понедельник, 1 января 2018 г.



Whiskey, or whisky, refers to a broad category of alcoholic beverages that are distilled from fermented grain mash and aged in wooden casks (generally oak).

Alcohol by volume: 40%

All cocktails made with Whisky

Turn the classic on its head for your Derby party! Finally a julep to enjoy any time, instead of enduring for the yearly Run For The Roses. Mysterious/notorious components for conversation starters.

A Balanced Irish Whiskey Cocktail

Essence of Autumn: Spicy, Cinnamon, Nutmeg. COOL to the mouth, but WARM to the soul!

Strong, sophisticated, perfect for sipping.

Coffee and oranges married in a sweet, spicy bourbon. Unexpectedly delicious and aromatic.

Root Beer Float made with Jim Beam Honey Whiskey, Root Beer and Vanilla Ice Cream.

A fiery shot to spice up your night!

One of the oldest known cocktail

A refreshing yet fun drink off an old classic.

A really refreshing gin and bourbon cocktail.

Most men believe that Cocktails are ladies drink. I've been thinking of a bitter Cocktail for men.well its not that bitter,but strong enough for a man to enjoy No man would say no to rum, and whiskey. I combined 2 men in my mind,its short but worth ur money,its based on Captain Jack Sparrow's life story

One of the tastiest bourbon/rye based cocktails.

Nice refreshing whisky-based drink

A good one for those who don't like the taste of beer. A good bubbly. Make it mild or spice it up. Use FireBall Whisky to taste.

Cocktails mit Whisky

Wenn ihr euch einen Cocktail mit Whisky bestellt, dann kommt da fast immer Jack Daniels rein. Oder Jim Beam. Irgendein Standard-Bourbon halt. Und selbst Whisky-Fans finden das meistens nicht einmal besonders schlimm: Schließlich wäre ein leckerer Scotch im Whiskey Sour doch Verschwendung, oder? Und ein rauchiger Islay-Whisky im Mint Julep wäre doch auch voll eklig, oder?

Ne – tatsГ¤chlich schmecken viele Cocktails dank der rauchigen Speck-Note eines Lagavulin sogar besser – nur trauen muss man sich und viel herumprobieren. Gerade rauchige Islay-Whiskys laden aber dazu ein, sich auch mal an ein Meat-Cocktail-Rezept zu wagen: Fleisch- und fettlastige Varianten der Bloody Mary zum Beispiel – ersetzt man hier den Wodka durch einen Caol Illa, schmeckt er nach Tomatensuppe mit SpeckwГјrfeln. Ob das jetzt eine Werbung fГјr das Projekt „Rauchiger Cocktail“ ist oder nicht, mГјsst ihr selbst entscheiden.

Welcher Whisky ist der beste fГјr Cocktails?

Schwierig zu beantworten. Wer auf den klassischen Geschmack der Whisky-Cocktails abfГ¤hrt, nimmt tatsГ¤chlich am besten einen Bourbon wie den Maker’s Mark oder kanadischen Whisky wie В den Glen Breton. UngeГјbte GenieГџer schmecken hier allerdings meist tatsГ¤chlich keinen groГџen Unterschied zu den Гјblichen Jacky-Kombinationen. Generell empfehlen wir aber ohnehin, wie bei jeder anderen Cocktail-Spirituose: probiert alles einmal pur.

Denn nur wer weiß, wie ein Whisky pur schmeckt, am besten einmal zimmerwarm und einmal mit Eis, der kann auch grob einschätzen, wie er später im Cocktail schmecken wird. Vor allem lassen sich gerade bei komplexen Drinks erst mit Kenntnis der einzelnen Bausteine die Geschmackskomponenten später den einzelnen Getränken zuordnen.

Continental Sour und New York Sour: Whiskey Sour mit Schuss

Ein Continental Sour ist ein Whiskey Sour mit Portwein. Genauer ist er ein Boston Sour, also ein Sour-Cocktail mit EiweiГџ, den man mit Portwein gefloatet hat.

Moose Milk: Wenn die kanadische Marine Silvester feiert

Kanadier spielen Eishockey bis zum Tod, haben Elche und Biber als Haustiere, trinken Ahornsirup pur und sind immer freundlich. Wir wГјrden die Klischee-Kiste an.

Islay Storm: unsere Version des Whisky-Cocktails aus der Charles Bar

Es gibt Barkarten, die schaut man von vorne bis hinten durch und bestellt sich dann doch wieder seinen Lieblings-Drink. In der stillen Hoffnung, dass der.

Long Island Iced Tea: der Cocktail aus Cola, Tequila, Triple Sec, Gin, Wodka und Rum

Es ist leicht, auf den Long Island Iced Tea einzuprГјgeln. Er ist der zuckrig-spritige Frontmann des Wirkungstrinkens, der dunkle Baron des Rausches. In den.

Old Fashioned: das Rezept fГјr den Urvater aller Cocktails

Das Rezept für einen Old Fashioned ist simpel: Whisky, Zucker, Bitters, Orangenschale, Eis. Einmal umrühren, fertig. Sollte man zumindest meinen. Tatsächlich.

Blood and Sand: der richtige Cocktail fГјr’s Kolosseum und StierkГ¤mpfe

Der Blood and Sand ist ein Cocktail-Klassiker aus den 1930er-Jahren – und hat trotzdem denselben Namensursprung wie die Spartacus-Serie von 2010. Der.

Zacharias – der Old Fashioned-Twist mit Orangen-Espuma und Malzbiersirup

Old Fashioneds sind simpel, aber lecker: Whiskey, Zucker, Eis, ein paar Tropfen Bitters, Ende. Der Zacharias ist der Old Fashioned fГјr Menschen, die in.

Mint Julep – Whiskey, Minze, Zucker, Crushed Ice: einfach frisch

Mint Julep, das kennt man. Oder man hat’s zumindest schon mal irgendwo gehГ¶rt. Oder in einem Film gesehen. Was mit Agenten. Dunkel klingelt da noch was.

Dirty Old Bastard

Der Dirty Old Bastard ist der Old Fashioned für echte Männer. Klingt jetzt total bescheuert, denn der Lieblings-Drink von Don Draper aus Mad Men ist von sich.

Whiskey Sour – mit Ei oder ohne?

Whiskey Sour ist etwas unglaublich simples: Man nehme einen guten Whiskey (oder Whisky), frischen Zitronensaft, etwas Zuckersirup und schwupps hat man einen.

The Best Whiskey Cocktails for Fall

Make good use of your liquor cabinet with these recipes.

A drop in temperature pairs deliciously well with a deep, smoky whiskey. Whether it's Irish, Scotch, bourbon, or rye, these whiskey cocktail recipes will carry you through the change in weather and make good use of your liquor cabinet.

For a real Manhattan, you need rye whiskey. The harmony between the bitters, the sweet vermouth, and the sharp, musky whiskey rivals even that existing between gin and tonic water.

A classic New Orleans nightcap with the added combination of cognac and absinthe, it's smooth yet still packs a punch.

Sure, the Moscow Mule is a great cocktail, but it's even better when it's made with bourbon.

Strong and square-jawed, an Old Fashioned has just enough civilization to keep you from hollerin' like a mountain jack.

The Chancellor is dry and slightly mysterious—not unlike a Perfect Manhattan, with port for the sweet vermouth and Scotch for the rye. Point of advice: Don't order it in an Irish bar.

Like the original Manhattan, the Emerald contains a dash of orange bitters. If orange goes against your cocktail principles, you can leave the bitters out for an Angelo-and-Mike, or switch to Angostura bitters for a Blarney Stone.

Whiskey, coffee, and sugar in a heated glass mug. For when you want to indulge multiple vices but only have time for one.

Sweet, pleasant, even jovial. In fact, judging from actual millionaires we have met, rather atypical.

This combination of whiskey, Italian vermouth, and absinthe travels under several names. But it was ace bartender George J. Kappeler who peered deepest into the drink's essence when, back in 1895, he named it the Brain-Duster.

Scotch, dry vermouth, bitters, absinthe. It's a strange drink. But that's what makes it good.

A Rob Roy is simply a Manhattan with Scotch instead of rye. Perhaps a little odd, but in the long run quite rewarding.

Always a great go-to cocktail for chilly fall nights. Plus, it's allegedly a great cure for the common cold. Who know's if that's true, but we're certainly willing to try it.

The 21st century's answer to the whiskey sour, this simple cocktail is basically just an ice-cold hot toddy.

• 3/4 oz. lemon juice

Combine the ingredients into a shaker and shake vigorously for 15 second. Pour into a rocks glass over ice. No need to garnish.

Sometimes it's the simplest cocktails that are the best. With a 'rol and rye, all you need is Apersol aperitif, rye whiskey, and club soda.

• 1 1/2 oz. rye whiskey

• 1 1/2 oz. Apersol

Combine the rye whiskey and the Apersol in a highball glass with ice. Top off with club soda and garnish with an orange wheel.

Like most cocktails made with applejack brandy, this one will warm you right up.

• 1 1/2 oz. rye whiskey

• 1 oz. applejack brandy

• 3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice

• 3/4 oz. simple syrup

• 4 dashes Angostura bitters

Combine the rye whiskey, applejack brandy, lemon juice, simple syrup and Angostura bitters into a cocktail shaker. Fill shaker with ice and shake for about 30 seconds, or until frost appears on the outside of the shaker. Pour into a rocks glass filled with ice and top off with club soda. Garnish with a lemon twist.

28 Whiskey Cocktails That Are Literally Made For Winter

Winter and whiskey make the perfect pair.

48 Healthy Chicken Recipes That Taste Amazing

Take your love of whiskey to the next level with these cocktails tailored for chilly weather.

Apple Cider Old Fashioned

Apple Cider Old Fashioned

A new spin on an old classic.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Boozy Apple Cider

Boozy Apple Cider

The best apple cider around.

Get the recipe from Delish.

37 Fabulous-for-Fall Cocktails

Apple Cider Old Fashioned

A new spin on an old classic.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Boozy Apple Cider

The best apple cider around.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Pickle Juice Whiskey Sours

The best shot and chaser combo all in one.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Classic Eggnog

THIS will sleigh your holiday party.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Eddie's Eggnog

Warm up with this extra boozy eggnog inspired by National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!

Get the recipe from Delish.

Bourbon Milk Punch

This boozy milkshake packs some punch.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Fireball Hot Toddies

This can cure your cold and your winter blues.

Maple Bourbon Old-Fashioned

Try a sweet spin on the classic cocktail.

Get the recipe from Delish.

Leftover Pecan Pie Bourbon Shake

This is the one time you want to make sure you don't eat all the pecan pie.

Get the recipe from Delish.

The Irish Mule

This isn't your basic Moscow Mule.

Because you deserve a REAL drink, not just a PSL. By Sienna Fantozzi

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Rye whiskey-based cocktail recipes

Shake with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Pour the whiskey, grapefruit juice and grenadine into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

Stir well in a mixing glass filled with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve.

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of both lemon and orange peel, and serve.

Stir ingredients together in a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

Mix ingredients to taste in a highball glass.

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Coat the rim of a cocktail glass with lemon juice and powdered sugar. Pour the rye whiskey, maraschino liqueur, orange bitters and Angostura bitters into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into the sugar-rimmed cocktail glass, and serve.

Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon slice.

Shake all ingredients (except soda) well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass over ice cubes. Fill with soda, add a cocktail cherry, and serve.

Stir ingredients together with cracked ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Pour rye whiskey into a highball glass. Add the desired amount of ice. Fill to the top with ginger ale and add a splash of lime. Stir until well mixed.

Pour all three ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Mix in an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

Pour whiskey into a glass with ice. Add dr. pepper, stir, and serve.

Shake all ingredients with ice and pour over shaved ice in an old-fashioned glass.

Shake rye whiskey, cherry heering, sugar syrup and lemon juice well over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a collins glass over ice cubes, fill with soda, garnish with a cocktail cherry, and serve.

Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a whiskey sour glass, add a cherry, and serve.

Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve.

Chill an old-fashioned glass by filling with crushed ice. In another glass mix the sugar with the bitters dissolving the sugar. Add some ice, stirring to chill. In the old-fashioned glass remove the ice and pour in the absinthe coating the entire glass. Remove the excess absinthe. Add the rye whiskey and bitters/sugar mixture. Add the lemon twist.

Add Rye, kahlua and milk to a high ball glass, glass should be full of ice. Stir and enjoy.

Pour kahlua over ice. Add milk and rye whiskey, stir, and serve.

Pour into an old-fashioned glass half-filled with broken ice, and serve.

Cocktail mit whisky

Cocktail historian David Wondrich is the world's foremost expert on the history of the American cocktail. Mr. Wondrich has been described as "A living iPod of drink lore and recipes" (New York Times) and a "crazy, bearded Civil War general" (Conan O'Brien). David is Esquire magazine's Drinks Correspondent, and has written for Saveur, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Wine & Spirits, Real Simple, Marie Claire and more. He has written three books on cocktails and mixology.

Trafalgar Punch

During the Britannia Age of Sail, the men who sailed those great wooden ships liked nothing better than to sit around a big bowl of punch drinking toasts. Trafalgar Punch is precisely the sort of thing they would have served back then.

8 oz. Larressingle VSOP Armagnac

4 oz. Wray & Nephew White Overproof rum

The peel of 3 lemons, cut in wide spirals

6 oz. fresh-squeezed, strained lemon juice

In a 3-quart punch bowl, muddle the lemon peel and sugar. Let it sit for one hour. Stir in the lemon juice. Add the Taylor Fladgate 10 Year Old Tawny Port, Armagnac, rum and water and stir again. Carefully slide in a 1-quart block of ice. Chill for 20 minutes and grate 1/3 of a whole nutmeg over the top. Ladle out small servings into punch cups. Makes 20-30 servings.

Maria McClaire

A nod to the current trendiness of Irish whiskey and Italian bitters, the Maria McClaire uses Fonseca Siroco White Port to bridge the gap between them, creating a smooth and mellow drink that has an intriguing edge to it.

Stir well with cracked ice:

1 1/2 oz. Irish whiskey

2 dashes Peychaud's Bitters

Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and twist a thin-cut swatch of orange peel over the top.

Saint Valentine

First showcased in David Wondrich's column for Esquire, this cocktail is great for anytime of the year.

Shake well with ice:

1 1/2 oz. good, flavorful white rum

1/2 oz. orange curacao or Grand Marnier

1/2 oz. oz. fresh-squeezed lime juice

Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Louisville Julep

The Mint Julep - a far more popular and flexible formula than it is today - as made by Mr. Redding, who kept the Pearl Street House in Louisville twenty years before the Civil War.

Put 1 1/2 teaspoons superfine sugar and 1/2 oz water in the bottom of a pint glass and stir to dissolve. Add 6 or 7 mint leaves and press them lightly with a muddler. Fill the glass with finely-cracked ice. Add:

1 oz. Larressingle VSOP Armagnac

1 oz. Appleton Estate Reserve Rum

Pour this carefully into another pint glass, pour it back and repeat 3 or 4 times until everything is mixed.Add more ice to fill the glass, insert 4 or 5 good sprigs of mint, nestle a berry or two among the mint and add a couple of straws. Then smile.

This dark, rich and masculine pre-Prohibition classic comes from the bar of the old Waldorf Astoria hotel, on the site where the Empire State Building now stands. It was named not after the hordes of commuters who use nearby Penn Station but rather after a horse race, the Suburban Handicap, that was run every June at Sheepshead Bay (these days, they run it at Belmont).

Stir well with cracked ice:

1/2 oz. Appleton Estate Reserve Rum

1 1/2 oz. rye whiskey

Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and twist a swatch of thin-cut lemon peel over the top.

Cocktail historian David Wondrich is the world's foremost expert on the history of the American cocktail. Mr. Wondrich has been described as "A living iPod of drink lore and recipes" (New York Times) and a "crazy, bearded Civil War general" (Conan O'Brien). David is Esquire magazine's Drinks Correspondent, and has written for Saveur, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Wine & Spirits, Real Simple, Marie Claire and more. He has written three books on cocktails and mixology.

Bar Drake Manhattan

The signature drink of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Powell St. in San Francisco, the secret is the smidge of maple syrup that magically blends the Fonseca Bin 27 Ruby Port and bourbon together. Seemingly everyone who has visited this ornate hotel bar remembers its "old school" Prohibition ambience and the Bar Drake Manhattan.

2 1/4 oz. Woodford Reserve Bourbon

1 bar spoon of maple syrup

Dash of Angostura bitters

Pour all ingredients over ice into a mixing glass. Stir the drink and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with brandied cherries.

Bin 27 Martini

During the Martini's heyday in the 1960s, the Rat Pack, James Bond and Madison Avenue exec's downed multiple rounds at lunch. The current retro appeal of Mad Men has helped make the Martini cool again and Fonseca Bin 27 Ruby Port adds a new twist to a classic cocktail.

1/2 oz. Cranberry juice

Combine all the ingredients into an ice filled shaker.

Shake and strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with olives.

Cocktail historian David Wondrich is the world's foremost expert on the history of the American cocktail. Mr. Wondrich has been described as "A living iPod of drink lore and recipes" (New York Times) and a "crazy, bearded Civil War general" (Conan O'Brien). David is Esquire magazine's Drinks Correspondent, and has written for Saveur, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Wine & Spirits, Real Simple, Marie Claire and more. He has written three books on cocktails and mixology.

Bin 27 on the Rocks

Bin 27's lush aromas and deep flavors are a new tasting experience on ice.

In a highball or rocks glass, fill the glass with ice and cover with Fonseca Bin 27 Ruby Port. Garnish with an orange wedge and a mint sprig.

Tawny Crushed

The young, fresh aromas and flavors of Croft Fine Tawny Port are rendered in a new way when served over crushed ice.

Fill a highball glass with crushed ice and cover with Croft Fine Tawny Port. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

Siroco and Tonic

White Port was first introduced by Taylor Fladgate in the 1930s. Fonseca Siroco's tart stone fruit aromas and flavors are given an edge and made lighter with tonic water.

1 part tonic water

Fill a highball glass with ice. Add Fonseca Siroco White Port and the tonic water. Stir well and garnish with a lemon wheel, mint leaf, or basil leaf.

Port Lemonade

Luscious red berries meet lemon to form a cherry and citrus-flavored cocktail.

1 1/2 parts vodka citron

2 parts lemonade

Fill a highball glass with ice. Add all of the ingredients and stir well. Garnish with a lemon wheel and a straw.

Ruby Sparkler

Here, the general motif of a Kir Royale is given 'the Port treatment,' and spicy, red berry flavors of Fonseca Bin 27 Ruby Port are lifted by the brut sparkling wine.

2 parts brut sparkling wine (well-chilled)

Fonseca Bin 27 Ruby Port into a well-chilled Champagne flute and top with brut sparkling wine. Garnish with a fresh blackberry or strawberry.

Taylor Fladgate Imperial

A splash of Scotch throws the profound caramel and nutty aromas and toasty flavors of Taylor Fladgate 10 Year Old Tawny Port into relief in this contemplative cocktail.

Splash of 10 Year Old Scotch whisky

Using a shaker, mix Taylor Fladgate 10 Year Old Tawny Port and the 10 Year Old Scotch whisky. Serve in a well-chilled vermouth cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist.

Cocktail historian David Wondrich is the world's foremost expert on the history of the American cocktail. Mr. Wondrich has been described as "A living iPod of drink lore and recipes" (New York Times) and a "crazy, bearded Civil War general" (Conan O'Brien). David is Esquire magazine's Drinks Correspondent, and has written for Saveur, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Wine & Spirits, Real Simple, Marie Claire and more. He has written three books on cocktails and mixology.

Pink Diamond

The "classic" CROFT PINK cocktail made with CROFT PINK Port, soda water and a squeeze of lemon to underscore the clean, tart berry flavors that refresh and cleanse your palate.

1 part soda water

Lemon wheel for garnish

Pour both CROFT PINK and soda water into a highball glass filled with ice. Squeeze a lemon wedge over the top and stir. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

Pink Blossom

Created by renowned wine journalist Leslie Sbrocco, PINK Blossom is aromatic and fresh made with CROFT PINK Port, St. Germain Elderflower liqueur and brut sparkling wine. This effervescently festive delight may well have you thinking of the beach all through the year.

1 oz. St. Germain Elderflower liqueur

2 oz. brut sparkling wine

Fresh raspberries or blueberries

Put 4-5 ice cubes in a highball glass, pour in St. Germain and add CROFT PINK Port, then give a quick stir. Top with sparkling wine and garnish with a skewer of fresh berries.

Bubbles & Pink

Together, CROFT PINK Port, Prosecco, and Cointreau form the backbone of this tangy, world-offlavor cocktail. This cocktail well help you brave the cold and cool off with equal measure.

1/2 oz. Cointreau

2 dashes of bitters

1 lemon twist, as garnish

Pour all the ingredients into a chilled Champagne flute. Stir briefly and add the garnish.

Punchy Pink

This drink's wonderful blend of CROFT PINK Port, lemonade, pomegranate juice, Prosecco, and fresh strawberries is a new take on the classic holiday punch with provocatively tart, lively and vibrant flavors.

1 part lemonade

1/2 part pomegranate juice

1/2 part Prosecco

Chopped strawberries (or other fresh fruits)

A handful of mint

Make sure all ingredients are well-chilled. In a large pitcher, pour in all ingredients and stir. Serve into cocktail or punch glasses.

Matcha Highball

A trip to Japan inspired Denver bartender Jason Patz to combine matcha (a vivid green-tea powder) with Japanese whisky. Matcha tends to clump when mixed with liquid; to loosen any that’s stuck to the side of the shaker, swirl the club soda in the shaker before pouring it into the glass. Slideshow: Whiskey Cocktails


  • 2 ounces 12-year Japanese whisky, preferably Hibiki
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 ounce Honey Syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon matcha green-tea powder
  • Ice
  • 4 ounces chilled club soda
  • 1 lemon wheel, for garnish

How to Make It

In a cocktail shaker, combine the whisky, lemon juice, Honey Syrup and matcha; shake vigorously. Pour into a chilled, ice-filled collins glass. Pour the club soda into the shaker, swirl around to rinse, then stir into the glass. Garnish with the lemon wheel.

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J&B and Benicàssim

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Using J&B Rare and J&B Urban Honey, we also got Maximiliano Raigal, the legendary mixologist, to create and serve four exclusive cocktails made to match everyone’s music taste – FIB Rocks, Electro Choc, Red Rock and Honey Pop.

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Serviervorschlag und Whisky-Cocktails

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100 Best Cocktails - Mixed Drinks

0 rates

Shake over ice in a shaker, and strain into a large highball glass over crushed ice.

1 rates

Shake all ingredients (except 151 proof rum) with ice and strain into a collins glass over ice cubes. Float the 151 proo.

7 rates

Pour all the alcoholic ingredients in a highball glass. Stir sour mix in a mixer and fill the glass.

3470 rates

Pour all ingredients into a highball glass over ice cubes, stir, and serve.

2 rates

Mix wine and lemon-lime soda. Pour over ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass.

4 rates

Pour over lots of ice.

6 rates

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a collins glass over ice cubes, and serve.

0 rates

Rub the rim of an old-fashioned glass with lemon juice and dip into salt. Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into th.

2 rates

Simmer gently for 30 seconds and strain into a heat-proof goblet.

50 rates

Shake well until ice cold, strain into a deep champagne goblet. Add a thin slice of lemon-peel.

2 rates

stir vermouth and creme de cassis in a highball glass with ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir again, and serve.

2 rates

Shake and strain into a cordial glass, and garnish with two halves of a cherry.

2 rates

Pour into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice. Add a twist of lemon, and serve.

4 rates

Build in a highball glass over ice, garnish with a wedge of lime, and serve.

1 rates

Shake juice of lemon, brandy, and powdered sugar with cracked ice and strain into a collins glass. Add ice cubes, fill w.

1 rates

Pour ricard over ice cubes in an aperitif glass. Add grenadine, fill with water, and stir.

13 rates

Pour into glass and fill with tonic wafer. Garnish with an orange slice or peel.

310 rates

Mix ingredients well, pour into an exotic glass and float the blue curacao on top.

1 rates

Poor ingredients over lots of ice.Garnish with slice of lime.

0 rates

Pour into a wine goblet filled with broken ice and mix. Garnish with in-season fruit, add straws, and serve.

94 rates

Mix two rums, melon, peach and blue curacao in a mixing tin with the sour mix. Pour into a collins glass with ice and ad.

3 rates

Pack a collins glass with crushed ice. Pour in scotch. Add the twist of lemon peel and serve with a straw.

0 rates

Pour into a champagne saucer, and serve.

0 rates

Shake, strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice, and serve.

0 rates

Pour juice of lime and gin into a highball glass over ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water and stir. Add the wedge of l.

0 rates

stir and strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.

3 rates

Pour two ounces of yukon jack over ice. Add a dash of lime juice, and serve.

0 rates

Pour the gin and the tonic water into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, top with campari (to add.

5 rates

Pour grenadine into a brandy snifter, and swirl so that it coats most of the surface of the glass. Pour out the grenadin.

3 rates

Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with crushed ice. Mix well and strain into a highball glass. Garnish with a slice .

0 rates

Pour pernod and mint syrup over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with cold water, stir well, and serve.

5 rates

Shake and strain into a champagne saucer. Garnish with the blossom of a white orchid and a cherry on a stick.

97 rates

Shake or stir ingredients, and pour over ice in a tall glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top, and serve.

88 rates

Pour ingredients over ice cubes and stir.

2 rates

Heat ingredients (with lemon thinly sliced into rings, and a heaped teaspoon of sugar). Strain into a heat-proof goblet .

2 rates

Pour liquors into an ice-filled collins glass. Add juices, shake, and garnish with an orange wedge and pineapple chunk.

10 rates

Mix ingredients in a highball glass with ice.

3 rates

Pour all ingredients (except lime wedge) into a highball glass over ice. Add the lime wedge and serve.

3 rates

Garnish with fresh lime cuts.

2 rates

Build all ingredients in a collins glass and top with soda. Garnish with a spiral of lime peel, and serve.

6236 rates

stir ingredients together in a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Add water and sugar if desired, to taste, and serve.

0 rates

stir ingredients together in a collins glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes, and serve.

5 rates

Combine ingredients in a large white wine glass. Twist the lemon peel to release the oil and drop it into the glass.

7 rates

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve.

1 rates

Pour the mountain dew in any kind of ordinary glass. Add the shots of watermelon schnapps and jack daniels to the glass.

21 rates

Pour jack daniels into large glass filled with ice. Pour coca-cola into the glass. Stir lightly.

0 rates

Shake all ingredients (except lemon peel) with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Add the twist .

0 rates

Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, shake until completely cold then strain into a chilled stemmed .

0 rates

Pour both ingredients into a brandy snifter, stir and serve.

104 rates

Pour all but the juices, in order listed, into a hurricane glass three-quarters filled with ice. Fill with equal parts o.

29 rates

Shake the gin, lime juice and syrup well with ice, and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Dribble the.

8 rates

Place the lemon peel spiral in a highball glass and drape one end of it over the rim of the glass. Fill the glass with i.

0 rates

Pour the rum and the water into an old-fashioned glass with no ice cubes. Stir well.

2 rates

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. Strain into a sour glass an.

0 rates

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the wine, lemon juice, sugar, and grenadine. Shake well. Pour into an ol.

0 rates

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled glass rimmed with lemon juice and sugar. Garnish with a twist of a lemon peel.

1 rates

In an old-fashioned glass, dissolve the sugar in the club soda. Add crushed ice until the glass is almost full. Add the .

1 rates

Dissolve powdered sugar in mixture of water and juice of lemon. Add gin. Pour into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes.

1 rates

Fill the glass to 2/3 with ice cubes. Shake the gin and lime and pour into the glass.

3 rates

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, sugar, and lemon juice. Shake well. Pour into a collins glass. .

5 rates

Shake all ingredients (except champagne) well over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a champagne flute, fill with champ.

78 rates

Shake and strain into a champagne flute. Garnish with a speared cherry or raspberry, and serve.

3 rates

Pour ingredients into a old-fashioned glass over ice, stir, and serve.

893 rates

Pour the sambuca and kahlua into a cocktail glass. Pour the baileys and blue curacao into two seperate shot glasses eith.

523 rates

Fill the glass with ice. Add the rum and lime juice. Fill with ginger ale.

2 rates

Stir over ice cubes in a small highball glass, and serve.

3 rates

Fill a 12 oz wine glass with ice, add a lime wedge and transfer into shaker. Add ingredients, shake and pour back into g.

3 rates

Build over ice in a highball glass. Squeeze in lemon wedges, stir, and serve.

0 rates

Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice. Garnish with a speared cherry, add short straws, an.

2 rates

Pour gin and blue curacao into an ice-filled collins glass. Add lemon juice, pineapple juice and soda. Stir, and garnish.

1 rates

Stir over ice cubes in an aperitif or cordial glass, and squeeze in an orange wedge. Serve.

2 rates

Pour ingredients into a rocks or old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Garnish with a lime wheel or squeeze, and serve.

0 rates

Shake brandy, cointreau, cream, sugar syrup and egg yolk over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a champagne flute, and .

0 rates

Pour pisco over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with coca-cola or other soft drink, stir, and serve.

0 rates

Shake fairly well with enough ice, and serve.

33 rates

Combine ingredients in a highball glass. Stir, add ice and serve.

1 rates

Fill a glass with crushed ice, add rum and triple sec. Add juice and stir.

3 rates

Same as caipirinha but instead of cachaca you add white rum. It's great.

0 rates

Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and shake well. Strain into a pint glass over ice, garnish with a twist of orange .

2 rates

Combine liquers in shaker along with cream and ice. Shake and strain into a brandy snifter. Garnish with a sprinkle of n.

0 rates

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the brandy, lemon juice, sugar, and grenadine. Shake well. Pour into an .

0 rates

Slice a lemon in half. Rub the rim of a collins glass with the lemon and dip into sugar to coat the edge. Pare the circu.

9 rates

Prepare in a blender or shaker, serve in a highball glass on the rocks. Garnish with 1 slice of pineapple and one cherry.

3 rates

Pour the Cointreau orange liqueur into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes. Add the lime juice, fill with lemona.

9 rates

Rim tall glass with celery salt, fill with ice and ingredients. Garnish with a celery stick, straw, and lime.

3 rates

Pour the Kahlua and Rumple Minze into a highball glass and pour the Coca-cola over the top. Put the glass to your mouth .

0 rates

Stir ingredients and let sit for one minute.

0 rates

Place sugar in a saucer. Rub the rim of a cocktail glass with lime wedge and dip glass into sugar to coat rim thoroughly.

4 rates

Layer in order into a shot glass, so that the kahlua is at the bottom.

0 rates

Shake and strain into an ice-filled collins glass, and garnish with fruit.

0 rates

Mix in highball glass over ice, shake well.

0 rates

Shake and strain into a champagne saucer.

39 rates

Add the lime, sugar and mint sprigs to a highball glass and muddle with a muddler. Add several ice cubes and pour in the.

23 rates

Fill a highball glass with ice. Add the midori, sour mix and sprite, give a quick stir, and add cherries.

1 rates

Pour into an old-fashioned glass with ice and stir. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

83 rates

Pour the amaretto liqueur into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Add a splash or two of sweet and sour mix, .

19 rates

Have a hurricane glass filled with ice. Add ingredients, and shake. Garnish with cherry and orange.

4878 rates

Pour all ingredients except the 7-Up into a chilled glass filled with ice cubes. Top with 7-Up and stir gently.

1 rates

Combine and shake all ingredients (except mint) with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Add the .

2 rates

Stir all but the drambuie into a coffee mug. Warm the drambuie, ignite it and pour the burning liqueur into the mug. Sti.

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