вторник, 23 января 2018 г.


How to Make a Mocktail

These spirited cocktails pack a punch. without any alcohol

T he drink is the perfect match for a rich dish," says Jesse LaFortune, maître d' of the distinguished restaurant Gary Danko, in San Francisco. "Intense and floral, with strong tannins that cut through the richness." Familiar words, perhaps, but LaFortune isn't talking about Cabernet or Petit Verdot—he's talking about African rooibos, a type of herbal tea.

And he is not alone. Some of the country's best restaurants are offering nonalcoholic drinks go well beyond sparkling water. At Clio, in Boston, sommelier Erin O'Shea pairs house-made spruce soda with chef Ken Oringer's radish, tamarind, and hearts of palm salad. At Charlie Trotter's, in Chicago, chef Trotter devised a menu of fanciful juices to accompany his tasting menu, including carrot with Thai chili and kaffir lime with young coconut. At The French Laundry, in Napa Valley, and its sister restaurant Per Se, in New York City, wine and beverage director Paul Roberts pours various libations to complement chef Thomas Keller's daily changing dishes—from the bottled sparkler GuS (a.k.a. Grown-Up Soda) to a glass of frothy milk.

Roberts created his first alcohol-free pairing at Per Se for a child dining at a table where everyone else had ordered wine. Why, he thought, should the little guy miss the fun? Soon Roberts was doing the same for adults, because after all, there are plenty of diners—pregnant women, designated drivers, and early-risers, to name a few—who might choose to go without.

Mocktail Recipes

Aside from giving them a way to join the party, making drinks for this abstemious demographic appeals to some chefs because it offers an opportunity that wine does not. "It gives me more room to experiment," says Nils Noren, executive chef at New York City's Aquavit. Instead of dealing with flavors that are fixed in bottles, he can control the taste, and even the temperature, of what goes in the diner's glass. The results: Noren's bay leaf- and cinnamon-infused Assam tea, which brings a new layer of warm spice to wintry venison with celery root purée, and bracing lingonberry lemonade, which provides a sweet-tart counterpoint to salty, lavish foie gras ganache.

Although avoiding wine is freeing for Noren, it is challenging for LaFortune, who pairs teas exclusively. While Gary Danko's four sommeliers can draw from the restaurant's 1,600-bottle cellar, LaFortune has only a few dozen teas to match with dishes. Clio's sommelier, Erin O'Shea, also understands the limitations that the nonalcoholic pairing presents. "With wine there are all sorts of layers," she says, "but with sodas there's just one basic flavor." Wine's complexity enables a reciprocal relationship: The drink helps the food taste its best, and vice versa. Sodas, however, are best used to echo an essential flavor in a dish. For instance, O'Shea opts for refreshing, slightly sweet lemon verbena soda to go with foie gras terrine with grapefruit, reinforcing the relief from richness already provided by the citrus fruit.

Shopping Guide

GuS sodas are significantly less sweet than your typical pop. Sweetened with cane sugar, they come in intriguing flavors, including Meyer lemon and crimson grape.

Rishi Tea meets the high standards of chef Gary Danko as well as the restaurant's maître d' and resident tea enthusiast, Jesse LaFortune.

Monin syrups are Frisson bar manager Duggan McDonnell's pick over the ubiquitous Torani and Rose's. Look for the almond, ginger, Granny Smith apple, lime, and grenadine flavors.

The main hurdle for Duggan McDonnell, bar manager at San Francisco's Frisson, is not pairing his concoctions with food, but making them interesting enough to stand alone. That's because Frisson is a cocktail destination as well as a restaurant, so plenty of people come just for a seat at the bar. McDonnell carefully composes his liquor-less drinks, shaking and straining them as he would a martini or an Old Fashioned. According to McDonnell, these "antidotes," as they're called on the restaurant's menu, are popular with health-conscious customers as well as those "who just came off a bender." In fact, the appeal of his lavender lemonade transcends those looking to stay sober. "We get a lot of people who say, 'I want one, but can you put vodka in it?'"

Other Tips

  • Infusing with Herbs

We've provided the recipe for restaurant Clio's lemon verbena soda, but you can infuse the seltzer with other herbs as well, like thyme or mint.

When choosing a drink to go with food, do as Clio's sommelier Erin O'Shea suggests and match the drink's flavor with one you'd like to highlight in a dish. For instance, lemon verbena soda goes nicely with Almond-Crusted Shrimp Cakes with Lemon Soy Mayonnaise.

In a pinch, add a touch of freshly squeezed orange or lime juice to sparkling water.

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7 erfrischende Sommer-Cocktails mit Gurke

Als uns zum ersten Mal jemand eine Gurke in den Gin Tonic geworfen hat, haben wir die Augenbraue hochgezogen: Wir wollten uns betrinken und der Bartender machte aus unserem Longdrink ein Salatdressing. Hat aber trotzdem geschmeckt. Heute musst du froh sein, dass sie dir das grüne Ding nicht einfach aushöhlen und dir den G&T built in cucumber servieren. Aber warum eigentlich nicht? Gurke passt schließlich nachweislich hervorragend zu Gin und Wodka und schmeckt frischfruchtig nach Sommer.

Weil das so ist, hat sich die Gurke nach und nach in immer mehr Cocktail-Rezepte eingeschlichen – nach dem Gin Tonic eroberte sie die Moscow Mules dieser Welt. Sogar eine eigene Gurkenlimonade gibt es inzwischen. SpГ¤testens seit die Bartender dieser Welt darauf gekommen sind, dass man ein GemГјse mit 96% Wasseranteil sicher gut entsaften kann, gibt es kein Halten mehr. Zum GlГјck: So kГ¶nnen wir uns diesen SommerВ jedes Wochenende einen anderen Gurken-Cocktail reinpfeifen, ohne uns zu langweilen. Damit ihr das auch kГ¶nnt, gibt’s in diesem Artikel 7 geniale Gurken-Drinks, die uns besonders begeistert haben:

Cucumber Frog

Entdeckt in der Barock Bar in Regensburg vereint der Cucumber Frog Basilikum, Gurken, Gin und Wasabipaste. Was klingt, als hätte jemand einfach nur grüne Sachen in den Mixer gepackt, ist ein wahnsinnig frischer Sommerdrink, der mediterrane und asiatische Einflüsse mit der Aromatik von Gurkenwasser in Omas Kartoffelsalat vereint. Was rauskommt, ist der im Wortsinn perfekte Begleiter zu jedem Grill-Abend:

  • 6В cl Gin
  • 2В cl Zitronensaft
  • 10 Gurkenscheiben
  • 1 TeelГ¶ffel Wasabipaste
  • 2 cl Basilikumsirup

Gurkenscheiben einmal kurz anmuddeln, Zitronensaft, Gin, Wasabi und Baslikumsirup dazu und auf Eis hart shaken. So richtig, richtig shaken, denn die Wasabipaste muss sich auflösen. Dann in ein Longdrinkglas mit Eis abseihen und mit Gurken und Basilikumblatt garnieren. Trinken.

St Germain des Pres

Der mit Abstand komplexeste Drink in diesem Artikel – so komplex, dass wir ihn als einzigen CocktailВ auf dieser Liste (noch) nieВ im Selbstversuch testen konnten, weil hier keiner dran gedacht hat, eine Thaichilli-Tinktur anzusetzen. DerВ St Germain des Pres vereint die Aromen von Gin, Gurken, Holunder und Thaichilli und geht damit einen sehr Г¤hnlichen Weg wie der Cucumber Frog, ist aber in der Zubereitung deutlich aufwendiger. Wir greifen Гјbrigens auf das Rezept von Hendrick’s Gin zurГјck – das Originalrezept aus dem Experimental Cocktail Club findet ihr auf mixology.eu.

  • 4 cl Gin
  • 1,25 cl St. Germain (HolunderlikГ¶r)
  • 0,5 cl HolunderblГјtensirup
  • 6 Tropfen Thaichilli-Tinktur (Rezept gibts im Mixology-Link oben)
  • 0,75 ml Gurkensaft
  • 1 EiweiГџ

Alle Zutaten im Shaker einmal ohne Eis schГјtteln, damit das Ei eine Schaumkrone bilden kann. AnschlieГџend noch einmal mit Eis shaken und in ein gekГјhltes Martini-Glas oder eine Coupette doppelt abseihen.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Anna Charlotte (@an.b.an) am 10. Dez 2016 um 13:59 Uhr

Munich Mule

Der Munich Mule entstand irgendwann mal in München, irgendwann zu der Zeit, als Moscow Mules immer aktueller wurden, aber die Bars hierzulande noch gar kein Ginger Beer herumstehen hatten. Weil die Grenzen zwischen Mule und G&T irgendwann fließend verliefen, entstand der Munich Mule: Ein Gin Buck mit ganz viel Gurke drin. Zur Erklärung: Ein Buck ist jeder Cocktail mit Ginger Beer oder Ginger Ale mit einer Spirituose und Limettensaft oder Zitronensaft darin. In dem Sinne ist der Moscow Mule also eigentlich ein Vodka Buck. Aber zurück zum Munich Mule:

  • 6 clВ Gin
  • 12 cl Ginger Beer
  • Saft von 1/2 Limette
  • 8 bis 10 Scheiben Gurke

EiswГјrfel und Gurken ins Glas drappieren, Limettensaft, GinВ und Ginger Beer draufgieГџen. UmrГјhren,В trinken!

Ein Green Bird mit BIRDS Weissbrand, Tonic Water, Gurkensaft und Koriander.

Green Bird

Der Green Bird rГ¤umte in der Made in GSA Competition 2016 den Preis fГјr den besten Cocktail in der Kategorie Limonaden & Filler ab. DiesenВ deutschen Cocktail-Award gewonnen und den Drink erfunden hat der junge Bartender Nik Neubauer und dafГјr Gurkensaft und Tonic Water mit Koriander und dem irre leckeren BIRDS WeiГџbrand kombiniert. Den hat von euch jetzt vielleicht keiner einfach so daheim – wГјrde sich aber lohnen: Wer Gin Tonic mit Gurke gut findet, wird den Green Bird sehr wahrscheinlich heiraten wollen.

  • 4 cl BIRDS Weissbrand
  • 4 cl Gurkensaft
  • 3 cl Roses Lime Juice
  • 3 Zweige Koriander
  • Tonic Water (im Originalrezept: Thomas Henry)

Alle Zutaten auГџer dem Tonic Water zusammen mit Eis in den Shaker geben und hart shaken. AnschlieГџend in ein Longdrink-Glas mit frischem Eis doppelt abseihen. Trinken. Ja, wir haben dafГјr ein Hurricane-Glas genommen. VerprГјgelt uns doch!

Ein von Coovn92 (@coovn92) gepostetes Foto am 24. Jun 2016 um 15:08 Uhr

Cucumber Gimlet

Der Original-Gimlet ist ein irre simpler Cocktail aus Gin und Rose’s Lime Juice – jetzt kГ¶nnte man meinen, dass der Cucumber Gimlet damit irgendwas zu tun hat. Aber Pustekuchen: AuГџer Gin haben die drГ¶lfzigtausend Rezepte fГјr diesen Drink schon untereinander wenig tun, aber auГџer Gin so gar nichts mit einem Gimlet gemein. Lecker ist dieser Gurken-Cocktail von Serious Eats trotzdem.В Weil relativ wenig Gurke zum Einsatz kommt und Rosmarin mit im Spiel ist, ist das Ergebnis in den Aromen sehr feingliedrig. Nehmt also nicht den heftigsten Gin im Arsenal.

  • 2 Scheiben Gurken
  • 1 Zweig Rosmarin
  • 6 cl Gin
  • 2 cl Limettensaft
  • 0,75 cl Zuckersirup

Gurken und Rosmarin muddeln. AnschlieГџend Eis und restliche Zutaten dazu und richtig hat shaken, bis der Rosmarin und die Gurke nur noch Matschepampe sind. Dann doppelt in ein gekГјhltes Martini-Glas abseihen. Mit einer hauchdГјnnen Scheibe Gurke und/oder einem Rosmarin-Zweigchen garnieren.

Ein Cucumber Cooler-Cocktail mit Gurkenscheiben und Minze. Quelle: Fotolia.com

Cucumber Cooler

Ein Drink, der auch Cucumber Mojito heißen könnte und der durch so viele Foodblogs getrieben wurde wie die Sau durchs Dorf. Deshalb findet man davon auch Varianten, in denen der Gin Teelöffelweise in den Drink gegeben wird. Wir wollen aber den Sommer genießen und was erfrischendes trinken, das uns ein bisschen doof macht. Nicht detoxen. Daher haben wir aus den unzähligen Varianten dieses Gurken-Minze-Gin-Mojitos unsere eigene extrahiert:

  • 6 cl Gin
  • 1 gehГ¤ufter TeelГ¶ffelВ weiГџer Rohrzucker
  • 4 bis 5 etwas dickere Gurkenscheiben
  • eine halbe Handvoll Minze
  • 3 cl Limettensaft
  • Mineralwasser

Gurken, Zucker und Minze in ein Glas geben und leicht anmuddeln. Eis drauf, Limettensaft und Gin hinterher. Jetzt mit Mineralwasser aufgieГџen und einmal kurz umrГјhren. Trinken.

Green Cucumber

Wir wГјrden uns fГјr diesen letzten Cocktail schГ¤men, wenn er nicht so schrecklich lecker wГ¤re. Aber wir haben den Green Cucumber von der Lidl-Cocktail-Seite. Ja, klar haben wir das Rezept ein bisschen angepasst, aber das Г¤ndert ja nichts daran, dass wir auf der Cocktail-Seite vom DiscounterВ Rezepte finden. Ach, scheiГџ drauf: dieser Cocktail ist sowas wie die feinere, komplexere und auch leichtere Variante vom Cucumber Cooler – und damit ziemlich lecker, erfrischend, grГјn.В Da kann uns doch wirklich wurscht sein, wo er herkommt.

  • 4В cl Gin
  • 2 Stiele Minze
  • 1 dickes StГјck grob gehackte Gurke
  • 1 cl Zuckersirup
  • 1 cl Limettensirup
  • Bitter Lemon

Minze und Gurke leicht anmuddeln, anschlieГџend Eis und alle anderen Zutaten auГџer Bitter Lemon in den Shaker. Shaken, aber ordentlich. In einen groГџen Tumbler oder ein Highball-Glas voll mit frischem Eis doppelt abseihen und mit Bitter Lemon aufgieГџen. Trinken.

Zutaten fГјr unsere Gurken-Drinks auf Amazon.de bestellen:

(Mit einem * markierte Links sind Affiliate-Links aus dem Amazon-Partnerprogramm. Benutzt ihr diese fГјr euren Einkauf, erhalten wir dafГјr eine kleine Provision.)

The Trickiest Drink

The best cocktail you've ever had was probably some version of the sour. The worst cocktail you've ever had probably was, too.

No drink formula could be simpler: booze, lemon or lime juice, sweetener, done. And none has given us so much: the whiskey sour, the daiquiri, the collins, even the sidecar and the margarita — all sours. And none can be so awful: either tooth-strippingly tart or candy-sweet instead of what it's supposed to be, which is dry and complex.

Now, we don't want to make balancing a sour sound like molecular biology. But the sour is machined to a finer tolerance than other drinks, so it takes a little management. Like this:

Although most bartenders these days balance out the citrus with an equal portion of simple syrup — a 50-50 mix of sugar and water — what you want to use is granulated sugar. If you look through old bar books, you'll notice that the pre-Prohibition masters of the art, although fully versed in the use of simple syrup, made sours with plain sugar.

There's a reason for that. A drink with superfine sugar stirred into lemon juice is clean and vibrant. A modern drink with, say, three quarters of an ounce each of citrus juice and syrup has a slick, almost plastic texture. Score one for the wisdom of the ancients.

If you use quality spirits — we like bolder ones here, such as American whiskey, cognac, gin, or rich, funky rum — a well-balanced simple sour will always be perfect. Of course, perfection can sometimes be a little dull. The traditional way to fancy up the drink is to replace the sugar or syrup with a liqueur. This can be delightful, to be sure (see the margarita and the sidecar), but it presents its own challenges in balancing the drink, good liqueurs being less sweet ounce per ounce than syrup, and it also makes for a significantly stronger drink — not always what you want from a sour.

Or you could deck it out like they did in the 1880s, when someone figured out that if you make a simple sour and, pouring carefully over the back of a spoon, float a half ounce or so of good dry red wine over the top, it gives the drink a hell of a "snap," as a Chicago bartender put it at the time. (Ironically, in time the drink became known as a "New York sour.") Plus, it looks spectacular.

> Stir 1 level tsp superfine sugar and ¾ oz lemon juice together in a cocktail shaker. (It's easier to dissolve the sugar without the booze.)*

> Add 2 oz American whiskey of any kind.

> Fill shaker with ice, shake like a jackhammer operator, and strain into chilled cocktail coupe. Drink. Repeat.

> Stir 1 level tsp superfine sugar and ¾ oz lemon juice together in a cocktail shaker.

> Add 2 oz straight rye whiskey.

> Fill shaker with ice, shake well, and strain into chilled cocktail coupe.

> Carefully float ½ oz cabernet sauvignon or other dry red wine over the top by pouring it slowly out of a small container over the back of a bar spoon.

*If this is too tart for your taste, better to pull the citrus back to ½ oz than increase the sugar. That stuff will kill you.



You used to make gin and whiskey pretty much the exact same way, except for the gin you threw in some juniper berries and sometimes a handful of hops. That was a few hundred years ago, before the English came up with the far lighter and more botanical style we know as London dry gin. The Dutch still make much of their gin the old way. When barrel aged, it's a wonderfully mellow drink — with just a hint of juniper to spice it up — that gives a sour the body and richness of whiskey and the brightness of gin.

Sweet Cucumber Beverage

by mj on June 15, 2012

I love all of the refreshing cocktails that I’ve been seeing lately so I thought I would join the party. This sweet cucumber drink is delicious both as a cocktail and as a non-alcoholic refresher. I’ve had it both ways many times. The first time I had it was a few months ago when my brother-in-law made the cucumber cocktail for me. I loved it then and I love it now!

My BIL acquired this recipe from “Johnny the bartender” in Austin, TX. It was Johnny’s creation and he asked my BIL to try it. Needless to say my BIL loved it and, being the east Texas boy he is, he easily talked Johnny into sharing the recipe. So I credit this recipe to Johnny, wherever you are. I hope I’ve done your drink justice.

Sweet Cucumber Cocktail Recipe

Prep time: 10 minutes


2 oz. Vodka (4 Tbsp. or ¼ cup) (optional)

3/4 oz. Agave Nectar (1 ½ Tbsp)

1/2 oz. Lime Juice (1 Tbsp)

8 Slices of Cucumber

4 sprigs of Mint

Club Soda or sparkling mineral water


  1. Place the vodka, agave nectar, lime juice, 2 sprigs of mint and 4 slices of cucumber in shaker with ice.
  2. Shake and strain into 2 tall highball glasses filled 3/4 with ice and a couple slices of cucumber.
  3. Top off with Club Soda or mineral water. Gently stir to blend in the sparkling water.
  4. Top each glass off with a sprig of mint.

Kitchen Notes

I don’t have a shaker so I put the first five ingredients in a large glass, stir, then add some crushed ice and stir vigorously for a few seconds. At this point I divide between two glasses and follow the rest of the instructions.

The first time I took a sip of this cocktail it reminded me of a local restaurant that serves water with a cucumber slice instead of lemon. For some reason the cucumber imparts a freshness that I like better than lemon. This cocktail does the same. It’s so summery and refreshing!

Virgin cocktail – It’s just as good without the vodka. I’ve made it several times for when I just wanted something refreshing and cold to drink, sitting on the porch reading a good book.

For great information on cocktails and ideas on making some of the classics as well as new drinks, be sure to check out the cocktail series on Kitchen Riffs. While there, check out the gorgeous photography! It was Kitchen Riffs’ drink photography that inspired the second shot in this post. Being new to photography, I find photographing drinks very challenging; therefore, I took LOTS of pictures in different settings to test the results. It was fun!

Other drinks that you might enjoy:

Jamaican Cooler – A mix of simple ginger syrup, Jamaican Rum and sparkling water.

Mint Julep – Bourbon, mint and a little sugar – what more could you want?

This wonderful cucumber drink was voted up to the Foodbuzz Top 9 on June 19, 2012!

This recipe has also been shared with the following blog hops. Be sure to click on the links for more delicious recipes.

This Cucumber Drink was selected by Season With Spice as one of their Summer Season 2012 Editor Picks and picked by Fox News as a Delightful Kentucky Derby Drink!

58 Responses to “Sweet Cucumber Beverage”

Congratulations! We wanted to inform you that this post has been selected as a Featured Archive Post on our site for the month of July 2013!

Thanks Food Frenzy!

This is a cool, cool recipe. Love it!

All you need to do is mix some of the shrub with soda water, club soda, ginger ale or a lemon lime soda and you have a super refreshing drink. The really fun part about these vinegar drinks is that you can do all kinds of things with them.

This looks super delish and refreshing for the summer. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday last week. I can’t wait to see what you link up next. Have a great week.

This looks absolutely refreshing and delicious!! It’s almost like a cucumber mojito? I’m going to have to try this (although I may have to settle for just a few sips or the virgin until my daughter’s weaned). Thanks for sharing!

This sounds so refreshing, can’t wait to try. It is so HOT down here and this drink makes me feel cool inside. Thanks for sharing.

Such a refreshing drink for summer! I am all with the grown up version, but the alternate sounds very refreshing as well 🙂

Happy summer to you and hope you had a wonderful weekend 😉

Just pinned your great recipe, thanks for sharing on Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week end!

I’ve had cucumbers in plain water and they do have a nice flavor. This is really kicking it up though… really nice looking drink. thanks for sharing it on foodie friday.

Simply fabulous! Cucumber is so refreshing and the mint is an excellent twist.

This sounds lovely, with or without the alcohol. What a refreshing summer cocktail!

Thank you for this recipe! I had a similar cucumber drink (virgin) at the Wynn in Las Vegas. It was a visually impressive refresher – and yours looks even better! I can’t wait to try it! Congratulations on the “Foodbuzz Top 9” vote! Allen.

I love cucumber in my drinks and this looks right up my alley! I actually just posted a cucumber water today – but when I want a cocktail I’ll definitely reach for this.

There is something so refreshing about cucumber and mint together. Great drink!

and congrats on Top9!

Hi MJ – finally sending my first greeting since we arrived in the States. How uncanny to see your cucumber drink recipe! My last cocktail in Malaysia was a glass of cucumber, mint with pineapple mojito. Yep, speaking of tropical flavors in a glass. It;s been a whirlwind of traveling for us, so I’m thankful to be reminded of my last days in my home country. Can’t wait to get back to the kitchen soon! Happy summer!

Thanks Reese! Oh I love the idea of adding pineapple to this! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip but tiring as vacations can be. Glad I was able to welcome you home with a pleasant reminder of your last days! Look forward to seeing you back in the kitchen!

Thanks everyone for your comments, congratulations and on-going support! Love you all.

Looks so refreshing! Congrats on top 9!

This is new to me and sound absolutely delicious!!I cannot wait to try it!!Perfect for these summer days!!Congrats on Top 9.

Yay…congrats MJ! Glad to see this luscious drink in the Top 9! : )

I LOVE this sweet cucumber drink!! I can totally see myself switching out the vodka for tequila, oh this is happening soon, is it Friday yet? love it!

What a cool and refreshing drink! I can sure do with one of these in the hot and humid tropics I am in right now. Love the second shot! 🙂

Wow, this looks fabulous–and so refreshing. I can see why it goes down easy!

What an interesting drink, MJ! Never saw anything like this 🙂

What a fun drink! It looks so incredibly refreshing.

What a refreshing drink for the Summer months!! I have cucumbers fresh from the garden waiting in the fridge. Thanks for the recipe.

Isn’t it amazing how much flavour cucumber imparts? I was equally surprised the first time I tried cucumber water at a girlfriend’s house. I thought the cucumber looked very pretty in the pitcher but never expected the water to actually take on the essence of cucumber, and yet… I have been serving it to clients ever since! This drink looks so wonderfully refreshing and summer perfect MJ. I also happen to love how it is vaguely reminiscent of mojito 😉 with its lime and mint… the agave nectar sounds perfect here. Lovely.

I love the idea of a cucumber cocktail! I’ve never tried one but would absolutely LOVE to give it a go! 🙂

SO lovely and refreshing! And who can resist a cocktail this beautiful?

This is my first time seeing the use of cucumber for sweet drinks! Looks very refreshing!

I am loving this MJ. Looks so refreshing. cucumbers are cool, and tasty.

I love cucumber water so I can imagine that this would be so good. I am going to add it to my Mouth Watering Mondays post tomorrow. Come on by to see it at http://www.noshingwiththenolands.com Cheers, Tara

One of my favorite drinks is similar to this except we use gin. I look forward to trying it out with vodka! Nice.

Cucumber drink? I like the sound of that especially since it’s summer(or not 😛 )!

MJ, it sounds fabulous and so original! I’m a big cucumber fan (I have it constantly in my fridge, all year long!) and even agave syrup is my staple since I discovered its healthy side. You can be sure I will try it soon. Thank you for sharing this unusual recipe.

Wow, thanks for the nice words and the link love! Very nice of you to do. Isn’t photographing cocktails fun? Although it can be really difficult, too. But so satisfying when you get it right. And this drink? Super sounding! Really refreshing, and it looks gorgeous. Great food styling on the photography, too!

Thanks KR. I appreciate your feedback since you were my inspiration! 🙂

I never had tried cucumbers on drink, this really intrigued me so I will be making one

What a beautiful, refreshing cocktail, MJ! I love it! I was going to try a similar one made with gin. Cucumbers are so refreshing in drinks. I even love just a cucumber flavored water. And your pictures are so pretty! Looks good! Make mine a double!

Interesting addition, with the cucumber – I never tried a cucumber drink before, must be very refreshing though! You make it look incredible in the last photo!

Did you know there a cucumber liqueur?

thanks Charles! No I did not know there was a cucumber liqueur! I’ll have to check it out! Sounds good!

Look at this refreshing drink! You took such great pictures of cold drinks! SF has 80F weather today. It’s crazy hot and this sounds just perfect. I’m cooling down by looking at it… 🙂 Thanks to the bartender Johnny! He’s now famous thanks to you! 😉

Thanks Nami! I’ll trade you your 80 degrees weather for our 90 degrees! 🙂

I have never had a cucumber drink before but it sounds so refreshing and I can’t wait to give the virgin one a try

A cucumber cocktail? wow…I want to try too. So refreshing!

I’ve yet to try cucumber in a drink but it sure does look refreshing!

Cucumber is good for the skin…not to mention they are really really refreshing. I am sure I will love this drink. Ready to try this out =)

Good for the skin? Well, I guess I need to drink more of them! 🙂

Yum! This does sound so good and refreshing!

I have never ever had a cucumber drink but I so want this one right now! It looks wonderful.

I love this MJ. What a totally refreshing summer cocktail. My hubby is quite the bartender so I’ve got to show this to him!

Woohoo!! Way to start the weekend! What a beautiful drink. I love the infusion of cucumber. Well done my friend! Have a great weekend. 🙂

This looks delicious! I bet it would be really good with cucumber vodka :).


  1. Watermelon Coolers | MJ's Kitchen - June 23, 2013

[…] got me thinking about a watermelon drink, one that could be made with or without alcohol like my Sweet Cucumber Drink. So one of the first things I did when I got home was to go out and buy another watermelon for the […]

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A spicy New Mexico kitchen with a well-seasoned cook. Read my About page to learn more about me and my kitchen.

Gurken cocktail

Based on the 39th and 40th floors of The Gherkin are our elegant cocktail bar and fine dining restaurant with a panoramic view of London. Whether you are looking for a restaurant for a special occasion, a restaurant with a view in London or a cocktail bar in the city, our restaurant and bar is perfect place to enjoy fantastic food and drink.

The top three floors of this iconic venue are available for private hire. Our events team can host stunning seated dinners for up to 140 or elegant standing receptions for up to 260. If you are organising a conference, a special family occasion, a private party or a corporate event, the two floors are a truly special space with an amazing view of London.

This world renowned building is one of the most impressive wedding venues in London! Our beautiful event space is located on the top two floors of the building, both of which are licenced to hold ceremonies, dinners for up to 140 people or 260 guests for cocktail receptions. Our experienced events team will be on hand to tailor-make your special day. With breath-taking 360 degree views over London, this is a truly unique venue to say “I do”!

Searcys Club at The Gherkin one of the most unique and exclusive Private Members’ Clubs in London. Membership allows you access to a club lounge, fine dining restaurant and elegant bar situated under the world renowned ‘dome.’ We pride ourselves in handpicking our members; to apply please get in touch where your application will be reviewed by our committee board.

Here at the Gherkin, the private dining is both refined and secluded, offering a privileged perspective to impress your guests. From a special birthday, a business lunch or even an intimate wedding reception, enjoy our private dining rooms with a view of London.

Latest news and events from the Gherkin's famous bars and restaurant.

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OUR GHERKINS Crisp & rich in variety


Crisp & rich in variety

Product overview:

  • Cornichons
  • Sliced gherkins
  • Pickled gherkins
  • Specialities
  • Gourmet Selecetion
  • gluten free
  • lactose free
  • no artificial colours
  • vegan
  • vegetarian
  • without preservatives

Mild & Spicy Cornichons

Sweet & Hot Cornichons

Original Spreewald Gherkins

Cucumber Salad - Danish Style

Silesian Cucumber Rounds

Pickled Gherkins - Russian Style

Gherkin Bits with Honey

Gherkin Bits with Mustard

Crinkle Cut Dill Gherkins

Wild Garlic Gherkins

Tapas Snack Cornichons sweet

Garlic Barrel Gherkins

Relish Sweet Pickle

Tapas Snack Cornichons garlic

Tapas Snack Cornichons spicy

About Gherkins

Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) were grown more than 3,000 years ago in India and Egypt and belong botanically to the cucurbit family. They consist of 96.8% water.

Harvested by hand and processed fresh

Our cucumbers come from contract farming

Pickled Gherkins

To learn more about how pickled gherkins are made at Kühne, simply join us on a visit to the cucumber field and the Kühne factory.


The French term for pickled gherkins is cornichons (fr.: corne = corner, horn). Cornichons are extra small, especially fine and crisp.

Guaranteed quality

We maintain long-standing, close partnerships with our farmers, some are already in the 3rd generation.

Here’s how our gherkins get into the glass jars

The origin of all cucumbers: sowing

The gherkin seeds are planted in the soil in mid April. Then it takes about 50 days for a harvestable gherkin to grow from a seed. Each gherkin plant bears several vegetable specimens and regular and gentle harvesting promotes after-ripening of other vegetables.

The harvest: genuine handicraft

The gherkins are harvested in summer using a cucumber harvester. The tractor moves at a snail’s pace forward to make sure no cucumber is overlooked. Only gherkins bigger than the size of a small finger are harvested.

Sorting: the most stringent controls for the best taste

Sorting at the factory according to various sizes of gherkins. Afterwards, the gherkins are washed and hand-picked by our staff as part of our extensive quality checks. The size of the gherkin determines the glass in which it is latter bottled.

The savoury infusion: our secret to the taste

The infusion is mainly made from water, vinegar, sugar and salt. The basic recipe for the vinegar brine and blend of spices is top secret and is passed on from generation to generation.

Pasteurisation: good taste lasts

After the jars have been sealed air-tight, they are pasteurised. The jars are preserved through gentle heating. Flavour and nutrients are retained without preservatives!

If it says Kühne outside, it’s Kühne inside

Every Kühne product can be precisely traced via the code on the edge of the lid, including which ingredients are in the glass and when the gherkins were produced.

Quality needs trust and time

Our growing experts remain in close personal contact with the farmers, many of whom have been working with us for 3 generations. Their expertise, their many years of experience and controlled sustainable farming are the best basis for consistently ensuring the high quality of our gherkins, the seeds and soil.

From the field to the glass in just a few hours

A key quality advantage: In addition to the environmentally friendly short transport route, the proximity of the cucumber fields to the production facility also makes it possible to process the gherkins on the same day. This means: harvest freshness is maintained because the gherkin comes directly from the field into the glass.

We believe people are indispensable

Whoever puts such an effort in cultivating the plants as we do, also exercises special care when processing fresh produce. Our gherkins are hand-picked and hand picked again during production and checked constantly . This way, only the best quality makes it into the jar.

Pure enjoyment without a doubt

Each gherkin delivery from the field to our production facility is precisely labelled. The code on the lid of the gherkin jar makes it possible to completely trace the gherkins back to the farmers . In addition, the exact time of production as well as the best before date are indicated on the lid.

Our Recipe Tips

Ceviche of salmon

with black beans and jalapeños

approx. 60 min. | Easy

beetroot and apple sour cream spread

approx. 10 min. | Easy

with sauerkraut and onions

approx. 30 min. | moderate

with lingonberry cream sauce

approx. 165 min. | moderate

Fresh facts

Gherkin with history

Kühne launched the first pickled gherkins in Germany on the market in 1903. With more than 20 different varieties, from the traditional pickled gherkin up to the gourmet selection for connoisseurs, today, we have the right product for every taste.

Our many years of experience make us the no. 1 when it comes to pickled gherkins.

Power veggies

Cucumbers are a very healthy vegetable with few calories because 100 g of pickled gherkins only have 12 kcal and 0% fat. They are rich in vitamins, nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins.

Hangover Breakfast

When a hangover hits you in the morning after a night out partying, your body not only needs plenty of liquids but also something savoury! The acid promotes the breakdown of alcohol in the body whilst salt replenishes lost minerals. That’s why sour gherkins are the classic for the morning after.

Off-season, sour gherkin season

The off-season is term in the media, especially the weeks of summer when there isn’t much news and the pages of the newspapers are filled with strange reports.


Simply good for me

ENJOY presents a delightful product range for a colourful and varied diet.

Customer Service

You can contact us via phone, email, fax and post.

Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.)

  • Phone: +49 (0)40 85 305-0
  • Fax: +49 (0)40 85 305-402

Our recommendations for you

In order to optimize and continuously improve the website, Kühne uses cookies . By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Further information is available in the cookie notes.

Susi's Kochen Und Backen Adventures

"Cooking my way through life, one dish and new adventure at a time"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

German Cucumber Salad (Gurkensalat)

Gurkensalat is as quintessential in Germany as Bratwurst, Sauerkraut or Schnitzel. Most families have a recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation with a few slight variations depending on the region in Germany. My love for this salad has only grown stronger over the years and I'm happy that my family loves it equally as well. In fact, this is one of my most requested recipes from friends who have tried it at our home. I've always told them "it's a little of this and a little of that", so I guess many of them will be happy that I've finally added it to my blog with a "real" recipe.

Cucumbers are mild and pretty neutral tasting, plus they are very refreshing, especially on a warm day. Making this salad doesn't require a lot of time, but there are a few key points to remember. I peel my cucumber and use a mandolin to get thin, even slices. Salting the cucumbers prior to adding the salad dressing helps remove some of the moisture and prevents the salad from being to watery. Fresh dill will really bring out the freshness in this salad, but in a pinch I've used dried dill before and it will work just fine, but in this case fresh is best. Last, but not least, while I use extra virgin olive oil for every other salad dressing or vinaigrette I make, for this salad I prefer a very neutral tasting oil like grapeseed oil which is a great healthy alternative.

This salad tastes best if it can "hang out" for about an hour before serving. It helps all the flavors meld together and makes it even more tasty. Gurkensalat is a great side dish for any grilled meat, but one of my favorite ways to eat it is the way my mom and grandma served it quite frequently, alongside some freshly made Käsespätzle (Cheese Spaetzle). I really hope you will give this recipe a try and that it becomes a family favorite of yours as well.

German Cucumber Salad (Gurkensalat)

makes 4 servings

1 English Cucumber, peeled and finely sliced

1/2 tsp. Kosher salt

2 Tbsp. grapeseed oil

2 Tbsp. white vinegar

2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar

1/2 tsp. Kosher salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. spicy brown mustard

1/4 cup sour cream

1/3 cup red onion, finely diced

1 Tbsp. fresh dill, finely chopped

1 Tbsp. fresh chives, finely chopped

Peel and slice cucumber and place in a strainer over a bowl. Add 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt, mix with the cucumbers and let sit for about 20 minutes to drain.


Hi Susi! Welcome back! I needed a little breather, too. I was out of the blog world for about 6 weeks. Not as long as your

2 years. But hey! Whatev! Breaks are always a good thing.

Hi Erika :-) good to see you! I'm still trying to get back into the groove of blogging, which is a lot harder after a long break. Glad to see you are still at it :-)

Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.Good contest , it’s really helpful for new bloggers. All the best guys Thank you for your post. This is excellent information. To get new information visit here

Yum :) thank you for sharring this recipe!

Thanks for sharing this quality information with us. I really enjoyed reading. I think I need it.

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Hi Susi, it's so nice to see you again. I missed seeing your recipes. Gurkensalat is one of my favorites, too. I'll have to try your recipe sometime soon.

I took a long break too, but I am working on coming back to tell everyone about the potato dishes I have been making for a weekly potluck with friends.

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Gurken cocktail

Cucumber Bitters

Cucumber Bitters

Light & inviting, The Bitter Truth Cucumber Bitters will lift your white spirits to new heights like sunshine in spring and will work fantastically in numerous classic and innovativ cocktails & long drinks. Try these bitters in your favorite Pimms`s Cup, Gin & Tonic or in a tasty Garden Cocktail.

200 ml, 39% Alcohol by Volume

Frische Noten von grünen Gurken, kombiniert mit grasigen Tönen von Kräutern der Provence. Leicht, elegant und einladend mit Tönen von Gurkenschalen und ausbalancierten Bitter-Kräuter Tönen.

Sutil y tentador, el Bitter de Pepino de The Bitter Truth llevará su espirituoso a nuevas alturas, como rayo de Sol primaveral y funcionará a la perfección en numerosos cocteles clásicos y tragos largos. Pruebe este bitter en su coctel Pimm´s Cup o Gin&Tonic favorito ó en un delicioso Garden Cocktail.

Pepino verde fresco con notas herbales de condimentos de la Provenza. Suave y seductor con aroma de piel de pepino fresco y notas herbales balanceadas.






Garden Cocktail

30 ml (1 oz) The Bitter Truth Pink Gin

30 ml (1 oz) The Bitter Truth Elderflower Liqueur

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Cucumber Bitters

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Cucumber & Tonic

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Dry Gin

2 dashes The Bitter Truth Cucumber Bitters

Build in long drink glass over ice, fill up with tonic water and stir gently.


Cucumber Martini

50 ml (1 1/2 oz) Dry Gin

10 ml (1/3 oz) Dry Vermouth

2-3 dashes The Bitter Truth Cucumber Bitters

Stir in mixing glass with ice & strain into a cocktail glass.

50 ml (1 3/4 oz) Gin or Vodka

1 barspoon White Balsamic Vinegar

4 dashes The Bitter Truth Cucumber Bitters

100 ml (3 1/2 oz) Vegetable Juice

Tabasco, Salt & Pepper

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a tumbler.

Recent posts

  • The Bitter Truth 10th anniversary edition release July 1, 2016
  • Old Cuban Cocktail with Robert Hess April 16, 2015
  • Bijou Cocktail and Right Garnish with Robert Hess March 11, 2015
  • Cucumber Bitters among TOTC Top 10 Best New Products 2015 June 19, 2015
  • Introducing Cucumber Bitters this Summer May 20, 2015

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Mix it up with your #Christmas #Cocktails this party season and create the perfect mixers to wow your guests🍸… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Avui et portem #novetatsdivinum per començar amb bon peu la setmana! Ja tenim amb nosaltres els @YOURBITTERTRUTH 👏…… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

@FloatingRumShac unfortunately not. only available through the fine people of @_HavanaClub

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The Bitter Truth GmbH

82049 Pullach im Isartal

Registered in Germany: DE264426168

Representative: Stephan Berg, Alexander Hauck

Local Court Munich: HRB 178548

This site is intended only for individuals of legal drinking age in their country. Please drink responsibly.

Sweet Cucumber Beverage

by mj on June 15, 2012

I love all of the refreshing cocktails that I’ve been seeing lately so I thought I would join the party. This sweet cucumber drink is delicious both as a cocktail and as a non-alcoholic refresher. I’ve had it both ways many times. The first time I had it was a few months ago when my brother-in-law made the cucumber cocktail for me. I loved it then and I love it now!

My BIL acquired this recipe from “Johnny the bartender” in Austin, TX. It was Johnny’s creation and he asked my BIL to try it. Needless to say my BIL loved it and, being the east Texas boy he is, he easily talked Johnny into sharing the recipe. So I credit this recipe to Johnny, wherever you are. I hope I’ve done your drink justice.

Sweet Cucumber Cocktail Recipe

Prep time: 10 minutes


2 oz. Vodka (4 Tbsp. or ¼ cup) (optional)

3/4 oz. Agave Nectar (1 ½ Tbsp)

1/2 oz. Lime Juice (1 Tbsp)

8 Slices of Cucumber

4 sprigs of Mint

Club Soda or sparkling mineral water


  1. Place the vodka, agave nectar, lime juice, 2 sprigs of mint and 4 slices of cucumber in shaker with ice.
  2. Shake and strain into 2 tall highball glasses filled 3/4 with ice and a couple slices of cucumber.
  3. Top off with Club Soda or mineral water. Gently stir to blend in the sparkling water.
  4. Top each glass off with a sprig of mint.

Kitchen Notes

I don’t have a shaker so I put the first five ingredients in a large glass, stir, then add some crushed ice and stir vigorously for a few seconds. At this point I divide between two glasses and follow the rest of the instructions.

The first time I took a sip of this cocktail it reminded me of a local restaurant that serves water with a cucumber slice instead of lemon. For some reason the cucumber imparts a freshness that I like better than lemon. This cocktail does the same. It’s so summery and refreshing!

Virgin cocktail – It’s just as good without the vodka. I’ve made it several times for when I just wanted something refreshing and cold to drink, sitting on the porch reading a good book.

For great information on cocktails and ideas on making some of the classics as well as new drinks, be sure to check out the cocktail series on Kitchen Riffs. While there, check out the gorgeous photography! It was Kitchen Riffs’ drink photography that inspired the second shot in this post. Being new to photography, I find photographing drinks very challenging; therefore, I took LOTS of pictures in different settings to test the results. It was fun!

Other drinks that you might enjoy:

Jamaican Cooler – A mix of simple ginger syrup, Jamaican Rum and sparkling water.

Mint Julep – Bourbon, mint and a little sugar – what more could you want?

This wonderful cucumber drink was voted up to the Foodbuzz Top 9 on June 19, 2012!

This recipe has also been shared with the following blog hops. Be sure to click on the links for more delicious recipes.

This Cucumber Drink was selected by Season With Spice as one of their Summer Season 2012 Editor Picks and picked by Fox News as a Delightful Kentucky Derby Drink!

58 Responses to “Sweet Cucumber Beverage”

Congratulations! We wanted to inform you that this post has been selected as a Featured Archive Post on our site for the month of July 2013!

Thanks Food Frenzy!

This is a cool, cool recipe. Love it!

All you need to do is mix some of the shrub with soda water, club soda, ginger ale or a lemon lime soda and you have a super refreshing drink. The really fun part about these vinegar drinks is that you can do all kinds of things with them.

This looks super delish and refreshing for the summer. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday last week. I can’t wait to see what you link up next. Have a great week.

This looks absolutely refreshing and delicious!! It’s almost like a cucumber mojito? I’m going to have to try this (although I may have to settle for just a few sips or the virgin until my daughter’s weaned). Thanks for sharing!

This sounds so refreshing, can’t wait to try. It is so HOT down here and this drink makes me feel cool inside. Thanks for sharing.

Such a refreshing drink for summer! I am all with the grown up version, but the alternate sounds very refreshing as well 🙂

Happy summer to you and hope you had a wonderful weekend 😉

Just pinned your great recipe, thanks for sharing on Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week end!

I’ve had cucumbers in plain water and they do have a nice flavor. This is really kicking it up though… really nice looking drink. thanks for sharing it on foodie friday.

Simply fabulous! Cucumber is so refreshing and the mint is an excellent twist.

This sounds lovely, with or without the alcohol. What a refreshing summer cocktail!

Thank you for this recipe! I had a similar cucumber drink (virgin) at the Wynn in Las Vegas. It was a visually impressive refresher – and yours looks even better! I can’t wait to try it! Congratulations on the “Foodbuzz Top 9” vote! Allen.

I love cucumber in my drinks and this looks right up my alley! I actually just posted a cucumber water today – but when I want a cocktail I’ll definitely reach for this.

There is something so refreshing about cucumber and mint together. Great drink!

and congrats on Top9!

Hi MJ – finally sending my first greeting since we arrived in the States. How uncanny to see your cucumber drink recipe! My last cocktail in Malaysia was a glass of cucumber, mint with pineapple mojito. Yep, speaking of tropical flavors in a glass. It;s been a whirlwind of traveling for us, so I’m thankful to be reminded of my last days in my home country. Can’t wait to get back to the kitchen soon! Happy summer!

Thanks Reese! Oh I love the idea of adding pineapple to this! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip but tiring as vacations can be. Glad I was able to welcome you home with a pleasant reminder of your last days! Look forward to seeing you back in the kitchen!

Thanks everyone for your comments, congratulations and on-going support! Love you all.

Looks so refreshing! Congrats on top 9!

This is new to me and sound absolutely delicious!!I cannot wait to try it!!Perfect for these summer days!!Congrats on Top 9.

Yay…congrats MJ! Glad to see this luscious drink in the Top 9! : )

I LOVE this sweet cucumber drink!! I can totally see myself switching out the vodka for tequila, oh this is happening soon, is it Friday yet? love it!

What a cool and refreshing drink! I can sure do with one of these in the hot and humid tropics I am in right now. Love the second shot! 🙂

Wow, this looks fabulous–and so refreshing. I can see why it goes down easy!

What an interesting drink, MJ! Never saw anything like this 🙂

What a fun drink! It looks so incredibly refreshing.

What a refreshing drink for the Summer months!! I have cucumbers fresh from the garden waiting in the fridge. Thanks for the recipe.

Isn’t it amazing how much flavour cucumber imparts? I was equally surprised the first time I tried cucumber water at a girlfriend’s house. I thought the cucumber looked very pretty in the pitcher but never expected the water to actually take on the essence of cucumber, and yet… I have been serving it to clients ever since! This drink looks so wonderfully refreshing and summer perfect MJ. I also happen to love how it is vaguely reminiscent of mojito 😉 with its lime and mint… the agave nectar sounds perfect here. Lovely.

I love the idea of a cucumber cocktail! I’ve never tried one but would absolutely LOVE to give it a go! 🙂

SO lovely and refreshing! And who can resist a cocktail this beautiful?

This is my first time seeing the use of cucumber for sweet drinks! Looks very refreshing!

I am loving this MJ. Looks so refreshing. cucumbers are cool, and tasty.

I love cucumber water so I can imagine that this would be so good. I am going to add it to my Mouth Watering Mondays post tomorrow. Come on by to see it at http://www.noshingwiththenolands.com Cheers, Tara

One of my favorite drinks is similar to this except we use gin. I look forward to trying it out with vodka! Nice.

Cucumber drink? I like the sound of that especially since it’s summer(or not 😛 )!

MJ, it sounds fabulous and so original! I’m a big cucumber fan (I have it constantly in my fridge, all year long!) and even agave syrup is my staple since I discovered its healthy side. You can be sure I will try it soon. Thank you for sharing this unusual recipe.

Wow, thanks for the nice words and the link love! Very nice of you to do. Isn’t photographing cocktails fun? Although it can be really difficult, too. But so satisfying when you get it right. And this drink? Super sounding! Really refreshing, and it looks gorgeous. Great food styling on the photography, too!

Thanks KR. I appreciate your feedback since you were my inspiration! 🙂

I never had tried cucumbers on drink, this really intrigued me so I will be making one

What a beautiful, refreshing cocktail, MJ! I love it! I was going to try a similar one made with gin. Cucumbers are so refreshing in drinks. I even love just a cucumber flavored water. And your pictures are so pretty! Looks good! Make mine a double!

Interesting addition, with the cucumber – I never tried a cucumber drink before, must be very refreshing though! You make it look incredible in the last photo!

Did you know there a cucumber liqueur?

thanks Charles! No I did not know there was a cucumber liqueur! I’ll have to check it out! Sounds good!

Look at this refreshing drink! You took such great pictures of cold drinks! SF has 80F weather today. It’s crazy hot and this sounds just perfect. I’m cooling down by looking at it… 🙂 Thanks to the bartender Johnny! He’s now famous thanks to you! 😉

Thanks Nami! I’ll trade you your 80 degrees weather for our 90 degrees! 🙂

I have never had a cucumber drink before but it sounds so refreshing and I can’t wait to give the virgin one a try

A cucumber cocktail? wow…I want to try too. So refreshing!

I’ve yet to try cucumber in a drink but it sure does look refreshing!

Cucumber is good for the skin…not to mention they are really really refreshing. I am sure I will love this drink. Ready to try this out =)

Good for the skin? Well, I guess I need to drink more of them! 🙂

Yum! This does sound so good and refreshing!

I have never ever had a cucumber drink but I so want this one right now! It looks wonderful.

I love this MJ. What a totally refreshing summer cocktail. My hubby is quite the bartender so I’ve got to show this to him!

Woohoo!! Way to start the weekend! What a beautiful drink. I love the infusion of cucumber. Well done my friend! Have a great weekend. 🙂

This looks delicious! I bet it would be really good with cucumber vodka :).


  1. Watermelon Coolers | MJ's Kitchen - June 23, 2013

[…] got me thinking about a watermelon drink, one that could be made with or without alcohol like my Sweet Cucumber Drink. So one of the first things I did when I got home was to go out and buy another watermelon for the […]

[…] bin ich auf → dieses Rezept gestoßen, das so interessant klang, dass ich sofort zum Supermarkt gefahren bin und alles gekauft […]

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Welcome to MJ’s Kitchen

A spicy New Mexico kitchen with a well-seasoned cook. Read my About page to learn more about me and my kitchen.

Gurken-Radieschen-Cocktail mit Garnelen

Getestetes Rezept. Frisch und knackig für verschiedene Anlässe

Zutaten für 4 Portionen

Garnelen auf einem Sieb abspülen und abtropfen lassen.. Zitronen waschen, abtrocknen und die Schale abreiben. Die Hälfte der Zitrone auspressen. Dill waschen, trocken schütteln, die Fähnchen von den Stielen zupfen und fein schneiden.

1 EL Zitronensaft, Zitronenschale,,Dill, Г–l und Garnelen mischen. Ca. 30 Minuten marinieren.

Radieschen putzen, waschen und in kleine Würfel schneiden. Gurke waschen, längs halbieren und entkernen. Die Gurke ebenfalls fein würfeln.

FГјr die Cocktailsauce Mayonnaise, Ketchup und Cognac verrГјhren. Mit Salz abschmecken.

Garnelen mit der Marinade in die Gläser verteilen und jeweils etwas Sauce daraufgeben. Gurke und Radieschen darauf verteilen. Die übrige Sauce darübergeben. Nach Geschmack Toast oder Grissinistangen reichen.

Geräte und Anmerkungen des Autors

Du benötigst: Messer, Reibe, Zitronenpresse, Sieb

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