среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.


Cocktail deko

Eine Cocktailparty veranstalten und feiern? Ist das nicht eine stinknormale Fete nur dass es zum Trinken jede Menge Cocktails gibt? Mitnichten liebe Partyfreunde denn eine Cocktailparty ist viel mehr als nur ein geselliges Zusammensein mit ein paar coolen gemixten Getränken.

  • Gehobene Atmosphäre mit ein wenig „Schicki-Miki“
  • Viel Tratsch, Plausch und Plaudern gepaart mit ein wenig Geschäftsinteressen
  • Moderner Afterwork Style
  • Gerne auch als Singleparty ausgelegt und gefeiert
  • Es gibt keine Sitzplätze, also eher eine typische Stehparty
  • Es gibt kein spezielles Motto, der Name ist immer Programm
  • Wenn euch diese Eigenschaften nicht schmecken, dann könnt Ihr Sie auch über den Haufen werfen und eine Stehparty mit schicken Bars und reichlich Cocktails machen. Jedem wie es gefällt, ist dann eben nur kein Original.
  • Wer eine Cocktailparty plant und vorbereitet, muss sich vorher um eine gute Organisation kümmern, damit das Fest auch wirklich rundum perfekt wird. Was braucht man alles um das Event perfekt auf die Beine zu stellen?
  • Dazu gehören nicht nur die passende Dekoration, sondern auch gute Cocktail-Rezepte, lustige Spiele und vieles mehr. Aber dafür seit Ihr ja hier.

Cocktailparty Outfit – Dresscode und Was kann ich anziehen?

Inhaltverzeichnis für schnelle Leser

Dekoideen für Cocktailpartys

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Must-Have Empfehlungen für dieses Thema

Lustige Spiele auf einer Cocktailparty

Getränke, Cocktails und Zubehör

Was wäre eine Cocktailparty ohne die richtigen Drinks? Wer auf eine solche Feier geht, erwartet natürlich auch eine gewisse Auswahl an Cocktails. Und dies sollte im Idealfall nicht ein alkoholischer und ein Driver sein, sondern eine gewisse Auswahl. Ihr solltet euch als Gastgeber also schon frühzeitig Gedanken darum machen, welche Drinks den Gästen angeboten werden.

  • Indian Flame
  • Caipirinha
  • Tequila Sunrise
  • Cuba Libre
  • Long Island Ice Tea
  • Sex on the Beach
  • Mai Tai
  • Mojito
  • Pina Colada
  • Zombie
  • Planters Punch

Die beliebtesten nicht-alkoholischen Cocktails für solche Feiern sind:

  • Yellow Runner
  • Coconut Kiss
  • Pussy Foot
  • Ipanema
  • Virgin Colada
  • Mojito Limo

Versucht bei der Auswahl der Getränke / Cocktails darauf zu achten, dass es bezüglich der Zutaten häufig Überschneidungen gibt. So müsst Ihr insgesamt weniger kaufen, spart Geld und habt es beim Mixen auch leichter. Verzichtet wenn möglich auch auf Cocktail-Exoten, die tendenziell viele und schwer zu findende Zutaten haben.

Tipp: Mit der Zuckerrandhilfe geht dies leicht von der Hand. Gibt es hier.

Was die Ausstattung betrifft, so bist du mit einem Eiscrusher, einem Shaker, einem Messbecher, einem Schneidbrett für Limetten und andere Früchte sowie mit passenden Cocktailgläsern plus Strohhalmen gut beraten. Ansonsten solltet Ihr euch besorgen:

  • Cocktailstäbchen
  • Flexhalme
  • Zuckerrandhilfe
  • Spieße
  • Cocktailmixer

Kunst des Mixens

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Mittwoch, 23. September 2015

Cocktail party deko

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Cocktail Food Trucks to Boom in 2012

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A few weeks ago, QSR's sister publication , Rmgt, spoke with Andrew Freeman about food trends that are going to rock and define 2012.

Freeman heads a high-end hospitality agency that, for its fifth year, released a preview of the hottest trends and predictions in food and restaurants.

But what about drinks?

Never fear. Freeman’s list also turns an eye toward beers, cocktails, and spirits, informing breweries and bars of what’s on its way up in 2012.

The 2012 drinker, versus years past, has one overarching theme: he is looking for value and unique experiences.

"Value doesn’t mean the best price,” Freeman cautions, “but the best experience for the price. That means paying more for something that is truly unique. People want something that is different, that they can’t get everywhere.”

Like a Victorian duke coming of age, beer is growing increasingly sophisticated, while wine takes the peasant road of becoming more mainstream.

Cocktails, meanwhile, will move to less timely preparation and focus more on simple, yet precisely crafted, combinations, Freeman says.

With the public’s insatiable desire for food trucks growing at the rate of Santa’s cookie appetite around Christmas, it was only a matter of time before drinks tested out their drive.

Cocktail trucks are slowly beginning to rove streets as spirits brands seek to build recognition. The Leblon Cachaca Caiprinhas Truck has multiple locations nationwide, while the BrewTruc rolls its alcoholic vapors around San Francisco.

Freeman, however, says cocktail trucks will not repeat the boom of food trucks due to legal issues.

“Some of these trucks serve primarily as promotional vehicles rather than as independent business operations,” he says. “The serve to promote a brand rather than to make money. Where it’s legal, they will be popular but more as a novelty – [like] evening meet-ups and parties.”

More trucks will make use of alcoholic beverages in alternative forms, Freeman explains.

Gone are the innocent days of childhood when you exchanged $1.50 for an idyllic snow cone out of the ice cream truck; now, alcohol-themed ingredients and dishes will be peddled out of truck windows. Think boozy ice cream trucks with whiskey popsicles or a Manhattan-flavored snow cone.

Another trend will be an enlivenment of drinks available on tap. Now, barrel or not, mixed drinks are joining the tap.

Vintage beers are also coming of age, says Freeman. Drinkers itching for a taste of the past are reaching for the 1999 J.W. Lees Harvest Ale at the Modern in New York, for example.

Luxury beverages are also rising in the ranks. Spirits enthusiasts are more willing than ever to sip rich, deluxe brews and wines, and pay for them an ounce at a time.

While trends such as vintage beers and luxury potions will decorate high-end bars and wineries, the standard tavern does not have to lose out.

“I do think that the average bars will need to watch these trends and get creative if they want to compete,” Freeman says. “Come up with an inspired or a classic pairing of two drinks and sell them together. Boost sales and raise the average drink price.”

He suggests introducing well-crafted drinks made in large batches, as the ability to serve a great drink quickly and in large quantities benefits both bar and guest.

And there’s always the classic combination of pairing a drink with a chaser. These so-called double hitters–a cocktail or shot followed by a beer as a chaser–should also gain acclaim in the near future.

Classic drinks are often just waiting to be reinvented; to that end, Freeman says everyone in 2012, from bartenders and artists to pastry chefs, will reinvent cocktails in solid form. Their masterpieces will come to fruition in sorbets, popsicles, and artistically layered boozy jellies.

One of the influences for the solid-form cocktail comes from new technologies or ingredients that alter texture, such as hydrocolloids and lecithins, Freeman says.

“Chefs used to be limited primarily to gelatin or agar and agar or a few others,” he explains, “but now, a multitude of ingredients exist that allow them to play with solidity.”

The movement is further enhanced by the rising popularity of classic cocktails; the rise of the mixologist willing to invent alternative forms of cocktails; and the pastry chef who has long danced with sorbets, jellies, and pate de fruits, but can now up his tempo by incorporating alcoholic flavors.

“This is manifested in cocktail jellies, spirited ice creams and sorbets, or even spiked milk shakes,” Freeman says. “Delicious and fun, too.”

Other drink trends include breweries that add fruit to beer and restaurants that proffer mini cocktails to whet the appetite before the real drinks and meal arrive.

“[Drinkers] also want relationships with their bartenders–think Cheers–and the idea that drinks can be personalized for them,” Freeman says. “[This] builds loyalty and enriches the experience.”

Reporting by Sonya Chudgar

Photo by Gary Soup

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Deko Lounge

Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

  • Salads , Ales , Champagne , Hamburgers , Cocktails , Liquor , Wings , Beer
  • Exotic Dancers , Banquets , Jazz , Music , Keno , Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties , Video Games , Dancers & Strippers


  • Exotic Dancers , Couples , Characters & Costumes , Parties & Special Occasions , Corporate Events , Office Parties , Birthdays , Conferences / Conventions

Bourbon Street

927 Us Highway 9 Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

Pat's Pub Inc

367 Washington rd Ste A Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

Подробные сведения о 10x ABSOLUT Berlin Vodka Stirrer / Rührstäbchen Cocktail Bar Deko NEU NEW

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  • Cocktail Bar
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    DEKO Polished Stainless Steel Round Cocktail Table w/ Clear, Tempered Glass Top

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    Hollywood Cocktails

    A History and Recipe Collection of Star-Studded Drinks

    "Let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlor."

    Otis B. Driftwood (Groucho Marx)

    -A Night at the Opera (1935)

    The first generation of film makers, actresses and actors produced some of the most memorable films ever made and paved the way for all movies that would follow. The scenes, lines and images of the early movies are etched in our memories and the elegance, chivalry, love and laughs are rarely found in the films of today.

    Many scenes in the early cinema took place in bars and cocktail lounges and it seems almost every halfway well-to-do character had a liquor cabinet or wet bar in their trendy apartment. Cocktails were found in all parts of the daily lives of the characters on screen. In The Seven Year Itch, Marilyn Monroe seems a little odd when she dunks potato chips in Champagne and her neighbor, played by Tom Ewell, explains his solution for replacing the meals his wife failed to cook for him: "I'm perfectly capable of fixing my own breakfast. As a matter of fact, I had two peanut butter sandwiches and two Whiskey Sours."

    We also find advice on bartending in movies like The Thin Man in which William Powell instructs his bartender on the 'finer' art of shaking. "The important thing is the rhythm. Always have rhythm in your shaking. Now a Manhattan you always shake to fox-trot time, a Bronx to two-step time, a dry martini you always shake to waltz time." And who could forget Humphrey Bogart's most memorable words in Casablanca to Ingrid Bergman, "Here's looking at you, kid," as he fixes her a Champagne Cocktail made of dry Champagne, Brandy, a sugar cube and bitters.

    All of these great moments in cinema history can be relived anytime you wish as you sit down for a quite evening with your favorite cocktail, "shaken, not stirred." To find more insights on cocktails in the cinema, check out Miss Charming's website, she is the leading expert in this subject.

    Frances "Francie" Stevens (Grace Kelly)

    -To Catch a Thief (1955)

    Cocktails Named After Hollywood legends

    "Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini?"

    Deko Lounge

    Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

    • Salads , Ales , Champagne , Hamburgers , Cocktails , Liquor , Wings , Beer
    • Exotic Dancers , Banquets , Jazz , Music , Keno , Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties , Video Games , Dancers & Strippers


    • Exotic Dancers , Couples , Characters & Costumes , Parties & Special Occasions , Corporate Events , Office Parties , Birthdays , Conferences / Conventions

    Bourbon Street

    927 Us Highway 9 Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

    Pat's Pub Inc

    367 Washington rd Ste A Sayreville , New Jersey 08872

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