your closet.

Dress Code Guide: What To Wear When The Event Invite Says Casual-Chic

It's that time of year: summer. The time when we get to prance around in flirty frocks and ripped jean shorts like it's nobody's business. In the heat of summer, anything goes and we savour the season's sartorial splendour as we drift from patio party to white wedding.

But excitement can turn to panic when the invitation’s dreaded dress code appears, instructing us that it’s "casual-chic." How confusingly paradoxical! Doesn’t "casual" refer to clothing like jeans, khaki pants and cotton T-shirts, while chic implies something tailored, sophisticated and fashion forward?

The task of putting all these images together is enough for anyone to be anxiously seeking advice from their nearest clothing consultant.

What does casual-chic mean? We're here to cut through the ambiguity. Taken together, this term means smart and sophisticated. Elegant, but not overdone. Tailored, but not too traditional. Pairing work with play, casual with dressy doesn't take a large budget; just a keen eye and some great accessories.

Check out these five outfit tips and rid yourself of any "casual-chic" ambiguity.

How To Dress Casual-Chic

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Add Layers To Your Outfit

Whether it's tossing a sweater over a summer dress or taking some lessons in layering from Man Repeller Leandra Medine (in which case you may be layering until you sweat in style), layers complement any silhouette and give your outfit a little something extra. Plus, they can be mighty practical when cooler summer nights set in.

Mix Skinny Jeans With Heels

Add some height to your outfit by pairing heels with skinny jeans. If your heels are more strappy or you want to dress up the look even more, try a fitted mini or peplum skirt.

The right details can really dress up a look. Statement earrings, an arm full of bracelets and layered necklaces are all accessories that don't overpower an outfit, but make it stand out a little bit more.

Bold Patterns And Prints

Wearing bold, colourful prints will jazz up your outfit while still keeping it casual. Singer Estelle is the poster-child for this look at the 2012 BET Awards.

Add High Boots And Scarves To Your Outfit

We should all take tips from rapper Eve as she rocks the casual chic look, adorning a leather jacket, jeans, a scarf, a hat and high boots.

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