среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.



Dein Cocktailportal

Cocktail Dekoration

Bei der Dekoration von einem Cocktail gibt es keine Vorschriften die man beachten muss, denn der eigenen Kreativitдt sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Man darf alles was man will oder zum jeweiligen Cocktail passt an den Rand des Cocktailglases oder des CocktailspieЯes stecken. Dennoch sollte man darauf achten, dass es nicht zu viel Garnitur wird und dass das Aroma nicht den Geschmack des Cocktails verfдlscht. Zu dem sollte es immer frisch und fruchtig aussehen, denn das Aussehen ist genauso wichtig wie der Geschmack.

Es gibt verschiedene Arten womit man den Cocktail dekorieren kann. Um den Cocktail zu dekorieren wдre da zum Beispiel das Verwenden von frischen Frьchten. Da gibt es zum Beispiel die Cocktailkirsche, diese passt immer und zu jedem Cocktail. Eine immer passende Dekoration fьr einen Cocktail ist frisches Obst wie die Ananas, Melone, Erdbeere und Orange. Diese werden in Scheiben geschnitten, leicht eingeschnitten und dann an den Rand vom Cocktailglas gesteckt. Auch immer eine gute Idee fьr einen Cocktail ist der FruchtspieЯ. Hierbei steckt man auf einen HolzspieЯ kleine zu geschnittene Obststьcke und dann legt man diesen SpieЯ ьber den Rand oder man kann ihn auch in das Glas stellen. Wenn man dann noch einen Strohhalm in das Glas steckt, ist der Cocktail perfekt servier fertig.

Eine weitere alternative um einen Cocktail zu dekorieren, wдre der Crustarand, dieser wirkt oft besonders magisch. Auch eine Schalenspirale eignet sich sehr gut als Dekoration fьr einen Cocktail, diese werden aus Orangen oder auch Zitrusfrьchten hergestellt. Dafьr verwendet man unbehandelte Frьchte, bei diesen schneidet man die Schale ganz dьnn von der Frucht herunter. Man sollte aber darauf achten das man das weiЯe der Schale nicht mit an der Spirale hat, denn diese schmeckt bitter und kцnnte den Geschmack verfдlschen. Diese Schalenspirale dann in das Glas hinein hдngen und ein wenig vorsichtig ausdrьcken, denn das Цl der Schale gibt dem Cocktail eine besondere Note. Jedoch sollte man darauf achten, dass die Frucht, aus der die Schalenspirale besteht, auch zum Getrдnk geschmacklich passt. Der Crustarand kann aus Zucker, Salz oder auch Kokosraspeln bestehen. Der Rand des Glases wird mit Wasser oder Zitronensaft befeuchtet und dann wдlzt man den Rand in der jeweiligen Zutat, die man vorher auf dem Tisch verteilt hat. Wenn man dann den fertigen Cocktail einschenkt, muss man sehr vorsichtig sein, dass man nicht an den Rand kommt. Dann noch einen Strohhalm hinein und der Cocktail ist fertig.

Auch mit Eiswьrfeln lдsst sich ein Cocktail sehr schцn dekorieren. Denn man kann auch Obst wie zum Beispiel Erdbeeren, Weintrauben, Kirschen oder auch Johannisbeeren in einem Eiswьrfel einfrieren. Das funktioniert so, wenn man Obst in das Gefrierfach legt, muss man nur noch Wasser darьber gieЯen und dann ist das Obst im Eiswьrfel eingeschlossen. Jedoch muss man dies in einer Form oder Schale machen, sonst funktioniert dies nicht. Auch eine Mцglichkeit sind farbige Eiswьrfel, bei diesen macht man Wasser und etwas Saft oder auch Lebensmittelfarbe in den Eiswьrfelbehдlter und gefriert es dann ein. Die Eiswьrfel gibt man dann in den Cocktail und schon hat man einen nicht nur geschmacklich, sondern auch einen perfekt aussehenden Cocktail.


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10 Classic Cocktails

Meet the timeless standards of the cocktail playbook. Mix up these classic adult beverages for your next party or home happy hour.

1) Martini (Gin, vermouth)

Sometimes made with vodka, this is a classic, clear, and very strong cocktail. Serve chilled in (you guessed it) a martini glass.

Classic Martini with Olive | Photo by Meredith

2) Manhattan (Rye whiskey, vermouth)

Similar to the martini, but with a touch of sweetness. This 100-year-old cocktail can also be made with bourbon. Serve in a martini glass or a short tumbler--always chilled.

Photo by Meredith

3) Bloody Mary (Vodka)

Usually served at breakfast or brunch, the Bloody Mary is easy to customize depending on how strong you like your drinks--and how much spice you can handle. Serve over ice in a tall glass with the vegetable garnish of your choice.

Photo by Meredith

4) Margarita (Tequila, triple sec)

A sweet party drink that's easy to make in batches. Blend in some fruit for extra flavor. You can serve in special rounded margarita glasses or whatever's handy (serving in a mason jar is increasingly popular).

Photo by Meredith

5) Old Fashioned (Whiskey)

A sweet, sophisticated cocktail that's simple to make and goes down smooth. Serve over ice in a short tumbler (also known as an Old Fashioned glass).

Photo by Meredith

6) Mojito (White rum)

A refreshing Cuban classic made with fresh mint. Sweet and fruity on hot summer days. Serve over ice in a tall glass.

Photo by Meredith

7) Daiquiri (Rum)

An easy, sweet, and slushy blender drink. Serve in a chilled martini or margarita glass.

Photo by Meredith

8) Gin and Tonic

The good 'ol G&T is a dead-simple summer drink, and a good reason to stay stocked up on fresh limes. Serve over ice in a short tumbler.

Photo by Meredith

9) Screwdriver (Vodka)

Also called vodka and orange juice, because that's all it is! Easy to make as weak or as strong as you like. Typically served at breakfast or brunch in a tall glass over ice.

Photo by Meredith

10) Gimlet (Gin)

A classy Gin and sweetened lime juice (Rose's is the most common brand). Also sometimes made with vodka. Serve in a martini glass or short tumbler.

Photo by Meredith

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Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Edelstahl Auffangbehälter 40 x 20 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Glasmatte 33 x 33 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Glasmatten - 10 Stück

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Tropfblech 44x27,5cm

Lieferzeit ca. 5 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 75,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Tropfblech 30x20cm

Lieferzeit ca. 5 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 53,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Abtropfmatten, Rollenware 5 m

Lieferzeit ca. 5 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 29,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Gläserabstellmatte schwarz, Länge 31,5 cm, Breite 21 cm, Höhe 0,8 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 5 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 1,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Gläserabstellmatte weiß, Länge 31,5 cm, Breite 21 cm, Höhe 0,8 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 5 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 1,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Barmatte 59x8 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Abtropf-Matte ca. 33 x 33 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Bar-Matte ca. 52 x 8 x 1,7 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Bar-Matte ca. 30 x 15 x 1,7 cm

zum Abtropfen von Gläsern

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Gummi-Barmatte, Gläsermatte, lang & schmal, 59 x 8 x 1 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 4,50 €

In den Warenkorb

Gläserabstellmatte, Gläsermatte, Rollenware, 500x61cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 20,30 €

In den Warenkorb

Gummi-Barmatte, Gläsermatte, groß, 45x30x1cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

Unverb. Preisempf.: 8,80 €

In den Warenkorb

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Barmatte 45x30 cm

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Barmatte 10 Meter

Lieferzeit ca. 4 - 8 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

Table Caddy "VINTAGE" - weiß

herausnehmbare Aufteilung - 4 Fächer

Material: Pinienholz

  • Artikelnummer: G24-11635

Lieferzeit ca. 3 - 6 Werktage

In den Warenkorb

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50 Red and Pink Cocktail Recipes for Valentine's Day

What's more romantic than mixing your sweetheart a cocktail on Valentine's Day?

What's more romantic than mixing your sweetheart an elegant cocktail on Valentine's Day? To turn up the saccharine sentimentality to 11, try a holiday-colored drink. We've collected 50 great red and pink cocktails to woo your partner on Valentine's Day.

Nothing says romance like champagne. Our Sicilian 75 is a riff on the French 75 made with blood orange juice, gin, and campari. Or try the Volstead, with vodka, St. Germain, and fresh berries. For something sweet-tart, the Rhubarb Fizz pairs champagne with a ginger-rhubarb syrup.

Hopefully your relationship isn't bitter, but your drink can be. The negroni is a classic, with equal parts gin, campari, and sweet vermouth creating a bitter, refreshing sipper. Replacing the vermouth with light, citrusy Lillet Blanc gives you our floral pink negroni.

Tart cranberries make a great Valentine's Day drink. Our Cranberry Crush combines spiced rum, cranberry juice, and ginger beer into a complex cocktail. For something a little sweeter, agave syrup makes for a perfectly balanced cranberry gimlet.

Moving to other fruit, our Plum-Basil Gin Fizz is sweet and refreshing. Back to berries, you can make a rich shrub with blackberries, dark rum, and balsamic vinegar or an effervescent Tom Collins variation with raspberries, gin, and soda water.

Check out these recipes and more in our collection of 50 red and pink Valentine's Day cocktail recipes.

A jalapeño-infused, blood-colored tequila and beet cocktail, the Moradita (“Little Death”), is a fresh, nearly healthy-tasting drink with some real body and a balancing hint of elegant richness.

The prickly pear cactus thrives in the deserts of the American Southwest; its bulbous red fruit is prized for many Mexican and Tex-Mex preparations. This legendary margarita, which takes its distinctive flavor from the fruit, comes from bartender Ruben Bernal at Las Canarias restaurant in San Antonio, Texas.

Campari ice cubes morph this drink from a Manhattan into a Boulevardier as they slowly melt.

This version of a Spanish sangria is ripe with summer fruit; its light, crisp flavors complement seafood and poultry.

This fruity beer-based cocktail is an ideal outdoor sipper—mix the pomegranate lemonade ahead of time and bring a six-pack to top each glass individually.

This sweet-tart wine punch was invented by members of the Junior League of Houston book club in the 1970s.

A mix of Campari, Pimm's No. 1, and ginger beer, this drink makes an excellent warm weather apéritif.

This bubbly cocktail makes the most of rhubarb season. Get the recipe for Rhubarb Fizz »

This pucker-inducing cranberry twist on a Cosmopolitan delivers striking color and the perfect balance of sweet and tart.

The floral flavor of gin is a natural match for bright grapefruit and elderflower liqueur in a refreshing cocktail. Fresh tarragon adds an aromatic, peppery anise note.

Lillet Rouge, a vibrant fortified wine, gives a warming boost to the classic Tom Collins.

Tequila and cardamom is an unexpected combination, but it works beautifully with the help of lime and grapefruit juice.

Surviving recipes for this once-forgotten cocktail call for a curious ingredient called "red Hembarig." We have it on good authority that a raspberry shrub works well to replace this mystery ingredient.

This classic cocktail couldn't be simpler—it's simply even parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth.

Muddled strawberries and mint star in this refreshing, lightly sweet cocktail that packs a punch. Get the recipe for Strawberry-Lillet Crush »

This refreshing frozen drink from Williamsburg, Brooklyn's Baby's All Right gets its baby pink color and pleasant bitterness from a combination of Campari and fresh grapefruit juice, while a pinch of finely ground yerba maté adds subtle herbal flavor and a gentle caffeine kick—the perfect fuel for a night of revelry.

Use an aged cachaça like Avuà Amburana to add warm depth to this fruity drink. Get the recipe for Strawberry Cachaça Shake »

Sparkling rose adds berry notes to this take on a French 75. Replacing the gin traditionally used, Calvados imbues a richer, woodsy, and slightly sweeter flavor.

Light, orangey Lillet Blanc and fresh lemon juice brighten a springlike twist on the Negroni. Tarragon and tart, hibiscus-based Burlesque Bitters from Bittermens add floral, herbaceous notes.

Campari and blood orange juice give this twist on the French 75 a beautiful color.

Jalapeño and chile-infused bitters add a spicy kick to a fruity cocktail made with muddled strawberries and blueberries.

This gorgeously floral and spicy drink is built like a classic New York sour, with a float of red wine on top and aquavit in place of whiskey.

This jelly shot is a mix of fresh raspberries and mint with just a touch of bourbon.

Fresh berries shaken with ice, vodka, lemon, and St. Germain, strained into a champagne flute and topped with Champagne, created a drink that fizzes dramatically. Get the recipe for The Volstead »

This refreshing aperitif is a mixture of Aperol, dry vermouth, and triple sec.

The best and most surprising part of this tall, refreshing drink is the taste of rose on the finish. It comes not from any floral ingredient but from the gin—Nolet's Silver, a brand with a pronounced rosy finish.

Deep and sweet, this cocktail is an ideal vehicle for summer's juicy red plums.

Fresh-brewed iced tea gets a boost from gin and fresh fruit in this not-too-sweet cocktail.

This fresh, bright cocktail marries beet juice with bourbon and Esprit de June, a floral liqueur distilled from grape blossoms that's available at most high-end liquor stores.

This riff on a cherry cola uses cola ice cubes to keep the flavor robust.

This anise-perfumed cocktail is a New Orleans classic.

The rich, velvety color of this cocktail is reminiscent of fall foliage, while its warming base of brandy and maple wards off autumn's chill.

Spiced rum and fiery ginger beer combine with tart cranberry juice in this flavorful cool-weather cocktail.

Made with bold, American Cabernet in lieu of the traditional South American brandy, this complex and tantalizing cocktail is Napa Valley's take on the Pisco Sour.

This richly flavored pomegranate margarita is just as good sipped on a cold day in front of a roaring fire as it is on a balmy afternoon spent on a tropical beach.

Just a few ingredients add up to a complex whole in this Gilded Age cocktail, an ideal vehicle for a rich VSOP cognac.

This richly-hued beer-based cocktail, built on Sam Adams's yeasty, fruity, fizzy Infinium brew, has a slow burn thanks to a rich black pepper syrup.

A classic version of a Mexican cerveza preparada (prepared beer), the chavela couldn't be simpler: tomato juice, hot sauce, beer, lemon, and ice, with a salted rim.

Found all over Italy, the spritz is a classically Venetian cocktail of prosecco mixed with a bitter aperitif and soda water.

This cocktail brightens up smoky scotch with vanilla cognac liqueur and hibiscus and strawberry syrups.

This Spanish drink is a simple mixture of cola and red wine.

Shrub, the sweet-tart syrup favored by colonial Americans, is simply made by macerating fruit in sugar until the fruit exudes its juice, straining, then adding vinegar. Mixed with rum and soda it makes a bracing drink ideal for summer afternoons.

This potent Prohibition-era cocktail boasts an especially strong yet beachy combination of rum, whiskey, brandy, grenadine, and lemon juice.

A popular cocktail in 1920s Paris, this delicate concoction gets its soft pink color from the addition of raspberry syrup and its floral notes from vermouth and kirsch, a dry cherry brandy.

A luscious take on the bellini, the Rossini swaps strawberries in for white peaches and prosecco in for champagne.

Developed by Dushan Zaric of NYC watering hole Employees Only and featuring absinthe, high-proof bourbon, and house-made pomegranate grenadine, the Billionaire is as rich as its name suggests.

This throat-warming punch is a sophisticated take on the old-timey cold-season cure of tea dosed with Rock and Rye cordial.

This sweet and tangy cranberry–beer–bourbon punch, delicately spiced with cinnamon-infused simple syrup, is perfect for a festive gathering.

This drink is one of our favorites to make with Rittenhouse rye whiskey.

Sweet and tangy, with the mild smokiness of pink peppercorns and the salty edge of black cured olives, this elaboration of a vodka martini is as grand and glamorous as the wide avenues of Paris.


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17 Cocktails Every "Game Of Thrones" Lover Must Try

Welcome GoT back in drunken style.

1. This House Targaryen cocktail.

50ml of white rum

A splash of your preferred spirit

Pour the spirit into a glass and swirl it carefully so that the liquid cover the sides of the glass, then pour away the remaining alcohol. Pour a drop of grenadine into the bottom of the class, and then finish by pouring the rum on top. Set fire to the alcohol before serving.

2. The herbal Valar Morghulis.

3 dashes absinthe

20ml lemon juice

Sprig of rosemary

Sprig of lavender

Shake all the ingredients together except for the tonic water. Then double-strain your drink through a sieve into a drinking horn (or glass) packed with crushed ice. Top up with the tonic water.

3. The chocolate and vanilla White Walker.

White chocolate liqueur

Vanilla cream soda

Fill a tall glass with ice, then fill it halfway with white chocolate liqueur. Fill the rest of the glass up with vanilla cream soda. Finally, slowly and gently pour a spoonful of blue Curaçao over the top (the drink should look layered: light blue on top with white below).


4. The cinnamon apple Red Viper

A shot of apple cinnamon in a pint of cider is a far classier version of a snakebite. Recipe here.

5. This House Stark martini

Pour your tonic water into a container and place this in the freezer until your tonic water is completely frozen. Then, put some sugar in a shallow dish, and smear the edge of a martini glass with a little lemon juice. Roll the lemon juice-smeared edge into your sugar dish, so that the sugar sticks to it, then put the glass into the freezer.

Take your frozen tonic water out, and crush it with a spoon. Put this in your (now chilled) martini glass . Pour the lemon juice and gin over the top.

6. The ginger and cranberry Ygritte

15ml cranberry juice

15ml lemon juice

A splash of ginger ale

Mix all the liquid ingredients together. Garnish with the strawberries.

7. The Kissed by Fire ale and tomato cocktail

200ml tomato juice

1 bottle dark ale

Add all the ingredients together into a shaker, then pour the mixture from one cup to the next with a little crushed ice. Strain the whole thing into a blown dragon egg and serve on a bed of fire. If dragon eggs are unavailable, a glass will do.

8. This House Tyrell cocktail.

50ml lime juice

Muddle four basil leaves, four mint leaves, and the sugar in a cocktail shaker. Add the lime juice, gin, and ice, then shake and pour into a glass. Top up with tonic water. Garnish with more lime quarters, and mint and basil leaves.


9. This Blood of the Dragon punch.

750ml Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva rum

450ml lemon juice

300ml rosemary & thyme simple syrup (to make, combine two parts white sugar to one part water, add one sprig of thyme, one sprig of rosemary and bring to a boil. Let stand until cool.)

Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl with ice. Ladle into punch glasses. Garnish each glass with sprigs of rosemary and thyme.

10. This floral Lion & The Rose cocktail.

25ml Abor Gold wine (any Sauternes will suffice)

1 tsp Rose’s lime marmalade

1 drop rose water

Shake all the ingredients together and strain into your preferred goblet. Garnish with a rose.

11. This House Tully cocktail.

40ml strawberry syrup

50ml blue Curaçao liqueur

Approx. 100 ml Sprite

Throw some ice into a glass, then pour the strawberry syrup on top. Next, carefully pour a spoonful of blue Curaçao over the syrup, to create two layers of pink and blue. Finish by carefully pouring the Sprite on top.

12. The ginger and vodka Needle shot.

15ml ginger beer

Juice of half a lime

Pour all the ingredients into a shot glass, then toss it back.

13. The Winter is Coming flaming cocktail.

25ml Grand Marnier

Stir the ingredients together and pour into a large warmed brandy balloon. Serve with a flame bright enough to keep a White Walker at bay.


14. This House Baratheon drink.

30ml lemon juice

30ml orange juice

Make a honey syrup by heating up the honey and water in a saucepan on a low heat, until it comes to the boil, then take it off the heat and leave to cool. Take 30ml of your (now cool) syrup and put this into your shaker. Add the remaining ingredients, shake and pour.

15. The Mother of Dragons champagne cocktail.

Scoop balls of dragonfruit out using a half tsp scoop and place them in a champagne flute. Top with the rosé champagne.

16. This orange and ginger House Greyjoy drink.

1/3 tsp freshly grated ginger

3 slices of orange

15ml lemon juice

Muddle the ginger and orange in a cocktail shaker. Add the lemon juice, Cointreau, and whisky and shake thoroughly. Pour into a glass filled with ice cubes, being sure to double strain by pouring through a fine sieve.

17. The Crows Old-Fashioned

45ml Tariquet VSOP Armagnac

30ml Amaro Lucano

2 dashes green Chartreuse

1 splash simple syrup

Stir all the ingredients over ice, strain and serve in an Old-Fashioned glass. Garnish with star anise and orange peel.

– Tad Carducci, bartender, mixologist and co-founder of Tippling Bros


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25 Retro Party Ideas All Mad Men Watchers Should Try

Spring is here, and you know what that means? Mad Men is back. We’re counting down the days until April 13th when season seven premieres, and we want to celebrate in style with a little theme party. It’s the beginning of the end so you better get in another ’60s cocktail party. Lucky (strike?) for you, we have all of the essentials covered. Mad Men themed goodies? Check. Modern twists on retro treats? Check. Classic cocktails? Super check. Get ready to throw a Mad Men bash of your own with these 25 Sterling Cooper & Partners-approved party must-haves.

1. Pink Deviled Eggs: Give your retro finger food a color pop! These ’60s snacks get their bright pink from beet juice. (via The Year in Food)

2. Printable Mad Men Coasters: Scatter these quotable coasters from your favorite Mad ladies around the room. (via Second City Soiree)

3. Gin Marinated Olives: Have your gin and eat it, too! All the yummy parts of a martini come together to create the perfect cocktail party snack. (via 101 Cookbooks)

4. DIY Bar Tray: Bar trays: Perfect for your party, even more perfect for your apartment. This is the DIY furniture gift that keeps on giving. Set it up ’60s style for your Mad Men soiree, then stock it with your modern faves post-party. (via Honestly Yum)

5. Printable Mad Men Masks: Photo booth anyone? Set these out for great guest pictures, or prop them up as decorations. They’re also the easiest Mad Men costume you could come up with. Just throw on a little retro dress and you’re ready to go! (via AMC)

6. Dyed Simple Syrups: Your fancypants cocktail bar needs simple syrups, so why not give them a seasonal makeover? You can sweeten the deal with these pastel colored syrups well past the spring premiere. (via A Subtle Revelry)

7. Cocktail Shaker Bouquet: We’re in love. Seriously. These cocktail shaker centerpieces are simple and sophisticated, while being perfectly on-trend for your party. (via One Kings Lane)

8. Cocktail Stirrer: How much do you love cocktail accessories? Us too! We’re ready for the oh-so-glam cocktail stirrer to make a permanent comeback. Give your guzzlers a little more glitz with this DIY version. (via Brit + Co.)

9. French 75 Jell-O Shots: Set out a tray of these beauties. They’re a fun twist on a retro cocktail, and they manage to make Jell-O shots seem shockingly classy. (via Bakers Royale)

10. Brandy Alexander Cupcakes: Another yummy interpretation of a classic drink! These glittery cupcakes incorporate all the delicious flavors from a Brandy Alexander, one of Betty Draper’s favorite cocktails. (via The Devilled Egg)

11. Angels on Horseback: Oysters wrapped in crispy bacon, topped with spicy horseradish — our mouths are watering. These savory little bites are cocktail party perfection. (via Always Order Dessert)

12. Turquoise Palm Beach Bar Cart ($950): This gorgeous bar cart is the perfect blend of retro and modern styling, and the color is dreamy. Debut it at your Mad Men party, then enjoy it all year long.

13. Dolled Up Old Fashioned: The Old Fashioned gets a new makeover with homemade sour mix and a splash of St. Germain. (via A Beautiful Mess)

14. Sally Draper Cocktail Guide: Little Sally Draper is the best bartender in town. Prop these drink menus up on the bar so guests can learn how to whip up their own Mad Men cocktails. (via Dyna Moe)

15. Asparagus Roll Ups With Balsamic Reduction: It’s a fresh variation on the ’60s classic cocktail party treat, pigs in a blanket! They’re also vegetarian, so everyone can get in on the retro party snack fun. (via Joyful Healthy Eats)

16. Gin and Tonic Jell-O Mold: Classic cocktails and retro party fare unite! Who knew Jell-O molds could be so grown-up? (via Nigella)

17. Pineapple Cheese Ball: Yup, it’s time for a little kitsch. Harken back to Mad Men in Hawaii (oh, ’60s luau stuff, we adore you) with this festive pineapple cheese ball. (via Just a Pinch)

18. Homemade Bitters: Your home bar will never be the same. Customize your very own bitters and add a little delicious pizzazz to your favorite drinks. You could even give them Mad Men themed flavors and labels. How about “Joan’s Cherry Vanilla Bitters” in honor of our favorite redhead? (via How Sweet It Is)

19. DIY Chalkboard Martini Glass: Give your glassware some festive color, and never lose your drink again! Turquoise chalkboard martini glasses feel fresh and retro. Don’t forget to set out some chalk for your guests to add their names! These could also double as a fun party favor. (via Something Turquoise)

20. Megan Draper Makeup: We’ve loved the beauty looks for all the classic Mad Men ladies, but for a season seven party, it’s time to break out the modern ’60s makeup with a Megan Draper look. How cute is that cat eye? We might keep this beauty guide for some post-party makeup inspiration too. (via XO Vain)

21. Camembert Fondue: Want to do your best Megan Draper impression and serve fondue, but lack the amazing fondue pot? Try this super simple version that you bake in the Camembert container. (via Food Republic)

22. Shrimp Cocktail Shots: Keep your guests from hovering around the shrimp cocktail platter with portable shrimp cocktail shots! That way they can mingle and trade Mad Men predictions while enjoying this delicious retro treat. #HostessWin (via Rachael Ray)

23. Classic Ads: Honor the crew at SC&P by decorating with some era-appropriate ads. We love this mini collection of ’60s advertisements. (via Honestly WTF)

24. Cigarette Russes Cookies: The Mad Men bunch might live in a cloud of cigarette smoke, but friends don’t let friends chain smoke like it’s 1968. Friends do let friends munch on cute crunchy cigarette-shaped cookies though. (via Smitten Kitchen)

25. Turkey Zucchini Meatballs: It’s not a ’60s party without meatballs. Try this modern farmers’ market-friendly twist on the classic meatball, packed with bright green herbs and zucchini. (via A Cozy Kitchen)

What’s your favorite cocktail party treat? And who’s your favorite Mad Men character? Let us know in the comments below!

The Most Romantic Valentine's Day Table Ever

These Valentine's Day DIYs will make you swoon.

6 Totally Festive Milkshakes That Scream Holiday Spirit

These Valentine's Day DIYs will make you swoon.

Shower Your Windows With Love

Shower Your Windows With Love

Behind the decorated table, windows are spruced up by taping on colored paper hearts.

What Does That Spell?

What Does That Spell?

Say it with papier-mâché letters ($4 each, Joann)

découpaged in pretty paper (Pacon Spectra, $10.89 for 100 sheets,

paper.com). Trace the letters onto your paper and cut them out. Use a print for the edges and a solid red for the front and back. Stick the paper shapes onto your letters

using a foam brush and a few top coats of Mod Podge ($4.12 for 8 oz., plaidcraftexpress.com).

15 Festive Holiday Cocktails from Famous Bars Across the U.S.

Shower Your Windows With Love

Behind the decorated table, windows are spruced up by taping on colored paper hearts.

What Does That Spell?

Say it with papier-mâché letters ($4 each, Joann)

découpaged in pretty paper (Pacon Spectra, $10.89 for 100 sheets,

paper.com). Trace the letters onto your paper and cut them out. Use a print for the edges and a solid red for the front and back. Stick the paper shapes onto your letters

using a foam brush and a few top coats of Mod Podge ($4.12 for 8 oz., plaidcraftexpress.com).

Nuts for You

Hit the grocery aisles for a festive, budget-friendly centerpiece! You'll need two vases, one that's clear and big enough to hold the smaller vase.

Fill the smaller one with water and a bunch of light and dark pink carnations, and place inside the larger vase. Fill up the space between the vases with red pistachios!

Your Place or Mine?

Surprise your loved ones with simple valentines wrapped around their dinner napkins. Cut out hearts from colored

paper, then use rubber stamps and ink pads from

Michaels to stamp on a few cute images with greetings to match. Here, we paired a cup of joe with "I like you a latte." Punch a hole in the top of each heart, thread with ribbon

and tie around napkins. A 12-inch lace paper doily (craft or grocery stores) slipped under everyone's plate makes for a sweet place mat.

Hey Cupcake!

Use delicate laser-cut filigree cupcake

wrappers ($13 for 12, paperorchid.com) to pretty up after-dinner treats like colorful

Mix up one of these festive cocktails from famous hotels and. By Kiri Tannenbaum

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Inspiration and Ideas

  • Tips & Tricks

A Spiritful Hot Chocolate

"A great way to warm up after a night of trick or treating!" – SHORECOOK

  • Slime Punch

    Serve this lime sherbet-based punch in a pumpkin instead of a punch bowl.

  • Fall Apple Pumpkin Shandy

    "Sooo goood! I used Saranac Pumpkin Ale and it was delicious." – Waterbabyaislynn

  • Butterbeer II

    "Stir lightly—it will froth!" – anne123184

    30+ Stylish Home Bars

    Cocktail hour just got way more fun.

    Expecting guests? Shake things up with these refreshing design ideas.

    A vintage bar cart by Paul McCobb for Calvin is always well-stocked and ready for entertaining in this colorful Nantucket home.

    Stark's China Lack wallpaper adds a chic note to a Manhattan apartment's built-in bar unit, painted in Farrow & Ball's All White and Benjamin Moore's Blue Lagoon.

    An Italian neoclassical table serves as the bar in a colorful New York apartment designed by Christopher Maya.

    While the hanging chair in this sunroom may be whimsical, the stocked side table requires a little more maturity. The Ties needlepoint pillow, McMillan screen, and Meurice butler's tray table are all from Jonathan Adler's collection.

    Richard Keith Langham created this Art Deco-style bar in a Miami Beach high-rise apartment. The backs of Artistic Frame barstools are covered in Ogee from Sonia's Place, and the seats are in Pindler & Pindler's ostrich vinyl.

    In a Spanish colonial, illumination from the floor and behind wood shelves brings out the varied textures of the terra-cotta walls and vaulted ceiling.

    A gilded mirror and cart add the appropriate amount of glitz to a six o'clock cocktail.

    To greet guests properly, take notes from this console bar designed by Miles Redd. Fill an ice bucket (or a bowl), supply lemon and lime wedges, and top off the glamorous spread with a vase of fresh flowers or foliage.

    A shelf resembling a surfboard holds all the liquor bottles in this backyard tiki bar. Above it are delightful blowfish light fixtures from Oceanic Arts, a great source for every imaginable Polynesian-themed furnishing and accessory.

    If there's no room for a cart or tray table, just empty out one bookshelf instead, like this cozy Vermont living room.

    One of two kitchen islands in an Alabama lake house doubles as the living room bar.

    "Show, don't tell, what you're serving with a well-appointed bar," says designer Bunny Williams. "Guests feel more at home when they can help themselves."

    The owners of a Manhattan loft had a painted bamboo bar installed for easy entertaining. Mirror tiles cover the backsplash to maximize light.

    In a niche of a Southern manor, a small bar is set up on a custom tray table. The vintage mirror is a thrift-shop find.

    Drawings are grouped for impact below an Anglo-Indian mirror in a vibrant fifth-generation family estate.

    The homeowner of a house in East Hampton, New York, asked artist Richard Woods to work his fun, faux-bois magic on the bar, transforming a closet-like space into a vivid focal point. "It's artistic, but very much a bar," designer Mica Ertegun says. "It's whimsical, fun, unexpected — and one-of-a-kind."

    In an upstate New York house designed by Gray Davis of Meyer Davis Studio, drinks are served from the "barmoire."

    The walls of the Patrick Gallagher's palazzo apartment in Rome are almost three feet thick, which means the windowsill is large enough to serve as a bar during parties.

    In a Manhattan apartment decorated by Amanda Nisbet, walls lacquered in Benjamin Moore's Aura in Midnight Navy embellish a tiny hallway bar.

    An antique bookcase doubles as a bar in this Manhattan apartment designed by Phoebe and Jim Howard. Inside is glassware by William Yeoward Crystal.

    In designer Peter Dunham's Los Angeles apartment, a Samsung TV hangs above a 1960s Danish credenza that doubles as a bar.

    Vintage French furnishings — two leather chairs and a rope bar cart — add European flair to the living room in Leslie Klotz's Parisian-inspired New York apartment.

    "A little bar tucked away in the corner of a living room is such welcoming gesture," designer Meg Braff says of this house in Lattingtown, New York. She chose antiques and a mellow palette to lend "an old-world charm" to the space. Walls are lacquered in a custom gold shade to bounce around the light.

    In the dining room of their Barnard, Vermont, cottage, Deirdre Heekin and Caleb Barber set up a sumptuous old-world bar on her childhood desk, placed against a backdrop of vintage wallpaper from Second Hand Rose.

    In a colorful and small Manhattan apartment designed by Philip Gorrivan, a vintage bar cabinet by De Coene Frères is as glossy as the walls, which are lacquered in a custom red from Fine Paints of Europe. It makes entertaining easy.

    In a Malibu home, an 1860s refectory table from Hideaway House holds designer Lawrence Rizkowsky's favorite living room accessory — a lamp from a glass beaker — and an antique wicker basket that serves as a casual bar. The root wood mirror is from JF Chen.

    A console serves as a bar in the sunroom of designer Amanda Lindroth's Bahamas house. "Every island house needs a fantastic, spilling-over bar," she says. A painting by the prominent Bahamian outsider artist Amos Ferguson serves as a backdrop. The poufs and rope clock from Two's Company.

    "Kay brought this étagère from her old New York apartment," says designer T. Keller Donovan of the bar area in Kay Gilman's Palm Beach apartment. "It's classic yet modern. The large lacquer trays make it look younger."

    Designer Ashley Whittaker's clients "wanted a house with comfortable rooms for the family and formal rooms where they could entertain." For the bar, she choose Aladdin tile from Waterworks to conjure up an exotic Moroccan feel.

    The bar is original in Liza Pulitzer Calhoun's Florida house. She had it faux painted to resemble pecky cypress. Stools are from Fran's Wicker.

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